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I. The Door

Out of it steps our future, through this door
Enigmas, executioners and rules,
Her Majesty in a bad temper or
A red-nosed Fool who makes a fool of fools.

Great persons eye it in the twilight for
A past it might so carelessly let in,
A widow with a missionary grin,
The foaming inundation at a roar.

We pile our all against it when afraid,
And beat upon its panels when we die:
By happening to be open once, it made

Enormous Alice see a wonderland
That waited for her in the sunshine and,
Simply by being tiny, made her cry.

II. The Preparations

All had been ordered weeks before the start
From the best firms at such work: instruments
To take the measure of all queer events,
And drugs to move the bowels or the heart.

A watch, of course, to watch impatience fly,
Lamps for the dark and shades against the sun;
Foreboding, too, insisted on a gun,
And coloured beads to soothe a savage eye.

In theory they were sound on Expectation,
Had there been situations to be in;
Unluckily they were their situation:

One should not give a poisoner medicine,
A conjurer fine apparatus, nor
A rifle to a melancholic bore.

III. The Crossroads

Two friends who met here and embraced are gone,
Each to his own mistake; one flashes on
To fame and ruin in a rowdy lie,
A village torpor holds the other one,
Some local wrong where it takes time to die:
This empty junction glitters in the sun.

So at all quays and crossroads: who can tell
These places of decision and farewell
To what dishonour all adventure leads,
What parting gift could give that friend protection,
So orientated his vocation needs
The Bad Lands and the sinister direction?

All landscapes and all weathers freeze with fear,
But none have ever thought, the legends say,
The time allowed made it impossible;
For even the most pessimistic set
The limit of their errors at a year.
What friends could there be left then to betray,
What joy take longer to atone for; yet
Who could complete without the extra day
The journey that should take no time at all?

IV. The Traveler

No window in his suburb lights that bedroom where
A little fever heard large afternoons at play:
His meadows multiply; that mill, though, is not there
Which went on grinding at the back of love all day.

Nor all his weeping ways through weary wastes have found
The castle where his Greater Hallows are interned;
For broken bridges halt him, and dark thickets round
Some ruin where an evil heritage was burned.

Could he forget a child's ambition to be old
And institutions where it learned to wash and lie,
He'd tell the truth for which he thinks himself too young,

That everywhere on his horizon, all the sky,
Is now, as always, only waiting to be told
To be his father's house and speak his mother tongue.

V. The City

In villages from which their childhoods came
Seeking Necessity, they had been taught
Necessity by nature is the same
No matter how or by whom it be sought.

The city, though, assumed no such belief,
But welcomed each as if he came alone,
The nature of Necessity like grief
Exactly corresponding to his own.

And offered them so many, every one
Found some temptation fit to govern him,
And settled down to master the whole craft

Of being nobody; sat in the sun
During the lunch-hour round the fountain rim,
And watched the country kids arrive, and laughed.

VI. The First Temptation

Ashamed to be the darling of his grief,
He joined a gang of rowdy stories where
His gift for magic quickly made him chief
Of all these boyish powers of the air;

Who turned his hungers into Roman food,
The town's asymmetry into a park;
All hours took taxis; any solitude
Became his flattered duchess in the dark.

But, if he wished for anything less grand,
The nights came padding after him like wild
Beasts that meant harm, and all the doors cried Thief;

And when Truth had met him and put out her hand,
He clung in panic to his tall belief
And shrank away like an ill-treated child.

VII. The Second Temptation

His library annoyed him with its look
Of calm belief in being really there;
He threw away a rival's boring book,
And clattered panting up the spiral stair.

Swaying upon the parapet he cried:
"O Uncreated Nothing, set me free,
Now let Thy perfect be identified,
Unending passion of the Night, with Thee."

And his long-suffering flesh, that all the time
Had felt the simple cravings of the stone
And hoped to be rewarded for her climb,

Took it to be a promise when he spoke
That now at last she would be left alone,
And plunged into the college quad, and broke.

VIII. The Third Temptation

He watched with all his organs of concern
How princes walk, what wives and children say,
Re-opened old graves in his heart to learn
What laws the dead had died to disobey,

And came reluctantly to his conclusion:
"All the arm-chair philosophies are false;
To love another adds to the confusion;
The song of mercy is the Devil's Waltz."

All that he put his hand to prospered so
That soon he was the very King of creatures,
Yet, in an autumn nightmare trembled, for,

Approaching down a ruined corridor,
Strode someone with his own distorted features
Who wept, and grew enormous, and cried Woe.

IX. The Tower

This is an architecture for the old;
Thus heaven was attacked by the afraid,
So once, unconsciously, a ****** made
Her maidenhead conspicuous to a god.

Here on dark nights while worlds of triumph sleep
Lost Love in abstract speculation burns,
And exiled Will to politics returns
In epic verse that makes its traitors weep.

Yet many come to wish their tower a well;
For those who dread to drown, of thirst may die,
Those who see all become invisible:

Here great magicians, caught in their own spell,
Long for a natural climate as they sigh
"Beware of Magic" to the passer-by.

X. The Presumptuous

They noticed that virginity was needed
To trap the unicorn in every case,
But not that, of those virgins who succeeded,
A high percentage had an ugly face.

The hero was as daring as they thought him,
But his peculiar boyhood missed them all;
The angel of a broken leg had taught him
The right precautions to avoid a fall.

So in presumption they set forth alone
On what, for them, was not compulsory,
And stuck half-way to settle in some cave
With desert lions to domesticity,

Or turned aside to be absurdly brave,
And met the ogre and were turned to stone.

XI. The Average

His peasant parents killed themselves with toil
To let their darling leave a stingy soil
For any of those fine professions which
Encourage shallow breathing, and grow rich.

The pressure of their fond ambition made
Their shy and country-loving child afraid
No sensible career was good enough,
Only a hero could deserve such love.

So here he was without maps or supplies,
A hundred miles from any decent town;
The desert glared into his blood-shot eyes,
The silence roared displeasure:
looking down,
He saw the shadow of an Average Man
Attempting the exceptional, and ran.

XII. Vocation

Incredulous, he stared at the amused
Official writing down his name among
Those whose request to suffer was refused.

The pen ceased scratching: though he came too late
To join the martyrs, there was still a place
Among the tempters for a caustic tongue

To test the resolution of the young
With tales of the small failings of the great,
And shame the eager with ironic praise.

Though mirrors might be hateful for a while,
Women and books would teach his middle age
The fencing wit of an informal style,
To keep the silences at bay and cage
His pacing manias in a worldly smile.

XIII. The Useful

The over-logical fell for the witch
Whose argument converted him to stone,
Thieves rapidly absorbed the over-rich,
The over-popular went mad alone,
And kisses brutalised the over-male.

As agents their importance quickly ceased;
Yet, in proportion as they seemed to fail,
Their instrumental value was increased
For one predestined to attain their wish.

By standing stones the blind can feel their way,
Wild dogs compel the cowardly to fight,
Beggars assist the slow to travel light,
And even madmen manage to convey
Unwelcome truths in lonely gibberish.

XIV. The Way

Fresh addenda are published every day
To the encyclopedia of the Way,

Linguistic notes and scientific explanations,
And texts for schools with modernised spelling and illustrations.

Now everyone knows the hero must choose the old horse,
Abstain from liquor and ****** *******,

And look out for a stranded fish to be kind to:
Now everyone thinks he could find, had he a mind to,

The way through the waste to the chapel in the rock
For a vision of the Triple Rainbow or the Astral Clock,

Forgetting his information comes mostly from married men
Who liked fishing and a flutter on the horses now and then.

And how reliable can any truth be that is got
By observing oneself and then just inserting a Not?

XV. The Lucky

Suppose he'd listened to the erudite committee,
He would have only found where not to look;
Suppose his terrier when he whistled had obeyed,
It would not have unearthed the buried city;
Suppose he had dismissed the careless maid,
The cryptogram would not have fluttered from the book.

"It was not I," he cried as, healthy and astounded,
He stepped across a predecessor's skull;
"A nonsense jingle simply came into my head
And left the intellectual Sphinx dumbfounded;
I won the Queen because my hair was red;
The terrible adventure is a little dull."

Hence Failure's torment: "Was I doomed in any case,
Or would I not have failed had I believed in Grace?"

XVI. The Hero

He parried every question that they hurled:
"What did the Emperor tell you?" "Not to push."
"What is the greatest wonder of the world?"
"The bare man Nothing in the Beggar's Bush."

Some muttered: "He is cagey for effect.
A hero owes a duty to his fame.
He looks too like a grocer for respect."
Soon they slipped back into his Christian name.

The only difference that could be seen
From those who'd never risked their lives at all
Was his delight in details and routine:

For he was always glad to mow the grass,
Pour liquids from large bottles into small,
Or look at clouds through bits of coloured glass.

XVII. Adventure

Others had found it prudent to withdraw
Before official pressure was applied,
Embittered robbers outlawed by the Law,
Lepers in terror of the terrified.

But no one else accused these of a crime;
They did not look ill: old friends, overcome,
Stared as they rolled away from talk and time
Like marbles out into the blank and dumb.

The crowd clung all the closer to convention,
Sunshine and horses, for the sane know why
The even numbers should ignore the odd:

The Nameless is what no free people mention;
Successful men know better than to try
To see the face of their Absconded God.

XVIII. The Adventurers

Spinning upon their central thirst like tops,
They went the Negative Way towards the Dry;
By empty caves beneath an empty sky
They emptied out their memories like slops,

Which made a foul marsh as they dried to death,
Where monsters bred who forced them to forget
The lovelies their consent avoided; yet,
Still praising the Absurd with their last breath,

They seeded out into their miracles:
The images of each grotesque temptation
Became some painter's happiest inspiration,

And barren wives and burning virgins came
To drink the pure cold water of their wells,
And wish for beaux and children in their name.

XIX. The Waters

Poet, oracle, and wit
Like unsuccessful anglers by
The ponds of apperception sit,
Baiting with the wrong request
The vectors of their interest,
At nightfall tell the angler's lie.

With time in tempest everywhere,
To rafts of frail assumption cling
The saintly and the insincere;
Enraged phenomena bear down
In overwhelming waves to drown
Both sufferer and suffering.

The waters long to hear our question put
Which would release their longed-for answer, but.

**. The Garden

Within these gates all opening begins:
White shouts and flickers through its green and red,
Where children play at seven earnest sins
And dogs believe their tall conditions dead.

Here adolescence into number breaks
The perfect circle time can draw on stone,
And flesh forgives division as it makes
Another's moment of consent its own.

All journeys die here: wish and weight are lifted:
Where often round some old maid's desolation
Roses have flung their glory like a cloak,

The gaunt and great, the famed for conversation
Blushed in the stare of evening as they spoke
And felt their centre of volition shifted.
Àŧùl Dec 2014
They call me blessed,
But then I wonder;
Is being unlucky called being blessed?

Then they call me lucky,
Just because I survived;
Do they compare me with someone who died?

They want me to rejoice,
But what they call life,
Is always being in a mood to celebrate called life?

It's called lies.
Incapacity to face the real truth.

I will rise,
To give a surprise..

When the Sun rises at dawn,
When the darkness falls off,
When the memory fades away...

As the story goes on,
New leaflets are turned,
The suspense can only deepen!
A faint hope remains alive.

My HP Poem #702
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2017
Scalene Triangle: Here no sides or angles are the same.
Isosceles Triangle: Here two sides and angles are same.
Acute Triangle: Here all three angles are less than 90º.
Obtuse Triangle: Here one angle is greater than 90º.
Equilateral Triangle: Here all sides & angles are the same.
Right Triangle: Here one angle is equal to 90º.
And the most common triangle is...
Love Triangle: Here a lover usually cheats on the other.

I unluckily have gotten stuck in all these 7 triangles.
Never deserved to be cheated but still got cheated.
I can not hate them but still, I so often get hated.
And the mathematical triangles only bothered.
I never cheated anybody.

My HP Poem #1387
©Atul Kaushal
Cheyenne Jan 2015
I heard a howling
in the woods,
freezing me
right where I stood.
That sound:
it turned my blood to ice
I knew he'd hunt me
this full moon night.

Great, big footsteps
pounding near;
Their deadly echo
resonating with fear.
His heavy breathing
reeked of blood and thirst.
I knew right then,
I was in for the worst.

I clutched my throat
in desperate need
of oxygen
so I could breathe.
I began to faint.
Knowing, once black,
I'd never wake.

And just as my eyes
began to close
I saw his wet,
sniffing nose.
I felt
his snarling teeth
biting deep
inside of me.

Then I knew
that I was done.
I had lost
and he had won.
M Jun 2018
Greetings audience.
I am off my medication now and I am feeling vastly better. Something just cleared my conscious and vascular blockage so joyously. I will not be posting videos due to my camera and devices breaking. No diatribes nor any vitriolic comments were conferred during my time gone throughout my family and my peers, assuming that is the reason I am now healthy (dropping toxic ties). Unluckily, all of my social media was hacked. Refrain from following anything linked with my name. Indeed, I am not here to bloviate, rather to celebrate. Thank you for your cooperation. I will now go play childishly. Farewell. : )
Heart of Silver Jan 2018

I sit by a silver pool

My legs dangle in, just below the knee
so that my steps can remember where I've been
but my eyes dont have to see

And below the surface swim fish, lazy
each one holds a memory
unluckily, or lucky, they get a little hazy

I grasp at them, they swim further away
scales grazing fingertips, I watch in dismay
cause the only ones I seem to catch and devour
force my thoughts into such a disarray

I sit by a silver pool
eating painful memories
oh god, I'm such a fool
Fishes ****.
Keerthi Kishor Aug 2018
Unluckily, not every frog you kiss turns into a Prince Charming.
"Frogs are frogs. Period."
Àŧùl Oct 2016
Unluckily, I am an offspring of two different genotypes,
For it, I so often face the reverse apartheid by a faction,
That faction particular is omnipresent in this nation.

Unseemingly, extremely patriotic I do feel except during cricket,
They look, at my face and deduce that I am not one of them,
That I speak their tongue more eloquently doesn't count..

Up North, they think that my nose is a bit like a Dravidian,
But down South, they often think that I am an Aryan,
That boycotts me in this land of the Indian nation...
I often get another kind of Apartheid, the diehtrapA.

HP Poem #1181
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2013
I was born twice, yes I was born & reborn.
Born once on December the 23rd in the year 1990,
And I was born again on May the 7th in the year 2010.

I was born twice, quite unusual, but really true it is.
On December the 23rd in the year 1990 it was biological,
And I survived the accident on May the 7th in the year 2010.

So now you get how I'm a man of Ω-Birthdays, don't you,
Unluckily I fought and brought myself back to this world,
And I am so lonely now, it would've been peaceful if I died.

All of the world who had once been friends with me hates me,
Unlucky enough for me to keep losing real-world friends,
And I hate myself for being such a weird personality.

All the happiness is lost somewhere in this world,
Not unusual for me to lose happiness frequently,
And I must give into this arrangement and suffer.

All my suffering is on behalf of this indifferent world,
Time & Karma distribute sufferings uniformly here,
And I take the problems on myself as I can stand them all.

All the happiness in my account was just temporary,
Let me suffer all of yours problems today whosoever reads this,
And I guarantee you happiness replete when you read this to a grimace.
My HP Poem #198
© Atul Kaushal
I yearn to feel complete,
and full.
For so long I have felt
and vulnerable.
I'm sick of this
I'm tired of this
tortuous thing that I have
so unluckily
I'm done with trying to fight it;
for I am the champion of my mind.
Victory shall be mine;
forever and always
I purposely left the name of the disease out that I'm currently fighting with so then other people can relate to it as well; whether it is an actual life threatening disease of the human body, depression, ED's, drug addictions, suicidal issues, etc. YOU ARE THE VICTOR OF YOUR MIND, do NOT let the demon of lies torture you further. you are beautiful and loved; if you need me to prove it to you my Message Box is ALWAYS open and I'm always willing to listen to your words and/or give you advice. xoxo
And yet it was better than ever.
well, so there is the mystery solved
the case of : who would be there to be there
and                                  yet
I had dejavu, of joking with you about
making pizza, while we were making love
simply the truth tho, make me more than happy
end this skin and bone, lets both get some meat
and ask up front, end it at the right time
real to the tenants , unluckily bellow us
uncertainty, this  trust on a whim
no matter how far you live
trust on the fact of this
at first sight

ahhh New York
Butch Decatoria May 2016

Behind his eyes of Laser Blue
I have a history as brief as titsi-flies

Behind a furrow or a dormant smile's bloom
I am indentured
by his manipulations,
                                lessened by his education
and I am supposedly the one he loves...?

So, there in the bear-hug of his lies
I am mute in delirium
copulation cranked to carnival speeds

Because he has power in the unspoken
as vaporous as white smoke
incantations & sorcery
                          fish hooks my love into my doom

I understand that gaze
I commit to its kaleidoscope
variegated faces
for every season and holiday
each hour etched is an emotion
pretend and pretense


Muscle, toned,
limbs limned in liquids
arms of a giant squid
the transparent center:
a cluster of homosexuals suckling...

He is Captain Nemo, submariner
mad haired scientist,
testing each concoctions' mixed diversions
and perversions / replete to repeat
                               how we all un-burden ourselves
to him, patience
is an old man with an oil burner...

I am transfixed
a lobotomy experiment of chopsticks
and peppermint schnapps

who's time has misplaced it's tick.


I am aerodynamic...

Because the laws of attractions
commonalities not flesh on flesh
or polysyllabic meals of kisses
none are removed from him

He weaves his wizard's wand
fantasia music to magic  ***
to a whistle's whim,
while I chimp out puzzles complex
just to gain praise and admiration.

(As he vanishes to rendez vous
another grinder, another victim,
another name game)

For behind his hood
and hat of tormenting's tricks
I have glimpsed his true nature

like Midus whose touch once harsh straw,
rumpled in his still-skins
complete with fanatical flaws
I witness an aging ram
horned, silver haired satyr...

I am a deer in headlights
every time I am shocked by my own
like sheep to a herder
steering a flock,
a troop, a school, a ******

unguided paths that shape themselves
by the traffic of every foot.

I have grown blank
no mirth or self-contrition
this rat retreats into moist dark spaces
to converse with paranoid shadows...

Behind his eyes
even when he mistakes his conjuring
excuses tangled among false & fallacies
but stupidity is
the only spell he never casts
upon my helicopter spinning mind


He has transformed me not to a toad
with a swollen desire
to croak / a burp

but turned me
into a boomerang...

Flung high with speed
inaccurately to flee blind
uncertain as wind-shears in Chicago
but still returns to suffer

A beaten Benji,
and still an Ole' Yeller defender of truth
I remain

knicked, knocked, chipped
licked - not yet
but seemingly to his soul's spotlight

Thrown out
to welcoming skies so blue

still there's an anger behind his eyes
I understand / it will be the end of me

I am unable to discern
our story - where dying heroes lay
when they realize
tragedies end unluckily...

But a boomerang
knows not reasoning to leave
and be victim
to its own nature's treason,
it does not question why
nor weep helplessly

yet it also does not sing
celebrating when in its master's hand
yet comes home
unhappily half alive
I suffer like the boomerang
still my own company
compass or wayward destination
give in to it's predestined
in high flight always returning,

whistles to the joy of living

you see, a yo-yo can not fly

I have become acquainted with heaven's sky
kingdom of light
familiar to it's shine
delight in my unforeseen

(my magic kiss kiss
imagination bang bang!)*

I am a divine toy of life,

be it

a boomerang.
For TTH Farewell.
Àŧùl Mar 2017
When Simon was born,
He had a rare syndrome,
The Treacher Colin one.

It included missing ears,
And condescending from it,
Were the missing years.

But he had his luck shining,
He met Vicky on sign language classes,
That he attended as he is challenged.

Even though Simon can not hear,
He heard Vicky's heart beat for him,
And both of them had a baby.

Unluckily, the baby has TCS as well,
But we must take time to appreciate,
Time & love the parents dedicate.

They named the daughter Alice,
So beautiful and healthy she is,
For Simon's burning wounds she is the ice.

Especially Simon Moore is careful,
Careful that his daughter is happy,
So she doesn't get the missing years,
A tough road lies ahead with missing ears.
Treacher Collins Syndrome is a huge challenge and I so greatly respect anyone and everyone with the TCS.

Simon Moore is an inspiration for me.

My HP Poem #1466
©Atul Kaushal
Title          : My Life With
                     Monster Pain
Poet          : Phyll
Genre       : Life/Pain/sorrow
Year          : 2018
P/SwNO. : 116

( Content; this piece is based on my own true story and applies to our day to day life experiences.Anyone who reads this might find it weird and some actions i did to be stupid but i had no choice.Life is full of pain and when we find ourselves in this situation tend to shy off from our on demons instead of facing them.Personally pain pushed me to the walls twice i attempted to commit suicide with no success but just added more pain on myself.That's when i realised that,no matter how difficult life is and how much pain you endure DON'T give in to those crazy ideas that run through your mind but instead get positive and helpful idea.)


Life is full of unexpected things,
you can be friends with your enemies;

your own life turn to be your enemies.

life is full of surprises.

Funny it may seems, and at the same time,
It will hurt you truly with a monster called Pain.

In my life I have lost big opportunities,not once nor twice but uncountable times.

I had even forgotten how to smile,
how to see a bit further, beyond this misery.

I had also forgotten how to be happy,
how to trust anyone, give them power over me.

I had even forgotten how to be me,
I buried everything deep inside, just to hide it from others.

You taught me how to smile again,
to laugh without reason, to cry from the joy.

Dear Pain,
Thank you for revealing my error again,
showing that path of tears lie in sorrow, not in joy.

Thank you for taking it all away,
making me to hide myself again, to trust no one.

Thank you for telling I am nothing,
pointing my place, to be an outcast in life by my own choice.

And now
I'm making love
Not with a fake human being
But with a brand new razor blade.

Love me,
my razor blade.

Peel my skin,
make me scream.

Sink so deep,
make me weep.

Cut my flesh,
make me bleed.

Take my life,
set me free.

Conversing to myself like a mad man,
Not even 'like' but i had gone insane.

With nice little twist,
I slit my wrist...

Not waiting for life to ****,
rather my own blood I spill.

It's my own choice, I have no fears,
only pain, in eyes some unshed tears.

On the floor, blood making stains,
slowly releasing me from my pains.

****** stains, stains like in my soul,
caused by all the pain, this life Is so full foul...

Vision finally fading away, soon it's all done,
staring darkness, oh so black, soon it's all gone.

Soon I'm released, free from this pain,
suffering and life, it was all just in vain.

Thought,how funny blood makes difference between life and death,
farewell life, so painful, so useless, gonna take my last breath;I told myself.

The pain i felt left many queries unanswered but rather more questions continued acquired.

Why should I listen to my heart,
When It brings nothing but pain.
Why should I fall apart,
When Everytime is the same.

Why should I follow a fake a dream
knowing it will bring nothing but more scream
Why should I ... ?
When I ...

Do you feel me ???

Why should I wait all day?
I feel but I cannot speak it out,
Why do I feel this week weak?

You Moster Do you really feel me?

Why should I go through this agony?
Why can't I just follow my destiny?
Why can't I just let of life?
Maybe because ...
Maybe ... Maybe.

Dear Pain,I do feel You,
But have you ever felt me?

No doubt that;

The pain is in me,
The pain will not leave me.
The pain is all i feel in me,
It's now apart of me.

I just want to;

Cut out my heart,
Cut out my emotions.
Cut out you monster pain!

Only in darkness do i find peace,
Only in darkness can i escape.
Only if this darkness could stay,
But unluckily it wouldn't obey.

I just want to;

Cut out my heart,
Cut out my emotions.
Cut out you monster pain!

But this only added more pain,
I guess they were right;
When they said 'No Pain No Gain'.
The pain i felt made me gain more scars,lesson and experiences never to be forgotten in my entire life.

No doubt that,
Life is full of unexpected things,

you can be friends with your enemies;

your own life turns to be your enemies.

life is full of surprises.

Funny it may seems, and at the same time,
It will hurt you truly with monster Pain.

Everyone has a story to share.this is my stooooory
Ceryn Feb 2013
With the way you smile when you see me near,
the way you stare when I am here,
the way you feel my greatest fears,
the way you see my invisible tears.

The way you make me feel I'm wanted,
the way you understand my deep hatred,
the way you carry that smile of content,
the way you plan out your very intent.

The way you accept me at my own flaws,
the way you notice me on a sudden pause,
the way you laugh out when I go crazy,
the way you don't care if I am lazy.

The way you keep your silence at times,
the way you hide and present your lies,
the way you accept all hurt from me,
the way you let me just be me.

The way you comfort me in distress,
the way you care when I'm drowned in loneliness,
the way you caution me when I'm not alright,
the way you support me in my every fight.

The way you just know what I am feeling,
the way you speak for me when I'm not speaking,
the way you show that someone's behind me,
the way you come just when I needed somebody.

The way you light your own hopes up,
the way you continue and never stop,
the way you feel the pain alone,
the way you've waited, now it has grown.

Every moment has never been this significant
I never expected a feeling so instant,
You started it all, now I'm feeling alright
A dull, empty world, now a paradise so bright.

But love won't allow an overload in my heart
I'm clearing it up to make another start,
And I can't be so swift in diverting my emotions
I've known all these before, I know the cautions.

Time, that's all I have to be enough with
To offer a better and more enlightened lead,
If I am to push through or just be fair
Preserve the friendship or make a new affair?

I can't stand to witness myself wither
Frustrations caused by hearts so bitter,
Trust breaks so easily when badly stained
Hearts wound so deeply when unexpectedly pained.

In this new course, I see no certainty
I may be happy, or be hurt so unluckily,
But one thing I know, we cannot both feel
What our eyes speak if it's never real.

Chances are presented, though not that right
Waiting for the moment when I already need to fight,
For now, I can't give it a straighter view
But all I know now is it's just about me and you.
Muyiwa Williams Dec 2015
The Unpleasant breeze welcomes Lakunle
Invites the harsh winds to him Unluckily
He shrugs repeatedly accepting fate
Mosquito bites and the next day's date
Wakes him up to ruble again in pain
confused about the little he has to gain

He his challenges by is toothless smile
to turn the hands of time and set a mile
a mile of records that will break the chains
The poverty chains of which he grew with on these plains
trying to understand the Life he has
going to sleep every night with an empty stomach with gas
empty gas.........

The journey began
He ran
Away from home
To find a new zone of his own
picked by a wanderer
they wandered together
He still wonders what happened to Wanda
He flew to Rwanda
He went back to Aiyetoro

The empty results
The wasted years
The Unanswered Questions
The Grey Hairs
The Recklessness
The Life of Aiyetoro
Poem is about following your heart either to Pain or more Pain
Moza Mahmoud May 2013
Happy as I appear to be,
I wish someone could just read through me.
And get to know the real me.
No one really knows what’s hurting me.
I wish they could see through me.
I know a heart break was the first thing that popped in your mind,
a feeling so unkind.
Sadly, it’s not,
but a feeling that hurts more than you thought.                                                         ­                                                                 ­       
I m tired of this feeling,
with no signs of healing.
I’m tired of waking up every day,
to bear the same pain,
with no one to explain.
All this has caused darkness which blanked my mind,
leaving me undefined.
But what can I do?
When I can’t break through?
I feel more than broken.
I wish I was outspoken.

I am afraid I’m no longer the girl I used to be.
All the happiness is quickly leaving me.
This feeling is killing me slowly,
and tears can’t stop falling.
Until when will I give a pretentious smile?
If only people could just realize the sorrows in my life.
I wish I could just speak out the truth.
Unluckily it will do more harm than good.
                                                                ­             MOZA MAHMOUD
Annie McLaughlin Feb 2016
I once did bear the flags and symbols
And pride
Of the star spangled banner and gun toters
And the red white and blue
And the discrimination of those "unluckily" not born into such a country as ours.
I once did support the presidential idiocracies and the government corruption,
That is until I ripped away the blinding shield
And recognized the joke that this state has become,
The troubles it has caused,
And the morons who actually believe they can better it again.
I used to be one of those oblivious cheerers
Hanging onto just a dream and a hope
That hides the dust and the bones
Of America.
I do not believe that my children deserve to spend their life
Growing up in such a messed up universe.
The first chance I recieve,
I am running,
Away from this cold morbid land
Unless they have killed us already.
Àŧùl Apr 2013
They have a wide choice
To pick any sharp-pointed
Tool to slice my neck with
Or to stick in my stomach.
But no!
I know that they won't be
Satisfied hurting me ******
And so they took to words
Or simple boycott they've.
...Their weapons...

Unluckily they were once my friends
And I had set afire the newest trends
Improvising & exploiting my ways,
Which they follow until these days.
And lo!
They forget me - they forgot me
They have forgotten my words
For I wasn't their teacher ever
Nor would they ever become
...Atul Kaushal Sharma...
My HP Poem #151
© Atul Kaushal
Joanna Nov 2014
Baby, your name should be despair because you have me impaired,
I cant sleep, I cant eat, I have been unluckily ensnared,
at my waking and my sleep it is you that I see,
how is it that you are everything I want with me?
your kisses make me tremble, your eyes make me weak,
the simple sound of your voice makes me go peek,
for just one more glance, a second more of paradise,
but lets take one more shot, at the roll of the dice.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
Nicole Bataclan Jun 2013
If it had never happened
Would I have eventually
Ended up here?
A safe haven
Daydream feelings
Knowing exactly who I am
And where I am going

Encircled by the people
I cannot go on a day
Without thinking about;
Living in a city
I adorn and that I
Will not ever leave behind

Weary of explaining myself
I still work on embracing myself
The journey I have set in
Losing it, finding it,
Exploring still, my inkling

Never losing, always winning

If it never happened
My writing would be different
But as of now
Every tingling in my body says
Me, myself and I are happy
Maybe things happen, unluckily
Yet I learned to make the things
I want
Happen eventually.
medicine May 2015
they yelled at each other
wondered if I came from a can of coke
instead of a soft part inside her
he talked like a mad man
no, he was a mad man

I remember
still clear
tired eyes
gloomy breakfast
deathly stare

i luckily forget the pain
and unluckily,
cant feel anything
ESR May 2015
The best thing about darkness
Is that it isn't really heartless
We unluckily perceive it by
These lies used to conceal it
And in a world full of light
We're taught to avoid the
Oh so Shadowing night
And despite its best intentions
It's left untouched and never
It loves us all to death
But to death is how we see it.
We think it's something brutal
But it's really nothing crude at all
It's warming
It covers up the pain
and hides ours sorrows all away,
And yet we sit here
and frown upon it another day
Not truly realizing all the ways it's helped us.
Or the ways that it protects us.
Just the ways it scares us.
The first crush she had
was unluckily me.

From beyond the specs
her eyes were sad
yet silently pleading
someone found them sweet too.

Braving all her shyness
she penned me three sentences
jotted with immature hands
dipped in the fountain of romance:

How are you. I'm fine. Love you.

That night I took them to the streetlight
and read like a whole long story.

I never replied.

I only wished
she read it right
at the turn of page.
Poetic T Aug 2017
The extension of me, Its held like a woman.
Gentle always, never relinquished to another.
Never taken for granted, Its never used its
an extension of me.

Never seeing the other as a heart beat,
but a means to an end for me to go home.
I never looked in their eyes,
             Its them
                  or me, I choose me every time.

They took their choosing, I ended there breath
with a moment, one stood, one feel beneath tears
of steel. I'm only human, survival is collective
on everyone's thoughts, yours are silent though.

I'm not an enemy, just a voice of another point of view.
Unluckily you choose the a side that collected your
body after I'd left this place. I never think of you,
but I remember ever body faceless crying in my nightmares
Ikong Garabiles Jun 2014
I was once locked in love that should never existed
A love for me was bliss but others keep restricted
A blood similitude which I ignored for thee
But my firmness dissolves as she so disagree

It came to hit me up that it was really wrong,
Like a redundant lyric does devastate a song,
To make a better one we need diversity,
Combine distinctive genres that still fruits harmony

And as I go along I was shackled again
In love wherein I felt immense fidelity
Devotedness that turns me oh so formidable
Of what will I then be if she vanishes to me

I came with an agenda to be just alter ego
Remaining just a cover of my beloved pillow
Guess that in this way things would truly last
Until she realized the world was really vast

This mere lady I know for me is the one
Unluckily oh fool my girl is all **** gone
And my adversary? All but wrong insight
To treat her only just like bestfriend for life

I was locked in both loves full of malevolence
One is adversity the other's imprudence
One I know was just a bitter destiny
The other's not dealt well and lost regretfully
Àŧùl Aug 2019
I am a good soul,
Housed in a body that's unluckily alive with some expectations.
I am but as good as a ghoul,
A smile always pasted across my face to mask the sad intonations.
My HP Poem #1761
©Atul Kaushal

Waking up                          no sleep
Hungry                               feeling hungry
Having breakfast               haven't eaten
Visiting people                  no visiting people
Opening presents              no presents
Eat                                   no food                          
Drink                                no drink                      
Smoke                              no smoke
Car drive                        walk
Feeling happy                feeling lost
Making memories         losing hope
Feeling lucky.          Feeling unluckily    
So how ever your spending Easter this year just know that I'm wishing you happy Easter and hope you have wonderful day
the Nov 2017
a heart shaped pool of warmth and affection
love between the lines of separated embers
singularity of a young paramour in love
with an illusive apparition of deceased gal

self-hate embraces her body like a flame
atop the candle made of contrite paraffin
of grief, odium and disgrace in one person
as the wax was slowly melting, she dissipated

but the lover never stopped loving his dame
knowing there are no places to visit anymore
he stayed where he lives, smiling upon future
knowing that his maiden is living a happy life

howbeit the girl shuts down, missing the point
a self-hateful black hole trying to **** itself
unluckily going nowhere, regreting for everything
they have ever done to people and themselves
Rachid Oulamine Nov 2017
Who am I ?  
As a Walking shadow I am.
I breathe deeply to survive.
I fight strongly to smile.
I sometimes appear and feel alive,
but I oftentimes disappear and feel alone.
I am seen for some time,
but I unluckily get unseen for most of the time.
I close my eyes hardly to forget,
but I open them asleep
and recall
what I was trying to let go.
I see what I was trying to run from.
Dreams don't just come and go.
Dreams tell us about what we have lifted for so long inside.
Lucky I am or unlucky doesn't matter.
I wasn't born to choose.
I wasn't born not to lose.
Destiny comes against my will.
Destiny comes as a fire of hell.
Asking happy I am or unhappy may only bring about sorrow
which would intensely grow.

Rachid Oulamine
Bonnie Rose Jan 2020
Beautiful creature you are. My wishes surround a perception I have formulated for you. Are you this creation? Ive fell in love with my creation, my creation which is not you yet articulated around the physical features you posses. Give me back my love I’ve put in a lover who fictitiously exists, my love put to waste in something which exist only in the pockets of my mind. I love you I love this creation I love this feeling, this feeling destroys me for everytime you deny me I presume my existence means nothing to you. I yearn not for you but for my creation, which ceases to exist as you. Who are you ? Your insides are dark and twisted. I do not love this earthly reality, it has stolen my lover, I hate it I hate it, to dispell what you are would bring great gratitude to my hollow soul. How can I live knowing my creation can extricate me from this ne’r ending nightmare Ive unluckily found myself in. For he cannot our only connection occurs when I close my eyes to escape reality, then as they open again he vanishes. You do not serve your purpose instead you haunt me, a reminder of what could be nonetheless will never be. I love you.
The sphere-cord spirit soul mind et emotion of Perfecthood.


This is the rating of dullness everywhere & anywhere;
Death & Dirt.
Lost & Lust.
**** et Pawn.
ill-tracy &  ill-moral.
Prematured & Overlyriped.

Desire is a corded mind will
Passion is an emotionate stationery
Imbalance is a soul depthmentory
Instability is the only spirited fear.

Aviod consequences do not be like the storks
For a grain of wheat falls down and dies before it learns disciplinary.

Hear no evil
see no devil
feel no rivery
taste no mistake
& breathe in no errors.
This is the eternal living cells plan.

The Psalm sin is Delilah "The-Lilly"
The Psalm wellness is "Aphrodite-Hera"
******-seduction & Foolish mistake
Is 49% in ranking rated power
When advise calculated sperical.
The curse? off course A cause
(Cos,*** cure).

A mare-Maid is a Malmö
my school pet friendly
Do not think you are unluckily
for I have given you the Covenanted-Law
In folklore.


I know of ten thousand women
called Jane and Maria,
but I have not seen any two
who truly were the same.

Mirror twins are different in intentions,
although their features Jibe,

And lovers think quite different thoughts while laying side by side.

In minor ways we differ,
in major we are the same.

I note the obvious difference
between each sort and type,
but we are more alike,
my friend,
than we are unalike.

And in love we are one,
one light.

I know the sacrifices that make up a mother,
I know a good woman
by her she raise up her daughter,

By her noble character
she builds up a home,
her husband has full confidence in her
& lacks nothing of value.

The knot of her union is uderstanding
the price of her child is wisdom
& the bond of her friendship is visionary.

her lamp does not go out at night
she smile at eternal life.
she speaks with acknowledgement,
faithful instruction is on her tongue
a good mother is to be praised.

Bridal Wife:

Born out of the mud of heaven
Sister of the garden
fair & lovely
close to the night,
Eve, is her name.

Moonlight is her smile
sunshine her strength
the waters beneath her
is a sacred oath of union.

Like a lotus flower that blossom in mud,
be patient,
for she's a sure bloomer
& her bliss is to comfort her belove.

Her voice is a Star-dusted storm
blowing easy on festive seasons,
her touch like cool breeze
she set her lover free.

Her portion is care
her portion is rare
she is the kind emotion the ocean seeks from the wind,
an amazing peace
when darkness embraces.

Dearly beloved is the healing of union
she remember the vows of a ring
fulfilment of sacred purpose,
she complete life
she's everlasting.

Oh pray my wings are gonna fit me well,
as our bodies make melodious chants
as pure as hyme
and psalms that flung to heaven
our spiritual home.

I am as Adam,
you're the flesh of my flesh
and bones of my bones.
we are One body a family tree.

Daughter of the god's;

Homely cosmology is beautiful
& cosmetical surgical is flirtatious
but by wisdom a home is built,

And through understanding
it is established;
through knowledge
its rooms are filled
  with rare and beautiful treasures

Seek for counsel
as sheba my daughter,
& by discipline choose your friends correctly
for your character determines your destiny.

Do not shy away from rebuked
for rightness comes with a smile
and a rod spared, spoils the child.

I know the young & merry
but remember daughter
charm is deceptive,
and beauty is fleeting;
seek life and essence
and nature will crown your purpose
with Joy.

Mother's are made to support
Aunties are made to instruct
A wife is made to comfort
Daughters et sisters are made to complete & not compete

The Lord gave a simple prayer
recite it daily before dawn,
& your soul will be free as butterfly
your intentions harmless as a dove
and all your path shining brightly.

Nothing much to say,
nothing is new to the sun
they who love good, seek good
they who love good, see good
and good advise are as firm nails.

— The End —