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the deafness necessary
the deafness wished for
if only i couldn't hear you
all being
which is just loud
which is a vibrational disturbance

you are a disturbance
in what would otherwise
be a smooth universe
like butter

crunchy things to hug aren't we
all up in our wave fronts
slapping forward
in our blind nows

every inch of territory won
faster than immediately
nows you win nows you lose

now you standing wave you
smithereening everything
in your universe taking
all in at once again as usual

can't can't just can't be here
and in the first stanza at once
knukin fows
and it's the echo is all

or the smithereens shadow
like a Hiroshima shadow
i was violently not here'd
just nows

ringing like try's oh sure
they're cries isn't everything
just banging around in the wow
fut the wuk sow of a day
Dennis Willis Jun 19
I was, again,
trying to do good
This poem tests if you are psychologically beyond 8 kilometers.
Dennis Willis Jun 19
My brain is fried cakes
it stares in confusion
as it knew what this meant
a moment ago

and then I wrote it
and it was lost
and having abandoned
the entire effort

fingers confused and
unknowing as to
which keys
should be pressed

have pressed these
as if there is another
in here too *******
i wrote this not you

not again anyway
at this perplexity
of leaving off
and beginning

as if a batter
rose in heat
and solidified
a triple treat
Dennis Willis Jun 19
I'm still

I'm running

I'm still running

I'm still

Still running
Still running
here just here

I am here
i would run
i should run
i ran
still as if
it would spill

and it would
it would spill
it would still
Dennis Willis Jun 19
How was that sandwich
was it everything
you hoped
How was that <your adjustment>
was it everything
you hoped
How was that <what was that>
was it <complete as pictured>
How was that
was it
are you
of course
you are everything
think about it

between your ears
everything imaginable

must you wail
in this eloquence

read out 'tween sips
an' considered

naught, agreed
Dennis Willis Jun 19
did they all just want
a life
they could pause
and relieve themselves
get some popcorn
an' come back
Dennis Willis Jun 19
i slaked a thirst
i maked a first
i naked a burst
know what i mean
there is a tonic
for what i have
there is
for what you have
it's 8 dollars
for the
thought of it
nor the naught
of it

if you hadn't
i'm here to help

find you're

cut you

do something
with something

tho I'm dull
as a gust

scales fly off
dull in the gust

no longer


shrink away now
this arrow
never knows
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