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Mike Hauser Sep 2013
M. Before we start I notice this interview is titled Part 3. May I ask what happened to Part 2?

MH. Well there was that little incident with the fire but we really don't like bringing that up...

M. Fire?...

MH. Epp!!

M. But how...

MH. Epp!!

M. Did you..

MH. Epp!!

M. Okay, shall we just get started?

MH. Sure, Why dwell on the past...

M. So Mike you've been on HP since March. How do you like it?

MH. Hallucinogenic Psychedelic's? I've actually been on those for years! Why I remember back in the 60's...

M. I was talking Hello Poetry...

MH. Oh...well isn't that embarrassing...

M. Ah....yea

MH. Do you see that?

M. See what?

MH. Never mind...

M. So what about Hello Poetry?

MH. What about it?

M. What do you think of it so far?

MH. I love it!  I feel I've really grown as a poet here. Some of my pieces lately I've really had to dig deep into my ******!

M. You mean Psyche...

MH. No I'm pretty sure I mean ******...

M. OKAYYYY...So what type of poetry do you enjoy writing the most?

MH. I kind of go with the flow...whatever poops I mean pops in my head!

M. Could that have been a Freudian slip?

MH. You've got me there! You do know me as well as I know myself Mike!

M. That I do!

MH. I guess when it comes down to it I really just have fun...I never take myself serious.

M. Well this has certainly been informative!  I'm sure our one reader will enjoy this...

MH. Do you see that?

M. See what?

MH. Never mind...
Part 1 of this interview was posted on May 8th.
Part 2...well we don't like to talk about that.
Mike Hauser Jan 2014
M. So Mike I hear you've been gone?

MH. Why yes I have!

M. Why the absence?

MH. I just needed some time to clear my head.

M. That should have taken no more than a couple minutes

MH., I was gone a couple weeks. I was going to stay out a month but this site is so addictive! I'm sure our listening audience can attest to that!

M. Audience? No ones listening to this...

MH. But you said...

M. Me?

MH. Yes you said when we were talking that I was going to be on the radio.

M. Dude your me...

MH. I know!

M. Your blowing my mind here...Can we just get on with this?

MH. Sure...What I was trying to do was really just find myself.

M. Find yourself...were your lost?

MH. No just needed to try and do away with some of the junk in my life.

M. I'm starting to wonder if I'm you then why is this the first time I'm hearing about it.

MH. That is odd isn't it..

M. Almost as odd as interviewing yourself.

MH. Almost

M. So any good poems written while you were gone?

MH. To tell the truth I couldn't stop writing...If they're any good only time will tell.

M. How do you think the interview is going so far? Am I doing alright? Asking the tough questions?

MH. I think your the best...That's why I only let me interview myself!

M. Speaking of interviews I've got another one scheduled I really need to run...

MH. Really? With who?

M. Oh it's you but you the World Famous Nuclear Physicist!

MH. But I'm not a...

M. Hey...It's what we call in journalism as a lead in...makes them want more.

MH. But I'm...

M. Don't worry, we'll make something up...

MH. We always do...

M. Ain't THAT the truth!

MH. Shall we do it over lunch?

M. Sounds buying?
Mike Hauser Jan 2020
An Interview Of Mike On His Absence And Dramatic Return- Conducted by Himself

M. So Mike I hear you've been gone?

MH. Why yes I have!

M. Why the absence?

MH. I just needed some time to clear my head.

M. That should have taken no more than a couple minutes

MH., I was gone a couple weeks. I was going to stay out a month but this site is so addictive! I'm sure our listening audience can attest to that!

M. Audience? No ones listening to this...

MH. But you said...

M. Me?

MH. Yes you said when we were talking that I was going to be on the radio.

M. Dude you're me...

MH. I know!

M. You're blowing my mind here...Can we just get on with this?

MH. Sure...What I was trying to do was really just find myself.

M. Find yourself...were your lost?

MH. No just needed to try and do away with some of the junk in my life.

M. I'm starting to wonder if I'm you then why is this the first time I'm hearing about it.

MH. That is odd isn't it..

M. Almost as odd as interviewing yourself.

MH. Almost

M. So any good poems written while you were gone?

MH. To tell the truth I couldn't stop writing...If they're any good only time will tell.

M. How do you think the interview is going so far? Am I doing alright? Asking the tough questions?

MH. I think you're the best...That's why I only let me interview myself!

M. Speaking of interviews I've got another one scheduled I really need to run...

MH. Really? With who?

M. Oh it's you but you the World Famous Nuclear Physicist!

MH. But I'm not a...

M. Hey...It's what we call in journalism as a lead in... Keeps them coming back for more.

MH. But I'm...

M. Don't worry, we'll make something up...

MH. We always do...

M. Ain't THAT the truth!

MH. Shall we do it over lunch?

M. Sounds buying?
Mike Hauser May 2013
Me: So Mike, tell us a little bit about yourself...

MH: You should know that...your me.

Me: I know but I'm interviewing you...

MH: Isn't that a bit odd?

Me: Yes but your to lazy and cheap to hire anyone and we both know you'd have to pay someone because no one is that interested in you...
I'm you and I'M not that interested.

MH: You do have a point there!

Me: Okay...shall we start over? Are you ready to dive in deep?

MH: You bet!

Me: If you could be any color you wanted...what color would that be?

MH: Wow! You don't play games! That is deep! Can I get back to you with that?

Me: Sure....but you know me.

MH: Yes I do Mike and that's just one of the many things I admire about you.

Me: Why thank you Mike!

Me: How about, if you were a tree....

MH: Woah....Your blowing my mind here!

Me: How about we start with something simple....Can you remember the first poem you wrote?

MH: Not line for line but I do remember it was in the 7th grade to my first girlfriend...something about her turning around and seeing the boy in love with her...
Of course that boy was me.
I'm sure it also had lines in there about her flaming red hair and massive freckles and who doesn't love those! Her name was Fresca Schmertz....a true beauty!

Me: That's great but could you keep your answers short? We don't want to lose the readers...

MH: Yes

Me: how long after that did you discover you were an amazingly talented poet (his words, not mine)

MH: Yes

Me: Yes...what.

MH: You asked me to keep my answers I am

Me: But that's not really an answer.

MH: Okay, then maybe

Me: Maybe?!  That doesn't even make any sense! This just isn't going to work!

MH: I think its going great for someone who's talking to them self....

Me: Arghhhh!!!

To be continued?
After reading the interview on the blog yesterday I thought...I want to be interviewed and you know I couldn't find anyone so I brought out the trusty cassette recorder...sat down with myself and started talking!
One thing I found out is that I'm pretty fascinating once I get to know me!
Mike Hauser Feb 2015
Mike H. Excuse me, didn't we already do an interview?

Me. We did and although I asked some really hard hitting questions I feel your answers weren't up to par. Have you lost your edge?

MH. Lost my edge? Are you kidding? We spent hours on the interview!

M. Yea...that's kind of a ******.

MH. What are we going to do now?

M. Well personally I'm going to ask the same questions, your just going to have to up your game...

MH. Then should we get started...again?

M. Mike, I thought I'd never ask!

MH. Then take it away Mike!

M. So Mike it seems to me and I'm you so that would be us. Well we've been curious why every year in January you disappear from Hello Poetry.

MH. Well I like to take the time to refocus...

M. Epppp!!!

MH. What? What'd I say??

M. That's why I scraped the last interview....BORING!!! This is the new millennia and we're really not that interested in the truth.

MH. So should I talk about my being on the run from international spies?

M. Perfect!

MH. Or how while I was away I jet setted around the globe giving interviews to all the magazines about my world renowned poetry.

M. Do tell!

MH. And after that I was on a jungle safari and was kidnapped by that tribe of pygmies only later to be rescued by a jungle man calling himself Tarzan of the Apes?

M. You have been busy!

MH. But none of it is true!

M. Uh...your starting to bore me AND our mega readership again.

MH. Well after all that I canoed my way back across the ocean and here I am!

M. You know at times I truly amaze myself...

MH. Don't I though.

M. You know we should do these interviews more often. Hanging out with you otherwise can pretty much one...big...yawn.

MH. Did I mention the sharks?
Rani jutarnji intervjui
#1 Dok grad spava uz cvrkut ptica koje niko ne osluskuje.

M: Sta za tebe znaci cvrkut ptica?

mh: Za nekog ko zivi citav zivot pored ulice, tacnije u nivou ulice, gde me od trotoara deli nekih 25-35 cm zida, a od vozila  1.5 -2 m, priguseni zvuk vozila koji se postepeno pojacava i postepeno gubi u kracim ili duzim intervalima uz onaj huk u trenutku prolaska kao i govor prolaznika, urezao se u mene i postao deo mog zivota.

Retko uhvatim sebe kako slusam te zvukove sem kada mi se neki bas nametne i to onaj ljudski u duzini jedne recenice koja moze da se izgovori prolaskom pored par metara zida. Iz te jedne recenice koja ima svoj zvuk i tematiku profil prolaznika je vrlo lako zamisliti. Ponekad mi izmame osmeh, a ponekad uznemirenost, pa i strah.

Tematika tih recenica mogla bi se podeliti u zavisnosti od doba dana kada su prolaznici aktivni. Od onih dnevnih tema najglasnije su vaspitno-obrazovne gde se dete uci kako da ne ide ni slucajno pored ivicnjaka, a od onih nocnih, najglasnije su one ljubavne gde tacno znam da u narednih sto metara sledi raskid ili strastven ***.

Ima i onih tema gde ti se smuci i gde sam u fazonu “hajde bre vise” a to su naravno komsijske, koje kad krenu znam da ce trajati bar pola sata ili u kasnim nocnim satima taxi teme, ko koga ceka i ko gde ide.

Ponekad znam da provirim kroz roletne i zateknem vrlo kreativne scene, recimo kreativno iscrtavanje kruga sto mi zene ne bismo mogle.

Vikend je predvidjen za vristanje zena koje pokusavaju da prekinu tucu pijanih iz kafica gde kako se otvaraju vrata treste narodnjaci, a ima i onih koje vole da bacaju veliko kamenje na takve kafice i onda brzim trcecim koracima prodju pored mog prozora.

mh: uh, sto meni ne idu ove duge forme

M: pa zasto ih onda koristis?

mh: Ma ne znam, dosadno mi, a i znam nekog ko voli glupe textove.

mh: Dakle, gde sam ono bese stala. A da, zasto volim cvrkut ptica.

Pa, tokom studija najvise mi je prijalo da u nocnim satima, kad se sve primiri, kad svi polegaju i saobracaj se razredi i kad se moje telo zagreje, da krenem sa radom na studentskim zadacima. Iz dana u dan ritam bi se menjao i ja bih sve kasnije i kasnije odlazila u krevet i tako sve dok nije pocelo da svice.

U tom pomeranju pocela sam da uocavam kad se sta desava na ulici i polako prestajala da gledam na sat. Djubretari bi bucno prosli u 4am a negde izmedju 4:30 - 4:45 bi nastao muk, noc bi pocela da prelazi u dan i tada bi krenulo oglasavanje ptica.

I dan danas ne znam koja ptica je u pitanju jer sa prozora se nije dalo videti ali nije, vrabac, nije golub, nije lasta, ne kresti ko vrana, svraka, nije gugutka sa svojim”dugo spiš”, ne znam, ali znam da je pesma lepa i da dolazi od nekog ko zeli da privuce paznju na sebe. I taj osecaj da priroda opstaje medju ovim betonom mi je bila bas lepa i zanimljiva jer su ptice pronasle rupu u buci i koristile taj momenat da komuniciraju daleko od usiju mnogih.

Te ptice su u stvari bas pametne i prakticne, kad stigne jesen, a one lepo na jug, tamo gde je prijatnije, a ne da se smrzavaju, budu sumorni sve do proleca kao “mi ljudi iz gradova” - Milan Mladenovic

Ptice bi oznacavale tada i pocetak tv emisije nekog kuvara koji bi parlao na spanskom onako kako to samo oni umeju i ja bih sa zamisljenim ukusom polako uranjala u san.

mh: Vreme mi je da uronim u san, zato Laku noc do sledeceg intervjua.

M: Laku noc tebi i svim citaocima

#2 Iskrenost - veoma skup poklon

M: Kako tumacis ove recenice koje smo pronasli na jednom zidu, moglo bi se reci jednu pored druge?
- "Iskrenost je veoma skup poklon, ne ocekuj ga od jeftinih ljudi"
- "Nije vazno da li je skupo, nego da li se isplati"

mh: Nek odgovor ostane za neku drugu priliku.

Prosao je sajam knjiga pa bih volela da podelim sa citaocima jednu pesmu inspirisanu knjigama, zove se "Neizreceno"


Lagano je
preko korica
u ritmu
sto neznost

mi se usmerio
na pokret
na zelju
stajala je pored
primetila je
izgovorila je

Ja tako
kada mi se

Uzvratih joj
da volim
u muzejima
preko skulptura
da predjem
dozivim oblik
osetim teksturu

Znas li ti da je to zabranjeno?
Rece ona

Tu sam zastala
a u glavi je

E jbg
kad volim
ono sto je zabranjeno

E jbg
kad volim
ono sto je zabranjeno

E jbg
vise nije bila tu
vise nije bila pored
ali je i dalje odzvanjalo

mh, Novembar 2016

M: Danas si okrenula novi list?

mh: Today is the day :D

#3 Koja je tvoja maska?

M: Evo posle relativno duge pauze konacno smo uhvatili mh da nam kaze par reci o tome sta se desava i zasto je nema, da li sprema nesto novo...

mh: Dobro vece svim citaocima i tebi M posebno. Evo samo par reci o tome da se priprema program naucno -obrazovnog karaktera za sledecu 2017 godinu. Bice tu dosta toga sto ce iziskivati da citaoci udju u sebe i potraze neke odgovore.
Jedna od prvih tema bice maske, kako nastaju, njihova uloga i podela.

M: Ja se posebno radujem znajuci da vec dugo radis na tome i verujem da ce sve maske pasti :)

mh: Pa eto nadam se da sam citaocima vec zagolicala mastu i da ce biti tu da isprate program koji sledi.

M: btw. Imali smo jednog citaoca iz unutrasljosti sa komentarom na pesmu "Neizreceno" kaze, u pesmi se navode "korice kao predmet svidjanja" da li to oznacava neku povrsnost ili...?

hm: ne, ne , ne cak naprotiv, sasvim suprotno, oznacava jednu otvorenost da se zaviri i pronadje nesto dublje ispod raznoraznih korica, sem knjige, postoje tu i recimo modni casopisi, ili katalozi o uredjenje enterijera... Tako da mislim da je rec sasvim na svom mestu.

M: Hvala ti mh, ne bi te vise zadrzavali. Vidimo se uskoro :)
mh: vidimo se, pozdrav svim citaocima :)

Aqua, bright fresh water
we oft get in the Malaysian Airlines
but not in the MH 370
where art Thou?

where are you all now?
when people and media around the world
bow in your case somehow

still hope you are all alive
i knew that you made that one big dive
right to the bottom of the ocean

all those inspectors are still saying
we can hear your phones are still ringing
my heart, my body and soul
knew: you all are not whole
anymore, but you were just freezing in the cool
do not make me a fool

that big birdie right to the bottom
with that rapid speed
as if to a large concrete

MH 370 you are now in freezing coolest water
know, that we all still bother

between air-intro space
or salted water filled ground
with the deepest bound

no matter what, we still care about you all
what only matters how long have you been suffering
in that suffocating small space between those walls

we all heard you sing

whatever Thy Response, i do understand Thee
no matter what, it's Thy divine decision

oh Lord, that suffocating air on the bottom of the Indian Ocean
how they were suffocated altogether suffered
and that only 2500 km away from Perth

but i trust Thee Lord, Thou hath Thy own reason
whatever may be Thy divine decision and Thy precision

may all passengers be altogether in greatest peace and ease
may they all really be released and now Rest In Peace....

© Sylvia Frances Chan

AD.Saturday 22nd March 2014~~at 3.09 hrs a.m.~~
ADDED Notes:
Since 11th March  this MH 370 has disappeared from the radar navigation~~since then I had watched each hour of every day TV journals~~~till today they have found the wreck~~~the chinese in Beijing announced the news today~~
CORRECTED on Monday AD. 24th March 2014 21.12 hrs. pm~~  Malaysia too has announced this news, that they have found the wreck TODAY 24th March at 2500 km away from PERTH, West-Australia at the bottom of the Indian Ocean~~~~~~~~
3.09 hrs a.m.Since 14th March this MH 370 has disappeared from the radar navigation~Monday AD. 24th March 2014 21.12 hrs. pm~~  Malaysia too has announced this news, that they have found the wreck TODAY 24th March at 2500 km away from PERTH, West-Australia at the bottom of the Indian Ocean~~~~~~~~~
spooky doopy Feb 2015
Anyway, Anaplasmata act aptly and abstractly
Backhands ******* balky baklava
Caractal chasm chant "Catty cavalry can't"
Dactyl dada dawns Djakarta drab

Larva ask dab-tap shabby knack lad
"Ever elect effete experts elsewhere?"
A clad daddy wants a dark jab dart
Fleece fleets flee flecked flyspecks

Cleft feet eve expels three resew eres
Gentle germs gelde grebe's geyser
Cede effects leek fell pecks self lyfes
Hellbent helmsmen helped hexed herders hence

Glen's remelted eggs be Serge-Grey
It insistingly implys impish ipsissimis insipidity
He held next her belched sender heel
Jiggling jibs jinx jimmy's jill jig

Its smilingly spiny impish mississippi I-I-I Is It dinty?
Kidding kibitz kick killing kings kitsch
sigil sign jimmy jib jingling jil
Livid linitis limits limbs limp

Big **** kid kicks thinking gill's zit kink
Midriffs mimics Mis's minimizing mistypings
Slim villi distils it, mini blimp
nil ninhydrin nihilists nicks nyxis nightly

Ms Mmisty's zip disc, if firm, is miming mining
ontology on top of oophoron ostomy.
Hindi hint silly lynchings. Skinny nix I stir
phonology 'pon phytol plywood poops polyglots pompons.

Polygon hoof-moon on poor toys toot
phony thong ploy loops monolog poppy.  Woody plop! Psst!
Rooks romp rootstock rods

"Posh" - Q
Schoolroom scoffs scoop shockproof snort stools
Mock stork pro or door toss
Thyrotomy 'top torpor tot's torso

So-so rooftop honk slots. Morocco sloops off
Usufruct tu upchucks
Stormy troops root to tot trothy
Vulgus vult vults

**** such curt cut ups
Wrung wctu
Vulgus vult vults

Wrung WCTU
Yummy yurts
Zulu zymurgy

Yummy! Try us!
Lawman scandal any pay at a scab yap tat tartly
Zulu zymurgy
Almanac-scratch that-clay tract vacancy
pantoum, lipogram, alliteration
KarmaPolice Aug 2014
MH The Silent Foe


Creeping up, a silent foe,

Breaking him down, nice and slow,

Crushing all his hopes and dreams,

Bravery fading, silent screams,

  - -

Fighting on, war and peace,

Just to get, a partial release,

A little confidence, suddenly lost,

One step forwards, the ultimate cost,

  - -

Walls built, a safe distance,

Hiding the world, from his existence,

A man in a cave, keeping away,

Building the courage, to battle today,

  - -

Invisible injury, a runaway train,

Mental illness, significant pain,

Weakness, it's how it's percieved,

Colleagues find...It hard to believe,

  - -

Lack of remorse, absent support,

Pushes him, to obvious thoughts,

Attenion seeking, he was no more,

Discovered today, by local law,


Tears shed, guilt ridden hearts,

Talking history, picking him apart,

Realisation, lack of due care,

Former colleague...

Empty chair


Trying to find the words to explain the poem. The message is there. Think about your actions to those you see every day. The ones that annoy you, for their quirky behaviour. There is an untold story behind each of us. Some suffer in silence, some try to seek help. Compassion and understanding is within us all. The unseen illness is a killer.
Dougie Simps Sep 2015
My heart has always beat silence...
feels being alone is its only love,
my mind thinks affection is violence...
her hands hurt me with every touch, mh
that's real life, honest truth
our bond has our souls shattered,
she's tearing out her roots
Cause that's real life, evil spews
of something that blinds the eyes
and puts venom inside of you...
cause baby, that's real life.
oh, real life...
I'm incapable of such decisions,
I can't commit to your body,
she hits so precise, with deadly precision...
but I can't get that feeling...from anybody...
and that's real life...mhmm
oh, baby that's real life,
she feels the forced strain,
that's me pushing you away,
every woman that's ever loved me,
has slowly endured that pain,
the lost of breath, until nothings left
the traveling tears, sinking for years
being left the cold rain..
oh baby, that's real life
that's me girl, mh
that's real life...
no forgiveness, no emotions...
just your heart trapped in a bottle,
swimming in my disastrous ocean
commotion, your lip stick
your heartbeat is skipping
I'm twisted, drunk in love...

oh, that's real life...mhh...
yeah, real life...
I can't...I won't...
oh, I don't...mhh
know how to change!
and that's real life (echoing)
mh, what am I to do?
cause the reality is...

She's the one that said "I can't commit to you."

oh, and that's real life...(echoes fading out)
See what I did there? he can't love because the other one he thought he loved wouldn't love him and he is saying he can't commit now to his new right? and that's real life.
How can I love unconditionally,
When I haven't been conditioned to love?

An innocent Angel.

How many times I have came to you with my head down ?
How many times have I been frown upon ?
I am sorry ,
For all my sins
Which I knew I was wrong.
I am sorry ,
For the prayers I said which I could not follow.
I am sorry,
For following my word, instead of yours.
Lord I didn't know what you had in store
For me, a blind eye who couldn't see
The signs as the trails and tribulations put my life to shame.
Now therefore, I became a lost soul
Who has no mother to hold,
Who has no place to go..
Find my journey to the lords palance
So I can be accepted, and reunited,
With the one & only
Who will finally love me.

Smirks, chuckles, and evil grins filled the atmosphere,
******* my pure, vibrant, childhood
Into a deep darkened abyss,
My voice is stranded..
My spirit walked away, lost in the shadows...
All I can say without messing up is,
" Hello. "
I would love to say more but
Words is my worst fear.
I may smile in the hearts of athousand men,
But when I take a look in the mirror
I don't picture my reflection,
I visualize that dark filled day in 3rd grade,
And Again,
And Again...
No one will know about this quiet boy,
Who sits in the classroom..
Who wimply screams...
I chose to remain silent.

Inspirational quote of the day:
Do not be afraid, to speak up. You never know strong your voice will be.
My pride, closed my mouth shut.
My pride, is wrapped in a chain towards my luck.
My pride, ripped the curtains off the wall
My pride, has me walking alone, oblivious to them all.
My pride, couldn't even make me shed a tear,
Death is real.
My pride, why couldn't I cry ?
My pride, flips a frown when I keep my head up to the sky,
My pride, shrinks my insides to dry.
My pride, sometimes, breaks my heart.
My pride, sometimes, I do not want.
My pride, kept my soul in shame.
My pride, keeps my spirit in the rain.
My pride, oh I wonder why you make me feel this way,
My pride, no matter what you say,
My pride, I will you put you aside,
And be thankful for what I have today.

We all have times when our pride does get in the way, this is just my story. Thank you for reading.
Peter Heerings Jul 2015
MH17.... one year further

The grief of families
The loss of lives
Bodyparts in the winter landscape
A year flies
But the 298 victims
They don't speak
They don't cry
They just rest
The rest of the innocent
And the quilty rest
Might never be caught
While the toys as ever hold their tongues
- Heerings July 2015
Lord I just ask you to guide me, in this pouring rain.
Praying for a change
All I feel is pain..
My life on this earth feels so alone
Everyone I love has met you
Don't have anyone else to hold.
I still don't know why you chose my life to suffer this way.
Broken hearted, ashed out blac & milds, emptied bottles,
Lost in a cycle..
Im praying to be strong, like my mom said
So I'm still fighting.
Living blinded, sometimes I do feel like screaming for help
But no one reached out a hand
When they knew that I fell.
Blessed that I now have an umbrella
To protect me from the rain
Im still holding on
Cause the season has never changed.
No one really heard of this pain
Cause we all sinners
We too focused on the hopes of fame.
But that's just the flick that starts the flame
How could we hold our head up in the pouring rain
One day I shall release my spirit
Into the sun
Then reunite with all of my loved ones.

Throwback poem I wrote when I was in a storm with no umbrella.
Erin A Reed Feb 2011
So I'll climb back on this metaphoric horse,
High and long since gone,
Remembering life and lethal force
And where the lines were drawn.

The issues are spent, still never away,
Surfacing once in a while.
Closure not found for memories stay,
Haunting and tasting of bile.
circa 2005
Dougie Simps Mar 2016
Look I know girls love Rihanna,
Have an attitude like Nicki
Woke up like Beyoncé
Then hit the gram in they Vickis
These days it's hard to meet women
All have a problem with commitment
Too busy touching another mans pigment
Thinking it's love but it's figment...
I'm scared to let somebody in on this
No new friends
Ohh, oh oh
You know how this all goes
Late night sexting on the phone
Independent but hates being alone
A new man every night
The type of behavior that she cannot condone

Hold on,

Girl, Talk to me, talk to me
Those sweet nothings help me listen
Look at her body coming close
Temptation breaks her resistances
Look at her, what is she missing?
She's missing slow morning kisses
A man who finds her favorite position
Then goes deep with her permission
Say my name, say my name
Those other women were practice
Hop up on me and take action
Those thighs are fantastic
Kiss my lips with your disaster...
Make my heart beat faster...
Then whisper to me after...
Tell me how you love, love our traction
I mean attraction
Baby, Are we just acting?
Cause this the ****** of your movie
Let it slow play, and just take action
She starts biting and scratching
Breath hesitating as she's gasping
She's screaming and tells me to lunge
I'm moving in sync with the music
She said she's ready to come,
Come all the way back down
Her body was so high and numb
Cause she's addicted to the pleasure
And in love with the fun...

The fun of losing her mind in the ectasy of a moment
Where pretty girls claim that their picky but puts it down to any man with roses
I'm not saying that I'm right
I'm not saying that I'm wrong
I'm just saying you're queen girl
Treat yourself like one
If *** was a weapon it would go right for the heart
It would manipulate the brain
It would be a fatal scare
So, I Know girls love Rihanna
And wanna body like Nicki
I'm just saying make a man earn it
Don't give it up just so quickly
Keep your morals held strong
And your respect held high
Stop messing around with these boys
When your heart needs maturity
And soul needs a good guy.

Respect yourself
The poem written in the title.

Dougie Simps Sep 2015
mhm it's 6 am...
I drank too much
opened the door...
who could it be?
I see's my lady
"how could you? can you see?"
"what's wrong with you!?"
Mh, Maybe it's me? or
maybe it's her?
drunk on the floor as I try to reoccur
all of her words...
all of her...
baby I****, my words are slurred
she says "I'm done!"
I said "Just wait!!"
this instability is what you create!
you hurt me and desert me!
why don't we touch!?
I come home...all you say is "Lunch!"
I know I'm wrong...I drink too much.
I'm sorry, if I forgot to say...
"Baby, you look gorgeous today."
Time has changed all my usual ways
I don't'll like what I'm about to say.

I go out and like to sit down
grab a beer and talk to a crowd
of different women, with different missions
some are divorced, the others are still making decisions
I enjoy to hear their stories, see if I can relate
I then ask myself..."How can love turn so quickly into hate?"
I know you feel the same, don't look at me in shame!
I saw you go out the other night with your "girls"
but you were really with whatever his name!
"no I wasn't"
Now wait, I'm not done!
you know that holding on is just no fun.
we've grown apart over the years, baby... let's just go and move on...
do right by ourselves and even more by our son.
Love isn't a game...and if it was we both forgot how to play..
I'll always have a place for you in my heart, no matter what. That's all I'm trying to say.

I..."NO! It's my turn to speak! First off that was my Co-worker! and his name was steve, you met him and his wife! and don't you dare say another thing!
You've been cheating for years and hurting EVERYTHING!
In college you were the best thing that heaven could bring! now all you do is leave me hanging by a string. I wait with the kids as you go and get kiss the shot glass more than you kiss me. You tell all your jokes to these girls you've never met...After the baby, I don't know the last time we had ***! You come home and just stare, pretend like you're there... the kids barely know who you are and I don't think you could care. You hurt and you rip! It's been seven walk right on past me as I shed all these tears. I pray everyday that you will one day look my way... that you'll stop hurting me so much and change your dark ways. I must be a think I'd change you by force...well I'm done I'M DONE....***, I WANT...A...divorce (she starts to cry) hmm babe I need to let you go, I need to take our kids and grow...hmm I just need you to know that I always knew...Now please let me be mhmm just promise, PROMISE, PROMISEEE....that you'll let me be free."

I...****. I came home baby, this just got so crazy. I remember all those days calling you my lady...
I thought I was in control and realized I was wrong...this liquid confidence gave me the idea that it would be good if you were gone...
I know I was wrong
can I...
can I...
maybe it's too late to explain...
Divorce seems to be the only way to free us from these miserable chains.
I wanna say I'm sorry...But a cheater never truly changes, nor wins.
I beg for forgiveness and hope god will let me in.
Crazy how love starts so fast and hits so quick...
If you were to ask me then where'd I be seven years later...
I wouldn't ever imagined this.

I'm sorry. I only wish for one last kiss..
I also hope you meet someone who sees, sees all I missed.

(Give me the paper, I'll sign this)

No family pick-nicks, no "good morning baby", no "Good morning" to my kids...just days and days of deep remorse...I guess this what it all means...this is the pain...this is...

He stops writing this letter.

This is Divorce.
That's Real Life...(inspired by you.)
A New Day,
Is like a breath of fresh air..
Inhale the peace of life
Got through the pain already in the night
Keep your chin up to the sky
As the sun shine...
Your spirit and soul feels energized !
You better smile
The Sun ..
Wants, Needs, to light the fire inside you.

So Breathe..

Exhale the problems of yesterday..

Sometimes we need a new atmosphere
To reflect, direct our life...



Old poem! Have a good day everyone.
Acceptance to become a introvert forever,
Became a oath under my broken tongue.
Only spatting out short and simple words I can fluently produce..
" Its going to get better "
" You won't go through this long "
The therapist said,
As my body language feeds yes,
But my eyes screams no.
    " I don't ever want that feeling again ! "
Said my spirit in compliance with my eyes
I'd rather, be my own best friend than to make friends..
I'd rather, close my mouth about my fears than to be judged by all my peers
I'd rather, walk home by myself than to walk with someone else.
Not knowing I was walking towards my innocence to the B L I N D.

I'd rather say no.
I made the decision to become trapped inside my own world.

Wanted this to be longer, but had serious writers block please feel free to comment if you read, it'll be a spark of motivation ! Thank you.
Sitting in an overcrowded classroom,
Heart rate bumps as if it was a machine gun
And EVERYONE in the classroom is taking turns..
I have this Illusion of me speaking properly
With every punction down to the teeth..
Even though my mind can see these words clearly
My mouth speaks differently...

" It's only a book.. "
" I can do this -- " Thought process interrupted by the person next to read..
My eyes then became glued to the people watching over me..

( Insert joke here. )
I wanted to say,
I wanted to say,
I wanted to say,

Words is my worst enemy,
Please don't judge me from the way I speak,
All I want is someone to take time to understand me,
Maybe if I had that one ear to listen
I could of been free
And it wouldn't take this long to speak clearly.

In reality,
The room was filled with laugher.

So many strange fruits,
       In the streets.
Black bodies living in the sewers
Africans hanging from the apple trees,
Used needles on concrete,
Blood has a new home build with tears,
It's sad to say,
It's sad to say,
Children are born here.
They wonder why life became so rotten.

I can feel it in the air;
Closed doors and little words spoke.
Life became a silent whisper,
Has infidelity banging on my door step
He waits for me to fall asleep, so he can smoothly slide right in.
Fornication is a misplaced sin,
When it comes to marriage.
Love is the worst weapon to use
I knew I was being used...
God have mercy on our home!
It's once beautiful face
Has now so many scars...
I told her,
Till' death do us part.

If you liked this poem please check out my page for more, share, and comments is always welcome. Thanks.
Mahesh Hegde Dec 2013
In a room full of emptiness I was sitting on my bed with my back resting against the wall. All my routine work was completed before time as usual and there I was sitting doing nothing, staring straight ahead on the wall which was colored blue. I had asked them to do so because I loved this color since it always exuded the stress in me, drained off the disturbing thoughts and opened gates for blissful ones. But they never came.

What came to conquer me was lostness. This lostness maybe is productive if one is lost in a good thought, or, in a world of the past or the future, or, in his own created world, creative or perhaps destructive or perhaps peaceful. But I was always lost in a blank world. A world, where nothing existed. A world where no one walked on the streets. A world where no music was played and due to that I couldn't imagine myself dance because of which I couldn't make new dance steps. A world where I couldn't see faces smiling, where colors existed in their pure mixed form, that is White.

But if I give a second thought, I am thinking all this, about what it feels to be blank.! So it shows I just used to think ******* when this beautiful world of blankness came to me where I can create whatever I want and whatever I like, where miracles can happen. Or maybe a world will take birth to be cradled in my thoughts showing me my desires, aims or maybe those facts that are necessary for me. All I needed was Concentration. But I didn't know how to do so. My brain was now an expert, a trained and professional one in being frivolous. And then I felt a pen fidgeting with my hand. Then my hand, with the help of the reflex sent by the brain who, this time, obeyed the conscience inside it, started translating the thoughts into words. Words, they always betrayed me before when I took their shelter. But that was my fault. I only took shelter widout any hint of giving them respect. But now as the two best friends, my hand and pen, were trending together to make history, these words had the tone of pride while residing themselves on paper, and their look was inspiring when read successively. A guilt always resides in me for the precious time I wasted being lost, but the content of overcoming that lag progressively always consoles the insides. Concentration is all you need for anything you want to do or have in your life. Beginner I am, but, I dont want to see the end. I would just like to enhance it as much as possible.
I want to be this MAN called
Motivation !
Lace up my shoe strings filled, with inspiration.
Adversity is crushed on by the soles beneath my feet
This man has a strong voice,
One that makes the ears bleed !
One lesson from his story,
Will give power and confidence.
He was guided by the lost, humble to the found
I want this man
To go the full 12 rounds
They said this man shoes were too big.
Keep on walking motivation !
It shall be filled.
Look up to the crowd
And you will be surprised how many eyes will follow.
This man you say ?
Will be a step closer,
If you focus on a better tommorow.

A Strong Woman,
Repairs a broken home.
Blessed with the kingdom keys
Opens a door to follow the path of your dreams.

A Strong Woman,
Is molded by her struggles
Salvation keeps you walking, towards the King's light

A Strong Woman,
Embraces her inner beauty
Love thy self & the insecurities;

A Strong Woman,
Gives essence to the world around her,
There she shows respect & power.

A Strong Woman,
Finds courage,
Motivated by her downfalls
Picking up her crown.

A Strong Woman,
Is passionate,
Steadily driven by what she loves
Letting nothing stop her.

A Strong Woman,
Births a new soul;
Her sweet lullaby heals
The unwanted cries..

A Strong Woman,
Touches a meaningful purpose to life
Walking towards, the Kingdom's light.

I believe we all have an strong woman in our lives we look up to. Feel free to comment and check out my page for more. Thanks.
Ladyink Dec 2019
You left me in a red hot mess
How i still desire
How i still love
My darling doctor
My heart bleads for you
As i give it to
I remember my first 1,062 words,
Every syllable written with an sketch of my pain,
I remember the days
Where "words" helped me ease the pain.
         in this sentence I can't complain.
I owe it all to the lines
The truth into somewhat,
Only POETRY understands..
How it made me a man.
If poetry was your mouth piece
What would you stand

Age does not mix between the lines.

-Words are powerful, don't stop writing.


                                                  ­          ©MH
A little something for whoever is reading this. You will continue to be a great writer if you keep writing. God bless.
What I thought I saw yesterday,
Is not who I am, the man of today.
The sun came and
Shined a pathway to heavens gates.
It would indeed be a blessing to
Touch God's beautifully crafted key,
And feel
The presence of the Lord's grace
Calling on me,
Guiding me,
Inspiring me,
To become A Man Of Change.

Lately I've been feeling like I'm going in the wrong direction by the decisions and thw consequences that follow after. I pray that lord keeps me on the right track and keeps me from evil. I want to be what god shapes me to be. I believe he is shaping me to be an inspiration to change.
Is like the first day of class to me.
A vow to never speak to strangers,
Even the word of " hello "
Puts my soul in danger to escape my own reality.
My best friend, anxiety tells me to become nervous from that one syllable,
Keep your chin down low
And never speak on anything after it.
" I hope the teacher never picks on me to speak. "
Wish I knew,
About insecurities on the first day...
I hide all my pain,
All my struggle,
Into a mute that could never enunciate, or a quiet boy lost in space, too scared speak a word.
And it's only the first day.
Stuff all my frustration, god given patience into
A voiceless, half broken man carved an empty space they call
A Desk.
Written at the top is a list of found things I claim to be desire, which is truly lost
Monday... Through... Friday...

Then again, therapy came in & science class became my favorite,
Everyday I'm working on figuring out a formula
Of how I can slip out of these chains
And be just like the cool kids, laughing, having a deep discussion, remembering how it was on the first day of school.
From this day forth, I scream hope.

I believe this part in my life is when I truly started to learn and really try to become a better person. Even though the road was very different and difficult, I am so determined to become someone's inspiration by my story. In order for me to do that, I have to change. Thank you for reading. Comment please.
Mahesh Hegde Sep 2013
Stairs were moving up and he was treading down,
Audience were clapping their hands with laughter for this old clown.
Eyes weary, smile his companion, his moustache and the beard were brown.
Humiliating bullets manyatimes fired at him, he would take it without a frown.

In his room went he and locked himself inside,
Sat on the floor and opened a book that was beside.
Some pics of shattered houses while some of people on a roller-coaster ride,
His face which was used for creating expressions comic, tragic and at sometimes pride,
Now was so expressionless like the beach at high tide.

His heart bore too much to take more in it,
But vague just another friend of his helped to take in bit by bit.
Passion of his used as a sample for experiments taken on a slit,
Happiness was like somthing which didnt arive even in discreet.
And the tests of life, still he undertook, with full grit.

So the book contained nothing but his family memories,
In those was living his soul where he loosened all his worries,
Remembering the days when his daughter in her tiny hands offered him some berries,
But then these memories so silently he burries,
And these surreal moments he drinks off with perries.

Closing the book, finally he got up filled with sustain,
Cause fate was decided, and now, didnt matter, even a prickle of pain,
Opened the **** he passed through that smoky corridor again,
Going to the people to be a clown for them all that wid him which remains,
To spread smiles and laughters on faces of people hiding his own pain..
Aiden Oct 2017
Dear RL,
I regret to inform you
that I have moved on.
I have found others,
that will respect me
more than you ever will.
You won’t like me
if I tell you the truth.
It’s not me,
it’s definitely you.

Dear MH,
When I moved,
why didn’t you keep in touch?
Was I even your friend,
or just your puppet?
So bossy and controlling,
what did I ever do?
It’s not me,
it’s definitely you.

Dear CG,
Why did you only ever
start drama?
Trying to turn me
against my friends.
Have me for yourself.
You stuck to me like glue.
It’s not me,
it’s definitely you.

Dear RS,
All you ever wanted
was for us to be friends.
I cut you out of my life,
and I’m trying to bring you back in,
but I keep on making stupid mistakes.
I’m sorry, for everything,
and I think you would agree,
it’s not you,
it’s definitely me.
notes to my past friends
This is my 10th time,
Looking myself in the mirror.
It's a shame to say,
My reflection just get's blurrier.
Yesterday, I saw an image.
Everything was so foggy...
I couldn't tell if it was me,
Or the Devil.
My eyes were indeed blood-shot red,
Mom used'ta tell me,
"Don't ever hide monster's under the bed!"
I finally understood,
What she meant.

Thank you for reading, feedback would definitely be appreciated. More poetry stories coming soon!
Our President,

Wants meatloaf;

Not liberation.

Life is too tragic
To be on the agenda of a

D   y    i   n g  
                            N  a  t  i  o  n

Enrich in the taste.

Look at the full moon through my window!
Wonder where the future holds.
Birds chrip to my name
Night swallows my hope.
Till the next day
One spot seeps threw my window into my room and it's shining!
Open eyes can never be blind
Clouds cover the path of light
Shine, Moon, Shine.
I'm stuck in two different realities,
It's crazy what a blind eye can see,
Time froze on that path of new beginnings,
A whole new life.

Haven't had the time to write, I'm learning how to make time for the things I love, which is poetry.

— The End —