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May 2019 · 128
I'm not ready
Eitten S May 2019
You wave and smile
So excited for summer with all your friends

I will wave back
Unready for a summer filled with memories

You walk away
Excited for the new school next year and the people you will meet

I stand, watching
Unready for the new school year of learning alone

You're going to a big school where you will be a nobody
And you are ready

I'm going home to be a nobody in a big world
I'm not ready
I homeschooled all my life except for the 7th and 8th grade. I really enjoyed my time being around friends for the whole day (most of the time). Definitely opened my eyes to the power of friendship. They are all going to different schools and I chose to go back home. I'm just scared of being forgotten.
May 2019 · 86
Eitten S May 2019
Standing In  Front
Of the Mirror
Body like an
to all  
except hers
for beauty
Wishing and
Hoping to be loved
May 2019 · 88
Eitten S May 2019
Summer has come
Staying home

Sleeping all day
Worries of grades fade away

Hanging around with friends
Hoping that it never ends
A friend asked me to write about summer.
May 2019 · 299
Everyone Else
Eitten S May 2019
Why does everyone else laugh at the jokes,
That I find not funny?

Why does no one else laugh at the things,
That I find to be funny?

Why does everyone else seem to have a perfect life,
While I do not?

Why does everyone else seem to be so happy,
When I'm trying not to cry?

Why does everyone make everything seem so easy
When I stumble over my words?

Why does everyone else seem to have everything
While I'm still searching for happiness?

Why does everyone seem to be loved,
While I crave the feeling?
I will say, I have found happiness in the Lord, I just am still searching for the happiness provided by an unrelated beloved and I am loved by my family, I'm just not sure about my friends.
May 2019 · 246
The Last I'll See of You
Eitten S May 2019
School is ending
Summer looms
You never knew

My soul sighs
My being weeps
My heart aches
For it is the last I'll see of you

The last bell will ring
Every student will rejoice
But you still never knew

Exams will be taken up
Pencils will be thrown away
People go home to relax
And it is the last I'll see of you

I loved you in secret
Watching you from the back of the classroom
And you never knew

Probably never to see me again
I'll remember your laugh and all your jokes
And your gait as you walked away
The last I'll see of you
I wish I had at least one person who liked me. XD
I'm such a hopeless romantic.
May 2019 · 2.0k
Eitten S May 2019
Running through the jungle
Bounding over fallen trees
Trying to escape

When will we leave them alone?

Staring at the moon
Golden eyes shining
Ears flicking at every unknown sound

When will we leave them alone?

Pacing in a wire trap
Roaring out of pain
Bleeding, just for men's gain

When will we leave them alone?
My friend wanted me to write a poem about tigers.
May 2019 · 203
Eitten S May 2019
You run
It chases
May 2019 · 873
I Would Be Anything For You
Eitten S May 2019
I would be               |\/\/|
                                 a Queen
For you

Regal and

Kind and

               but craving of you

I would be
a                    | recluse |
for you

I would live
               behind closed doors with you
                          /   \
                        /       \
we could      /           \
                  [Hide away]

Be ourselves
              with nobody
                          to judge us

I would be
for you

Show you a me
                 that no one has seen before
because no one was looking

Loyal and

But you would have
                      to take the bad
                                  with the good

Selfish and proud

Quiet and LOUD

           and so much more

But believe me
When I say
I would try my BEST
to be what you want me to be
'Cause I would be
                                            Anything For You
Dear My Future Love,
      Just waiting. Will you look for me?
                                                          - Nettie
May 2019 · 212
Eitten S May 2019
With a sigh, the sun
Descends below the earth and
Waits for the new morn.
Haiku. Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I have been busy.
Apr 2019 · 819
Eitten S Apr 2019
There for each other
Thick and thin
They always show up
No matter where you’ve been
They help you when the going gets tough
She is who I look up to
She can always cheer me up
When I’m feeling blue
Built-in best friends
Inspired by my cousin, Hannah. She challenged me to write a poem about her. Thanks for reading!
Apr 2019 · 116
Eitten S Apr 2019
Happiness is a feeling
Way down deep inside
It can be hard to get
And it's very hard to hide

For some it's hard to grasp
And when asked “Do you have it?” they lie
Some lie to much and get all sick inside
Some may even want to die

Enough of the sad
There is so much good
Would you give it out
If you could?

The world is full of people
Some who won’t share
The world is also full of people
Who care
Thanks for reading!
Apr 2019 · 310
Eitten S Apr 2019
The robin in the tree
Says with a chirp-cherrie
Spread your wings
And fly young things!
Thanks for reading!
Apr 2019 · 243
Eitten S Apr 2019
Why is life hard?
Why is this world scarred?
Why can we not see the stars?
Why are many behind bars?
Why do so many die?
Why do so many lie?
How long does it take,
to learn from a mistake?
What is with this life?

Why is life so unfair?
Why do many critique what you wear?
Why do many pretend you aren’t there?
Why does no one seem to care?
Why do so many cry?
Why do so many die?
How long will it rain,
Until we see the sun again?
What is with this life?
This came to me after reading the Librarian Of Auschwitz. The story of Dita Kraus is an inspiring and heartbreaking tale. The scene with the flurry of black snow, the cloud of ashes of the fellow prisoners, moved me the most in the book. Please read it and open your heart to compassion and love. Thanks for reading.
Apr 2019 · 166
Eitten S Apr 2019
Loneliness is a
Yoke we carry even when
We are surrounded
Apr 2019 · 545
Eitten S Apr 2019
Such a small word
Such a powerful feeling
Of the unknown
Of never healing
Of evil
Of failing

Of death
Of what may or may not be
Of life
Of the loss of friends and family
Of being alone
Of strife

Of stereotypes
Of losing pace
Of pain
Of hate
Of everything or nothing
Of losing this race
Apr 2019 · 136
Eitten S Apr 2019
Winds whistle
Trees sway
Screams ripple
Run away

In my mind
I lose it
Don’t you dare try
To soothe this

I like to escape
I like to think
I can feel your hate
Swim, before you sink

My mind is a tornado
Breaking this countryside
Run like a torpedo
You should probably hide
Wrote this during a tornado warning. :D
Apr 2019 · 248
Eitten S Apr 2019
In the water of life
Can you swim?
Or will you
Can you fly?
Or will you
Apr 2019 · 104
I Have No Choice
Eitten S Apr 2019
Be a happy being
Do not be sad or lonely
Think I have a choice?

Because I do not
I wish I did because then
I wouldn’t be hurt
Apr 2019 · 158
I Want It To End
Eitten S Apr 2019
I hate this

I hate this

I hate this

I hate this

I want it to end
I originally had the last line as 'I want to die' but I am not a suicidal person. Thank you for reading!
Apr 2019 · 65
Let Me Be Me
Eitten S Apr 2019
Can I just leave?
Can I? Please?
I   Just Want   to GO ---->
I don’t know where,
I guess Anywhere, except here
I Just         Want to GO ---->
I could be a celebrity,
I could be a nobody, and not be me
Just    Let Me   be   FREE
Out of this broken family
I love being four of three, but I need to leave
Let   Me   Go And      Be ME
Apr 2019 · 304
A Poem Of Three Ships
Eitten S Apr 2019
A ship sailed
Across the  sea
Looking for it’s final resting place
Looking for peace

The ship sailed
Masts unfurled
While in the waves
It was hurled

Another ship sailed
Across the lake
Looking for it’s final resting place
Hoping for it’s last trip to take

The ship sailed
Gently accelerating
While the lake
Was unmoving

A third ship sailed
Across the bay
Looking for it’s final resting place
Waiting for the end of day

The ship sailed
Proud, was it’s crew
While the sun set
And  the night was new
I tried to create a peaceful poem. Hope you like it! Thanks for reading!
Apr 2019 · 227
The Sun
Eitten S Apr 2019
The Sun peeks through the
openings of a tree’s leaves
Giving life to all
Apr 2019 · 131
The Greatest of All Romance
Eitten S Apr 2019
I wonder who it must be between
Two lovers?
Surely some kind of King and Queen
A forbidden love perhaps?
I wonder what worlds they must come from
Different galaxies?
I wonder what was the outcome
Maybe a The-Spider-and-the-Butterfly type thing?
I wonder if I could find a love like theirs
A love, never-ending?
One without tears
Have I heard of one before?
Yes! I have heard
Of the Greatest of All Romance
A love most absurd
Between me and my king
Apr 2019 · 231
Til Dawn
Eitten S Apr 2019
You left me standing in the rain
What did I do to deserve this pain?
On the wet concrete
My tears dropped, my heart plummeted 10,000 feet
My coat wrapped around my soaked figure
My eyes trained on the last picture
I ever took with you
Nothing I could do
My love and the image, ruined
Dissolving in the sky’s fluid
Pick up my pace
Run out of your embrace
Into another, better, being
Someone who will help me see
Someone who won’t leave me falling
Who will not leave me weeping
Thanks to Silencer for the name!
I have never been in any relationship but I trust my instincts on how I think it must feel to be let down.
Apr 2019 · 110
What Am I? - RIDDLE
Eitten S Apr 2019
I cause

Eyes to turn to glass
Lungs to be unable to contract

Hearts to cease to beat
Bodies to be unable to hold heat

Muscles to relax
Faces to sag

Hands to become useless
Legs to become motionless

What/Who am I?
Can you guess? Thanks for reading!
Apr 2019 · 1.3k
The Warrior Of Wind
Eitten S Apr 2019
Warrior of Wind
Stands on a cloud and looks down
from the big, blue sky

She watches for all
Waiting for the day that she
Can reveal herself

For now, she must hide
Until the gods themselves come
From the big, blue sky

Then when that day comes
She will soar across the sky
Bringing gusts of wind

She can't wait to fill
prophecies foretold of the
Warrior of Wind
5 Haiku poems combined. I'm not sure if there is a Warrior of the Wind, but if there is this is how I imagine her. Standing on a cloud, watching the world and waiting for the Last Day.
Apr 2019 · 17.8k
Take the Stairs
Eitten S Apr 2019
Do you ever feel
Do you ever think
Fight that feeling
And take the
                  ­  rs
                      to the top floor.
i wanted to try something new. Hope you like it and can read it! :D
Eitten S Apr 2019
The Girl with Hair of Fire
Runs through the labyrinth of life
Her one desire,
To live in a world without strife
Apr 2019 · 136
I Ain't Your Everyday Girl
Eitten S Apr 2019
I ain't one of your everyday girls
I don't like diamonds or pearls
I don't do dresses or gowns
I don't do unicorns or crowns
I don't do a prince waiting in a castle
I don't do mornings without a hassle

I ain't one of your everyday girls
I don't do anything to my curls
I do a t-shirt and jeans
I am not a queen, by any means
I don't believe in anything generic and ordinary
I can make people wary

For, I like to create my own galaxies
I like places with good abnormalities
I think kindness is essential
I think everyone needs to be prudential
As my essence to you unfurls
You know, I ain't one of your everyday girls
When I say generic and ordinary, I mean where you do what everyone else is doing. You don't have to go with the flow when you don't like it. Create your own creek off of the river of life!
Mar 2019 · 260
Name In The Comments!
Eitten S Mar 2019
The tall thin blades
Lived a man
He rejoiced
When spring was
And all the children came out to play
He weeped
When the grass died
And all life withered away
I couldn't come up with a name for this poem. I wrote it when I was outside. Such amazing worlds you can come up with!
Eitten S Mar 2019
When love is all you need,
why not love me?
I am not your lover
Though I may be your only true friend
I am not your kinsman
Yet our flesh and blood mingle
I am not your hero
But I can be your worst of enemies
I am not your teacher
Though I can be worth listening to
I am not your God
Though I can be your idol

Who am I?

If love is all you need,
Why not love me?

I am you
Your body is a perfect image of God. Don't harm it please! Thanks for reading!
Eitten S Mar 2019
A lonesome swordsman
Stands on a hill
Watching the village
Where nothing is still

No quiet moment
No crowdless street
No content beings
Nothing unaccounted for

Except the man
On the hill
For he knows one thing
That will

One pair of eyes unseeing
One pair of legs not moving
One pair of hands, useless
One heart not beating

The devil-reaper
On the hill
Looks to one broken home
And finds his ****
Thanks for reading!
Mar 2019 · 530
The Invisible Boy
Eitten S Mar 2019
Someone lives inside my head
The Invisible Boy
He consumes my thoughts when I lay in bed
He is my emotion
and my best friend
Upon his shoulders he carries a ton
Yet only a child
He wonders and marvels
at the wild
things, He thinks of those who have no home
He thinks of those
who think they are alone
He thinks of those who seem happy
He thinks of those
who are just acting
He loves and lives inside my mind
He thinks of what will happen
to mankind
On that fateful day, The Last One
The skies will darken and a light will shine
When God will send his only son
to finish what he started, The WAR will then be won!
and no more
will we need the sun. Until that day
He thinks only of joy
He wonders and marvels
Even though he is The Invisible Boy
I have been wanting to make so many versions of this poem. I want to make it an epic one day! Who knows if it ever will happen. The Invisible Boy who lives in me.
Feb 2019 · 229
Bella The Ball
Eitten S Feb 2019
She stands
The Belle of the Ball,
She looks you in the eye
you don't know why
but there she is
Your Bella The Ball
I really want love.... XD I don't know why I wrote it from the man's perspective, but hey! It's poetry!
Feb 2019 · 208
Be There (Reversible Poem)
Eitten S Feb 2019
You'll be there
I hope
Don't leave me
Come with me
I hope you will
Don't leave,
Lonely without you
It is
You were
Be there
Be there, Someone needs you. You might not know it now but someone does. Maybe you need someone.
Jan 2019 · 325
Eitten S Jan 2019
vast, open, wide
not sure of what dangers it could hide
but also beneath the waves
there are treasures a person craves
the sand dollars, coral, and shells
and the captivating fish that lurk in the swells
but also the landscape and picturesque views
that wait for me and you
when we walk across that silky sand
and feel between out toes the feel of the land
how God made it, perfect without harm
but don't forget all his little charm
the seagulls that swoop over out heads
and the splashes that lull us when we lay in our beds
oh, to think how you, a tiny person,
could stand beside this vast ocean
This was also one of my first poems. I wrote this poem on the balcony of my family's condo when we were at Panama City Beach, FL. I love my annual trips with my family.
Jan 2019 · 325
Eitten S Jan 2019
Full of fun
Dolphins play beneath the sun
The waves and tides are their playgrounds
To talk they use their clickety sounds
They sound a warning or a call to play
As they jump into a wave
Look to the ocean this morning
I promise you, it won't be boring
As you just might see a dolphin today
Or catch a glimpse as one swims away
Has anyone ever seen a dolphin when they visited a beach? This was actually one of my first poems. It was written when I had a poetry-writing contest with my sister. (I won. XD) Thanks for reading
Jan 2019 · 179
Eitten S Jan 2019
I am lost
swallowed by sorrow
in an ocean of people
I can't see my 'tomorrow'
the crowd engulfs me
yet I am alone
I search the streets
but I can't find home
there are no familiar faces
no feelings, just thoughts, all around me
no friends
no family
I travelled on the train called life away from home
a big mistake
mistakes are made
little did I know that the world is full of hate
because I am alone
No one will help me
I am alone
I am lost
Does anyone else feel this way sometimes? I wrote this when I had locked myself in my room after a hard day. If you feel the same way I do just know you are not alone. Stay safe. You are loved. Thanks for reading.
Jan 2019 · 2.5k
Eitten S Jan 2019
Which do you hear?
I hear none
I was born completely deaf in both ears. I am lucky enough to have a family who can afford cochlear implants. Others are not so lucky.
Jan 2019 · 255
Eitten S Jan 2019
Words can move mountains
Or so they say
I believe it
Do you?
Words can start a life
Or end it
Words can make someone happy
Words can make someone hurt
Words are the most powerful thing
They express love and emotion
They express thoughts
Words are my world
I speak
Only to hear other's words
I want to make a change
I want the world to be a better place
My love can be expressed with my words. My thoughts and feelings flow through my words, from my vocal chords or my fingers. Thanks for reading
Jan 2019 · 315
Eitten S Jan 2019
Death comes to us all.
It tells US to make the call.
Will you jump the bridge?

Death can be our friend
Helping escape the real world
Descend into dark

If you believe that, he,
Yahweh is the one true God
Then ascend to light
3 Haiku poems combined. Thanks for reading my thoughts.
Jan 2019 · 275
Life (Reversible Poem)
Eitten S Jan 2019
Life is a story
That may remain untold
My life is a tale
I hope will unfold
A life filled with good
A myth centuries old

Or a fable filled with strife
A life filled with drama
Where nothing is right
A fairytale uncontrolled
Life can be a story
I don't even know what happened. I wanted to write a poem and this flowed from my fingers. Thanks for reading.

— The End —