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Jun 2020 · 298
Uncontrollable Thoughts
Amna Khan Jun 2020
Screaming in silent hues
Into the sky, diffuse
Like my mind that I abused
My trepidation from it oozed.

I try to keep, but in vain
My broken thoughts inside my brain
Out of control, they proved bane
Never content within their terrain

And when all is ordained and said
I look down at my palms with dread
Glaring in disgrace and sins of red
The person in the mirror is dead
Constructive criticism is appreciated. I'm on Instagram as @amna.writes.sometimes
Jun 2020 · 444
Devil or Angel
Amna Khan Jun 2020
They warn
"The Devil's spawn is what you are after."
Then why do I see
halos draped over you,
like a regal cape
your sturdy shoulders, your neck claims;
just like how once
my sinful hands did.
Constructive criticism is always appreciated.
Follow me on Instagram: @amna.writes.sometimes
Jun 2020 · 439
Look Up
Amna Khan Jun 2020
The Heavens are closer
to Earth tonight
to sing for you
and hold you in their silk arms.
But you are frowning at the sidewalk,
looking for pieces
of your broken heart.
Just look up, darling.
Constructive criticism is welcome.
On Instagram as @amna.writes.sometimes
Jun 2020 · 317
Writing About You
Amna Khan Jun 2020
Maybe if I write about you
my heart will be at ease;
maybe the butterflies will stop.
I can't acknowledge you
because then,
I'll have to admit to crimes
that even I don't know I've committed.
Constructive criticism is always welcome.
May 2020 · 436
Amna Khan May 2020
The clouds grumble
as if on cue
with my rage.
My palms streak the lightning
with utmost familiarity.
A pet loyal as ever;
always awaiting
the slightest nod
to curse all who ever belittled me.
May 2020 · 637
The Intellectuals
Amna Khan May 2020
The sprinkled moondust
hovering above the wisps of clouds,
veil the puzzle pieces
as they linger
in the pools of wisdom
left behind by the sages,
where the thinkers have bathed
and left their sorrows,
to come out immaculate;
leaving a legacy
for the new intellectuals to put together.
Comment if you liked any specific parts of my poem. Constructive criticism is appreciated.
May 2020 · 237
Amna Khan May 2020
The night fills my lungs
with whispers ancient.
Singing in my ears
so fondly.
I'm afraid that if it goes on
I'll melt right there
in it's velvet touch;
for no one
but the night
has ever loved me that way.
Comment if you liked any specific parts of my poem. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
Apr 2020 · 362
Don't Fall For A Typhoon
Amna Khan Apr 2020
You, one step forward.
Me, one step backward.
"This is a bad idea",
I voice as stably as I can.

I am a menacing typhoon
Curated by the sighs and whispers
Of the burnt and the buried.
I am their reincarnation.

I am designed specifically
To be masked like a poker player.
Do you think you know me?
Too much behind these foreboding cards.

Your soft kind flame has rekindled
my combustible mould of stone.
But I must keep you safe from me
By keeping you at arm's length.

Don't be foolish, I am hard to love.
What did you think, honey?
The cherry-red beneath my eyes
Are no dark circles.
Constructive criticism is appreciated. Comment if you liked any specific parts of my poem.
Apr 2020 · 433
Moldy Stone
Amna Khan Apr 2020
Brittle, broken, beaten
I carry in my chest
a moldy stone.
It used to flutter once
and beat harmoniously.
Medusa's hair,
coiling around this planet
finally found it.
And now my heart is only a moldy stone, all thanks to this cruel world.
Apr 2020 · 873
Serene Starry Sky
Amna Khan Apr 2020
Under the serene starry sky
lay a  hushed beating heart
In a field as far as the horizon offered
always allured by God's majestic art

Two glistening eyes on Draco fixated
Orion seemed the epitome of delight
Deciphering the secrets the cosmos held
in awe of the gloom broken by celestial light

Almost as if the stars were reaching out too
cradling the little one in their truths
unraveling their mysteries to the heart of the wild
in their lullaby, ease and soothe

The galaxies above used their magic to fill
the obscure heart with emotions aplenty
and all that chained it to the insipid earth
were mundane realities and gravity
Constructive criticism is welcome.
Apr 2020 · 475
Amna Khan Apr 2020
Thunderstorms and grim sky
Trickling water, witch's high
Patch  my heart up, like a lullaby.
Wrote this during a thunderstorm, and idk why, but thunderstorms and rainy nights are so comfy and soothing.
Apr 2020 · 366
Amna Khan Apr 2020
I am no longer here
or at least
it feels like it.

Sitting here
in the land of the dead
is too overwhelming.

down, down, down
but I'm still intact.
How? Why?

I'm immobile
like the intricate patchwork
below me
just like the cruel substance
that I'm made of.

All the gravestones are scoffing,
mocking the only emotion
that i am capable of;

Mourn I must;
that the woman
who gave birth to my father
the only anchor I had
that still remained
is dead.

The gravestones chant,
in a language that I can understand,
"All must die.
Mourn no longer
than necessary.
Forget the dead.

They are right.
But I will mourn
my deceased anchor
for a while longer;
otherwise, numbness
will take over my horizons
and there is no going back
from there.

So I bury the dead
but before I leave,
I do not forget
to dig my own grave,
for the time is inevitable
before Grief hands me over
to the unforgiving hands of Numbness
and I join those gravestones.
Apr 2020 · 451
Amna Khan Apr 2020
Your tears strike
the frozen sleet below.
I shuffle to pick them up
because diamonds
are irrefutably too precious
to be wasted away
on such an ungrateful surface.
Apr 2020 · 436
Sweet Poison
Amna Khan Apr 2020
The sweetness of this poison
offers its condolences.
What it doesn't known is
its strength is
what I ached
to acquire,
not its pity.

— The End —