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E Townsend Jan 2016
Lying makes a placeholder for the inevitable truth. The lie will become the truth, as a rectangle can be squeezed back into a square.
Kurtis Emken Aug 2012
A friend invite from a former lover is the common cold.
It’s irritating, hard to get rid of.  Try to ignore it.  Don’t.
Hover over her main page.  Bathe in the sick blue light
of LCD.  Cursors open portals to the past, their present.
Approach every aspect of the page like a ghost.  Read
through her interests.  Browse her wall posts.  See how
they change, don’t change, won’t.  Surf aimlessly through
frozen moments.  Find one frame you lurk around in, just
out of focus.  Probably just your right arm or forgotten shoes
that have left a tiny footprint on her digital identity.  Attach
needless significance to it anyway.  Check out the page
of the new person in her life.  Compare said person to self.
(Promise to) never go on the page again.  Respond to request.
She’s a number, placeholder, a ones and zeroes memory.
2ndBest Aug 2015
I don't feel like reading words
I'd rather stitch an iceberg
You want a voice underwater

Let's keep going on empty
Breaking in style
The means justify an ending

Blues whites and lit skys
The summer was on fire
We felt it inside

Things fell aside
Cracks give way to more then more
It wasn't deep just murky
And I'm not reading anymore ******* words
Jeremy Betts May 2024
I wasn't bred from good stock
Or birthed with any hope of a shot
Can't imagine that coming as a big shock
Couldn't possibly hide the rot
A thick scar dug into both wrists visually express what verbally I could not
Flesh color replaced the black rorschach ink blot
To clarify, a stark reminder was all I got
KO'd after a turned cheek an awful lot
Like knock knock
Who's there?
Just a nobody,
A lowly placeholder of a single census spot

Ann Beaver Sep 2013
Take secrets
Sprint out the door
Burglar alarm malfunction
Wrong turn at a junction

Machetes cut a new path
Do the math
It isn't that hard
To draw the right card
I throw in rhymes
So maybe you'll listen sometimes.

All these things happened
I try to piece them together
To answer: why can't I find a single feather?
Arihant Verma Feb 2016
It was already awkward, taking you
up the dubious muddy mountain, with
thoughts, unbeknownst of their occurrences.
All the more cliffhanging at the edges,
of the next moment, like a word expected
or not but not spoken, left alone in the mind.

But the lake and the wind, provided the lure,
to stay calm and composed and intermittently,
shut up and stare at the nothingness that the wind,
the reflections and the darkness offered. In the gaps,
between those nothingnesses, words place-held
the thoughts and bouts of past, present and future.

When you slipped, I pulled you by your hand,
harder than the pain stilling threshold.
My other hand carefully place-holding,
in the shape of your lower back, so that
just in case my pull became insufficient,
I wouldn't hesitate to prevent you from dipping
your clothes and slippers in the little mountain mud.
f Jul 2018
you are decidedly not the boy i love
no matter how closely you resemble him
and how sweetly you tell me he doesn't love me
i can't mould my fingertips so they fit your skin
i’m sorry
he’s all i think about
and all my fingertips crave

when his smile can be a lifeline
and break me all the same
i can not fool myself, or you,
into believing i love you
when your name is a placeholder that has never fit right
because his is sweet as it leaves my lips
and yours is dry and bland

that is not to say that you are dry and bland
but your smile pales in comparison to his
i’m sorry to tell you i have more love for that boy
than you have words to describe how beautiful i am
even when we both know you don’t find me that pretty

it is entirely possible he doesn’t find me pretty either
but i find him so beautiful i could spend days looking at him
and fall in love with him in a new way each day
even in my head
the thought of him
and how cruel his absence has been to me
makes me love him so much more

and i can safely say
you are decidedly not the boy i love
because i am a little glad every time there is distance between us
and there is always a cloak of insecurities and sadness draped upon my skin
that grows a little heavier when i touch you, and i fumble as i walk
but he manages to pull it off gracefully
tucking it away with care
because i think even my ugliness can be soft to his magical touch

i love him
so much more than i ever believed i could
in a way that is safe and caring
because cold and love spiked with thrill is something i no longer crave
now that i know how warm he is
please don’t touch me
when you know my heart and body belong to him
because i would not want to taint the love i have for him with your fingerprints;
goner May 2016
what would it take
to fill perfectly
a page with line
after t i g h t r o p e line
of the way your cheeks puff
when you've had enough, or
the way your breath bounds
from your body when
i say 'we were made for love'?

what it would take
i do not have. for
i do not have you,
and without you,
my pen will not move.
Instructions: use as bookmark until the one you're waiting for arrives.
bobby burns Jan 2015
you've taken up too many characters,
a placeholder, 0, is all i attribute to you.

i lack recall enough
to call back when
we first reacted--
science fair, maybe,
mâche volcanoes
from wet bits--
(too little base,
a surplus of vinegar)
the only magma
with measurable

made cattle to caffeine,
the pastures we frequented
have gone out of business
by now

spoke and wrote
with silly string,
messy, childish,
hard to clean up--
impossible to pick
every adhesive trace
from tweed coat fibers--
i draped it around you
and left quietly without

number four, morphine drip,
corruption (with a caramel center),
you took me to a courtyard where
you had scrawled your number
with a gold safety pin stuck
in the grain--
didn't matter as long as they
brought you plain grain beverages--
i can't say how long i must have
been unconscious for you to
have been able to fully affix
trusses, crossbars and artificial joints
between prostheses--
you made a marionette of me
in a grubby alley operating room,
with an empty bottle
across the occipital for anesthesia,
and a patchwork of phone numbers
staring down from the scratched
portrait in the wood walls
of office buildings surrounding--
keep your cloths on a little longer
keep yourself closed from now on
keep yourself close from now on

think of whichever oath you hold
gravely, and think of me, promising
i felt just as illusory as you before--
saved a letter from you i read sometimes
to remind myself how first real loves
can be, so as not to lose faith to cynicism,
and cynicism/stomach lining to coffee grounds.
thank you

i met you only once,
it was enough.
i didn't make out your
last name as you introduced
yourself between zipping up
your fly and cinching your belt,
and even while you walked
inside, between dry heaves,
i could think only of
your Texan-tinsel-town namesake--
good luck streaming the past like
mother's ashes from the back of
your lake boat so many miles from home,
it's all anyone could ask

i took that polaroid of you;
you had your hand over
a candle flame and the
shadows dancing between
your fingers illuminated
the spare patches of snow
remaining on the playground.
there was no mistaking
the draining of my swimming
pool of ego as i witnessed
you staring out from each
ice crystal reflection in awe:
your smile tumbled down
the slide and spilled into laughter
your voice lilted up the rock wall
and sang in triumph at the top --
i miss you, ganges girl

first time i knew,
second time i suspected,
finally broke me down,
now we laugh about it,
or preferably, don't bring
it up anymore

i might still be in love with you
first and foremost, if that's how
things worked, but virginity
isn't a collateral asset, you did
me no favors,
but share in sunshine shoves
and pushes-- a beer down,
3g 'til the bottom of the bag,
alice and wonderland--
i can't watch that movie
without thinking of long hair,
self-destruction, self-deceit,
and naïveté--
you made me grow up with you,
and while you've been in college
i've been rotting.

i've whiled away a year of slacking words
in favor of those spouting from you torrentially.
a placeholder, for people i've written too much about already:

unnerved me in the best of ways,
but you were always ****** up
and emptied of scruples--
had me once at your favorite album,
fooled me twice when you came back,
but you won't get another chance to
touch me

corn comfort,
corn snake.
solid, supple,

you spent a year abroad
so i had only one thing to call you,
and even though I brought my black
camo S&W; pocketknife,
when you told me ******
was cheaper than marijuana
in the motherland,
i knew i shouldn't
have soothed myself
into confident
and instead
leapt from
the subaru
piled high,
littered by cremations
of victims before me.

i yawn and jaws part,
droop down lids,
the realist rendering
of a singularity in film
can't even keep me awake--
but when we get home,
and crawl into the satin
cascade of your mother's
sheets, god, i can't
even think of sleeping.
the moon was also full--
it wanes for awhile now
Angie Acuña Feb 2013
You asked me how I was doing.
Immediately my throat caught and my eyes watered.

I felt lonely.
I felt as if you weren't my friend anymore; that I had been traded for someone else.
You asked if I had replaced you and I said "Never."
Maybe you had replaced me.
But I never dared to say it.
Because I knew that you would also say "Never."

I felt lost.
I felt scared and once again like that little girl sitting in her room with nothing but stuffed animals as her friends.
I had lost my best friend.
But I didn't dare steal your happiness.
Because that's what I thought you were; happy without me.

I felt weak.
I felt strange without anyone to talk to, so I talked to myself and bottled up my feelings.
You didn't listen anymore.
But I didn't dare to try to attract your attention.
Because I knew that you wouldn't notice.

So I blinked back the tears.
"I'm fine."
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2018
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Hope May 2021
I was just another name to be added to your bed frame
Just a body meant to warm yours
But your racing heart told a different story
Or at least I thought, I hoped
My sheets have turned cold
While you wrap your body with someone I’ll never know
Leah Feb 2015
late at night
when the dextromethorphan
turns on me
I can't get your name out of my head
From under the magnolia’s dark green leaves,
I saw Her. For the first time I recognized a face
Of someone who wasn’t familiar; I was
Comforted by a stranger. She showed me
A vision that would one day become mine.
I was 5; She was ageless.
We danced and told secrets and
I walked along her roots
Until the street lights came on.
Then I’d be gone, only to return to her
Branches’ embrace, coming to know her divine face
Day after day. Like it was my own. She told me that I
Was a warrior; She told me that I
Would never be alone; that my own roots would always
Guide me home; that my mind contained
Knowledge that I didn’t yet know; that through me
Healing love and creation could flow, in and out.
I didn’t know what it meant, but I knew She meant well.
I didn’t see her for many years. Until:
After 17 rotations of the sun, after thinking
All I was was said and done, She returned to me
In a dream. I was
Down and out, seeping self-doubt.
I looked upon Her face but saw my own:
She said to me
     “Come in through the leaves. Sit at my roots.
      Look at me: look at my blooming flowers that will soon wither;
      Look at my deep, entangling roots, that have held on for many storms;
      Look at my leaves, evergreen, but always growing.
      I am proof things remain but there is no way that
      You will stay the same. You will yield to change.
      To feel joy amid all the strange
      Is a feeling you cannot feign,
      A feeling foreign to your brain
      There is no way it will sustain. But, find peace
      Knowing that your soul’s moonlight won’t cease
      As the same light was never extinguished in
      All those who came before you:
      Your magic is ancient. Your roots are deeper than
      Any pain you may be feeling now. You carry within you
      A potent medicine, passed down to your in your life’s blood,
      From mothers, midwives, magicians, mighty warriors
      Who bore you, who birthed the essence of who you are,
      And are becoming yet.
      Like you, I, too, was once a sapling, just beginning to feel
      Our great mother’s earth, not yet knowing what it could offer.
      She ensured my growth was not stunted; that I was not lost in the forest.
      For every snap of a branch, there have been ten more that grew;
      For every season I went without, my blooms doubled the next.
      It is not in your mind’s eye now, but it will be:
      The day when you come to know Her as you know me,
      The day you fuse your old and current selves, to meet
      Who you will become:
      The past, present, and future selves as one
      Fluid transition to your newfound position
      Giving recognition to all parts: those without and within
      To strive, to seek, to dream
      May you never lose steam
      To achieve, to fight for what you believe
      To pursue all things with hope, all things
      With love, in service to below and above.
      Illuminating dark spaces, to seek familiar faces
      In unlikely places and cherish the embraces
      That you may never feel again.”
And She is gone. The coolness of the air, not Her branches,
Wraps around my shoulders
Much of what surrounds me serves only as a placeholder
For the connection that yields direction.
The signs and prayers could all just be deception
But is believing in something not better than despair?
It’s a game of Lotería, but it keeps matters fair
But magic and all is coming, with no shortage in sight
And I can change the course of fate if I will it.
Still, for now, the Fool’s fortune is greater than my own
What power can I possible conjure when I’m all alone?
I am left with only my intuition and sheer volition
That’s wearing thin, but I’ll search for more within
Even if nothing is revealed, even to examine my scope of field
It may yet yield all which is past and now healed.
I remember the pact we made when I was five,
But, oh, how much harder it is now to keep hope alive.
I’ll continue to dream
even when I’ve lost all steam,
even when the light narrows to a single beam.
I’ll continue to hope
even when the Universe says nope,
even when I’m seeing only a limited scope.
I’ll continue to pray
even if I don’t know if I’ll see another day,
even when the response is after much delay.
I’ll continue to dance
even if I’m not granted a deserved chance,
even if my moment’s magic fails to entrance.
I’ll continue to create
even if I share my art too late,
even if my efforts are met with hate.
Magnolia’s gaze reminds me of my earth’s view
This vantage point above it all
But keeping close to those I’ll care for
Nurturing with compassion and intuition,
Healing by soft light,
Providing others with gentle protection,
Remembering my ancestors’ loving lesson
Of rooting, and growing, from deeper within.
This poem was guided by my Mexican ancestors and by the magnolia-scented memories of my childhood. Root in make room for growth.
Sara Beth Cannon Apr 2017
Never again will I let myself be someone's back up plan.

I was a back burner, in the shadows, half forgotten back up plan. The last thing to be thought about, and the person to be considered least. I was a placeholder to keep the loneliness and isolation at bay.

All I wanted in life was to be made to feel wanted. To finally be able to claw my way up the priority list. Maybe that's what it was.

I was not a priority.

I was nice to have around. Convenient.

I mean, distance, seperation, empty promises... I took all of it. But not only did I take it, I returned it with love, patience, loyalty. I gave time, money, energy.

Everything I had.

Everything that made me who I was as a person.

In fact, I gave so much that I lost who I was. I forgot what it was to

So when he left, when I was no longer convenient to him, he took everything with him. My laughter, my joy, my ability to find the silver lining in any situation. He took my faith, my trust, my belief in others...

But, he did leave me with something at least.

He left me with a shattered life. He left me with trust issues. With depression, and anxiety attacks at work. He left me with more tears than can be counted and endless empty tissue boxes. He left me with a shell of who I once was.

And he was gone.

I guess when it's not a priority, it's easy to leave. When the one person who sacrificed everything she had...who gave every piece of herself.

But, HE was his priority.

So no. Never again. I will never be a back pocket, third place, maybe one day girl. I will never let myself beg for affection and love again. I will NEVER be made to feel unwanted. Forgettable. Disposable.

I want to be wanted. I want to be THE priority. Because when you truly love someone, they will always be your priority.

Otherwise, you never loved them at all.

Just the convenience of them.
Kj May 2019
I’d like to know when the words
“you deserve better”
became a placeholder for
“I’m leaving you”
Chelsea Gabbard Nov 2013
do you know what hurts?
do you know what eats away at you
until you've been completely consumed?
leaving someone.
leaving someone you love.
leaving someone you care for so deeply
that the simple act of walking away seems to rip your heart in two.
leaving someone whose entire existence shaped your life
for one year,
two years,
ten years.
maybe you know that the life attached to him
wasn't the life that was best for you.
maybe that's why you're ending things.
maybe it's not.
it hurts and it tears and it burns,
but the one glimmer of hope to hold onto in the midst of all this pain
is found within a quick smattering of words.
they slip out before he's thought about them.
the saltwater they're mixed with only makes them stronger
and the gasping breaths they float away on only send them quicker to your ears.

                                               'i still want you in my life. i have to have you in my life.
                                                 even it it's just as a friend. you're the only one i've got.'

do you know what hurts?
do you know what re-ignites the pain
that sunk its teeth into you the day you had to say goodbye?
it's the moment he realized you weren't coming back.
the moment he realized you weren't wrong.
the moment he realized that the golden days of
******* you
were really and truly over.
after that enlightenment, friendship didn't matter,
history didn't matter,
you didn't matter.
suddenly, he didn't see any reason for you to be in his life at all.
you were far from best friends.
you cried and you bled and you mustered the courage
to be selfish for once in your life,
to let go for once in your life,
only to realize that you were nothing but a placeholder.
nothing but a body.

that's what hurts the most
and what will never stop hurting.
Jacob Lyons Aug 2018
i think my main issue wasn't the maybe
it's the fact that there was only a maybe
i've seen your heart race for an hour
for someone you only saw for a minute
sitting next to people through struggle
then holding tears like a juggle
how's the cigarette? how's every laugh?
was it all enough to forget the past?
the answer should have been obvious
but now it's obvious to hit the opposite
put my mind on things for a new lover
this time, be treated like a brother
my catharsis is a thorn on a rose
so now i write to gain back my hope
to distance the repetition of rhyming
you and i were similar in many ways
burning month, nature bound objects
with the sharp piece on the beauty
rose thorn, bee sting, pick your poison
i can't even write about love anymore
because affection shouldn't be forced
and i thought you'd say something else
i hate that your poetry is your compliment
and yeah, i know my shoes look nice
but it makes me feel way less confident
when your attraction to me has a price
i am lured inside of your perfume
not the one you wear, but attention
**** the rhyme again, bees and roses
don't mix and maybe they shouldn't
i wrote this in one sitting to be honest
i used to get ******, now i'm used to it
i wonder how many times your next love
will get to hear the words "i'm sorry."
i don't want to leave, but if it takes
killing a maybe and causing closure
you could have had my love
you don't want it and now it's over
admit it, the maybe was a placeholder
because you'd thought i'd move on
and i'd find someone by november
if i put that much weight on your heart
and it takes tearing myself apart
for you to write a letter with tears
and prologue the tale of fear
then hell maybe i should go
it's not like i didn't risk pain for you
accidental photos, i stayed
a stone foot maybe, i stayed
talking to someone, i stayed
heart racing elsewhere, i stayed
utah trip to think, i waited
people coming and going, i waited
denying other girls, i waited
because of you, i was patient
but that's not the love i need
running to you, but stuck on leash?
how many other people roam free?
minus the playlist and the poetry
i never gave up on you because
i couldn't think about anyone else
now i'm listening to See You Again
but this time, i'm not thinking about you
but i will say this as the **** **** flower boy playlist hits my ears and comes out my esophagus for hard edged bliss in boredom and bathed in roses
i will tell you this, i know i matter to you
in the end, you didn't move away
and you tried to cure your pain
and when you couldn't go anywhere
when you needed someone to text
it's 4am and you had a message
you came to me. you came to me.
you came to me. was that a maybe?
no, you came to me during relapsing
that should mean something as i repeat
after i came for you, you came to me.
do you mean to change the maybe?
maybe, when maybe was enough for me.
Ann Beaver Aug 2014
He was a mid life crisis
Wrapped in black velvet:
A curtained tunnel
Of scarcity
the drive to create it.
I was a placeholder
A magazine while you wait
Your diploma comes in the mail
Marketing copy in Latin.
The only thing you fear
Is the weight of your own sound
An invisible fist
Beating a drum,
The one your rib cage locks away.

I use my pennies to buy experiences
Like your smile
The smell of your skin
Fresh and real
For those I steal
And cheat
A drug to beat
Another drug
To beat the need for drugs.
Ivy Rose Sep 2023
I think what hurts the most
is that you are so deserving of love
and I wanted nothing more than to give it to you.

But you did not want it from me...Why?
It is in that moment, I am 8 years old again, and I am shouting


I have so much love for you that it makes me ache.
It makes me angry. It traps me like an animal in a cage.

Why don't you want it?
Was I too willing?
Too honest?
Or fundamentally, am I just not enough?

Has this all just been a reminder that no one really wants my love? That they settle, if only temporarily, until someone better comes along and they no longer need this placeholder.

How was it so simple and so easy to pretend?
Sure, you never said the words, but your lips pressed against my forehead - your fingers interlocked with mine - we shared sorrows and dreams -

How can it be true that it was nothing?
How am I supposed to just forget and accept it?
How could you know me so intimately yet care so little?
How could you?


How am I still so dispensable after all this time?
This is more than a goodbye
more than a placeholder, or
a to be continued, this is a farewell
to everything both good and bad

This is all my fears, every last tear
placed on a platter, and I am forced to consume them
one by one, until I'm reminded
that nothing good lasts forever and everybody leaves

This is more than a death, more than a
resurrection, I know now the loneliness
Jesus felt in that tomb, but this emptiness I feel
is going to last a lot longer than 3 days

I will rise, slowly, dusting off
the remnants of a less-than heart
never to be the same again
too many tears have been shed, but

*I'll see you next lifetime
I'll always find you, and you me

Inspired by Erykah Badu's song "Next Lifetime"
a song she used to play for me at the beginning of this rollercoaster
Most moments in our lives pass unnoticed, without remark or consciousness.
Then, there are those that mean something, or that we choose to mean something,
   that become a placeholder for our lives, to add meaning, understanding, passage
    a demarcation that bestows significance
My daughter graduated, under rainy skies and cool breezes.
The white tents in the grass flapped empty and lonely like a cancelled wedding
We sat in a loud gymnasium rather than in the grass quad surrounded by trees
I was there with a thousand other proud parents;
I circled her name in the program.  I waited for the moment when it was to be called; being    
   slightly afraid I'd miss it
And I whistled and yelled, but I don't think quite enough.  I didn't seem to mark the moment.
It was a moment, and I knew it, expected it, wanted it to be.
   so badly.  
Bittersweet.  I like that word, it explains life so well.
I like the idea of bittersweet and I wanted to have it envelope me that day.
I tried to hold on to it.   Like a good dream that comes too late in the morning and wont be prolonged quite far enough
I wanted to hold on, to understand what it meant.  I knew it meant so much,
   or, at least, I wanted it too.
I held on to understand what this meant to her.
I held on to remember my own graduation and the dream I then only fainty realized I had just experienced in my four years of college
I held on because I know her next steps take her further away.
I held on to feel what she felt in the mixture of joy, relief, sadness, confusion;
   all that goes with parting from friends who alone know the exerience you shared.
I held on to make sense of my life.  Making sense of moments makes them meaningful.  
I want life to be meaningful
I wish I would have written something that evening.  In the full emotion of the day.
I thought about it.
And now, like that dream, it is fading into morning light.  I can't remember all that was, or seemed to be, profound and important as I watched my daughter those two days.  
I want it to mean something enduring, symbolic and permanent.  
I want my life to be important, to reflect a famous quote from someone, to be in granite.  
Not so everyone will know it mattered, just so that I will.
Lyla Sep 2024
Your intense feelings
Tucked tightly against your heart
Fiercely held by you
Exactly where and how
I want to be
Allan Frei Feb 2019
12 times flipping an hour glass
And green apples just don’t turn red
I mean, how do you attack a shadow?
Lay down or turn out the lights I guess
Drift night to night
Except it’s more of the same
Future’s looking good as I’m looking out
Only a treadmill is a poor excuse for a marathon
untitled Jun 2015
i remember when i was young
and would connect the freckles
on my mother's leg like it was
a game in one of those silly children's books.
thing's aren't like that anymore...

"why must everything change?"

i'm just a withered flower dying to
know what it's like to finally feel alive.
i want to be home.
my yearn for a placeholder.
this town swallows me whole, willingly.
shocked or overwhelmed.
i bustle underneath my bed only to find childhood memories,
but emerge to something more wishful.
home is but a variable.

i'm left to choose.
annmarie Dec 2013
It's almost two in the morning
and I miss you
like a lot
and I'm not sure exactly
how even to express it
because lately it's been weird
but I haven't been very inspired.
And for you,
it's almost six in the evening
and I hope you miss me
but not too much.
But I've learned a little bit
that being even father apart
from your smile
isn't all that difficult,
until I'm falling asleep
as you're starting the afternoon
and you're falling asleep
as I wake up.
And so it's just a bit harder
to tell you I love you
as often as I want to,
but as it's two in the morning
while it's six in the evening,
I hope that you know
how much you really mean to me
and how much I hate missing you
but I absolutely can't help it
at two in the morning
when I think of you laughing
and try to recreate
feeling your hand in mine
with my own fingers,
hoping that at six in the evening
you're thinking of my teasing
and wanting our kisses
just as much as I do.
Since we won't be together
tomorrow at midnight,
I guess I'll be sending
my New Year's kiss
over a text message,
relying on
my slow wifi
and your bad reception.
Think of it as a placeholder, I guess,
at least until the next time I see you.
Cause even at my two in the morning
or even at your six in the evening
it's the very best thing

I can think of to be doing.
goldie quartz Sep 2024
sometimes i wonder if i‘m just another someone
stepping into another someone’s footprints
a placeholder for a someone you can‘t let go
even though the years have passed
and the people have too

i compare myself to a someone who is worthy
of poetry,
of words so beautiful and soft,
i can‘t fathom you thinking them about another someone,

it is not about that, i want to deny
speaking the lie so softly to myself
because i keep wondering if you think about me
the way you think about her
if i‘m worthy of colorful words and shiny metaphors
or if i‘m just another someone
who‘s stepping into another someone’s footprints
if worlds we spun and lives we lived aren‘t enough
compared to the someone who got away

i keep wondering if you think about me
the way you think about her
if i‘ll forever just be someone who isn‘t her,
who‘s just enough,
just isn‘t her

a placeholder

i wonder if one day
a someone will return to you
and i wonder if that day
my passing will leave footprints too
Gloria Jan 2014
I miss you.
Yearn for you.
Yet I am at peace this time.
For this time I am yours and
you, you are mine.

All the insecurities and transgressions bob about:
Worried that I'm just a placeholder;
Simply a teddy bear in your time of need.
Yet I am calmed because you are mine
and I am yours.
woolgather Jul 2017
You were there,

When I tried to strip an angel off its wings;

As its feathers fall one by one,

You vehemently pulled me away.

You knew how I never knew what I was doing,

You knew how lost I am in this fight,

You knew how much I wanted to just lay down and wait for my time;

Yet you pulled me away,

Even if no one asked you to;

You pulled me away;

And in your arms as I was about to collapse, you whisper:

It's okay.

You were there,

As I was putting back the wings;

Not the best but I tried my best.

*You held me.
Eyithen Mar 2023
My love has been left sitting too long/it has fermented into loneliness/nobody wants to be the last one standing/to be the last kid picked in gym class/it creates disappointment.

Emptiness wraps me in its cold embrace/There used to be more of us/but one by one they were picked off/Falling into the snare of an intimate relationship/I am merely a placeholder until they get the ones they will spend forever with/and that was least I thought it was.../

I had my cat/but now she is gone/The one constant thing in my life/I come home expecting to see her there/on my bed/laying in the sun/on the chaise with her favorite blanket/I said goodbye on a Thursday/and packed up all her things four days later/The reminder was too painful/And yet I have pictures of her everywhere/because I need her presence/Loneliness was never so bad because I was never alone/until now.

So yes I am growing bitter towards the idea of boyfriends./Boyfriends become priority/You become less of one/Maybe when I get one it will be different/But I have vowed never to forget who was there for me/but right now in this moment/I am sick of being abandoned/of being alone/Of grieving what I have lost and what I don't have.
Jack Turner Dec 2011
If that is what you call it, then say what you will -
You always have,
But that doesn't make your words any less untrue.

There was no placeholder until you made yourself one,
I wanted everything that I thought you were,
And then you went and changed.
I fooled myself along trying to believe that you were still you,
But you weren't.
You showed who you were, went back to him and every other guy out there,
So at some point I had to let myself know... and I did.
You weren't the one for me, and come to think of it
- Hindsight is always 20/20, isnt it? -
The fact that you could do any of these things meant that you never were in the first place.
You were the last place I should be, the last person I should be with.

Why did it have to become a war? Why do you want to give a peace offering?
Last I ever knew you never wanted to see or hear from me again -
So leave it be that way.
You had your chance, and you were her for a time,
But you let that fall into the road a long time ago where it gathered dust and fell apart.
Get real, don't get hurt,
Remember, you were the one who left not me.
Francis Nov 2023
Why is it,
That something so necessary,
Seems so dreadful and bittersweet?

Why am I so sad,
Over moving on from,
Something that made me so sad?

Why do leaves fall of the trees?
Why do hairs fade to grey?
Why do things fail to remain consistent?

Why can’t I live forever?
Why can’t I seem to want to?
Why can’t this fear of change make sense?

A dwarf sucker of emotional algae,
These bits of change that we face,
In life,
Are merely a placeholder for temporary discomfort.
I have more to say on this topic
Noah A Baker Jun 2013
Why am I here?
Am I simply a placeholder
In hopes of a way out
Maybe, no, yes, I'm just a placebo
Easing my way through a loophole
Accessing every cheat code
Now it seems I've run out of cheats
Taking them for granted to complete
Task after task after task.
Or, have I just run out of luck
Dreading this day
I guess it has struck
Even though I've been waiting for it.
L E Dow Sep 2010
Bo, I’ve just been Playing Pretend.
Putting on make-up and brushing my hair. Putting on dresses and smiling. Faking.

Dear, I wish I could say you’ve replaced the past, but all I can say is I hate me.

I’m dragging you about. Breaking your heart one atrium at a time. I’m putting you in his place, taking you to our old haunts.
Truthfully, I hate the product in your hair. I despise the nick-name “boo.” I could care less about champagne and “fine dining.” I wish you read more than non-fiction. I want you to laugh at my cheesy jokes. I wish you’d gotten upset when I told you about the boy. You claim to be free, but you’re more caged than me. Worry worry worry. About one word answers,  about slow responses, about me, about the non-existent us.

I’m offering apologies, because I never told you. I’m sorry, dear, but the way you offer me your cheek offends me. The way you put my hand on your leg repulses me. Your damp fist in mine, makes me reach for hand sanitizer. Your love for eighties fashion causes me to worry for your sanity. Your style drives me crazy. I want band shirts, and thrift stores, but you want quality over quantity. I want fifty-seven fifty cent skirts that I’ll wear once.

I’m tired of playing happy for you. I’m sick of being sweet.

I was in it because you were interesting, now I’m in it for the drugs.

I’m avoiding your gaze more. Hoping you don’t see the things I do, because dear, I’m afraid to be alone.

Honestly, sweetheart, your hands get me nowhere. Every touch is just that. I’m sorry dear, but your kiss stops at my lips. I apologize love, but you’re not in my head. Or my heart. You’re just a placeholder.

You’re me trying to find solution.

Try, try, trying to find the answers. Trying to find the cure.

And failing.


All I’ve figured out, is I can’t stop looking left, when you’re sitting to my right. All I know is kissing you feels like cheating. All I know is I can’t get him out of my brain. All I wish is that I would have fought harder. All I see is how us ending has pulled him further from the surface. All I can worry about is his masochism.

Darling, I’m sorry, but I’m dead weight. I have nothing left to give you.
Copyright 2010 Lauren E. Dow

— The End —