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Mar 2016 · 690
Sadolecent Mar 2016
I'm not good enough for you.
Maybe, I never was.
You were pretending.
And I was believing, Just because.
I thought you loved me. I thought you cared.
I never knew you leaving.
Would make me this scared.
I'm hurt, confused, alone.
I'm stranded
With no place to call home.
There's a whole in my heart.
That you put there.
By only acting the part.
We were everywhere.
Who is she?
Is she really better than me?
She has nice blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes.
Maybe it's cause she's older
And has a car to drive.
I was down for you.
I thought that it was true.
But in reality.
You're a heart breaker.
And that's all you'll ever be.
Dec 2015 · 2.6k
Cheaters Never Win
Sadolecent Dec 2015
Cheaters never win,
winners never cheat.
I gave you my heart for your hands to keep.
you broke my trust
or was it lust?
I know you love me
but revenge plays out, you'll see
Stupidly, I will stay
let the game play
but youre the sin
I will win
cause winners never cheat
hey guys I am back !!! merry christmas my stones  <3
Aug 2015 · 1.6k
The deepest
Sadolecent Aug 2015
The deepest ocean,
Waves in motion.
The deepest secrets
The more you keep it,
The deepest cut,
Happens when the door is shut.
The deepest night,
Is when you can't sleep right.
The deepest hour,
Is when I start to cower.
The deepest fear,
Is when I disappear
The deepes mind,
Always finds.
The deepest heart,
Is torn apart
Aug 2015 · 733
Sadolecent Aug 2015
I can't breathe,
I can't move.
I see nothing but darkness.
That small glimpse of light, is nothing but a blur.
My hands are shaking.
My heart is breaking.
and with that I collapsed,
crying on the bathroom floor.
My throat is closed up and I gasp for air.
I wonder when you'll be here.
I feel  dead, emotionless,
if any emotion, I am just depressed.
I gain eyesight,
and then the ability to breathe.
My hands stop shaking,
but my heart is still racing.
Anxiety has hit me, made me go insane.
and I am oblivious to when it will strike again.
Aug 2015 · 773
I Wrote Your Name
Sadolecent Aug 2015
I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
forever it will stay.
I love you
Aug 2015 · 877
Sadolecent Aug 2015
I say I am okay,
but we both know I'm not.
You know what I did last night.
I know what you thought.
You know that I sat there and cried.
You see right through my guilty lies.
I had the blade to my wrist
for the first time in a while, I gave it a twist.
I was so proud. I made it almost a year.
Why did I even bother shedding another tear?
Its because depression isn't a phase,
It lasts forever
No matter how good your life is put together.
You think you're happy, but that's the phase.
Happiness is the act on the stage.
So that happened :/ two days ago, I did it again. I cut. And I am not posting this for attention, Im posting for help and advice.
Aug 2015 · 2.0k
Life Support
Sadolecent Aug 2015
When I was falling apart,
You fixed my broken heart.
When I had the blade to my skin,
you loved and let me in.
I would've take a bullet for you...
but you were the one pulling the trigger.
You held the gun,
not knowing I was the one.
Your touch brought me happiness,
But my touch brought you pain.
But after all the madness,
you were the sunshine in my rain.
But you realized that you still loved me, even after the war.
I was the one drowning but you brought me back to shore.
You saved me. I saved you.
Being each others life support, is what pulled us through..
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I am back for good this time.. This poem was inspired by sam smith's song "life support" its my favourite song right now. It also tells the story of my current relationship. Pj and I have been dating two months. However we were dating a few years back. When we realized we were each other's life support , we decided to try again .
May 2015 · 1.1k
Broken Hearted
Sadolecent May 2015
Close your eyes, slam the door
Lay yourself down on the floor .
You Put your hands, right over your face,
Hoping, you'll get out of this place
Love to be sought, words to be spoken,
But it's kinda hard when your heart is broken.
and now I just sit in silence
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
The Daily Poet
Sadolecent Mar 2015
Who is "Ryn" with a crying face?
We all want a certain poet to win this race.
"The Creep That Loves You", You got some Fame
It's a big deal on HP to know your name.
Grab a pen, make the perfect write...
it could take all day or even all night.
"Talula" keep enlightining us with your songs
a less popular poet, who had the talent all along.
"Monsterinsideme" keep on writing
with your poems around, what's the point on trying?
but everyday the game starts over
Good Luck Friend!! Here's my clover!
Good Luck for a Chance to win the race... this is my clover or good luck charm to win the race! (just incase you didnt understand that metaphor)
Mar 2015 · 987
Text me in The Morning
Sadolecent Mar 2015
He wants to say I love you,
but leaves it to goodnight.
because love means falling,
and she's afraid of heights.  

He wants to say I love you,
but doesn't want to lose her in morning light.
breaking her heart,
once again leaves it to goodnight.

She wants to say I love you,
but she thinks he won't love her.
When he texts goodnight,
he leaves her with a blur

She wants to say I love you,
but without a doubt
it's coming to an ending
friendship will be over now.

She types goodnight sweet-dreams,
and puts her phone down.
It lights again,
she sighs with a frown.

She reads the message,
well you know what happened,
As she read the message, her toes started tappin'
from her eyes to a heart,
the relationship got its start.
the text said "I love you, Beautiful."
Sadolecent Mar 2015
"I like you. But I have no idea how you feel about me.
And if we became lovers how different would our friendship be?
I've been hurt so many times, lost faith that love lasts forever.
I'm afraid to lose our friendship, just to be together.
Not sure if I should tell you, or just let it be?
They say love finds each other, Ill just wait and see."
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
If I stay
Sadolecent Mar 2015
If I stay, one more night
you have to promise...
promise me you will fight.
If I stay, one more day
you have to promise...
not to think of her that way
If I stay, one more week
you have to promise...
to fulfill the love I seek
If I stay one more year...
you have to promise..
you will wipe away my every tear
If I stay, If I stay forever
you have to promise me....
An infinity together.
just thinking of someone :)
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Rainy Day
Sadolecent Feb 2015
The tears are falling down the windowpane.
memories are playing through my mind again and again.
I want to go out, but I am trapped inside.
with nothing to give, and everything to hide.
When I see the sun, I have faith
for it can be better as God saith
Jan 2015 · 7.9k
Sadolecent Jan 2015
Happy or sad,
or beautifully mad.
In love, oblivious
Confused and conspicuous.
No matter what I feel
When I am with you it's so unreal.
Playing or fighting
In this friendship, we're trying.
But I don't want to be friends
My feelings last till the end.
Hold me tight, turn my head.
You make me blush really red.
Hold my hand, try again
My feelings for you are so insane.
Jan 2015 · 701
Best Friends <3
Sadolecent Jan 2015
So many memories.
So many stupid fights.
So many inside jokes.
So many crazy stupid nights.
Everything insane that I do,
always seems to happen
when I am with you.
I'll always be beside you till the very end.
wiping away your tears,
because I am your best friend.
I'll smile when you smile.
And feel the pain you do.
and if you cry a single tear,
I promise I'll cry too.
This is for my bestfriend, Jennesiss. She has always been beside me and she should know that I am stuck to her like glue. I love you baby. You are so beautiful and you are the perfect friend and why you're with me.... fanthoms my mind.
Sadolecent Jan 2015
You know my face,
you see me in the hall.
Though you don't know my name,
you don't know me at all.
We meet at last,
you now know my name.
we talk about me, talk about my past
I think you should know, I'm not good at this game.
What do we do? text? call?
I know what's next
In love we will fall.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
R.I.P Samantha Lynn 01/02/15
Sadolecent Jan 2015
I know what you saw when you were seven,
You watched your parents get murdered and go to heaven.
I know what they said about you,
But you know that all of it wasn't true.
You were my best friend.
I loved you until the very end.
you were just 14, confused and all alone.
after I left, we just talked by phone.
After your parents died, you were made fun of, and full of scars.
They didn't know it would go that far.
If I didn't move, If I had stayed,
would you have handled it a different way?
Would you have taken your own life?
instead of yours I wish it was mine.
I remember all our secrets, holding hands
we had a future, we had so many plans.
But now you will be loved, and never forgotten
just because of the killer and those bullies so rotten.
Are you up there with your mom and dad?
I promise to never forget the strong life you had.
I wish I could see you, but you aren't in hell
so after I die we will have no story to tell.
I won't be at your service
"a funeral is for the living, not the dead."
a quote from your favorite movie you said.
Ill miss you, you are forever in my heart
and your suicide has torn me apart.
Jan 2015 · 1.2k
Sadolecent Jan 2015
I put the pills in my mouth,
And lay on the couch.
I put the gun to my head,
So I become dead.
My legs are dangling my friend,
I've reached the end.
From the tree, the rope is hanging.
Where soon you'll find me strangling.
In my heart, there will be a knife.
For I am done with my life.
And if I chose to live one more day,
There will be a price I'll have to pay.
For I've always dreamed of dying,
And I'll never give up trying.
Every night I cry myself to sleep.
Hoping satin will have my soul to keep.
Dec 2014 · 859
Sadolecent Dec 2014
Daddy, why are you hitting me?
It really hurts now, can't you see?
you are putting me in pain,
these secrets I hold I can't contain.
I am only four
there goes another glass you pour.
put the bottle down,
get yourself together, stop acting like a clown.
I just wanted your love, but my heart has a different kind of beating.
The kind of beating that's physical and full of shame,
daddy I am done playing this game.
who's that girl, what happened to mommy?
as you are seducing that girl right here in front of me.
I see your done too...
you move away
to become "clean" so to say.
those new kids of yours, sure love their dad.
do they know about the past you have had?
you don't hit them like you hit me?
you don't drink or smoke like you did when I was three.
I just wanted your love and affection
but you give it to someone else, why make corrections?
Do you still remember me, rememeber us?
the wife and kids you left in the dust?
Daddy, why'd you have to leave me...
leave me with this secret I can't tell anybody.
Mommy doesn't suspect a thing,
I am keeping the secret like you told me.
but if anybody asks,  I shall tell.
about the time I lived in hell.
This is a true story about what happened to me as a child. I don't want any pitty. just don't say anyhing about it.
Sadolecent Dec 2014
What if I told you, that I am not like the others?
What if I told you, I have no love for myself, and no love for another?
What if I told you about what I hide under my sleeves?
What if I told you I wanted to permanately leave?
What if I told you that my anxiety was going through the roof?
would you believe me, or would you ask for proof?
would you judge, would you care?
do you have your own secrets you would like to share?
Would you help me, would you cry
if one day I said goodbye?
are you listening?  
are you here?
Now that you know, I don't live in fear..
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Sadolecent Dec 2014
Why do we get happy, if in the end we are going to cry?
Why do we love someone, if that person won't even try?
They say we're too young to say our goodbyes,
but what's the point on living if we're just going to die?  
Why do we think so much about what we want to say?
when the person we say it too will hate us the very next day?
They think we're unexpected, even though we're so cliché?
because to them it matters how pretty we are, and how much we weigh...
why do we try so hard to be something we're not?
because the person you're trying for doesn't care a whole lot.
So maybe we should stop living, give the world a change.
put in a little ugly and watch the pain drift away.
So maybe we shouldn't think so much about what we want to say
and maybe stop rushing, have a little delay
we should focus more on breathing instead of living,
we should stop receiving and start a little giving.
stop trying so hard to be something we don't want to be
because all the reasons don't actually impress society.
Dec 2014 · 933
In my dreams
Sadolecent Dec 2014
In my dreams, we danced the night away.
We kissed, we hugged, we had much to say.
As my head lay against the pillows,
My eyes shut to see you under the willow.
In my dreams, we lay under the stars.
We sit by the road and count the cars.
In my dreams, you and I are in love.
But the worst is soon yet to come.
In my dreams you touched my heart.
Remember when I said the worst part?
Here it is....
As soon as  I awake,
My eyes fill with tears, my body starts to shake.
In reality, we're bestfriends
Little do you know my dreams come to an end.
I can't wait for 10 o'clock
For When I fall asleep, my world is rocked.
Dec 2014 · 1.9k
Delete button
Sadolecent Dec 2014
where's the delete button,
so I can delete you from my life
you gave so much heartbreak,
we loved and then we would strife

where's the delete button
It's hard for me, it's hard for you,
and I know the change is sudden

I am pressing the delete button, but you're still here
every time I look at you my body feels with fear
I get guilty, I could get sad,
my life will start to get really bad.

Its not that I don't want you, but I just don't need you
you came into my life and broke my heart in two
you said you loved me but you knew you didn't
you think it is working,  but we both know it isn't

wheres the delete button so I can delete you
delete the memories, delete the pain
delete everything again and again

I pressed delete.... goodbye
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
I am dying
Sadolecent Dec 2014
Can't you see its hurting me?
you turned my life around.
you made me believe you loved me,
then you pushed me to the ground.

Can't you see it's killing me?
I am fighting every move
I am trying to bear in
but theres nothing left to prove

Can't you see I am dying inside,
Im leaving everything,
but I still have my pride

Can't you see I am dead
there is no more love in my heart,
no more thoughts in my head.
Dec 2014 · 2.8k
Sadolecent Dec 2014
If I showed you my teardrops,
would you collect them like rain?
store them in a jar
with the label of "pain"

If I showed you my teardrops,
would you follow their tracks
from My eyes to my cheeks,
They write the story that I am too afraid to speak

If I showed you my teardrops
would you kiss them away
would you hold my face, and make it dry
whisper gently "you are too strong to cry"

If  I showed you my teardrops,
and asked if you could show me your own
so we can learn that we are lonely,
but we're never alone.
Dec 2014 · 862
I'm here for you.
Sadolecent Dec 2014
Put that razor down, don't say goodbye.
Believe me when I say, you're too young to die.
Pull down your sleeve, wipe your tears.
For you, I will fight all of your fears.

Hush little baby, don't care for his love.
If he gave you a care, he wouldn't have gave you up.
When your parents hit you, I'll be there when your bruised or bleed
I'll give you anything that you need.

So when you think no one loves you and that your all on your own.
Remember child, my heart is your home.
When you Think things won't get better
Text me, Call me, or even right me a letter.
Nov 2014 · 2.9k
I am a Bird
Sadolecent Nov 2014
I'm a bird ready to fly,
But I don't want to say good-bye.
Ready to get up and take off,
But sometimes I just have enough.

To spread my wings and leave the nest,
Forgetting you and all the rest.
My wings fail and then I fall,
You're here to answer my every call.

Enough is enough, it's my time.
I am ready to commit this crime.
I found my lover, I found my mate,
My best friend in all the fate.

I am a bird ready to fly,
Now I'm ready to say good-bye.
Good-bye Mom, Good-bye World.
I'm not a bird, I am a girl.

I am a girl ready to become
A woman of courage to come.
Wrote this poem about my sister growing up
Oct 2014 · 3.3k
How much I hate you
Sadolecent Oct 2014
I hate you so much
I hate how much you think you love me
I hate that you pretend to care
I hate you and your big brown eyes, I even hate your curly black hair
I hate the way you have to try to make me fall for you

But the things I hate most
Is how you don't think you love me, you know
Is how you're not pretending, you don't put on a show
I hate how you care so much
I hate the look you give me ,with those big brown eyes
I hate your perfect curls, and how you aren't like most guys
I hate that you don't try to make me fall, you just let it happen
I hate that you look down at me,
God I hate that you're so tall

but what I really hate is that I don't hate you not even at all ..
I couldn't hate you even if you lied
Because when you aren't with me I just want to die
I couldn't hate you, not even a little bit
but what you don't know is that my heart will never quit
saying I hate you... but I mean just the opposite.
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
Death my way
Sadolecent Oct 2014
Death be ******, death by chance
Death in sadness,happiness, or romance
Death in all the bleeding lines
Death in color or black and white
Death be short, Death be long
Death by always doing wrong
Death by self,
a true art
Death by my broken heart
this poem was writen by me, but it was inspired by someone else's  poem!
Oct 2014 · 1.9k
Sadolecent Oct 2014
He is sitting there across the way,
walks up to her thinking but has nothing to say.
She is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.
would she be like the others, would she be mean?

She glances up with the most beautiful eyes,
as he turns around he started to cry.
suddenly a hand grabbed his wrist,
the story now has a twist.

"Please come sit with me, there's room for another"
he's never loved any girl besides his mother.
he sits down nervous , yet tame
finnaly speaks "can I please  have your name?"

he drinks his coffee as he stares across the room.
the daydream he had will be real soon.
she gives him a smile as he looks at the door,
He gets up and says "don't look so alone anymore"

They sit down and laugh all through breakfast.  
two soul mates together at last.
If it wasn't for that coffee shop one day ,
never would they ever feel that way.

— The End —