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May 2014 · 1.2k
I did
Marlon James May 2014
There's something i need to tell you.
Sorry if i used you.
And i did.

Sorry if i lied to you.
And i did

Sorry if i didn't demonstrate myself .
There  is so many things i did wrong.
Maybe you know them better.

I apologise for that.
I take all the credit for the mistakes i've made.

And i did.
May 2014 · 3.1k
My forgotten love
Marlon James May 2014
When i die,
Please show me the thing i've loved the most
For i can not remeber it.
Marlon James, Porto, Portugal                                              02-05-2014
May 2014 · 1.0k
Marlon James May 2014
Teens die to try to prove their point.
That's why their teens.

A teen after 20's is a danger.
Marlon James, Porto, Portugal                                       02-05-2014
May 2014 · 4.5k
Marlon James May 2014



Marlon James, Porto Portugal                                   01-05-2014
May 2014 · 2.1k
Marlon James May 2014
I used to give you cigarettes as if they were flowers
I used to tell you that loving you was like plucking a flower
And you wanted to plant yourself as one in me  
Not knowing that you were doing it as if
you were putting out a cigarette on my chest
Because, to tell the truth,
Loving you was like lighting up and not smoking .

I still pine for us.
Marlon James, Porto, Portugal                                          01-05-2014
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Marlon James Apr 2014
I wish i had one.
I wish passing by someone or something
I'd see things more clear

No hate, no concernes, no envy, no fear.
Just a light ride

I'm stuck in the silence of my own body
My mind is running wild
I'm like a tornado inside a a house made of glass
MArlon James, Porto, Portugal                                                    29-04-2014
Marlon James Apr 2014
I'm afraid.
I'm a daylight dreamer.
Everything scares me.
Everything is so ******* intense.

I wish i was more like a stone.
I'm always alert

The silence is claustrophobic
I see everything with four eyes
The ones in my face and the ones in my chest
I'm sensitive

But i got to pretend i'm not.
People think i'm the exponent of manly.
Classify me as "cold".
But i cry, alone

I melt the ice
into tears and trade them for my fears.
Just because i'm big
It doesn't mean i'm strong
Marlon James, Porto, portugal                                            29-04-2014
Apr 2014 · 2.1k
in joy and sorrow
Marlon James Apr 2014
Fancy a bullet?
I can get you that

A nice blade to slit your wrists?
I can get you that

You want some company while you bleed to death?
I can get you that.

I can get you that and much more
Because i love you.
Marlon James, Porto, Portugal                                         25-04-2014
Apr 2014 · 667
Panic room
Marlon James Apr 2014
I lean over myself.
Clinging to what's left of you in me.
And what is there, like a sixth sense,
is the silence that you showed me.
The silence that keeps me alive
when the world gets overly noisy and
I feel myself being swallowed.
My panic room.
Marlon James, Porto, Portugal,              25-04-2014
Apr 2014 · 783
Not a poem
Marlon James Apr 2014
This is not a poem.
I'm not a poet
These are just words
trying to say that I'm...

What am I?
Not a poet
Because this is not a poem.
Just words that...

What are they?
Not a poem
I'm not a poet
I'm just a...

What am I
when i write...?
What are these words,
and who is writting them?
Marlon James, Porto, Portugal                             25-04-2014
Apr 2014 · 21.8k
The swan and the Volcano
Marlon James Apr 2014
The sadness of losing
It's what's left

It was so true
to love you
It happened
I would love you ...
I would love ...
Come here.
Let me show you
I want to see

Maybe the hours ...
Or the mountains ...
I do not know
Maybe _ love ...

I stopped saying.
I resigned to love ...
the gods...

The flowers,
bit me
when i pulled them

To love you
Was like pulling a flower
I made you swan
The gods made me volcano
Marlon James, Porto, Portugal                                                25-04-2014
Apr 2014 · 645
There is always someone
Marlon James Apr 2014
I hate intentions.
I hate people with plans
People with strategies
People with theories

Be merely.
Be and let be unhurriedly
No ploys
no *******

Do not try to teach
Do not try to overpower morally
or intellectually
In your head

Maybe in your mind
I am not worthy
I can live with that

Unless your actions
that you underestimate me
In that case i'll crush you with my fate.
Marlon James, Porto, Portugal                                             25-04-2014
Apr 2014 · 13.2k
Heart orgasm
Marlon James Apr 2014
Inside of me It's empty

Inside of me It's verve

Up and down

A heart ******
Rises me in a metaphysical experience,
Oh, excitement!
Marlon James, Porto, Portugal                                                   25-04-2014
Apr 2014 · 1.5k
Half me, half you
Marlon James Apr 2014
Feeling what I feel is painful,
The confusion,
The pain
Always annoyed.
The future ... The future ...
I am the replication of myself.
Who pulls the strings? Stop!
Who controls the heads,the voices?
Am I the underground one or the other?
The one that range in silence, or the one that you hear?
One is mine. The other belongs to whom? Yours?
Is the half missing, your half?
My better half, yours?
Half me, half you?
Wait. What are you doing? Wait!
Half afraid to be half yours.
Half fear, half me. Half?
I'm always unbroken in what i do
How can i be divided?
Why should I bring my entire soul to be half?
I might as well be completely me than half yours, right?
What are you doing?
Marlon James, Porto, Portugal                                                     25-04-2014
Apr 2014 · 2.7k
Marlon James Apr 2014
Of all the things I said today
I repent.

I repent,
Of what they created.
Marlon James, Porto , Portugal                                               23-04-2014
Apr 2014 · 4.7k
The misfit
Marlon James Apr 2014
**** Tumblr. **** Facebook. **** thumbs up. **** Iphones and everything with an " I " before it's name.  Even if it's  an " Ivone ". **** Justin and Katy, teenagers and children. **** the children. **** GIFs and Instagram. **** the hashtag #. **** twitter. **** ‘selfies’ , ‘felfies’ and ‘braggies’. Put a camera in your ***, take a picture, that's a selfie too, you ******. One you can brag about.
******* as well. **** this, **** that, ******* again. Especially you, yOU ****. **** twerk and Miley. **** MTV. **** the 2000's. **** rich people trying to look poor cuz they're hipsters and that's " Indie ". **** Indie ****! Everything's " Indie " nowadays. **** that! Not everyone is struggling. Make some noise, you don't have cancer.
**** people who smile to every **** a **** does when they visit the hood to buy drugs, because they're stupid and soft. **** social conscience.
******* again for pushing a beard and a moustache because it's fashionable. **** John Lennon. **** the Beatles. **** **** as a trend. **** me, but at least i'm cool. **** cool. Everyone's cool currently!? I started smoking when I was 11. Now that i'm 25, i realize smoking is kid's stuff, so i quit smoking. **** cigars. **** having 25. **** sexist and feminist.
**** the dikes who think they have an advantage on other women for not being a **** fan. **** LGBT haters. **** the LGBT flag. **** flags.
**** Amsterdam. **** Vintage, used to be cool, now it's fake ****. **** cars these days. Their shape and their drivers. **** TV series. **** this zombie ****! What's with the zombies? **** FOX. **** people who hate on TV, because their to smart for that, but let computer/internet melt their brains into liquid ****. **** stupid people. **** the army,everywhere. **** politics. ******* for trying to make me vote. I don't believe in it and i'll never will ,it's a ******* waste of time and i don't care. ******* for believing that's a choice. ******* for participating in that sharade, making politics who they are, you ******* *******. **** people who talk to much. **** people who don't listen that much. **** people who talk WAY to much and expect you to be as excited as they are. *******! ****  "LOL" in a face-to-face conversation. Laugh *******. **** random generation. **** " Likes " and **** " Sharing " because no one gives a ****.

And yes i'm a misfit, you genius. We all are. That's the truth...
**** the truth.
Marlon James,  Porto,  Portugal                                                                 23-04-2014
Apr 2014 · 594
Marlon James Apr 2014
He was she who in its turn was him.

I am him when i'm with you.
And I am you when I'm with him

Stay with me
because it's  hard to reach
But i'll be a bit of all
for each one and each.

For this I am this
to that I'm something else
If one pulls the other pushes
and vice versa

Up and down
I feel the street,
I feel myself ,
I fill the street and
I fill myself with the street of myself.

Me, i'm just me
And that's a lot.
Marlon James,  Porto,  Portugal                                                                 23-04-2014
Apr 2014 · 4.3k
Hard (to) love
Marlon James Apr 2014
It's hard to love me,
maybe you could love me
Love me, please.
For who I am, love me
Fall in love by my faults
Fall in love with this person who is love
and pain.
Love that hurts.
Love it hurts to love.
Marlon James,  Porto,  Portugal                                                                 23-04-2014
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Man of the future
Marlon James Apr 2014
He laughed about the idea of a god asking for permission

He joked about the prospect of talent waiting their turn

Sing ...
Sing ...
That is NOTHING !
 Idiots ... !
Sing , by crusty bread .
For you anything goes !
Fools !

Until the last day I will ask ragweed .
 Up to the last , against the wall !
Better be vencid , than to be forgotten
But at least I cry , sweat and expel my soul !
 You die with your soul in your pockets !
folded ,
 Just like money not spent abroad .

******* ...
You Apologize
Laughing together
about your own failure .

Embrace the rage .
The man of the future does not go back to be benevolent .
Express your devotion
Ask apologize and thank !
 Give thanks for the arrogance
because it leads you !

And you, woman of the past !
Thank his claws in your flesh
That lead you through the air ,
Although he was distant .

 It grabs you like a bird of prey ?
Burns the house where you were born ?
So what?
How much is to be timeless ?

No silly demands ,
Without losing time,
 and without looking back !
Marlon James,  Porto,  Portugal                                                                 23-04-2014

— The End —