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birdy Feb 2023
A crossroads.

a path encased in forest
green patchwork of branches, keep secret—-
the memories of shoes on the mossy trail

a path paved pretentiously
wood rebelliously pushing back against the green
overthrowing the chaos of jagged weeds
all the same suppressing the beauty of the wild flowers

a cleared path
barren of trouble
barren of life

a secluded path
enveloped in mystery
enveloped in regret

a guaranteed destination

an invitation to...
birdy Jan 2022
A killer kills
to fill
a conniving cavern
of inner calamity
birdy May 2022
Mind trembling at the thought of life,
why live if one's to live in strife?
birdy Jun 2022
the last time i felt wanted
i was eight
this feeling is haunted
having died many years ago
birdy Jun 2022
To Yemaya,

Am I enough?
I've given you everything
I've hollowed myself out I have nothing left to give
my new shell is delicate and fragile
yet you do not handle it with care
Do you not have love for me at all?

From Yemaya,
February 2021
birdy Aug 2022
love without laments
land without lord
birdy Feb 2021
I feel the pressure of your achievements weighing me down.

A boat cannot sail forward with its anchor in the sand.

I wish to cut the chain and let the anchor sink,

Because the ocean is to big to stay here forever.
birdy May 2022
The love left abandoned
bruised and beat up
like the other items
that couldn't keep up
birdy Jan 2022
Your words take me away
the warm breath of secrets
the scent of trust
you sound like love
birdy Jun 2022
two lovers in the rain
see each other
through a thousand new shades
each rain drop reflecting and refracting their love
into new beautiful hues
and shapes.
birdy Jul 2022
I could never love myself through the male gaze,
every part of me dissected into something that is nothing
objectified and dismembered into significantly insignificant categories
criticized, and ostracized from humanly functions
only to be put on display
as a mannequin.
birdy Jun 2022
you looked at me
as if I wore a ravens coat
birdy Apr 2021
Soft oak eyes,
I hear rustling leaves when you meet my gaze.
Magnificent branches wrap around you.
Perched musicians who chirp mesmerizing tunes, ******* me in like a siren's song.
I see you through my purest eyes,
For not to corrupt your pristine haze.
Your beauty is a maze.
I'm lost
birdy Jan 2022
The quiet has a strong smell
No usual pleasantries remain between us
We're just left to marinate in the air of regret
birdy Apr 2022
Widow me of your gaze,
ugly *******.
The whistles of birds,
are torture from ***** mouths.
birdy Jul 2022
emotions check in and out
each leaving their mark

rooms left pristine by joy
will be left muddled by anger

But one room has never been stayed in
left untouched, the room for love is abandoned

I encourage passersby to stay
but alas it is left dusty

maybe the decor is too drab
or the building lacks a certain warmth

either way
the mind hotel is left with a permanent vacancy
birdy Jan 2022
My love is reflected in your eyes
dancing on blue irises.
birdy Apr 2022
Marred muses mellifluous melodies
make the masses move to the music.
birdy Apr 2022
Hands travelling over me,
I'm scared, holding back tears.
My heart pounds trying to fight back, but I'm paralyzed unable to protect myself.
And he holds me as if I were his to adore.

Now I wonder if I can ever be held again.
birdy Apr 2021
Dew drops placate
the hungry grass

Sun--breaking night's serenity
leaving us forgetting ebony

Fire bugs breathing
in star luminance

Moon--who prefers to assuage
lovingly dims the Sun's immanent rage
birdy Apr 2021
Warm desire.

Just nearly boiled over.
birdy Apr 2021
Burning of rage,
Desperately trying to mask
The embers of passion
I can't help but feel.
birdy Jan 2022
The air rings red,
all attentive to your
bright red lips.
birdy Feb 2021
How ironic,
To write poetry
That speaks of
As if it were a familiar friend.
I write the thoughts too large and complex to store in my head alone.
I have not yet found
'My person.'
But I write as if we have known each other forever.
In the end there is no one for me.
But until hope is lost,
I write about you.
A person that I haven't met.

My person.
I love you, whoever you are.
birdy Feb 2021
"Become perfect."
My eyes are glazed over
Delicate glass tears blur my vision
I promise."
birdy Apr 2021
Sheathed in golden mist,
mysterious and alluring.
birdy Jun 2022
Dear stranger,

when I was crying on a park bench in the rain, why did you offer out an umbrella? Every other stranger had rushed away as if tears were contagious, but you welcomed mine. Why did you go a step further to ask what's wrong? When not even those I know care to ask. We sat there in the rain until my words stopped and the clouds cleared. Why did you reach for my hand when I left? Are you too in need of a listening ear? I have known you for hours yet I feel with you I am safe, you have a stability about you, like a strong shape. Yet a roundness as well, a softness. If I believed in instant love, you would be mine.

With love,
the person crying on the park bench,
birdy Apr 2022
My suicide felt like an escape,
waking up felt like a sentence.

Married to death in words only,
falling asleep felt conjugal.

Night visits,
brief moments of peace,
before being thrown into
the deep end.

Death had grown me in captivity,
making me forget how to survive.

I had become dependent
on death's solace.

I sobered myself to reality,
death's sweetness
oscillated in ways
too unpredictable
for comfort.

Life treats me better
than death ever did.

Although there are moments,
where I wish to return into the blankness of death,
into the carelessness of nothing.

I remember how far I've come,
and how proud I would be,
to look into the future and see,

that I love life.
birdy Dec 2021
The Sun beams down blessing the white curtains with a holy sort of light,
delicate undulant pristine waves of silk,
frame the green leaves that peek out,
gentle and humble,
commanding the eye to gaze upon them,
aware of their beauty,
manage to give vanity allurement.
birdy May 2021
A body,
Made to trap my mind.
birdy Jan 2023
my heart urges to
but my mind
cannot focus on passion
can’t put aside pain
so my heart’s paintings
become plain
overwritten by
an unloving mind
birdy Jan 2022
Peeling back the layers
Citrusy and sweet
I want to know
How someone can be so
birdy Apr 2021
Might your eyes see me,
they will not shout,
birdy May 2022
cigarette smoke couch
in an alley
street light flickering
pouring your heart out
but I can't love someone
who makes the world seem small
like you do
birdy May 2023
Never felt quite like this,
like i’m just existing
existing sweeps me away like a tide
my mind moves slowly down it like a delicate wooden raft
only to accelerate until it crashes
and I have to reset each time
each time losing a plank
until i’m quite literally on my last straw
well… semi-literally
and it *****
because I don’t even know why
why im putting myself through the journey
birdy Jan 2023
i’m addicted to beauty
i no longer want my poetry
to remind me
of the ominous goal
that you can never understand
birdy Mar 2021
Drown out the laughs with your own internal screams.
Now you wish for that undervalued state of oblivion.
birdy Mar 2022
I'm a book without a cover.
Just raw words, and half-baked thoughts,
Without a title.
birdy Jan 2022
pitter patter
on the roof top
pitter patter
on the sidewalk
splish splash
on your hand
splish splash
holding mine.
birdy Apr 2022
Alone on the playground,
counting minutes.
Too much time alone with yourself,
to wonder why you even try.
birdy May 2022
meant to transcend paper
this complex hand
reaching out
to hold your mind
for just a moment
birdy May 2023
I’m sick of trying to make my thoughts beautiful

I’m too tired to think in verses

Poetry is like a whole other language

Sometimes I feel like I’m pretending to be bilingual

I’m not an artist

Like the rest of you
birdy Jan 2022
No matter what anyone says i know i'm pretty ugly
The kind of ugly that's pretty
The kind that's so different its hard to call ugly
Because it's just not comparable to pretty
birdy Feb 2021
The world is so beautiful,
Through eyes purified by love.
Who knew
That one person
Could wash away the brokenness of this cruel world.
I love who
birdy Apr 2021
Hopes of a future never to come pass.
Cutting of thread leaving a trail of red.
Comforting lies, take on vengeance’s plasse.
Callow certainty leading my bloodshed.

Essence refusing change, oil and water.
Dripping maroon, satisfies my sweet tooth.
Lost track of my goal, now it's a slaughter.
Enciphered desire, immiscible youth.

As I let go sorrow’s waters -- forlorn,
See me with your purest eyes, unerring
Touch of a mother’s hand, I am reborn.
Sins, a raven’s coat, heavens are glaring.

And as I lay my vision ridden red,
How foolish to lead to one’s own bloodshed.
this is my first sonnet (I did it without the iambic pentameter because I'm still learning)
birdy Apr 2022
it is not
'us versus them'
'you versus me'
it is us against the problem
which you fail to see.
birdy Aug 2022
crack    pop    sizzle
a million nerves go
crack    pop   sizzle
with vibrant rays of potential
to paint an exuberant future
birdy Jan 2022
2 cups of tell me when you find it.
birdy Jun 2022
I feel freedom from my skin
vicariously through the blood
birdy Dec 2021
obscured by the leaves
hidden by the shade
lie there, rest.
you've done enough.
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