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my memory,

why is everything so fuzzy,


my vision...

tell me,

tell me now,




why won't you tell me what happened?

what happened...





no. no.


this wasn't supposed to be,

this way.


i feel too much right now
It's -35 degrees where I am,
Snowing blizzards that block up roads,
Grumbling adults surround me,
I marvel at their ignorance as they say,
"surely...not another snow day,"
It's so strange, surreal - surely they can see...?
I see a planet defiant in the face of the parasite called humanity.
I am always elated when the snow comes.
To me it's a reminder that we aren't completely hopeless...though we will be if we don't change. Even with the threat of annexation and tariffs (guess where I'm from!), the part I'm most scared about is Trump withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement which is basically guaranteed unless he somehow forgets. It's literally the only hope for us and a fragile one at best. 3 days left...
inkedsolace Dec 2024
That rush of euphoria fighting into our head,
Jolt of adrenaline creeping to the places we tread,
Reckless actions thrown up for the sake of this sensation,
What more can this be called...
but a poison created of our own volation?
inkedsolace Dec 2024
c'est un great chose,
i mean,
like voir ceci,
i am typing cette ligne,
et vous are translating,
dans the span d'une seconde,
c'est parmi the meilleur chose in the monde,
i mean,
je suis rendre speechless,
a votre intelligence,
this ability n'est pas granted a tout le monde,
vous ĂȘtes chanceaux,
et moi, i am too.
inkedsolace Dec 2024
these wandering eyes in the light of plight,
have chosen to stay out of this fight,
if there is no harm, there is no bite,
surely none can blame one for staying out of sight,
...isn't that right?
if possible, please don't be a bystander. society can only change when we come together as a collective and for a collective to occur one needs to speak up. thank you.
please - just let it be over,
so we can finally rebuild,
end this needless bloodshed,
and all be safe again.
universal truths must be acknowledged:
- civilians should never be targeted in war: targeting or use of civilians is abhorrent
- each side has their own VALID point of view
- war crimes have been committed on both sides: neither has justification
- people right now are acting out on their emotions - they cannot be rational when family, friends, acquaintances are at stake
- terrorist groups represent a minority population and oftentimes are reflective of outside powers imposition on a group
- you are allowed to be angry, mad, sad or disagree with other people's opinions - as long as these opinions do not condemn an entire community: remember individuals can have differing thoughts than the majority
this is more political than I usually would like but this is something I feel needs to be said.
inkedsolace Dec 2024
if this is goodbye,
cut me off, leave me alone,
I'd rather be left with a clean break,
than jagged edges and shredded skin.
if they don't respect you, don't look back.
...when I found out that coal power plant ash produces more uranium, toxic chemicals and heavy metals than nuclear power plants.
for anyone who wants to learn more:,than%20a%20nuclear%20power%20plant.
inkedsolace Jan 7
lady justice to whom I bow,
i mean no disrespect when i inquire,
how will you protect freedom now?
inkedsolace Jan 8
i feared the monsters under the bed,
i feared the monsters that wept for me and said,
'the real monster is the one you've wed.'
//disclaimer: I AM NOT MARRIED
this was just a thought i had one day
inkedsolace Dec 2024
Fires of hatred,
Burnt and broken,
Left behind,
Ashes and smoke,
Then even that,
Is gone.
inkedsolace Dec 2024
Dragged up from these depths,
Lost in forgotten days,
Nostalgic reminiscing,
Flitting between mirages of past,
Those ancient times,
Which are set in stone,
To the
inkedsolace Dec 2024
Static filled blank,
Consuming void,
Fills my gaze,
And I revel,
Basking in newfound freedom,
Finally free of the venom,
Free of the poison and lies,
Free of the illusions painted before my eyes.
the internet can be such a cage.
inkedsolace Dec 2024
how easy would the world be if no one could lie?

-h­ard pass.
I've just realized now how dangerous some of the stuff I used to play with as a kid was now. O_o
inkedsolace Jan 8
quick, oh, quick,
fingers tremble on the keys,
treble clef,
b sharp, rest and repeat,
switch to a minor,
then back to b,
pick your head up,
and breathe a sigh of relief.
(and then swear at the person in a cast,
backstage and loud,
break your little facade of being a good little child,
and please do feel proud.
i know I did.)
my partner broke his arm, we were supposed to duet and this is the result.

— The End —