I wake up There is moisture on my cheek A sound so broken Startled me awake I see I made it That sound is me
I was reaching My hand in the place Where your head would rest The tear drop falls I hear a keening It's me I've lost my meaning
It has been so **** long I've recovered Over and over But like an addict I relapse I muffle the sound Don't want the neighbors to know how messed up I am
There are two pillows One between my legs Where our legs should be intertwined Where I can hold it to my chest I hold it close and it silences my sobs Unlike you It will not abandon me
The other is beneath my head It used to be A platform Where we could look at each other Now it's empty Listening to the gut wrenching cries And catching the tears
I still cry For you For the closeness I miss For the comfort I have only ever felt With You I whimper in my dreams My partner shut me out
I don't sleep You were everything But now you scarcely even speak You're leaving me again And this time I can't be strong I can't bear it
You are my sunshine Through the fog of depression
You are the warmth In my frozen heart
You make me happy And then you break me
Please this time
For me
Either stay
Forgive me
Let me break my promise Because I've tried And I can't do this Not with you not filling Any capacity in my life
In some way I need you A broken way Like the young girl who got lost in the thunderstorm Like I was when you first knew me Trust me Confide in me Let me be your comfortable As you have always been mine
I keep on not caring and thinking hey it's fine And for a while it really is But then there's this little smile or this one special laugh And all of the not caring just falls to bits
I wanted to keep you Some piece Something That was only mine So I fused your marks with my flesh Spilling my blood onto the sheets Maybe this will dull something Aching and burning Inside of me I only hurt There is nothing else I'm not good enough To even help myself You want to feel so go to her I guess that makes me feel too Like a dying ember with it's path gone askew You are my everything The sun behind a cloud when it's raining The words on a page in the book that is all Every light that guides me And every shadow in which I fall You were all I wanted But I'm not good enough I'm not enough Not anything Just a shattered piece of glass Drawing my own blood
My life is picking up Great new job I'm about to graduate A loving relationship The coolest cat ever I shouldn't be like this
Getting back in shape Eating right Making new friends Getting everything situated Might've even found a good house I shouldn't feel this way
I don't feel like I lost someone Like I'm broken Or aching I just... Feel.... Bad Like I'm a bad person Who should be happy but can't
It isn't always Most of the time I am satisfied I am happy At peace with my life Overjoyed in fact But some days...
When I spend too much time alone, and lately that's all the time, I can't fight the shadows; the feelings that creep into my sunshine And say "you don't deserve to be happy" But I really want to be
The sun with his ever seeing face Had never seen a being with such grace He called to her Come be my bride! But she was a harlot Never will I go to your side! For days the clouds cried Endless empty nights The sun had lost his light She was as cold as she was lovely But calculating enough to see the gain So she took to the sky I will keep my vow she proclaimed Never will I cease to cause you pain My domain is the empty night To which I will bring a bit of light If you try to touch me I will make you bleed Your blood is the cost of such greed Hastily the sun agreed But soon he began to crave A single touch that she gave At sunset he reached out The moment his skin contacted hers He was covered in icy burns His blood spilled across the sky In no more time than the blink of an eye Yet morning and night He continues to try To touch the one Who is his bride
I am a boat Rocking in the waves I lost my anchor Now I can't stay I'm floating But for how long I'll crash into the rocks To hear the siren song As I sink to the bottom I know for sure There is no rising Not for me No more
We are compatible In a world of even numbers You are a matching oddball Maybe even mine I'm not ready To give you my heart But somewhere you'll find I'm missing a part You've stolen a piece of me Not of my flesh nor bone That little tiny portion Has crawled inside of you It beckons to me Behind my ribs my heart throbs Ranging from dull ache To searing pain Only am I free When you are near Your voice eases my troubles In time you will see A piece of your heart Is inside of me Until then I will refrain From calling you Silly pet names Goodbye My matching Oddball
Hair the color of ebony So spiky and shiny Falling across your face Makes me long to displace it The color you turn Reminds me of sunburn I prefer you making faces To displaying social graces Your eyes shine oh so bright Filled with evil delight Specially in a fight Your voice is a melody To my ears oh so lovely I really love listening to you Talk and tease the way you do A perfect balance Serious mixed with laughter Something about you makes me happy This started out a joke But thinking of you Makes me all gooey Gah how'd you do this to me!
You lay there in silence Twiddling your thumbs Never tried to make a move I doubted the time would ever come That you would kiss my mouth All moist and warm And take me in your arms The second part never happened But boy was I kissed That is one thing I am so glad I didn't miss
I'm clingy I'm insecure I flirt My heart aches What is it all for?? Is there a point To all the effort that we make
Alone time Wow.... I've got NONE of that Yeah... My life Is so alone Save me? I just need someone Who will stand beside me With hugs And kisses To comfort my fears
I've been told over and over You are too young to love Yet coerced into professing love for everyone around me If I can feel love for all of these A different sort of love isn't so far fetched And if I can love My heart can break It can be bruised, battered, crushed and shattered I am young But my heart is ancient It bleeds for the injuries given to loved ones It doubts at every turn I doubt myself When against a challenge I will admit to a great self esteem But when I think that maybe you disagree My fears return magnified a thousand fold So long no one has neared my heart Because of the agony I see inflicted on others Even now I watch tears fall Her heart crushed The ache of it overwhelming Bearing down Inhibiting her breath I am reminded Of that exact torture Caused so ruthlessly Yet I would live it all over again to save her one tear To take away this pain My own fears drive me insane Standing on the edge I will gladly dive in If her wounds were to be healed My own life is nothing Just don't let her hurt anymore It makes me burn with every vile emotion So young So innocent This first broken heart as bad as every one to come I know they will come But she is my little sister It should never happen If only I could prevent it That is what I was meant for
Apathy is a blight It is walking between the worlds Trapped in twilight No black and no white Only murky dull gray A fog impenetrable Made of tears from another time Woven by happy songs that used to rhyme You feel no love Antipathy either It comes creeping in Like a spider Broken jagged shards of glass Floating in an empty space Never colliding Always trying To reach out and sever the gray You may wish to feel More likely you won't care Pain is a price you must pay If you wish any other feeling Don't bottle it up The affects will leave you reeling While the fog seeps out Like jello congealing