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Dec 2019 · 660
Forgotten Corpse
Annie Cynthia Dec 2019
I feel nothing,
I am made of rubber and spice.
I sway meaningless to meaningful songs,
laugh without a sparkle in my eyes.

I feel nothing,
I talk and laugh all day,
I sit and stare at night.
I am this loud silence deafening the earth.

I feel nothing,
Violins playing in cemeteries,
skeletons dancing to merry tones.
I look at them with dead eyes.

I feel nothing,
I am numb.
I am the sun and the moon.
The dark and the light.

I feel nothing,
I am not present here.
I am a forgotten corpse,
mistakenly breathing and emptily alive.
Mar 2018 · 569
Gun of Torture
Annie Cynthia Mar 2018
The world isn't there anymore
It's just the ruins of my innocence
Shattered by your gun of torture

Tell me, why all this would happen?
In just a moment,
My heart beats so fast and my stomach hurts

When will this world come to an end?
When will you stop taunting me with your smile?
When will I die with you in me?
Nov 2017 · 602
World - The Burial Ground
Annie Cynthia Nov 2017
What hath we done?
What time do we live in?
Feeding off horrors and faking laughters

We stead on the land, the land of the dead
The land enriched with their moisture, we harvest our food

We nurture our little ones with apples,
The apple tree grown from the little boy shot in the war

The final will of inheritance brings smile to our hearts
Still, we cry at the old man's funeral

What hath we done to live in this world?
What time do we live in?

This world, a burial ground.
Sep 2017 · 336
Our Play...
Annie Cynthia Sep 2017
The stones come up as water fills
As time passes,
you fill my mind more often

It doesn't make sense, does it?
Thinking of you, savoring the little moments we had
Everything is a lie, a dream, a memory etched forever in me

Where will I run away from you?
There is nothing stopping me from forgetting you
Then, what is it?

Is it because you're an angel I've never seen before?
A beautiful man, so perfect, so full, and so far
The picture from God's hands, painted to perfection

A little music plays, the screen rolls down and we dance
In my mind,
I conduct a play for Us

We dance on the moon, among the trees, in the pool
We marry,
and still dance in the terrace of the honeymoon villa  

Then I smile, and open my eyes
Now don't embrace yourself
I can close my eyes anytime, to restart our play...
Sep 2017 · 323
Letter To The Sun
Annie Cynthia Sep 2017
With one kiss from you, you burn me red
Chase away the darkness and lit up my bed

You awaken the shrunken heads, the waters of the night you feed
The magic lantern you are, the **** dances’ lead

You have played your part and now it’s time
For your white queen to arrive, at the midnight chime
Sep 2017 · 280
Annie Cynthia Sep 2017
He was so stubborn like the thorns of the cactus.
She was stubborn too,
To soften his thorns.
Sep 2017 · 389
Hey, you...
Annie Cynthia Sep 2017
Somewhere you are
Watching me live

But little do you know
Only through you I thrive..

The world is not enough
To compare my love for you

But hey, you aren't gone nowhere
For to be me, is to be you...

Ma ❤️
Sep 2017 · 458
Annie Cynthia Sep 2017
There is a silence
So calm, so peaceful, so numb..

There is a silence
Emanating from my body, succumb..

There is a silence
Voices and noises blur around me..

There is a silence
Now I don't even feel my knee..

There is a silence
I created it, so proud..

There is a silence
You are listening to my mind which cannot talk aloud..
To me, from me.
Aug 2017 · 339
Dark Side
Annie Cynthia Aug 2017
The darkness within you,

It revels in you and teaches you how to grow.

It tells you a story that is no longer been told.
Aug 2017 · 322
Annie Cynthia Aug 2017
Death is just a beginning
Death is all, but not the end
Death is freedom.
Annie Cynthia Aug 2017
Melted into the soul's pull, is the helpless heart that is sore
Yielding to the devil's embrace
setting free the broken pieces
The cold and tender evenings, shattering what is left

Singing to the soul which sleeps with opened eyes
Longing for the ******* to tie myself to freedom
Letting the wound open
stroking it gently with the bee's feet

What has life taught the ignorant man?
The tongue of false vows and foul talks
The wretched lay awake embracing the sands of sun
The loyal is doomed at the gates of wolfs

Torture is what the heart yearns
The good is denied and the forbidden is desired
For the hearts of this world chases the snake
The snake chases the rabbit
The rabbit, carrots.
Jul 2017 · 457
Annie Cynthia Jul 2017
The clouds, the wind, the sky...
Everything is something you can never buy

The stars, the moon and the sea...
They await to hear your plea

The flowers, gold fish and music...
brings you smile when you're sick

The moments when you're sober...
Think of them
You'll be calm
Yet, sober again
Because Sobriety is an addiction.
Mar 2017 · 737
You are Special
Annie Cynthia Mar 2017
A beautiful soul is hard to find,
With so much on my mind,

You are so much more than what others think of you,
A tower, a flower and a writer too.
Mar 2017 · 536
A Movie
Annie Cynthia Mar 2017
Oh, how many times I cried
How many moments I wanted still...
Too much pain to bleed
But much more love to tell...
Mar 2017 · 424
Annie Cynthia Mar 2017
There is a madness beyond anything
An emotion deep as sea

Someone somewhere is suffering
For losing the key...
Pain suffering love loss madness
Mar 2017 · 666
What we want?
Annie Cynthia Mar 2017
The sky so clear
The trees stay still
The wind so dear
Makes men want to ****

It's not jealousy or hatred
Nor it's for power or stature
It's love that we all catered
Without it, insanity lure...
Dec 2016 · 787
Annie Cynthia Dec 2016
I am leaving this place to seek another,
With a heart, heavy as a whale.
I know I'll find a new start,
and soon start to sail.
Missing you is one story,
because I choose to leave.
You'll know not of my broken heart,
which cries for you to save.
Is it fate that I had to meet you,
and leave you so soon?
I leave to God for all the answers,
and keep cursing the moon.
Nov 2016 · 762
Save me or kill me?
Annie Cynthia Nov 2016
Will this go on, my love?
Will it **** me like it does now?
Or, will it save me?
I’ve seen pain before
But I did not ask for this pain
It came to me, like you did
You carried me away within a flash of my eyelid
My love, a lustful love I have on you
Will this last, my love?
Oh! how I wish it does
My sweet, vicious darling
You are nothing I’ve ever desired, but you are now everything I want and need…
Nov 2016 · 845
The Seeker
Annie Cynthia Nov 2016
The seeker seeks for a treasure,
His treasure.
When he finds it, he lays his life to get it.
Though there are several thousand treasures all around him,
He yearns for one.
His body and soul are bound to its way,
Making not him seek the treasure, but it seeking him.
Nov 2016 · 2.9k
Cute Idiot
Annie Cynthia Nov 2016
I erupt into the night sky and land on the moon,
with just one look into your eyes.
You handsome idiot,
keep your charm away from me,
It's poisoning my heart...
Oct 2016 · 784
My love
Annie Cynthia Oct 2016
"Death" is more sweeter than you.
The pain I endure without your being is severe than the ancient punishments.
That pain you give me each second when I think of your face, your smooth hands; your hair; your pink, soft body;
****** me like little-sharp thorns.
You ruthless, adamant, and wonderful woman!
You showed what's bitter than death.
You showed me something which is worse than dying.
It's losing you...
Oct 2016 · 2.2k
Annie Cynthia Oct 2016
Twinkling like a never-ending day star,
You shower me with sparkles everywhere.
I am drenched by them like a naked flower,
dressed by raindrops.

Your sparkles are way too light-ful to handle,
That I go into a state of trance.
I look out for you for help,
Because you are the only one who could undress me,
by your slender-smooth fingers.

I refuse to be undressed.
I love this state you have left me to be.
I love to be devoured by you, my Angel...
Oct 2016 · 1.4k
Annie Cynthia Oct 2016
I saw a picture of a flower,
It took me a while to realize it was your picture and
the flower picture is actually above yours.
Oct 2016 · 534
Annie Cynthia Oct 2016
The dead are lucky.
They don't have to suffer with the desire I have for you.
Oct 2016 · 385
Annie Cynthia Oct 2016
In my heart liveth thee…
Though you cannot see.
Far away you’ve gone…
Turning me into a thorn.
What have I done to deserve your loss?
My precious, pure-hearted, rose.
Oh! Goddess, I hurt you then…
Now, I hope to die and count to ten.

— The End —