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641 · Apr 2016
With This
archwolf-angel Apr 2016
With love*
It is pain and grief
Non stop second guessing
Bunch of stupid fairytale stories

With love
It is learning
To keep yourself safe
Yet still flying free
Knowing one day
You will feel again

With love
Is butterflies in your stomach
Heart racing
Upon seeing him
Insanely blushing
Making a little wish

With love
Is holding your hand
Kissing you
Smiling in your simple gaze
Never leaving

With you
Is never ending sleepovers
Cuddling and snuggling
Completed nights under hugs
This never has to stop*

*With us
In love
Just you
And I
No more lies
No more goodbyes
No more misses
Endless kisses
633 · Aug 2016
archwolf-angel Aug 2016
Jumbled up lullabies
That put me to sleep
A tearful of pillows
Accompanying my dreams
630 · Jun 2016
archwolf-angel Jun 2016
Bricks of defense
Barriers and fences
Built up a wall
Blocked off the universe

Living by oneself
Damaging within
Admitted defeat
To what has to be

Breathing through each day
Fighting every war
Silently wishing
For a miracle to come forth

Someone picked the lock
The gates are opened
Welcoming solace
Tip toed into my world

Like an energy pill
A sight to cure every darkness
A touch to **** evil

Still, wars are never-ending
Yet it is this visitor
Whom have grant me allowance
To be
"You have visited by surprise, but I would like you to stay."
624 · Nov 2016
archwolf-angel Nov 2016
An ordinary girl
In the reflection she sees
Playing roles accordingly
Facades to please society

Never thought she would matter
Or even cause a stir
Because she had always been told
You are a wallflower

Never saw her own beauty
Never could believe
Because she had always been made to feel
You are not worth it

But it was her labelled flaws
That he saw as attractive features
That was when she started to truly think
*You are a beautiful creature
611 · Apr 2016
Give Me a Word
archwolf-angel Apr 2016
Give me a word
Write me a prompt
See what I may do with it
Let's see where it goes

Fulfilment ahead I hope
Smiles formed behind keyboards
Be a part of my poetry
Join me in my rhythmic songs

Speak up your mind
Open up your heart
Let's make a bond
Give me a word and I'll do my best to write something about it or with it. All are welcome to be my inspiration. Let me write for you.
608 · Mar 2017
archwolf-angel Mar 2017
She sits there
On a maroon throne
With rubies and roses
Thorns in between gold embossments

Flaming red hair
Bright like the sun
Murderous bloodshot hues
With fiery intent and raging nerves

Burgundy lips shaped seductively
Flushed cheeks with a tint of coy
Decked in a suit
That made her look like she was ignited
Like she had been set ablaze

*And she sits there...
On her maroon throne
With her bleeding heart
On her scepter

With only blazing emotions
Running through her veins...
599 · Jan 2017
Ferris Wheel
archwolf-angel Jan 2017
As the theme park gate opens
Sounds of excitement filled the compound
Little children, teenagers, grown ups
Crowding the lines to rides and snack bars

Joyful chatters
Nonstop laughters
Screams of thrill
Cheeky giggles

I go in circles to bring joy
Especially when I stop for the ones at the highest point
The smiles on their faces
Feeling like they are on the top of the world


A lone stranger wanders around
Climbed into one of the pods
Locked himself in there
His eyes watching the scenery blankly

Tears started rolling down his cheeks
Meekly, gently, discreetly
But I see it
I feel the droplets
As it drips almost too carefully..

I felt his pain
The sadness within
So maybe...
Just maybe...
The peak would comfort him
It will give the best view
I'll provide it


The round will have to end
I'll have to bring him back down to the ground
And he will have to return home

Can we go for another round?
Just one more...
So I could show him that view that I can provide
Just one more time...
Even if his tears would rust me
Or even if it means he still has to leave
At least I know
And I'll remember

*I've made him happy
599 · Oct 2016
Winter Solace
archwolf-angel Oct 2016
The cold plays a simple symphony
A perfect season for cuddly jackets and woolly gloves
Skin tight jeans and knee high boots
And knitted scarfs made from tender careful hands

Light weight make up that stays in tact
Kissable lips always stay perfect
A warm cup of coffee in hand
Music playing through headsets

Sights caught in between the falling snow
Brown hues whispering cheerful greetings
An embrace of warmth from body heat
Hearing that familiar heartbeat
580 · Aug 2016
Your Eyes
archwolf-angel Aug 2016
Those dark brown eyes...
                                ...Like the sapphire sky
                                That takes me away
                                Flies me way up high

Those gentle hues...
                         ...Like the peaceful moon
                         That soothes my blues
                        Quietly breathing pleasant tunes

Those charming gazes...
                             ...Like the charismatic sun
                             That takes me to all the places
                             Where I can dream about all the    
                            things I always wanted

Those soft, twinkling eyes...
                                  ...Like a home for the heart
                                  That allows me to rest and breathe
                                  Till I find calmness in me again
576 · Jan 2017
On Pause
archwolf-angel Jan 2017
Little gossips and wayward talks
Playful antics and deepest thoughts
Vulnerable stories and caring eyes
It made up a lovely night

Laughing hysterically till the tummy aches
To camouflage all our pains
Gentle smiles who understand
Warmth in firmly held hands

Woeful ones in search of pure happiness
Clashing together to find...
A certain adrenaline
To put all sorrows...

...on pause

*so we can smile again tomorrow
568 · Nov 2016
archwolf-angel Nov 2016
Insanity strikes
At midnight
When the sun is down
And strength is nullified

Vulnerability strikes
At midnight
When the moon is full
And remains the only source of light

Sounds tend to amplify
At midnight
*Like your heartbeat, for example
It's my favorite lullaby
And as I reminisce it in the dark
When I miss you
It gets louder every time
566 · Mar 2016
archwolf-angel Mar 2016
Fighting the cold
The icy war within
The fear of losing
To the suffocating need

Buried in the snow
Comfortable yet painful
Slowly biting into the skin
Cells cringing underneath

Dreadful nights and days go by
Letting out a quiet sigh
Still living in icy cold
Slowly biting into your soul

Close my eyes and visualise
The things I cannot see pass all these ice
Reaching out my hand
Grab it if you can

The buoy in sight
A little far away
Continue struggling
To hold that buoy that's stuck like me
564 · Oct 2016
archwolf-angel Oct 2016
I write
Because I feel
I feel almost every emotion that runs through my body
Overwhelms the being

I feel
Because I have a heart
A heart to contain an important someone
Protecting his too

I have a heart
Because I live...

I live
*I'm worthy
Worthy to the people who needs me
My emotions to understand them
My heart to love them
My life to exist with them
We are all worth it. No matter what.
562 · Jan 2017
As I Think Of You
archwolf-angel Jan 2017
Dips of sweet chocolate
Like sugary words said so much
The start of the sketch
With you in my heart

Dip by dip
Stroke by stroke
A clear heart written on the plate
With the remains of the chocolate fondue
**As I think of you
Can't get you off my mind.
557 · Jan 2016
archwolf-angel Jan 2016
If I could smile
It will be your endless words of encouragement
Your contagious laughters
Your gentle firm hugs

If I could cry
It will be your shoulder to lean upon
Your heartwarming care
Your listening ears

If I could flare
It would be your reliable attention
Your arms to hit
Your worries

If I could score
It will your countless cheers
Your happiness for me
Your celebration

If you could be there
It will be my gratitude
My love
My everything

Because you are my light.
To the friends who listens to me all the time, thank you.
554 · Dec 2016
archwolf-angel Dec 2016
Found a gem
In the deep blue ocean
Took it home with me
Fell in love
With its ruby red charm

Bonded it to a string
Wore it for a necklace
Had it close to my heart
Feeling it's icy cold texture
It's gentle flames of warmth

Under a starry night sky
A hot coffee in my hand
A cooling breeze accompanies me
Clutching it tight
Always admiring its beauty

Got a phone call one day
Removed it from my neck
Held it in my hand
Driving down lanes
To another place

Handed it over
My heart sank
What I've realised was that
It was never mine
And people told me lies

*Finders aren't always keepers
551 · Mar 2017
archwolf-angel Mar 2017
Speak to me
Tell me your stories
Engage me in your world
About your fails and your glories

Confide in me
Tell me your sorrows
Let me empathise with you
Share your woes

Laugh with me
Tell me your jokes
Heartily, I will burst into laughters
Tickle my funny bone

Bring me to your past
Talk about your present
Fly me into your future
I share mine too, and I will listen

*Come be with me
In this little bubble
For our conversation
Seems like it could last...

Personally, I think good conversations are really ****.
534 · Apr 2016
archwolf-angel Apr 2016
Tiny and seemingly harmless
Smiles portrayed through heavy words
No choices, no options
Just manipulation

Motives behind a please and thank you
Hopeful eyes for a generous result
Influencing your mind
Inflicting your heart

It starts to creep up your spine
These dangerous little bugs
Slowly, slowly, creeping up
Pressing into your head the perfect end

You allow it to go on
For the sake of peace and rest within
But what you don't notice
That its killing you, oh so slowly

You think it's alright, you can handle it
But it will catch up soon
It will get to you

Those expectations of you
There are some things you just can't control.
523 · Feb 2016
Addict of The Weak
archwolf-angel Feb 2016
The midnight moon gleams amongst the stars
Night falls gently upon
The dark sky filled with sorrows
The cold unbelievably torturous

Bites of the negativity
Happiness on its deathbed
The smiles we had through the day withers and dies
Only droplets of tears dominant in our eyes

For what is worth, we always do our best
We score, we celebrate
We are victorious
We are the brightest in everyone's eyes

But underneath the darkest skies
We fall prey to the saddest woes
We fall to our knees and beg for mercy
To the endless torturing of the addictive poison of weakness and every of those
Torturing one's self could be an addiction.
521 · Apr 2016
archwolf-angel Apr 2016
Close your eyes
Locked up inside
A scream so sharp
One you cannot deny

Crossed arms behind your back
Still cuffed in
Your scream is forbidden
Forgotten your rights?

*Open your eyes
Look outside
You wish you could say how you feel inside
Freely speaking your mind

Free your arms
Holding her close
Tell me your secret
We will be alright
No one has to know this thing we know.
517 · Aug 2016
Through His Eyes
archwolf-angel Aug 2016
Disabled in sight
Yet always up for a fight
Her strength and determination
Convinced him a life worthy

He met her
And fell in love
Painted beautiful pictures
Promised her
One day she would see the world
His hand in hers

He will never forget
That heavy impact
Blood dripping down her forehead
Her body limped
Her hands, out of reach
His consciousness left him

Trapped in a space
A place he could not escape
He saw her
Revealing her hazel brown orbs
Pupils shifting and sharing gazes
A smile on her face

Her hands, however, still out of reach
Him, she still could not see
Cradled himself into reality
Knowing the truth to be...

That just maybe
She could see
That world he promised her
A colourful life so fine...

                       ...through his eyes.
515 · Aug 2017
archwolf-angel Aug 2017
the droplets hit on the glass windows**
the rain played our favourite melody
my fingers danced on the keyboard
my heart writing a story

the droplets hit on the glass windows
the rain performing our symphony
your pencil sketching on papers
your lips singing a tune

the droplets hit on the glass windows
the rain accompanying our dance
my lips on your neck
your fingers running down my back

the droplets hit on the glass windows
the rain sending a comforting chill
my skin cuddled close to yours
your heart racing against mine
515 · Feb 2016
Cursed with Flaws
archwolf-angel Feb 2016
You're lazy
She only needed some rest
You're untidy*
The slight mess gives him comfort
You're clingy
She only needed some love
You're bossy
He only wanted to take control for once
I don't like how you ask so many questions
She doesn't want to misunderstand you
I don't like how you talk so loud
He wants you to hear him
You're selfish
She has never stopped caring, give her a break
You don't care
What did I say before?

Curse her with flaws
Hatred swallows him whole
When will they be truly appreciated?
They will never know

When will you stop judging?
You killed him on the inside
Tears flooded their veins
Start clearing your plain sight

Demons are for real
They are not fantasies
They sleep under our beds
And haunts us every night in our sleep

Your curses feeds them
Your unnecessary comments keeps them alive
You don't know them at all
For you aren't the ones living on the edge

.... **with all these lies.
No one is perfect. Perfection is a lie.
510 · Sep 2017
archwolf-angel Sep 2017
Someone once told me
That a stage was the best place for us to escape
We could express truth
No secrets
No hiding places
Just sweet and safe honesty

The stage
Soon became a place I called home
A blank piece of canvas
My own creation
My own world

Spotlights in line
My voice heard
Loud and clear
I lived a life...
...tedious but fulfilling

But my monologue ended
And I left the stage
I did not turn back...

*...And now I'm homesick
I gave up my dream of being a theatre actress, and now I will always look back and regret it.

Will I regret... giving you up?
508 · Mar 2017
He Wrote...
archwolf-angel Mar 2017
He wrote about his life
And all that he feels
His thoughts opened into pages
Like his mind in a book

He wrote about his darkest days
And all the sadness in them
His tears dripping onto the words
Wishing for a better world

He wrote about his happier days
When things go better
His heart had time to heal
Before facing another battle

He wrote about the way he love
And all the things she made him feel
His smile appearing once more
As he told her
"It's for you."

*And she would read them over and over
For he was her favourite book

And she never really reads...
501 · Mar 2017
archwolf-angel Mar 2017
The words trailed off
Like the gentle wind
They left me stranded
Wondering what's at the end

In the pages I fall
So to speak
In the stories of you...

...And I never want to leave
489 · Feb 2017
Happily Ever Laughter
archwolf-angel Feb 2017
Hearts were racing and feet were running
Her trying to catch up in her white sneakers
Him holding onto her hand
With a smile when he looked back

Laughter was astounding and panting in between
Her in that little white dress, a small veil over her head
Him in that neat shirt, sleek jeans and a stunning white bow tie
"This is crazy..." they said

"Not really."

Hearts were racing but feet were walking
Their hands clutched together, ever so tightly
Down the aisle they go
Towards an altar that they've failed to believe in

Laughter melted into little giggles and panting in between*
With minimal witnesses
They made silly vows
And exchanged simple rings

"I do."*

And they shared a kiss
One like no other
One that marked their ultimate bliss

"I love you." she whispered
"I know." he chuckled
And she hit him with the tiny bouquet
"Unbelievable." she scoffed in joke

"I know."
He said, gently
And he kissed her forehead
"Tell me all about it."


                                                           *And they laughed...
                                                         Ever so happily...
486 · Apr 2017
archwolf-angel Apr 2017
They said*
To let nature take its course
But she
Did not want to sit still

They said
That what will be, will be
But she
Did not let it be

They said
Not to hurt yourself
But she
Love jumping into bottomless pits

They said
To let your heart decide
But she
Still kept choosing to do what's right

Even when all she wants to do
Is to be brave
And put up a rebellious fight
466 · Nov 2016
Genuine Hearts
archwolf-angel Nov 2016
Band aids to my careless falls
Laughter to my weirdest antics
Raindrops to accompany my tears
Stars to light up my darkest nights

Efforts placed to suit my comfort
Understanding hearts to my needs
Trustworthy ears to my deepest secrets
Holding them close and sealed

Protection to my fragility
Smiles contagiously spreading
Grateful because...

...It's those genuine hearts that I feel and see
"To be a friend, you have to be sincere and genuine."
For the ones who stayed by me through everything.
466 · Jan 2016
Lost & Found
archwolf-angel Jan 2016
Wonders in the midst of what isn't worth
Gentle screams to have only met disapproval
Quiet emergency alarming the soul
No one saw it though

I wish upon a shooting star
That you may take the happiness along
Even when we are far apart
I could feel it within you

Questionable forsaken thoughts
The gentle screams continues on
How much longer can we go?
As far as the horizon I suppose*

I wish upon a shooting star
You remain the way you are
For you are the hope I hold on to
It's become hard to live without you

Wonders in you that is what's worth
Gentle screams are gently heard
The soul starts to breath accordingly
Thank you for finding me
You saw me, and I saw you.
454 · Feb 2022
backpack of the future.
archwolf-angel Feb 2022
approached the world
with all that was left of me
with the scars on my back
and the light within

in this little backpack
the lessons i learnt
the mistakes i've made
the promises of tomorrow

time flew by
and it's almost... longer scary

the scribbles in my book
i will hold dearly
so one day they may turn into art
for the world to see
449 · Apr 2016
If Only
archwolf-angel Apr 2016
If only
Rain would fall on command
Moments you love
Could be accumulated in greater amounts

If only
Time is in your control
More breathtaking moments
For you to take home

If only
Burdens could get chucked away
Your load be lightened
Relaxation would stay

If only
You could be all mine
You will never have to fret
For I am here
To make sure your smile is set
Set on that face I love
Day and night
Your happiness is all that matters.
444 · Sep 2017
Magic till Midnight
archwolf-angel Sep 2017
scrubs and brooms
a life of the low
serving strangers masked as family
turned away from a party

fairy godmother granted her a dream
transformed her into a princess
magic filling her seams
at the party...
...she met her prince

the clock ticked
it's 11:55PM
it's almost midnight
her magic is about to end

...and it ended

but one day
it will find her again
and it will stay
441 · Jun 2016
Nocturnal Beings
archwolf-angel Jun 2016
**** the sun and bring it down
Turn the lights down low
Watch it set beyond the horizon
Let it go

Justify the night
Serenade the twinkling lights
Send kisses to the moon
Silently caress its beau

Frenzy little wings
Awaiting your cue
To rest upon promising miracles
Slow breaths under the mesmerising galaxy

Hidden in the dark
These sparkling hues
Nibbling on the silence of the night
Tasting the sweetness in this flight

Paint a masterpiece with your heart
Sketch out a moment to remember
For memories will remain here
For you to return to it any day

It flows in the blood
These memories...
You can choose... stay with them *
nocturnal beings
438 · Mar 2016
Bad Cops
archwolf-angel Mar 2016
Beings of untold stories
The words out their mouths
Blunt and fearful
The look on their faces
Stern and frightful
The glares they give
Cold and deadly

Unapproachable once or twice
Maybe for several months
Never imagined as nice
Stepping on their toes did not seem too wise

Miraculous gatherings
Opening of the hearts
Soft tender tales flows out of their lips
Secret wonders of getting things done

They seem like they could be
The witches of the darkest forest
The devils of the deepest hell
Your worst nightmares

But beneath all that, I believe
They are the warmest of hearts
The gentlest angels
Your sweetest memories

This is about...

...the bad cops' unspoken stories.
In love with the scariest yet the most respected ones. The badasses.
437 · Oct 2017
archwolf-angel Oct 2017
the nerves are stiffening
blood turning to stone
the mind gets duller day by day
hands frozen in ice

the nerves are stiffening*
heart turning to stone
the pain decreases day by day
tears all dried up

the nerves are stiffening
the body is becoming immuned
the mind flushes overthoughts
the heart won't want to feel
the person becomes...

434 · Jan 2017
Ashed Away
archwolf-angel Jan 2017
Time be taken
For her hands to reach out for the fire
Restraints from moving faster
And it happens

Lighting up her cigarette
It starts to burn
Slowly inhaling
So the fire would stay in place

Slowly exhaling
The stick gets shorter
Ashes fall to the ground
Another minute is gone

It slowly reaches the end
She tries to take in the last breath
It ashes away
Like her time with him
She flicks it away
Saying goodbye...
430 · May 2017
Mirror Mirror...
archwolf-angel May 2017
Looking in the mirror...
Her long eyelashes flutter
As she made up
And tinted her lips, magenta

She slipped her feet into stilettos
And showed up amidst loud lights and heavy beats
In a skin tight maroon dress
Turning heads with her little catwalk

She danced with poison
And kissed strangers
Twirled around in intoxication
Laid down with danger

Looking in the mirror...*
Her long eyelashes flutter
As tears rolled down her freckled cheeks
Her face an utter mess
Body stripped off all covers
And his loving words...
Inside her head
...on the wall,
when will the broken,
rise from their fall?
429 · Aug 2017
Dungeon Warrior
archwolf-angel Aug 2017
many dungeons
in the journey from the past
fought many monsters
kept some

in the limbo of my adventure
a gem of life in hand
awaiting the release
with a sigh of relief

my decisions I will never regret
I accept and repent
a rebel in me still
my identity refined

we are not here nor there
but we will be just fine
with a sword in my hand
we will always be ready to fight
Dungeon Warriors unite.
427 · Aug 2016
archwolf-angel Aug 2016
What makes a person
Valid for care
What makes their value grow
Love, goodies or solid gold?

What makes a person
Valid for rest
Never having to tip their toes
To be careful and wary of tests

What makes a person
Valid for respect
When people will stop questioning their abilities  
And for salutes to greet their days

What makes a person
Valid for a smile
A genuine brightness that meets theirs, unconditionally
One that settles them, no matter how horrible a day gets

What makes a person
Valid for mercy
To be immune to every fall in life
And learn to know
That they deserve way more than these daily tortures and fights
427 · Jan 2016
archwolf-angel Jan 2016
Listen to the woes of the drowning souls
Mandatory patience required
His heart so pure
It took everything
Not once his sighs came forth

Based upon the old stories of humanity
While all of us have lost our humility
He showed her the reason
So she will never forget
The gentle songs of responsibility

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who is the kindest of them all

She sees his face clouded up in her head
The wonders of his beliefs
She will always be in awe

Her gratitude will not end here
The songs they sing shall not be done
She could never forget
The light he has shone
426 · Apr 2017
Reminiscing The Lapse
archwolf-angel Apr 2017
That hug...
And that...

The images in the head
Flashing by rapidly, repetitively
Now it's all confused

They find their way into dreamland
My most precious memories
And I felt it..

That hug...
And that...
424 · Dec 2016
Like The First Time
archwolf-angel Dec 2016
Still feels like the first time
Waiting in a distance
For your arrival
Butterflies in the stomach

Still feels like the first time
Knowing your heart
Hearing your songs and stories
Constantly finding myself
Laughing and smiling

Still feels like the first time
Looking your direction
And your eyes would meet mine
Followed by a smile of acknowledgment
Chuckling bashfully

Still feels like the first time
Locked in your embrace
Taking in your scent
Wrapped in your warmth
Loving every second of it
423 · Aug 2016
Grown Up
archwolf-angel Aug 2016
Picking up the pieces
The trail she left behind
Words of endless dreams
Made many broken promises to herself

Always wanted to be here
In this position
Now she is standing tall
Watching the world revolve

She watched the chaos
Watched the feuds
Every silent war
Every battle fought

Innocence shattered
Dreams destroyed
Beauty turned ugly
Forced to accept, every nightmare

Often asked
How did you change so much?
The answer is plain simple

She has grown up...
...maybe a little way too fast
There is good and bad in growing up, and I'm embracing both.
415 · May 2016
Title Me
archwolf-angel May 2016
What is this...?

It is like taking a trip to another place
Settling into a holiday
Laying in the sun
Dreamily going into a daze

It is like running through an open field
With the breeze caressing your cheeks
It could also be like taking a deep breath
Exhaling negativity

It is like those wild escapades
When you choose to do something crazy
With your companions of insanity
Making a worthy memory

It is also like laughing heartily for minutes
Forgetting the world and its woes
And like sipping your first coffee in the morning
Letting the caffeine awaken your bones

It is like building yourself a pillow fort
Together with a cuddle buddy
Snuggling into each other
And then falling asleep

It is also like that moment of eye contact
Closing in into a kiss
The touch of a loved one's lips
Comforting warmth through your skin

Tell me what is it...
This feeling I get every time I see your smile.
412 · Nov 2016
archwolf-angel Nov 2016
Miraculous, but probably reckless
Beautiful, yet sometimes dangerous
Magical, yet at times, filled with illusions
A bed of roses, hiding prickly thorns
Unconditional, but with misted expectations

*But with him,
She knew...
It was...
A bed of roses
And most importantly

                                                             ...That was all to it
404 · Nov 2019
The Most Important Thing
archwolf-angel Nov 2019
Disarrayed and wavy
The lines I see

Fogged and blurry
This scene before me

Bless and happy
The feeling within
Nothing else matters as long as you are happy.
399 · Oct 2017
End of the World
archwolf-angel Oct 2017
pardon my words
pardon my actions
i am a wilful child
i choose to be that person

I chased you away
But i didnt think you would actually leave
I am not sorry for the things i said

Because if you wanted to stay
Nothing could keep you away
My demons unleashed upon the world by defense
And you decided it was okay to go

Its okay
I will survive
Ill be okay
All alone
But why does it feel like the end of the world?
398 · Jun 2016
Long Way Back Home
archwolf-angel Jun 2016
Will it be okay
To take another step?
The wind so merciless
The bridge sways reckless

Tight grips on the rope
Keep going forward
Each step meaning another risk
Of falling down into the deepest sea

Will it be okay
To take another step?
The rope is thin
The planks are breaking

Crossing once more
Facing the menacing force
I'm almost there
The other side is near

It will be okay
Though vicious tornadoes
And being carried away
On the other side..

I see you
With arms wide open
Welcoming me **home
396 · Feb 2017
Kissing The Dreamer
archwolf-angel Feb 2017
A freshly imprinted feeling
Like those dreams you have
The type that lingers
That remains vivid even when you are wide awake

It follows you through the day
And you keep searching for answers
As to why you remember it well
Unlike the ones that approaches every night

An endearing experience
Like that dream I don't want to wake up from
The type that keeps lingering
That you fall asleep, hoping to experience it again

It renders you desperate
To close your eyes, even if they are reluctant
Even if you know you are going to wake up again
To this cruel reality of life

You are that dream...
That came true...
That I never want to wake up from...
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