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8.2k · Jul 2014
ask for patience
lkm Jul 2014
i ask you to be patient

there are still cracks between my ribcage
i am trying to fix
and i am still searching for ways to mend
my broken, tattered wings

there are parts of me like missing puzzle pieces
i'm still trying to find
and i own many things, yet if there's one thing
i do not own, that would be time

again, i must ask you to be patient

at times my head is a storm of emotions;
thunder and lightning are all i hear
at times i will play a game of hide and seek
yet it's not you i hide from but my fears

i'm the girl who wears her heart on her sleeves
yet i hide behind closed doors
the kind who smiles bright like fire
though she crumbles in ashes to the floor

once more, please be patient

wait; i promise you'll see the masterpiece i am
for i am of many dimensions
and through my eyes, you will see
my thoughts as the stars made into constellations

i am the galaxy, and i am infinite
a firework, a work of art
all i ask is for you to be patient and stay
to see past the pain darkening my heart
lkm Sep 2014
Romeo, Romeo, you ain't my Prince Charming
Time to wake up, time to stop dreaming
I was too blindly in love, that I just couldn't see
That Romeo, my dear, you never loved me.
Deceived and betrayed, my heart is in two
Feeling like it's always the day of April's Fool
So dear sweet Romeo, just watch me crash and burn
Besides, I know you think that it's none of your concern.
Romeo, Romeo, didn't you know I loved you?
Didn't you know I'd do most anything for you?
Now dear Romeo, it's too late, I'm gone.
It's been long, but now, my heart must move on.
3.9k · Jul 2019
Not a Fairytale.
lkm Jul 2019
I loved you.
Yes, I did.

But I should’ve known better than to have believed the web of lies you sprouted at me. I should’ve known better than to believe your “I love you.”
Why did I take that bite from the apple, if only I had known it was poisoned.

My mother warned me about strangers with blue eyes walking down the street. She said that was why she was protecting me.
I should've never let down my golden hair, if only I had known.

It didn’t have to wait until the clock struck 12:00 midnight for it to happen; bibbidi-bobbidi-boo, I’ll have to hand it to you, you really had me fooled.
You were never Charming, I needed to be my own Prince.

I’m stuck in a timeless blank, neither moving forward nor back, a canvas that has not been painted yet and sadness is the only color I know.
I’m afraid I don’t have much patience to wait for a 100 years for true love’s first kiss.

A thousand times you tore my walls down, tore me apart and even when I’m at a chokehold, I thought it was still love.
Maybe I was a fool to have thought there was beauty in the beast.

I traded my heart for something temporary, I lost my voice just to let you step all over me, and some part of me hates that I’d still let you if we were to try all over again.
I’ve become the foam of bubbles lost in the sea because I couldn’t hurt you the way you hurt everyone.
2.3k · Jan 2015
I'm Sorry for the Bruises
lkm Jan 2015
I'm sorry your hands had to leave bruises on my skin
and that my love breaks your ribs.

I'm sorry for the bruises I made in your heart
and for the lies I told with the same lips you tasted.

I'm sorry for the bruises I bore in my heart
and for the storm I brought to your mind.

I'm sorry for the bruises I left in your life,
and made you see my chaos with your eyes.

I'm sorry for the bruises made from holding onto you too tight,
and for the hate that filled your lungs.

I'm sorry for the bruises I can't erase
I'm sorry for the bruises old scars replaced.

I'm sorry for the bruises my fingertips left
I'm sorry for the bruises my lips marked on yours

I'm sorry for the bruises on your wrists with my handprints
I'm sorry for the bruises that took your breath away.

I'm sorry for the bruises.
2.0k · Aug 2014
lkm Aug 2014
a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that has been loved and then lost

January //
Your smile makes flowers grow in my lungs and I'm too busy taking care of the garden, pulling the weeds out for the flowers to live and bloom, I forget I need to breathe too

February //
They say addiction is a habit; kisses are drugs but your lips are rehabilitation and I keep coming back for more sessions because I need it; you're my "personal brand of ******"

March //
I write symphonies about the way a single touch from you defines the revolution of the Earth but I was wrong; it actually defines the whole galaxy

April //
My eyes are the same hue of empty, vacant, while the ocean is trapped in your eyes; there are more than meet those chocolate orbs, so let me explore every depth of the waters with you

May //
Your voice is the sound of the soft pitter-patter of the falling rain on the window pane after a storm, and the clouds don't hide the sun anymore

June //
I love the smell of books and coffee, especially with extra teaspoons of sugar and a story about looking for a place to call home as I long for the scent of belonging I only get from having you wrapped in my arms

July //
I fell in love with the way every novel I read has pages with traces of your footprints, your mark imprinted in my heart like how one is drawn to TFIOS; heartbreaking and tear-filled but it was true and the love is real, sort of like you and I; I like to think of it like that — you are Hazel and I am Augustus

August //
I don't believe in full-stops, I don't believe there could be an end to this love we have like how there is an end to a sentence; you might not have noticed that there is not a single full-stop here because our story is not ending, I'm not saying goodbye yet, and Augustus has not died yet; please do not leave me
1.9k · Dec 2014
lkm Dec 2014
I** walk down the hallway, keeping my head bowed low
No one looked my way, no one said "hello"
So many people, but they didn't know I was there
Invisible I seemed, to all everywhere
Going into class, I went to take my place
Nobody saw me, nobody recognized my face
It kinda looked like I was part of the four walls
Figuring I seemed a ghost, like I was in the hall
I shrugged and closed my eyes shut tightly
Could it be that no one can hear nor see me?
Answers were received for the rest of the day
Nothing I do seemed to make people look my way
This goes to show how unimportant I am
1.6k · Sep 2014
foreign language
lkm Sep 2014
your love
is a foreign language
i'm not fluent in
i have yet to
understand that
your hands
around my neck
does not mean
"i love you"
1.5k · Jan 2015
lkm Jan 2015
I have my doubts when you're not here
But they fade away when you appear
At times I feel like you don't care
Then you prove me wrong when you are there

You say sweet things for one minute
The next it's like I don't exist
I'm so confused, what should I do?
I lose my sleep with thoughts of you

"I'm happy with you" that's what you said
But then you say I make you mad
At times you'd walk away from me
You'd crawl back later and say "Sorry"

You treat me like I don't mean anything
You say my flaws are what you're hating
Later you tell me I'm perfect like this
It's not my fault I'm weak to the beasts

Sometimes I want you to leave me alone
But then all night I'd stare at my phone
I want you bad but I hate the pain
It's like I'm drowning in the pouring rain

I'm never sure of what you want
You make me want to get up and run
I love you too much to let you go
But please, I beg you, don't give me false hope
1.4k · Nov 2014
I Don't Tell You
lkm Nov 2014
You told me my lips was filled with love and sweetness
I don't tell you yours was boredom and pity.

You told me that my lips felt like regrets and bitterness
I don't tell you that yours taste of cigarettes and her.

You asked me why my hugs are cold and distant
I don't tell you it's because your arms don't feel like home.

I asked you why your eyes are ice cold over time
But I don't tell you why the stars are dead in mine.

You ask me while I wear a smile like a funeral
I don't ask you why yours is a copy-and-paste.

You said it sounded like goodbye when I said I love you
I don't tell you yours sounded like an apology.

You told me not to leave when I said goodbye
I don't tell you you're already half-way out the door.
1.3k · Jul 2014
crumbled to ashes
lkm Jul 2014
their cries for help became like whispers
almost like the mere passing wind
it blew against the people's ears
their pain ignored, dismissed, unseen

she doesn't recall how she has let
the demons to come, at her, to laugh
at the raging storm inside her head
against the war her heart has stirred up

as cliche as it seems, she is his world
she intoxicates the chemicals he breathes
he couldn't let go of that one girl
her poison seeping to his soul within

like the falling of the autumn leaves
were the tears cascading down her cheeks
no sounds were made from her trembling lips
closing up like leaves dried and crisped

a rose is beautiful but its stem grows thorns
tightly he embraces her, the more he bleeds
the petals are wilting, dying, all forlon
his soul colors the same shade, dark and bleak

they walk alone in the pouring rain
the gloomy skies crying with them
they look like they're to be washed away
their world has crumbled to ashes again
972 · Jan 2015
This is Depression
lkm Jan 2015
of bruised skin
and tear-filled eyes,
of empty palms
and tired smiles

of raging waves
and endless storms
of aching heart,
a rose with thorns

of burning heat
from walls to fist
with ash-filled lungs
and fractured ribs

I cannot breathe;
it's suffocation
I cannot live;
this is depression
940 · Sep 2014
Once Upon a Memory
lkm Sep 2014
once upon a time, on this lone isle
Before you came along, I only knew the definition of "I" and thought happiness was a taste I'd never experience. My life was a monotonous routine of black-and-white I didn't want interrupted but I always wondered why nobody stayed after the first "hello". Maybe it was the way the grey clouds hung above my head, or the way I breathed in chemicals and toxic the same way they breathed in the morning air as it wakes up with them.

2. i only knew the color grey until i saw your smile
Then you came, barrelling in with the missing "you and" piece to add to my vocabulary in the palms of your hands. You added colours to my colourless days and my routine changed when I find myself turning around to see this wide-eyed child standing before me with that impish grin; I'd never forget that day. You drove the storm away with every footstep you took closer to me while the sun and clear, blue skies followed you around as if they're attached to you and I don't stop you.

3. suddenly love songs began to play
Somewhere along the lines of "my life changed because of you" came poems dedicated to you and my favorite was about the times cuddled up with you, feet tangled, under the bedsheets with your lips burning my skin with passion. Your voice was my lullaby every night and I was your shelter from the shadows. Little things like a peck on the forehead and a hug from the back followed by a light squeeze was better than romantic dinners or bouquets or roses.

4. i should've known your heart would stray
Your fingers would splay out to the open sky, wondering why we were unable to grasp at the world when my world was having your arms around my waist, chin resting on my shoulder and cheek pressed against mine. Maybe that was when I should've noticed you wanted to explore the galaxy but I was keeping you trapped within the chambers of my heart. I should've noticed how your heart began to wander and how the shadows from my fingertips began to strangle the sun in you.

5. our love is not meant for happy endings
The days were growing old and I found myself sinking back to the colourless days while you sat on my shelf along with the toys I used to play with as a child; battered, *****, torn and left to collect dust. I thought I faded back in the old days but for you, it was worse, you were forgotten even in the present. Tick tock, time flew by. I told you that I love you but you told me it sounded like I was saying goodbye and I don't tell you that yours sounded like an apology.

6. how do you say goodbye to the memories?*
And maybe we loved at the wrong time, or maybe we're not right for each other. You never looked back and I'm trying to erase the memories from my mind but I think I may have used permanent marker instead of pencil because they refuse to be erased. Now there's something about the sky and how the grey clouds roll in the same time the wind whispers your name into my mind and the pitter-patter of the falling rain against my window reminds me of the time when I lost you.
706 · Jul 2014
lkm Jul 2014
It's just a word.
A word that means 'without anything'.
Like my heart.
Like my home.
Left with nothing
Like a hole
Without a soul
Once was filled
But now it's gone
In the dark
All alone
By yourself
Without a sound
In the cold
Left to die
691 · Sep 2014
Natural Disaster
lkm Sep 2014
your mind is heaven to the manic devils
a playground is formed cause by havoc
what fun they have, shooting their arrows
to deflate your every happy thought

the heart's been struck by a glacier storm
impaled so deep it leaves you numb
broken, tired, ripped apart and torn
thrown and tossed to the ******* dump

like anger banging down the door
exploding like a volcano eruption
a surge of waves crashing to the shore
a tsunami rising to cause destruction

your thoughts will fly in a tornado
at nights when all you wanna do is sleep
blood has scattered across the white snow
you're cold, you're about to admit defeat

trembling, you're shaking, like an earthquake
falling, stumbling, into the cracks
but then! a rest at the eye of the hurricane
recover, before the devils come back
626 · Sep 2014
Her friend, Annie
lkm Sep 2014
She looks at herself in the mirror
She groans, displeased with her figure
Cuts down food, skips her meals
No one knows how fat she feels.

Exercising day and night
Trying to fit in clothes too tight
5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds lost
She's got it controlled: she's her own boss.

A gut-wrenching feeling, it's all so new
Taking in food, but very very few
Feels like vomitting all of her time
To get back on her feet is a very long climb

Every bite was such a torture
Every swallow was even worse
She doesn't know, doesn't understand
Turning down every lending hand

She gets mad and she gets cranky
She's growing thin, her stomach's empty
She says she's fine, but in truth she lies
And day by day she slowly dies

Losing her friends, but only one stayed
But even that was a price she paid
Her friend told her to continue what she's doing
To stop eating her meals, to stop chewing

Her friend said she was fat, saying she's ugly
"Lose more weight, so that you'll be pretty"
Annie was her name, Annie was a liar
Annie's name is short for Anorexia
603 · Mar 2016
The Kind
lkm Mar 2016
I am...

the kind of abandoned house
people leave in ruins.
I am a wreckage;
I am destruction

the end of the **** of a cigarette
people step on the moment they're done with.
I am the poison they inhaled;
I am discarded

the type of crack on pavements
people walk around to avoid tripping over.
I am a trap;
I am dangerous

the kind of toy broken beyond use,
parents throw away into the bin
I am trash;
I am worthless

but the house was once filled with laughter and joy
the cigarette was once lit
the pavements were once whole
the toy was once valuable

i was onced LOVED
i was WORTHY
I once LIVED

Past tense.
No longer.
562 · Jul 2014
lkm Jul 2014
It's only at nights when I start feeling lonely
Only at nights when it gets overwhelming
I miss those nights, so real, so true
I miss those times it was just me and you

I still cry to sleep almost every night
I wish you were here to hold me right
Sometimes in my dreams, I'd see you there
Almost as though you're real, I swear

When I dream of you, you seem so far
Missing you has left me a big scar
I called out your name but got no reply
Still I shout, until my throat goes dry

I don't hear your voice of comfort no more
But I shut people out, closing that door
I don't need them for you were all I need
Yet, in reality, who do I kid?

We used to dance under the moonlight
We'd look up to the starry night
A part of you will always have my heart
You light up my world even in the dark

I miss the times you'd hold me tight
And kiss my forehead after every single fight
I loved the way you made me happy
And showed me things I never could see

I miss those hugs and I really miss that smile
I miss the way you drove me crazily wild
Thinking of you used to help me get through
Now thinking of you just makes me feel blue

I lay awake at nights, wondering, what if?
Because right now I'm falling off a cliff
What if you were still alive and well?
You'd be able to pull me out of this hell

Memories of us now seemed like a nightmare
I'd wake up and find myself gasping for air
You're taunting me, you're making me feel weak
Stuff my mouth in my pillow to muffle my shriek

I hate feeling like this, hate what you did
It's not your fault still I blame you for it
I can't sleep because I'm afraid you'll appear
And just when I reach out, you'll disappear

There's this hollow feeling I feel now
You're not here to keep me safe and sound
Hypnophobia is the fear of sleeping
For when I try, I feel like I'm choking
533 · Aug 2014
lkm Aug 2014
Prologue //
Love is a myth and we are broken records of repeated mistakes. There is no point chasing after something that doesn't exist, and you can put the pieces of a broken vase together again but it will never be the same.

Chapter One //
I played it cool, but deep down, I wanted to know how perfect would feel like with your lips on mine. I craved for your touch like the night yearning for the moon.

Chapter Two //
I spent days trying to find the perfect way to ask you out after our first kiss for you were a map to hidden treasure, and I wanted to be the first to find it. You had that glow, and I fell in love with the way you could make my heart race with just a simple "hi"

Chapter Three //
I burned every novel in the world that told me love was only a state of the mind, an illusion. Because I could have sworn I saw you in my dream, but there you were, even when I'm wide awake.

Chapter Four //
The sun had set but why was it still so bright? That was when I realized it wasn't the sun, but you. The light you carried blinded me and all I could see was you. My voice trembled and I squeaked out a shaky "Be mine?"

Chapter Five //
You said "yes".

Chapter Six //
I thought I was the only one who felt like we were growing distant until we were oceans apart. Or maybe we were both living on the other side of the mirror.

Chapter Seven //
Our greed had left a painful scar, now I gotta let you go. I was sure this was the end for the both of us.

Chapter Eight //
My heart refused to say goodbye even though my mouth already did.

Chapter Nine //
The clock struck 12:00AM on the 13th of that month. Immediately, regrets flowed like an erupted volcano and pride killed me slowly for the next 23 hours, 59 minutes. I made a mistake.

Chapter Ten //
You took me back in a heartbeat and I carved a promise in my heart to burn my greed in the flames of your love

Epilogue //
Time forgot to tell me that promises are dust meant to be swept away and that it is useless to attempt to catch smoke. But my love will still be aflamed, even if I have to remove traces of my footprints from your heart
494 · Sep 2014
lkm Sep 2014
Fall in love with the girl
Who smiles sunshine and laughs like spring
Stay away from her
Whose eyes are like death

The girl with the broken smile
Burns everything with her fingertips
But she who skips in joy
Leaves footprints that light up a path with every step
As of now, I'm still trying to finish this piece so I'm writing it here in hopes to remember that I've this to complete
487 · Sep 2014
Just Write
lkm Sep 2014
I need this, need to write this fantasy
I need to get away from reality
Get away from every suffering
It's too much, until it's choking me

I won't stop, I won't come out from it
I won't stop even when the truth hit
It keeps me alive, keeps me going on
Ignore the times I have been scorned

I'll keep on writing and seep deep inside
I'll write whatever that comes to mind
It's a tough choice I finally made
Even when the scars began to fade

Won't stop, it helps distract me from the pain
I'll keep writing even in the pouring rain
When the sun comes, when it appears
Even when all the pain disappears

It'll come back again and bring me down
It'll come back and deepen that frown
It'll bring tears, it'll make me weep
It'll even make me lose my sleep

They're not worth it so I'll forget them
I'll write the dreams I once had dreamt
The dreams don't make me cry like they do
Nor leave me alone in darkness too

Write, hand, make those fingers move
It'll save me, I know that it's true
Won't put the pen down, I'll never stop
But I'll let out my tears if I need to sob

Write a fantasy far from this wretched life
It is, after all, better than taking that knife
I'll go into a life better than this
I'll forget about the pain burning on my wrist

I'll write, I'll write all that I can write
Write until my tears have ran dried
Write until the blood had stopped flowing
When I'm done, I'll move on to another story

Fiction, addiction, what's the difference?
Write, even when my fingers had stiffen
You can never take it away from me
I won't stop writing what makes me happy.
426 · Jul 2014
lkm Jul 2014
you were the oxygen that ran through my veins
i was the toxic seeping into your lungs
i was consuming the air you breathed
i am poison that infected your life

you were the one who brought out the best in me
while i brought out the worse in you
and knowing that, it sickened you to the core
i am the bad habit you tried to break

you tried to change because you hated who you were
i told you to stay just as you are, you're fine like that
for me, you listened and gave into my words
i am the devil's voice inside your head

you clung onto the rope that leads you into the light
but i cut it off, keeping you here with me in the dark
i didn't want to be alone
i am the demon who led you astray

all you ever wanted in life was to be happy
but i fed on your misery, and that made me happy
at least you were by my side,
i am the thorns that killed the delicate rose

then one day you decided you've had it
you packed your bags and took your leave
i guess i deserved that, to be abandoned
because i brought you pain you'd never fathomed

and i hope these days you've been doing well
i hope you've found your happiness now
because i was the reason for your gloomy days
and i am the one who drove you away
350 · Sep 2014
Death's Kiss
lkm Sep 2014
All that's on is this fake smile
Lost in darkness on this lone isle
Shattered dreams, unhappy soul
Deeper, deep, as each day goes

Eyes are hollow, cold and bleak
Body trembling, hurt and weak
Broken, done, and on the edge
Voices shouting in the head

Done with fixing, it can't be mend
All that's wanted is the end
It's enough to go insane
So why don't you just end the pain?

Overrated are sleeping pills
It doesn't work, too slow to ****
Jump off buildings from up high
Start to fall for you can't fly

The slash of knife laterally
The wrist is stained, it's really ******
Crossing roads to coming cars
Impact sends you flying far

Turn the shower to the heater
Waiting to be electrocuted
Take that gun, it's time to fire
Do it now, aren't you tired?

In the sea, go sinking down
Don't fight currents, just get drowned
Hang a rope up to the ceiling
Kick the chair off to start swinging

There are many ways to suicide
Which one to take, you decide
It doesn't matter, just that you're gone
You're done trying for so long

There's no one who can help
Even you can't save yourself
So a soft whisper of goodbye on your lips
Is spoken while waiting for Death's Kiss

— The End —