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Oct 2016 · 889
Reine Monroe Oct 2016
I'm this person today, but tomorrow I'll be someone else
Do not become attached to me,
I'm not the same as I was yesterday  
I'm not the same person you once knew,
I'm not pure
I'm not an angel
I'm far from perfect...
If I talk to you today,
I won't talk to you tomorrow,
I don't know what's going on with me,
All I know is that I don't belong...

If I remember you today
and I forget you tomorrow
Forgive me,
I'm not feeling so well . .
I'm sick and im aware
I'm unconscious of the on-going flings
I tend to make,

If I laugh with you tonight
And show you no emotion tomorrow,
Forgive my judgement...
I live for moments in minutes ,
I die in a matter of hours,
My love is here sometimes
And then it is gone...
I am made of steel,

It's sad to say I can no longer feel....
Sep 2016 · 688
H.O.M.E pt 1.
Reine Monroe Sep 2016
My eyes are windows to the living,
I am not dead yet,
Beyond the dead , I'm alive,
Alive child,
A wild child.

My brows mean as MuMu says
"Look into my eyes chile!"

My mental state is a dollhouse...
I play out scenes in my mind,
As I'm seeing my way out the windows...
Out of the window and into your worlds,
Different stories,
Your alive just like I...
You know in a way we are alike,
You & Me.
Our souls brings the best of feelings,
Flowers blooming in the spring,
Oh i wish ...
I close my windows,
& my dollies fall back into an abyss,
Chained away in a rusty old treasure chest,

Oh God, Dear God,
How can i make a dollhouse for the dollies to live in,
I'm alive ,
But my dollies are in a chest of sin,
I want to break the ribs and reach in to save my ole' friends,
They are plastic but they are my only kin,
**** they are my best friends,

Lips big as blow up dolls,
Their body weight is 80% of alcohol,
It's how i made them...
Their clothes are made out of
The blood I bathe in,
Latex leggings and waist clinchers,
Pale as the purest sand,
Balloon fake ****,
Contoured cheekbones,
You would think they were Bratz clones...

My dollies need a H.O.M.E
Sep 2016 · 765
Reine Monroe Sep 2016
You are you
I am me,
Why are you preparing bullets,
Why are you trynna target me,
Everyone praising you,
And you ain't telling the truth of the *****,
Lies is spilling out your mouth,
As blood comes from my ears & eyes,
You live on lies, on lies, on lies
Humility has captured me,
I am humble each day,
As you dragging me out,
You stumbling on your way.

Why are you shaping the dullest knives,
Why are you setting biased traps,
Why are you trynna have people against me,
Like men who despise women who rap,
Why are you trynna shove me into a ball
And spit me out onto the walls,
Is the imagination of my demise a mural to yall?
Is it amazing to see something so beautiful,
Get so high , but falls?
Is this goofy **** amusing to yall,
Sep 2016 · 763
Destination not found.
Reine Monroe Sep 2016
I want love,
I need love,
Where is love....

They tell you love is in family,
But they hate...
They tell you love is in you,
In order to find it,
you have to look in the crevasses of your heart,
But within you ,
It's reenactments of a ****** scene ,

Tell me again ,
Can't you answer my question?
Where is love ?
I'm looking for love ,
Love can you see me ?

You want love from me ,
I'm not earthly ,
I can't give you what you need..
My love can't even nuture me,
When I'm in time of need..
How can I learn to love you,
When I'm half loving me...

I create duplicates of paper hearts,
Made up of broken sea shells ..
Forgive me if I'm distant but loving,
I'm convinced I need help...
Sep 2016 · 622
Reine Monroe Sep 2016
Can I call you?
At 2 am I can only talk for an hour...
Cause at 3 am,
They say it's the demons hour...
And boo I don't wanna turn on you
And go off on you,
Forgive me if I do it to you,
Your not the struggle that I've been through....

So lil baby can I ask you this?
Can I not be a love that your gonna ignore and miss?
Can you not carry the traits of these fuckboys I've been dismissed....
I didn't curve you,
When I probably could've..  
I didn't curve you,
Don't make me feel like I should've....

Can you call me ?
Make love to me with your voice,
Sing to me ,
Like Boys ll Men or
Dru Hill,
Back in the 90s?

Can you feel me ?
A chemistry similar like Jada & Will,
but imma need us to curve mfs,
and be ready to ****...
Those who hurt us....

Can you be for me ?
Like a baby without its binky?
Can you be the one to cry for me baby?
But man up because I'm the lady?

Can you love me for life?
I'm not trynna rush anything,
I just be thinking of things....
Your love could be the best thing...
Can you be for me?

I don't wanna have anymore games...
Not another chess piece....
Not another missing puzzle piece....

Maybe what I'm trynna say is...
Darling can you really love me ?
Sep 2016 · 943
Tough love
Reine Monroe Sep 2016
I always play tough,
That's how I have to be,
I can't give these mfs the satisfaction from when they played with me,

My mama always told me,
To never let them see that side of you,
Don't let them get to you,
They'll  abuse you and use you,
They'll walk away,
Knowingly bruising you,
It always take that one time,
*Don't let it be two...
Aug 2016 · 854
2 am
Reine Monroe Aug 2016
2 am ,
Knowing i have stuff to do,
Why do i wake up out of my dreams,
When i dont see you ,
I think of you .....

Do i have you up to ?
Is it hard for you to sleep?
Even though i haven't spoken to you,
In a way i miss the real you...
The one who gave me love and actually felt me..
The one who held me and protected me,
Never exposed me to anyone that wasnt you...

Was my love too "perfect" for you?
I did the things i was supposed to do ,
You questioned me ,
And said to me,
"But i never asked you to.."
It's because my love is real for you ...
Thought you should know,
Cause i know you lurking
They never did say that
True Love was perfect,
I bet that you'll see,
I was really worth it ...
I remember everything you've said,
Even tho I'm gone away,
We at a distance now...

I'm up at 2 am ,
When later i got stuff to do ....
I'm crazy as hell,
Cause lil baby obviously I'm not a priority to you .
Jul 2016 · 699
ROOMIes pt.1
Reine Monroe Jul 2016
"Welcome to my red room"
"Where trouble can find you ,
Ease into my red room,
We drink the darkest liquor & gossip,
Like we blood sisters,

Welcome to my red room,
Excuse the weeds and the mold in between the bricks of my dome,
I'll clean it up soon,
Entities and enemies ,
Lovers and lovelies ,
Welcome to my red room,
I don't fit into the box of stereotypes,
Meaning my mind & heart is big,
but my body is small bite...
Red aesthetics surrounds a room,
It makes it comfy for 1 person ,
Even though there's 5 to each room,

"Welcome to my red room,"
Where there are shadows on each wall,
Murals of black bodies and death claws,
Books with magic & art filled with little devils and demons,
Knowledge is what I'm feeding and breathing off of,
She walks with knives under her feet
& she glares with shades so dark for her eyes,
She kisses the Devils lips,
What an unearthly surprise,
In love with a beast,
Who lives in the red room?
Fire places spits flares around the room?
A love that is soon to be doomed?
Why is she living in my red room?
Lady Blonde trapped in a corner,
Deep into her cocoon,
So no one ever saw her,
Holding her head in the darkest corner,
Rocking back and forth,
As she bleeds tears from her pretty brown eyes,
I can see it from the corner,
Corner of my vision
Peripheral vision,
More like easing into the depths of death,
Peripheral death,
the evidence that has been proven,

She has the deepest cracks on her face,
As she breaks on the inside,
It is getting crazy on the outside,
She pounds cakes of makeup,
As her enemy in disguise beats her canvas in like a punching bag,
His songs she would hum,
Until her face is finally done,
Her smile is stitched together,
For now before her peace is gone...

"Welcome to my red room"
"Where trouble can find you ,
Ease into my red room,
We drink the darkest liquor & gossip,
Like we blood sisters"

*"Welcome to my red room"
Jul 2016 · 662
Dear Friend,
Reine Monroe Jul 2016
I understand its too good to be true ,
So you misinterpret the **** that you ain't use to...
I get it, I get it , my dear friend I see you,
You gotta get through the biggest grenades,
You gotta get stabbed by the sharpest knives,
You gotta look at them in their eyes even though all you know they will ever do is lie,
But that don't mean you need them,
But that don't mean you need to decieve them..
As much as they decieve you,
Because that my dear friend,
They'll be most likely to use and abuse you,
You'll tell them your scars & they'll re write them on you..
Physical scars disappearing,  mental scars reappearing,
Love & new friendships in life aren't that appealing,
My dear friend,
My dear friend,
Don't be like them,
I'm forever here,
Even though I may not be near,
*Love is always near
*from a bestfriend to bestfriend*
Jun 2016 · 1.6k
Sacred Love
Reine Monroe Jun 2016
Don't speak of love to me , when you spew out actions of hate, selfishness, unloyalty & disrespect.

You say you love me,
Love child do you know what love is?
Love isn't a temporary feeling,
Love child,
My love & this love & God's love is forever...

You say you like the physical appearances of beauty my body is molded into?
What about the structure and the sacred mind of my mental?
My box isnt in need of fixing from a man or woman's genitals.
My heart & soul is not meant to be fixed by another beings hands,
Because 9 times out of 10,
That same being is willing to break them,
And those who are captive by man...

Dust is what you came from and dust is what you'll leave with....
I live by the Bible,
He knows all of my secrets...
Love child or better yet,
Sir or Miss...
Do not try to get into something you know you will **** up and not fix...
Do not try to get into my cellar of love, you will be lost,
Because Sir or Miss,
My love is a sacred love ,
A SACRED the best love,
I don't share my love with others,
Who can't find their own demons,
I don't share my puzzles with others,
Who aren't willing to gather their pieces,
I will not be defined by another being who turns their backs to angels that are here to protect them,

My love isn't an ordinary love,
My love is an extraordinary love,*
I won't give you, what society thinks my love should be about nor what the convicts think I should die for,

My love oh my precious love,
You'll feel it before the human race hits the floors....
*my love is my love, not someone else's love, but what God teaches me , because God is my 1st love*

SOURCE :reinemonroe
Jun 2016 · 823
Description 0220
Reine Monroe Jun 2016
Her body is the color of the reddest roses,
Cheeks shimmer with the brightest of highlighters,
Eyes flooded with the thickest blood,
"I am what I am,"
I am RM

I am the red roses & thorned vines fused
"If you look at me in the face,
Do you think that you can find you?
Do you think that what I have in me,
Is what you hold in you?"
Imperfections painted on the walls of a thousands cells in my library,
A mural with demons & angels,
Even though the borders of my enchanted forests screams hell....
Living I'm alive,
I'm breathing better aren't I?
She's doing good in life,
But she knows she'll live 5 times,
Because 5 is the magic number,
Entities in 4 different colors....

Her face is painted with makeup,
It's an illusion to the face, that she wakes up with,
All of my good and happy moments ,
That have failed to exist,
Can't you see it ?
Her eyes shows what she has seen,
Her feet shows where she has gone,
Her hands shows what she has created,
A monster living in a world not so sacred,
On the run, she's on the run,
In the night ,
She's on the run...

This is her description..
Jun 2016 · 510
Reine Monroe Jun 2016
Stored away in isolation,
My soul, I am resting,
Hearing screams of the daughters,
Feeling the burning flames in a belly,
Beauty & the beast in the flesh,

Enduring the hellborn breath,
From the red baby,
Blowing into the rooms of my lungs,
Roses blooming
Eyes filled with ****** streams of the unearthly beast.
A mother to the forbidden,
A love, a bond that is forsaken ,
Birthing a red baby ...
Needles embedded in my roses,
Stem veins embedded in cursive in my arms,
The painful cries of entities in my shadows,
You here in my arms,
Is the brightest of life, I've yet to endure...

****** roses & sunset oceans,
Baby red don't you see the love in our eyes...
Your skin is soft as heavens clouds,
Your soul is the brightest soul,
Your skin is the reddest of brown...
Scents of red velvet & rose petals,
Clothes made of best silk,
My darling I love you,
Can't put no other soul above you,
*It's just us two..
Jun 2016 · 375
Reine Monroe Jun 2016
In a dream i am falling,
Into the deep abyss,
I once swimmed in...
I once lived in....

Trapped between reality & fantasies,
Trapped between sanity and insanities,

Breaking the thorned vines, ripping them out of my way,
Climbing up the vines to the light above
Oh so bright, i see....
Hoping that soon I'll be able to breathe.
My hands & feet are covered in the thickest blood,
Pain crushing the toughest bones....
Feeling my skin ripping I'm alive I'm alive...
I'm in the clearest of skies...
Clouds so bright, pink & white...
I click,
The loudest scream of a daughter,
I close my eyes , as it rolls to the back of my head...
I'm back in the world of despair and to the thinking of being chained with thickest chains but its just a tiny thread.
Thinking that I'm Ina tight embrace by the neck, facing the worst enemy...
My killer entities.
How can live when I'm battling me .
Jun 2016 · 712
She Runs
Reine Monroe Jun 2016
The cessation of a sunset,
Red & blue skies fill my demon infested
My eyes are brown, my skin
Turns to red velvet...
With a blink of an eye I run,

Into the night I run,
Through the tall trees & into midnight...
My body is burning on the inside..
My hands are numb ,
My eyes are closed shut.

Into the night I run,
I run to farthest distance in an instant,
Hands & feet in a stance of insertity,
Hair tied ,
Face smashed with messiest of makeup,
Bleeding the red tears of the sinful red baby...

Into the night I run,
Running away from myself,
My present body and out of my skin,

Into the night I run,
Where no one can see me,
I scream the highest of voices
Screeching in hatred of the world...

Into the night I run,*
I run until I am one with the Sun...
And all that I am and what I was ,
Is finally done..
Jun 2016 · 410
Ocean Love & Sunset Roses
Reine Monroe Jun 2016
My love.  My love...
I'm forgetful ..
Forgive me , if you try to reach out
And i pull back ...
My love my love
I'm forgetful....
You cross me
And i never met you ....
My love my love
I'm bathing in roses,
I'm swimming in the oceans
Sunset at the time of day,
Ocean love & sunset roses...
Jun 2016 · 440
Baby Red
Reine Monroe Jun 2016
Baby red...*
I can feel your pain
Baby red baby red...
I see the tears & it tastes oh so sour...
Baby red....
Why must you be in such sorrow?
You walk with demons
And their claws are the pacifiers
To your unearthly cries...
Baby red...
Why must you be so rude?
You laugh and are very evil,
To the angels who are here to
Protect you....
Why must you cry and bleed tears...
Why do you walk on fire and spit on love....
Baby red baby red...
Who created you?
Who concieved and made you?
Who put their evil love into a Gerber baby?
Who put the hell's sins, into the roses of your skin?
Baby red, don't be like them...
May 2016 · 484
Rose Military
Reine Monroe May 2016
These dreams , that I dream are suicidal...
Misleading my world into an unnecessary and into its uncontrollable spin...

The demons that choose to live in , in the depths of my velvet milky skin ,
Steering the batter and the flour with eggs that I've cracked during the sins....

Molding a cake of two tragedies and two worlds closing in....
Hoping if I could reach you, but I rather not leave the bitterness that I'm currently living in...
Only to have my roses dying and singled out in the end....

Emotionless as a man, Caring as a woman...
Let the fall begin....
Falling down into the abysses of my regrets,
Viewing the libraries of once lost ones and the failures I've turned away from...

Dreaming but its more to that...
Sleeping for 5 hours,
But dreaming for years....
Crosses above an eyebrow,
RM, the Chief
Holding the minds & the hearts of 5
Entities , the battle Sergeants

Fighting until their knuckles dent,
Fight until their hands and feet are covered with the deepest red,
May 2016 · 433
Reine Monroe May 2016
My thoughts enslave me,
I'm chained between the bittersweet memories,
I'm beaten by the whips of regret...
I'm fed and driven by sin,
Battle scars on its flesh.
My mind is where my inner demons rest..

Challenging myself each day,
Knowing my weaknesses ,
And my strengths,

Its a ****** scene,
A ****** scene

Yellow tape muffles its mouth,
You wouldn't here the screams.

Mind Crimes, Mind Crimes
Your entity is your secret enemy,

Father give me the light in my eyes,
I need to see ...
My mind crimes are trying to frame me,
I'm accountable for my actions & the demons I've released..
I try to keep it in ,
But they insist to have a feast...
Evil of the beast ,
Pain in my cries...
Father give me light ,
Have mercy on me ....
I'm lost before the sea,
The sea of these mind crimes..
The charges I have upon me...
Free me from my sins...

Its a ****** scene,
Its a ****** scene...
May 2016 · 533
Reine Monroe May 2016
Run until my feet are brusied..
Run until I get tired...

Fight until my hands are numb
Fight until my knuckles dent and covered with its blood...

Scream until my parents hear me from across the world....
Scream to let God know its pain....

Love until you see a smile on its face..
Love until you breathe your last breath..
Apr 2016 · 478
Reine Monroe Apr 2016
When i was younger,
I would take baths...
The purpose was to get clean,
But my purpose was to just feel...
My purpose was to see...
My purpose was to feel free...

I bathed the all-day smells away,
I bathed my ****** wounds,
I would lay back & close my eyes.
If i could sleep in the water,
I would...

Fingers had gotten pruny,
It showed me i been in for too long .
I imagined myself swimming,
The ocean was the clearest blue.

Warning signs of when you need to get out..
The younger days were the best...

Bathing with demons now,
They're not friendly...
I wash up with the richest soap,
But I'm still *****...
Insides spits hell,
Skin feels heavenly...

He is talking to me through a glass..
I'm trying to listen,
I sit...
I sit in a chair at the bottom of the sea,
I see....
I see in the dreams...
Chained by the feet,
Eyes closed shut,
Wherever my mind leads me...
Apr 2016 · 623
Reine Monroe Apr 2016
I ball my fist in anger,
As i think about those times where
I was treated bad...

I curse the room around me,
As i think about those times where,
I didn't say the things i should've said...

I punch the walls and the images of,
The face i should be hating and trying to get rid of...
From out of my mind and locked into the cellar of the past...
Away with all of my temporary emotions feelings, friendships, people....etc ....

Why do i freeze?
Why can't i cook the eggs that have broken. ....
Why can't i prepare my meal and swallow the scrambeled eggs from those broken memories and the yokes, filled with too much love or too much pain....

Why am i suffering?
An enjoyable pain,
With its smirk on its face...

Why am i loving it?
Is this a challenge....

As I'm drinking my pride,
I'm thinking about the being...
In my mind i'm going insane...
But why is my face and my cooking,
Still the same?

Why is that no matter how angry i get...
I always keep that extra egg.....
Like a little kid,
Thinking it will crack out of its shell on its'll be breathing and come to me like its i baby it....
Wrapping and wrapping it around many warmfilling blankets by the stove...
Still its so cold....

Why do i still have a child-like notion...
I back up my reality with lies....
I back up my pain and my dried roses,
With its pride.....

I look back to the eggs...
I'm boiling....
*A bad egg, I'm holding...

— The End —