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 Jul 2020
Arcassin B
By Arcassin B

Stupid to believe that everything will be alright,
stupid to believe that our people will stand and fight,
stupid to believe that the state will get better,
stupid I believe the most high carrie's us through weathers,
but whatever forget what my belief system is,
you don't have to tell me that I'm crazy or tell me
that I didn't pass high school just to show that whatever that
I tell you is a conspiracy,
even if i was a scholar you wouldn't believe in me,
I remember days where I didn't believe anything,
not the end of the world,
still don't believe in good love and wedding rings,
I believe in manifesting things,
so while you sit there collect depressing thoughts,
I let my mind sing,
my third eye ain't awake , I don't see nothing,
I'm probably blind like the rest, over nothing.

 Mar 2020
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burn

Welcome to the year of the end,
you better look for better sayings when use a new pen,
see all your family before its too late for friends,
walk to all your enemies and make a mends,
how the hell do you ever get the message if it won't send?
make your mark on the earth before it really does end,
you could ignore my meta mind here,
all in me.

third eye not even open but I'm still woke,
stupid still drinking fructose in their coke,
but who am I to be smart like i have two lab coats and,
when i am a lab rat like the rest of ya'll without a poll,
to decide and vote where the universe might take us,
everyone deserves a purpose , the vultures take and leave us,
so while I sit and think how life could be different in mind,
all you human beings are still blind,
the light is all in me.

 Mar 2020
Arcassin B
By Arcassin B.

I've blown my heart away many times,
I've set my goals and owned my peace of mind,
featuring this ***** mirror and my enormous talent for ghosting,
playing with the illusion that if I could play off in this matrix I'll become
too lucid , sink into the floor and let my mind erase itself
like the self destruct sequence shaping my reality as I see fit
minus the weakness and the weekends of not having a care
about the pieces of any puzzle,
especially those rainy days I use to endure,
I'd tap myself and look outside,
mad little man out the door,
now when I walk outside I see snow,
froze my hate to the core,
I let God carry out my anger, see,
my accomplishments will flourish, this is where I really wanna be,
hope I don't get discouraged, in this life.

 Jun 2019
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

We suffer from lupus and autism and cancer
of a variety,
But this man that speaks to you now suffers
Not worse , but it has a hold on his life
as we speak,
The kind of man he could have been only
mocks him and call him weak, see there's
A difference between good and worse
And he happens to know the story,
He has saw the rage and true colors of
people, too many to count or worry,
For he never had a fear of facing any man
in this life,
Most-High listens to him this time and
this time he will do right...
Flowers cover mountains that humans
can get over,
If this only real for a good life,
Good life , Good Good Life,
Good life , Good Good Life,
Dawns nearly there and the night we will
bring out demons,
That will only try to ruin this good life,
Good life , Good Good Life,
Good life , Good Good Life.


Do they think they could survive in the shade?
Another promise that a politic made,
I work alone like batman battling slade,
Implying about my good and bad side due
to hate,
Watch the people follow being greed crazed,
Most fight the system going out in a blaze,
My body dies but my soul doesn't fade,
Don't let the work field make you a slave.
Don't let the work field make you a slave.
I find peace in knowing that could find
peace in this crooked town,
In this crooked town,
******* sucluded area I'm in,
And I don't like no one,
They all have fake intentions,
Flashy intuition,
Throw it in your face and having you have
a couple mentions,
And when people mention me its not good,
Usually rumors I'm not apart of,
False claiming and saying that I probably
was on drugs,
Doubting and forms riddles on who I was.
Through it all I rise above.
Through it all I rise above over y'all.
I'm a artist , poetic writin' star gazer,
There's no way that I could say that
I am one of a kind.
Through it all I rise above.
Through it all I rise above over y'all.
I'm a artist , poetic writin' star gazer,
There's no way that I could say that
I am one of a kind.
Through it all I rise above.
Through it all I rise above over y'all.
I'm a artist , poetic writin' star gazer,
There's no way that I could say that
I am one of a kind, of a kind.

 Oct 2018
Arcassin B
by Arcassin Burnham

I was just another flame in the mist ready to be burned out.
I was just another past rekindling some spark with an old spouse.
I was just another homeless guy on the street asking for money.
I was just another bee pollenating
Looking around for some honey.

Something about a day to myself just makes it all worth while again,
To love and eat and pray just like a holy ritual where cruelty will never hurt you again.
When humans make up stupid accusations just
Pin something on you just turn the other cheek,
When people have the advantage to ruin what's inside your soul it leaves you in a space not to speak.

Their anger flourishes cause they know they're wrong in times where most of the time parents let society raise their kids while begging for money from the government making money off mental illnesses becoming what the child thought you'd never turn into, hope your heart is bullet proof,
crisis flooding to the roof, putting shame on my name, do better, speak the truth, why does everyone that lives and breaths searching for a better virtue, life isn't hard, follow the rabbit it'll guide you.
Something about a day to myself just makes it all worth while again,
To love and eat and pray just like a holy ritual where cruelty will never hurt you again.
When humans make up stupid accusations just to pin something on you just turn the other cheek,
When people have the advantage to ruin what's inside your soul it leaves you in a space not to speak.
 Aug 2018
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Constant as conscience,
Blind to the fact to be lead in abundance,
this substance,
Look into the soul it calls in an instant,
serving penance,
We all have demons and all have depression,
It worsens,
No hope for the future , mental break
Society, brings you hatred and brings you
income and its evil,
For more dawns where we could have a
day for completion,
I know that it hurts , I know that it hurts,
I could see It,
Following the rabbit as time comes and goes,
How could judge another thinking what he
wanna think , or what she wanna think, or
what they wanna think?
How could you, throw your belief in the
real away for what you think reality is?
Thought you fearless....
 May 2018
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Do you get nervous everywhere you walk?
Do you get nervous when the light comes down?

Do you have problems in your hometown that your family couldn't
fathom , But would love to keep you around?

Are there troubles that would make you or break you?
You don't know the conditions of my past , so don't have any right
to doubt too.

I say the reasons why my heart stays frozen cause emotions won't
be triggered by my body heat to create a thing called love.
You could make your own purpose , I'm not trying to get in the way.
But If I leave and never come back just know that I'm not here to stay,
I don't wanna be your friend,
I don't wanna teach ya, just to get a piece of knowledge and flee.
I had to end the charade because it was you or me.
Now this day in age friends are pretty overrated ,don't you agree?
I really hoped you saw it clear in my eyes if I give you tools to see,
I don't wanna be your mentor , I wanna be happy,
Ended it so sadly,
i don't wanna,
I don't wanna be your friend,
I'm just trying,
I'm just tying to be with the one above all up in heaven,
One above all up in heaven.

Your dismissed , very unmissed,
Got no time to comprehend this diss,
still you miss,
all the things I've told you, I can't deal with this,
I don't miss,
anything about you, all I care is about the one above all.
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
The one above all.

Your dismissed , very unmissed,
Got no time to comprehend this diss,
still you miss,
all the things I've told you, I can't deal with this,
I don't miss,
anything about you, all I care is about the one above all.
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
All I care about is the one above all,
The one above all.
 Apr 2018
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

This time,
I need a little more from this life,
This time,
Theres no more weaknesses in my mind,
This time,
This time,
This time.
Your ancestors and your family won't be proud of your lies,
the devil lurks from around corners provoking the mind and shadowing
Tell me how many times can you cheat
On her before she ends up with a different
Tell me will you ever change your ways
this time,
I fight demons everyday but more urges
trying to gain my soul,
I hope this doesn't really haunt me with
Struggles that might end up taking me
How does it feel to know that probably
one day you might go to hell when you
I'm hoping the most high will give me
Some wings fly..

This time,
I need a little more from this life,
This time,
Theres no more weaknesses in my mind,
This time,
This time,
This time,
Hope that I could get a chance to fly,
To somewhere that's high,
Like the astral plane,
Eating all the plums off the tree of life,
Once again in this life this time,
I wish I could fly,
‎right through my mind's eye,
‎A brand new life,
‎For a short time,
‎To look in Gods eyes.
 Oct 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Everglade, Everglade,
Positivity won't prosper as long as the negative comes first,
Put your lives on the line for some cheddar to know in the end that it will hurt,
People place many scars all on their back after learning what their friends just went through,
Nobody knows your true feelings but you,  ***** you aint see through,
You'll be you foreverglade,
Refrigerated your heart for giving reason,
Cry about the same **** everyday and every season,
Let the little things you love just fly you away to a place where the demons can't
Catch or call on your name,
You shouldn't give up on the faith for no reason, Everglade,
Let me put it in words you understand,
I'm not in a competition with no man,
The overly passive aggressive teams fails,
And just all hail to the righteous man,
The men that fight for families and knows to take a stand,
Not a bully that hangs you up from by your pants,
Lifes too complicated,  I just can not brand,
Everglade, Everglade.
 Jun 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

I was looking for a way I could make it though a life
Where people take **** too seriously,
I was looking for a life,

Had too many hardships in a world so invaluable
To the next life in a cryptic​ sleep,
Finding a way to dream,

There's no other way to say that I can't forgive all the
Things u put me through,
I hope it gets back to you too,

Just your average ordinary teen just looking for a job,
Of course minimum wage,
This is not my true virtue.
 Mar 2017
Arcassin B
by Arcassin Burnham

Sitting in the room with a blank stare,
you have your whole life ahead of you and people
Making sacrifices for friends that won't do the same,
they were never with you all along,
they don't know your name
Thinking about what your brothers and your sisters
All day long trying to penny pinch,
Looking for a decent job is minus percent,
And you can't love a boy round here cause non of them are men,

Soul Searching is so ******* hard to do baby,
when you've got the devil running after you baby,
could you find the light and let it redeem? maybe,
can't i try to make you feel like a queen baby?
But the trust issues ran so deep lately,
you can't trust anyone , not even family,
The past has ruined your life in many ways basically,
that doesn't mean anyone can be the enemy.
 Mar 2017
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Take the shot,
please don't blow it,
unless i lose it,
I'll never know it,
feeling like i'm ten feet below,
on the slippery ***** , to what hell has to offer,
i'm glad that you know,
the things that we cherish, we lose,
i know that this life isn't proper,
Take a shot,
i command you,
but i don't wanna,
swear i can't stand you,
lord please just take the wheel tonight,
no more promises to fight , if you promise me we would stay
up all night,
stranger than a twilight,
trash is another mans treasure,
find it on sight,

thinking how long have i been in this condition besting all my other personalities of when i'm drunk infesting way too many signs of intoxication in ways that i would think is not good for the human brain,
if not then i don't act the same,
With life struggles you can erase,
work hard to replace the things that have been impacting all of us,
but the last of us don't need to say a thing,
locked up and get life in jail or don't really better yourself at all,
like dominoes , one day it'll be your turn to fall,
please don't let the serpent win , but you just wanna hang out with the boys,
please don't let the serpent win , but you just wanna get high with the boys,
please don't let serpent win , but you just wanna commit a crime with the boys,
oh look! the serpent at the finish line and its on you,
my boy that was your choice,

Take the shot,
please don't blow it,
unless i lose it,
I'll never know it,
feeling like i'm ten feet below,
on the slippery ***** , to what hell has to offer,
i'm glad that you know,
the things that we cherish, we lose,
i know that this life isn't proper.
©ABPoetry:RisenLP2017 ©ABPoetry2017.
 Feb 2017
She dances on the sand
trying to become one
with the earth again....*
She has pain in heart
Sadness in her eyes
And a broken spirit
But she still smiles through the pain
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