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J Dec 2020
I listened to a song that reminded me of my mother today,
but also that reminded me of me,
but also made me think of Sydney
though I won't talk about that,
I suggest listening to it.
Or simply looking at the lyrics.
White Trash Beautiful by Everlast.
I say that it reminds me of my mother, but it
mostly reminds me of my childhood.
Childhood car rides,
specifically from home,
maybe late at night.
She played things like this
and Metallica,
I was raised on everything, really.
I was raised on the musical staff.
When I was younger,
9 was late
so the stars and trees and clouds and world that passed by
so quick at night when I was sure
a monster would swallow our car
seemed to simply protect us
and the thumping of the stereo,
her hard, glazed over eyes locking on the road in front of us,
I dozed in and out of consciousness.
the song.
reminded me of the way people release their issues
in the music that they make
or that they listen to.
My mother drowned out her
failing marriage
drug addictions
and her mental illnesses
and me
and everything else,
with music
and alcohol
and more drugs
and more men, the kind that
couldn't keep their hands to themselves
those kinds of men.
There were songs by Everlast that just
made sense
to her
and I never
understood, I mean, I
was as a toddler, why would I?
I had too much going on in my kid mind,
I'm sure.
but I get it so much now.
I also recommend
What it's like which is also by Everlast
Because I get that, too, more than
I think
the song
I was talking about first
isn't supposed to be bad, right
I think it's mostly the music
that reminds me of my mother-
of my childhood with my mother.
I try not to think
about things like that too much.
but I promised to try and start opening up more.
I don't know why I did this
Perry Feb 2020
I've drank the finest of wine
Down to the bottom of the bottle
Only to witness an ocean alone
Barely surviving my own hands

A fire burned through my viens
That was blew out by the wind
Breezing through the leaves
A calmness that sits with me
Before calmness dismisses me

I walked across the tallest blue sky
Where wide winged birds soar high
Til promises of white clouds turn grey
And so there I fell with the rain
Dripping through the lowest gutter

Many times I was buried, lying in dirt
Like a grave, needing no help
Finding the dark inside of myself
But I always rise with the blades
Of the greenest fresh spring grass

No matter what feeling I catch
None of them seem to everlast
Be my words that my heart can't stand
Take a breathe and hold my hand for the
Last time I'll ever feel
Will be the last time I know you are for real
You guide me through the poorest daze
Of my classroom detention haze with the
Soft lull of your beating heart it's
Getting harder to fall apart however
When you're gone I don't want to be without
Your arms holding me I wish
That Heaven did exist but you know well if
Heaven was real we'd go straight to Hell
But this bond it is meant to be that
You and I were made to see only
Through the touch of your lips to mine so
Drink me up like a cup of wine and make it
Last until the end of time
judy smith Dec 2016
Ports 1961 just announced their company’s collaboration with iconic sportswear and boxing brand Everlast, made famous by the world’s greatest boxers and actors. The collection is now available in stores and on Milan Vukmirovic, menswear creative director, has revived his Everlast classics such as the “Rocky” hoodie and other essentials. They are all adorned with a trademarked star camouflage motif. Unveiled on the catwalk at the runway show that opened Milan Men’s Fashion Week, this collaboration is a tribute to the fighter inside us all.

A true highlight of the menswear collection, Ports 1961’s signature men’s bow sneaker was also a hit. Their bow sneaker features a distinctive suede bow on top instead of laces or more predictable fasteners. Each pair of bow sneakers is raw-cut, hand-stitched and hand-knotted to be uniquely distinctive to the wearer. As well as bow fasteners, the sneakers can also be opened and closed with a central zipper in the heel for convenience and ease of wearing. These sneakers are available in fabrics and shades to match this season’s garments in classic raw-cut suede and leather. For comfort and durability, they feature hardy rubber soles.

Fashion East Men’s presentation for autumn/winter ’17 offered a significant designer lineup. Fashion East, with the continued support of Topman, was excited to reveal a double billing of bright, emerging talent. Sponsored by London Fashion Week’s Menswear, the showcase featured up-and-coming designers Charles Jeffrey Loverboy, Feng Chen **** and Per Gotesson.

A Central St. Martin’s MA graduate, Jeffrey is an illustrator with a radically creative style. For his Loverboy label, his cast included artists, musicians and friends who stomped stylishly down the runway. They created a club-night scene that the audience identified with immediately. Jeffrey’s tailoring was impeccable. His signature knits collaged with chainmail showed up with Swarovski bug-encrusted boxers and foam accessories.

**** was born in Beijing, but her business is based in London. She launched her label Feng Chen **** in 2015 after the completion of her MA at London’s Royal College of Arts. ****’s 2017 collection explored and celebrated connectivity in the digital age. She combines functionality with an astute attention to detail and puts a strong focus on outerwear pieces as the core of her collection. Her clothes are available in New York City.

Gotesson is originally from a small town in the province of Smaland in Sweden. This London-based designer is also a graduate of London’s Royal College. His looks are voluminous denim pieces in classic blues and monochromes juxtaposed and worn with white tops. The collection played with proportions and was an experimental take on the designer’s own wardrobe. “It’s about scale and about finding balanced pieces between either huge or small,” he explained.Read more at: |
Marisa S Jan 2016
My face brushed against a soft sheet
Window breeze billow my curtains
Sun light grazes my sleepy eyelids, so sweet
The light is strong but beautiful

The light whisks around my room
Shadows dance between my walls
Summer air drowns my lungs
My senses remember so vividly, they remember it all

I hold on tight, tight, tight
to the memories of summer days
During these long winter nights
and the cold, white stricken, haze

Sun light grazes my eyelids
But I am in your arms
my senses remember
Smiling, I stroke your forearms

Winter is no longer harsh
I have gained a constant light
Our love as warm and sweet as summer days
Everlasting through the winter twilight
For you, ry.
f Nov 2014
My evermore and everlast, to be yours, to be true.
To be fabled a task unconquered- lay with lions and kiss them too.
I will spend a thousand years doting on your every move.
My evermore and everlast, to be yours, to be true.
Shin Jun 2021
Slowly the shadow approaches the Glen.
Wrapping lilies in its arthritic hands.
A hush falling upon those in his wake.

Frost encrusts the grass lost beneath your feet.
A songbird falls from the sky, lost in ash.
The sun is silent, and all time stands still.

The scene fades into shadowed nothingness.
The night is calm, the day is cold. Alas.
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Lov-ing Support
Teach-ing of Life
Help-ing Understand
Grow-ing as a Whole
Develop-ing as a Person

Laugh-ing as a Pair
Cry-ing with the Bad
Smil-ing with the Good
Comfort-ing when Frightened
Sooth-ing when Hurt

Nurtur-ing Love
Cherish-ing Memories
Create-ing a Bond
that is
As a new mom this is my view on the ING of parenting
Tuesday Pixie Oct 2014
Nothing is certain anymore.
I used to know: I miss knowing.
I had decided he was the one.
Forever. For ever. Everlong. Everlast.
But it wasn’t everlasting.
And now?
I’ve lost the partner to my dream.

Begin again. Start once more. All over.
New introductions: new dynamics
It’s all different.
Exciting – I’m thrown off balance.
Soo much to learn.
What’s beneath the ripply surface?
Open up, prise to sunlight; I must see.
Figure: are you the new ‘one’?

A replacement?
A new dream. A new adventure.
A thousand ways to see the world.
Perspective dominates so much.
I think we come from similar mind
- But unless you speak I cannot be certain.
“What’re you thinking?”
“Mmm… I don’t know”
It’s a gap
Between thought and mouth
- I’ve been there, I’ve felt it.
We need to build a bridge.

‘Put your trust in me, I’m not gonna die alone’
I don’t want to. Not alone.
I need someone to accompany me.
I want a family.
It feels like time to settle in.
I’m tired of this game
This uncertainty
Either let me be alone
- Impossible for me, I know:
I ***** too much up when I’m single.
Yet there should be growth there.
- Then let me be with the one.

I know there is no perfection.
But imperfections may compliment.
I know it takes work.
I know difference must be respected.
I know connection is of most importance
- Or perhaps a close second to support.
And love.

But love grows.
Even arranged marriages fall into love.
Why not choose?
The one with the traits
The dynamic that is desired
Love will come
It always does in the end
So long as resentment does not dominate
The dynamic is soo important!
And the lifestyle
- What am I willing to give up?
What does he desire?  

I’m over this dizzying romance game.
I’m throwing the towel in.
If not him, then someone else close by.
Because I’ve always had too many options.
And before that made me scared:
Given urge to ‘play the field’
Taste all within range.

Now, now, I am tired.
It’s nice to know someone’s intimacy
Exploring beneath the cloak:
Let me in, let me in, let me in.
I know it takes time
Let me in, let me in, let me in.
But trust me. Please?
Let me in, let me in, let me in.
Coz ******! I’m letting you in.
And ******! I want to show you my world.
And to see yours.
And when we escape this place,
Maybe just for a day or two,
But when we do,
It’s fricken beautiful
And we’re beautiful
And I know that.

Please. I want to fall into love.
Why not with him?
Tired of the dating game. At such an early age! Perhaps it's just a phase.. We all want our happily ever after, even if we've lost faith in true love.
'Put your trust in me, I'm not gonna die alone' from The Antlers 'Putting the Dog to Sleep':
ga Sep 2017
Watching you
With everlasting affection
Even after the time came
To say farewell
I have found an inner peace
free from the toils that never cease

far away the pains have past
free for once to everlast

listen to the wind blow free
I listen with my heart you see

I could no longer bear
the shedding of my soul to tear

the ceaseless pulmelling
the overbearance I could not fling

but now my returns are due
through a dark valley I made it through

for on the other side there resides
a lasting peace by the riverside

cross over the waters of life
come with me , put down your strife

let the river sweep away our past
let this river crossing be our last
Rebecca Carter Mar 2013
Smile so soft, eyes so clear
Thoughts adrift none doth hear
Moonlight fell upon, a glorious glow
Came to life, sure but slow
Sparks did ignite
Brought about a crystal light
Long, slow, and sweet
Urgent, passionate, deep
Love this true
Spurred a life renewed
Now from within
Far beyond and in
Desire for true love's face
Hope to bring about one's fate
Hold so strong, so sure
Heart so warm, so pure
Promise this I so
'Till my last breath draws through
Earth to sky, sea to sea
Our love will forever be

Warmth so vast
May it everlast
Embrace, oh! Sweet embrace!
For if gone, none shall replace
Fly away unto the star
Take this love, for love to far
Hide it there but show to all
For if this be foolish, may it fall
Blessed be this loving heart
Joined with two, never part
Now and forever, we unite
True lovers, blue and white
From the first dawn to that far away dusk
Fill the air with love's eternal musk
In heart, in soul, in true love's whole
Together, two hearts become full
A vow never to end
Pure and true, unable to break or bend
With all I am, I promise thee
Our love will forever be
Karijinbba Aug 2021
Astilleros De Veracruz
Independence street.
The summer sun went down on our love long ago
But in my heart I feel the same old after glow
A love so beautiful in every way
we let it slip away
I was too young to understand to ever know and comprehend.
You my Adam and me your Eve
owned our treasure,
buried in paradise by a stream;
all lost upon a hillside stump.
where the road bent in.
There I've read between the lines
your love was written not
in any shifting sand but in heart.
The Earth's sand doons account
for the measure of my sorrow
for our loss.
Recovering that memory chip saved
my life averting neverending
pain an upside down cross.
A love so beautiful a love so free
A love for you and me
And when I think of you I fall in love still again as every good man is taken.
A love so beautiful in every way.
Your love now transfers to my new love finding me adrift in that dream.
A love so beautiful it is written
In poem, and in song.
Seen in movies, operas
and lullaby's to heal hearts strong.
Stripping the mind of misery
and pain as lost is found.
A love so beautiful it's read sparkling
as diamonds in shifting sands.
A love so beautiful kept secret
in our cave of wonders for lovers
writing daily to one another
where magic and true love abounds.
A kind of love to everlast.
By: Karijinbba
Approved by Rdd and
Michael Bolton in Hollyeood.
Nelize Oct 2016
Everlasting Life or demise
a narrow path accepted by the wise
come our King, a fright to some
to us, a future brighter than light
my enemies caught as quick as lighting
caught by the Element of surprise.

spirits of good and bad will clash
our Water of Life will come with a splash
watch out for the Element of surprise.

He saves up His wrath of consuming fire
- for the world must know of His strong desire -
to engulf all with passionate fire
which flame will you invite?
Holy  Spirit or burning smite?
be prepared for His element of surprise.

closer than air you now breathed
fill us Spirit with a gust
spare us from everlast' Heath
obey and wait is our must
bend and shape us with Your Wind

we are gracefully broken, now ready
for Your  Element of surprise.
Lauren Leal Jul 2016
I rely upon the smile to deceit
For every person it's a repeat.

They talk to the smile and it replies
While I watch, as they eat the lies.

They compliment and gesture
The mask smiles and responds, so pure.

No one sees the face from under the mask
With the flawless smile seemingly everlast.

It takes a person with the same painted smile so see the darkness behind.
As it brings upon the pain that will make your thoughts rewind.

It takes the same smile to know what has to be done.
To remove each other's mask and say that you have won.

I sit here and re-read what I have written down.
My smile agrees, but with a frown.
They don't want no drama
Cuz ima
Bring the pain
So much heat I could burn y'all with one flame
Every ounce of my blood
Leave my soul in the mud
I'll be ****** if I die alone
Without taking government thugs
Never loved hugs
Only embraced in slugs
All types of weapons
Lay em out like a rug
Souls I dig split politics wig
I'm serious with this ****
So who's up with the next gig
Where I come from
Ya either smart or dumb
Ride on wisdom or come out a felon
Fools still telling
On they Gotdamn self
Stop talking fool giving up the hood fool
They same folks claiming they love you the most
Quick to drop ya jewels
Don't be a fool blinded
Elephants in the room
Heavy **** weighing in
On my conscious
So I feel doom hearts filled with gloom
Sitting in the living room
Thinking of a quiet place
But can't find no space
Up in the sunshine
Too much light to fight
Everyday **** day I face another flight
Dancing at heights with them devils
**** so deep I couldn't dig it with a shevel
Problems got a few and many of you do to
Call me big yosef
I'm coming with techs humming
Hunting coming to get you
No problems *****!!!!

You don't want no drama
Cuz I'll cause pain
Freeze your brain things ain't the same
Life is a maze so many in a daze
But I refer to revolver
Cuz it's my problem solver

Yeah I meant what I said
In my first rhyme
Think too much it's considered a crime
Subconscious risen break the spiritual prism
Hooked on intellects now they want me prison
But can't let it get to me
Since I'm public enemy
Number one cuz I'm black as ever
But they'll never
Get me to join the force
They got me first term
Serve it came back now I'm on a verge to attack
Thought I was average Joe
Now here my four four
Bust down the Washington's door
See bodies galore and Gore
Now it's time to even the score
I never seen man cry til I seen a man die
Now you want mercy
But God's image killing every wickedness
That was casted on earth
Demons now the worth
Say I'm black Naw I'm a Hebrew Israelites
Lied about my past now it's time blast to the ******* past
Once my skins hits the sun
I know I'm everlast
No sunburns here hear me ******* clear
I'm coming with the flaming swords
And blazing fire in my eyes
No socks on my feet cuz I'm in high heat
N by hight heat that means y'all know ya just met defeat
**** all these illusions
Cuz y'all ain't confusing
Me with the bias media *******
Spinning out the pulpits
What about G Carlin I'm sharp as a marlin
Y'all falling while I'm crawling
With my hands behind my back
Imagine that?
I'm tied to the game y'all know the name
Yosef can't be tamed
Until I'm dead man
No slow singing No flowers bringing
Just let die in peAce
Cuz my energy will still b breathing
Enemies in treason
Kick them ******* out
Restablish the clout
Retain my legacy I'm a King
That's the way it's was suppose
Renounce my throne
Wipe out the drones til they skulls n bones
**** me if you want too but I'll never ever be gone
My army will retain my seeds that was sown
No problems *****

You don't want no drama
Cuz I'll cause pain
Freeze your brain things ain't the same
Life is a maze so many in a daze
But I refer to revolver
Cuz it's my problem solver
goner May 2016
each time that
m y  m o u t h  m i s s e s  y o u r s
my jaw clicks,
just a little bit.
raw, red, renegade
everlast lips,
embraced by my face with
c r u s h i n g,
punishing hits.
south paw kid
so i always lean left,
but you can view through me
so there's no defense left
i know it's a battle
to win at all cost.
m y  b o d y
wasn't built
to lose how we lost.

Instructions: never give up unless she asks you to. then try harder.
Porter Jan 2014
wind astern sail away
old chores tried are done

no horrid travel everlast
endless squall has won

goodbye mistress light
i know this road i roam

back to earth and sky
madness take me home
Porter Jan 2014
hello ferryman ride
futile tasks are done

there's no travel everlast
my old friend has won

goodbye mistress light
from the cage i roam

back to earth and sky
madness take me home
olang phesto Mar 2018
I knew the moment I saw your face that I will find the real me only if I have your heart for ever
Stole my heart then I stole yours
I look at myself in the mirror all I see is us
Sometimes when I am mad I act weird, I don’t call, and I don’t text and when u call I hang up
But deep inside I know I am wrong, I should pick them I should text, should call.
To me u are an angel, u embraced me when every one else was busy judging showed me the right path
And every time my phone rings I always hope it’s you
Crazy, freak and stupid they can call me because of you only.
We converse till late in the night but still can’t get enough of each other
You and my poetry are the only thing that I commit to
Remember those first days when we took late weird walks along the river banks like freaks
Kissing, caressing chatting enjoying the breeze
The sounds we hear was our hearts beating, the water rushing through the rocks we call “guu”
The feeling inside our hearts was splendid
Even the skies were happy we finally met
And the dazzling moon shined bright we my lips met yours
Sometimes when I have a bad day and my spirit is low
And my life seems like a dark tunnel
But when I hear your voice and I smile for the acquittal
You will be my last
I know we will everlast.
And if you ever leave u will still find me in this love that u left me in.
and if you never come back i wont forgive myself for letting you go.
Pear Summers Nov 2019
Up until now, I can't keep asleep

As I reminisce about our past

And our memories embedded in too deep

I wished it wasn't the last

But it was and it's for me to keep

because memories everlast

but our love to be reaped
The half smoked cheroot you dropped and trampled underfoot
was like the
time you stopped and walked all over me
or was it time that stopped?
was it I that dropped
off the climbing frame and cut my leg?
and begged you not to go but you went anyway
and we didn't play together any more.

Then twenty years on when the pain of you was still as fresh as if someone had painted it in everlast and we all know those things that shouldn't last but some do.
that was how and when time flew
I followed you again as if back on the climbing frame and aching for a cut or two
just smoked a pack and blew the smoke in curling blue
and with the picture cards that posted on the books we knew
we played that childish trick or treat
you tricked
and I never got the treat
but if I meet you twenty years from now
I know that I will find somehow
the match to light your cigarette
the flame to make you want to get
another climb
two children in the frame.
wordvango Jun 2014
My soul
at unrest as
my heart and ***** need
suspense in your bare repose
first, touch me
in breath excess
unending prose.
I see my soul
collide with everlast
as I ever die
in your
Adam Mott Dec 2013
A kiss goodbye,
I cannot understand
The kiss goodbye,
It knows it's end before it has come
The kiss goodbye,
It knows it's own end when it is done
The Kiss, the very last,
Never achieved everlast
A kiss you wanted to exist in a permanent state
Niente per niente, Amore mio vecchio
For more!
Yeah once I received
A revelations from meditated at a  higher elevation
Became mental ejaculations
Then came a new creation
Cells was in gestation
Just waitin' to battle
The minions of Satan
Who better than
Me & my flows
Be hotter than dessert sand
Words is swords slicin' up rap veterans
These boy more fruit looped
Than Toucan Sam
On the pavement I slam
Then watch your spirit deactivate and
Your body start decomposin' sinkin' faster than quick sand
My words put together
Equals the perfect letterman
Formula of concoctions
No **** options
I go for the jugular
Loosin' ya sight swift as strike
From the tail of an iguana
I got stocks to bonds
You couldn't assist me even if ya had John Stockton
Lost from my unclaimed kingdom
While you sitting dumb
I became succumb to the sun
But not burned
Beamin' my intellect to carefully select put rhymers in check
I'm complex like chinese arithmetic
Can't you innerstand my dialect
Brains get dissected then tested
They only livin cuz I allowed
Them to be resurrected
My brain shuts out hate
Like sealed window pane
wither shine or rain
I'll shatter your brain
Leave your cells strained
Like aneurysm
Soon to die from all the blood stains
Rockin' cerebellums spread belladonna
Once I drop the bombs on ya
Turn up the degrees hotta than a sauna
Feedin' on spine rentin' ya nerves
Like a piranha
After emcees like Conner
Terminator originator dope animator
Styles so contagious they had to create a
Clone when I was in an incubator
Spaced shuttled feeling
Lies told within' reignin with sin
Which eventually made me a debater
Minds like an engine you need a starter and an alternator
I be the alpha and omega hate betas
Who try to debate us conform us
Only ourselves we trust
Cuz once we show
We bust temples
Like solar blast nuclear chemical task
Spells in cast take a sip of my mental flask
I keep two masks for alias
One for my personality and other
For my ego rhymes en fuego
Black inferno pops on ya like a kernel
Beef is eternal everlast
In the house of pain
Where most don't wanna last
If ya had half of the
Skills that I amount to
You'll still wouldn't get a pass
I be the galaxy protector Hannibal hector bone collector
Break through any sector
Killer instincts like Raptor
Thunderous with Thor hammers
Make em jam us two sides as Janus
Conjure spirits like cursor spells from Ouija boards
So pull out a clipboard and jump aboard
Stack rhymes til it becomes a hoard
I'll stretch ya vocals chords like an accordion
Spinal leakin' from all the blood releasin'
Like traveling thoughts of
Ya mind I'm your conscious
Silence competitions like mimes
By the time they got to six
I was seven and ate nine
Emcees that try to take mine
My retaliation sublime
Once my third eye shines
None believers get behind
Thought ya had power til I showed
Up now you have to resign
Empires got decline
Black as ruler and a golden Shrine
Couldn't decipher my demigod design
My mind travels a million times
Infinite  times a billion times
That's just a microthread of my cells
Castin' processed lines
The black sun the only one
Reignin' as the only champion
Made a don connect rhymes
Like voltron big as megatron
Lap around emcees like a marathons
That means a hundred to one
Miles soon to pile
All emcees into a crate
Predict the death date make bacteria
In it's natural state
Shift the game 'til the earthquakes
Not to worry
Its just the triple six darkness takin' it's stake
Heatwaves risin' soon to leave bodies to radiate and bake
Turnin' them into ashe flakes
Simon Soane Jan 2019
The shape
of you
goes fast,
as do dreams
of everlast:
please stay baby,
please stay
a second with you,
I raise The Crown.
lisa burke Mar 2012
Left here wondering, where you have gone
Trying to find out why, or what i have done
Wishing for words, or a hello this way
Feeling the passing of another day
Days become weeks, months are longer
Wondering whether you are, as i'm growing stronger
Looking up with wide eyes, as i hear your name
Do you i ask, do you do the same
I fear not now, as time has passed
But the feelings remain, and do everlast
So the time has come, to give up, and let go
Let life embrace you, let life flow
Porter Dec 2013
find me sleep and take me
to the place I want to go

no sadness depth of missing
crushing tales of woe

thunder past the stars
silver dust across your eye

rain the dreams of everlast
where steeds of diamond fly

if the dark should keep me
just know i found my place

i’m back where I belong
a dancing smile on her face
wordvango Jan 2018
Just as lime
As the soil
Sinew and bone
All that made man
Into a lad

Just a breeze
Weakness in sight of
An oak trees majesty
Or a
Browned eyes askew
Down tween everlast
And yesterday
Catherine Queen Jul 2015
Life is like this greyish purple sky, - or is it smoke? - a strange and foreign concept, Life here in the most vivid and true sense of the word. The everlast of screen-bright polaroid collections and radio station lovesongs play up the impossibilities of any kind of breathe and let go, of give yourself kindly, irremediably and unbridled.

But no white plastic frame can tame a nose's redness, from the sun's kiss or a frosty, tender January bite. Love-in-the-making is an art, so I'll try not to lose it.
Zachary J Jan 2019
My days are long and lonely
For fault is all my own
My cloudy eyes and judgement
Have broken every tone

O willfulness bemoans me
Hard headed through and through
I’ve thrown it all away for pride
And now I long for you

If only I foresaw my heart
And felt this pain forecast
These cloudy days would be no more
But sunshine everlast

I hang with slightest bit of hope
That she may be my grace
Deserved surely not at all but mercy is thy race

If only I could be my best when she deserved it most
My selfish ways and hurtful mode are all I have to boast

These words are insufficient
If only for myself
But hope persist
And life reborn
When dispensation endowed

My heart is fleeting with my seed
All that I’ve loved is gone
O sacramental faith prevail
Be portent willing One
I seek your greatest intercession,
To make my family one!
For my wife & son
Pen to the pad or fingers on the phone i write all these poems because of what god has shown. Never has he left me never was i alone im chasing after god now so the devil is on his own. I am who i am no matter if you accept. The god that i serve he always accepts. He knows my heart he know my intentions. He created everything so truth is his definition. See i am blessed i will no longer let my circumstances get me down or let this world devour me stress. I was once a non believer who held everything thing in his chest but the father of this world has come and put all those things to rest. I am worthy i am loved  if not by you owell haha its from the one above. See i laugh i joke because at one point in time this world had me choked. See who iam now is not who or wat i was in the past. The joy the father brings is like the boxer in the ring so it will everlast. Regret guilt defeat somewhere in the past it will only stick around if you fuel it with your mind being the gas. Roses are red and we know violets are blue no.longer focused on this world because the focus is on you. The promises you made were not in vain. I know through this life there will be tears and pain. The tears will go and so will the pain kuz i must go through somethings before i experience the gain. Its easy to give up and hella easy to complain but where will that get me but stress and strain. The future is brighter then the stars in the sky. So lord take the clips off these wings and let me spread and fly!
f Oct 2014
Body touches body and
Exhales make great chase and
My fingers trace your parting lips
At everlast and evermore
You are my eternity
Zac Walter Dec 2017
Is your 50s swing off, did you fall 70 years into the future. Are you a grandma or not. Will you bathe me with scrubs and brushes, will i belittle our nephews for having what i had not?

Are you wearing your mental illness like a fashionable cowl? Something to adorn your mind and protect your back from the owls, snakes and wolves on prowl. Oh Grandma, am i just red riding hood falling into your wolf trap?

Are you a fellow or a gal? Are you a pen pal that i can one day use as a pillow when im hollow? Sillohuete to
coddle Am I too deep to run through the gallows with? I swear im not a sith, im just a grey, with frayed ends singing deoendency oh codependeny laid like a necessity in front of me but will i grasp? or everlast within soulesence?
Yo my guns flashin' like paparazzi attract more chaos than Gotti catchin': many bodies somebody guide me?
Naw I'm fed by the bullets of the universe death come first grows pain worse than new birth my words exert make spirits wanna flirt
Had a baby with an angel came out a Demi God rollin' against all odds wicked as Todd in a General Hospital they thought I was critical cuz I didn't have an umbilical I just told you I be universal particles miracle seed ain't no articles got covers on me I'm unsolved like the murders of Pac and Biggie feel me every thing I touch it turns clutch alphabetic business that means from A to Z you'll see money it's do or die eye for an eye retrace the sky only to see smokes from my high
I'm daydreamin' stay schemin' like Keenan
Ivory wayans waxin' ya brain with no buffer rougher than a mountain terrain simple and plain my tactics made insane comin' to increase ya pain

Once them bars drops photos come to shop sayin' they with me lay with me but money speaks for me naw scratch that I attack critics who think that?
My flows lack ***** where yo heart at? It's gettin' pounded from the smell of gat gun smoke made his spirit choke another smote
Made smoothly hypothetically who could touch my telepathy
I'm in ya brain like X show the Rolex I bet ya mom's get next so don't get in a plex I'll shoot a bird in ya chest restin' in a wooden nest while ya fams ride an emotional crest
Munchies for ya love not Bootsy style just a problem child exposin' fouls in the wild here and now
I see them flashin' writin' ******* about rumors passin'
Me around without my consent then ask me to repent for a misprint they sent
To the newstation I break their concentration one love to barrio thirdd ward nation I see them waitin'
For my slip up so they can get a ****** up picture of me and post on the internet G but **** that I'm careful with my steez so ******* sneaky *** **** starters paparazzi

Closed for the final chapter prepare for rapture sun captured my soul but im a moon embryo a night birth make heads hurt once my words exert sharp verbal expert fools made cuz I my **** goes to work and make they girls lift skirts what a beautiful perk
When money orbiting around ye suddenly enemies become friendly plottin' ya every move but soon to fall in a groove
A burial plot body rot from sneak of a shot blood running like snot I thought
I told y'all my lyrical chainsaw raw rip it like Raptor Everlast make ya jump around stompin'on the hardest grounds king of the underground feel my wrath I got the heart of a wild dog true hog while other suckas inhaling the smog this is who I am don't give a **** what they say? Yeah **** the paparazzi I'll bust at em any day
Bless the mic, like Kwali, with the stings of bee, Ali
Set my mind free, brace the sanity, of life, broke a flee,
Off a dog, these wanna be hogs, love to keep ya mind, on jog,
I meditate, wisdom then some, hardly, still sip bacardi,
Or maybe, chase a tail grand Hennessy, black beanie,
Similar to G Deini, shrink haters tryna  stay above me,
Me and my girl, go together like suns to moons, consume,
By her perfume, natural scent, linked for the spiral embezzlement,
Souls touched, double dutch, break out like a Jordan Clutch,
Fadeaway, all the negativity, lift ya ****** off of gravity,
If ya try me, soldier born eyes in the storms, to stay ready,
Mind focus, sharp as a michete, peaceful but deadly,
Preach to these cats, not enough cheese for the rats,
Quick to pat you down, let off rounds, body kiss the ground,
How many gotta die, for us to be ratified, by justice that fried,
Innocent lives, still tryna find the honest hives, cried,
Many lonely nights, mocked the rain, like tears, streaming down,
The window pane, stuck at a loss, tryna focus on gains,
Refrain, from the haters still wear zoot suits,with a gator,
Fedora hats, looking in the mirror, at myself, likes who's that?
Gotta stay cool, don't let them see a break, a sweat fool,
I watch the mule, shake off of the evil jewels, know the rules,
Play it safe, ninety eight laws, of power, helped from being sour,
As I shower, drops,
Over ya head, half senile threads, on my thoughts that spread,
Miss the feds, they tried to blast, but I'm too fast, built for everlast,
Crash, dummies order of chaos, wrapped like a mummy,
Ensemble, something mindful, pass the dreadful, and hateful,
People taking too many spoonfuls, of lust, greed, and weath,
Dont ask me, why I blast back, I keep myself deep in stealths,

— The End —