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Sin Dec 2019
For now the winter bites
Breath stolen by the cold fingers
Of the nights frost
Hanging in the still air
We shall return to our motherland
Victoria is the name
Pressed onto cracked lips

Let the fire of saviour burn tonight
As we prepare
For thine enemy shall taste
The cold arrows
Peirce the breast of harlots
As we march

Bear skin warms our back
And norse songs pound inside souls
Of brave warriors
Beneath the silver moon

March march march
Until this land is free again
And we return
To the love of the
Summer angel
Vernell Allen Jul 2015
From the Sikhote Alin Mountain,
I gaze at my world coming to an end.
I feel the sharp spear
peirce my brother's heart.

Blood trickles from my sister's mouth and
I taste its unwanted metallic zest.
The strench of Amur Basin burning
fills my nostrils, telling me my time

is limited. I pace, awaiting my poachers,
killers stained with the last
essence of my family.
This destruction of my kind hurts my soul,

but I stand to fight in the name of Amur.
As my band of enemies approach,
I summon the inner spirit and my
roar blankets the mountain air.

I feel my ancestors with me and
charge with the force of a thousand
tigers to my certain death.
The final battle begins.
I love tigers and it saddens me that the Siberian tiger could be extinct in my life time. Please show your support before its too late.
Julia Jun 2014
long white knives
that peirce through the
of their prey
first they softly
thrickles of blood
dripping from the
then, they dig deeper
blood runs
as the predator
***** it in
a maroon mess
it lets go
and pulls the once
white teeth
decorated in royal red
I used a black sharpie to write a love poem on your arm
Hoping the ink would sink into depths causing little to no harm
That the rough words may permeate through your tough skin
And the permanence may prove that forever starts from within
That the black is dark enough to hide all your scars from being used
And that my words are evidence and proof of my love for you

So let that ink sink as deep as it might
My words peirce your soul without a fight
My sharpie art fill you with awe and an imaginative spark
Be inspired by my loving words and the permanent scar they leave on your heart
You may forget my face, you may forget my name but **never forget where my love made its mark
Sydney Victoria Nov 2012
I'm A Lab Rat
                        You Heard Me Right
I Am An Experiment Of The Divine
                        Everything Simulated
Same Smiling Faces And The Scowl Of Enemies
           The Same Endless Loop Of Activities
Work Everyday Of Your Life
To Find Whats At The End Of The Maze Is Paper
Vials Constantly Puncture My Skin
                            Injecting Emotions
The Divines Hands Constantly Working
   No No No You Will NeverFinish This Maze
How Much Depression Does It Take
                 To Crush The Human Spirit
One Of 7 Billion Mice
  Our Lives Composed To Have Ups And Downs
So Close Yet So Far
                Dont Let Her Finish The Maze!
Make Her Loved One Crush Her Soul
                     That'll Slow Her Down
I Am A Test Tube Baby
              Born From Experimental Parents
I'm Tired Of Being Torn In Half
                   Trying To Create A Future
C'mon It's Only About 80 More Years
                 Its The American Dream Baby
It's The Divines Dream
To Understand Us As We Try To Find Our Way
So I Sit Here With Straight Lined Lips
               And Eyes That Can Peirce Flesh
As They Decided To Play
               A Little Devotion Will Never Hurt
Lets Test Some Chemicals
Greenhouse Gases Inhaled Through Tiny Lungs
I Want To Believe There Is Good In The World
              Now Those Beliefs Are Crushed Too
But From The Concrete
               Who Knew A Flower Would Grow
    *I Always Have Hope Of A Better Tomorrow
Noah H Apr 2017
I've waged my wars.
My spear is broken, my sword it dull and my shield lay in ruins at my side.
I'm caked in blood and dirt and the sweat running into my eyes stings almost as much as knowing that if returned to the ship and sailed home, no feast would await me.
There is no port teaming with people to welcome my ship back to dock, there's is only empty pastures and silent days.
My appendages are numb and the only thing that keeps me fighting is the hope that someone will **** me
Drive your sword through my chest and peirce a lung.
Let me choke on every breath and feel the sting of my sins
I know I've killed so many while carrying no banner
I have no tribe
I have no village
I have no home

Just the burning pain of the blade in my side, and deaths sweet whisper in my ear
I'm ready
Place me on my sheild, burn my corpse, I don't care
I've fought for too long, I just didn't think it would be my sword that felled me
Stu Harley Nov 2014
at night
high above
their nest
in flight
all of beauty rest
where the
Throne Birds
sing about
a perfect love
from east to west
but a throne
shall priece
the chest
carminayasmin Apr 2018
Stop being such a cacti.
I’m only trying to move you into sunlight,
to let you learn, grow.

You were such a cacti
because you peirced me with your blunt needle.
yet I still bled,
because it still peirced me through, and skimmed my bloodflow.
I didn’t cry
because I realised that is just simply you.

You were such a cacti
when I tried to water you, my dear.
I only wanted to keep you alive
keep you radiating.
Keep you, as you.

This time,
your dagger imapled me.
From my finger and gushed into my left chest.
I now understand you
because you won’t hesitate to grow without my nurture,
and won’t hesitate to peirce with my love.
14 November, night
Brea Brea May 2013
lights, lights
four ways
more ways
lights, lights
this world is a jigsaw
and my mind, habits
like a snake puzzle cube, ridged
fluorescent lights channeling into pairs of funnels
like eyes that peirce my calm simple soul
like a small petrified animal
about to be crushed
highlighting my nerves
hot like an electrical fire under my skin
like the fiery veins under my wrists
like that of a heroine ******
walking people from the face of the window
walking in from my peripheral vision
walking across the streets
like leather belts tight around my forearms
walking likes needles under my skin
from the front, from the left, from the right, from the back into the front, from the left
like ants, operating endless ribbons of motor vehicles
weaving endlessly dynamic patterns resembling my distrust
3.14159265358979323864264338327950288419716939937510 to 50 decimal places
despite the fact that I'm pulling my head back
my face feels like its plastered against the windows
a policeman of an installed reality man handling me from behind
eye lashes clung to the pane
humidity sticking my hair to the glass
tears warp my deformed perceptions
my tongue pressed hard to my cheek
I'm confused, flustered, how’d I get here
How do I make my case?
flustered, how do I get out?
small holes, air vents, locks, cracked windows
small things keeping me in my seat when I would find more immediate relief in jumping out.
of this pile of fire hoses snaked around me
feet deep around my thighs
It all started as tiles
tiles of a grocery store creeping in, creeping in until I am utterly
consumed, my vision contorted, maimed
my frontal lobes caving in
I keep pulling back
pulling back
and the world keeps coming in
coming in
my eyes are swelling
the tension jerks an anxious laugh
a series of hysterical laughs
like polaroid’s of my humiliation on clothes pins to a
relentlessly ceaseless rope.
my eyes following it like a speeding car until the images of my trauma are spinning into one shameful image like a thaumatrope on gasoline and electric
a spider swallowed by its own intelligent web
my soothing thumbs are rubbing my delicate skin thin
man handling myself to avoid something tragic
I want to knock the wind out of myself
because the magic isn’t helping me now
if I thought the world was invading my inner world then
I know they are now
their perceptions, their perceptive judgment casting eyes, like knives
ripping at the seams of my reality
digging into the once calm invisible cloak around me
tied from behind my eyes
irises like poison bubbling in my happiness, my solitution
if I were alone

I could just lose myself in the soft flexed ball of my body
as I talk hysterically into a seemingly empty room
talking gibberish
Alice in wonderland non-sense
vomiting the acidic parchment
ph balance of my word-feelings
dry heaving once the damage is done
waiting for the laughter and the words
and the breath to punch my gut silent
waiting in torment
in delirium
for the calming effects, the grounding effects of warm micro swiveling textures of a **** carpet
to take me over like a dopamine release
for my high child-self
to come down from the brain-drugs
like **** from condensed crack rocks
someone slipped in the container
that holds my brain
hugging it like a moat
sipping it unknowingly
that this is what would come over

Lauren Marie Nov 2013
Logically, I know sugar on the occasion
Is healthy in moderation
Same with pleasure
I am viewing life in extremes
The pendulum swinging
Side to side
Never finding
Middle ground.

I am ***** for fooling around
And a ***** for only holding hands
I am fat for having something sweet
And rigid for measuring
Fear is what keeps me stuck
Rules I created are what
Keep me leashed
No better than an animal tied to a post
Waiting to be unhooked
To take a decent **** in privacy.

Is that my life?
Tightly leashed to my insecurities
How else will I grow
Unless I loosen the reigns?
Out of control!
The voice shouts

Just a little looser please
I feel suffocated
And I am bored of the same old scenery
I need a change
And these chains
Are beginning
To dig into neck
Peirce my skin and flesh.

When did the collar get so tight?
There once was a time
I acted on intuition
Suddenly I am in this submissive position
By my own disposition
What a sticky situation
To be in.

I am no *******
But I’ve created and casted
This rule ridden life
That has forbidden anything good
This pain has lasted long enough
Almost three years
I didn’t think my fears
Could have such stamina
And it seems that things are getting worse
Lack any improvement.

I am waiting for it to die out
But it might **** me first
Unless I stick a knife
Into this demon of mine
It will continue breeding
The sanity of my mind
Stealing away a chance for a better life.
Paul d'Aubin Oct 2016
Peire-Roger, le Chevalier Faydit.

C'est Peire-Roger le Faydit
regardant la vie avec hauteur
Comme l'aigrette flottant
sur son heaume argenté.
Ses terres furent mises en proie
Par les prélats du Pape
Au profit de barons pillards.
Venus de Septentrion.
Il était Languedocien,
Par la langue et le cœur
Sa sœur Esclarmonde, était une «Cathare»,
l’une de ces chrétiens hétérodoxes,
Se vouant à l'Esprit,
Et disant rejeter ce mal
Qui corrompt l'esprit humain,
En colorant de sombre
Les œuvres terrestres.
Très jeune, les jeux de guerre
Furent, pour lui, comme un breuvage ardent.
Il éprouva l'amour brûlant
Pour de belles châtelaines,
Si dures à séduire,
Au jeu du «fin Amor».
Mais il était certes moins aimé
Pour ses vers d'ingénieux troubadour,
Que comme homme fort,
ayant belle prestance,
Et apparaissant triomphant,
dans ses courses au galop,
Et les grands coups
Qu'il donnait pour se frayer
Un passage dans la mêlée,
Dans les éclats, les étincelles
De l'entrechoc des épées.
Bien jeune, il vit son père
Spolié de sa seigneurie,
Confisquée au bénéfice
de la lignée maudite
De la maison de Montfort.
Il fut tout jeune humilié
par la tourbe des seigneurs pillards
Conduite par des fanatiques
Et masquant sous l'apparence
De religion, leur vile convoitise
Et leur voracité de loups.
Une fausse paix obligea son père
A rompre l'allégeance
Avec les comtes de Toulouse.
Alors que la persécution
Des «bonshommes» s'amplifiait,
Et que les libertés Toulousaines
Étaient sous le talon de fer.
Son père s'en vint en Aragon
Parmi tant d'autres hommes,
droits et valeureux,
Pour sauvegarder l'honneur,
Et préparer la reconquête
Des terres confisquées,
par l'avidité de ces nuées
De corbeaux et des loups
Venus faire bombance
De terres Languedociennes.
Comme plus ****,
les Lys viendraient agrandir,
Leurs fiefs pour le seul profit
De Paris la dominante et la vorace.
Sa jeunesse se passa à s'entraîner
Et à rêver au jour où
Il traverserait les cols
Pour la revanche de son sang
Et la mémoire de son père,
Mort en exil en Aragon.
Enfin les appels de Raymond VII de Toulouse,
De Trencavel et du peuple de Tolosa révolté,
Résonnèrent comme buccin
Dans tout le Languedoc sous le joug,
Et l'oriflamme de Tolosa fut levé
Qui embrasa plaines et collines.
Le temps était venu de combattre
Et ce fut une guerre
Aussi ardente que cruelle,
comme une chasse à courre,
Faite de sièges et d'escarmouches
Contre les troupes du Roi Louis VIII.
Peirce-Roger chevaucha et guerroya
Donnant tout son corps et son âme,
Et fut maintes fois blessé,
Mais il lui fallut bien du courage
Pour déposer les armes
Quand les chefs s'entendirent
Pour donner en mariage
Jeanne de Toulouse
A Alphonse de France.
Ce mariage funeste,
annonçait et scellait la perte,
Des libertés et de la tolérance
De la haute civilisation
des pays Tolédans et Languedociens.
Aussi Peire-Roger, l'esprit blessé
Plus encore que ses chairs
Meurtries et tailladées,
Décida de consacrer sa vie
Au soutien et a la protection,
Des «bonshommes» traqués,
Par cette infamie nommée l'inquisition,
Usant des pires moyens,
Dont la délation et la torture,
Pour extirper par les cordes,
les tenailles et le feu,
Ce que la Papauté ne pouvait obtenir
Du choix des consciences,
Par le libre débat et le consentement.
Peire-Roger vint à Montségur
Sur les hauteurs du Po
Transforme en abri, en refuge et en temple,
Sur les terres du comte de Foix.
Il admira Esclarmonde la pure, la parfaite,
Et la pureté de mœurs
De cette communauté de «Bonhommes»,
de Femmes et d'Hommes libres,
Bien divers, mais si fraternels,
Ayant choisi de vivre leur spiritualité.
Contrairement aux calomnies,
Qui les disait adorateurs du Diable,
Ils mettaient par-dessus tout
Leur vie spirituelle et leur idéal commun.
Et leurs autres vertus étaient
Le dépouillement et la simplicité.
Hélas vautours et corbeaux,
Planaient autour de l'altier Pog.
Alors que la bise des premiers froids
Se faisait sentir les matins.
C'est alors qu'un groupe d'inquisiteurs
Chevaucha jusqu'à Avignonet
pour y chercher des proies.
Cela embrasa de colère
nombre de Chevaliers Faydits,
Dont les parents avaient tant soufferts
Le feu de la vengeance l’emporta
Sur la prudente et sage patience.
Et Peire-Roger lui-même
Pris le commandement de la troupe.
Qui arriva de nuit à Avignonet
Pour punir la cruauté par le fer.
Le Bayle, Raymond d'Alfaro
Ouvrit les portes aux vengeurs,
Et un nouveau crime s'ajouta
Aux précédents crimes innombrables.
L’inquisiteur Guillaume Arnaud
Et Étienne de Saint Thibery,
furent massacres avec leurs compagnons.
Leurs cris d'épouvante et d'agonie
Résonnèrent dans cette Avignonet
Qui huma l'acre parfum du sang,
La peur semblait disparue
Et la vengeance rendue.
Mais la lune aussi pleura du sang
Dans le ciel blafard et blême
Vengeance fut ainsi accomplie
Pour les chairs et les âmes martyrisées.
Mais le sang répandu appelle
Toujours plus de sang encore.
Quelques mois après un ost
De plusieurs centaines de soldats,
Sous le commandement
D'Hugues des Arcis.
Vint en mai 1243,
Mettre le siège de la place fortifiée.
Peire-Roger se battit comme un Lion
Avec ses compagnons Faydits,
Ils accomplirent des prouesses
De courage et de vaillance
Furent données.
Mais lorsque de nuit par un chemin secret
Qui leur avait été révélé,
Les assaillant s'emparèrent
Du roc de la tour,
Et y posèrent une Perrière
Pour jeter des projectiles
Sur les fortifications et les assiégés.
L'espoir de Peire-Roger,
des défenseurs et des bonshommes,
Commença à fléchir.
Et une reddition fut conclue
Le 1er mars 1244 laissant aux cathares,
Le choix de la conversion ou de la mort dans les flammes.
Ce fut grand pitié ce 16 mars de voir
Plus de deux cent femmes et hommes bons et justes,
Choisir en conscience de ne pas renier leur choix et leur foi,
Préférant terminer leur vie
D'une manière aussi affreuse,
en ce début du printemps
Qui pointait ses lumières.
Et jusqu'à l'ignoble bûcher,
Leurs chants d'amour,
Furent entendus puis couvert,
Par leurs cris de douleur
Et les crépitements des buches.
Aussi; qu’une honte dans pareille
En retombe sur le Pape si mal nomme, Innovent III
Et sur le roi Louis IX, sanctifié par imposture,
Et sur l'archevêque de Narbonne, Pierre Amiel.
Que surtout vienne le temps
Où la Paix aux doux, aux justes
Et aux Pacifiques s'établisse.
Et qu'une honte et un remord sans fin
Punissent ceux et celles qui continuent
A se comporter en inquisiteurs
qu'elle qu'en soient les raisons et les circonstances.
Il semblerait sans aucune certitude
Que Peire-Roger, le chevalier Faydit
Témoin de ces temps de fer et de feu.
Soit allé, au ****, se retirer et prier
Dans une communauté de bonshommes
En Aragon ou en Lombardie.

Paul Arrighi
Le personnage de Peire-Vidal n'est pas imaginaire. Il a bien existe mais je rassemble en lui les qualités de plusieurs Chevaliers Faydits qui se battirent pour la sauvegarde de leurs terres et des libertés des pays d'Oc et du Languedoc face a l'avidité et au fanatisme - Paul Arrighi
Julianna Eisner Mar 2014
Unfurl origami entries dated
March 8, June 2, countless undated of an
amygdala hijacked
that pitted Moira against Peirce,
rejecting my name of Kismet,
to watch Forer take his effect
(who now has spread his contagion),
babysitting Little Albert while
Watson scribbled notes in the lecture hall;
witness sagacity smeared all over skull walls,
spackled on cranial ceilings
as I stuck my head out onto subway platforms and
displayed out onto train tracks in my
mind's eye in favour of recalling
Christmas festivities with sisters dolled up in
grandeur hospital ball gowns as
subjects were consoled in camps and
I slept in fields
screaming anything audible to
no one,
listening to track 2 on a
continuous loop,
sitting on flagpoles and lamp posts
as vandals smashed and grabbed,
cackles echoing in alleyways...

now before I vanish right before
your very eyes
tell me,
my words are reality sharp cuts they’ll peirce you and hurt you
                                   beware and back off lest i lose control
                                                   and  hurl them at you

-Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Usually I'm a nice person..I try not to lose my temper and fly off the handle, and almost always keep my language under control. But every once in a while someone comes along to try my patience...
Serenus Raymone Oct 2012
Smit Oct 2016
I am lost within her gaze

And I melt in her arms

Her call leaves me breathless

Her touch leaves me senseless

I am a dog at her feet

I am a slave to her needs

I lay with filthy beasts

Upon the **** and ****

I should have been smarter

But I deserve this. *

- Logan Peirce
Kimberley Leiser Nov 2015
Your eyes peirce
into my flesh;
soaking me in
your kisses  
you suckle me
into each of
your almond
shaped *******.

You lead me
into your
private home
surrounded by
the scent of
honey and flowers
we grow more
close together
every hour slow,
our seeds in the fields
we are about to sow.

Night approaches the peak;  
your form changes:
you become nothing more
than a dark eclipse shadow
hissing and creeping
further up my flesh:
trapping the light of the moon
drowning me in the water
the lamb to the slaughter.
Iz Dec 2017
I do not write my poems,
My poems write me
these boundaries of my body these fingertip extremities are not quills and this liquid velvet this lifeless blood is not raven-colored ink, rather my skin is pages and pages of palpable pulp,
deacrinated tentacle tree branches and fiberless roots convulse and my metal mind seizes sadness and manufactures paper out of the trees growing inside of me
Titanium oxide is extracted from my black eyes while wax drips off of my eyelashes into liquid pools of ebony
My mistake of a mind imprisons abjection and mass-produces ink out of the elements of my soul’s curtain-drawn windows
words and words and words and words fill the spaces between the pores where my hair follicles protrude
Diction dilemmas dip their quills into my eyelids and peirce my forehead until I am scarred by POETRY
Asphyxiating abnormalities write themselves into existence and reproduce in my skull, the fissures of my brain are their nests
Seven hundred million two dimensional letters float into my blood and disperse and and feed on these crimson channels and converge to form three dimensional words to form still increasingly multidimensional sentences and stanzas and POEMS until I am a library of impossible holes in existence, an impossible amount of existence.
I do not write my poems into existence
My poems are my existence.
from my notebook
Viper Jan 2011
welcome to a spider web of my thoughts

flutter to close my little butterfly and it's likely you'll get caught

so it seems you fluttered right into my waiting hands

before things go any further I will make you aware of my plans

as you struggle maybe you didn't notice that you have been snared

though you didn't see this coming I'm sure you wouldn't have cared

the more you struggle, the more you realize you cant break free

welcome to your new home as you belong to me

two fangs dripping with hunger waiting to peirce your skin

my eyes look you over with anticipation of the sweet wonder that lies within

my words will soothe and blanket you with security

I think you'll find it quite comfortable being here with me

embracing you tighter than the closest lover you ever had

intoxicated by my venom, it feels too good to be bad

rest assured that every part of you will be consumed

forever stored with all the other pretty things I have entomed
Anthony Moore Jun 2010
You walked away...
Even though I asked you to stay...
I just want to be friends...
Thats what you told me...
As our love ends...
And now I see...
Reality and the truth...
You never loved me...
And it was just a spoof...
Off the real thing...
Like a glass one...
To a real diamond ring...
And my heart did sting...
But now not so much...
Now that I realize...
I hurt because of your touch...
But now that its gone...
I feel so much better...
Now that its gone...
I feel like I'm so much more...
And our love will never soar...
Because it was never there...
This all comes to mind...
While I peirce you with my cold blank stare...
Thanks to you I will never find...
My missing piece to my heart...
And I hate this part...
As you walk out and say goodbye...
I sit and I cry...
But not over you, God not you!
I know I'm still alone...
That is the reason and that is why...
I sit here and so hard I try...
Not to break down and cry...
As I sit here with no one but Me, Myself, and I.....
Anthony J. Alexander 2004
Tuesday Pixie Nov 2011
They stand,
huddled together,
tall protests that peirce the air;
With their shear beauty
they show reason enough,
they need no more justification.
And there, bleeding out of their mass,
mangled hunks mercilessly hacked from helpless trunks,
reduced to a pile of rubble, of rotting flesh,
filling the air with their putrid smell,
murdering the serenity with their own death.
And the perpertrators?
Long gone.
Their blades dripping with blood, oozing with evil,
their stinking motors,
all gone,
leaving only destruction and acrid smoke,
which can not be cleared,
swept away,
by the mass that was beauty,
destroyed by greed.
Naman Apr 2021
Now, I go deep in the black hole,
Peirce the fabric of space-time.
where the poets find their rhyme,
where the dramatists find their mime,
I will spot what is mine!
Katelyn Billat Feb 2018
Hey there little siren,
Somewhere between girl and woman.
How you play,
Swim with the current,
And sing to those boys.
Honey, that bright smile could ****.
You'll be a heartbreaker someday.
Those eyes could peirce men's souls,
But be careful
Don't play too hard
Mother always said don't play with
Your food.
Khadijat Bello Nov 2022
In you lies Zeus. You’re your own God of thunder.
Striking lighting that Peirce through hearts. I wonder!
The world believe you have it all panned out, it sometimes forget you have blood too
Its notion of you, unintentionally gives a standard as high as mountain
Society views you as fearless, it forgot the boy in you
Asking you to man up and keep your tears,
I ask aren’t they humans too?

My love,
Tune out the cruel noise and listen just to my voice
For you are my king, the Igwe of my clan so I call you EZE
The eyes of the gods in you I find EZENMOR
You are the Ohi of my land so come home to me OHINOYI
The hand that gives never lacks what do you say? ADEIZA!
As a woman I love to dream and I know we have an empire… of which you’re SULTAN
Our sons learn from your steps they are our little YUVRAJ
My audacious husband, an aggrandize doer.
Mighty is the Arm that I find comfort, for you are the most uxorious man I ever met.

A gregarious lover…
For days you find the fog too thick, take a break
Catch your breath
Think again.
Remember you’re Cheesable   too
And you are loved with all that comes with it.
To all the men out there, i'd like to use this as a means, to apprieciate you for all you efforts. We see it, and we love you!! Happy international men's day...
Arcassin B Jan 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

Peirce my skin,
Sync those teeth into my warm embrace,
Looking within,
I could never ever forget your face,
You were hot,
Like hades himself,
I never got a letter,
Saying you needed help,
I send you flowers,
Cause your the on!y one I desire,
We talk for hours,
I wanna be the one that you inspire,
You can say,
Anything you want to,
The price I pay,
When I took your virginity from you.
Sexuary lol
Sandman Jul 2018
Ashes all around.
The bombs were blasting on the ground.
These city lights dying.
The airplanes in the sky.
Time stood still for a moment.
So you thought you could escape.
So you thought would run
And try to hide.
In the darkness of the night when the moon was bright and the light of dawn was breaking through, did the city collapse.
In the end the only one left was death.
All the faces we passed and all the smiles we shared are blowing around stupidly in the wind.
Heaven only knows
What golden light would peirce the clouds.
Reaching out to the sun
To the above.
We are all just fragmented space colliding amongst each other.
C J Baxter Apr 2015
A crawling blue veined nightmare
drags itself through the hole in my head;
drooling, *******, and vomiting.
It's nails dig deep, and peirce through my mind
like the screech of'a rusting train,
grinding itself to a halt that never comes.  
I can taste his filth upon my own tongue,
as the air of regret starts to fill these lungs.

Nested, now, behind my ever open eyes,
he and his filth pile up and clutter my sight.
I blink and I turn blind,  
as sleep wakes him into white and a blinding light.
Zac Walter Jan 2018
Cloaked in black velvet and silver adorned skull peices. A halo of anxiety sits over my head. The intrusive pornographic thoughts rumble like holograms in front of my minds eye. Iris's and lillys. Dandelions and sunflowers. I want to stick my fingers in all the flowers and taste their pollen on my lips. Fantasia salivation elicted with cowbell bass drops. *** sells in seconds, lust in hours, love in years

Feeling  like a ****** journalist. Her, another with straight bangs. A septum and ****** peircing peirce me straight through the heart. Its vanity but its a start.
Let me wrap you in eagle feathers and wolf fur. Let me exercise your cowskull traumas, raging buffalo hormones into rebirth
Huff and blow moaned words into ear canals as I enter your eternal.
Infernal like the lusts of hell
Ethanol and bossom busts sell in seconds, Lost in hours with love to fear.
Gold halo of Anxiety paired with a silver skull clad in black velvet
Thrusts of the pelvic
Release whats held in
Redesigned pulpit seldom held words in
Align with me the divinity felt in
*** (in)finite feelings that last in transnce. Slowly peeling away strips of skin to permanance.
Feeling an earnest sense of wonderment. No time to wonder what it meant when impermance is permanent

Smoke cigarettes for the hurt when life has turned to **** but you heard it when i said i love you and you turned a bit. Looked in my eyes and i caught a glimpse of a future id like to witness. Didnt hear a word you said but i saw the world in your eyes instead. Tried to listen but my brain went dead
No words to say when you glow infared. Hotter than the spectrum
of sight. Glowing infared,
Youre hotter than spectrums of light so burn me like Arizona sunlight
Slap ***, hand shaped sunburn from a liquid honey night. *** on lap, lap up the *** like the last watersource, pour it on my face until gasps of air you hear. Taste your pollen near my lips nectarine fallen on your chest.

Feel the lasting affects
Of sexs' (in)finitely affixed fixation on transience. Glowing infared and ambient. Flowing energy in the pits of sacral chakras, returned to the crown and passed back down. Circulating intuitive lessons, divine bits of each other imbued in fission, fuse them into   living. Seperated by the gods as two seperate beings, unite mind, body, soul
Freeing all in estatic feeling.
Peeling all the tragic sealed in
Two seperate beings fleeing
Into impermanance
Towards a permanent form of seeing
666 eyes healing
Smit Nov 2016
Black spaces

Warped faces

***** places

Paper chases

Free bases

Mind erases.

- Logan Peirce
Kaitlin Evers Feb 2018
I carry this mask to hide behind
And cache away my flaws
But know me, know me
Is my cry

I make myself this camouflage
Though please do not be fooled
See past my guise
See me, see me
Is my cry

Peirce through my shield into my heart
There you'll see I'm torn apart
I play like asphalt
But there's music in my heart
Vidhi Agarwal Dec 2014
Your pain is growing feasting as fast as it can.
Your fear, crumbles you to death.
Your life seems still.

It seems as if you are the shadow.
And the darkness is engulfing you in.
Its like the world is racing.
But your breathes stand still.

Your soul seems deaf,
It has stoppped forever.
Tears disappeared.
You feel your death.

When you loose friends,its not a time to laugh or smile.
The wole world seems death .
A constructed jail where you are the prisoner dieing for hunger of a ray.

When the dusk falls and the light is gone
The picture seems unclear of an another day.
Of the future you dreamt of,
To be a star.
A  shinning star in the town of happiness.

Water is streaming down.
And it seems incessant.
Your head and shoulder bowed down,
Like a defeated warrior returing home
With tears of loss
And gloomy days follow.

The broken peices which still lingers,
The cracks which peirce through your heart.
Lingers the past.
Till the last.
your words peirce through my soul like the scalpel of a surgeon but instead of saving me you are killing me. your words make me thirsty and your actions drive me to the local watering pit, in there the only life that dwells is  living bodies but dead souls , i see demons all around me , black souless eyes that for some unknown reason comfort me, i walk to the damp table and look into the mirror that is hidden behind the bottles of forget and regret and i see a demon ,but his eyes darker then the others ,his soul gone without a trace and i look to the slim and formally dressed man and without a word he pours me a shot of liquid confidence , in a blink its gone and he pours me a shot of liquid gold , in a whisper its gone i look at him with my dark souless eyes and he understands and he put the bottle of forget on the table and walks away as if to say in a silent way "i know what c0mes next". i listen to the laughter and joy that rises from the demons and realise im in hell , but this hell is warm and feels odd , it has that feeling that... what is it , what is that word... Home... it has that ***** feeling , is this home , are these singing demons my family?, love done this to me , you done this to me, its not supposed to be like this. where did it all go wrong ? , was it that first night when we met ? was it the day i told you how i felt ?, when did we lose our way, when did i have to start looking for your love in a bottle , when did i have to start forgetting the nights to remember the days ? when did you stop loving me ? and we started loving the feelings of being drunk and high. We were supposed to love and protect each other instead all we do now is protect the whiskey glass from falling as we charger at each others throats. " LEAVE GET OUT!"  you scream as i sit in the corner remembering the days when you said "dont go , dont leave me." I stand up and walk towards you , you protect the one you truly love , you push me aside and hold onto him tighter then you've ever held onto me , i shake my head and i look at him , and i see jack but i see the three other bottles too , three ships , and so many more scattred all across the floor, i look at you and the only sober thought  that comes to mind after weeks escapes and i say to you "stop" you laugh and say "its saint patricks day , love let loose". Can we go back to the day we met , that cloudy night when the moon glittered over your eyes just perfect way , before that shot of whiskey took it all away, but through all the pain and hangovers and 5ams against the toilet pan i never left and through the days to come and nights to suffer i wont leave my love because behind the bottle i know you're there , behind the drunk demons our love lives , behind the tears of sorrows we still love , she never meant a thing to me i swear , and i know he wasnt meant to be there, we made mistakes but our love doesnt need to suffer the torture of two drunk lovers to scared to let go but to hurt to say "i love you".... come back to me , come home and leave the bottle tonight alone, come home to me and show me i mean more to you then he did , come home and hold me the way you once did, leave the whiskey and come to me, come back to me my love...please...
Danial John May 2018
[anonymous woman who definitely knows who she is],

I've wanted to say this to you for a long time. I guess I just haven't had the composure to say it to your face. Suppose I still don't, otherwise I wouldn't have to say this here.

When I came back home and really got to know you, you changed my life. I wasn't looking for or expecting anything like you. I've been hopelessly lost and depressed for years. Immediately I could tell you were different. Something about you makes me feel alive. I like me better when I'm with you. You are the most beautiful free spirited woman I've ever met, and I've met many. Even had relations with a few (believe it or not).

I truly want to know... Did you feel the same feeling I did? If you didn't, I'll accept that. But, every fiber of my being, and every sign from the universe tells me you are something special. Something that I should never let go of. And I'll defy anyone telling me elsewise, whether you or my dad, because I know what love is.

And you say you love me like a brother, I respect that. And in a way, I love you like a sister. But I can't deny that I feel more than that. I want to be there for you, be with you... Always. Regardless of how you feel, I will be.

I get that you've had a rough life, the roughest. And I want to help you in any way I can. I want to show you off to anybody who cares to pay attention.
And can you really blame me? I mean, you're beautiful. Your sense of humor is amazing. And you care so much about others, always seeing the best in people. And most importantly, you make me feel like the luckiest person to walk God's green earth. You inspire me to be a better man in every sense of the word. Your blue eyes peirce right through me. Your voice makes my smile. Being near you helps me sleep at night.

As a beautiful young woman, you have choices. And I understand that I might not be the best looking guy, or even the most capable. But I DARE anyone to test my resolve or care more for you than I do.

I love you so much it hurts. Regardless of how you feel about me, I want the very best for you... And remember, every once and awhile, just breathe.
I love you.
Just being real with you.
Matthew Mefford Apr 2014
Listen to my voice, child,
I'll guide you away from evil's test,
Take this gift I've brought for you,
I've ripped it from my chest,
The light is enough to burn the eyes of God,
Don't look into my heart, or you'll be blind,
Save it for the moment you're too weak,
Only look into my gift when heaven grows too dark to find,

Listen for my voice, child,
I'm your only true friend in this place,
The air is turning thin and pale,
Hold onto my heart, look into my face,
I'm sickly and moving ever closer into the light,
The devil is playing with my soul,
Unwrap my heart, hold it high with all your might,
Hope that its power can peirce the ever biting cold,

Lined with silver veins and valves,
The fallen angel himself will die,
Hold it higher, higher, my child,
Its veins must take hold of the sky,
Listen to my voice, child,
You've done well to save us mortal men,
I ask one last thing of you,
Place the power back into my chest,
And let me live again.

— The End —