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I turned it off

When I found out
Physical form meant more than
spiritual substance

When I found out that
Age matters when you have too much
Looks when you don’t have a certain one

When they meant something different
something estranged from my previous understanding

I know my body is not me
only a part

they wanted that part
without wanting only me

I turned it off

They all wanted something much less
far cheaper
than I am willing
was willing
to give

You do not understand the meaning when I say
you are beautiful


I turned it off

You are not able to fathom a comprehension when I say
I love you


I turned it off

Life has instructed
give it to self always
to the ones called family
the select few that are called friend

Show it to the world
but don’t let the world abuse it

But in that concentrated way
where two become one

I turned it off

Its disrespectful to the concept
for me to treat you according to the concept
when I  see
when I know
before it all started
before your scent first touched the air
you have no awareness of the concept

There are about six degrees of separation from
what you think it is
what you thought it was
what you have been shown it to be
what you attempt to offer me
and that which it actually is

that which I was willing to offer you

I don’t believe there is a single one
there is the one you make it work with

That one
must also be willing and able to make it work with

For now
for me
you don’t exist

I realize now
you never did
square pegs forced into round holes
mistakes all listed above

I turned it off

Only a truly naked self
has any right
any ability
any authority

to turn it on.

© Christopher F. Brown 2013
Anais Vionet May 2022
It’s a cool, Georgia, Wednesday afternoon - not quite 80°f. The sky is clear, and the sun is dazzling against the cadet blue sky. Its reflection is multiplied a thousand small times, creating glittering, broken mirror glares that ripple, relentlessly, across the water’s blue surface.

On the lake, if you’re not wearing polarized sunglasses, then you’re going to suffer - no worries though, we have drawers full of them. We’re on my parents' Tiara-43 ski boat, at anchor in the sheltered-cove of an uninhabited island. It’s windy, Leong and I, bikinied and fresh from the water, race shivering for our giant, Turkish-linen beach-towels.

Charles, a large, redheaded, retired, NYC cop, (who’s been my full-time driver and escort since I was 9), is our boat-captain (I am not allowed to dock the boat). Charles, a chef of steaks nonpareil, is working the grill and unconsciously swaying to the music. The aroma is mouthwatering, and my tummy is growling with anticipation.

Ashe’s “Another man’s jeans” is bumpin’ from the stereo, and I can’t help but feel this somehow beats going to class. As we wrap up and settle in our lounges, a green and white ski boat careens into view, about a quarter mile from the cove entrance.

The sight of it makes me smile. It’s going so fast that it seems to hover over the surface of the lake, only jerking slightly as the boat lightly touches-off the water. It zeros in on us like a missile, its approach flat out - perhaps 60mph (52 knots).

I knew who it was instantly - Kimmy - of course. I look at my watch - 3:30pm - she got out of school at 2:15 and must have made a hot bee-line for us using “find my friends” GPS telemetry to uncover our hidden cove location.

As the boat edges the cove lip, Kim cuts power - the boat heaves as it settles into the water and quickly decelerates. Charles, anticipating the approaching wake, secures things (spices and utensils) in the galley area. When the boat’s closer, I can see that Bili’s onboard too.

Kim and Bili are my two homie BFFs. They’ll graduate high school in 2 weeks. Kim is a small, pretty Asian American bound for Brown University, to study public policy in the fall. Bili is a tall, gorgeous, chocolate-brown Nubian princess who’ll attend the University of California, at Berkeley to study “financial engineering” - whatever that is.

When Kim’s boat is about 80 feet from us, Kim and Bili jump on deck, water-ready in bathing suits. Each girl, used to the boating-life, tosses an anchor - one to port, one starboard, and not bothering to look back, dive off the bow and begin swimming toward us.

Kim’s boat, which briefly seemed intent on catching them, jerks to a stop, like a wild thing suddenly restrained, as anchor lines catch.

When Kim and Bili draw along aside, they reach up with clasped hands which Charles uses, like a handle, to smoothly hoist them one-handed, as if they were weightless, in turn, from the water with long mastered ease - presenting them to me for squealing embrace.

As I excitedly introduce them to Leong - summer has officially begun.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Nonpareil: "having no equal."
Emma Amme Jun 2016
It is the season of summer
which means my face will be all roses
before noon.
Which means I am celebrating the happenings
of those I wish had wanted me back
and those I will never want in return.
The air is thick with fog
like an open mouth filled with smoke
consistent with melancholy regret
Invocation Apr 2014
Ray LaMontagne - Hold You In My Arms
"I could hold you in my arms, I could hold you forever."

In this hidden corner of my world
could happen

woven Guatemalan Frisbee
with a lonely older man
talking about dank and his ex-wife
sweet vanilla coffee with a shot of something fruity
smoking in the wind

bot support Ashe
I use a trackpad
fingerless mittens and fuzzy knit earmuffs
they double as headphones
metal and country and sappy romantic pop ballads
gauges piercings tattoos flannels beanies band tees and scene girlfriends

gossip about the bar next door
bashing the outer world
this is utter peace

catching the eye of an attractive stranger
in the mirrors behind the bar

My stomach feels tender from too much coffee
my head buzzes with nicotine
My purging week of healthy choices ended
with hash browns, french toast
too much ketchup and 6 packets of sugar in my coffee
skeleton string lights and chalkboard walls
abstract photography and everyone plugged in

this is my escape
Today is my brother's 18th birthday.
I want him to feel loved.
Andrew T Jun 2016
Kanye West made me think polos were cool. I thought playing rap music while wearing polos would make me into a rapper. And then I turned into a tennis player. Tennis got me out of the hood. Let it be known. I could have went to court, and instead I chose the Tennis Court.

Tennis is fun. Before it was ratchet. Now it is tennis racket. Rapping was fun. Bernie Sanders liked rap. He liked Killer Mike, and he was a phenomenal rapper. Hilary listened to me. So I don’t know what that means. I should have been a rapper, but when I saw a videotape of Arthur Ashe playing tennis for Wimbledon, I felt a yearning grow inside of my gut, and it grew until I raised my hand to my mouth to smother the scream of nostalgia that I was feeling.

I wanted people to like me so I started rapping at cafeterias and bleacher stands. People drank cola and munched on popcorn as I talked about growing up in the hood of Burke. Real **** went down in the Burke. Like **** you wouldn’t believe. And that’s real.

I hung out on a rooftop overlooking the city drowned in sunshine that was sad as the girl who left me. Kanye West saved me from becoming a *******. And even if he’s an ******* now, everyone knows he was the greatest with 808’s and Heartbreak. Robocop used to play from the car speakers, as we rolled spliffs in the front seat, the wind pouring into the windows.
IsReaL E Summers Nov 2014
Staring into the past
In your rounded box of glass
And twisted shiny metal
Don't miss thy break pedal
& burn
To: Ashe
Another freestyle.
John Dewberry May 2019
Surrogate Country
our politics resemble
The human centipede
Dying respect
Hostility from
Both sides
The people divide amongst each other
It’s not
The politicians fault

Ashe to Ashe
Dust to dust
In God we trust
In blind faith we rust
I’m a punk
Singing  rock and jazz
Railing against everyone
With a political placebo
Or a  falsly repleted libido

This country I love
These dumb *****  
I ******* loathe
I start loving
When their words
and conversations
Don’t have an agenda

You can take my life
But I’ll die bleeding every
Inch, word, and ounce
Of my integrity
Angel Moore May 2013
Our Dear

I am thankful for every blessing you send.
And have gifted us
throughout all the ages of our existence.
The present.
The past and the futures to come.

If I may
ask of you, please,
as you have touched my spirit,
let others see my souls illuminations.
A glowing of your infinitively divine
love and mercy.
Touch all things.
My brothers,
the soil and growth,
the animals and trees.
All of us, together on this earth.
We all vibrate with your melody.
A techicolor sound.
Hums and wispers
of you.

I ask of one more thing,
if I may.
Spark curiosity of this glow that we have
deep within our souls.
Let others see the colors,
the light,
the joy and the peace.
The comfort.
Let it spread across the nation,
like the burning down and
building up of a new tomorrow.

I pray,
the fear in our hearts transends
into a journey,
an adventure
for truth.
That we may live as one.
One world.
One harmony.

One Humanity.

If I may,
a prayer for others.
Those who are lost.
Let us forgive those who need forgiven.
Help those who need help.
And love everything
as we love ourselves.

May all the asended
Angels and Archangels
and every being that possess
your divine love and light,
join us on this journey.

Let us all sing one song,
hum one melody,
and whisper one name.

As we travel forth to worlds unseen and dimensions unknown,
as we journey along this earth,
exploring every beauty you have created
for us to discover.
A treasure hunt for the ages.

We love you

Blessed be.

Colm Jan 2020
Bright fire turns to ashe
Sunlight turns to dark of night
And night to mourning
For it's loss of another
Moonlit loverboys embrace
57577 - How sweet
ZL Nov 2014
Revolving doors
drugs and drank
the combination of it all began to stank.

***** beds
body heat and ashe covered sheets
greasy take out, we usally eat.

Strange rooms
bic lighters, smoke, and incense
last check in with my innocence.
Shadow Paradox Jul 2015
The moon spoke to me tonight
As did the equinox inside the raindrops
I see tales of wonder
Hidden in silver noonlight
Frozen between my retina and glass tears

I taste the poison inside the electricity of a heartbeat
I braided a prayer to my dreamcatcher
Breathing a night wish that tilts on the edge of stars

Blooming myths onto my black cherry lips

I shall paint my emotion onto a valentine
Fold it into a dove
Letting it sail like a flying ship
Like an angel with feathered wings

I will dip inside this paradigm shadow
Absorbing the colors from its paradox lullaby

Sky Roses are falling

Evanescent  scent melting ashe petals Creating a storm of iridescent ink dripping onto the heart of my canvas

Where dreams are frozen in the ice of my fears
fire spitting mouths
ashe stained lips veiny
and engorged, hard loving
is easy for misanthropes
self aware narcissistic
tendencies to the insomniac
life full pleasures and pains
never realized smokey eyes
of an ember beast touched
never felt God in the
Kingdom of Heaven
glass roofs, cracked
cadenced inner light
dimmed and whimpering
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
I am just fruit from the poisonous tree
That stands by the crimson sea

All day and night you can hear my plea
As I scream like the lonely banshee

My life must be written in a decree
That I only receive pain in diffrent degrees

My life is like a fierce sand flea
It makes me hurt in places I don't see

Until it's to late, wont it just let me be
With all of this misfortune I must disagree

I guess I was born from that old ashe tree
Because ashes is all that surrounds me

This desolation of misery I beg to flee
From this strife and depression I long to be free
the grim reaper adverts
show on television sets
told of a disease which
was not sparing of upsets

the virus spread quickly
among the gay community
so too within the *** worker
and blood donor's fraternity

famed people contracted
its most awful lade
they weren't excused
from its dark *****

their faces became
very hollow of look
not like those seen
in a healthy picture book

Rock Hudson
Arthur Ashe
Freddie Mercury

medical researchers
joined in a global fight
to contain the splay
of this dreaded blight

International Aids Day
is marked on the calendar to- day
a day to remember the many folks
who won't be here this day
1/12/2014  is International AIDS day.
I miss when she was there,
O, for me, how she cared!
Her tender brown eyes' stare
And her soft, curly hair.

Time went by in a flash
O, how my feelings were crushed.
'Til today, I still feel like trash.
I wish I never left you, Ashe.
First poem! Depressing, I know, but that's how it is
Kiernan Norman Sep 2015
I need more souls around.
the knife I chewed up sharp
sways and dangles a glaring charm,
(and a charming glare)
double knotted on a piece of rope and
tucked under my shirt.
It bruises my breastbone when I jump.
I’m always jumping.

I don’t cut paradise into pieces anymore.
I take it all in with one quick bite.
I’m hardly chewing;
I never learned to savor
and it hasn’t rotted me out yet.

Late last week I had an idea.
I told the room:
(thirty eyes squinting,
a dozen minds listening,)
‘Let's get together and refuse
to acquire a taste for civility.’
So what do you think?
I was only speaking to you.

I've been playing a private game
all summer and I keep scoring.
I wear long skirts and eyeliner
and keep my mouth shut.
I trapeze across centuries and well traveled
roads with my long hair
and track the pontential and power
assigned to my quiet smile
and gentle pout.

The world can be mine with a
flick of my wrist, a lick of my lips-
But I don't want it:
i'm here to expel, not to endure,
the point is to leave as light
as possible.
I won’t win until I have nothing left to carry.

Tonight I'll just seer sailors;
soldiers call to me
like I’m their sole daughter, their soul daughter,
dripping green jewels and deep, brown
curls onto tan toes and
dancing in the road-
(eyes decidedly closed,
rush hour.)

I gulp in smoke from their pipes
while spinning circles in the dirt.
My voice trails over tree branches,
my lungs smolder and ashe.
I smile sweetly-slow.

When I do meet their gaze-
(measuredly striking; a tender,
lingered look which veers me from gypsy to divinity,)
they tense.
They call out
You are my Odyssey.
You are my Wild Waves.
you are my Purple Heart.

Skipping stones over oceans and puddles,
I keep nodding and careening.
I keep coursing and coiling,
keep slurring my words,
refusing my name
and pocketing your promises.
I gave up on air-drying my skirt,
(You are not what I’m thinking of.)

I’m only a little bit of what’s left--
everything we tried to know,
everything we only read once-
everything we left in footnotes of
essays, under passenger seats
and tangled in the bed sheets
of that swollen-heart name
no longer spoken.
I'm only the woven wires
and reins braiding bold
acrylic cities across knuckles
and palms, flashlight
illuminated and glowing.
It's new skin shimmering in the
daylight, pearling over
and throbbing awake
in places only I can see.
trying different style
Brooklyn Brooks Feb 2015
Her ****** is her love.
A passage dressed in blue only to convince you of your faith. 
Vast and sacred, her grim blackened skin will wash you clean.
Rose’s bleed the symbol O as infinite as the number 8. (oxygen)
Her love is as thick as a mothers blood, while she forgives but never forgets. Consciousness lays at her feet in honor not defeat.
Your impressions are sheer for you to burn and turn to Ashe and never learn.
Kailma, The destroyer.
Yeah once I received
A revelations from meditated at a  higher elevation
Became mental ejaculations
Then came a new creation
Cells was in gestation
Just waitin' to battle
The minions of Satan
Who better than
Me & my flows
Be hotter than dessert sand
Words is swords slicin' up rap veterans
These boy more fruit looped
Than Toucan Sam
On the pavement I slam
Then watch your spirit deactivate and
Your body start decomposin' sinkin' faster than quick sand
My words put together
Equals the perfect letterman
Formula of concoctions
No **** options
I go for the jugular
Loosin' ya sight swift as strike
From the tail of an iguana
I got stocks to bonds
You couldn't assist me even if ya had John Stockton
Lost from my unclaimed kingdom
While you sitting dumb
I became succumb to the sun
But not burned
Beamin' my intellect to carefully select put rhymers in check
I'm complex like chinese arithmetic
Can't you innerstand my dialect
Brains get dissected then tested
They only livin cuz I allowed
Them to be resurrected
My brain shuts out hate
Like sealed window pane
wither shine or rain
I'll shatter your brain
Leave your cells strained
Like aneurysm
Soon to die from all the blood stains
Rockin' cerebellums spread belladonna
Once I drop the bombs on ya
Turn up the degrees hotta than a sauna
Feedin' on spine rentin' ya nerves
Like a piranha
After emcees like Conner
Terminator originator dope animator
Styles so contagious they had to create a
Clone when I was in an incubator
Spaced shuttled feeling
Lies told within' reignin with sin
Which eventually made me a debater
Minds like an engine you need a starter and an alternator
I be the alpha and omega hate betas
Who try to debate us conform us
Only ourselves we trust
Cuz once we show
We bust temples
Like solar blast nuclear chemical task
Spells in cast take a sip of my mental flask
I keep two masks for alias
One for my personality and other
For my ego rhymes en fuego
Black inferno pops on ya like a kernel
Beef is eternal everlast
In the house of pain
Where most don't wanna last
If ya had half of the
Skills that I amount to
You'll still wouldn't get a pass
I be the galaxy protector Hannibal hector bone collector
Break through any sector
Killer instincts like Raptor
Thunderous with Thor hammers
Make em jam us two sides as Janus
Conjure spirits like cursor spells from Ouija boards
So pull out a clipboard and jump aboard
Stack rhymes til it becomes a hoard
I'll stretch ya vocals chords like an accordion
Spinal leakin' from all the blood releasin'
Like traveling thoughts of
Ya mind I'm your conscious
Silence competitions like mimes
By the time they got to six
I was seven and ate nine
Emcees that try to take mine
My retaliation sublime
Once my third eye shines
None believers get behind
Thought ya had power til I showed
Up now you have to resign
Empires got decline
Black as ruler and a golden Shrine
Couldn't decipher my demigod design
My mind travels a million times
Infinite  times a billion times
That's just a microthread of my cells
Castin' processed lines
The black sun the only one
Reignin' as the only champion
Made a don connect rhymes
Like voltron big as megatron
Lap around emcees like a marathons
That means a hundred to one
Miles soon to pile
All emcees into a crate
Predict the death date make bacteria
In it's natural state
Shift the game 'til the earthquakes
Not to worry
Its just the triple six darkness takin' it's stake
Heatwaves risin' soon to leave bodies to radiate and bake
Turnin' them into ashe flakes
Atiya Ebony Dec 2014
I say bless to the righteous minds
I pray you choke on your judgments,
never  leaving your lips
Yes knowledge, a turn on for sure
But stronger connections are formed
When based on where the heart is

I say Ashe to my enlightened people
And may Echu be with and within you
But cast stones at the glass of my home
& may the force be reversed against you

So say peace when we cross paths
Regardless of preference or class,
the energies you disperse will be returned
Love humans for being human
but all you're entitled to is the chance at life
Respect must still be earned
DElizabeth Sep 2023

"boys of faith"                       : zach bryan, bon iver
"sun to me"                            : zach bryan
"ceilings"                                : lizzy mcalpine
"till forever falls apart"        : ashe, finneas
"september"                          : james arthur
"the good side"                    : troye sivan
"before you go"                    : lewis capaldi
"wish you the best"             : lewis capaldi
"those eyes"                          : new west
"next to you"                        : new west
"past lives"                           : borns


"out of the woods"               : taylor swift
"the 1"                                    : taylor swift
"cardigan"                             : taylor swift
"right where you left me"   : taylor swift
"maroon"                              : taylor swift
"blue"                                    : ed sheeran
"page"                                   : ed sheeran
let your fire burn through me

mark me

be the drum that never ceases to play

the sound that makes life happen

the melody of love

let your rumble be the change that we need to see

let justice rejoice

let us dance at your pace

let us be free with you, my king

the king came back as thunder!

Be the thunder that calls our hearts to fight against injustice

Be the song that reminds us how to struggle

Be the fire within our souls, and have mercy over our enemies.

It was a misty moonlight, his caress, I closed my eyes
he  whispered to my spirit, he kissed my silky touch
from Ashe cinders comes our favorite song,
'Love me Tender, love me true'
your mouth needs my ear, holds my very soul
love was flowing on  that misty hot night
his hushed caress kissing my velvet high,
as I  breathed the aroma of him
I shivered with his sweet lovers secret
that I knew so rushed to my staggering heart
serenading my mind, he fully altered me
excited panic rushed to my feet, telling him to chase me
catch me  if he can...
after the little game of hide and seek
our bodies moving like lightning, as he forced me
held facing the wall, was my mighty man
He is my golden dream that I came to know so well
the rainbow that shown over our very heads
our feelings blowing in the wind
a gentle wind blew on our hot faces,
yes we were two lovers on a mighty trail.....
These are real feelings of falling in love under the moonlight so fare and what music was playing do you still relate that song to that night?
The Dedpoet Sep 2016
It's midnight and the silence is speaking,
The silence is full of words, words interruped
By thoughts. The words expose themselves
To the wind out of my open window.
(I am on the third floor) I float off my bed
And to the open of the city, there beneath is
An Ashe tree under the yellow of the moon,
It seems to slow dance with the subtle
Beats of the nocturnal, a streetlight
Pulses. In the distance all is an orchestral
Silence as the city breathes, suddenly
Within the abyss inside me I feel a welling
A passion deeper than the unexpected lover,
I am paralyzed with words dropping me
I to the foliage of the unwritten, threading
A song like the electrical humm of the power
Lines, a hymn forms, a nocturnal lament,
I am alone with everything.....

2. I refuse the lamp at my desk, my body craves
The dead man's sleep. The silence grows bold,
It rises like a full moon in me, it grows louder
Suddenly the meadow is alive under some deep
Horizon, the moment is an awakening
Of words, the need like an insatiable appetite,
A sweat sets upon means a cool breeze
Kisses it's lament flowing into my very
Being. It is passion, the unchained melody
under the maestro's sky. I fathom the world
Around me, I cannot remember walking
To my desk.

3. The lamp light shatters the fragments
Of the night, they turn Into words as if
From the fleece of my flesh. All is the silence, every
Word pouring like a sea of ink crashing waves
To paper. The silver of the city reflecting,
The poem is not a poem but a confession
In the dark exploding syllables like
Secrets in a prayer. My hand is guided to
Paper and I cannot form a single word-

4.The melody is gone, only the idea of the dream
Survives reaching for a thought, it slips
My grasp, my own vanishes, the words
Disappear, the inklings gone: love,
Lust, live, life, lend, loop, locked? A prison forms around the words, my thoughts hover like vultures, the carcass
Was a poet Saint, he died of the thirst floating
In an ocean of words he cannot drink,
Salt in the mind. A sacrifice he was to the
Depths of thought, silence creeps in again ,
The Enourmous Night, inward, deeper
Into the soul, penetrating.....

5. The nocturnal presence returns, a flattering
Sorrow in the silence, the thoughts disappear,
I cut off my mind from the world,
Reality is dead and I killed it with the
Gesture of my pen,"I am here"
The silence kisses my lips, the gathering  inside
Myself thwarting any thought, the scorn
Of the verses sets my hand on fire,
My pen is the heat of the sun writing
On a slab of Jade, I am no longer me,
But the perpetual silence that birthed a poem,
The syllables are born and I am
A prisoner of words.
Dedicated to true poetry readers.
imehsahdehahs Oct 2020
(See, EYE never intended
to be the prophet of doom)

Reading From the Book Full Of Death

pages all blank with cigarette Spots

Ashe is the purest white

Eye lay my tarot cards

Death is on the left

(listen, listen carefully)

Devil is ALWAYS right

And EYE, and EYE, and


hanging in the middle on thin metal

everything is upside down from

where I'm


Your black Cube tree house God is on



it's darker from inside than the Cloth

which cover it



I'm the Prometheus and brought you



black cube in the meKKKa is on fire ;)))
CL Fjell Feb 2019
Mouth-foamed tremors
Spineless sinners

Ashe soaked layers
Mindless prayers

Hate thy father
Love, why bother
Sad goes farther

Candle carver
Shapely mother
Child she'll smother
Colm Dec 2016
It's the familiar way those fingers play the same old song I sent you away to.
Because when I heard it for the first time I knew, that it was both appropriate and true.
Still to this day, its hard to say, that we stood and swayed a certain way.
But every time I hear this play, I'm transported back, and taken away.
To a time when we were surrounded by a firey way.
To a night so long and full of sorrow, that I was sure we wouldn't see the light of day.
And through the ashe and endless smoke, my wispers knew not what to say.
Except that I was sorry to go, but we always knew it would end this way.
How the fire and brimstone was not our dream, but a reality which burned away.
But slow dancing in a burning room? So soon?
The Dedpoet Mar 2016
I retreat prompted by a certain
Charm for older things
Into my mechanized city:
A scene of 1920's buildings
Awaiting seeker of history.

    I sit by a grand oak
    With a book in hand
    And find a storage dimension
    Of Pecan and Ashe trees
    Whistling to Poplars in certain
    Winds between the River and the
    Town that runs through it.

Here in a walk with the River
I want to rest my soul
A destroy all other thoughts
Of complacent voices.

      An old cantina was placed
      At her heart, inside a Catholic
      Crucifix with Christ watches
      Over the patrons as they drink
      A merry round with old friends.

A profound feeling in the city,
I gaze at the Old Mission
Of the Heart, I remember her well,
The Alamo lights up my city
And perhaps my whole world.

     There is a tower of many Americas
     Compelling the watchers,
     Its as if the mercy of her heights
     Allows you to fly in the air
     Seeing certain histories from there.

I enjoy her charm,
San Anto at her heart
Is a maiden of loyal charms,
All resignation is set aside
As old voices speak to you,
And they  seem to say,
"Welcome, welcome old friends"
My charming downtown. Old style city.
Anais Vionet Dec 2024
I do foolish things
when I'm blue
when I'm sad
and missing you

I do foolish things
like dancing all night
foolish things
drinking everything in sight
foolish things
shopping til I drop
foolish things
somehow, I cannot stop

doing foolish things
when I'm blue
when I'm sad
and missing you

I do foolish things
watching ‘parks & rec' all night
foolish things
drinking coffee until daylight
foolish things
dragging friends on crazy romps
foolish things
somehow I cannot stop

doing foolish things
when I'm blue
when I'm sad
and missing you

I do foolish things
acting like spring breakers
foolish things
*****-dirping strangers
foolish things
acting like some whack-job
foolish things
but somehow I cannot stop

doing foolish things
when I'm blue
when I'm sad
and missing you

I do foolish things
making badong decisions
foolish things
I'm in an awkweird position
foolish things
I've begun precrastinating
foolish things
a change is indicated

so come back soon
cause when you do
there are foolish things
I want to do with you

foolish things
foolish things
crazy foolish things
foolish things
Songs for this:
We're All Alone by Kennedy Ryon
Another Man's Jeans by Ashe
A Christmas platlist - because there's 12 days til Christmas!!
badong = bad / wrong
*****-dirping = saying silly or outrageous things to strangers for effect.
awkweird = combination of 'awkward' and 'weird'.
precrastinating = procrastinating before procrastinating
The Guardian Apr 2018
Abandoned by the voice of my ancestors, all I ever seek was to see where these tree line emerged.

I stand in front of a wall that prohibits my vision, I no longer see the other side where my fortune is buried.

I stretch my palm up high  reaching out for a fruit, but lady in red was a disguise I consumed a forbidden fruit.

Intoxicated by a liquid dripping  from a disposed Malibu, blinded by a material soft enough to cover my dark days.

Like a vulture, I waited for the hungry to feed, and when their pockets where full I consumed the sweetest remains.

Beware of falling for the serpent that slithers in the greenest of grasses, beware of falling for the image that reflects in the cleanest of mirrors, beware of falling for the Phoenix that rose from the finest of Ashe's.

Beware of the vicious killer with the whitest of teeth, for her smile will swallow you whole.

Beware of the sharpest poet with a pen in hand, for she will scribe the harshest of words that will forever reside in your heart.
Let's Keep These One Trending Within 24 hours, abaswe
Safana Feb 2022
Da, da ce
Jiya ma jiya ce
Gobe fa mece ce?
Allah ne zai ce
Yadda yau ita ce
Tayi kyau ta dace
Kamar ace na face
Hanci na ne yace
Na wuce a kaikaice
Kamar naji zan ****
Ta gefena a karkace
Ashe abin karya ce
Wasu sun ce dabi'a ce
Ga yan Adam yaudara ce
Hakikani kaddara ce
Shugabanci, baiwa ce
A baka tama kima ce
Talauci wai musifa ce
An manta komai baiwace
Dennis Willis Oct 2024
hurricane motors
have my skirt

tore through
this morning

took no taking
covers off

i resisted

to no avail
I've lost my

idea of ground
hate water

thoughts wet
as tomorrow

sliding its
sliding down

on top of today
breathing wet clay

and something that's
been on fire
Mc Beethoven hotter than a oven tough lovin'
Shoven from the broken rhymes governing
Over those lost souls hoovering covering
Empty vessels muscle through the celestial
Astral vestibule obstacles put to test you
Invest in yourself guard wealths healths
Damaged foods is too micromanaged
controlled carnage ammo stashed in the garage
These emcees garbage leave em out for trash
fools sellin' out for petty cash mash the gas
flame on let the torch start scorching heartening
breakin' dialects witch words craft baths
Drawn from the blood spawns dusk dawn
Who wanna step on the battlefield blue shield
Of skills skipped the medical bills chill
Of the snowy ice left my head spliced spiced
Up the food the for thought running without a caught
day dreams after the creams scheme seems
groundhog day intervenes tryna picture a scene
Newsflash only way i dash is if I see deaths clash
Seen more bodies than Andy ****** suspect
Chuckie y'all cant punk me my guns like starsky
And hutch put much misery burned into a clutch
So what? You tryna do to my crew we make blues
Strum the devils harp sharp as a tac deep impact
The black habitat why they hate my stats plats
Chillin' on the walls of my bathroom stalls
Check it mind simulate like a disco friends know
I'll flip it like the Pryor show see the truth glow
Take me down cuz they scared to let us grow

Picking pieces of americas chicken pitchin'
Hot sauce got me licking finger tips twitchin'
Too much sodium for my cranium numbs
The brain cells ceased trains off the track
Its a purposefully planned attack watch ya back
See the darts aimming at the light pierced the dark
Of ya heart i wanna be free let my mind park
On being next to the seven seas enjoy the breeze
Close my eyes let my mind perceive receive
Full contact of mother nature's maxed
out put benefits see the virus of the infants
Souls cries flesh dies see the width of they eyes
Lies deepest innocence nurses hesitance
Love seeing the devils dance ants in pants
Liar til they pants on fire hotter than a dryer
Off the buds i grew wiser wisdom miser
Admirer to those living in consequences dire
Roll like a tire round chaos advoid the flat cross
At the roads got choices to make intake
Let the lightning stake thunder brings in the fate
As my brain begins to storm sly from the harm
Far from the norm the adnorm is now the norm
I let the fire storm from the sun cook a warm
baking earthquakes all over the states crates
Of hearses spreads like biblical verses
Displays Leviticus to exodus trust as the sins gush
Like a volcano molten ashe let the ashe crash
Against the water arises the smoke notes throat
Open on the auroras can't ignore tha plethora
Of pain digestin' in the earths terrains
Simple and plain muddy stains cocaines
Pulled from the cocoa leaves do you believe
In Death before dishonor stalked like Conner
Terminators after me last of the realist dynasty
Faan Oct 2017
why are we born in this world just to suffer,
to reach for unacheivable goals.
Drowned all day in naught but sorrow
until death swallows us all.

Squirming in anguish in this plane of existence,
awaiting for the ending,
thoughtlessly stagger in every direction
only to end up at the beginning.

The empty void is what is to come,
your goals and dreams don't matter,
it'll all flow backs into the hollow anyway,
and then, conciousness will shatter.

Gaze into the future of 10 years from now,
wherever will I be then?
labouring sweats to earn basic living,
or in the grave, a dead men?

Life in the end will always terminate
and die, and burn into ashe,
happiness, sadness, evny, anger,
all will be gone in a flash.
Sahir Bhat May 2018
I am in a haze today it's cloudy and beautiful outside I just want to be me now but how do i become me if there is no you?
When ink joins with a pen, then the blank paper can say something
You broke my heart and left it burnt
Ashe's falling instead of rain from the grey sky
Remember that my heart was once an open door I let you in and you loved me from my skin unto the core
You were with me through happiness and worse,
through peace and battle
You where my faithful companion in this life's hustle
As i write it down my pen bleeds as it's ink seeps
In the garden of love i feel like a ****
You used to trumpet my mind away
He still water the seeds of sorrow with his tears and feed them with the manure of old memories
He bares his soul for us to feel .

— The End —