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Babies babies they are so cute you see
I love babies yeah they are very cute
You see they sit in their crib
And they really in a cute way they cry
You see babies are cute
They keep their parents up all night
And they do all their baby talk
To each and every other baby in sight
You see they look cute
You ****** beaut
Babies are very cute
The cutest in the land
Babies babies the cutest in the land
They are so very tiny, dude
As they cry all day and night
Their parents get *******
Their bodies feel very rough
And they are too tiny to be tough but they are cute
And you ****** beaut
Babies are the best
I like babies because they are ****** cute
The babies cry for attention
Too many times to mention
But they are cute you ****** beaut
Cute little babies yeah
Babies babies are the cutest yeah they look so cute and
You can really admire them yeah they like the words tickle tickle Tum Tum and around and around the garden begging everybody's pardon
Babies are cute and really true blue babies are very cute
And they sit there saying goog goo gah gah
Babies are the cutest humans in this very good land
I feeleth so anxious as the fleshy winds outside,
Invisible as their turquoise screams, I feeleth like everything is just not right;
Ah, but how if even all later suns shan't be fair,
And t'is passivity shan't ever be bound to fade?
For my soul declares-t'at he, it wants not any more to care;
And about thee only, it wants to be quiet, yet witty still-like yon pale lovesick summer glade;
I want to attach myself to our captivated hours right now;
With thee in my lap, and thy gentle whispers-as today shall be replaced by tomorrow.
I want to dream of thee once more tonight, o sweet Nikolaas;
My darling at present and from the future, whilst my only dearest, from the past.
Ah, sweetheart, why are but our subsequent hours-and perhaps paths, to suffer;
If thou art not by my side, and maketh not all t'is terseness better?
Ah, and wouldst it ever make sense any longer;
To live by him-but without thee, wouldst it but make my wild heart easier?
For censure is to which my answer, and is hatred-for I cannot help loving thee more;
I wanteth to love, and age-by thee, and by thee only, within my most passionate core,
And I wanteth not to understand anything-for comprehension shall but renew our last sorrow;
I wanteth instead-to renew t'is despaired wholeness, and its proven compassion-our love has once made nature show.

I still wanteth to remain quiet; to cherish and glitter within my wholesome devotion;
But which duly keepest me sober, and maketh my doubled heart tremble not;
Calmeth me, calmeth me with thy kisses-so enormous and tasty, like a quiet can of little soda;
Maketh me accursed, petty, and corny-maketh me thy lands' most dreaded infanta.
Tease me like I am a quivering little darling, who cannot but tries shyly still-to sing;
With a coarse voice descended from sunlight, where the worst are joy, and lovingly mean everything.
Maketh me honest, and tempteth me deeper and more;
Until I sighest and flittest myself away, with agility like never before.
Consumeth my greed-and with it, drinkest away its all befallen vitality;
For I knoweth thou shalt restore me, and reneweth all my endeavoured weaponry.
Ah, Nikolaas, how sweet doth feel t'ese blessings, by thy very side!
Nikolaas, Nikolaas, my lover-my sweet husband, from whom my hungry soul canst never hide!
Oh, and darling, Amsterdam might be cold, and plastered with one slippery tantrum;
But thou art still too comely to me-with those familiar eyes like a poem;
A poem t'at my very heart owns, and is graciously fat'd to be thine;
And thine only-for as I danceth later-in my princess' frock, I knoweth t'at thou art mine.
Ah, but fear thou not-for shall I protect thee like t'is;
I shall slander thy rival west and east, I shall degrade t'em all to'a yawning beast!
And upon my victory be I at ease-and finely grateful;
On which truth shall spring, and maketh our love venerated-and more fruitful!
Ah, just like I had b'fore-how canst kissing thee be extremely pleasant,
Even whenst he be t'ere, or perhaps-be the one concerned?
I hath to admit, t'at 'tis thee-and not him, I so dearly want;
Thee who hath painted my love, and made everything cross but all fun;
Thee whose disguise is my airs, and who hath ceaselessly promised to be fair,
Thee whom I'th dreamt of t' be my lifelong prince, with whom I wish to be paired,
Thee whose recitations lift my heart upwards, and my delight proud;
Thee whose poems hath I crafted, and oftentimes recited sensibly, out loud.

Ah, t'at devil-who told us t'at our joys cannot be real;
For they are not at all virtuous-nor by any chance, vigorous?
Ah, fear not those human serpents, darling, whose mouths are moth-like-bloodless but who canst ****;
For to God they are mortal still, and to His eyes whose jokes are not fun, nor humorous;
And thus we shall be together, as we indeed already are;
For our delight is not to be altered-no longer, as dwells already, in our heart;
We shall come back to it soon, as tonight's full moon smilingly starts;
And exalt it as wint'r comes-dear winter, as perhaps only be it, one few months' far;
Ah, and be I then, crush all t'is impatient longing, and sorely missed affection;
And vanquish all the way, t'is all omnipotent sin-of having loved only, a severe affliction;
Oh, but under whose guidance, Amsterdam shall embark again, and smile upon us;
And lift our tosses of joys, into the lapses of its sweet thunders, fast!
Ah, Nikolaas, shall we thus be together, under the wings of Amsterdam's rainbow;
To which endings shan't even once appear; as guilt be then dead-and is not to show;
The only left opus of love be ours to sing, as heaven is-so benevolent;
Betray us not, with fruits of indifference-much less once of one malice, and gay impediment;
And our happiness shall be pure-and entangled, like a pair of newborn twins;
To which our fantasies are finally correct, and thus its affixed lust-shall no more be a sin.

Such love and lust-whose fidelities shall be our abode;
But by whose words-delusions shall never arrive, and thus be put aside;
Novelties shall be fine, and their definitions shall be lovely;
They shall twitch not-for a simple moment of starched felicity!
Oh my darling, I needst to come and visit my wealthy Amsterdam;
With authenticity now I entreat: myself, myself, ah, run there-whenst stop doth time!
For as we embarketh, no more worrisome medleys shall they come again, to bring;
And to no more sonata, shall they retort-nor so adversely, and dishonestly, sing.
Ah, Nikolaas, the stars are now obediently looking down at us;
Jealous of our shimmering love, which is the lush garden's yonder, giddy beaut;
Ah, who is shy to its own mirror, and oft' looks away so fast;
But needst not to swerve, factually, for 'tis, on its really own-has but very much truth!
But still, whose hastiness maketh it succumb-and even more bashful then the sky;
Ah, as if those pastimes of its ****** soul are always about-and be termed but as a single lie!
For it shall never happen, to it-who owns our midnight hours-with one promise to be skirted away too fast;
With not even a single pause, nor a second of rest-while it passes?
Ah love, our very love; its circular stains, nevertheless, as left hurriedly-too massive to resist;
For they giveth taste to our plain moonlight-and thick'ning flavours to our kiss;
So at our first night of gaiety thereof-we won't be hunger for earning too much bliss!
Ah, Nikolaas, all shall be perfect-for felicity is no longer on our part-to miss,
And t'is part of our earthly journey shall feel, defiantly like heaven!
I shall be thine-and claim no more my thine self as his;
In thee doth I find my salvation, my fancy dome-and my most studious cavern!
All which, certainly-is his not; all which shall be ripe, and thus fragrant-like a rose perfume;
And by whose spell-we shall be love itself, and even be loved-within the walls of our private haven;
And even then, we shall love each other more-as be cradled in each other's arms; and lost like this, in such a league of harmonious poems.

Amsterdam shan't be rigorous, it shall be all fair,
Its notions are curious, like these but entrancing summer days;
Thinking of which is but a sweat-but a bead of sweat for which I most care,
Which is neither dreadful nor boastful, as I devour it avidly, amongst t'is poem I'm 'bout to say!
And t' mindfulness of which, I shall no more hastily rid of;
I was too dreary back then, crudely foreshadowed by a crippled love!
'Twas my mistake-my supposedly most punished, punished mistake;
For faking a love I ought not t've ever made, and one I ought not t' ever take!
A mere dream I hath now fiercely pushed away;
And from which I hath now returned, to my most precious loyalty,
As thou knoweth-thou hath never wholly, and so freely-left me,
Thou art all too genuine, and pristine, like yon silvery river-as I oft' picture thee.
Ah, so t'at is all true; t'at thou art my most gracious, and unswept loving angel,
A prince of royalty, and my very, very own nighttime spell.
Just like thou hath done hundreds of time, thou maketh me but delight and mischief;
And notions t'at bubble within my most, giving me charms and comfort-for me to continue to live!
Together, our lips shall be warm-and no more joy shall be left naked;
Soon as there are more tears, we shall throttle and fairly feast on it;
Making it all but remotely conscious, and forcibly-but sensibly, deluded;
Making it writhe away impaired, and its all possible soul awesomely flattened!
Ah, Nikolaas, thou shalt be the mere charm t'at leaves my odes too fabulous-by thy wit,
Oh, my darling, for thou art so sweet; o, Nikolaas, I really hath only my words, to play with!

And guess what, my darling, heaven shall but gift us nobly, all too soon;
An heir shall we claim; as descendeth one day beneath the excited full moon.
For he shall be born into our naughtiest perusal;
And demand our affection excitedly, as time is long, as arrives winter-from last fall!
Soft is his hair, clutched in his skin-so bare and naive;
He shall be our triumph, and a farther everyday desire, to continue to live!
And we shall consider him our undefined, yet a priceless fortune;
Light as the night, at times singular but cheery-like the sketch of a fine moon.
And portray in us both the loveliness of a million words;
He shall be handsome, just like our love-which is damp but funny, in whose two brilliant worlds!
Oh, my darling, I now looketh forward to my heavenly Amsterdam;
Whose prettiness shall be thoughtful, as I thinketh of it-from time to time.
Ah, thus-when all finally happeneth, I shall know thou art worth the whole entity of my thousand longings;
Thou art the miracle t'at I hath decently prayed for-and thus fathomably, the very sweet soul-of my everything.
2 condemned males serving life sentences in top-security prison inmates separated by wall and steel cell bars

INMATE 1 (burps loud coarse voice) i have this fantasy of being a hunted outlaw taking my 3 guns and ******* Ford truck driving north south east west robbing convenience stores bars banks people sharp-shooting car thieving running until my time is up like the old west firing pistols wearing a Stetson hat drunk smart-*** talking hanging with ***** bar girls forget about eating just burning a trail (holds metal reflective scrap in hand attempting to catch glimpses of inmate 2)

INMATE 2 (sits cross-legged on floor with palms up resting on knees) too many people are hurting and getting killed right now i imagine if there is a god i’ll bet he or she or it feels weary disappointed disgusted by human kind’s destructive nature

INMATE 1 so what

INMATE 2 i don’t know about you but i miss women their point of view play friendship tenderness nurturing intimacy physical beauty i long for love belonging a woman’s touch her attendance passion the hinge of her thighs licking ******* ****** crave its warm wetness taste smell texture even tongue dipping into **** in a way i’m a total gynephiliac or philogynist

INMATE 1 filojinist huh what are you a professor you ***** son-of-a ***** where did you learn to talk like that tell me professor ever **** on a perfect *****

INMATE 2 most women have some desirability i’ve known many but yeah there was one in particular i remember she was a beaut bulging pelvic bone cute floppy lips eager **** tangy gamey sweet salty flavor just the right amount of furriness lust response flow she’d reach for my ******* and i’d just keep working her getting her hotter taste her ***** taste her *** i was addicted to that woman’s ****** even though she treated me like trash perhaps it was simply an oral fixation or some subliminal need i don’t know our relationship lasted way longer then it should have guess i was kind of drunk on her downstairs

INMATE 1 i never was much of a cooch muncher (flexes arm muscles opens tightens fist) women are cows they give off too many odors plus they always want mommy control no matter how much or what you give them they always want more

INMATE 2 you don’t get it do you the connection between the moon oceans great mother earth fragrance of dirt aroma of rain female beauty you’re a misogynist gynophobe possibly misanthrope

INMATE 1 you use too many big words ******* i hear some women is like how you described yourself some women gets drunk on johnson and nuts

INMATE 2 what are you talking about

INMATE 1 i want to get hooked up with a ***** like that a ***** who’ll lick and **** my johnson and nuts all day long (hand goes to crotch squeezes)

INMATE 2 yes me too maybe we ought to ask ourselves why escapism into ****** fantasy and release is so profoundly vital to our existences

INMATE 1 what

INMATE 2 life sentence means no motive for rehabilitation no hope for redemption how much money does it cost to maintain each prisoner who pays the bills why keep us alive does society honestly believe we pace our confines haunted in regret yearning for inner salvation

INMATE 1 you think they should **** us

INMATE 2 i question the entire punitive system did you ever read Michel Foucault’s Punishment and Discipline the beginning will make you squirm or Franz  Kafka’s In The Penal Colony that horrific carving apparatus

INMATE 1 uuhhh what the **** are you talking about

INMATE 2 i don’t know i don’t understand why i’m locked up in here

INMATE 1 (runs fingers through hair) what crimes did they convict you of

INMATE 2 i tried killing myself so many times they put me on death row i should be free to roam or at worst case scenario sedated in an insane asylum instead they accused me of being a danger to myself and society they said i could injure other people while attempting to destroy myself i drove off a 6-story garage ledge onto a public street below

INMATE 1 is that why you’re in here you silly *** ***** driving off a 6-story garage ledge onto a public street below ain’t no crime hell just reckless driving

INMATE 2 the courts are ******* up judges think they’re celebrities silver-tongued thieving lawyers twist the truth the whole system is corrupted by bribes cover-ups secret deals concealed schemes personal gain collusion fear

INMATE 1 as for me i tortured ***** killed lots of people men women children you want to hear some tantalizing details like the time i ***** killed a mother and her 2 young daughters cut out their warm hearts and ate

INMATE 2 (interrupts) stop you sick animal please stop

INMATE 1 yeah you got a problem with that

INMATE 2 i couldn’t live with myself doing what you did i get skittish at the sight of blood

INMATE 1 you pathetic lightweight i want to stick my johnson up your tight hairy *** so bad (sniffs finger) i want to hear you squeal like a little girl

INMATE 2 sorry to disappoint you but i’ve got hemorrhoids

INMATE 1 French ticklers hell they just make ******* a more interesting sensation

INMATE 2 this is the rudest most repulsive conversation

INMATE 1 what you think you’re better than me just because you’re educated (finger picks nose flicks ****** at wall speckled with many ****** flicks)

INMATE 2 i didn’t say that perhaps morally more reserved why did you torture **** **** people

INMATE 1 it was fun made me feel powerful having control over another person’s existence hey i didn’t ask to be born blame it on my mom people are so ******* up life is a joke i was just trying to help rid the world of all its vermin

INMATE 2 there was a time when i would have considered you psychopathic but in this chaotic shifting flipped out world where reality mirrors fiction and when civilization is insanely vicious fraught with violence guns firing fires exploding extremism prevails criminals scoundrels lunatics govern gang lords rule the streets your murderous vices may serve as grounds for exoneration provided you conduct yourself intelligently you may qualify yourself as an ordinary survivor or possibly even reputable citizen

INMATE 1 what? you’re reasoning i’m normal maybe innocent you’re my main man tell me why you want to destroy yourself so bad

INMATE 2 i think human kind is a curse we annihilate everything and don’t seem to learn change instead we get worse our busy selfishness is a betrayal against earth all the creatures a betrayal against god as a kid the betrayal i felt i knew i could not reveal because it would be a deeper betrayal the neglect and punishment i endured i knew i could not make known because it would only add to the betrayal the rage i felt listening to lies i knew i could not challenge a million lies i did not know how to confront the frustration i now suffer pains me as long as i can remember in my mind i’ve always felt like a prisoner alone in a room no one is coming this twisted despair inside the body of person with suicidal tendencies found guilty sentenced to life incarceration in maximum-security prison doesn’t that sound like a double conviction

INMATE 1 wow interesting ok professor you’re putting me to sleep chat with you later

INMATE 2 you really ought to learn yoga

INMATE 1 voga? what’s that for

INMATE 2 an inner journey a light when other lights go out a way to stay grounded when gravity fails

INMATE 1 sounds like just another jail cell
afteryourimbaud Nov 2017
Can you see the chaos?

They are not talking to you
they are in you
in each flow
of your blood
in every inch
of your bones

the dissonance! the abstract!
the lack of discipline!

it showers beaut
it radiates power
push your existence
through this
like what it is,
an existence, known as
ever since
the depression
cut the chain
get rid of the tie
embrace your persona
light the candle
and dance to this:

The moment you slowly sink
into a set of perfection is just
The moment you dissolve into
the motion of indefinite silence.
Nishu Mathur Nov 2016
It's cold outside but warm within,
Rose candles golden glow,
With you here right beside me -
Let winter say hello!

The fire's all cracklin',  blazin'
On the wall play love's shadows,
Contours of time a-racin'
Let winter winds bellow!

Your eyes like stars a-twinklin'
I'm lit from my head to toes,
The chords of my heart a-jinglin',
Let cold winds blusterin' blow!

Hearts alive, all hustlin'
And the music turned so low,
Whispers of sweet nothings
As winter steals the show...

A white night beaut' unfurlin',
Snowflakes dance so slow,
Twirlin' , whirlin', swirlin'
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!


Inspired by the song...
Julie Grenness Oct 2015
Yes, it's the racing carnival,
Fashionistas so topical,
Significance trivial,
Eye candy,
Drunk and silly,
Studs in suits,
Looking beaut,
Haves and wannabes,
For the paparazzi,
Doyens of the racing industry,
You all look fabulous,
Gambling magnanimous,
Thoroughbreds' gloss,
Media hype and dross,
Great racing day,
*****, bets and babes,
Stuff the plebs today,
Our city's public holiday,
Melbourne Cup Day!
A tribute to our racing public holiday. Feedback welcome.
Title        : Beauty Within Beauty
Poet        : Phyll
Genre     : Love/Beauty/flaws
Year        : 2018
P/Swno. : 260

    As Authored By Phyll

You stand so bold,
And so sleek.
You have this Beaut...
And chocolate complexion.

Your smooth,
Chocolate skin...
So smooth.
So soft.
So silky.
So sweet...
So sweet like a piece of candy.

When I try and speak,
My words get so mashed up.
I end up not saying anything!
You give me this sense of urge...
Urgency to be the best...
The best person I can be.

You have this beauty about you,
That i can't go a day without.
I have this chronic disease,
The doctor called it ATAY;
Always Thinking About You!

Even though you are already mine,
You have this beauty about you...
You make me feel warm and safe.
Your beauty is mor...
More than just beauty!
Your beauty is a thing I call;
.B..L..A..C..K. .B..E..A..U..T..Y.

Never fall;
For anyone else!
They'll just hurt you in the end.
Trust me cause for them,
As easy as it was to get you
It'll be even easier to replace you.

Believe me when i tell you;
Is not your ideal beauty.
Your beauty,
Is the way you carry yourself;
In this high esteemed way.
That I don't care,
About what you say or do wrong.
Cause to me,
It's what your beauty entails.

The way you make words sound;
So smooth and so good.
You give me this sense;
Sense of protection and comfort.
Whenever we hug,
To me the world is just for two;
Just me and you!

When we make eye contact,
And our eyes lock;
I can feel what you feel,
You feel what I feel?
But I can't say how I feel,
With my words.
We can't say a thing,
This connection is wordless...
I just can't explain,
I just don't know why.

I want to get to know you,
More than I know myself.
Despite the fact that I'm a gent,
You make me feel beautifu...

I felt a certain way for you,
Ever since I first met you...
I don't doubt you feel the same,
Ever since I first saw you.
Just never had the courage to say anything,
But i am now your beholder.

Portrays it all.
That's why,
I not only like you,
But i love everything about you!
Feel Special my
.B..L..A..C..K. .B..E..A..U..T..Y.

Black lives matter.
The darker the berry the sweeter the juice
Barton D Smock Aug 2014
it’s not special. it’s not even all I have to give. its power is that it reminds me of something I had you safeguard in a dream. because I’m looking at the other fathers, I have to massage my gut feeling you’re looking at them too. so there you are beside the random machine I’ve been force feeding the one phrase that frees it to eat for a year. before you were my daughter you were the fortune teller whose teeth I pulled to find out your mother had a girl.
Makayla Jordan Aug 2020
10 pm
i saw this ******* tiktok she was so pretty
12:33 am
why does everyone my age look so much better than me
2:45 am
wow i look nothing like these girls
3 am
i'm going to starve myself and maybe i'll look right
4:56 am
positive affirmations. i am beaut-no. i can't compete
8 am
i can do better
10 pm
i saw this ******* tiktok she was so pretty
Brittany J Mar 2013
The crooked smile,
Chipped tooth and loose lips
Obstructing society from
The view of true
Zafirah Apr 2021
O the One brighter than the brightest star!
O the One who talked to the moon above!
O the One whose presence bloomed all the flowers!
O the Beaut One!
O the Belovently Beloved One!
O, Mustafa!
You are the source of sparkle for our illuminating universe.
Your luminosity left the shimmering sea overjoyed.
Your benignity softened the hearts of hard-hearted.
Your nobility had left me breathless.
For how can I describe the indescribable?
Dave Hardin Oct 2016

If I were a jazz pianist I would pay
my dues in one lump sum on a tip
from some country singer on his way

down who gives me the shirt off his back
a Nudie with piping and plenty
of rhinestones that catch the stage

lights just so and sweep in reflection
across the polished planes of my 1890
rosewood Steinway Grand Modal C

a beaut with a pedigree, one I won’t fail
to mention from the stage in the second set
during the pause between How High The Moon

and I Love The Life I Live from behind
a bobbing cigarette, sharing the remarkable
fact that this is the very same piano

Mose Allison played in a two night stand
at the Blue Note in 1962.  Later I’ll work Jimmy
the trumpet player’s name into a tune and trade

winks with the guy on upright bass
the drummer slack jawed oblivious, lost
to us all in some very tasty brushwork.
Sa Sa Ra Dec 2012
Since I had returned from the missing,
In life from family and loved ones.

Loss of Dearly Beloved Partners,
Whereby certain words had been,
Unnecessary with those of very deep bonds.

Sure I understand, understood then,
What I dared not spoke of truly with embodied beings.

It was a true joy Easter 1978,
To get together with your family.
Mom , Dad and Steven had been there.

We had a chance to talk as young adults,
Perhaps get to know each other in such a new way.

Sure you 16, said 'you were woman',
I have long since found the words of;

'I once loved a woman, a child I'm told
I give her my heart but she wanted my soul
Don't think twice, it's all right.'

Chillingly haunting still!!
For better and or worse still!!

But there we were young enough adults,
You were so receptive and I spoke in your earnest attention.
While too I picked up many subtle things by you,
Few words came back.

But you listened so well my friend whom I saw.
Surely I was open and in dire need to tell my story to a soul alive.
I refer to such as 'my little sermon on the mount' still at any price.
And so I believed in you as some partner then there indeed.

Not necessarily as unfolded, but such all did.
'We never did to much talking anyway';

Well not so true at all really on the contrary.
But 'Jeremiah was a Bull Frog';


I'm not sure if either understood a word said to this very day.

'What was it you wanted';
Can you say?

You tell me I can't,
Never could.

Claims of 'Christ Discipleship' in differing ways!!

Joy To The World

And I can take all detail like a wild man, savant,
Roll around the 'wheel of spectrum disorders' I know.

Still know just One thing!!!
We have been here before in oh so many ways!!

On one hand I understand 'All Complications',
Oh so simply of All Gods Children!!
On the other hand none at all.

So hard to understand and accept all at once!!

I always knew you,
By Eve of Halloween's Eve later same year;
Or more acutely so very soon thereafter that;

You were somehow my 'nemesis';
That was would produce my 'dark night of soul';

I was once again conquered,
By just one moment of doubt

Dark Knight
Loving Brightly

I was even joyed by that!!

Still I would believe in things,
I was already assured of in this my life;

'The World'
We live in


In these now's.

I sum up 'The Word' Bible in just one Word,
By that 'Red Letter Word' at the Last Supper.

About LOVE sure,
But just two letters;


As in;
'Just love one another 'AS' I have loved you'!!

Which was with Gods;
Gifts of 100% Judgement on with Zero Judgmentalness!!

That is my friend and partner most true I only understand!!

Good News Being Good!!!

Christians say 'well hey look Moses had 10 then expounded 5 books beyond as Torah.


Shaman Master J

Got's that down to just 2 !!;

'Love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself'!!!

Ya and in front of the corrupt politicized,
Blasphemed powers of the Hebrew leaders that day!!!

Reciting the Torah
Standing on one foot!!

Days a Week


Well truth be he was just reciting,
The living word near verbatim of the last minor prophets in those last days!!!

Otherwise he would and did say like the Greeks,
In marble on their temple and as I know,
Easier otherwise to say;

'Know Thyself';

All creation is within all things,
So therefor on this path of inner self honesty,
With the message we all inwardly receive,
It all lines up and all mystery ceases to be!!!

So no I do not understand,
Certain types of complications,
No I don't.

All so overly simple to me!!

You have always overly impressed me,
In oh so many ways, such inherent 'gifts';

But they must breathe or what are they.

We may be off charts at different ends;
Yet I still know how close to very fine are these lines between!!



Fly Free!!!!

Be yet between!!!

AS Shaman Master J;

/ so much typical association with one letter / ...

Happy Birthday,
Always, All Ways!!!

From a text you might recall,
I poemalized by whom in your contact list,
By phone I have been,
Dubbed 'Ron the Lord'!!!!

Garlic Really??? or !!!
Sure I can understand your heart / that just assume chop garlic really / ...

Yes 'hued partner,
We too ~2~ can,
Be family!!!

~3~~ between!!!
Us Two!!

Must Breathe

<3<3:):):)!!! R
Not so complicated!!!!

Illegally Separate
You some other me / some how wherefore / way; / X'YZleeeping; / I ...

The New Dew Due, 'Double Triple Two Steps' Forward!!!
Believe as 'The Heavenly Father" speaks life living within you!! / Than cast continually ...

Will Always
Love You!!! Ra, Ra Ron!!!

I have written some beautiful things about you!!
Some in paper hoards somewhere like;

"30 Trillion Light Year Journey"
'08 that date I am certain of!!

'Stitched without a trace',
A beaut,
I'd love to dig up,
Idk where but paper,
It is somewhere here!!!

'Worlds Most Wanted Woman',
Stuck on my old phone will be retrieved at some point,
Stored in it's memory viable I know,
Was a long text or series,
I know you so love!!!

Yes by 'Ron the Lord'!!!!


Ty Josephine!!!!

*~Sa Sa, Ra!!!~~
~'LJ tells her own birth story so masterfully well done!!!~~R

"So, I love a good birth story (Hmm wonder why), and I don't often post long windedly. So gather 'round children....
51 years ago a green eyed Sicilian beauty was getting ready for New Year's eve, a party was planned with her sorta geeky mad scientist hubby and his friends and she wanted to look hot!
She went to the beauty parlor where it usually took 3 hrs to tame her curly black tresses. Mad scientist dude was across town washing test tubes at the time. She was determined to make an appearance because the goomba in her belly wasn't due to arrive for another 2 1/2 weeks.
While sitting in the salon the snow was coming down on the busy Yonkers street and when she came out, all coiffed and ready, she found that her car had been plowed in! (help me out here Rick, what were they driving those days? The black Lark?)
She ambled across the street to where 3 gentlemen were hanging out in front of the local gas station, prolly smoking cigars and shooting the ****, and asked them if they had a snow shovel.
They, of course, being the chivalrous Yonkers men they were, handed her a shovel!!
Rosa Fortunata (I can see the steam coming from her ears from across the years!) took the shovel and strode back across the street and dug herself out. She has never told me what she said when she pulled her fully pregnant self back to return the shovel, but I can imagine it was precious.
That night naturally she went into labor almost 3 weeks early and the next early morning little fatso goomba screamed lustily into the world. The how and why they named her is our private story which still brings tears to my eyes.
Rumor has it that mad scientist dude still went to that New Year's eve party and got so blotzoed (with joy over his new daughter), that he spent the night under the piano and was a little late bringing his girls home from Yonkers General. All was forgiven when 4 days later he threw his carton of Lucky Strikes into the trash forever, the reality of three kids dependent and adoring him finally hitting home.
I am grateful every day for those amazing parents. And for those street guys whose lazy entertainment for the day helped shape the course of my life.
I am grateful for the angels who surround me daily in the chosen work of my life. The minutes old angels whose wisdom humbles me, and the ages old angels whose bravery astounds me. I am so lucky to live the life that I love. I am so graced with family and friends whose beauty I could never have imagined and whose devotion I can only attempt to deserve.
Love- Linda Josephine"

"So nicely done, gifted 'LJ!!!!"
Ra, Ra Ron!!!

PS: Some semi quotes courtesy of Bob Dylan
Sure goes to show ya' the power of self fulling prophecy!!!
No doubt I listened to too much perhaps to point of over dose!!!
'Master of Confusion'!!
Ty Brother Bob/Robert;
For the "Good Luck" line!!!

Don't Think Twice It's Alright

It ain’t no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It don’t matter, anyhow
An’ it ain’t no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you don’t know by now
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window and I’ll be gone
You’re the reason I’m trav’lin’ on
Don’t think twice, it’s all right

It ain’t no use in turnin’ on your light, babe
That light I never knowed
An’ it ain’t no use in turnin’ on your light, babe
I’m on the dark side of the road
Still I wish there was somethin’ you would do or say
To try and make me change my mind and stay
We never did too much talkin’ anyway
So don’t think twice, it’s all right

It ain’t no use in callin’ out my name, gal
Like you never did before
It ain’t no use in callin’ out my name, gal
I can’t hear you anymore
I’m a-thinkin’ and a-wond’rin’ all the way down the road
I once loved a woman, a child I’m told
I give her my heart but she wanted my soul
But don’t think twice, it’s all right

I’m walkin’ down that long, lonesome road, babe
Where I’m bound, I can’t tell
But goodbye’s too good a word, gal
So I’ll just say fare thee well
I ain’t sayin’ you treated me unkind
You could have done better but I don’t mind
You just kinda wasted my precious time
But don’t think twice, it’s all right

Talk about poetry!!!
aboutYv Dec 2017
You always say I’m a beaut
              But, Never saw it from your
All I see is that you love me in a mute
But never the beauty that I wish I suffice

I’m a mess
My body isn’t perfect
My voice is bass or less
Some things I wish don’t neglect

I carried not just my weight
I carry the world above me for you
I just wish I’m your Athena, mate
‘Cause you’re the only Apollo, I love so true
A L Davies Mar 2012
the hand that rubs my body down
is soft: softly veined &
of a powder-white translucence; transcribed
from dover chalks to run down my
chest, backs of my thighs.

the hand that rubs my body down
curves in sweet musics 'round my soul;
the shrill but beaut'ous rasp of skin
on skin
-- of fingertips tracing strange poetry
    along my spine.

the hand that rubs my body down
holds in its palm a sacred oil;
anointing me at midnight hour. muted
bewitchments; burns the candle
down to a nub.

the hand that rubs my body down
calls for christ in attics of sunday
afternoon ...          crosses its fingers in
spiteful fits
of piousness.

the hand that rubs my body down
takes the shape of golden scarab;
sets aflame my eyes of beaming azure &
finds in me a willing servant.

the hand that rubs my body down
wakes me at dawn, partnered  
with an extension of pinpointed
warmth: the touch of her breath upon my cheek.
product of reading dylan thomas overmuchly
Emily Larrabee Dec 2013
she left when i was four
no explanation or anything more
it cut me straight to the core
you may think i was too young
to understand but my heart tore
my baby sister she was two
she barely could walk without falling
down onto the floor
now I barely see her
she's growing up too fast
she doesn't remember much of that past
she remembers calling me "*****."
And that she loved saying "it's purple."
I remember so much more
The smell of my moms sweet perfume
how she always had these really good cookies
her hugs and her kisses
but that day when she left it hurt me so much
because a girl needs her mother
a mother cannot leave her children
but my mom she was different
she never said "Good bye."
She never taught me to fly
she didn't see Jillian become the beaut she is today
she won't be able to see my sixteenth birthday
or be there for graduation
or my wedding
but whatever at least I have my dad
and my little sister
and family and friends
at least i have you guys/girls
because i know if you were going to leave you would at least say
"Good bye."
Toni Dec 2018
The cobbled stones, awash by moon
The drunken laddies that sip and swoon.
To gaze upon the midnight beaut
Would parish ones will to that of Newts.

Thus lady’s hair does fall much like
A waterfall of pure moonlight.
With eyes of jewel and crystal light
Sets ones soul ablaze and heart, bright.

With opulent lips, does she possess
Such voice of tinkling bells distress.
With wisps of silver at loves cheeks
Gold flecks do twinkle at brows peek.

To tame such beauty is hopeless venture
Too many a drunk lad, sweet and tender.
To gaze upon midnights supple dream
Is to be more than merely heard, but seen.
I’ve been reading so much about the Fae, their feet keep tapping their way through my head!
James Newman Mar 2011
Its large scaly head rears back.
Fire roasting its throat,
Spewing out of its fanged mouth.
Veiny wings spread out,
Raising its *** into the air.
Its majesty dwarfs all,
Weapons are useless
Against its armored hide.
Its beaut graces all,
Fangs, fire, and talons
Destroy all in front of it.
Its elegance overshadows all,
Lesser beings run in fear
Of facing this beast.
Isn't it sad that we will never see
This wonderful, fantasy creature?
The Good Pussy Mar 2015

                               iful Beauti
                              ful Beautiful
                      Beautiful       Beautiful
                Beautiful Bea  utiful Beautiful
                 Beautiful B       eautiful Beau
                    Beautiful           Beautiful
jeremy wyatt Feb 2011
There's something big that's bugging me
like a drumming in my eardrums as I sleep
but I thought of a way to struggle free
Ha ha no need to whine and weep
Lying in bed feeling miles away
from new friends makes me frantic
but my idea that came today
lets concrete over the Atlantic
Only a bucket or two to start
noone will notice over here
spread it out to the worlds apart
makes the States draw slowly near
Ok there will be the odd icicle
crossing the wild and stormy route
but think I can do it on my bicycle
its made by Giant it is a beaut
So I'll head off to buy my trowel
and get a barrow of sand
Listen out for my victorious howl
as I arrive at your happy land!
Reveal thy*
Sive Myeki Jun 2016
Her sole tread this earth when faith became narrow
With the sun disappearing beneath her earthly crest
And perched high up her kin bid her good morrow
Her scent revered across the land when war she laid to rest
This was Pleiades the seven studded sister rooted in love
She who prunes the shrub down to the stem
So light may cleave the soul that fell from above
And such was her beaut the beloved daughter of Shem
Cast into a world fashioned in hate
Eager to condemn and prosecute in cod
How difficult it is to welcome our heavenly fate
How can you experience your self anything less than a God
So when her lips seize to move she awaits your state
Because only your self believes your self to be flawed
Yet things and beings remain as the same
As the tree still rooted whence she sway
As the nightly stars whence she came
Now you're ready to go and knock 'em dead
ever since you read 'War and Peace'
you ran up a hill shooting wild geese
depression lifted - such a happy release

You sat bolt upright in the middle of the night
couldn't wait to get out there, that's alright
do what you want to do, nothing held back
I've given you purpose - now you'll have the knack

of sussing things out, see what life's about
from now on you will have no more doubt
I see you jumped on a horse - ruffled
someone's hair as a matter of course you did, you beaut

I'm watching to see how you'll get on
the golden dust you leave will be long gone
Amelia Jan 2014
everyone needs
to leave me alo
ne because it hu
rts me too look
at them and I d
on't know wher
e I am and the
bed reeks of s
ex and laundry
detergent and
when I die will
my hair be stra
ightened? mak
e up my own fu
cking lyrics and
cry a lot and c
ount my allies
on my fingertip
s when did eve
ryone start hati
ng me?? am I
going to hell? i
s this hell? mu
sic isn't beaut
iful anymore b
ecause of you,
you ******* fu
ck why do I ev
en bother with
you why did I
even talk to yo
u you were alm
ost as ****** a
s I am!!! I'm sca
red to stick it t
o the man
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
I became a lost soul
and you had already been lost
in the midst of darkness
we found each other

in the midst of our words
our ******* words, you know
they have power
so much power

and as the days went on
the nights got longer
our weakness turned to love
our love became stronger

I gave in
to what I said I wouldn't
I tried to hold back
sadly I couldn't

and here I sit
missing something that
...never was
and hoping
for something that
....never could be

because I love you
and i miss you
and becoming engaged
in floetry
wasn't only for me
like you had presented
it to be

not such a fool I am,
you see?

I love myself enough
to know I have an addiction
to things that give me life
to feelings that are

oh the ache
oh the pain
you devoured my soul
into your wretched world
and I felt safe
...I felt safe

bleeding these words
on a screen
licking my wounds
until the sin
is washed clean

you cannot hear my screams
you'll never see my tears
though it is killing me slowly
to walk away so lonely

but I have a heart
...a heart to shield
to keep it beating
I must rule the day

you truly are such
a gentleman
a lovely beaut
wrapped in a lie
soaked in a cheat

and u can't even see
your own deceit
The moment you realize..

(C) Maxwell 2014
Capuccino Nov 2018
I carry a rose
A beaut among the thorns;
I carry and carry
for the love I bear dearly.

Oh my journey was painful,
through storms and droughts I go,
I care not for calamity,
I care only for my noble journey;

But alas,
The rose,
Once red, now withered brown,
the green stem now a dry lump of a stick,
and the leaves dried and flew with the wind.

But I care not,
I place it down,
I place it down from where you've rest,
Then I as well, took my rest.

And with my deed done,
I shook my head and left,
And I left the rose from where you've rest,
But I know to myself,
and to the coming times I tell,
I carry a rose,
And it was beautiful like you.
Some poem I forgotten to oblivion I found at my shelf, thought I may share ;)
Dorothy Apr 2014
A size 14 at the age of 14 she didn’t love the body she was in
But how can you blame her, she did have a seventeen magazine subscription
Airbrushed girls, with their perfect pin curls showing you how to be pretty
Gap thin thighs, the one thing she did despise but would certainly die
to get.
She tried it all
Starvation lasted not more then a week because for food she was weak
Switching it up
She would feed her addiction just to plummet it into the toilet and then flush it away at the end of the day
She tried it
Gagged so hard, stuck her fingers down her throat so far
Till she thought she felt her tonsils
Worst decision of her life
She never tried it again after that night.

She gave up the pursuit of the beautiful magazine look and lived her self conscience life
Grew up with it until it became her best friend..never to part until the end.
Junior year, she’s now 16 turning 17 and some things are starting to change
She’s getting attention from other guys and yeah it’s a bit strange

That day she stood in the mirror and just stared
Stared at what she avoided for three years
Stared at her curvature, skin, smile and then
That’s when she realized, she was actually a beautiful toothsome girl
A different kind of elegant pearl
Belonging to the finest columbine

She had the hips that every girl in her school talked about
The teeth of pearly whites that complimented her biggest smiles
She was growing into herself, slowly loving herself the way she is
Five years past now she’s in her 20′s
Her best friend from earlier years still pays a visit because even though she knows her beaut she still held on to her self conscience mess
Oddly enough it was her comfort from the first time they ever met.
Maybe one day she’ll find herself a new best friend
One that’s more uplifting then the last one has been
Mitchell Aug 2011
Clear black liquid
Hits patrons eyes for the prize
Deserved unless
All of it is force fed

Night hands its hat on the chipped and naked rack
Day has made dinner though has chipped n' cracked a nail
Heroes all former stand human blood dark in their eyes
"We came here like you and we'll leave here a little more blue"

A dream of a ****** like a move without a thing to prove
To ask for forgiveness is a wish that should have been

History repeats as debts break n' are getting steep
Alone in the night I smile through my crooked stance
My girl lays alone serving drinks clutching her phone

I try to get through these hours
These minutes
This humorous humming life

I try to make laughter by a
Fire in the oven
But christmas tree is wilting
An' my smile now is tilting

Produce has melted and I've just hit a deer
Melting like a toy soldier
Underneath the eye
Of this summer breeze

Sand in the car
And I left my lady
Today today
I don't feel up to par

I don't cry though for the stars are still shining
Grandma shouts out, "Oh stop your CRYING!"

She is right oh she is right
So I go out west with a string and my faithful kite

Theory hangs on the lips of our cross eyed politicians
We hear their words as we are thinking
Of the girl with the key to her ignition
Planting rules around animals
Is like planting stones
Around flowers

Our brains our getting heavy
Our souls are getting fat
Our hats are getting wilted
As the caves are still filled with bats

I hear these words of ol' Mr. Cash
Whose singing words make people laugh
I see him standing in heaven with his beaut' Ms. Carter
Boy she could sing and move just like she had just started

Too miss such show makes me cry hang and bow
To miss such an applause makes me ruffle my brow

Notoriety for the notorious pill popping pedestrian
The man with a smile the man who walked life's mile

Hell, oh hell, who knew that you'd already laid here on Earth?
Who knew you were here from the quick start of my birth?

Life you mentioned a memory just yesterday
That you said you had forgot
I wish I'd had boughten that camera from you
Right from the very start

Forget or forgive
I am now here to stay
I hear the lonesome river banging
Hang low
A stranger is close approaching
A Black House and a White House,
       Lived on opposite ends and worlds,
Were merely divided by a Grey Fence.

The Black House made bricks of unknown,
                  So the Grey Fence was taller,
The White House made bricks of misjudgment,
            So the Grey Fence was wider.
The White House dug trenches of resentment,
                Then the Grey Fence had depth,
The Black House made bob-wires of pride,
                     So the Grey Fence had spikes.

The Black House and White House
Made improvements to the Grey Fence,
Until it was insurmountable, but hence
Came at the expense of the land of their houses.

They went back to living in their own worlds.
Settlers saw opportunity in the Grey Fence.
Doors, windows, furniture made it into house.

The Grey House was the tallest,
Wideness made it the biggest,
With trenches and bob-wires as protection,
The beaut besting between the three.

The White House got a sour sledgehammer,
The Black House an envious ripping bar,
The White House a jealous jackhammer,
The Black House a beguile bulldozer.

Both houses were going hammer and tongs,
Trying to demolish what they had built.
Minutes, hours, day after day and beyond
But the Hate, the Grey Fence, was rock solid.
A fence can stop things from coming in but can keep things- influences, ideology, beliefs. I know alot of won’t read this poem because it’s “lengthy”. However the message sticks. What fences have u built? Why? In future will u need to demolish it?
you see i love christmas ya see

lots of lollies and cakes oh yeah

followed by a nice cold beer

christmas in australia

we have gum trees and bottlebrush

and koala bears and emus so cool

people suffering that is horrible

how about we save our christmas shopping money dude

to givs a poor person a gift

and there is pavlova and trifle yeah

and white christmas and mushroom cakes to share

ornaments on the christmas tree and lights on outside

yeah, people looking at our lights and they love it when they shine so bright

right into this great dark night

christmas in australia

people are in hospitall, feeling very very sick

and there isn’t that much to do, as to give them gifts of joy

maybe a card decorated with coloured flowers yeah

and a pink and yellow gingerbread house

which is made out of real gingerbread

so they have other things besides hospital food to eat

people are at war today

fighting for what they believe is right

they are away from their houses every day and night

i wish they were all at home celebrating christmas in australia

jingle bells jingle bells

jingle all the way, christmas in australia on a scorching summers day

jingle bells jingle bells

christmas time is beaut

oh what fun it is to ride in a rusty holden ute

we travel up to darwin as well as cairns, broome, katherine and townsville

we see the poor people say, give us a dollar bill

you say yes, but i could regret it when they spend it up on *****

a piece of you thinks they deserve to party, oh yeah they do

being christmas and all, and then we go and sing carols, my friend

in the old church hall

ayers rock and coober pedy, are great places to see

the christmas pageant in adelaide is put on so wonderfully

melbourne and sydney light up the towns voices with carols in the domain  and music bowl

and you see all the favourite stars lift up their voices and sing

and whether your a man who enjoys a can of beer by the tele

or a devoted family man looking at carols and lights

we all have fun, ruppity *** ***

at christmas in australia
Mark Sep 2018
Tho' modern pen has lost a cursive touch
and words archaic; poet's old cliches,
electric type has still the phrase to clutch
and render beauty's make through sonnet praise.

Have I then prompt to key my quill to prove
iambic worth has ink for grace so rare?
Tho' words cannot do just, nor then improve
but page her beaut for those that cannot stare.

A lady's fair in metered writ, romance!
And have so in; revered poems of old
now newer peach must too afford a chance
to muse a bard, that none her flair withhold.

Let modern sonnet's ode new blush to art!
And tho' from present phrase, they still impart.
gift Sep 2020
i stared at your beauty
with perplexity
how can a person be so perfect
with her imperfections
a reminder that you are beautiful! <33
Jared Eli Oct 2013
Your face is lit up from the light on the screen
As you type on the only place you're ever seen
Press the control keys, make yourself jump
20 years crouching over gave your back a ****
You're following that woman with long flowing hair
High cheekbones, long ears, and she's going somewhere
You're led to a boat, though you've never been trained
To sail a three-masted beaut, it has been ingrained
For instructions are soon to pop before your eyes
With large flashing arrows hanging in the skies
You grasp at the rope and hoist up the anchor
And you turn to the woman to possibly thank her
She's there for a moment, but gone when you cough
The words in the air spell out: *She logged off
Em Mar 2015
The rain pours
as is norm
A knock on the door
my heart soars
Who would it be
but that certain he
Opening the door
he smiles down at me

Strong but tender hands
pressed around my back
Stubble brushed
into my hair

Brought into light
A jawline
"I've missed you
my beaut"
Planted hands
Bowed heads
A kiss lands
Binary Code Mar 2015
Why is coeds so. Good at poem sew you ask?

What a stupid one you are guy

Ime thw voice of the nation, you know that's true.        But thing is ya know I'm grea, do you filled

Have you Ben stein watch going on Henry'

Whom thrifting is unmatched  laddie

I dell,chomp you know thei is ri

Atiocorrdt doesn't exactly ymwor doff name beaut I like is all the maybe

Hohe man I'm phony bad I'm goooîd
I'm is hoards guy I'm joking
Dhaara T Jan 2017
I fell, hapless, when our souls first met
Just how it happened, oh I will never forget

That wicked one, he worked his charm
Barging into my life, without an alarm

Returned to my senses, when broke, that spell
Trapped as guinea pig, I was, I could tell

His everlasting embrace, it chained my soul
Battered, shattered, half from whole

He left me all alone, but he left me strong
Oh wait, I left him; to say he did, would be wrong

He was but a voice, a frail one, in my head
But I was so affected by all that he said

"You try, you fail, you'll never be good enough
You love, you're hurt, life will always be this rough"

But then I heard my soul so meek
"May I?", he hesitated; I enthused, "sure, speak!"

"You feel like you're dead inside, but look how alive
you sound as you respond with zeal, like you're only about five"

And there released a giggle, a tear
'I found her again, but will I lose her?' I feared

"No, woman, no! The little girl will always be alive"
He said with such credence, "I know she will survive!"

I was falling again, this time, to rise
I turned around to say goodbye, to the one I despise

That voice in my head, refuses to leave
But now, his balderdash, I refuse to believe

He talks, he jabbers, often on mute
I'm lost in sweet spiels, of this new beaut

Now listen, carefully, my stranger friend
If that spiteful voice finds you, shift the trend

Rush out, reach out, to YOU, your soul
protect it from him, maintain your whole

Arduous, it may be, but that voice, do seek to find
For that's true love, not the demeaning voice in your mind
ymmiJ Apr 2019
Ever witnessed true elegance
true grace, lying sleeping in human form
A  moment before she sees first rays of light
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Jessie J

What can I say about the sponge to my head?
Well she is beautiful, even if she will not wear a dress;
That is he Emmeline Pankhurst right I guess,
But like I’ve always said,
Jess would look good in something silky and red.

She is not sure who she is going to be, yet,
But mark my words she is someone I will never forget.
You just need to talk to her and languish in her words.
When she leaves with my heart, she takes with her my breath.

Anything I can do, she can do also.
Our thoughts are mutual in so many degrees.
When she reappears, I am alive!  Wow!
It’s the glint in her eye, the way of her smile,
The way she spins me 360.
It’s the smoothness with which she glides through my mind.
It’s the ever-loving beauty I find when I hold her inside.

If I had to choose a word to describe only her,
I would need quite a few, because others are unworthy of my allure.
She is my black hole, she draws me towards,
And for her I would stand before any harmful sword.
With her I am in a meadow, dew washing away my sins;
With her Heavenly words, I am mesmerized and wallowing.
She is one I would never betray,
But she is also the only one with whom my true feelings I cannot say.

If I trained her to do my job in my stead,
She could do it so easily, for she is the best yet.
Many have come before her, but what she does she does with aplomb.
The way she stole my heart, blew me away like a bomb.
Nothing remained but my amazed face.
There is something perfect about her that I just cannot place.

She doesn’t yet know exactly what she does want,
But if she wanted I would like her to become my one.
I want to make her happy, because with only her I think I could.
There is a little romance inside my heart and with her it could be good.
The thought of holding her hand makes me smile.
I wish my feelings for her I didn’t have to deny,
But if I spoke my truth she would run a mile,
Because let’s face it, I’m just another guy.

I remember her hands, the way they change from day to day.
Once black nails to get my attention, quickly followed by blue.
The last time I saw this beaut,
I guess her fingers were painted ****,
But I cannot say **** without showing my truth to you.
Her smile does something to me; she is my joker,
The magic card, my face made for poker,
Will one day find its voice and speak…
Only joking, I cannot say what I desire,
So we will never be.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

— The End —