Behold the tyrant that we've come to uphold!
He's holly and jolly but his intention is a fold!
An act you see? Like the holiday scene!
Giving gifts, sharing feelings all on the drop of a ring?
That's the way you might tell me. Tradition's the thing!
...No just misguided and mislead, you're a sheep in a sling
Forgive me for caring just a little too much when my brothers around me have brains leaking mush
It's the buy-in's I tell you they've rotten your brain
Like the sweet allure of candy causing cavity pain
It creeps up in bulk bins then swarms you in herds
Over-bearing advertisements have become the word
But this is wrong! Don't you see?
All this holiday greed!
"I want this, I need that, does that suit come in black?"
I'm sick of it all and I don't give a ****!
I don't want any presents off that red fat man's sleigh!
I'm going to tear down my tree and set it up when I say
Not on some specific, planned out, or traditional day
I'll set it up a week from now or on a Tuesday in May
That's the sort of holiday I think I can brave
No unwanted gifts and forced smiles denied
Cause' the music is chill and the feeling sublime
They would leave with full bellies and a carry home plate
That is... if we did holidays all run my way
**** Christmas. For all who give simply to receive this is for you.
Kay so... I know I don't normally rhyme my stuff but hey, it's a holiday poem cut me some slack...