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polyratic May 2018
8 secs,
to terminate
the world that I knew

8 secs slow
only need a small few
to establish this curfew
next to his curfew

your God,
he saw you,
happy with your ways
his forgiveness lets you live life your way

did you ask for mine ?
just killing time ?
break time; the status
forget our timeline

but I'd rather you be happy
just a weakness I have
you get used to the pain
after this many steps in vain

this will keep you happy
fall in love with your sunshine and rays
. . . . . . . .
took me more than 8 secs that day
to remember better days

keep that glow in your voice
while I bleed tears for every dot on this page
NaNi May 2016
is when i realized
i gave away the love I needed most
to the people who deserved it the least

I settled & stayed
for the fear of being left empty handed
after all the time, energy & love I invested

when all along it was my fault
for being played & left broken like I meant nothing
by people I gave my heart, time & love to carelessly

if there is something I learned from a heart break
it is that we ourselves cause them
by putting our hearts in the hands
of people who were never meant to touch, experience or love it
we ourselves can prevent them

TR3F1LD Jul 2023
one person said: "peace is nothing but illusion
all I want is retribution"
[from "Pure Power" by Zardonic]
that's something I can identify with, which is why
I decided to write this heap of lines
on a shooting range in a boondock la[ɛ]nd
with gloves pU̲t on; sta[ɛ]nd
in front of an autocratic ruler chained
by his hands to two moola safes'
handles looking way
like an old-fangled car directing wheel
[steering wheel]
have this die-hard fool restrained
so that he, more or less, is still
I'm not a scho[ɑ]lar who can wave
around a degree in the medics field
but it's obvi this high-hat dO̲U̲chebag's plagued
with megalomania in a neglected condition
but there's a dreadfully effectual treatment
and he'll get it like villains
quite a gruesome fate
is looming upon this power-befuddled ****
like darkened clouds that, beyo[ɑ]nd a doubt, are soon to rain
["dark end"]
like waveriders, he's go[ʌ]nna serve
as a punchbag for I'm in quite a mood to raze
gonna wI̲nd up as nada short
of a ****** loon today
like Battinson, clepe me Vengeance
but I'm more something like the Zorro-looking caped
anti-autocratic vigila[ɛ]nte
from the Norsefire-ruled UK
[V from "V For Vendetta"]
meets someone whose work field's tormenting
like victimizers who pertain
to LE in one tsar-sized off-putting state
[law enforcement]
you know, the one that's go[ɑ]t a putrid trait
of always posing as a side you shouldn't blame (it's all the West!)
now, let's go back to the foul autocrat
like a snotty boss that you disdain
I give this f#cking no[ɑ]b a cool g'day
by douching him from a bo[ɑ]ttle full of straight-
-fro[ʌ]m-a-cooler H2O; just a fE̲w secs break
for him, & once it's U̲p, I ****** this base
creature fro[ʌ]m a stE̲wpot great
with **[ɑ]t-a## noodles aimed into this hU̲mbug's stupid face
[the "hang noodles on the ears" expression]
pepper it with some ground 7-po[ɑ]t to boost the taste
feel how I, like a husband who betrayed
his devoted, yet testy, wife, get rudely gazed
at, racked, beda[ɛ]mned (by who?)
by food-lacking men from Africla[ɛ]nd
ask him: "is the provided food okay?"
zero gratitU̲de displayed
all that comes from this swine's bazoo's complaint
but it's nO̲[ɑ]t that I'm surprised
a classic pro[ɑ]sperous gobshite
repeat the tactic priorly applied
using a bucket full of maroon red paint
[autocrats have blood on their hands, hence "maroon red paint"]
like that music producer famed for dull future bass
I put on his viscous head a **** bucket
whereafter pick a wedge up & drum it
[golf wedge]
and, like a heap, I barely get started
[worn-out car]
like an unprepped passenger on an insane car ride
with no seat restraints applied
he's about to have a way hard time
I'm a cosmetic surgeon that operates part-time
fix his blamed jawline in just twain sharp swipes
with a steel bat, then yield some keen slaps
that meet his kneecaps until the knees snap
like the Baba Yaga hitman detached
from his peaceful life by someone ge[ɪ]tting him mad
[John Wick]
get his nails removed
which is pretty much the same that you do
when you repaper a room
[wall nails]
having perforated his fingertips
I get 'em plastered
a few minutes later, I rip them things
off sim. to wax strips
he gets his phA̲[eɪ]lanxes smitten with
a freaking ratchet
[rathet wrench]
pro[ɑ]b'ly, he regrets that his bo[ɑ]dy's still not dead
pick U̲p a pistol, set a drum-like clip in, get
it cocked, then shoot lead around his silhouette
till the clip has zero ammunition left
seems like this once co[ɑ]cky piece of dreck
has gotten his khaki chinos wet
but if I've go[ɑ]t him in a sweat
like a summer jo[ɑ]gger being dressed
in venthole-deficient threads
for this brash dude, there's bad news
like me when I write some sick bloodshed
sadly for him, I've not finished yet (uh-uh)
like a runner who's go[ɑ]t some distance left
to complete, & it's not as dark as things can get
'cause, like the heroine o[ʌ]f M. Streep in "Death
Becomes Her" after falling fro[ʌ]m that string of steps
I've got a somewhat twisted head
[that staircase fall scene with Madeline Ashton]
so consider this as an insult-to-inju[—]ry sesh
grab a brace of scissors
for garden mainte[—]nance; Richard
****** Trager's here ta
get his skills of surgery trained; begin ta
amputate this creature's half-dilapidated fingers
operate at leisure getting 'em disarticulated I̲nto
twenty eight **** pieces
and cauterizing the remains with illuminated cI̲gars
fling into his piggish face some tissues
and some pain relievers
tell this nazissistic patient: "hE̲A̲l up"
["****" in the sense of being "severely intolerant or dictatorial"]
let him relax for eighteen minutes
over the spa[ɛ]n of whI̲ch I put on play "La Chica
Rockabilly" & some other ro[ɑ]ckabilly
jams to make the whole vibe a mite less grisly
like an NA brown bear that is gravely injured
["mightless grizzly"; North American]
(as, in fact, this tragic-fated bleeder)
whereafter spray him with a
can of gas & make his dicta—torial a## go ablaze akin ta
a straw-fabricated figure
during gala days at the late of winter
[Maslenitsa effigy]
telling this piece of trash: "in case you wI̲[ɪ]nd up
in somewhat of Hades, give a
warm shalom to the infamous ******"
consider this autocratic **** a sugar daddy's skirt
'cause he's gotten what he was asking for
oh, & one thing more to say: the
nullified, like ruler's presiding terms, dictator
was known among some as "toilet sprayer"
like a scuttered urinator
"punishment of an autocrat" by TR3F1LD (TRFLD) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (to view a copy of this license, visit
(fictional tale of real beverages)

he sat at table number 9
she chose 10
their eyes never met
but only through the wall wide gilded mirror across the room
he thought her name was Faith
she guessed his was Luke
he took a sip from his mocha massimo every 41 secs
she guessed he was 41, slowly stirring her white-no-sugar earl grey
she wondered if the ******* page three of his 'Sun' was a blond, a brunette or a red head
he wondered what principle she's at in 'Why men love *******'
they ate lemon and poppy seed muffins with small bites
his lips were firm
hers unable to hold on to the cheery blush lipstick any longer
he thought she was single and had a RSPCA rescued cat called Biscuit
she guessed he was married with three children and a wife called Porscha
she must be driving a Ka
he must be driving a Jag
she waters her plants every Tuesday, goes to pilates classes on Thursday and on Sundays she watches Terms of Endearment in her pink jumper with her friend Chris and a box of tissues
he walks his dog at 7, plays rugby for Long Lane on Saturdays and on Fridays goes for a pint of Guiness with his friend, Joe
he snores/ she sings in the shower
he's a catholic/ she never quite liked Jesus
he hates his wife/ she loves her cookies
they laugh at the old woman shouting at a bus driver in the street and hate gyms, cyclists in Lycra and anything to do with politics
they secretly read Keats, eat onion bagels and tomato soup and listen to Gershwin


they never spoke
they never will
because if they would
Faith would never be able to watch Star Wars again and Luke -
Luke would lose his faith in
love at first sight
TR3F1LD May 2023
his own & this world's realities are like the fuzz in the States
they're ones to escape, which is a plan of attack
that, like a unit of ammo dispatched
to the bean of a **** autocrat dying physically damaged & sad
hits his deli̲ght-bankrupt brain; like Donald the dung piece, today
he feels bold, so maybe there'll be, like abundance of cake
fortune coming his way
["fortis fortuna adiuvat"/"fortune favors the bold"]
this one's a schmuck thing to say
but this club reminds of Ukraine (what?)
he, like motorized cavalcades from the next-door empire, invades
its territory causing, like unaccommodating writer, a sla[ɛ]m
[Eminem & his "Unaccommodating" song]
as he shuts the door frame; obvi, sO̲me people may
find them bars offensive, like an armed aggression
so my apologies, I'm somewhat ashamed
mainstream house stuff is on play
a thought in his skull: "this is lame"
Michael S. straight after he turned around & stumbled on blamed
Toby F.; through the crowd he cuts like a blade
[the ending of the "Frame Toby" episode cold open from "The Office" series]
having hopped U̲p on the stage
as if it were a narcotic substance you've ta'en
he, so loud as if with his cullions in grave
nU̲t-wrenching pain, bawls: "THIS ****** *****!", like a brace
of thigh highs colored with stains of blood; yanderE̲[eɪ]
["*****"; "so[ɑ]cks"]
schoolgirl; disgruntled, he makes for the f#cking DJ
delivers a verbal punch in his face by the fo[ɑ]llowing phrase:
"boy, go house-sit with your confounded
boring house sh#t, just like a housewyf"
whereafter thrusts him away
ending the uproar with "ciao, drip!"
music-wise, it's gon' go hard as nuts in this place
as if a flock of ones who're deranged
["who're" is supposed to be read/pronounced as "whoor"]
swung by a club in the wake of a ****** **[ɑ]spital break (nuts in this place)
he puts on midtempo dark cyberpunky synthwave
Gesaffelsteinish mid-paced
type of music; that's what drives his crumpet insane
speaking of crumpets, he spots a buxomish babe
while nodding his ******* nut to this cray
music, he feels like a **** being aimed
at, for she stands with her sight, like one of a gun, fixed his way
for a few secs, at each other they gaze
she's quite a fox with her vibrant locks
reminding of flame; somebody call a fire brigade
hourglass-shaped & rigged out in tight pa[ɛ]nts & a blouse
with a U̲-neck, like a fella without
*****, & leaving her waist a bit out
on display; he makes his way to this frau
salutates her with "ciao"
she greets him with just the same, then he mouths
the following: "babe, you're way like a house
for lodging that's nowhere to be found
that is, in the deep of a labyrinth"
she's like: "what in the void's name's this about?"
he replies: "I'ma translate that one now"
"the way you look's amazing, ten out
of ten", like that "KleanColor" skin bro[ɑ]nzer
["a maze inn"; "Tan Out Of Tan"]
she makes a soft smile, then replies: "ain't you nice, pal
when you lay your thoughts out?"
"not being nice would be a crime
when you face a fine gal
like you", - he replies
"if so, rejecting the company of a guy so gracious would count"
as a crime too", - she replies
being a music-lover with such a need fO̲r it it's
stuff he cA̲[ɛ]n't live without
the guy asks the gI̲rl if she
fa[ɛ]ncies this sound
her reply is affirmative
she says she, mostly, faves underground
kinds of music; they vibe
to these tunes being pU̲t on, just like
that loony sh#twipe the whole antifa community'd like
to see end up ruined, just like
Aleppo or Mariupol; stop, I'd
like, before the main telling resumes, to rewind
a little: the newly-met vibe
to these hard-hitting beats put on; he finds
out, when asking her what drinkable fluid she'd like
to have, that she deems it uncool to imbibe (*****)
he replies: "to tell you the truth, so do I"
so if there's somebody to end up lit during this night
it is the moon in the sky
["some body"]
soon after having their soft drinks taken, they bounce
like the name of the style
of music brought into this wO̲rld heaps
before chicks twerking
blew into the mainstream like "blaow!"
like a sick pervert that digs scourging
while engaged in a bout
of carnal fun, he's got a whip ordered
they wait for several mins for it
finally, the motorized conveyance comes out
like a deb girlie
he trails this fox like she's prey to hunt down
watching her proceed to[–]ward it
in a way like she's on a catwalk waving around
a rig splurgy
having hopped in it, to a lodging place they set out
the saucy look in her eyes
once his palm is put on her thigh
a kind of luminous sign–
–board reading: "absolutely alright
with going on a lewd spree tonight"
"a night out rhyme tale, part I" by TR3F1LD (TRFLD) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (to view a copy of this license, visit

"a night out rhyme tale, part II":

"a night out rhyme tale, part III":
gsx Mar 2014
hold on
angela brooks May 2020
Funny how soon normal creeps up on us                  
and clears away the strangeness
with each sweep of the broom.  
The sky looks the same as it did,
we walk, side by side, as we did.
And the death toll mounts, the police checks grow

We can measure metres without a rule
(though we did feet and inches when at school)
We learn to use Whatsapp and Skype,
 just to see our families’ faces.
 then we disinfect our phones, wipe away the traces.

We’re told to wash our hands for twenty secs
and obedience – unnatural – is what the world expects.
Strangers shop for strangers and an obedient population
applauds an institution on demand, at a given time

Then we go back into our houses
close the windows, lockdown the doors
consider the unseen enemy, and, once again,

                          mop the floors.
Tammy M Darby Aug 2013
I build the walls
Higher and higher
Counting the secs
Every minute
Every hour

I construct my jail
Block by block
Marking the time
The click of life's clock

Surrounding my barred prison
With bog and mire
Inside this black circle
A blue ring of fire

Cementing the cracks
***** by *****
Always contemplating
As I close my self in

Now my barbed towers kiss the sky
As many know me
No longer question why

I build the walls
Higher and higher
Counting the secs
Every minute
Every hour

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M Darby
Joy Amore May 2014
He is such a bully.
I try to get away, but,
he always finds me.
He forces me to go outside on a cold or rainy day.
"come on jade"
"no it cold outside and wet"
"So put on a rain coat"
" NO i have a test only 1,2...5 more to go"
" now"
" huh...please wait"
[ending dialogue]
of course peer pressure won I failed my test and went outside.
[cigarette motion (breathe in and out)]
Whooh only 15 secs to go.
the bully is cigarettes jtlyn like and follow mhe
Queen Oct 2014
We lost the time,
the hours,
that were once ours
those moments of time can never be traced,
they can never be replayed
were they ever there?
time doesn't care,
and we proved that right,
by showing the same,
we lacked the strength,
to allow our hearts to show its nakedness,
our love,
the feeling that once shone out like light day in and day out.
so we left,
we walked away locking away our hearts in chains,
to never open up again,
we walked away with bare hands,
bare hearts,
bare minds,
bare, hours, secs spent in vain.
we lost time for each other.
Simon Soane Dec 2014
When love starts
grief marks the board
and grieves
for parts inevitable.
Forced and unwelcome;
the longest
not enough.
if not for love
parting is kind,
and hurried through the door,
to make is,
what was.
Nexus Apr 2022
I wake up wet and cold at 4AM
So I look in my ashtray for the biggest joint end.
I smoke what's left and lay back for two secs...
Next I check the grinder for any remaining specks.
I bang out all that I can and roll a splith with trembling hands.

As smoke enters my lungs, a tear fills my eye.
Exhaling all hope I begin cry.

I do this to myself with no happiness in life.
I can't control myself this has become my life.
I often ask myself what I want from life.
And find myself wishing that I wasn't alive.
Drug addiction affect everyone differently.
Jeremy Betts Apr 2020

There is nothing wrong with an opinion unless they are belted out as fact as you pivot and turn your back
With an attitude like "that's that, the earth is flat, **** a fact. Oh you have a rebuttal? **** that jack, ain't nobody got time for that and I've already adorn the dunce cap hat and have been programmed to see every opposing view as wack"
Then if you're questioned on any of that crap you over react cause that's the act, a one way ticket on an unfinished track
As a society that's where we are at, blindly led to a side and sat
You over retract at the meer thought of a different opinion like you've just seen a vampire bat
And that's the exact **** they both do, whether sitting far left or crowned with a MAGA hat

They're both one in the same just labeled with a different name, they all share the same shame
They all hold equal blame and should be held accountable for their reign of terror and for being the main source of pain
But they want you to aim your hate at the other side, they playing you, you're just the decks instruction card in a poker game
They claim to be for the people, they proclaim it outside the evil steeple in front of the sheeple that we're all equal in the same frame
At the same time they devide us into different secs and designate to each a new surname like an unwanted nickname
It's ******* insane if you think about it and to get your head around it only takes one tenth of a brain

We follow the hurd like a march of the obserd, making decisions not based on fact but rather based on what we heard
Never fact checking, no veting, just excepting like trusting Pinocchio as you watch his nose grow with every word
Like believing when they change the topic and say it's chocolate even when every shred of evidence proves it's a ****
" Look over there, in the sky, It's a plane, it's a keep focused over there, don't look over here, I've gotta get this story altered"
They make sure we're not anchored in reality to make distorting ours easy and the truth awkward
Buttered on both sides so no matter how we land they can say it was planned and preferred

Details erased, a false profit embraced, dividing the human race to the point we feel fixing it would be a waste (**** it, let it burn)
The haste in which it's done along with the questionable pace makes it hard to find that one place to begin and state our case
Gotta stake claim to the space between our ears even though that's not always a safe place
They dangle in our face a little taste of what we'll never achieve but will always chase
Don't even try to defend your case saying you'll keep us safe in this death race
'Cause the safety net you've put into place is looking more like mere silk lace
The ace up their sleeve is always a bold faced lie that can be traced back to this countries birth place

We can't seem to see through the fog and past the facade which is odd
See cause to me it's clear as day, even if the details are broad
We applaud mindlessly knowing we don't know what the **** is going on, both here or abroad
The entire system is flawed, it's a fraud, they run roughshod while claiming to walk with god
While you're chained to a tie-rod evil claims your thoughts like stealing an auction with a last minute nod
Then they perfect the show they put on, a conscience gone, a simple knowledge of right and wrong don't belong in their tainted pond
We can't even dream of a win cause you start at the finish of your scripted Iditarod
Then have the nerve to tell us we can't even begin until the ground is thawed

They check mate us with a pawn, almost like we're allowing it to go on
Somehow buying into new rules made on the spot, barely needing a reason
We've given up everything from our freedom to our rights as a human, it's all gone
Seriously, next time an election comes along notice all the mini billboards littering the neighbors lawn
The divide has literally reached our doorstep people. Are you that physically and mentally blind son?
Come on!!! You can't tell me that you don't see the line that's been drawn?
I know you do cause you constantly fight with anyone that comes along and stumbles into your vision with the wrong political pin on
Stating they're wrong and that you're  planted opinion is the right side to be on
But it's never as easy as being captain Kirk, a Klingon or Kahn, theres so much grey in this cauldron
And we've adopted this half wit lexicon and do shorthand in crayon so it's no wonder we're a blunder, seen as a country size *****

Like a circus freak show main attraction, we're always top marquee with evils higher echelon
How long can it go on with leaders so corrupt they can be bought with a mere coupon?
Get them the **** out of the White House and Pentagon, that entire pantheon of people that no longer belong
Our national bank is so overdrawn, moral compass a bygone,  basic human decency forgotten
Our core beliefs seems to be rotten, we've gotten so scared we leave the house in full Teflon
Prepared for battle but in the middle of the fight you just walk out of the octagon, you don't want to lose by decision
You'd rather forfeit any chance to be champion, to tired and confused to carry on
But to proud to admit we fell for the con that got us to set up our own crucifixion
And as we dangle until an eventual death from exhaustion and asphyxiation
You'll still use your last breath to support the liaison with corruption that deep down you knew was wrong all along

Jackie Mead Aug 2018
Muscles ache,
Exhaustion sets in
My head is in a bit of a spin
What is this Gym, where people partake?
I thought you said Gin for goodness sake!

Kettle bells, weight machines, deadman lifts
Grin and bare it, lift, lift, lift!
Treadmills, rowing machines,  standing bikes
Keep going 30 secs on, 15 secs off is what we like!

Muscle men and woman showing their skills
Pushing heavy weights just for thrills

My Person Trainer is one of the best
Until it comes to putting me to the test
Then i dont like him very much
He keeps me going when i just want to give up

However he knows my goals
And i trust he will get me there
So for the moment i grin and bare

I will keep going to the Gym
And of course partake in the ocassional Gin :)
Me this evening, i have a PT and hes great at making me keep going when all i want to do is.give up.  I have big dreams for 2021 and he will get me there. In the meantime i will keep going Gym and enjoying Gin :)
Sean Hastings Feb 2015
He’s sitting there, Beats on music bumping
Losing himself in the rhythm letting the flow
Psych him up, his coach walks over and yells
At him GET YOUR *** OUT THERE. He takes
Off his headphones the final beat bringing
Back a memory

He was sitting there, the coach told him to
Take the bench, the other starter was out
There, where he should be. Gym class picked
Last again told he ***** no one wants him.
He’s tired of not being good enough he vows
To never let it happen again. And so he dedicates
Himself, pushing, driving, putting in the work
Needed to be a star, almost giving up
He never did

The ref looks at him and tells him to step up.
He steps up to the mat, he skates to the line,
He breaks from the huddle, toes the invisible
Line, steps up to the plate, steps  Up next to his
teammate, steps up to the foul Line
The whistle blows

He shoots for the legs, he passes the puck
He throws the spiral, he throws his hands up
He swings his bat, passes the ball, takes the
He pins him in 30 secs and wins the championship,
He puts the puck in the back of the net for
The win, He throws another touchdown
Pass, He pulls down the most amazing catch
He crushes the ball for a homerun,
He kicks the ball into the net, he swishes
The ball, nothing but net

They call him the legend, champion
The monster, invincible, hall of famer
They ask how he done it?
He never gave up on that vow and he
Step up
mark soltero Apr 2021
don’t just love me
kiss me right
you make me feel so shy
terrains ablaze
everything is so beautiful when we take a bite
boiling under my skin
the love i keep
we won’t be alone
free of sin
sometimes it’s hard to not play the martyr
sorry if it makes you cry
each time it’s out
we realize
Alex Nov 2019
(soft guitar intro about 8 secs. at most)

VERSE 1 ( soft and slow)
cold hands and empty eyes
it hit you hard when you realized
that the world we live in ain't so wonderful...
you tried your best to help them heal their scars
but by yourself, you couldn't get that far
and the stress and sorrow started to take its toll...
but you should've known...

CHORUS ( medium-fast and passionate)
you don't gotta be like atlas
you don't gotta carry the weight of the earth
you don't gotta be like atlas
you don't gotta give until it hurts
Oh, when you're running out of strength to lend
and it's getting harder to pretend
you don't gotta be like atla-a-a-as
as long as you've. got. me. as a friend...

(5 sec. guitar break)

VERSE 2 (soft and slow again)
you look outside and there's so much to see
but it's all clouded by the poverty
and everything just seems to be so gray...
Yeah, you've seen so much but still try to be
the happy person that everyone needs
when inside you've begun to fade away...
oh, but you should've known...

BRIDGE ( fast and really passionate)
you don't gotta be like atlas
you don't gotta carry the weight of the earth
you don't gotta be like atlas
you don't gotta give until it hurts
just say the word and I'll be there
at any time, I'll go anywhere
so you won't have to be like atla-a-a-as
when I've got a shoulder to share
no, you won't have to be like atla-a-a-as
when I've got a shoulder to share

( 15 sec. guitar solo)

CHORUS ( softest yet and slow)
you don't gotta be like atlas
you don't gotta carry the weight of the earth
you don't gotta be like atlas
you don't gotta give until it hurts
Oh, when you're running out of strength to lend
and it's getting harder to pretend
you don't gotta be like atla-a-a-as
as long as you've. got. me. as a friend...
(soft but passionate)
no no no no!
you don't gotta be like atla-a-a-as
as long as you've. got. me. as a friend...
it's a song not a let me know what you guys think!!!! anybody like it yes no maybe so
VioletNova Feb 2013
The signal fire is
coming home.
Desperately clinging to smoke
from the shores gun,
we came from
heart in wire.

Two souls at a negotiating table,
one wounded,
the other taking them in.
Eyes-One String,
a pregnant belly full of
words. Your reclining head,
covered in violets.
Maybe its better,
if you don't say
this isn't everything you are.

The empty bar is quiet in New York..
20 secs till the last call as I run
to the next page, in the next chapter.
Fraile hands hold voices in quakes and
strange music. This room, a shade of wine,
suspended names in vocal chords.
Glasses filled all afternoon, now sip
as I draw the curtain.

comfortable silence blooms alongside a paved road,
somewhere only we know...
in stones it is scattered, spilled against
stolen skin, tattered never torn.
A skeleton key, the master of morse code.
Tattooed against my neck.
holding tight scars
beneath the surface.

intertwined fingertips pulsate
against the rim of paper,
like the marching bands of manhattan.
distance has torn this earth once,
vindication. Drive, Darling, Drive.
setting the fire, to the third bar.
lifting the sheets that cradle your ****** hands
an emergency room filled with nurses
the crossfire, in my bones, bleeding that
dark roman wine across tables of
a teenage dream.

A heroine saved a life, A hero is absolute.
searching for warmth beneath your pen, your scalpel.
found there is your lifeline, dense breath and trembling.
Stay, you found me.
Knitting away at your skin,
brushing against violet bruises,
imprints of days gone by.
A tower, someone like you, a soldier in silence.
memories reflected in abandoned tattooed houses.
curved around palms, grasping the last bit of
crimson tide.

The reason why: lights burn to crack the shutters
in an attempt to fix you, candles and fireflies
inside these lines, just say yes as the city winds
back down into the wild, and we into the fire.

bricks against our backs,
the electric feel of home, at your side now,
an outline of womb fired venom
fallen empires consuming
day old hate.
every drop of words, swallowed.
vicious stains left by hands, yours.

we go tonight,
poison and wine.
A wooden chair
held last night,
after the fall.
Like glycerine
dripping into rain
fast cars
As I continue to sew all of what your wrist let fly
away in this moment.
Georgia, Texas Rain.
Brush it off.
There are better days, ahead.
The remnants of life are on the blade.
For god sake, dear.
Mon rêve le plus cher et le plus caressé,

Le seul qui rit encore à mon cœur oppressé,

C'est de m'ensevelir au fond d'une chartreuse,

Dans une solitude inabordable, affreuse ;

****, bien ****, tout là-bas, dans quelque Sierra

Bien sauvage, où jamais voix d'homme ne vibra,

Dans la forêt de pins, parmi les âpres roches,

Où n'arrive pas même un bruit lointain de cloches ;

Dans quelque Thébaïde, aux lieux les moins hantés,

Comme en cherchaient les saints pour leurs austérités ;

Sous la grotte où grondait le lion de Jérôme,

Oui, c'est là que j'irais pour respirer ton baume

Et boire la rosée à ton calice ouvert,

Ô frêle et chaste fleur, qui crois dans le désert

Aux fentes du tombeau de l'Espérance morte !

De non cœur dépeuplé je fermerais la porte

Et j'y ferais la garde, afin qu'un souvenir

Du monde des vivants n'y pût pas revenir ;

J'effacerais mon nom de ma propre mémoire ;

Et de tous ces mots creux : Amour, Science et Gloire

Qu'aux jours de mon avril mon âme en fleur rêvait,

Pour y dormir ma nuit j'en ferais un chevet ;

Car je sais maintenant que vaut cette fumée

Qu'au-dessus du néant pousse une renommée.

J'ai regardé de près et la science et l'art :

J'ai vu que ce n'était que mensonge et hasard ;

J'ai mis sur un plateau de toile d'araignée

L'amour qu'en mon chemin j'ai reçue et donnée :

Puis sur l'autre plateau deux grains du vermillon

Impalpable, qui teint l'aile du papillon,

Et j'ai trouvé l'amour léger dans la balance.

Donc, reçois dans tes bras, ô douce somnolence,

Vierge aux pâles couleurs, blanche sœur de la mort,

Un pauvre naufragé des tempêtes du sort !

Exauce un malheureux qui te prie et t'implore,

Egraine sur son front le pavot inodore,

Abrite-le d'un pan de ton grand manteau noir,

Et du doigt clos ses yeux qui ne veulent plus voir.

Vous, esprits du désert, cependant qu'il sommeille,

Faites taire les vents et bouchez son oreille,

Pour qu'il n'entende pas le retentissement

Du siècle qui s'écroule, et ce bourdonnement

Qu'en s'en allant au but où son destin la mène

Sur le chemin du temps fait la famille humaine !

Je suis las de la vie et ne veux pas mourir ;

Mes pieds ne peuvent plus ni marcher ni courir ;

J'ai les talons usés de battre cette route

Qui ramène toujours de la science au doute.

Assez, je me suis dit, voilà la question.

Va, pauvre rêveur, cherche une solution

Claire et satisfaisante à ton sombre problème,

Tandis qu'Ophélia te dit tout haut : Je t'aime ;

Mon beau prince danois marche les bras croisés,

Le front dans la poitrine et les sourcils froncés,

D'un pas lent et pensif arpente le théâtre,

Plus pâle que ne sont ces figures d'albâtre,

Pleurant pour les vivants sur les tombeaux des morts ;

Épuise ta vigueur en stériles efforts,

Et tu n'arriveras, comme a fait Ophélie,

Qu'à l'abrutissement ou bien à la folie.

C'est à ce degré-là que je suis arrivé.

Je sens ployer sous moi mon génie énervé ;

Je ne vis plus ; je suis une lampe sans flamme,

Et mon corps est vraiment le cercueil de mon âme.

Ne plus penser, ne plus aimer, ne plus haïr,

Si dans un coin du cœur il éclot un désir,

Lui couper sans pitié ses ailes de colombe,

Être comme est un mort, étendu sous la tombe,

Dans l'immobilité savourer lentement,

Comme un philtre endormeur, l'anéantissement :

Voilà quel est mon vœu, tant j'ai de lassitude,

D'avoir voulu gravir cette côte âpre et rude,

Brocken mystérieux, où des sommets nouveaux

Surgissent tout à coup sur de nouveaux plateaux,

Et qui ne laisse voir de ses plus hautes cimes

Que l'esprit du vertige errant sur les abîmes.

C'est pourquoi je m'assieds au revers du fossé,

Désabusé de tout, plus voûté, plus cassé

Que ces vieux mendiants que jusques à la porte

Le chien de la maison en grommelant escorte.

C'est pourquoi, fatigué d'errer et de gémir,

Comme un petit enfant, je demande à dormir ;

Je veux dans le néant renouveler mon être,

M'isoler de moi-même et ne plus me connaître ;

Et comme en un linceul, sans y laisser un seul pli,

Rester enveloppé dans mon manteau d'oubli.

J'aimerais que ce fût dans une roche creuse,

Au penchant d'une côte escarpée et pierreuse,

Comme dans les tableaux de Salvator Rosa,

Où le pied d'un vivant jamais ne se posa ;

Sous un ciel vert, zébré de grands nuages fauves,

Dans des terrains galeux clairsemés d'arbres chauves,

Avec un horizon sans couronne d'azur,

Bornant de tous côtés le regard comme un mur,

Et dans les roseaux secs près d'une eau noire et plate

Quelque maigre héron debout sur une patte.

Sur la caverne, un pin, ainsi qu'un spectre en deuil

Qui tend ses bras voilés au-dessus d'un cercueil,

Tendrait ses bras en pleurs, et du haut de la voûte

Un maigre filet d'eau suintant goutte à goutte,

Marquerait par sa chute aux sons intermittents

Le battement égal que fait le cœur du temps.

Comme la Niobé qui pleurait sur la roche,

Jusqu'à ce que le lierre autour de moi s'accroche,

Je demeurerais là les genoux au menton,

Plus ployé que jamais, sous l'angle d'un fronton,

Ces Atlas accroupis gonflant leurs nerfs de marbre ;

Mes pieds prendraient racine et je deviendrais arbre ;

Les faons auprès de moi tondraient le gazon ras,

Et les oiseaux de nuit percheraient sur mes bras.

C'est là ce qu'il me faut plutôt qu'un monastère ;

Un couvent est un port qui tient trop à la terre ;

Ma nef tire trop d'eau pour y pouvoir entrer

Sans en toucher le fond et sans s'y déchirer.

Dût sombrer le navire avec toute sa charge,

J'aime mieux errer seul sur l'eau profonde et large.

Aux barques de pêcheur l'anse à l'abri du vent,

Aux simples naufragés de l'âme, le couvent.

À moi la solitude effroyable et profonde,

Par dedans, par dehors !

Par dedans, par dehors ! Un couvent, c'est un monde ;

On y pense, on y rêve, on y prie, on y croit :

La mort n'est que le seuil d'une autre vie ; on voit

Passer au long du cloître une forme angélique ;

La cloche vous murmure un chant mélancolique ;

La Vierge vous sourit, le bel enfant Jésus

Vous tend ses petits bras de sa niche ; au-dessus

De vos fronts inclinés, comme un essaim d'abeilles,

Volent les Chérubins en légions vermeilles.

Vous êtes tout espoir, tout joie et tout amour,

À l'escalier du ciel vous montez chaque jour ;

L'extase vous remplit d'ineffables délices,

Et vos cœurs parfumés sont comme des calices ;

Vous marchez entourés de célestes rayons

Et vos pieds après vous laissent d'ardents sillons !

Ah ! grands voluptueux, sybarites du cloître,

Qui passez votre vie à voir s'ouvrir et croître

Dans le jardin fleuri de la mysticité,

Les pétales d'argent du lis de pureté,

Vrais libertins du ciel, dévots Sardanapales,

Vous, vieux moines chenus, et vous, novices pâles,

Foyers couverts de cendre, encensoirs ignorés,

Quel don Juan a jamais sous ses lambris dorés

Senti des voluptés comparables aux vôtres !

Auprès de vos plaisirs, quels plaisirs sont les nôtres !

Quel amant a jamais, à l'âge où l'œil reluit,

Dans tout l'enivrement de la première nuit,

Poussé plus de soupirs profonds et pleins de flamme,

Et baisé les pieds nus de la plus belle femme

Avec la même ardeur que vous les pieds de bois

Du cadavre insensible allongé sur la croix !

Quelle bouche fleurie et d'ambroisie humide,

Vaudrait la bouche ouverte à son côté livide !

Notre vin est grossier ; pour vous, au lieu de vin,

Dans un calice d'or perle le sang divin ;

Nous usons notre lèvre au seuil des courtisanes,

Vous autres, vous aimez des saintes diaphanes,

Qui se parent pour vous des couleurs des vitraux

Et sur vos fronts tondus, au détour des arceaux,

Laissent flotter le bout de leurs robes de gaze :

Nous n'avons que l'ivresse et vous avez l'extase.

Nous, nos contentements dureront peu de jours,

Les vôtres, bien plus vifs, doivent durer toujours.

Calculateurs prudents, pour l'abandon d'une heure,

Sur une terre où nul plus d'un jour ne demeure,

Vous achetez le ciel avec l'éternité.

Malgré ta règle étroite et ton austérité,

Maigre et jaune Rancé, tes moines taciturnes

S'entrouvrent à l'amour comme des fleurs nocturnes,

Une tête de mort grimaçante pour nous

Sourit à leur chevet du rire le plus doux ;

Ils creusent chaque jour leur fosse au cimetière,

Ils jeûnent et n'ont pas d'autre lit qu'une bière,

Mais ils sentent vibrer sous leur suaire blanc,

Dans des transports divins, un cœur chaste et brûlant ;

Ils se baignent aux flots de l'océan de joie,

Et sous la volupté leur âme tremble et ploie,

Comme fait une fleur sous une goutte d'eau,

Ils sont dignes d'envie et leur sort est très-beau ;

Mais ils sont peu nombreux dans ce siècle incrédule

Creux qui font de leur âme une lampe qui brûle,

Et qui peuvent, baisant la blessure du Christ,

Croire que tout s'est fait comme il était écrit.

Il en est qui n'ont pas le don des saintes larmes,

Qui veillent sans lumière et combattent sans armes ;

Il est des malheureux qui ne peuvent prier

Et dont la voix s'éteint quand ils veulent crier ;

Tous ne se baignent pas dans la pure piscine

Et n'ont pas même part à la table divine :

Moi, je suis de ce nombre, et comme saint Thomas,

Si je n'ai dans la plaie un doigt, je ne crois pas.

Aussi je me choisis un antre pour retraite

Dans une région détournée et secrète

D'où l'on n'entende pas le rire des heureux

Ni le chant printanier des oiseaux amoureux,

L'antre d'un loup crevé de faim ou de vieillesse,

Car tout son m'importune et tout rayon me blesse,

Tout ce qui palpite, aime ou chante, me déplaît,

Et je hais l'homme autant et plus que ne le hait

Le buffle à qui l'on vient de percer la narine.

De tous les sentiments croulés dans la ruine,

Du temple de mon âme, il ne reste debout

Que deux piliers d'airain, la haine et le dégoût.

Pourtant je suis à peine au tiers de ma journée ;

Ma tête de cheveux n'est pas découronnée ;

À peine vingt épis sont tombés du faisceau :

Je puis derrière moi voir encore mon berceau.

Mais les soucis amers de leurs griffes arides

M'ont fouillé dans le front d'assez profondes rides

Pour en faire une fosse à chaque illusion.

Ainsi me voilà donc sans foi ni passion,

Désireux de la vie et ne pouvant pas vivre,

Et dès le premier mot sachant la fin du livre.

Car c'est ainsi que sont les jeunes d'aujourd'hui :

Leurs mères les ont faits dans un moment d'ennui.

Et qui les voit auprès des blancs sexagénaires

Plutôt que les enfants les estime les pères ;

Ils sont venus au monde avec des cheveux gris ;

Comme ces arbrisseaux frêles et rabougris

Qui, dès le mois de mai, sont pleins de feuilles mortes,

Ils s'effeuillent au vent, et vont devant leurs portes

Se chauffer au soleil à côté de l'aïeul,

Et du jeune et du vieux, à coup sûr, le plus seul,

Le moins accompagné sur la route du monde,

Hélas ! C'est le jeune homme à tête brune ou blonde

Et non pas le vieillard sur qui l'âge a neigé ;

Celui dont le navire est le plus allégé

D'espérance et d'amour, lest divin dont on jette

Quelque chose à la mer chaque jour de tempête,

Ce n'est pas le vieillard, dont le triste vaisseau

Va bientôt échouer à l'écueil du tombeau.

L'univers décrépit devient paralytique,

La nature se meurt, et le spectre critique

Cherche en vain sous le ciel quelque chose à nier.

Qu'attends-tu donc, clairon du jugement dernier ?

Dis-moi, qu'attends-tu donc, archange à bouche ronde

Qui dois sonner là-haut la fanfare du monde ?

Toi, sablier du temps, que Dieu tient dans sa main,

Quand donc laisseras-tu tomber ton dernier grain ?
Ken Pepiton Oct 2019
See this old fishin' reel snarled? A waste of time to untie
what can be re-tied
and, and is a big junction in the start of a story, and
after retying, be used for it's purpose,

see, if a retie won't work, you know, this monofilial-******
fibratory idea's slippery,
inside outside one way optical influence, IF
this was that situation then this knot would call patience
to bher the burden of learning to
un ravel a snarl of expert's ties to rights which they hoped would never slip, as they stepped into next...

in this instance, fishin', out in the gypsum beds,
ancient corals once grew,

-- real life Lake Mead, who was Mead? A man who executed a plan
to dam the Colorado,
and the whole world heard the whales in Baja weep, but we have learned.
We go on

learning earth has lived through
times and times and times

a gathering must have first

seemed a good idea,
by then, by the point any story can stand, but first, a
point upon a time,

tricky balance act, takes this much of ever to imagine right,

many Planck-secs and Google-plexhours past
way back when
we the earthy sapient beings, be came, ere
we were
human, we were

what? Not angels and demons, those need so much more time to evolve than this.
Word stuff,
This is the third millennial bubble
when my da was working in Alamogordo, '44.

I'll go see, live or die, try

to remember, who took the doorstop? Feynman said it was platinum

This is default download from the germs,
first tasted in open air on a moment you imagine you remember,
you can now imagine being born and no scarier story need be known
--- past now is only next, never never,
--- always a place to step
--- there, be
--- still
--- connection secure
knots of knowns, are knowledges, gotten with wisdom
getting, as we mellow and
ripen to re
al ize
common sense complexes of knowns needed to operate earth,

these aphoristic word frames encaging emotions we
need gage theory to envision, these
we believe, are edged in the sort of dust
a diamond farmer might use to shine a mirror

here, we give such a mirror to
each child surviving you,
should you
have survived, thus far,
you must
your kind, in the will,
your kind inherits the earth, and
if you
stir things, meek as Moses, make some trouble in you own 'ouse,
see, we
double dip, we inherit the wind, as well.

Earth is the whole biosphere, here. Thus, the troubler of the house of knots worth untying, begins to unravel the snarls and straighten
this knotted thread

to spite the micro-bio leaven pollen dust enclosed, as a curious bee
leaves a little could be
upon this line, where this knot

we know

Hermes-tic click sealed since a known
knowable was tied in this
very complex bit of re
lated things, things known knowable in theory,

now, power is back on, it is 2019, on land once involved

with a story begun in 2018, when the power went off,
bowing to a named wind… as did the fire that year, too.

--- what have we learned?
knowledge means locked knowing, click. A knot, after a previous knot,
no feathers or stones of seed,
a touch of shaken pollen,
from a bee-- such

we be leaven be, long, long, long strings of knots and fibers marking

needle-point story stitching, sinking
into ancient ancient sapience,

unimagined - ha- nadas unimaginable ifn ye magine it...

we bee safe in this us, this we, the people who hold truth

learned today as tightly as our kind holds truths,
as treasures found, stolen, lost, bought, stolen, lost, found, taken as granted,

this legacy of ideas fit to words fit to my tongue, tasted, tested, spoken,

yea, for ever, in every imaginable sense,
AI account for every idle word,
which may ever be ab-
used by some here-tic wishyawasme.

Loving my enemies is one of those things,
I take with a grain of salt,
knowing there's room for hate in love,

as there's a set for null in all,

big data is how 2019 functions, idle word
counting algorithms,

are mining all myths and shipping manifests
for clues to who's making money
seem worth dying for,

in mortal terms.

Amusers are first paid in amusement.
Is the roofer dancing?

Peace is heaven, I heard, my word, I said,

heaven and it's kingdom are,
in me, if i examine my
self-logo, my brand,
my mark left to my children's thousandth generation,
who have survived
the upgrade.

Peacemakers who survive dimensional novel bubble-life,
mememeory Y as y in in all working things,

a knot is a stop, a step, where a knower of all as far as you know,

once, stood. The boy walking the trail marked

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

From <>

This is on the trail very far along after the sign saying
this is the path less traveled by,

Same AI
John F McCullagh Jun 2018
Un vieil homme noir, dans un mois chaud et sec,
assis à l'ombre du Baobab.
Les prairies autrefois verdoyantes
étaient secs avec la sécheresse,
victimes des vents du changement.

"Vieux, ils m'appellent vieux." Il pensait,
"Mes soixante-dix étés m'ont rendu gris,
mais cet arbre baobab est devenu grand et fort
Quand les légions romaines ont passé par là. "

Le vieil homme mâchait le fruit du baobab
et a coulé dans un état de transe comme.
Il était dans un état d'esprit;
Pas tout à fait endormi, pas tout à fait réveillé.

Il a entendu une voix: "J'ai soif".
Bien qu'il soit sûr qu'il était seul.
Cela ne semblait pas une voix humaine:
un monotone sec et sans discernement.

"Pour les générations, les hommes comme vous
J'ai cherché mon abri du soleil,
Mais maintenant c'est fini; la terre est desséchée
Et je meurs, mon petit.

Le vieil homme a pleuré pour entendre ces mots
Car quand ces arbres meurent, comme ils le doivent,
Ils s'effondrent sur le sol stérile
Donc, rapidement, ils reviennent à la poussière.

"Le monde a changé pour vous et moi,
Les vents sont secs sous le soleil.
Je pardonne au monde des hommes
Car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils ont fait. "

Le vieil homme s'est réveillé avec un début
et s'est soulevé avec sa canne.
Il a pleuré de penser que cet arbre mourrait

mais les larmes ne peuvent pas remplacer la pluie.
Le Baobab est appelé "L'arbre de vie" pour le fruit dense en nutriments qu'il fournit en saison sèche en Afrique. Alors que le climat du continent change et que la désertification a lieu, le plus vieux des arbres meurt de soif
AJ Sep 2014
53 days ago was the last time
i kissed the gates to my heaven
her..she does things to me
when her lips part and mine fill the empty space
I go to a place that can't be seen
only felt
you know, sort of like heaven
you don't know it exist until you go there
it's been 1272 hours since I held her soft body in my tender grip
her...she has magical powers
when she lays her head on my chest
my body instantly relaxes and my breathing evens
76,320 minutes since I looked into her mesmerizing eyes and felt her return the gaze...
her...she is a reflection of my better half
those beautiful brown eyes are the gateway to her soul
beautifully pained but courageous and strong
4,579,200 seconds since we entered different cars
that drove away in opposite directions
her...she is miles away yet again
saying "until next time" is never easy but it was even harder
within days we weren't able to talk anymore
our already long distance relationship became longer

it's been 45 days since she started her journey
to become army strong
when her arms are wrapped around me
my body melts into her for she is my protector
now she's my soldier
1,080 hours ago i last heard her beautiful voice
when she speaks fears and anxieties
become ghosts of my past
and my spirit rise to new heights
for 64,800 minutes we have only been talking through the stars
(and well, letters)
no matter how busy I am my mind stays on her
my ears still search for her voice, my hands reach for hers,
and my heart yearns for her company
3,888,780 seconds has passed since i slept to the sound of her soft
breaths as we drifted off to sleep
distance was between us
but she was still dreaming next to me

Only 28 days left until we are reunited
her...she will be in front of me
and i can watch her cute little walk as she
makes her way toward me and i her
In 660 hours i will be able to see her amazing smile
her...she has a smile that warms my entire being
it is the sunshine to my cold days
the rainbow after all the rain
her smile tells me i am home
39,611 minutes until i can feel her legs around my waist
when we embrace
i don't think i will ever let go...
in 2,376,388 seconds i will be complete again
my world will become steady, nights will no longer be dark,
and my soul no longer lost and searching
for her...she gives me direction, purpose, strength, happiness.

In 28 days 11 hours 54 minutes and 20 secs
our relationship will no longer be "long distance"
Nat Lipstadt May 2014
wandered over the midnight
demarcation line, and in but
a few secs, it will click,
1:00am in my head
in the not so mystical
Eastern Standard Time Zone

and I hear voices saying,
Last Call, Last Call,
drink up, write down
those faint sounds,
that have yet not drowned,
succumbed to drowsy purrings
that the body is steady making,
a chorus of yawns and sighs,
time's due, you pay at the exit door

succumb, for no one,
will read this good nitro night poem,

give in to temptation and risk,
will it be,
nightmare or dream,
poem or horror story,
sleep yet brings us,
gift wrapped  
brown bagged

Last call, last call
I am a summer man
and soon I to bid you adieu,
as I board my sleepy
summertime cruise
1:12am 5/7/14
VioletNova Jan 2013
All we want to do is sleep...
inside me is a city
an entire world
congested with clouds
and one way traffic.

I passed the range of midnight,
soft and slowly it became a footfall into the back of his clothing.  

My words become shrill,
like helium escaping the most half dead balloon.
We are close enough to see them,
the days, years..
paths controlling this blissful evolution,
forever evolving.

Here rested on a beam,
a ball of light,
wrapped in string,
floating..10 secs of forever. evolving.

We can't always escape the thickened edges.
Leaves of ivy, moss and eyes of violet.  
The reflection you laid inside my hands,
*****, worn, out. T-shirt.

Washed with the most potent sound of trees,
still stained by the blood of winters bloom.  
Pulling closer each minute threads the needles eye
and the hour unwinds itself...again.  We are timeless.
Candice h Dec 2018
You spit upon my image
Such blatant disrespect
Two points to you just don’t forget,
Two can play that game i merely just reject
You’re dead to me now this i won’t regret
Your funeral was beautiful
gave me time to reflect
I mourned like a widow for about two secs
I laid roses upon your grave to add to this effect
They were black and decayed like my soul before we met
But i hate to throw shade so I’ll be more direct
Rest In Peace my love and the relationship that wrecked
Miley Cyrus Jan 2015
Hey guys
I come in my most real form
a little bit of me and a little bit of crap that haunted me in 2014
but i come in me
i'm still here...
i made it
maybe not safely
life aint safe
but i made it...and that's all that imma focus on
i made it through times i thought i couldn't
i.....made it
i got through it and i'm still here with faith higher than ever
i have moments of regret from like 20 secs ago
but i mean its done
its ****** up
but i'm over it
i have and have had my fair share of ****
...but the new year is approaching so
im dumpin the old **** out and reeling in the new ****
perhaps dog **** or cow **** this time

Nous sommes tes Grands-Parents,
Les Grands !
Couverts des froides sueurs
De la lune et des verdures.
Nos vins secs avaient du coeur !
Au soleil sans imposture
Que faut-il à l'homme ? boire.

Moi. - Mourir aux fleuves barbares.

Nous sommes tes Grands-Parents
Des champs.
L'eau est au fond des osiers :
Vois le courant du fossé
Autour du château mouillé.
Descendons en nos celliers ;
Après, le cidre et le lait.

MOI. - Aller où boivent les vaches.

Nous sommes tes Grands-Parents ;
Tiens, prends
Les liqueurs dans nos armoires ;
Le Thé, le Café, si rares,
Frémissent dans les bouilloires.

- Vois les images, les fleurs.
Nous rentrons du cimetière.

MOI. - Ah ! tarir toutes les urnes !


Éternelles Ondines
Divisez l'eau fine.
Vénus, soeur de l'azur,
Émeus le flot pur.

Juifs errants de Norwège
Dites-moi la neige.
Anciens exilés chers,
Dites-moi la mer.

MOI. - Non, plus ces boissons pures,
Ces fleurs d'eau pour verres ;
Légendes ni figures
Ne me désaltèrent ;

Chansonnier, ta filleule
C'est ma soif si folle
Hydre intime sans gueules
Qui mine et désole.


Viens, les vins vont aux plages,
Et les flots par millions !
Vois le Bitter sauvage
Rouler du haut des monts !

Gagnons, pèlerins sages,
L'absinthe aux verts piliers...

MOI. - Plus ces paysages.
Qu'est l'ivresse, Amis ?

J'aime autant, mieux, même,
Pourrir dans l'étang,
Sous l'affreuse crème,
Près des bois flottants.


Peut-être un Soir m'attend
Où je boirai tranquille
En quelque vieille Ville,
Et mourrai plus content :
Puisque je suis patient !

Si mon mal se résigne,
Si j'ai jamais quelque or
Choisirai-je le Nord
Ou le Pays des Vignes ?...
- Ah ! songer est indigne

Puisque c'est pure perte !
Et si je redeviens
Le voyageur ancien,
Jamais l'auberge verte
Ne peut bien m'être ouverte.


Les pigeons qui tremblent dans la prairie,
Le gibier qui court et qui voit la nuit,
Les bêtes des eaux, la bête asservie,
Les derniers papillons !... ont soif aussi.

Mais fondre où fond ce nuage sans guide,
- Oh ! favorisé de ce qui est frais !
Expirer en ces violettes humides
Dont les aurores chargent ces forêts ?
Les pitons des sierras, les dunes du désert,
Où ne pousse jamais un seul brin d'herbe vert ;
Les monts aux flancs zébrés de tuf, d'ocre et de marne,
Et que l'éboulement de jour en jour décharne,
Le grès plein de micas papillotant aux yeux,
Le sable sans profit buvant les pleurs des cieux,
Le rocher renfrogné dans sa barbe de ronce ;
L'ardente solfatare avec la pierre-ponce,
Sont moins secs et moins morts aux végétations
Que le roc de mon coeur ne l'est aux passions.
Le soleil de midi, sur le sommet aride,
Répand à flots plombés sa lumière livide,
Et rien n'est plus lugubre et désolant à voir
Que ce grand jour frappant sur ce grand désespoir.
Le lézard pâmé bâille, et parmi l'herbe cuite
On entend résonner les vipères en fuite.
Là, point de marguerite au coeur étoilé d'or,
Point de muguet prodigue égrenant son trésor ;
Là point de violette ignorée et charmante,
Dans l'ombre se cachant comme une pâle amante ;
Mais la broussaille rousse et le tronc d'arbre mort,
Que le genou du vent comme un arc plie et tord :
Là, pas d'oiseau chanteur, ni d'abeille en voyage,
Pas de ramier plaintif déplorant son veuvage ;
Mais bien quelque vautour, quelque aigle montagnard,
Sur le disque enflammé fixant son oeil hagard,
Et qui, du haut du pic où son pied prend racine,
Dans l'or fauve du soir durement se dessine.
Tel était le rocher que Moïse, au désert,
Toucha de sa baguette, et dont le flanc ouvert,
Tressaillant tout à coup, fit jaillir en arcade
Sur les lèvres du peuple une fraîche cascade.
Ah ! s'il venait à moi, dans mon aridité,
Quelque reine des coeurs, quelque divinité,
Une magicienne, un Moïse femelle,
Traînant dam le désert les peuples après elle,
Qui frappât le rocher de mon coeur endurci,
Comme de l'autre roche, on en verrait aussi
Sortir en jets d'argent des eaux étincelantes,
Où viendraient s'abreuver les racines des plantes ;
Où les pâtres errants conduiraient leurs troupeaux,
Pour se coucher à l'ombre et prendre le repos,
Où, comme en un vivier les cigognes fidèles
Plongeraient leurs grands becs et laveraient leurs ailes.
joren's Jan 2019
Should of started your good bye
Right when you arrived
Cause i wasn't ready
Time wasn't steady
You we're here a minute
And gone the next
Was that 20 minutes
or a couple secs
Or wait a minute
I'm just a wreck
When you're around
time passes wack
My eyes are fountains
I want you back
It takes a long time to say bye to someone when you dont want to
Miley Cyrus Jan 2015
Some people see it as a wonderland some point i did too...
i'm a pretty skinny girl with "the ideal" body
and of coarse that **** blew up in my head like crazy
I saw it as an escape from my world
that i was ashamed to live in
i'd whiten myself up...
bleaches, "white girl clothes", the voice...
all to fit in
but in reality
my body is nothing but my body
its my temple
and I don't value it any more than this society does
lumps of fat on my chest "give me my value"
and guys will do anything to get inside the ***
so society has you sittin here questioning..
is that all i should aspire to do...
to look cute, to be "pretty", to be strong but not too strong, to marry, to wear girly clothes, love pink, like....
my body is my temple
and it guards my heart my prized possession
the only thing keeping me alive physically and emotional in our world
yeah i might've been extremely insecure like 20 secs ago
but i might have muscular thighs, my **** may not be ideal according to you, or i may be perfect to you idk
but people nor society defines me
and my life is so much more than my body, than the clothes on my back, than the food on my table, than the worry...
my body is my temple
and it is beautiful
it is art
and perfect just as it is...
it's my art
my temple....
dailythoughts Apr 2020
You wake up to a golden haze
Rays tearing through your light curtains
Reaching the layer of your half-asleep almonds

You stretch your body like a roaring Lion
Feeling the magic run through your spine and beyond
Relaxing on the loud sigh escaping your anatomy

You admire your ruffled hair in the empty mirror
Running your hands to clean the mess of last night’s terror
Struggling to remember the mystery of your 7 secs of nightmare

You crunch and munch on the sweetness filled river
******* on the last drop of heaven
Craving for more paradise to flow

You put on your pretty sundress with matching earrings
Looking like a princess you hear the door ring
Hurrying to open the door only so eager to meet the prince next door

You fix your hair now and then
Hoping he won’t lock his eyes with your distress sense of sight
Walking like a queen with butterflies inside

You sit across the view you longed for
Taking every chance to celebrate the most awaited day
Tearing your eyes away from the menu to only finding a beautiful pair of eyes

You struggle what to look at
Deciding between the plate or the soul of wholesome
Diving into the red wine calms the butterflies inside

You muster the courage
Putting your hand on top of his
Taking in the bliss and finally saying “thanks for lunch”

You walk hand in hand by his side
Enjoying the shores hit the rocks time by time
Stealing a glance of his deep dimples smile to smile

You see the sky changing hues
Yellow to orange to pink to purple to anything but blue
The sky is changing but we stay true to the view

You find peace
Calming your soul
Reliving happiness

You both are looking at everything except each other
Ending the night with no words
Slowly closing the gap between each other

You feel the butterflies returning home
The Sun is setting
The door is closing

After a bright day with a brave soul and a breathtaking view
I wait for the rays to welcome me into a new day
Sweet dreams
Ojaswee Das Jan 2021
Belle's rose, wilting one petal at a time
The creation of Adam, gods hand yet to touch yours
You're 0.8 secs away
From descrying the back of their head disappear into the distance
One last time
Thats one heartbeat away
From the inception of the everlasting process; the decay
Harold r Hunt Sr May 2014
Who Are these killers? They are, ***  that want to get their joy off by killing others. 1 second of fame can claim one life. Is it really worth the money time and greatness to give them their wishes? 1 sec one life 1 life is priceless when you can see that life grow. They say time will heal. But nothing can heal the feeling of hugs and kisses missing from the lost. You shall not forget the lost. But you also will never forget the horror of what causes a lost. We have sport stars. Movie actors,they should get the fame. Not the killers! 6 secs 6 lives may the heavens cry for what has happened here on earth. 6 young angels sending kisses to all of us from above.
J'ai dit à l'esprit vain, à l'ostentation,

L'Ilion de l'orgueil futile, le Sion

De la frivolité sans cœur et sans entrailles,

La citadelle enfin du Faux :

« Croulez, murailles

Ridicules et pis, remparts bêtes et pis.

Contrescarpes, sautez comme autant de tapis

Qu'un valet matinal aux fenêtres secoue,

Fossés que l'eau remplit, concrétez-vous en boue

Qu'il ne reste plus rien qu'un souvenir banal

De tout votre appareil, et que cet arsenal,

Chics fougueux et froids, mots secs, phrase redondante,

Et cætera, se rende à l'émeute grondante

Des sentiments enfin naturels et réels. »

Ah ! j'en suis revenu, des « dandysmes » « cruels »

Vrais ou faux, dans la vie (accident ou coutume)

Ou dans l'art ou tout bêtement dans le costume.

Le vêtement de son état avec le moins

De taches et de trous possible, apte aux besoins,

Aux lies, aux chics qu'il faut, le linge, mal terrible

D'empois et d'amidon, le plus fréquent possible,

Et souple et frais autour du corps dispos aussi,

Voilà pour le costume, et quant à l'art, voici :

L'art tout d'abord doit être et paraître sincère

Et clair, absolument : c'est la loi nécessaire

Et dure, n'est-ce pas, les jeunes, mais la loi ;

Car le public, non le premier venu, mais moi,

Mais mes pairs et moi, par exemple, vieux complices,

Nous, promoteurs de vos, de nos pauvres malices.

Nous autres qu'au besoin vous sauriez bien chercher,

Le vrai, le seul Public qu'il faille raccrocher.

Le Public, pour user de ce mot ridicule,

Dorénavant il bat en retraite et recule

Devant vos trucs un peu trop niais d'aujourd'hui,

Tordu par le fou rire ou navré par l'ennui.

L'art, mes enfants, c'est d'être absolument soi-même,

Et qui m'aime me suive et qui me suit qu'il m'aime,

Et si personne n'aime ou me suit, allons seul.

Mais traditionnel et soyons notre aïeul !

Obéissons au sang qui coule dans nos veines

Et qui ne peut broncher en conjectures vaines.

Flux de verve gauloise et flot d'aplomb romain

Avec, puisqu'un peu Franc, de bon limon germain,

Moyennant cette allure et par cette assurance

Il pourra bien germer des artistes en France.

Mais, plus de fioritures, bons petits,

Ni de ce pessimisme et ni du cliquetis

De ce ricanement comme d'armes faussées,

Et ni de ce scepticisme en sottes fusées ;

Autrement c'est la mort et je vous le prédis

De ma voix de bonhomme, encore un peu. Jadis.

Foin ! d'un art qui blasphème et fi ! d'un art qui pose,

Et vive un vers bien simple, autrement c'est la prose.

La Simplicité, - c'est d'ailleurs l'avis rara, -

Ô la Simplicité, tout-puissant, qui l'aura

Véritable, au service, en outre, de la Vie

Elle vous rend bon, franc, vous demi-déifie.

Que dis-je ? elle vous déifie en Jésus-Christ

Par l'opération du même Saint-Esprit

Et l'humblesse sans nom de son Eucharistie,

Sur les siècles épand l'ordre et la sympathie,

Règne avec la candeur et lutte par la foi,

Mais la foi tout de go, sans peur et sans émoi

Ni de ces grands raffinements des exégètes,

Elle trempe les cœurs, rassérène les têtes,

Enfante la vertu, met en fuite le mal

Et fixerait le monde en son état normal

N'était la Liberté que Dieu dispense aux âmes

Et dont le premier homme et nous, nous abusâmes

Jusqu'aux tristes excès où nous nous épuisons

Dans des complexités comme autant de prisons.

Et puis, c'est l'unité désirable et suprême :

On vit simple, comme on naît simple, comme on aime

Quand on aime vraiment et fort, et comme on hait

Et comme l'on pardonne, au bout, lorsque l'on est

Purement, nettement simple et l'on meurt de même,

Comme on naît, comme on vit, comme on hait, comme on aime,

Car aimer c'est l'Alpha, fils, et c'est l'Oméga

Des simples que le Dieu simple et bon délégua

Pour témoigner de lui sur cette sombre terre

En attendant leur vol calme dans sa lumière.

Oui, d'être absolument soi-même, absolument !

D'être un brave homme épris de vivre, et réclamant

Sa place à toi, juste Soleil de tout le monde.

Sans plus se soucier, naïveté profonde !

De ce tiers, l'apparat, que du fracas, ce quart,

Pour le costume, dans la vie et quant à l'art ;

Dédaigneux au superlatif de la réclame,

Un digne homme amoureux et frère de la Femme,

Élevant ses enfants pour ici-bas et pour

Leur lot gagné dûment en le meilleur Séjour,

Fervent de la patrie et doux aux misérables,

Fier pourtant, partant, aux refus inexorables

Devant les préjugés et la banalité

Assumant à l'envi ce masque dégoûté

Qui rompt la patience et provoque la claque

Et, pour un peu, ferait défoncer la baraque !

Rude à l'orgueil tout en pitoyant l'orgueilleux,

Mais dur au fat et l'écrasant d'un mot joyeux

S'il juge toutefois qu'il en vaille la peine

Et que sa nullité soit digne de l'aubaine.

Oui, d'être et de mourir **** d'un siècle gourmé

Dans la franchise, ô vivre et mourir enfermé,

Et s'il nous faut, par surcroît, de posthumes socles,

Gloire au poète pur en ces jours de monocles !

Nous sommes tes Grands-Parents,
Les Grands !
Couverts des froides sueurs
De la lune et des verdures.
Nos vins secs avaient du coeur !
Au soleil sans imposture
Que faut-il à l'homme ? boire.

Moi. - Mourir aux fleuves barbares.

Nous sommes tes Grands-Parents
Des champs.
L'eau est au fond des osiers :
Vois le courant du fossé
Autour du château mouillé.
Descendons en nos celliers ;
Après, le cidre et le lait.

MOI. - Aller où boivent les vaches.

Nous sommes tes Grands-Parents ;
Tiens, prends
Les liqueurs dans nos armoires ;
Le Thé, le Café, si rares,
Frémissent dans les bouilloires.

- Vois les images, les fleurs.
Nous rentrons du cimetière.

MOI. - Ah ! tarir toutes les urnes !


Éternelles Ondines
Divisez l'eau fine.
Vénus, soeur de l'azur,
Émeus le flot pur.

Juifs errants de Norwège
Dites-moi la neige.
Anciens exilés chers,
Dites-moi la mer.

MOI. - Non, plus ces boissons pures,
Ces fleurs d'eau pour verres ;
Légendes ni figures
Ne me désaltèrent ;

Chansonnier, ta filleule
C'est ma soif si folle
Hydre intime sans gueules
Qui mine et désole.


Viens, les vins vont aux plages,
Et les flots par millions !
Vois le Bitter sauvage
Rouler du haut des monts !

Gagnons, pèlerins sages,
L'absinthe aux verts piliers...

MOI. - Plus ces paysages.
Qu'est l'ivresse, Amis ?

J'aime autant, mieux, même,
Pourrir dans l'étang,
Sous l'affreuse crème,
Près des bois flottants.


Peut-être un Soir m'attend
Où je boirai tranquille
En quelque vieille Ville,
Et mourrai plus content :
Puisque je suis patient !

Si mon mal se résigne,
Si j'ai jamais quelque or
Choisirai-je le Nord
Ou le Pays des Vignes ?...
- Ah ! songer est indigne

Puisque c'est pure perte !
Et si je redeviens
Le voyageur ancien,
Jamais l'auberge verte
Ne peut bien m'être ouverte.


Les pigeons qui tremblent dans la prairie,
Le gibier qui court et qui voit la nuit,
Les bêtes des eaux, la bête asservie,
Les derniers papillons !... ont soif aussi.

Mais fondre où fond ce nuage sans guide,
- Oh ! favorisé de ce qui est frais !
Expirer en ces violettes humides
Dont les aurores chargent ces forêts ?

— The End —