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birdy Feb 2021
To be loved is to be stripped down to your core. Until the truth is exposed and you're an open book.
And then be accepted.
Not for the persona you created, or the fake meaningless words you use to impress, not the clothes you wear, the way you part your hair, or anything of the sort.
But to be accepted in your pure state of self truth.
That is love.
accept me
birdy Apr 2022
Convincing the heart
to love
is simple.
But arguing against it,
is not.
birdy May 2022
my life has started whirling
down a sink of self doubt
I question everything I love
because my perfect life
has started to crack
revealing all the aches
I had tried to cover
birdy May 2022
My body was art --- not to your taste,
you covered me in criticism.
Your words molding me like clay
until the mirror reflected a shell.

The child inside,
forever lost.
birdy Jun 2022
The devil is knockin'
cracking up whilst you're talking
all your words are gettin' slurred
too bad your pleas of mercy shall not be heard

You'll pay for all the hurt
you'll sink down in the dirt

"Curse you devil!"

down with you
down to the herd
of all the other evils hell bears
birdy Apr 2021
All the beauty in the world envies you.
Yet you offer out a hand to any who may need it.
Holy beings dance to your melodies,
songs so soothing they cure a broken heart.
The ground around you sparkles with a myriad of blossoms.
Words so sweet satan himself shows you compassion.
Your silky golden hair eclpises the shine of all precious treasures.
I never knew love could be filled with such certainty.
birdy Jan 2022
For years I've avidly ate sadness.
And now that I have contentment,
I find myself feeling resentment.
And wanting to eat sadness again.
birdy Apr 2022
Your hand shakes
lips quivering
beginning to form a word.

But the disease washes the 'you' away
leaving me wondering,
birdy Mar 2021
Messy hair and stained white shirts.
The laughing stock of this tiny stage.
Stare at your feet,
Velcro sketchers covered in sand.
birdy May 2022
I am not a lover
I cannot be chained down
To someone so soon
I cannot be this earth's moon.
birdy Jun 2022
men down the alley
don't care for the person
that they hunt
they care for
the prey like manner
of the scared
birdy Apr 2022
that crescendo
and then quickly
die out
birdy May 2022
blue bells for eyes
her name was a song
that made the graveyard hum
for the dead became flushed
her beauty reminding them of life
birdy Apr 2022
Iris framing a soul's song,
a black pearl for which I long.
birdy Apr 2021
Mirrors like to lie.
Reflecting a 'girl'.
An image of an old self,
a mannequin.
birdy Apr 28
Time ticks away
tying tears tightly
to my tired eyes

bound to me now
till the clock is unwound

knots going back farther
I cry for my father

        Please untie me!
        Untie me,
        untie me from the pain!
        Release the child
        imprisoned in my brain!
birdy Feb 2021
Relieve me from this label,
I cannot belong in this cramped space
That you decide I fit in
I don't understand why anyone would want to be confined
To just one thing.
You tell me I'm this,
Not that.
But why can't I be both?
Or neither?
Why conform?
Why conform when I feel so free just being
Why conform?
birdy May 2021
As the last grain hits the glass basin,
I know it was all for nothing.
birdy Oct 2023
filled with futile passion.

tears meant to be rationed
pooling at my knees,
spilling so fast
its hard to see.

a sea of futile passion,
beautiful but,
worth nothing
when its time to cash-in.
birdy May 2021
The grooves of a grave.
The gruesome gurgle of the ground.
birdy May 2022
I'm crying for a girl who never existed.
One who failed but always persisted,
to try and figure out
what makes one woman.
these thoughts about gender felt like a shout,
but this 'girl' was still figuring it out.
Now this person mourns the loss,
of this gender that felt like an albatross.
birdy May 2021
You cannot frame the oceans waves.
Forever changing,
vibrant blue -- ever-changing into deeper shades of understanding.
A never changing struggle between the sand and the water.
I am the ocean -- blue.
birdy Jun 2022
She longed for his lips
instead the only thing she kissed
was her seventh cigarette
birdy Apr 2022
she left me for dead,
her words slitting skin
her careful eye drawing blood.
birdy Jan 2022
My lungs can taste the air,
birdy May 9
As if I’ve
forgiven life,
forgotten the child
                                           in me
who had been crying
and never stopped.
birdy Feb 2021
Though light persists to reach my eyes, I hereby reject this harsh reality. For it is easier to renounce something you cannot percieve.
birdy Apr 28
Puffing smoke
to try and burn up
the weight on my heart

Now I'm only more jaded
than I was to start
birdy Feb 2021
Her perfect smile,
Shines brighter than his.
But he is what everyone expects I want.
He is what everyone expects I need.
But she is so beautiful,
She's everything I desire.
I wonder if she ever sees me
Thinks the same.
birdy Jan 2022
He likes to collect feelings
the angry ones
the sad ones
the happy ones
His mind grows heavy
with this adamant passion
He sleeps knowingly
and without peace
as if he can sense the bad
creeping around him
ready to pounce
You watch
you could help
wishing he could know
that he's safe
because no matter what
you'll always protect him.
birdy Feb 2021
Sins that track blood across black and White pages.
Staining everything with deep Burgundy.
These events leave a bitter aftertaste.
The familiar taste of guilt.
But instead of atoning,
You sugarcoat the evil doings,
That you find,
Hard to swallow.
birdy Jan 2022
Light splayed out across the roof like paint.
A sweet glow, I never want to go.
birdy Jan 2023
scarce serendipity

scathing scars

sorrow’s souvenirs

serenity secluded



birdy May 8
when the rain cries
no one notices

been bad for so long
sad for so long

no one notices.
birdy Aug 2022
your imperfection perfects me
birdy Apr 2021
Mind-- inveigling me into anachronistic thoughts.

Self betrayal, stings the most, and cuts the deepest.
birdy Jun 2022
the way they loom over
watching from cracks in doors
listening from windows ajar

they fear me

trying to discover secrets
about the enemy that resides within
this humble frame

for only I can be my saviour
but only I,
am proposed a foe
birdy May 2022
If the world knew you,
maybe it wouldn't have
made you this way.
It would uncurse you,
free you from the facade of strength
release your emotions
the hate
the love
the tears.
Because true strength
true bravery
is to let loose the thoughts and feelings
that scare you most.
birdy Aug 2022
my love is captivating
my love has gravity

I love like the ocean
I love with fervor

my love is waves of emotion
my love clashes into consuming chaos

I love the chaos
I love the way I love
birdy May 11
empty words.
until I found you
to teach me
what it meant
birdy Jan 2022
Does crying out
in a blank world
make me selfish

Selfish to want someone
just so they can hear
my screams
birdy Feb 2021
My stomach hurdles over these seemly Insignificant tasks.
With every attempted hop I stumble.
Something as simple as washing dishes feels insufferable.
The bubbles don't hug me as they did when I was smaller.
They mock me knowing that I cannot do something so simple.
Life is a river and I'm just a twig along for the treacherous ride.
I'm swept away.
My feet cannot provide me stability, they don't root themselves into the soil like everyone else does,
birdy Apr 2022
Words bleed out of my wrists,
dying much faster than feelings.
birdy Apr 28
The sky fades into the earth,

Between which
city lights and stars
flow seamlessly

impossibly small
hold vastness that I will never know
worlds I will never touch
souls I will never feel.

Seeing all this infinity,
I think of you.

Abstruse darkness
with millions of lights,

But only one is yours
and only one
can bring dawn
to my night
birdy Jun 2022
They ran,
like they had never escaped
from anything before

I was their prison
and it hurts to know
that I was what
kept them up at night

birdy Dec 2021
I've been dreaming of dying,
Sometimes I feel like I'm already gone.
birdy Dec 2021
Happiness has become expensive.
Counting pennies like a child.
birdy Jan 2022
Life remains stagnant.
birdy Jan 2022
I tried to dream of you tonight.
birdy Mar 2022
Life is flourishing. My tears have worked hard, to rejuvenate this life.
For the first time in years, I feel like myself again.
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