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Amelie May 2013
I want to take the bits of you I love
and press them like flowers
between the pages of my favourite book
because I know these will never fade.

And I want to take all the scraps
that you dislike about yourself
and display them on my refrigerator
to show you I'm still proud
of the person you are
and of the person you are becoming.

But most of all, I want to spin you like a globe
and drag my fingers accross until it stops
to discover the pieces of you
that you've yet to reveal to anyone else.

I want to wrap them up in linen
and place them in an old cigar box,
I'd tuck it away safely
in the top drawer of my bedside table,
so you know I will never let
those pieces of you go

Because when you share
hidden parts of yourself
with someone else,
you're trusting that person
to hold the secret sections
of your heart,
and to love the bits you thought were unlovable.
Anya Jul 2018
After school hours, sleepily
Looking down from the window sill
A deep rest in spring wind chill
If I close my eyes
To this brilliant world
Reflected scenery dances still
If I blow a low whistle
Towards the blue sky
Walking becomes a little more spry
Turning my music a little bit down
To listen to the lively corner of town
When I look up with slight rejoice
I hear a distant singing voice
Ah~ Ah~ Ah~
Today begins like any other day
Bathed in the sun slowly drifting away
The most pleasing place to reside
Is here right by your side
Dull clouds early afternoon
A sudden shower in the middle of June
Blue sky peeked out when I arose
Colors arc out accross concrete meadows
The bell chimes when I reach
Out through the window and to the beach
Warm breeze blows through the empty hall
When I looked up I heard you call
Ah~ Ah~ Ah~
Let’s rest into the sunshine
Taking breaths in a comfortable rhyme
We may not speak for very long
Though with just that I feel so strong
My quiet heart echoing true
When I’m here with you
Katy Sep 2013
I kissed you because it felt so right
I kissed you because I knew it was wrong
I kissed you because I felt a connection that we both said we lost with our current partners
I kissed you because I knew from the moment I saw you accross the room that you would mean something to me and by something I mean everything
I kissed you because she can't
I kissed you because my undeveloped brain acts too much on emotion and impulsity and not enough on logic
I kissed you because the way the moonlight reflected your face was so beautiful
I kissed you because I couldn't pay attention to what you were saying because I was too focused on your lips and not the words coming out of them
I kissed you because it was the perfect response
I kissed you because the look in your eyes was something I couldn't explain with any words
I kissed you because I can't possibly explain to you how I feel when those sweet eyes meet mine
I kissed you because when I heard that song at work with the lyrics that I no longer remember I knew you were perfect
I kissed you because you have what she doesn't
I kissed you because you deserve to be kissed, actually you deserve much more than a kiss from me
You deserve a Grammy worthy kiss from a scene in a cheesy movie
I kissed you because I hadn't felt those caterpillars in my stomach burst into beautiful butterflies in so long
I kissed you because there wasn't anything else in the world that I wanted more in that very moment
I kissed you because it felt so right

But now it feels so *wrong
Blade Maiden Jul 2018
Sometimes I ask myself
when did my thoughts and hopes of blue and green
turn into violet worries, violent dispositions
When did this soul with its empty bookshelf
burn all its unwritten scripts of things yet to be seen
and my steady solace turn into a contradiction

I know what I want in life
when I see my favorite pieces of art
scattered accross the canvas of my solitary nights
my cold fingers once touched it and I can count it on all five
I want to believe that I'd be content with really only a shard
to know my dreams aren't just made of imaginary sights

My open heart drives me
in uncertain directions with clear aspiration, sometimes just insane
but always looking, always wanting, always one heart ahead
If my eyes could only look beyond uncertainty and I'd finally see
a way that goes far and will let me travel along a green country lane
If I could feel as if I'd know why it seems so difficult not to be dead.

In everything that had to be broken and shed
these distant promises on remote and empty shores
For only the contingency of all that could be good and whole
Truly not knowing where this road might have led
and still keep my hands open and reaching and breathe in deeply through all of my pores
let me just find one wholesome and abiding content in this burning library inside my soul
A very deep-rooted and emotional piece that just started to flow out of my head into my hands and finally on this page. I'm at a better place today, surely. But there's still so much that feels empty and uncertain and not.. quite right. And things sometimes seem so hopeless and sad in such strangely and terrifyingly normal ways. It's difficult to hold on to things that you want to live for. Here's to all the blind but necessary hope!
George Krokos Nov 2010
It was from the sands of a windswept beach
I picked up pebbles that were easy to reach.
They had attracted my attention while walking by
their coloured well formed shape caught the eye.

There were so many to choose from I had to decide
in selecting those which my fancy would coincide.
It’s truly amazing what some people see in stone
a subject which a lot of our imagination is prone.

It was almost as if I’d found treasure on the seashore
and couldn’t help myself as I looked around for more.
The simple joy of collecting something that attracts the mind
is an age old activity which all people do have of some kind.

There were the questions of how many would I take
and what, if anything with them, one could make?
They were so abundant and all varied mostly in size
that it wasn’t hard to imagine an object or visualize.

It was also only the first location at which I found
that I thought surely there must be others around.
So with a sense of adventure I looked forward to explore
another beach while making my way home along the shore.

There were several other stops made further on the way
collecting various coloured pebbles amidst the sea spray.
Many times would I get my sandals wet along that coast
going amongst rocks and sand to the waters edge at most.

It was with a sense of gain and loss then after I’d taken enough
deciding right there and then to stop collecting which was tough.
The next step would be to think about and see what I would do
with all those beautiful pebbles gathered while passing through.

Maybe I could approach someone with the right flair and skill
who could make something with them and imagination fulfill.
That natural forming eroding action of water, ice, wind and sand
rarely requires the finishing touches of some other skillful hand.

Perhaps in fashioning some jewellery using metal to bind
a few pebbles together that are different or a similar kind.
Or maybe I could just keep some myself and give the rest away
a gesture of friendship toward which our memories would play.

Yes it was from the sands of many a windswept lonely beach
I came accross and collected pebbles that were within reach.
Isn’t it truly amazing what some people see in stone?
a subject in which much of our imagination is prone.
Private Collection - written in 1997
A Thomas Hawkins Aug 2010
I wish...

I wish that I was better with words.

I wish that I was more confident.

The kind of confident that would let me walk up to your door and tell you everything. Tell you everything that goes on inside my head as far as you're concerned.

But I'm not.

So I can't.

But I want to.

I want so badly to tell you that maybe, just maybe, you, are the one.

Not in a Matrix gonna save the world from the machines kind of a way but in the way that real people think of the one. The one that I've been looking for, the one I gave up looking for, the one that I didn't think even existed.

At least not for me.

I want to tell you that I think you may be the one and I want you tell me that you've been wanting to say the same thing.

But you couldn't.

Because you weren't good enough with words.

Because you didn't have the confidence.

Wouldn't that be ironic.

But I'm also scared.

I'm scared that I'll see you and tell you that I think you might be the one and hear you say thats all very nice and you might be my one, but I'm not yours.

And you'd be sorry.

You'd be sorry and you'd mean it because you are kind and you are beautiful. But it wouldn't help.

So what do I do?

Do I risk it? Do I tell you and cross everything and hope and pray that maybe, just maybe, I might be your one too?

Or do I say nothing.

Do I say nothing and just continue to lie here every night the way I have been since I worked out what it was about you that caused you to be in every thought that I have and every dream?

There is safety in saying nothing.

If I don't say anything then you can't say anything bad. You can't say no. You can't say that maybe you don't believe in the one. You can't say that you had your one once and it didn't work out so how can you possibly have another.

I know its crazy, but thats the way you drive me.

And its crazy that you drive me crazy. It's crazy that you've gotten under my skin the way you have. Its crazy that you've gotten under my skin so completely, you're like a tattoo. Like a tattoo in a private place, a hidden place. Like a living breathing tattoo that I carry round with me all the time and I'm the only one that knows that you're there. And I'm glad you're there. I like you there.

So I keep wishing.

Only now I wish that maybe you read poetry and you happen accross this somehow and read it and pick up the phone and say "Hey... stop wishing so much, just kiss me."

I wish.
Another attempt at trying not to rhyme and yet create something that could pass for poetry.

Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
Eamonn ODowd Nov 2011
Over the ravaged battlefield, a pall of death hung fast
I watched in silent horror, as the wounded breathed their last
The screams of bloodied soldiers, echoed down the sodden trench
As vermin ate the flesh of men, unbothered by the stench.

A drizzling rain was falling soft, as darkness slew the day
I knew my life was fading fast, so I began to pray

Oh GOD! Above in heaven, as you look down on this Hell
You see,through this black holocaust, a frightened Sentinel
The time is fast approaching Lord, when we'll meet face to face
And I'll be held accountable, for my actions in this place

No words in mitigation, can excuse the deeds I've done
I'm a product of my nation born to die upon the Somme
Before deaths bullet takes me, when I'm ordered from this hole
I beg you to forgive me and recieve my wretched Soul...

The order came along the trench ''Get ready to attack''
The cold hard hand of terror rested firmly on my back
Down along the frontline, whispered prayers of men grew quiet
While mass extermination waited out there in the night
Each brief second seemed an hour, as I saw my life flash past
Then somewhere in my reverie, the whistle blew at last

That cold hard hand of terror pushed me forward from behind
A burning rage and bloodlust closed the senses of my mind
Rifle shooting deadly sin, over no-mans land I stumbled
The dead of prior battles, in heaps around me,tumbled
A piercing war-cry on my lips, my bloodlust not yet sated
Firing blindly, all the while, the foe he grimly waited

Halfway accross hells quagmire, the flares popped overhead
Casting down an eerie glow on the living and the dead

Caught like running Ghosts of men, by those floating midnight Suns
Fodder for Deaths banquet, silhouetted for their guns
The whine of flying bullets filled the air about my ears
A smell of death, its **** and blood returned me to my fears

Realising our predicament, caught between two stools
Though Death reaped us like fresh grass, we all ran on like  fools
A bullet caught me in the chest, just below my shoulder
I fell upon the barbedwire and felt my blood grow colder
Hanging there, as life ran out, screaming for assistance
I saw myself and comrades, from what seemed a mighty distance

So adrift upon some sea, Life, winding down within me
But Oh! the manner of my Death, a very sad short story
A lad of nineteen summers, I had never loved a wife
Nor done the things I dreamed I'd do in the young days of my life....

My nation called ''We Need You Son'' in nineteen and fourteen
And preached of War and Battle as a bright and shining dream
With words like, Honour, Glory, Pride........ Bravery and Duty
Beguiled my generation by painting Death as beauty....

A message from the government explaining my sad tale
My poor beloved family will soon get in the Mail
Telling lies of sacrifice for our nations worthy cause

Written on October 5/2005.. Copyright.Eamonn O'Dowd.
This is my first submission to Hello Poetry and I would appreciate any constructive criticism you all can give me..EamonnO'Dowd.....
Aaron J Mason Apr 2012
I am from too long grass
that left muted green stains on my knees
From rock gardens overrun with punny yellow snapdragons
which delivered into my care all sorts of fascinating creepy crawlers

I'm from ash grey two by fours
which were all together fun to climb on
but gave nasty splinter when they were mad

I'm from the woodchips and sand
that provided me an elaborate landscape
in which to house my boundless imagination

I'm from the tail of sulfur smoke
that burned white hot through the crisp October Sky
and propelled my rocket to high heaven
or so it seemed to my eger eyes

I am from Thursdays
from green and red rhubarb leaves
and dirt under every fingernail
I'm from hurling half-rotten tomatoes
at the fence accross the ally
and running haphazardly from angry neighbors

I'm from lasagna and jell-o
candels on Christmas eve
and the squirt bottle of water
my only defense against ants

I am from obscure old families
who came over like so many others
and played the ***** in the secret choir loft above the church
I'm from woodwinds and piano strings
and never a silent moment
From reading aloud and reading alone
and from those who did the reading

I'm from the future and the present and the past of a million different stories
And I've always been headed towards
Where I'm from.
Rasheed Ibrahim Aug 2015
Hold my hands let’s walk in the rain
Let’s ameliorate all the pain
Tie it to the sinkers of a seine
Into the rivers it shall all drain
Then we continue our stroll till we reach Spain

Let’s dance to the tune of the raindrops
With the sound of the waters gurgling over the rocks
Then we shall go for a barhop
In every bar and then walk on the streets like gawks
Till we are being chased by cops

We would then sail off the shores of Barcelona
Till we hit the coast of Italia
Where we would ingest your favorite meal, polenta
And get to know each other’s persona
The persona as sweet as a Turkish baklava
Armand-DeamoJC Sep 2018
Here I lay in my comfort composure
Listening to every rythm of my music
Removing my white earphone to listen
To listen to the beauty of nature raining
Picturing myself as a randrop falling; free
Picturing the placid movement of water
Moving as one, cold breeze and falling with heavy gravitational pull
Thinking back to when I'd lay in
Listening to every perfect beat of your heart
Concentrating on the whispers of your spirit
Being attentive to your chords as you release them
Piercing my mind, quaking
through my flesh
To simply un-wither that was even desintegrated
Your love circulating my veins
By speaking
Rippling accross my seams
Bolting through my body more
than any drug ever
Hanging me on your hook
Touring to the meadow in my
Conquering the battles in my
Re-writing the words on my page
that is life
After enough re-painting
Of my story
You started to un-write my book
Crossing the hearts
Tearing the written pages
Oh how I could only stand and
Oh how all you did, difficultly
The whispers your soul gave
Cleared and filléd my mind
Was I abandoned by your heart
So easily the welcoming door
Became an unbidden command
This hour
Is when I play it back;
Remenisce about it
Laying alone, in discomfort
Listening to no beats
Not even one of my own
Then I close my eyes violently
Shoving back the emotion
To silently replay those words
I love you
Crashing down
Bolting tar through my body
Poisoning my mind
Rippling through my veins
That same poison
Is what I use
To **** inside me
What demons creep
See the story has a twist
What I feared most
What demons I feared even more
Is exactly what I became
The poison inside me
Crisply ogling at me
Inside the cage
Inside what
We call a
A very long poem yes I know, if you read this far thank you. It's 03:26 and I just think back to the best days of my life
David Noonan Jan 2017

10 words
Here's 10 more

A ****** up Friday
What a ****
president donald trump
Kittu Apr 2014
I thought I knew myself,
I thought I understood.

This beating heart is all that stood,
screaming at me to make the jump.

But all the logic and reasoning,
Left me like a stump.

I reasoned out
I shifted around.
Trying to think
from all aspects I found.

But all the information created a mess,
As I swim-med through.
I parted and compared,
in a random logical order.

And then thought it all over some more,
And realized my heart was not in it anymore!

It was all 1's and 0's
and ideas were becoming heroes.
To rule my life without experience,
directly jumping to inference.

Why is my heart so silent?
I asked.
He said," The time has passed.
You have beaten me with logic at last.
I have no more to say to you.
Do as your logic asks you too."

"And if you ever think of me again.
It will be the time, when you have a friend.
Then I will beat loud and clear,
And logic will not dare to come near."
undefined Jan 2013
looking up for your twinkling eyes
above cloud covers, it's nights like tonight
filled with feelings of indiffence
unsure of my place or if youre missed
silver / white gleam moves accross the sky
in view of steps where i sip on red wine
tommorrow is the begining of another week
i'll search out work, food and a place to sleep
but nights like tonight are lived moment to moment
unsure, but at peace with whatever gets thrown at...
(deep breath)

[Sounds of the "Lumineers" drift accross the yard
... and out into the darkness of the nite
with all thoughts of nothingness creep
and smoke from the last cigarette that sits perched 'tween lips
with glass, half full, dangling from fingertips]
aviisevil Jan 2014
A hollow smile
Waiting for a stranger to arrive
A door opens
And welcomes the dark night
A woman screams
Whispers pregnant with secrets
Searching for a ear
To lay down and give birth
To the horror of the night
Hidden and scarred
from the knives and stones
A wall of glass shattered
And the pieces feel so alone
Crumbling under the shoes of the night
Buried where they fell down
Running away from the mirrors
And the unleashed hell hounds
A face looks for the stranger
He's just outside that door
A déjà-vu in the air
This Light has faded before
Womans screams turns mute
As a flash of thunder roars above
A storms approaching this madness
A carnival of pain and hurt
Night grows even darker
Stars bid farewell to the sky
And you can see a glimpse of smile
In the strangers eye
The world is covered in blackness
Separated and segregated in Demise
A dog barks at a distance
As he chases away the wise
Nothing but a memory left to die
As the blades of hell
Kisses the women goodbye
A farewell to tomorrow
And the dreams that'll resonate
In the sky
Another act in the carnival
To kneel before and oblige

-doors left open
As the darkness invaded a home
Blood stained prints
Accross the wall and into the hall
A silence of thorough quietness
Picture frames Wont talk
A struggle in the corridor
Marked by the broken frames and a vase
And a corpse sleeps in the corner
Darkness has engulfed its face
And the strangers footprints leads to the night
That befalls this bloodstained sunrise
And when the darkness fades away
Cursing under its breath about the approaching day
All that is left are dreams that lie shattered across the floor;broken
And a ****** hand print on the front door that was left open
Joseph Childress Sep 2010
Through the gardens
Head over heels
Over and ahead hills
Time met a forcefield...
"Love Metaphor's Field"
Shall we cross
The lines of the path
Pass pastures
The past matters
It's the path to the present
Is the time
To take the future
A few Daisies at a time
Thier radiance
So similar to the sun
But Sunflowers disagree
To the utmost degree
And they still wave
The Rose says
Romance is beauty
In the eyes that behold her
Are unforgiving
To those who don't...
Remind us
Of the pasts importance
And we move foward
Through assortments of bouquets
New day
Others aren't as please
The violets hide under trees
And shade thier purple face
And sing the blues
No jolly
Holly ornaments
Hang accross vines
And intertwine tight as twine
Or a kiss...
Tulips under the mistletoe
Such bliss

As free as insects
The Beatles
Eat the ripe fruit of life
We share
No one cares
Strawberry Fields Forever
Sweet scents
As we swing
Life has been like a Jasmine
Imitating that yellow sun
And it's will
While we walk without haste
Through Love Metaphor's Feild
Nameless May 2014
I'd always thought
That when you finally left me
I'd use that pain to write poems
The best ones Id ever written
Because the most passionate pieces of us
Are hurt.
Pain is the emotion we feel the deepest.
And I thought I'd be able to use it
In a way that cleansed me of you
But now that you're gone,
I see I was wrong.
I can't even lift up a pen.
In fact
I think I want to burn every ****
Paper I have scribbled words accross
Trying to describe you to people
Who would never understand.
Now that you're gone
I hate poetry.
I hate metaphors
I hate similes
And you're gone.
She was not like most people, she got caught somewhere in between reality while swallowing substances as a form of psychiatry.
She had found herself always stumbling accross her own art you see, even amongst her own world she was lost and misplaced her galaxy's key.
She was never exactly listening while breathing in your level of dimension you see, her thoughts wandered much too far off the edge of her galaxy's sea.
This place she ended up was consumed by madness, darkness, and imagination. She was always shaking on the floor fighting the feelings of prostration.
This woman lived inside of her head you know, all these things she could not explain somehow made her grow.
She fought against her own world, how was she supposed to stay sane when the reality around her was swirled?
She tried her best by hiding behind the moon and sprinkling her world with fairy dust, still she found herself screaming at the stars to please shake off the feeling of lust.
She was cursed with a heart that never ceased to love, voices whispered in the skies of her own galaxy and laughed at her from above.
She refused to waste her time believing in actuality, for she was too busy seducing starlight with her sensual sexuality.
Her unpredictable personality was either devilish or angelic, she was lost while chasing dragons in this world of hers oh so psychedelic.
You would never dare to walk deeper into her thoughts of fantasy and lucid dreaming, your naive infinity could have never established any meaning.
You were unimpressed by her actions and resented her always reckless, around the witch's neck laid her luck inside a necklace.
She remained in her own nonsense believing mysteries indeed mystical, in the end these mysteries meaning nothing less than egotistical.
You never saw beyond the facts of your own perspective, little did you know
from her's she was fighting villians just to keep her nature protected.
aviisevil Jan 2014
A hollow smile
Waiting for a stranger to arrive
A door opens
And welcomes the dark night
A woman screams
Whispers pregnant with secrets
Searching for a ear
To lay down and give birth
To the horror of the night
Hidden and scarred
from the knives and stones
A wall of glass shattered
And the pieces feel so alone
Crumbling under the shoes of the night
Buried where they fell down
Running away from the mirrors
And the unleashed hell hounds
A face looks for the stranger
He's just outside that door
A  déjà-vu in the air
This Light has faded before
Womans screams turns mute
As a flash of  thunder roars above
A storms approaching this madness
A carnival of pain and hurt
Night grows even darker
Stars bid farewell to the sky
And you can see a glimpse of smile
In the strangers eye
The world is covered in blackness
Separated and segregated in Demise
A dog barks at a distance
As he chases away the wise
Nothing but a memory left to die
As the blades of hell
Kisses the women goodbye
A farewell to tomorrow
And the dreams that'll resonate
In the sky
Another act in the carnival
To kneel before and oblige

-doors left open
As the darkness invaded a home
Blood stained  prints
Accross the wall and into the hall
A silence of thorough quietness
Picture frames Wont talk
A struggle in the corridor
Marked by the broken frames and a vase
And a corpse sleeps in the corner
Darkness has engulfed its face
And the strangers footprints leads to the night
That befalls this bloodstained sunrise
And when the darkness  fades away
Cursing  under its breath about the approaching day
All that is left are dreams that lie shattered across the floor;broken
And a ****** hand print on the front door that was left open
Keda McDermott Jan 2011
feeling the breeze touch your skin,
the melage of the warm air.
touching cold tile,
noticing the ware.
delving into Earth's dirt,
having safety offered.
running through the glorious grass,
being touched again and again.
stepping on a sharp glass piece,
loving the realese given.
walking accross road,
pebbles poking through.
realizing what's in you
is what's in all of us.
for once being a part of something
without dehumanization.
humans aren't what this is about,
we don't even understand.
Hetti Halloween Oct 2012
The man accross the street is cursed.
Last week he has lost his wallet,
And he never had it back,
His dead son's picture went with that.

As he walked his dog to town,
The lead broke, started to run
A car has been speading up,
The dog cried out it's last bark.

His wife cheated him three times,
She left him their only son,
He never got a divorce,
His heart is now really broke.

All this because of his Mum,
Who is a witch on the run,
One day he drank her liquor,
And he never heard from her.

I heard whispers that women
Doesn't mind a bad omen,
If it's her son she's killing,
She doesn't mind, she's evil...

I really don't want to meet
The woman I mentioned here
Better avoid the trouble.
Her poor son will recover.
Completely fictional :D
lachica Jan 2014
they course through your vains,
leave horrible marks,
not only marks where they enter,
marks in your brain,
they can leave you going insane,
like my brother,
he did them too young,
ended up killing himself,
the drugs messed with his head,
*** he was in the wrong environment,
thats what they said.
but ive taken them too,
i enjoy them but only occasionally,
i smoke **** nearly everyday,
even go out and sniff coke with mates,
but i do know my limits,
and will soon stop someday,
but im young and im dumb,
theres so much fun to be had,
after all im only 17 years of age.
some say i should know better as they killed my mum too,
for me drugs are not a get away,
i dont use them to cover any sadness up,
thats how i know when i take them im okay,
because im happy when i take them and they make me more so,
but im happy all the time so they wont stick like they say.

i watched my brother get his legs nearly chopped off,
attacked in the night by a man all in black clothes,
look out of my window and just down the street,
theres a man with a machete slicing through his knee caps like meat,
accross the road my other brothers are there in safety of a shadow but i can make them out clear,
the man leaves my brother on the floor covered in blood,
a woman runs out the house with towels and a phone,
shes doing something with his legs,
anyway turns out she saved his life,
the ambulance came congratulated her and took my big bro away,
his knees now made of metal,
and his shins made of plates,
he barely leaves his house,
hes scared he will never find peace,
hes been stabbed 7 times and shot 3 times on top,
basically the bad things seem never to stop.
the fun thing about it is when you get your own back,
my big sister did that when her boyfriend was an abusive old ****,
she beat him up in the garden when he pushed her down the stairs,
it wasnt because of that though it was *** he had called her a *****!!
i grew up with 7 brothers so i seem pretty tough,
but when i fight i get unbelievably rough,
sometimes i cant stop once ive started,
so i try to steer clear of confrontation and stuff.

well ive seen plenty of that,
ive seen people die,
ive seen people come close to dying,
but the people ive watched have always died fighting,
even if that fighting is with themselves,
not one of them gave up without a fight,
death is..
but its also...
and even sometimes wanted.
Samuel Preveda Jan 2016
The process of creation
Instant in a flash of light through the spoken Word
Or fertilized in the womb
Or sprouting underground
Maybe born of the heavens long ago
Before earth and sun
Born of the stars, exploding into the universe
Or within the volcano
Deep inside the earths core
Born of the waters, the streams and waterfalls
The rich colors of the untouched forest
Initiated in the sounds of night, birdcalls and the occasional howl in moonlight
Sons and daughters of thousand year old oak trees, acorns falling, scattering
Conceived in the deepest and darkest oceans, unaware and uncaring about the mythical surface world
Carried upon by the wind accross the world, currents and pathways charted by the birds and the monarchs
Dandelion child
Alex Brown Nov 2010
Its his eyes, watching you undress
slip seductively beneath the sheets
Its his fingers dancing accross the small of your back
and his hands pulling you close to his chest.
Your breath deep and filled with air he's breathed
Sweet life-giving.
Your eyes flutter and close,
Its him watching you slowly fall asleep.
Its him cupping ben, jerry.
Its him whispering love, penetrating deep and fixing your shattered heart..
And you, sweet, sorry, beautiful, ******* there'll never be words.
Be everything to him, as you were to me.
Don't make love the way we did, it's sick, it's wrong, it's ours.
To two lovers :(
It pains me to say, everything will be ok in the end.
Have fun

Elizabeth Ann Feb 2013
To touch these dreams
Of broken seams
Unwind a harmful truth
That day after day
I dig deeper my grave
That holds me as a youth

I am scared to say
That in my bed as I lay
Pondering of days not to be
I often come accross
A thought once lost
But now urgent to stay next to me

But where do you turn
When you wish not to learn
How to become a better you
Because the cuts feel good
They make you free like a bird
But freedom is gone too soon

I don't want to be touched
And I won't speak as much
If I'm mad and raging with fear
But your gentle sigh
Of a sweet lulleby
Is something that I hold dear

My arms beg for embrace
As along my cheeks your hands trace
To touch these tears of shard
And you reach past my chest
In hopes of the best
To find a racing heart

But now you can see
There's nothing in me
But a heart that whispers death
So in this grave I will lie
Until that day that I die
And of me - - nothing be left
Hazel Connelly Sep 2012
I've won a day at the races
For me and my friend Doreen Maguire
Posh frocks and new hats
That's what we require.

So off we go shopping
Hair and nails done on the way
Well we girls want to lookj our best
For the big race day.

Now Doreen's buxom and curvy
Me I'm thin as a latt
Or you could say slim and slender
And Doreen's just fat.

We went in loads of shops
Nothing seemed to fit the bill
Everything was kind of frumpish
And we're definitly not over the hill.

Then we came accross this shop
In a side street in the town
It's called Reds Closet Boutique
And we both came out with a gown.

We got fascinators to match
Shoes, accessories and bags too
Doreen got something in pink
I got something in blue.

It was the day of the races
We were up with the lark
Had our lunch at Tom and Jerry's
Then off to Haydock Park.

The horses are under starters orders
And I'd backed the grey
Well it came home last
But it was winning all the way.

Now we came to the last race
And we're digging deep in our pocket
Doreen said put it on this
It's called Super Rocket.

Well it romped hom at 50/1
This horse called Super Rocket
And me and Doreen Maguire
Went home with brass in our pocket.

© Hazel
Shreaded heart due to color of the skin,
Lonesome nights due to attire I'm found in,
Invisible due to the identity I'm lacking,
How can it be that all of this is still happening?

Inocence in a cell because the color tries to define them,
Eyes of hate cover the dark hair upon them,
Forget the studies if papers weren't probided,
How can we live passing all the judgement?

Military veteran, but color over sees it,
Depressive memories drowning a person's surroundings,
Brought accross at the age of no concience,
Let us widen out eyes to see instead of look,
To listen rather that simply hear,
To speak not talk,
To extinguish this judgement basing on the cover of an incredible story that may walk right past your ignorance.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
We always judge people without knowing them, or by their race, what they wear, and other things.
betterdays Dec 2018
tis time
said the elf in my ear
tis my time of year
unpack the baubles
the lights,
and gear
the merryest of merry
times is near

said I to the elf
get back on tne shelf
nay get back in that box
good gosh and begorrah
calm down your striped socks
it is five  in the a.m.
December the 1st

said the elf, in my ear
I know the time
I let you sleep a whole
four hours and 59 nine minutes
over the strike of my first happy day

so now
get your great *** into gear
this is the only time  I see
the otherside of the box
after months locked down
so get it together mother dear

hang the lights
and let them twinkle
place the tree and
smell the pine needles
and the faint
odour of cat ******?
watch them as they shed
hang the baubles that sit
differently to how they
looked in your head
throw tinsel at that sucker
till it glows and shimmers
knowing that stuff gets every where
even  into the cats stomach and bed

bring on the cheer ,bring on the glee
bring out the angels, the santas, and me

start buying presents
and wrapping  them furtively
have the discussions about
what to buy for those less near
buy the cheap and nasty,  or
the  credit card dear
buy the simple or make the  stuff
or simply divert payments to next year
as if we mostly don't have
more than enough

remember those gone and those left behind
keep them close to heart and to mind
think of those with out resource or recourse
make  some adjustments in order to be kind
and give away joy to  some you don't know
could well  become their reason to stay ...not go

come on said the elf it is time we began
got to get ready, spread a little love accross
your patch of this land, don't be a grinch,
a scrooge or sadsack,  you gotta have
the big jolly-mans  back

and while we are here
conversing and such
remember  the reason
for all this fuss,
doesn't matter,
the religon, the caste
or the creed..
as this time approaches
take moments to reflect
upon this years closing
and hope with joy
and no fear
for love to conquer all
in the future year

said  I to the elf
yammering away in my ear
well said  young  chap
time to get on my good cheer
So this is a bit of rambling sillness for the holiday season, whatever your belief, what ever your fears, take time to look around and share some hope and love and hopefully you will reap the same.. love and hope...
To watch,
Blood run through your veins and know,
You can stop it, quick or slow.
The lack of complications with which you could potentially be the murderer of your own breath.
And for what?
To prove to the world that you as many others have become vulnerable of your own mind?
Victimized by tragedies or scenarios of twisted "what if"s.
Of love found and lost,
Love from birth and ripped away from your heart like a knife to a steak.
To prove to yourself that you no longer must live in pain or fear.
Fear that consumes your every breath and thought that crosses your condemned mind.
You feel as though it will not get better than sitting in denial in a room full of voices begging for peace in a world that is not our own, voices crawling from no lips only from your own self inflicted insecurities.
But I,
I, am not here to let this monster of a thought consume you.
I, for one, am a stranger.
A stranger to you but not to this monster.
I too have battled the war between peace or life.
I too have swam accross the vast oceans of thoughts screaming to fulfill their wishes.
But I won this battle.
And I will be the knight to stand by your side when it is time to make the decision.
Between life, or a commitment of suicide.
I am the real you I am the one who lives the one who wants to make you smile and find love that will not betray you but for that you must trust me.
You must trust that there is in fact a light at the end of the tunnel as cliché as it may sound.
So listen to this last phrase for it will **** the voices of torture.

You are worth every breath and every tear, you are worth it all and more, be the knight and fight the battle, you will win, because we all believe in you.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
betterdays Aug 2014
and tonight it is
the elder, mother god
of which i speak....

she  snores and snuffles
in the lazyboy chair
slumped awkward
and sombulant,
akin to a ragdoll,
tossed aside,
after a day's hard play.

and it is in the cracks
and crinkles, both large and minute that craze and track
accross her well worn,
well loved face
that i see,
the god-dust...

and as i gently,
place a woolen wrap
over her tired old body.

i take a moment...
to give thanks and
her hard earned diety.

and the mothergod...
slumbers, snoringly on.
Anonymous Freak Feb 2017
I'm a tight rope walker
Accross telephone wire.
I hear phrases,
And they've all bled together.

Our future and our past
Stand as two poles,
More wires than I can count
On my fingers
Webbed between them.
And I'm tangled up in the mess.

There are lies blazing through
The wire around my neck,
Love traveling back and forth
Around my chest,
Buzzing around my head,
And fear
My stomach.

I'm alone on my tight rope,
I don't know where you are,
All I hear are your words,
Jumbled together
In a rainstorm signals.
Drake Taylor Jul 2014
The shovel burst through the foreboding soil with a thud.

A powerful hand was gripped around the handle. Farther up the arm connected to the hand, was a man.
He stood at a towering 6'4"
Everything about him said mean,
Except for the tear on his cheek,
And the whimper of his eyes.

The shovel went down, and soil came up. This happened again and again for a very long time. His pace was slow, but only because he couldn't bare to finish.

Eventually enough soil was above ground. And he knew the time had come.

One more solemn tear fell accross his cheek as he lowered his son's limp body into the ground.

Thoughts rushed through his head, but he ignored them. It was all too much.
He had made the choice to pay rent instead of buy a casket and it was eating him alive, but it was too late now.

He began to shovel dirt back into the hole. Faster this time. He held less power though. His hands shook, his body trembled, and his soul cried as he saw his son for the last time.
For all the people way back when who had to do things such as this.
btp May 2019
Crystallized cards and bleeding hands
Empty minds and dull reflections
Desperation spread accross the lands
People divided into seperate sections
Skins burnt crisp by brands
Bodies braking down by neglection
Time without the flowing sands
Faith lost in crucified interception
Samantha Steele Nov 2011
The smell of Iron carresses my nose.
I undress.

Looking in the mirror.
Scars decorating my skin.

Others- Ugly.
Me- Beauty.

My eyes take in every inch of myself.
Is it ****** up to say I got turned on?

My eyes dart to the corner of the room.
There lays a lifeless body, bloodless.

My eyes dart to the bathtub.
Filled to the rim with crimmison.

Blood is boiling.

I walk accross the blood soaked floor,
leaving ****** footprints in my wake.

I pearch on the side of the tub.
Stick my toe into it.

A sigh and a shiver of pleasure escape me.
I emerse myself in to it.

I grin...

Razor teeth on display.
For my victoms who are forced to watch.

© SamanthaReganess
Vyiirt'aan Nov 2017
Chopin's Nocturne opus 9, number 2

A sonorous performance,
The mellow yet melancholic undertones of the masterpiece reverbates through the meadow
From the reflective rubato streaking past the flowerbed,
To the passionate conclusion in a whim, echoing through the garden,
The garden in which a willow rests
Its twigs holding a chalice in its embroidering,
Twines glowing in the shimmering of the silver moon,
Its dark-red fluids seeping from the cracks

It gazes through the dark crevasses for an eternity,
A panorama of planets and stars dwindling to dust as it stirs its nebulas,
Clouding its view as in parallel,
Universes as large as needle tips deteriorate to nothing

There's just naught, nothing, nothingness,
The black mass piercing,
Puncturing the veins of the solemn soul wandering through the canyon
Rubato, stringendo, it walks its own pace and in its solitude
The moonlight its guide, the music its guardian
The darkness its friend

The walls enclosed - an impasse clad in an aural hue descending from the stars
An eternal mirror flowing accross the pond
It took a gander in the deep lagoon and saw the galaxy unfold

Sparkling candenzas fluttering through the sky like fireflies
Ever abiding, expanding galaxies within the grasp of its cortex
The moon flows, the stream flows
The sound of drizzling water emanating from the distance
Timeless endeavour snaps back to reality

I found myself sitting in a dim-lit room, glass in hand
The mellow taste of the blood-red wine
A bouquet of fine grapes with cherry undertones
In the corner rests the mirror I gaze in occasionally

Seconds pass and I gazed into an abyss

Minutes pass and I gazed into an abyss
A murky shadow lurking

Hours pass and I gazed into an abyss
A murky shadow along two red stars

Days pass and I gazed into an abyss
A silhouette hued in rubescence grimacing with hollow eyes

Weeks pass and I gazed into an abyss
T H E  E Y E S  W A T C H  M E  W H E R E V E R  I  G O

Months pass and I observed a whole new universe
As I looked at the crevice staring back at me
It smiled and reached its hand

Years pass and I gazed into an abyss
The opaque mass piercing my glassy veil as familiarity reminiscences
A supernova of grief and destruction strokes my back, pinching my neck
The willow is dead
The moon is red
A brittle chalice crusted with blood

Then it fell silent and yet the nocturne faintly lingered in my head
As I stared into the mirror for the first time in centuries

It stared back, bearing the most unnerving grimace
So this poem is pretty personal, too. It is dedicated to my nemesis: the view of myself in the mirror.

Looking into a mirror always unnerved me. I didn't like seeing myself and combined with my ****** up sleep schedule, there was a chance I hallucinated quite a bit. This poem describes a drwam state until the awakening, describing my fear in the passages after, as well as the hallucinations.
David Nelson Jul 2010
All of a Sudden chapter 2

I was sitting at my desk, going through some files.
It was just after noon, when the phone rang.
It was Emma, my friend at the bank where I used to work.
"Gomer" she says. "something wierd is going on".
What is it Emma? "I was sitting at my desk, when this
outdoorsy looking tall blond was at my boss's desk, and I
overrheard her asking about you." when all of a sudden ....

there was a knock on my door. The suddeness startled me
I had not had a visitor to my office in nearly 2 weeks.
"come in" I said. The door opened, and this mousy little
guy wearing a tattered jacket and a Yankee ball cap
entered. "Mr LePoet" he asked. "I have a package for you".
I signed for the package, handed the old boy a $5 bill.
He tipped his cap, smiled and said "Have a nice day"
as he exited my office. The package was in old plain
brown paper, about the size of a hat box. I was about to
cut the twine and open the box when all of a sudden ....
looking out my 3rd floor window, down at the street,
I could see the mysterious blond getting out of a
limosine. She was accompanied by an older gentleman
wearing a leather jacket and a fedora. They seemed to
be in a hurry and it appeared that the man had a firm
grip on the dames left arm, almost pulling her along.
They were headed for the 20 something story building
accross the street. I thought just maybe if I ran down the
stairs I could catch up with them and find out what was
going on. I ran down the stairs, taking 5 steps at a time,
and when I reached the street level I saw them just
entering the building. I started to yell, when all of a sudden ...  

Gomer LePoet...
Jessica Clonts Nov 2011
I used to not believe
in love at first sight;
then it happened to me
Once upon the other night.

I came to purchase a
dish rack for my dorm
and was just on my way
to check out and leave the store

when accross a short space
appeared my ideal,
possessing every grace.
"Please be mine." was my appeal.

Fireworks of color
filled my focused sight.
This love of mine was full,
yet it made my heart so light.

Walking quickly forward,
I hoped this love's
life would not be short.
It, I would possess!

Then we were face to face
I felt a caress
and full of lovesick haste,
swore that together we would be best.

I and that for which I pined
had come to that time:
It's just four, ninety-nine!
And so the scarf was mine.
Sugar and spice Jan 2017
Long curly hair, afloat in the breeze
short,swift glances
and a deep longing to meet yours;--
I refuse to fall for you again.
Red full lips, parted;ready to speak,
dry parched throat, denies such action-
-I said, 'No' .
Faster and faster races a shattered heart,
shards clawing on the inside; but you advance nonetheless.
and then... a deafning silence.
come hear the sound of my breaking heart,
come feel the cold raging inside,
come taste the sorrow I now hate.
Is it possible you heard?
That you felt ?
That you tasted?
Is it possible that--
Gentle hands caress me,
And a wamth engulfs what little frame i have;
silencing the screaming winds.
Deep brown eyes wander accross my still face,
finding what exactly; I'll never know.
betterdays Nov 2014
i walk...
out into the sun,
through the creaking gate,
down accross the strip
of brown driedup grass,
over the already warm,
under my feet, tarmac
to the roads crumbling edge,
all the while, the kookaburras are laughing
with glee and the rainbow
lorikeets, are gossiping about me....
i walk down the cliff side steps, seventy three and
then one last, doozy jump,
onto the squeaking sand.
stop a moment now, to
shed my shoes and shirt,
down to the tideline...
now, i am leaving land,
for wave and froth and
beating water, keep striding
through, to the deeper salt
and then, suspended,
in the ocean.....
feeling free...
as i give myself to it and it gives to me....

          **back to the mother,
      my souls own, delight,          
   saltwater  washing
                           heals all.
nehyl Jul 2013
I've been flying accross the ocean,
travelling through shadows,
watching the sun go down the horizon,
gazing at every reflection through the windows.
To get a fleeting glimpse of you.....

To get a fleeting glimpse of you,
I've been drifting in lanes,
dancing alone in rains,
crossing mountains of despair,
blocking every love affair.

Hoping, i'll find you one day.
You'll be forever mine, some day.
Anonymous Freak Jan 2017
There's a woman
Falling from the sky
Made up of graphite,
Begging me to catch her.

There's young girls
With red ink
Streaked accross their backs
And arms,
Pleading for my help.

This is my world
Of condemned people.

There's lines about
Characters without
Asking me what happens next,
Hoping I'll pull them out.

There's a soft world of white
Before me,
I tear at it with my pen,
I scratch trauma
And loathing into its core.

Paper is my world,
I am the god of this
Crumpled up planet.
And a broken god
Makes a broken world.

This world I've made,
You may not understand it,
Be fearful, for I command it.
No one can tell me
What to do here.

You should be more careful
Who you lend
Your ears.
I'll draw lines through you,
And rewrite your future.
Welcome to my paper world.

— The End —