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2.2k · Nov 2020
aa meetings
Mona Nov 2020
my dear friend
i miss you

like a crack addict misses crack
i am in AA
on the emergency table i lay, frail

i feel my internal workings coming undone
i am locked out of the fun
i am tempted by my insatiable lust to run

run and run from myself
perceptions of moi
that i have conjured and cooked

laced extras with the crack, microwave
the crack, a transplant for my identity
expand myself for the many
so i could sell more
more of me in exchange
for love, the eternal currency
the currency i seek

on some level the extras i laundered
became me
identification with the mask
i have trapped myself between the future
and the past.
how long can this last?
963 · Nov 2020
some humility
Mona Nov 2020
up late
sat upright
i contemplate

is it too late?
how much of a state is my mind state?

i feel stuck in time
am i stagnant or am i fluid?

i wanna leap off the bed or the earth
what is the symbolic meaning of a birth?
is there even such a thing?
if so, what is the symbolic meaning of death?

we all die
is that the symbol?
is it a parable?
who knows
your guess is as good as anyone elses

we pretend all day long
of our competencies
truth is, such endeavours
limit our ability to see
how the world is in raw form
we build our lives and wishes
within a simulation

we all subscribe to the simulation
in our own way

only till we own the simulations of our mind
can we really see
the ethereal and rich nature of reality
reality is not fixed
it cannot be named like a person
it is bigger than me or you
or any organism that inhabits it
let's have some humility
for Christ's sake
920 · Nov 2020
finitude is a melody
Mona Nov 2020

everyone lies
we all wear a disguise
no human can possibly fly

is a fiction
our fixation with youth
is an addiction

the truth descends from our perception
what are we left with?
another form of self-deception?

i don't know what
this or anything means
are we individuals?
or are we collective operating teams?
912 · Jun 2020
"social" media
Mona Jun 2020
like and friend and unfollow
like and friend and unfollow
like and friend and unfollow
like and friend and unfollow
like and friend and unfollow
it's just media.
738 · Aug 2020
hushhh hushhh
Mona Aug 2020
wine n dine
they say
faux sophistication
how pretty

oh culture, they say
but there's a price to pay
for the theatre show
endorse inclusion yet divide into rows

the stage is free
art they say
entertain me in exchange for pay

******* culture
deeper entrenched
day by day

isn't it peculiar?
we are politically correct
yet flawed in every way
shhhhh, that's not what you are supposed to say
643 · Nov 2020
whatever sells
Mona Nov 2020
we are all sheep
in herds
cut oursleves into groups
jump through unnecessary hoops

oops we lost a fraction of da true self
what a shame
who cares, it's boujee to be lame

be a bot
new hype, it's ******* hot
be like us
or you'll be shot

it's popular
people approve
just follow the music, sway to the grooze

don't you dare attempt to move
stay stagnant
allow your identity to fragment
then sell it off

if your lucky part of it will sell
if not you may be reunited with it in hell

oh well
that's the tee
until next time hunny
hello consumerism
532 · Nov 2020
Mona Nov 2020
interesting concept

it gives me eyes
yet constricts my vision
it cuts to the root, precision
a careful incision

distill patroticism
bathe in schism
schism of the past
no victory every lasts

build rafts
pay tribute to the past
but build the ******* rafts
appreciate your ancestors craft
but realise patrioticism is relative
we all have a past
something a lil different
414 · Jun 2020
a fetus is in me
Mona Jun 2020
feelings are in me
i either talk to them or ignore them
but they never ******* leave
they never let me grieve

they pop up n try to deceive
i slap them but they seek revenge
i hold them accountable
but that inflames their tendency to avenge

either they are on maximum volume
or on zero, it's like a child in a womb
festers and seeks nutrients from within
as if i am their mother and a walking bin
339 · Aug 2020
fear hold me near
Mona Aug 2020
scared for your parenrs sanity
can cause you to befriend insanity

scared for your paeents safety, always
debilitating, anxiety in waves

scared for your parents future days
depraved, begging for conditional praise

scared for your parents demise
everything knotted with bows of lies

scared for your parents fallible memory
overcompensation for grief
yearn for any modicum of relief
336 · Aug 2020
Mona Aug 2020
regrettable regret

                          cemented with regret.

empty threats,
heaving with regret,
heart is vehemently set,
yet my mind seeks reset.

expectations left unmet
tossed the dices, a bet
i am forever in debt
prophecies set

                          cemented with regret.
198 · Jul 2020
will the time come?
Mona Jul 2020
do you ever just wonder
and ponder on death?

do you ever look to the sky
and envision your last good bye?

do you ever just look to depths above
and picture the end of love?

do you ever flirt with ideas
and wish the truth existed in tiers?

i wonder where my body resides when i die
will it be up in that same alleged heavenly sky?
or will i be ash particles
or will i be washed away at sea
or will i be surrounded by soil

regardless of wherever i lay
the real question is
whether above, in ashes, in the ground or at sea
will i be at peace?
will i finally be free to be me?
191 · May 2020
inner peace
Mona May 2020
find your inner peace
part ways with your inner beaat
the demons that come to feast

seek closure with the pleasure of pain
you deserve love like plants deserve rain
or you'll burn alive like oxygen to a flame

thoughts that occupy your mind
don't resist or judge, stay aligned
peace is not a destination, forever grind
a metaphysical space, a frequency your mind transcends to.
189 · Jun 2020
cycle of life
Mona Jun 2020
life goes on
if i die today
life goes on

i can run
experience fun
life goes on

explosion within
a bottle of gin
life goes on

the blood escapes
my mouth gapes
life goes on

capital booms
emptiness looms
life goes on
cycle goes on.
179 · Jul 2020
the body of juxtaposition
Mona Jul 2020

as soon as i flow freely
i remember
there's a gate
dragging me to the past
back on goes the cast
it happens so fast

it feels like fate
as if i am cemented into the gate
the gate to my past
any glimmer of hope dashed in a blast
it happens so fast

my life is juxtaposition
of attempts to succeed
and temptation to bleed
addicted to pain
as if by virtue of loss there's nothing to gain

life punctuated by pain
i lay in bed
to rest my head
but there is goes again
my inner critic awakens
i submit, forsaken

the space where my life begins and ends
the juxtaposition reinforced
success left at the door
and pain endorsed
177 · May 2020
stuck in a rut
Mona May 2020
i was born
i lay in a cot
my heart beat rang
i sang and i sang
i gave my voice away
as i matured
naively i was lured
into adulthood
without a hood
naked, i stood
out of breath
no stability
looked for divinity
but nothing concrete
looked back
empty and bleak
but my eyebrows were on fleek
to an ideal
i ride
but i never lay still
i dreamt
but dreaming is to ****
**** reality
**** your own insanity
**** your own vanity
no baby
please keep yo "sanity"
Mona May 2020
pride can be embittering
uncontrollably jittering
lights on full blast
discos chronically
comfort on the pedastol
choke safe but stay at ease
hold yourself up by your knees
authentic self stays hostage
safe and sound

outer layer of mould
let it seep in
right to the core
see, your ego is not all of you
nonetheless, a part of you
so keep it away from virus
and disease. use febreeze
otherwise you metamorphosise
the pandemic, the contagion of disguise
an illustration of the intoxicating nature of pride.
163 · Jun 2020
Mona Jun 2020
Strolling into adversity blindly
Saying no to our demons, kindly  
Emotive mimicking of the tide
An ongoing battle between waves of pride
Accompanied by hydronic surges of what’s “right”

It’s a fix by design
You’ll never know what’s right
Only for what your heart pines
And what makes you recline
Into a desolate sea of thought
A feverish retort

Maybe true happiness is unattainable
You’ll forever be uncertain
Until you take a seat at the table
morality - reality or a fable?
160 · Jun 2020
advice in vain
Mona Jun 2020
carry my load
for my back is broken, sir
i fell down the stairs
i held my breathe,
bombarded by stares
of complacent onlookers
a bunch of spiritual hookers

this picture haunts me
help me, sir
it constrains my vision
put on your seatbelt
i predict another collison
hold your breathe
your nightmares are about to come to furition

i warned you
but on you went
like those blissful onlookers
now it's your duty
to warn the next herd of hookers
142 · May 2020
look around
Mona May 2020
drowsy smiles
with half-hearted laughs
our lies are our scarfs

docile robots speak
nobody listens
misery glistens

trapped in your self
don't scream or raise a fist

adjust your collar
appearance matters
join the endless chatter

this is reality
realism is grim
drenched in sin
life through the guise of sin.
133 · May 2020
Mona May 2020
what is evidence?
is it dense?

what does it represent?
the truth or the scent?

are we all mad?
or am I extra-terrestially sad?

what to have for dinner?
will i die a sinner?

will the search ever end?
what can i really ammend?

do you care?
or am I just another chair?
the scratches on my consciousness that keeps me from seeing clearly.
132 · Jun 2020
Mona Jun 2020
**** me
i feel empty
hooked to this screen
i want to scream
imagining and pondering
halluncinations so vivid
yet my body aches, I'm livid
nostalgia is the coronavirus
***** your organs of life
choking on your memories
bitter sweet
write your will
then take a seat
enjoy the ride
look back with pride
123 · May 2020
Mona May 2020
i try not to lie
but lies spill out
i close my eyes
and the truth subsides
i try again
the truth departs
it chuckles away

discipline, i attempt
but there goes another
i lied to my lover
precious, wasted time
i hold my head up
and confess my crime
confessions bleak
i hold my breath
muster the courage
all i have left
truth is an ideal, a bar we create and judge against.
113 · May 2020
bless me.
Mona May 2020
madness off the wall
jumping around
it's loud
like a omnipotent cloud

i just want peace
silence and sleep
trip into an abyss

no pain please
embrace the breeze
bless me, as i sneeze
the sound of a busy mind.
98 · May 2020
Mona May 2020

until my airwaves are compressed
close my eyes
but nothing puts my mind at rest
keep the emotions at bay
bottle them and let them fade
yet they intensify
tell yourself another ******* lie
unbeknown to you, they bubble and bubble
all that's left is the aftermath
the burnt rubble
until you can no longer hide
pull the trigger, you died
rest in peace
my mind is finally at ease
an expression of how my defence mechanism of choice, repression, serves me. yet it's seeming advantages hide an insidious undertone.

— The End —