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1.1k · Nov 2023
Vallery Nov 2023

the voices, in my head, they scream, and scream, and yell, and oh god, i cant drown them out, those voices, and the **** they tell me, like im some *******


the voices, ******* voices, all the voices shouting at me, the overlapping yelling, and screaming, and panic, and oh, god the voices, ****, they tell me to just ******* jump already, voices tell me im


im manic, manic is me, im crazy as crazy can be, the voices remind me how delirious i must be, oh god the voices call me


the voices are my


i am the inner manic voice, i am the voices, oh god its me, its me, its me, im manic, the voices are me, and i cant drown them out, oh ****



the voices, i mean i tell me death is the cure, the antidote, the way out, but oh god, the voices remind me that im


the voices, i cant make them stop, the voices yell, makes me spiral, spiral into oblivion, oblivion makes me, the voices make me



******* manic

******* manic

the mania that drives the voices

the voices that drive the mania

the voices that drive me to the end

the end of mania

the end of me
1.0k · Nov 2023
Vallery Nov 2023
Lovers beating heart,
now together forever...
Let death do us part
970 · Dec 2017
I Am an Artist
Vallery Dec 2017
I am an artist,
I paint stories with red ink,
Can I show you a picture,
Can you tell me what you think?

I am an artist,
I paint stories with sharp edges,
I carve into unique places
Some pretty little etches

I am an artist,
I paint stories with death,
She frequently visits me
And takes away my breath

I am an artist,
I paint stories with my skin,
I use a sharp edge,
And a blood red ink
884 · Aug 2020
nights are the hardest
Vallery Aug 2020
nights are the hardest
it's quiet
and my thoughts are loud
I'm thinking of you
I'm thinking of what I could have had
I'm thinking about everything I said wrong
everything I did to hurt you
nights are the hardest
it's quiet
and my heart is barely beating
I'm losing my happiness
rather what little happiness I had to begin with
my lungs are barely breathing
I'm losing my sanity
rather what little sanity I had to begin with
nights are the hardest
it's quiet
and my life is slowly fading
and the bottle is emptying
my light is flickering, slowly diminishing
nights are the hardest
nights are when I want to sleep and not wake up
nights are the hardest
especially since I don't have you
nights are the hardest
because tomorrow means you won't be there
nights are the ******* hardest to endure
because I'll be without you
and I can't be without you for much longer
nights are the hardest
nights are the ******* hardest to endure
but tonight is the last
tonight will end
and so will the pain
for me morning will never come
and that's okay
morning without you is not worth it
nights are the hardest
but thankfully tonight is the last
779 · Jul 2023
The Clock
Vallery Jul 2023
tick tock
says the clock...
tick tock
as the clock marks the passing seconds, the passing hours...
as it ticks away and the time flies by before my eyes, streaks of colors dance with the constant
tick tock
of the clock...
tick tock
sings the clock...
the clock hanging from the wall, looking over me as it ticks away the time, sneering and ticking and taunting and tocking and the constant
tick tock
tick tock
tells the clock...
as it's hands move round and round and round, passing by each number, ticking away the time...
my time is leaving me behind,
leaving me behind with the constant
tick tock
from the clock...
tick tock
tick tock
the constant
tick and tock
from that stupid clock...
ticking away my time,
tocking away my clarity,
ticking away my sanity,
tocking away my mind,
tick tock tick tock tick
goes the clock...
I look up at the stupid clock, it's tick tocking clock face mocking me
goes the clock...
as I slowly raise my gun to my head,
tick tock
tick tock
as I place my finger on the trigger,
736 · Apr 2024
Vallery Apr 2024
Stars in the night sky,
so brilliantly shining...
They light my way home.
711 · Nov 2019
This Life is Stressful
Vallery Nov 2019
I didn't die because I thought that I would give this life a chance and honestly what was I thinking... being dead is peaceful and being alive is stressful and yet, here I am, alive and well because you said I had to give this life a chance... and well, I am, I did, wheres the feelings of happiness you talk about, huh? where is that joy that comes in the morning and all I feel is mourning and honestly what was I thinking... being dead is peaceful... what was I expecting, being alive is stressful... let me make a deal with you... I'll stay alive if, and only if, sobriety is out of the question because living sober means getting over these feelings of losing him and I am not ready to move on, I am not ready to get over us, what we had... living life is stressful, being dead is peaceful. I know this is blunt, I know that this might worry you but trust me when I say I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention. I didn't expect you to confront me about my insecurities or try to purify me with sobriety... no, I'm not ready. listen to me when I tell you that life is stressful but being dead is peaceful. why can't you understand that this life is stressful? I didn't die because I thought that maybe this life held something good, but I came to find that life is stressful... and being dead is beautiful...
699 · Oct 2023
Vallery Oct 2023
Alone in the dark again,
With no one to take me to the end...
So now here I stay
to suffer alone,
Ill keep the demons at bay...
Alone in the dark,
Alone once again...
I'll take my life
to make it to my end
651 · Oct 2023
Vallery Oct 2023
I'm trapped...
happiness is an illusion,
a parlor trick at best.
I'm trapped
underneath the weight
of your instability
and my insanity...
a facade of happiness-
wait, no, it's an illusion,
a parlor trick at best.
I'm stuck inside your fantasy,
I'm chained to your delusions
of a happy future-
wait, no, it's an illusion,
a ******* parlor trick,
because you don't care for me,
just the image of us,
and I've wasted years
on this illusion,
it's a parlor trick at best
643 · Dec 2017
Vallery Dec 2017
I am delicate,
With one touch I crumble
And fall to the ground.

I am a spineless,
Pusillanimous being
Who yearns for the end.

I am limited,
There isn't much I can do
Except plead with death,

To relieve me of
This earthly life that I hold.
Send me to darkness,

Send me to a place
Where I won't be able to
Feel any more pain.

All I crave is the
Sweet release of death upon
my pathetic soul.
A proper title is in the works
628 · Oct 2023
but it does
Vallery Oct 2023
it's funny how a simple word
will set me off,
how a small meaningless word
will tear me down...

but it does
and I hate it

it's funny how a simple gesture
will set me off,
how a small meaningless gesture
will tear me down...

but it does
and I hate it

it's so funny how a simple ******* thought
will bring me to the edge,
how a small ******* thought
will push me off the ledge

but it does
and I hate it
595 · Oct 2023
Saved by an Angel
Vallery Oct 2023
Glittery sunlight seeps through the gaps in the leaves, shadows dance on the soft grass around me. I lie on the warm earth, breathing in the fresh air. I run my hands through the flowers sprouting besides me, noticing the pale yellow and pastel pink hues, the butterflies flittering among the flora. As i sit up i see that I'm in some sort of forest clearing, a small grassy area encased in a wall of thick trees...

"It's beautiful isn't it?" he said. Who he is, I haven't a clue...
I stand myself up and confusion washes over me. I don't see anyone else present, I'm alone, so where'd the voice come from?
"From me, I'm behind you."
I turn around to face the man with the disembodied voice, a strikingly handsome man dressed in a silk white button down shirt, shiny white dress pants, and white shoes. his features are utterly appealing and instantesouly comforting. Can he read my thoughts?
And with that he lets out a chuckle, "Yes, I can. Please, come with me"
I hesitate for a moment. I'm not sure I can entirely trust him yet but still I follow him anyways. We walk across the clearing, in to the wall of trees. A short distance through the forest brings us to a beautiful river with crystal clear water and lily pads floating about. "Have a seat dear," the Mystery Man said, his arms outstretched towrds a wooden bench shaded beneath some trees. As we sit he begins to speak.
"I know you're unsure of your new environment, but trust me when I say you're in good hands. My friends call me Luci, I sort of run this place,"
he gestures broadly at our surroundings.
"Now, you're here because you asked for help, is that correct?"
Suddenly all my memories come flooding back...
"I-Yes, thats-I asked for help," I stuttered.
Luci stares into the distance, possibly carefully searching for his next reply.
"Dani, I am willing to help you. Here, take this. I've made this just for you. A special concoction of joy, sobriety, peace, and release."
He hands me a small vial containing a clear liquid. I uncap it and a sweet floral aroma fills the air.
"All you have to do is drink it. You know, Death is a beautiful thing, most people are afraid or angry when Death comes around... You are different, Dani, because you welcome Death with open arms. You called my name and I delivered, you can trust me, you can always trust an angel, even the Angel of Death."
He grabs my arm and forces me to drink the liquid.
The sweet smelling potion leaves a horridly bitter taste behind, causing me to gag and retch.
Death sits quietly at my side, watching me fall to the ground and writhe in pain, all with an ugly grin on his face.
The pain is unbearable; I feel as though my skin has been covered in acid, my head feels like it may combust at any second...
Death begins to laugh.
Hes getting off on this, I know it. *******.
"Now, now, Dani, don't blame me. You're the one who wanted this, you're the one who tied the noose, not me. I saved you, now you owe me."
With those last words I give in, I had asked for this, I desperately wanted this, I needed this.
With the acceptance comes the release, the final breath, the final end.

I have been saved by an angel named Death.

Im finally free.
590 · Jul 2024
I Don't Want to Come Down
Vallery Jul 2024
i dont want to come down,
i want to stay here,
high in the clouds
and dreaming with the stars...

i dont want to come down,
where the grass is greener
and the birds sing songs
while the sun shines upon me...

that's not happiness to me.

i dont want to come down,
I'm safer up here,
I'm high, up in the sky
with the pretty little kites...

that's happiness to me.

i dont want to come down
where my mind is sober
and my body alive...

i don't want to come down...
i want to stay high,
high above the world...

i want to stay high...
i dont want to fall down...

i want to be high,
i don't want sobriety,
i don't want to be living...

but if I can't be up high,
and if I have to come down...

is it possible to find happiness six feet under ground?
585 · Oct 2023
an old friend
Vallery Oct 2023
here we meet again,
my dear old friend...
you always seem to visit me
while the world is sound asleep...
you are an uninvited guest
barging in with a simple request,
and to that I must say no,
I just simply can not go...
I've stated before,
and I'll say it just once more,
I am content without you
and I will never miss you,
yet here you are again,
my dear old friend Death
580 · Oct 2023
I wish
Vallery Oct 2023
i wish i could die,
and no, i promise i wont try...
at least not for now, not tonight...

but sometimes
i wish i could just die,
or fall asleep and never open my eyes...

buried in my head, deep in my minds eye
is the hope that barely keeps me alive...
but oh, how i still wish i could die...

just dont fret, no, please dont cry,
trust me when i say "i promise I won't die,"
i promise ill be fine, at least just for tonight...

but still, i wish that i could die,
but i promise i wont try
at least not now, at least not tonight...

at least tonight
I'll try to stay alive...
549 · Jun 2018
A Voyage
Vallery Jun 2018
As I sail the ocean blue fighting against the monstrous waves, I pray to God begging Him to bring me safely to shore. To perish and be buried at sea in a watery grave does not indulge me, but rather frightens me. I am not one who enjoys the sea, nay, the land is what I favor. Aye, there be where life itself resides, where true love rents a room and where true adventure drunkenly wanders the streets. Around every corner lies a new journey, a new face, a new story, but only if you are willing to find it.
      The waves strike the side of the vessel. The ship creaks and moans. I fix the sails to head northbound. The rain falls steadily against my skin, mixing with the sweat on my forehead. I desperately want to give in, to let the sea carry me where she wants instead of fighting with her. But I know when I reach land I will be rewarded with new life...
     Thunder crashes and lightning strikes above me. I crumble to the floor, cowering from fear. Lo! I must press on. Fear is a stowaway on this voyage, one I could not seem to toss off the side of the boat. He is like a shadow, only he is a constant, not fading in the darkness but rather thriving in it. I remain on the floor. I cry out to God, I cry out above the roaring waves, "take me as I am, take me as the coward I am!"
     The sea, she hungers for more victims. And me, I hunger for death. I hunger for the sweet release of this body I possess. Why, oh why have you abandoned me, God?! Why have you left me here to drown?! I beg you to take me now!
     Alas, silence from God but not the sea. She still roars, almost as if she's calling out to me... Calling out to me, telling me to jump... Dare I?
     The thought of jumping chokes me. Dare I drown this misery?
     Dare I die the way I am most terrified to die?

    I dare
521 · Apr 2018
To You, My Love
Vallery Apr 2018
If a rose could smell
any sweeter than your name
I will take it in.

If any tulip
could be as handsome as you
I will take it in.

If any sunflower
could shine as bright as you do
I will take it in.

But alas, my love,
You are sweeter than a rose,
you are more handsome

than any tulip
I have ever laid eyes on,
And you shine brighter

Than any sunflow'r
that has looked toward the sun
in all its glory.
498 · Apr 2024
Vallery Apr 2024
when the wind stops blowing,
and the trees still,
and the birds pause their tunes...

when you can feel the sun's golden warmth on your skin,
and you notice the faint floral scented air that surrounds you,
when you notice that the eery beauty of the earth is deafening...

you are grateful for the small things
488 · Nov 2017
What Have I Become
Vallery Nov 2017
I once was a girl
Who was young and innocent and carefree  
But something changed within me
And the world turned against me
Ambivalence and dissonance now engulf me,
Creating something of anxiety inside me
I'm drowning in the depression sea
The life inside of me wanting to flee
I'm being attacked by something unseen
The pain and misery I feel
Is something so surreal
But I'm bound to these feelings
I'm anchored to the bottom of the sea
The demons inside me bury me deep...
What have I become?
483 · Aug 2024
We Are
Vallery Aug 2024
take my hand in yours,
let's travel the universe
together as one.

come, let's fly away
to a place where we can be
together as one.

wherever you are
and wherever you will go-
we are forever.
480 · Nov 2017
Vallery Nov 2017
Imagine you're locked in a room. It's pitch black... You can't see anything... But you can feel the presence of something there with you... An unknown presence... That's how I feel

Imagine you're sinking to the bottom of the ocean... Gasping for air but only taking in the salty sea water. You're screaming and thrashing around hoping someone will notice you... But you just keep sinking farther and farther into the big blue unknown... That's how I feel

Imagine you're standing on a cliff... Below you is a dark and never-ending abyss. Behind you stands some stranger with his hand on your back... You're too scared to turn around and you're too scared to jump... You're just waiting for the push that could come at any moment... That's how I feel

Imagine you're on a plane that's falling out of the sky... You're stuck, trapped by the seat belt. You can't do anything but sit there and wait for the crash... That's how I feel
466 · Dec 2023
Vallery Dec 2023
i am not alone-
my demons and delusions
keep me company
448 · May 2021
I'm Sorry
Vallery May 2021
I'm sorry that I'm not perfect
I'm sorry that I mess up
I'm sorry that I say stupid things
I'm sorry that I am

I'm sorry I'm not more
I'm sorry I'm such a **** up
I'm sorry I even said anything
I'm sorry that I am

I'm sorry that I'm here
I'm sorry that I stayed
I'm sorry that I loved you
I'm sorry that I am me
437 · Oct 2023
its not dark yet
Vallery Oct 2023
it's not dark yet,
but the sun is slowly setting...
dipping below the trees...
and the moon is just barely peeking, awaiting for the chance to brighten up the night sky...
and the stars dance around, waiting to be seen...
I sit on the grass, feeling the warm summer breeze around me... I'm reminded of tomorrow's promise... the promise that the sun will rise once again and I no longer have to fear the impending darkness, or bear the cold and lonely nights for much longer... tonight, the darkness is only temporary, it's only minimal, and I'm strong enough to make it through the night, all because of the promise that the sun tells me.
434 · Aug 2020
Vallery Aug 2020
my heart has shattered
and you can't fix shattered glass
so how do you expect me to fix my shattered heart
how do you expect me to live again
how do you expect me to breathe again
my heart has shattered
how do you expect me to love again
I have nothing more to give
nothing more to share
because my heart has shattered
and you can't share shattered glass
how do you expect me to move on and find peace
when the only peace I have is a piece of my shattered and broken heart
there's no solace
my heart has shattered
and I can't pick up all the pieces
every time I try to grab a piece of my heart my hands begin to bleed
they say love hurts but I never realized just how bad it really hurts
because my heart shattered
and picking up shattered glass hurts
so how do you expect me to get a grip or fix myself
when I can't fix my shattered and broken heart
420 · May 2018
Vallery May 2018
the night I lost it all
is the night I reached adulthood

the night I gave you all of me
is the night I gave up on me

the night I felt you
is the night I felt pleasure...
and the night I lost it all
409 · Dec 2017
David II
Vallery Dec 2017
I thought that all I needed was you
But what we had wasn't love, but infatuation
A craving for something physical
A craving for a feeling that would only last a little while.
And yet, there I was, giving you all of my heart,
Every ounce of my being was placed in your hands.
And what a mistake that was.
You not only caused pain and misery,
You caused me to lose a part of me that I cannot get back,
No matter how hard I pray and plead.
You made me feel less-
All because of one little touch
398 · Dec 2017
I Dream
Vallery Dec 2017
I dream of death,
Yes, death.
She visits me in my solitude, in my silence,
She tells me it's not yet time to leave,
But time is of the essence,
And soon I will join her in complete solidarity.

I dream of misery,
Yes, misery.
He visits me in my times of trouble,
He tells me he won't stay long,
But misery loves company,
And soon I will join him in complete solidarity.

I dream of life,
Yes, life.
She often visits me,
She tells me to keep breathing,
she tells me she will come for me one day,

But how can life exist, how can life want someone like me who has already chosen death?
392 · Apr 2018
My Love
Vallery Apr 2018
He makes me happy,
The sound of his name brings peace.
The feel of his skin

colliding with mine
sends shivers right down my spine.
He has a good heart

with good intentions,
just the thought of harming me
envokes protection
370 · Feb 2018
Vallery Feb 2018
Every night the moon shines through my window, a new face sleeps on the pillow next to me... a new man, a new one night stand.

Every night the pleasure grows when someone plants their seeds in the garden that never grows, and the shame and grief arise while the pride I once had falls to my feet
330 · Dec 2024
Vallery Dec 2024
I'm like a penny,

just a small worthless penny.

you wouldn't pick up a ***** penny off the street-

so why would you help me up off my feet?

and just like a penny-

you'll say "oh, keep it, it's just a penny,"

and you'll forget about it, you probably won't need it,

because a penny lost means nothing to you...

and just like a penny, so I must mean nothing to you.

but even the gathered pennies could amount to something.

but me?
i'm just one penny
and i can't amount to much.

I'm just one penny,

and when you see me as that little penny

and you say "oh get over it, it's not a big deal".

then you play heads or tails and life and death are at stake

and I am that penny
who is tails up and buried six feet under ground;
329 · Dec 2017
Vallery Dec 2017
Everything is temporary. Everything. From the birds and the bees to the people among them, to the flowers in the soil to the animals in their habitats, everything is temporary. Our lives are temporary, our feelings, our emotions, our possessions, our loves... It's all temporary.
325 · Oct 2019
Vallery Oct 2019
you told me you were different
you told me you would treat me right
you told me to trust in you
and I did, I trusted you
and for what?
I lost my sanity
I lost my identity
who I was is no longer who I am
because I let you take that from me

I hate myself for allowing you to use me
lie to me
hurt me
scar me

you want to come back into my life
and... honestly...
I crave the hurt
I know its unhealthy
I know its wrong
but yet
a part of me
wants you again
a part of me is so numb that it would do anything to feel something
even you
especially you
Vallery Nov 2017
How can depression be described?

Some say it is like a storm that will come to pass. But my depression is category five hurricane that makes landfall and never dies off.

Some say it is a struggle. But people overcome struggles. My depression cannot be overcome.

Some say it is like a season of sadness. But to me, the season never ends.

Is depression indescribable?

To me, depression is matter less. It isn’t a being, or an object… It just is.

And nothing can be done to stop it
308 · Mar 2019
Vallery Mar 2019
I travel the wastelands of my mind, searching for a drop of water, a life of my own. The sunlight, she beckons me. I slowly crawl towards her, searching for an inkling of purpose to this journey, a drop of water, a life of my own. Could the sun who shines so bright hold the answers I so long to discover?

Time creeps by, day after day, week after week, month after month, century after century... After all this time the sun still calls for me. With every aching move my muscles make, the sun travels light-years ahead of me, calling me to her.

This is solely a window into the barren lands that is my mind. Perhaps I use this as a way to let in someone who knows what it's like to search longingly for an answer, or perhaps to let in someone who sees something in me I  cannot see. Whatever it may be, you are the chosen one and possibly, the only one...
294 · Jun 2020
Vallery Jun 2020
I'm sober
for once
and it feels
I'm sober
and for once
I feel sad
I feel alone
intoxication keeps me happy
intoxication keeps me sane
intoxication keeps me alive
sobriety makes me feel real
sobriety kills me
sobriety kills me because I can hear my demons
I can hear the voices
I can feel the sadness

I'm sober
for once
and it feels
I'm sober
and I need a drink
I need a pill
I need a needle
I need anything
I need to feel
no, wait
I need to not feel
I need to not feel real
I need to not feel human
I need to feel happiness
and an amber liquid
a small white pill
can bring me to happiness
maybe even put me to sleep
so I'll finally be free
from sobriety
from sadness
from life
from me
286 · Nov 2017
Vallery Nov 2017
I gave you too much
But the feeling it gave me
Made me feel loved
Even though we never touched
I could still feel your hands caressing me
Your lips on my neck
Your breath on my skin
I could feel your warmth
I want you to hold me
I want you, David
I want you, I need you
278 · Jul 2024
I. Am. Fine.
Vallery Jul 2024
I'm fine,
everything is fine.

Even though my world begins to crumble and fall
and even though my heart shatters and breaks...
All while my whole being becomes smaller-

I am fine,
I'm perfectly fine.

Even though my once flickering flame has dimmed
and even though my heart slowly begins to stop...
All while my whole being begins the fatal decline-

I promise I am fine.

Even though my flowers have died
and my heart has finally stopped beating...
I promise I am not lying

when I tell you I am



And even as I dangle my legs over the edge,
and even as the pills rattle in their bottle...
As I hold the gun to my head -






I am fine.
274 · Mar 2019
How I Feel
Vallery Mar 2019
The darkness of night

And the starless sky above

Is all that I can see

Its all I've ever known

But it doesn't seem as scary

When you're all alone
261 · Jul 2024
Who Am I?
Vallery Jul 2024
Who am I?
Oh, why, I haven't a clue!

Do I have an identity,
do I have a personality,
or a soul like you do?

Am I defined by Him?
Or am I defined by Me?
Do you decide who I may be?
Oh, my, who am I?

And why can't I
identify that
which makes me me...
My talents
or my failures,
my past or my present...
Do either or neither
determine me?

But, oh, I cry,
is it too late now
to find out how
to become me again?

But oh, who am I
to say I can't begin
to make my name.
When now may be the time
when now could be my time
to make me shine,
and make my self
and me…

258 · Feb 9
Are You There
Vallery Feb 9
are you there God?
I have a question to ask,
a request to pray,
so please don't leave-
why don't you stay?

am I living for you
or living for me?
and if I die today
is it for you or for me?

God, if you're there
hear my plea,
listen to my cries...
all day and all night
I pray for your hand in mine
and all I can manage to hold
is a gun, a pill, a rope.

God, are you even there?
did you do this to me?
or did my sins bring me here?

and will it be the Almighty who comes to save me
or the devil who leads me to his grave.

God if you're there
please don't leave just yet!
I have one more question to pray
one last thing to say,

if I die one day, if I finally do...

is it because of me or because of you?
do my sins cast me into the casket of fire
or do you rescue me like a savior.

God, I ask one just one more thing of you -
do you miss me as much as I miss you?
have you forgotten about me too?
or was I never meant for you...
245 · Aug 2024
Vallery Aug 2024
The sun rises,
my body wakes;  
my mind follows slowly behind,  
dreading the day that is mine.
I get out of bed
with last night’s nightmares still in my head.  

This is how I start my day—  
covered in shame and sin,  
I only feel emptiness and pain.  

My nightmares never fade,  
constantly replaying,  
reminding me that death is slowly creeping in.

There’s only one way to free my mind,  
even if it hurts those I leave behind...

But I don’t want to leave you alone,  
so I’ll leave you with my heart.  
You're the only one who appreciated its art.  
seeing it for who it was and still loving it wholly.

I wish I could rid myself of these living nightmares  
without bullets, pills, or ropes.  
But the nightmares crave pain and loss;  
they do not thrive on love or hope.

When the sun sets behind the hills  
and I breathe my last breath,  
when Death knocks at my door, beckoning me home,  
I’ll follow close behind,  
my empty chest lacking the ticking time bomb  
that once kept us close.
239 · Nov 2019
This is a Story
Vallery Nov 2019
it's a story about a girl who wanted nothing more than to feel something instead of nothing. she tried everything, from ***** to drugs to *** and it all worked momentarily and in the end, she found out that temporary happiness wasn't everything she expected. it cost her life. she became disconnected from family and friends left her stranded and she lost everything. it cost her everything. rehab was a bust because when she was released she ****** herself right back into the hole she thought she filled up for good. ***** to drugs to ***... it all worked momentarily and once again she found out that these temporary reliefs were too **** expensive but that didn't stop her. no, nothing stopped her from finishing a bottle, or from going full throttle on someone who didn't even ******* care about her. no, nothing stopped her. ***** to drugs to ***... it all worked momentarily but this time she found eternity.
236 · Dec 2024
Cathartic Burn
Vallery Dec 2024
Together we stand around the fire,
the warmth from the flames fuels my anger...

and that's okay,
it's cathartic.

I feed the flames to watch them grow and rise high above me.
I can feel the warmth devour my skin...

and it's okay,
it's cathartic.

and as the fire flickers and wanders,
I begin to wonder...

if all these memories really must go?
maybe I'll set them ablaze until only ash remains...

but how would He feel?

but I begin to wonder as the fire flickers and wanders...

if all this love really must go...
maybe I'll let my shattered heart melt...

but how would He feel?

and as the fire flickers and wanders,
I begin to wonder how this empty and adverse lover must burn...

as the flames flicker and glow,
inviting and enticing...

He would say no...

so into the fire I go.

as I feel the warmth on my skin,
I can begin to smile...

as I burn alone, leaving my memories and my heart break behind...

the flames begin to die, and my life is reduced to ashes...

it is cathartic.

but not for Him.
who is He?
235 · Nov 2020
Vallery Nov 2020
sometimes I think,
and sometimes I wonder...
could we have been in love?
could we have really loved each other?
sometimes I think,
and sometimes I dream,
of what we could have had...
of what we could have been...
and now you're gone,
and now it's too late,
and now I'm left here
to wonder, to cry, to wait...
and now you've moved on,
you don't remember me at all...
you've burned all the bridges,
you let me crumble and fall...
sometimes I think,
and sometimes I wonder...
could you have saved me?
could you have fixed me?
could you have even loved me at all?
232 · Feb 2020
Vallery Feb 2020
the constant ticking in my head is painful
all i can think about is the
tick tick tick
echoing in my brain
the sound bouncing off my skull
it hurts
im sad
im anxious
tick tick tick
almost like a finger impatiently tapping
like someone is impatiently waiting for me to die
so the ticking will stop
so the ticking will cease
and I won't hurt
i won't be sad
i won't be anxious
i won't be imprisoned by the demons
or the
tick tick tick
i need a solace from the torture
a solace from the pain
from my heartbeat
from my life
i can't take the
tick tick tick
a gun
a pill
a rope
an antidote to life
an antidote to the chains
an antidote to the infuriating
tick tick tick
that goes on inside my head
pull the trigger
swallow the pill
tie the rope
end my pain
end my sorrow
end my life
anything to end the
tick tick tick
anything to end the feeling of
tick tick tick
230 · Jan 6
Only Love
Vallery Jan 6
not only are you my favorite love,
you are also my only love;
let me explain:

the only love that I want to participate in,
the only love that I want to share,
the only love that I can see and feel
and the only love I feel no absence in when you're not there

you're the only love who has taught me how...
your love thought me how to be,
who to be,
how to love others back,
how to feel confident,
and how to stay in the present.

your love is my beating heart
and I don't want it any other way,
my only love
221 · Mar 2019
Vallery Mar 2019
In the midst of all this greenery sits a sun in all its riddled glory, attempting to cast a light over the shadows of yesterday. And I, fearing for what may come, hide among these shadows, desperate for solace from the pain haunting my inner thoughts.
214 · Dec 2020
I Hope I Don't Fall
Vallery Dec 2020
some people call love a game,
and it's not a game,
its a war...
a war between the hatred for me
and my undying love for you,
but succumbing to the enemy is a ruse
and this new life Ive found without you
is decent enough
without the games being played,
or the war being fought...
I simply am not strong enough to stand my ground...
I can't fall
down the hole
that some people call love...

I hope I don't fall
below the surface,
into the deep where the love that I tried to keep
only faltered beneath the weight of my own imperfections...
we lost that connection,
that fire between us withered
like my soul will do
if I fall down that hole
that some people call love...

I hope I don't fall
over the edge,
where the waters crash below,
and the fire glows,
and the weeds grow,
and the evilness of love shows it's ugly head...
I hope I don't ******* fall
into that pit of despair
that some people call love

I hope I don't fall...
I hope I don't ******* fall...
210 · Sep 2019
Vallery Sep 2019
He grabbed my face and held it close to his. My eyes flutter open, I'm trying to get my bearings. “Wake up,” he sneers, “It’s time to go.” I reluctantly obey, knowing full well this is my demise. He reaches for my hand and pulls me away from the warm comfort of my bed. As I blink we are transported to a dark, damp room, with nothing in it but four walls and a window. I look around the room, wondering where I am, what could this mean… “This room is special,” He begins, “this room holds only the most deeply pained individuals. Here they rest until they go mad from their demons, killing themselves by insanity.” his cold fingers grace my skin, causing me to shiver. “My child, do not be afraid…” “Surely there has been a mistake, I don’t belong here!” I cry out. He laughs a laugh deep from within, “Oh, my dear, I do not make mistakes. You knew the end was coming, didn’t you?” I nod, for well I knew, although I did not want to admit it. I am terrified. “And the end is nigh, dear one, the end is nigh” I shrink to the ground, bringing my knees to my chest, “this is all just a dream,” I whisper, “I'll wake up and this will be over,” From the corner of the room I hear sardonic laughter. “Make it stop, make it stop,” I plead… “I don't deserve this, I don't deserve this!” The laughter grows until its deafening. “There is no escape, this is your eternity,” Death bellows. As I lie on the ground in a puddle of my own tears, Death wanders towards me. “Isn’t this what you wanted? You wanted to die a most painful death so you could finally feel something again or am I wrong?” “I don’t want this,” I responded wearily, “this is not what I meant…” Death looks me over, His cadaverous hands running the length of my body. “I sense some regret, some guilt… Why may this be?” I sit up, propping myself up on my elbows. “I just… I have done bad things, I’ve made mistakes. I don’t like myself… I’m thinking about everything I have ever done wrong… Maybe I do deserve this?” Death chuckles, “Of course you deserve this. I don’t make mistakes, I am never wrong.” I nod in agreement as Death wraps His arms around me. Now, I feel at home in this cold and dark room. I feel at home in the clutches of Death. I close my eyes and let Death’s grip tighten around me until I go numb.
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