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May 2017 · 185
Kee May 2017
I fought for you
like it was the only thing I knew how to do
I loved you
more than anyone else in this world
I held you
when no one else would
I taught you
how to be the man you are today
I cherished you
because I knew that one day
you would leave me
I was there
When no one else was
I was your rock
I was your savior
I was
May 2017 · 345
Kee May 2017
I lost me.
I didn't know that the fall would be so...
That I wouldn't know that I even fell.
Yes, I was in it for us.
I lost me.
We were all for one another,
but  I wasn't all for me.
I lost me.
I lost me in you.
Something that I'll never do again.
I lost the part of me that makes me me,
And I'll never lose me again.
I wrote this in math class.
May 2017 · 329
Kee May 2017
she was soft and gentle
eyes big and bright
full of happiness
i watched them die that night
they turned dull
i wished over and over that i could've been there
because she didn't deserve to be treated so cruel
she was just a little girl
who wanted love
just like you
May 2017 · 189
Kee May 2017
exempt from your hands,
from your cruel demeanor,
from your lies,
from everything that is you.
looking at you makes me sick,
and the thought that one day i will have to return to you,
to stand over your grave,
and stare at your pale face,
isn't enough to make me happy.
i need to know,
that you won't ever hurt another again,
like you did me.
i have to be certain.
and until then,
i won't rest.
exempt abuse pale happy hurt rest sick grave fright
Kee Apr 2017
Ocean Blue
D*ark Green

That's all I remember.
Your black hair.
Lilac nails.
Orange shirt.
Ocean blue eyes,
and dark green lips.
You loved that lipstick more than you loved your boyfriend.
I would know.
I bought it for you.
You loved it so much, you bought ten more tubes.
I always laughed because, well, it was you.
Everything you did was funny.
Too bad you can't make me laugh anymore.
Too bad he killed you.
Too bad you're dead.
Too bad he was proven innocent.
Too bad you didn't get your justice.
Too bad I have to live with it the rest of my life.
Too ********
Apr 2017 · 561
Kee Apr 2017
Green was his favorite color.
He hated spinach.
It was funny, the face he made when he had to eat it if he wanted ice cream after dinner.
He loved Clifford the Big Red Dog.
He wanted a dog just like him.
He was a very sweet boy, one that everyone loved.
I loved him the most.
He was my son.
I stood over his casket and my tears dropped on his face.
I almost thought he would wipe them away for me, "Don't cry, mommy. I love you."
It wasn't his time.
He was 4.
You took him away from me.
I want him back.
Give him back to me.
kinda didn't know what to do with this, i had it in my book of poems and I wanted to finish it. I have a story behind it, I don't know if I want to tell it though.
Apr 2017 · 490
So Much
Kee Apr 2017
You love a person so much
Their pain becomes yours.
You are them.
They are you.
But sometimes that's not enough.
Not enough for them.
But you tried.
For him.
For you.
That wasn't enough.
You loved hard.
Too hard.
And now you can't undo this love.
You can't forget.
You can't figure out if it's you or them anymore because you two were so alike.
So in tune.
And now you're over.
You're trapped with lingering memories of what used to be, and you can't escape.
You can't run from yourself, or from him.
Not anymore.
Apr 2017 · 779
Kee Apr 2017
Will you remember me?
My smile, my teeth, the feel of my lips?
Or my laugh?
The way I held your hand?
I always made sure our pinkies were wrapped together.
How about the first time I told you I loved you?
Will you remember any of it?
I know we ended five months ago but I can't help but to want you still.
And hope that you want me too.
Do you remember the time that we snuck into the grocery store at 5 am and ate all of their kisses?
We threw up all day after that.
But, it was with you, so it was worth it.
Oh, there's the time when we made love on top of your roof.
It was cold, but you made me warm.
You told me you loved me right after.
I hung onto those words.
I still do.
Will you do any of these things with her?
Will she make you squirt a vanilla milkshake out of your nose like I did?
Do you lose yourself in her the way you did with me?
Did she become you, and you, her?
Was there a time when you couldn't tell the difference, because you two were so alike?
We loved each other for three years and although you're ready to let go, i'm not.
I miss you.
Wrote this in the library during school. Had half of it sitting in my journal though.
Apr 2017 · 2.2k
Make Up.
Kee Apr 2017
you can't help but stare
and stare
and stare
until you hate everything about your face
how many freckles you have
it can only cover the scars for so long
the insecurities for so long
lips coated in thick red
eyes you coat with liner and eye shadow
face caked with foundation
baked with powder
contoured to the gods
eyebrows on fleek
you slay
sometimes you don't recognize yourself in the mirror
and it makes you happy because you can't imagine living the rest of your life looking you without make-up.
will you ever love you?
you, without the makeup?
I wear make-up myself and 100% understand that some people wear because they want to and not because they're insecure about their faces. but, there are A LOT who do wear make-up bc they are insecure, and bullied, and just don't want to look like them anymore. i was like this, i kind of still am. it's hard to get over, and sometimes you can't.
Apr 2017 · 320
Kee Apr 2017
I trip.
I don't want to get up.
I don't want to remember how  hard it is to get back up.
I just want to fall and never get up.
Leave me be.
It's cold, yes, but I don't want to be warm.
It's too hard to feel that again.
I'm numb, yes, but I don't want to feel.
It hurts too much t do that again, and again, and again.
When I know...
I'll only fall.
Apr 2017 · 341
star-crossed lovers.
Kee Apr 2017
She was your drug
Awful, but the only one who loved you
She warped your mind, but that didn't matter to you
She was there when no one else was
And it felt good
She made you see stars when all you could see were monsters
When things seemed impossible, she made a way
A path only the two of you could venture
And it felt good
She was an abomination to society
But you saw a goddess
She was your everything
And now she's gone
She left you
All alone
By yourself
In the cold
You looked for her
But she couldn't be found
You two were star-crossed lovers
Meant to fail
Apr 2017 · 420
Loving you.
Kee Apr 2017
I loved you, even if you made me feel like ****.
I loved you, because no one else did.
I loved you, because I thought it was the right thing.
I loved you, because I thought you couldn't live without me the way I couldn't live without you.
I loved you, because that seemed to be enough.
But who knew that loving you would be so...
Apr 2017 · 971
Tian, P2.
Kee Apr 2017
3,452 holes in the wall.
I've counted all of them.
1,000 times this month.
My eyes closed, but sleep never comes.
So I count the holes in my wall.
Sometimes I listen to cars go by, or birds chirping.
Most times it's them yelling.
About me, or the bills.
Sometimes they even argue about  what to ******* eat.
I hate them both.
I wish they would've killed me instead.
4 more years until I'm free.
Until then...
1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
i wrote this spontaneously but i put a bit more thought into it. as of right now, Tian  is 12. I know in USA (That's where she's living)  it's 18 for the legal age, but I feel like it's too long of  a wait and this is fiction, so 16 it is :)
I don't want to tell the whole poem, but I do want to say that she suffers from insomnia and you'll learn why in the next part of the series :)
Thanks for reading!
Mar 2017 · 739
Kee Mar 2017
Tian is five
Tian is lonely
Tian has no friends
She's locked in her room
The clock is a close companion
She watches it count down to noon
With a piece of chocolate in her hand
She stares at the red balloon.

I'm seven now
I 'm locked away
My parents shame
Their secret child
I live alone in this room
and I know no one
But this  balloon
The red, round balloon
That's lived for three days
The red, round balloon
I hope you stay
I'll give you chocolate
That's all I have
My names Tian
and I'm lost
the three random words are balloon, clock, and chocolate. Tian is the child that her parents never wanted. They were hoping for a boy, but got a girl. They locked her away as punishment, although she did nothing wrong. They show a little pity, and each year for her birthday they give her a balloon and chocolate.
Tian is  a very smart girl, and she knows why her parents do to her what they do.
Should I make a second part to this?
Mar 2017 · 1.4k
Kee Mar 2017
A life I never asked for
A life I'm forced to live
But a life nonetheless, right?
My scars scattered across my body
My eyes dull
My heart empty
My soul... soul less?
But a life nonetheless, right?
Father and mother dropped me off at my grandma's and never came back
She's had me since I was 3
She died working to support me
And now it's back to back in foster homes
Sometimes they're nice, other times...
very, very bad.
And on to the next I go
But a life nonetheless, right?
I'm at the top of my class and skipped ahead a year
But I'm called an overachiever
My intelligence isn't great anymore
Talent isn't great anymore
Just trying isn't great anymore
You just don't
You give up before anything can happen so they can never say 'you're not only letting others down, but yourself'
But a life nonetheless,  right?
A life nonetheless.
A life.
This *valued, precious life.
I'm going to be making this into a series! It's going to be called but a life nonetheless, right? This first one is called Orphan. Well... because it's the life of an orphan.  This is all fiction and from my mind, so I'm trying my best to  put myself in their shoes.
To go more into this poem. It's the label Orphan because I don't want names, you don't really need them. You know that this is about an orphan. What an orphan might go through, might not go through. What they feel, their past lives, etc. No matter what the label has been given to them, they are still a person.  
Knowing a little bit of who they are and leaving off on a cliff hanger is fun, so the reader can make up their own ending for this poem, for this orphan, this person.
Mar 2017 · 1.7k
You Are My Everything
Kee Mar 2017
The good, the bad, everything.
When you were happy, sad, mad, flat out numb from the acid.
I loved it. I loved you, all of you.
What I loved the most about you was your smile.
It was lopsided and dorky, you teeth weren't perfect but I loved them anyways.
And your light brown eyes hung low, you looked like a predator.
But the only thing you killed were my sides because you were tickling me.
And I know it sounds cliche but I don't care,
You were my everything.
Those times you held me when I cried, you were my everything.
When you made me smile, you were my everything.
Watching the re-runs of Family Guy and throwing popcorn at each other, you were my everything.
God, even when we screamed and yelled at each other, you were my everything.
Even when we made love and I lit a cigarette after and you called it 'gross' but you'd snort up a line so quickly it was insane...
You were my everything and even though you've left me behind and you'll never me able to come back to me...
Able to kiss me, hold me, yell at me, even just touch me
Hi! So this piece right here came to me when i was walking home from school today. It's about a wife giving her eulogy to her late husband. i think im saying this right probably not but it's supposed to be sad and happy all at the same time. you can love a person so much that you hate them, but in the end you'll still smile because you'll never regret loving them. it kind of sounds like he's broken up with her but he's died, from what? i don't know, it just came to me. i hope you like it! Follow me for more :)
Mar 2017 · 364
me, her, me?
Kee Mar 2017
My blood is pulsing
her blood.
it's pulsing, hot and hard.
she's screaming and only i know why.
i wanted to make her stop, but i can't.
she's hurt, i know that.
i feel her hurt, i feel her hear shattering.
i am her.
but it doesn't feel like it.
it doesn't feel like me.
no matter how hard i close my eyes
im still me.
im still her.
im still here.
Mar 2017 · 359
Kee Mar 2017
leaves fall
scattered in vast colors
auburn, green, pale yellow, burnt orange
a beauty not appreciated
a beauty passed up
a beauty misinterpreted
a beauty forgotten
a beauty gone
Mar 2017 · 465
Kee Mar 2017
and my heart feels heavy while my head is light, everything is dizzy and i can't sleep at night
i think of my monsters and know they'll always be in my head
i can try to stop them, but they're like the plague-
contagious, fast paced, and deadly
there's no freedom from the oppression i've been given
ever since i popped out the ***** with brown skin that's when my label was given
my statistics- given
stereotypes- given.
poverty- given.
everything that the 'superior' dont want or need- given.
life aint easy, and it never will be
they say keep ya head up
but i want it to fall
i want it to crash and burn
and i want to go down
i want to let go
but i cant
Was in my private,  Idk why.
Mar 2017 · 2.4k
Kee Mar 2017
i know you still cry at night
and tell us  lies, because you need to hide
but i see everything
i see your true colors
not the black and blood red you show
but your greens and oranges
they burst with love
yet, you hide them.
you hide yourself.
from us?
or from  you?
Mar 2017 · 661
Kee Mar 2017
do rich people own chocolate fountains?
is it the best quality of chocolate?
is it sweet or bitter?
what if it's  both?
how does it feel to be rich?
do most rich people take revenge on those who said, 'you'll never get anywhere in life?'
do they buy all the **** they want so they can be as high as a kite?
or is it alcohol?
do they try to escape from themselves with the  drugs?
is that why they get so high?
what's the point of being rich if you're just going to be sad?
what's up with this whole 'get money or die trying' thing?
why can't you just be happy without money?
why is the world surrounded by money?
oi! so i did a thingy. i went onto a random  word generator site and picked three random words to make a poem out of.  those three words are  fountain,  revenge, and high. i hope you like it!
Mar 2017 · 393
Kee Mar 2017
i hate looking at you.
i hate that you're  in front of me in class.
that i have to  talk to you.
participate with you.
pretend that everything is fine.
it's not.
i'm not.
i'm not okay.
but i pretend that i am, because no one will believe me.
if i tell them what you did they'll say "him? never."
and it hurts.
i try to tell all the other girls you woo but they're too caught up in being your lover, or should i say next victim.
one by one, you toss them out like garbage.
like you did me, as if what you took from me is replaceable.
it's not.
i'm not.
i'm not replaceable.
what you took from me isn't replaceable.
i will live this pain forever and never able to tell a soul.
i can't tell them about the nightmares.
the scars.
the feeling of dirt on my body that will never go away.
i'll only continue to imagine what it would be like if it never happened to me.
Mar 2017 · 259
Kee Mar 2017
i didn't get to say no.
i didn't  have a choice.
you did with me what you want, and i've hated myself  because of it.
i've dreamed of me kicking you off, screaming at the top of my lungs, calling for help.
but that doesn't change the fact that it still happened.
you hurt me.
you took away something that was my decision.
why would you hurt me like that?
why did you do it?
does your heart hurt at night like mine?
do you scream at yourself in the mirror like i do?
do you feel  like a coward, the same way i do?
did someone do this to you too?
*did you ever get to scream for help?
random poem, i got in the mood and couldn't stop thinking about writing this.
Jan 2017 · 229
Kee Jan 2017
"What was your first cut like?"

          I was in the seventh or eighth grade. I was curious, I wondered why others did it. I did it on my pinky finger, my right hand and I jumped, it was with a razor and it didn't hurt, but it was only a matter of time until I got addicted.

"You got addicted?"
          I didn't know that self-harm would be my outlet, nor did I know that my depression, anxiety, and mood swings for come into full effect my junior year of high school. I was so angry, so sad, so emotional that it was one of the first things that came to my mind. I went away at my body, I can't remember where I started, but all I know is that I wanted to feel pain. I **needed
to feel it. It was a numb feeling at first, I couldn't feel a thing but the blood seeping out of my wounds made me feel okay, as if to say, "You're still alive, you're still here." And that's when I knew I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Have you ever been addicted to anything else?"

          Pills. I started taking those before I did cutting. They gave me a high and even if it only lasted for an hour and I got the headache, it was worth it afterwards. I was away, I could think what I wanted to and the voices would stop. I'd take eight at a time and I didn't care, as long as I got my high. For a while, it was all I lived for.

"Do you regret any of it?"

          No, you wanna know why? Because it made me, me. I am who I am today because of those decisions. I was doing what every other teenager who had home problems and bullying at school, did; surviving. It was better than offing myself, something I thought about doing so many times. I still do, to this day. The doctors tell you that depression is hereditary but anyone can become depressed, in my opinion at least. Most times, you're already swimming in it a while before you actually realize it.
Aug 2016 · 181
Kee Aug 2016
rough draft:
i dreamed the same dream as you,
i wished upon stars,
dropped pennies into wishing wells,
blew out the candle and repeated it non-stop,
i didn't get mines, so i looked at you,
but then i saw you with another,
and realized that,
was your wish.

revised version:
i dreamed the same dream as you,
i wished upon stars,
dropped pennies into wishing wells,
prayed to the lord,
"please let him be my knight in shining armor"
blew out the candle,
"please please please, let him be the one"
the one day,
i saw you with a girl
giving her the look i give you,
the dreamy look i gave you,
when you smiled at me,
your arms wrapped around her shoulder,
foreheads together in an embrace,
lips sealed in a kiss,
just like ours.
it was then i realized,
my wish didn't come true,
that my dreams were never meant to be,
and that you wanted something new.
something that didn't involve me,
but the girl you wished for,
the girl of your dreams.
Aug 2016 · 180
Kee Aug 2016
kicking the walls,
screaming, "SET ME FREE"
i've been stuck in this imaginary box for so long
i'm beginning to think it's real,
at first it was fun, you stayed with me for a while
but then you left.
i wondered where you went, and why you hadn't come back
then i knew, that this was a trap.
you're way of keeping me
and keeping her too.
you said you'd let her go,
you lied just to have me,
and have her too.
so, while i'm stuck in this box
you're loving her
but when you will come back for me?
do i get love too?
or am i just the puppet you love to manipulate
for your use
for when you're bored?
am i just your toy?
Apr 2016 · 272
Kee Apr 2016
There’s always a reason why I can’t be as good as you,
Or I can’t have the same respect as you.
When I buy a car you charge me more and the white man less.
I’m expected to possibly get a high school diploma, while you’ll have a doctoral degree, sitting pretty.
Why is my life less important than yours?
Why do you get to have everything?
Why do I have to work twice as hard just to be half as good as you?
Why do we have to do so much to be accepted, just to not be accepted anyways?
Why do we always seem to be less?
Does it not bother you that we will never be seen for accomplishments, but for our color of skin and the stereotypes you give us?
Feb 2016 · 469
Kee Feb 2016
Reading right to left, down to up, common  sense not in my body.
High as  kite, the world is cold but my body is hot like delicious tamales.
Fire in my veins and the screams of my own being is what thrills me.
The Earth crumbling beneath my feet and I'm being dragged in.
I don't mind though, I love the thought of  life being scary.
*What's a life that's drama free?
Dec 2015 · 271
my thoughts.
Kee Dec 2015
i want to forget everything exists and that love is blind
that the color of my skin wasn't such a bad thing to others
and that i could've never met my 'first love'
i wish *** wasn't such a popular thing and it didn't matter in a relationship.
i wish for my soul to be free and my body to be tatted with purple and white ink symbolizing that i've finally let go of the pain that i've been wishing to shed
and that someone could understand my pain and that i hate being alone but-
if i were to tell them, would they think i mentally ill? that i should be institutionalized and considered a lunatic?
why is it do we shame the ones that are not considered 'normal'?
what is wrong with our society?
since when did being homeless mean you were of less than any other?
the rich aint ****, everyone can see it.
the album is 12 dollars but you'll only donate 1?
this was all in my head at once.
Dec 2015 · 3.6k
I like, but I don't like.
Kee Dec 2015
i like apples
but i don't like apple pies
i like cheese
but i don't want it on my fries
i like school
but do you really think i would do if i had to?
i like you
but i don't like your attitude
are you understanding my logic?
i won't like this because it correlates with this or it's combined with that
**i like what i like, and that's that.
Kee Nov 2015
i thought we had a dream to be together forever,
i guess that was a lie.
you said, "i'll never love another."
so who was that you were with in the schools bathroom stall?
don't tell me this just to do the opposite.
i need the truth, and if i can't get it from you then i don't want it at all.
we, we were suppose to be together forever.
our life use to seem worth living, and now that you're not in it..
i'm hopeless, scared, alone, angry, because you're not here.
you left me in this debt all by myself.
this debt of love, happiness, anger, and depression.
i have to deal with it ALL by myself.
and you don't care.
you just laugh with your new girlfriend in my ******* face and pretend that you didn't hurt me.
guess what?
i'll do the same.
i'll be better of without you,
and i'll smile.
a real smile.
the smiles you give to a person you love.
and then. only then,
will you feel like an *** for everything you've done.
Nov 2015 · 269
Kee Nov 2015
the disease spread over night
people were coughing, but they still smiled
people still saw light, they saw faith
and it makes me feel weak
i feel weak because i don't have that
i don't have light in me
i can't fight anymore
and the fact that they're at their last breath and still glowing in happiness
shows me that i can still go on
Oct 2015 · 283
Kee Oct 2015
He hated to watched her leave
But he knew she'd back soon
He wanted to hold her until life no longer existed
He waited up that night for to come back
He waited
And waited
And waited
She didn't come back

What did he do wrong?
Was it something he said?
Did he not love her enough?
"**** it," Began to be his motto
His face became hollow
The empty bottles of jack slowly filled the room
The receipts of take over crumpled up filled the corner of the room

Then one night
He heard a knock.
Oct 2015 · 265
Kee Oct 2015
cut my skin
make me feel alive
pull me close and gauge my eyes
make me scream out in terror
because it's the only way i'll ever emotions from you
if that's how it has to be
torture me until im black and blue
as long as you still see me as yours.
Oct 2015 · 219
Kee Oct 2015
i'll never be as pretty as her
wear the clothes she wears
be her size? gosh, that's gonna take a while
i want to be with you
but i can't be what you want me to be
i can't act like her or be like her
if so,
what will happen to *me?
Oct 2015 · 232
Kee Oct 2015
i dreamed the same dream as you,
i wished upon stars,
dropped pennies into wishing wells,
prayed to the lord,
"please let him be my knight in shining armor"
blew out the candle,
"please please please, let him be the one"
the one day,
i saw you with a girl
giving her the look i give you,
the dreamy look i gave you,
when you smiled at me,
your arms wrapped around her shoulder,
foreheads together in an embrace,
lips sealed in a kiss,
just like ours.
it was then i realized,
my wish didn't come true,
that my dreams were never meant to be,
and that you wanted something new.
something that didn't involve me,
but the girl you wished for,
the girl of your dreams.
Sep 2015 · 260
Kee Sep 2015
My soul cracked,
The world spun.
You could the hear the voices that were once in my head,
And for once I didn't feel crazy.
I didn't feel like a complete **** up.
It was blissful in so many ways but,
The storm never ends.
Sep 2015 · 262
Kee Sep 2015
just scream
scream until you lose your voice
and after that let the tears fall
let them fall down your cheeks and drop onto your shirt
howl if possible
let out your pain so everyone can know
you are a *
*broken soul
Sep 2015 · 255
Kee Sep 2015
kiss me one least time so i can relive the pain
the torture it was to be with you
but also, i laugh
i laugh because you made me whole at one point
you were my sunshine
now, you've created a monster
and i thought i'd let you meet her
i call her
*your beast.
Sep 2015 · 227
I Love You
Kee Sep 2015
I love you but it seems as if that's not enough
it didn't take me long to fall for you
then again, I do fall easily.
you could say that i am
i did fall because of you, didn't i?
i love you.
still, even if it hurts.
Aug 2015 · 625
Kee Aug 2015
you turn to me with an open hand
always expecting something to be given to you
but you never give back
do you deserve everything you have?
do you honestly work for it?
or do you smile and lie in peoples faces about your work
when it's really the slaves working in the unknown factory
you aren't ****
Jul 2015 · 408
I Wish.
Kee Jul 2015
The kisses I wish you would leave on my neck
The smile I wished you would send my way when we walk pass
The girl you hold on a loving way
I wish it was me
Don't you ever think that we could be
I imagine our kids, the white picket fence
Call me crazy, even insane
But I love you
Do you feel the same?
Jul 2015 · 874
Kee Jul 2015
Our relationship is like Trivia
Continuously spitting questions just to figure out your emotions
"How do you feel this day?"
"Are you comfortable talking to me?"
"Do you feel angry?"
"Oh, I'm not finna do this!"
"Attitude, bye!"

I just wanted to see if your alright.
I guess not.
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
A Rose.
Kee Jun 2015
The red leaves fall off
But the thorns remains strong
It ****** your skin and watches you bleed
It enjoys the dripping
The dripping of your blood
Your soul
You should be.
These thorns were meant for
pricking the soul and *nothing above it.
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
The Real You?
Kee Jun 2015
You stole my heart and made it warm
The freezing temperature was starting to get old
You filled the hole
The hole no one could fill
You made me love
You made me love you
I started to trust you
Even though I didn't know you
I didn't know you
But you knew me
And that's was wrong
You were hiding your identity
The person I wanted to love was hiding inside
While you only showed me the other guy
The other part of you
The part that tricked me
Oh, how I wish
I knew the *real you.
Jun 2015 · 212
Kee Jun 2015
My pocket is my heart
I fill it until it cannot be filled
And then I empty my pocket
Jun 2015 · 517
Tell me.
Kee Jun 2015
Will you hold me?
Tell me you'll never leave
That will be forever?
That stay strong is our 'okay'?
Tell me....

Tell me you'll only love me and no one else.
Please don't make this hard for me because I depend on you.
I depend on everything you say and it seems like you hate me for loving you.
You hate the though of loving me
You'd never touch me
I'm poisonous to you and it kills me that you don't want me.
Self harm was never my thing but you made me drag the razor along my veins and cry out in pain as the blood dripped onto your white T-shirt.
It still smells like you.
You took a piece away from me and even you didn't say you loved me but I know you felt for me
you felt
But i dont understand
I don't understand why you stopped feeling for me.
And you never tell me.
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Kee Jun 2015
I know that I'll never be enough for you.
It hurts,
Because your everything I want.
I want you.
You don't want me.
I wouldn't walk a thousand miles
But I'd tell you my deepest secrets.
I'd trust you
But would you trust me?
Could you trust me?
Could I be your everything and more?
Why can't you see that I still like you?
That I still hold on.
That I'm here.
You gave up on me.
You let me go and I don't even know why.
You continued to fly while I kept falling
Then I hit the ground.
I realized that you weren't coming to save me.
I realized that you stopped.
You stopped being my everything.
Never coming back.
Now I'm alone.
May 2015 · 248
Kee May 2015
I'm ****** up in the head
One step closer to suicidal
As a kid I thought I was happy
I misinterpreted.
I wasn't happy
I lived.
I lived for another day.
I sacrificed my happiness.
I let go.
its gone.
And  I can't bring it back.
I tried
I tried to love.
I tried everything.
The only thing left is to die...
May 2015 · 219
Kee May 2015
I never needed you anyways
A figment of my imagination
You didn't come to stay
You left when you wanted to
Leaving things behind
You left me standing there
Wet, damp eyes
The sobs reached your ears but you ignored it
You ignored me
You left me for dead
Wrapping the rope around my skin and kicking the chair
Was the sin I should've made.
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