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May 2020 · 262
Saving Sound
AmeriMav May 2020
Endless spiral of deafening decay
Shadows stretching toward fragile heart and mind
Falling backward and losing sense of day
Stumbling, staggering, senses numb and blind

Madness closer with every gasping breath
Sinking deeper with every bitter choice
Screaming silence aching for my death
Stopped with trembling the beauty of your voice
May 2020 · 245
New Dawn
AmeriMav May 2020
I yearn for your smile
With patient stirring delight
Like songbirds toward dawn
Sep 2019 · 270
Hard To Let Go
AmeriMav Sep 2019
Seems I search your name
Like a deer returns to stream
Unquenchable thirst
Jun 2019 · 456
Creeping Warmth
AmeriMav Jun 2019
It grows more deep than one can count
And never can your wits surmount
True love's overwhelming, so bold, yet soft
as wool, and never cold

Describing it can be hard to tell
Like number's taste, or color's smell
It's sweet and it's crushing, fragrant as red
roses, but more brilliant
Byr a Thoddaid form
Jun 2019 · 366
AmeriMav Jun 2019
One bright sunny day, my lover did say
Please tell me the height of your love
Looked I to the sky, clouds don't fly as high
Nor mountains, or wings of a dove

One morn rain suppressed, my love did request
Can you tell me sweet is your love deep?
Thought I of a cave, obscure dark enclave
It's deeper than creature dare creep

One dark winter night, she asked in twilight
Your love dear, how far will it go?
My love's measured best, where east meets the west
Never ending in sun, rain, or snow
Jun 2019 · 360
Glimmer in the Dark
AmeriMav Jun 2019
In the deepest dark
As just before the dawn breaks
Your light bids me see
Haiku form
May 2019 · 353
AmeriMav May 2019
Crushing times when I feel lost
Battered and tossed, but then you bring
Your sweet love with glowing light
In dark night to you I'll cling
Awdl Gywydd form
May 2019 · 879
Nectar's Attraction
AmeriMav May 2019
Like apple blossoms
Entice bees to sweetly dance
So you call to me
Haiku form
May 2019 · 429
AmeriMav May 2019
In my arms, can this be the day?
No more waiting, no more delay
For months we've waited, seemed so long
Yearning to hold my soul's heartsong
Now playing at a grand forte

Our smiles beam with brightest ray
In this moment, no sky of gray
Holding me, where you belong
In my arms

Silent starburst of love's display
Emotions roar like waves at play
Feel my chest, heart beating strong
Oh time stand still, this touch prolong
All I want is for you to stay
In my arms
Rondeau form
May 2019 · 228
AmeriMav May 2019
Intensely my thoughts they revolve around your presence

Senses fixed to spring at every reminder of your essence
My heart strings tune themselves to your siren song
In every fragrant flower I see your soft petaled skin
Sunrise is ushered in by your sultry smile
Sunset cued by your soul shading absence

Yearning always to hear your sweet chime
Overwhelmed by the dazzling cosmos of your eyes
Utterly yours
Acrostic form
May 2019 · 206
AmeriMav May 2019
A steadfast stronghold
My heart for you unchanging
I’m your guardian
Haiku form
May 2019 · 295
Howling Hiaku
AmeriMav May 2019
My longing for you
Like howls to lunar skylight
Express without touch
Hiaku form
May 2019 · 309
AmeriMav May 2019
Oh come away my darling fair
Clasp hands with me and run
Make no delay
Let's fly away
To frolic in the sun

Oh come away my lovely one
On clouds we'll float and sway
In moonlit beams
Of lover's dreams
To midnight nymph's soirée

Oh come away my bright bouquet
Come hear my sweeter themes
This song I'll sing
With humming string
We'll dance by rushing streams

Oh come away my best daydreams
No treasure can compare
Please do not shun
You are my one
Life's stale if you're not there
The Roundabout form
May 2019 · 257
Ineffable Affections
AmeriMav May 2019
The light of love has chosen to reveal
What senses know and hearts can only grasp
There are no words that show you how I feel

No doubt we know affection's soft appeal
We hadn't know the limits bite like asp
The light of love has chosen to reveal

My joy in you is stronger now than steel
And yet each time I fail to raise the hasp
There are no words to show you how I feel

Visions of you are heated and surreal
But lack of warmth comes grating like a rasp
The light of love has chosen to reveal

I'm running endlessly upon this wheel
Stumbling with soul-tied, breathless, choking gasp
There are no words to show you how I feel

To music and to rhyme I will appeal
Perhaps with time and touch they will unclasp
The light of love has chosen to reveal
There are no words to show you how I feel
Villanelle form
Apr 2019 · 587
AmeriMav Apr 2019
The lights of the cosmos are stored in her eyes
And I feel naked when I'm locked in her gaze
In their shine are no shadows, no secrets, no lies
The lights of the cosmos are stored in her eyes
Every starlight, and comet, and brightest sunrise
All that is dark or false is consumed in their blaze
The lights of the cosmos are stored in her eyes
And I feel naked when I'm locked in her gaze
Triolet form
Apr 2019 · 417
AmeriMav Apr 2019
Beauty of the moon
Lady of the star filled night
Sunlight does display
Though its true form and splendor
By its phase remains unchanged
Tanka form
Apr 2019 · 188
Swirling Thoughts
AmeriMav Apr 2019
Swirling in a soft dark affection
A foggy nocturne plays in tune
The dance is ever spinning
Dizzy with a blank stare
Thoughts refuse to stop
But words won’t come
All I want
Is your
Nonet form
Apr 2019 · 572
Bubbling Over
AmeriMav Apr 2019
I adore
The way you
Make me laugh

Moments that
Feel lighter
Than feathers

To the top
With a song

Or maybe
Fuzzy moths

You tickle
My very soul
With your love

I cannot
Contain joy
Found in you
Tricubes form
Apr 2019 · 362
AmeriMav Apr 2019
When darkness threatens
Burning brilliance of your love
Never lets me go
Haiku form
Apr 2019 · 261
Sparks of Desire
AmeriMav Apr 2019
Each day I see my lovely one
My heart ignites with stirring spark
Burst of eastern rising sun
A lighting storm in deepest dark
Intensity of Dante's fire
Whirlwind heat of my desire

My heart ignites with stirring spark
The moment that your eyes appear
Those windows of your soul so stark
That run me through like topaz spear
With golden glint, and glassy shine
They capture me, and state "You're mine!"

Burst of eastern rising sun
The way you move upon my scene
You shine o'er me til day is done
Without a single cloud between
The colors brighter in your blaze
Life is fuller in your rays

A lighting storm in deepest dark
Your brightness it inspires me
Honesty your soul's hallmark
Thoughts you share, they help me see
Acuity within you gleams
I love to hear your hopes and dreams

Intensity of Dante's fire
My blood heats up when you are near
And all my senses go haywire
When your accented voice I hear
It's possibly my favorite sound
I'm captivated and spellbound

Whirlwind heat of my desire
My treasure I have found in you
Without you life is a quagmire
Compass to my heart askew
My heart, and soul you fill with glee
You mean so very much to me
Trenta-Sei form
Apr 2019 · 462
Soothing Song
AmeriMav Apr 2019
Soothing strength
Superhero serenade
Waxing with whispered wavelength

Calm to comfort pointed pain
Or placate fear pervading

Singing to give gifts of grace
Your chant cheering champion
Treochair form

She says my singing is my super power
Apr 2019 · 421
Sparkles of Love
AmeriMav Apr 2019
In bluest day
Sunlight play bright
To slay shadows
Your smile glows like
Flame blows across
My heart dross skimmed
To gloss and shine
Than-bauk form
Apr 2019 · 293
Heads and Hearts
AmeriMav Apr 2019
No one can see me quite as true
A single coin we two could be
One side is me the other you

Both set on separate sides to see
We're made of same material
A single coin we two could be

Sometimes it seems ethereal
The way we both seem to emote
We're made of same material

Now true sometimes on different note
I'm still consistently amazed
The way we both seem to emote

And when an argument is raised
The way we know the other one
I'm still consistently amazed

When all is said, and all is done
No one can see me quite as true
The way we know the other one
One side is me the other you
Terzanelle form
Mar 2019 · 270
Simple Wonders
AmeriMav Mar 2019
On the rocky shore of a calm mountain lake
A small stone smooth and simple was cast in joy
Fast upon the serene waters did it break
Sending ripples fitting to the caster's ploy
What once was still with excitement now did quake
And though the scene was changed it did not annoy
But caused a wonder, "How many waves would make?"
Much like the pleasures love to hearts can deploy

Love has struck upon the face of our hushed hearts
Like guitar strings now impassioned souls vibrate
And caught up in sensation amusement darts
Not knowing how many trembles now await
All that can be known is when the movement starts
No person, though still they try, can bliss dictate
It, the lot that must be seen by all sweethearts
Enjoy the splendor and seize uncharted fate
Strambotto form
Mar 2019 · 253
Bare Essentials
AmeriMav Mar 2019
The beauty of the winter would not be
If not a single flake of snow did fall
Its brilliant shine doth fill the heart with glee
And every childlike eye does it enthrall

So too the beach without the ocean wave
Deserts too are filled with golden sand
The roaring surf and salty wind we crave
We love the way the sea invades the land

And what if flowers did not come with spring
No rainbow colored show upon the ground
It'd be as if the world forgot to sing
What is the worldwide dance without the sound?

Your presence fills my life with brighter hue
My world would lose its "lovely" without you
Sonnet form
Mar 2019 · 284
Raw Need
AmeriMav Mar 2019
I need you more now
Deep desire is building
With passing of time
Haiku form
Mar 2019 · 645
Mellifluous Vision
AmeriMav Mar 2019
This song my heart sings
Bigger than words can convey
Each time you appear
Shadorma form
Mar 2019 · 277
Paradoxical Paradigm
AmeriMav Mar 2019
She is a delicate mix, one part raw strength, other pure feel
Rose in form unbreakable, bent to the ground in the harsh wind
My longing to touch the petal, no matter how sharp the thorn
Sijo form
Mar 2019 · 534
Equivocal Truth
AmeriMav Mar 2019
You must think love is blinding
Something of the sort
Repelling my attraction
My eyes do not work?
My dear you're wondrous
No mistake here has been made
You're simply gorgeous
Seguidilla form
Mar 2019 · 264
My Light-bearer
AmeriMav Mar 2019
Perhaps this poem is not bold
With no great sense of gall
The truth is more than can be told
Though you should hear it all
You're well acquainted with my mold
You lift me when I fall

The truth is more than can be told
Though you should hear it all
Your love's a wonder to behold
It never seems to stall
You're well acquainted with my mold
You lift me when I fall

Your love's a wonder to behold
It never seems to stall
In trial or pain you're my handhold
You'll answer when I call
You're well acquainted with my mold
You lift me when I fall

In trial or pain you're my handhold
You'll answer when I call
Your love for me shines bright as gold
No matter my shortfall
You're well acquainted with my mold
You lift me when I fall
Roundelay form
Mar 2019 · 273
AmeriMav Mar 2019
Quiet is soothing
And silence is deafening
Yet they sound the same
Haiku form
Mar 2019 · 291
Blooming Contemplation
AmeriMav Mar 2019
I long to spend my days with you
Like flowers long for spring
Bask in your sun
Til night's begun
To feel the warmth you bring

Just hold your hand and hear birds sing
Until the day is done
Sunlight will fade
All songs be played
And spider webs be spun

Then dance with you hearts beat as one
Moon lit upon a glade
Hair wet with dew
No love more true
We'd move with passion swayed

And soft to sleep all joy conveyed
With dreams of morning new
A wondrous thing
What songs we'll sing
Sunrise shall be our cue
The Roundabout form
Mar 2019 · 339
AmeriMav Mar 2019
When I see your face
Sensations overwhelming
Thrill my pulsing heart
Haiku form
Mar 2019 · 299
Look At Me
AmeriMav Mar 2019
When you look at me, with those cosmic eyes
My heart goes full stop and all worry fades
Desire explodes love's fire parades
No more room for doubt, no ifs ands or whys
No thought of the time, or grief of goodbyes
And I cannot breathe, your power invades
When you look at me

Open and honest without a disguise
Shining like topaz your beauty cascades
In that bright moment dark mystery pervades
Words are not spoken, deep love it implies
When you look at me
Rondine form
Mar 2019 · 248
Blossoming Love
AmeriMav Mar 2019
Her body is grace like soft petaled rose
Enchanting the bees in summer gardens
Her fragrance so rich that when the wind blows
Their engagement she knowingly pardens

She’s delicate true, but strong in her heart
Her body is grace like soft petaled rose
Elegant fine lines the brush strokes of art
Ever quite splendid in sunlight that glows

In her dark essence pure ecstasy flows
In the dusk dim she opens her flower
Her body is grace like soft petaled rose
Ever wondrous in the light of her power

Dropping her petals like silk evening gown
Dressed in the moonlight sweet music her pose
She’ll rest on my chest her head she’ll lay down
Her body is grace like soft petaled rose
Quaternary form
Mar 2019 · 239
Sound Delight
AmeriMav Mar 2019
In day or in night
My ears will delight
Her sound
She's ever so bright
And to her soft light
I'm bound
To always excite
When captured in sight
She's found
Lai form
Mar 2019 · 409
AmeriMav Mar 2019
Kisses of your mouth
So soft and yet so striking
Over and over
Haiku form
Mar 2019 · 440
Missing You
AmeriMav Mar 2019
It seems I'm always missing you
Whether your laughter or your kiss
There's never something I don't miss
Making our moments seem too few

It's too simple to say I'm blue
The great complexity of bliss
It seems I'm always missing you
Whether your laughter or your kiss

I'm not sure I ever quite knew
A feeling so hard to dismiss
Hits harder when I reminisce
No matter what I try to do
It seems I'm always missing you
Rondel form
Feb 2019 · 259
AmeriMav Feb 2019
Pink ribbon so sweet
Wave structure with heat
Your lips
Soft hand carved complete
Smooth shapely entreat
Your hips
Heart racing upbeat
Slow your dress discreet
Lai form
Feb 2019 · 321
Boundless Beauty
AmeriMav Feb 2019
She is beauty in everything I see
She moves me like the wind blows through a tree
Changing seasons and all the starry host
Mountains, forests, and seas from coast-to-coast
All things lovely are her embracing me

Like the sunrise that's beaming bright and free
Or silver moonlight that shines in softer key
Her's the light that matters to me most
She is beauty

Her smell like flower fragrance to a bee
I run to her like deer to forest flee
With skin so pure like white capped mountains boast
And hue the glow of sun dropped westernmost
Everywhere I turn my heart filled with glee
She is beauty
Rondeau form
Feb 2019 · 213
Awaiting Love
AmeriMav Feb 2019
The sky is blue and clouds are soaring high
I daydream as they're softly floating bye
And sitting warm beside the window pane
The sun is rising high into the sky

The beauty from the window view is plain
But so much more than this could I attain
If I were standing in the breeze outside
To journey deep among the rich terrain

I'd touch the grass upon the green hillside
The wind its cool caress my senses ride
No end in sight to where my feet may go
No smell, no taste, no sound would be denied

I feel this feeling as our love does grow
The distance like the window pane aglow
Allows the beauty, but denies the taste
That everyday my heart desires to know

Until at last your body I've embraced
And my hands your outline I have traced
The fullness of your love I cannot sense
All time til then is simply a foretaste

So until then I'm stuck in this suspense
Desire for you grows ever more immense
But patient I will be until you come
The moment's pleasure bound to be intense
Interlocking Rubaiyat form
Feb 2019 · 360
Ever-flowing Yearning
AmeriMav Feb 2019
The longing runs like river wide
Which flows to meet the boundless sea
It is not false, won't prove belied
It ever flows 'tween you and me

In downpour fragrant rains of grace
The longing runs like river wide
White foams and spins with rapid pace
Its current will not be denied

When freezing waters ice outside
Still undercurrent steady strong
The longing runs like river wide
So soft, but still it sings its song

And when the heats of summer bake
Mountain streams in time have died
Its goal the waters won't forsake
The longing runs like river wide
Quatern form
Feb 2019 · 179
My Measure of Happiness
AmeriMav Feb 2019
What scale can measure happiness
And what weight is a smile worth
Can you count the size of bliss
And is there a number for mirth
Is the sum of joy here on earth
Ever it’s formula be found
I know my heart has found its birth
Your laughter my joy-sprouting ground
Huitain form
Feb 2019 · 189
Timemaster Fancies
AmeriMav Feb 2019
If time could bend and twist at whim
We two would never part
For I'd suspend, filled with love's vim
It's passing from the start

And if, when pressed to task we must
Remove our eyes from gaze
I'll move with zest spin time with ******
It'd seem we n'er part ways

Then in this bliss, reposed we'd stay
The moment ours to own
We'd hold each kiss, our song I'd play
Content, never alone
Feb 2019 · 207
First Stirs of Love
AmeriMav Feb 2019
Each day at dawn
I rise and yawn
And look upon
What you've written

Then smile bright
To my delight
Beauteous sight
Of your love song

With many words
Your heart records
And spins onwards
So romantic

Ignites my heart
Like match head start
Strings like Mozart
In my heart ring

Then I reply
With simple "Hi"
Let out a sigh
As I'm thinking

How can this be?
Her love for me
What does she see
That compels her

Cause everyday
My heart you play
Each time you say
How you love me
Rhupunt form
Feb 2019 · 299
Chasing Time
AmeriMav Feb 2019
Each day I long to see your face
Like flowers chase the Sun’s embrace
The time flies fast, it's quickly past
I wish that I could slow the pace
Feb 2019 · 287
AmeriMav Feb 2019
Time is a hard thing to crack
Can't steal back the smallest shard
Guard best with strongest barred rack
Still lack! You reap no reward

It will be lost while in sight
Trust not might it won't change cost
Frost cannot freeze its swift flight
Each bite to its track is tossed

So we will climb and take note
In rhythm float moment's rhyme
And mime love's light chime gloat
Each dote to stop ticking time
Rannaigheact Mhor form
Feb 2019 · 369
Night Vision
AmeriMav Feb 2019
Laying in the dark
Vision obscured in passion
Hands tremble to see
Feb 2019 · 240
Rush of Love
AmeriMav Feb 2019
I'm always rushing to find you
Whatever time, or place, or whim
In the cool of the morning dew
Shinning of day or moonlight dim

Before the sunrise, when I wake
I'm always rushing to find you
As I rise my heart starts to quake
The idea of your smile its cue

Then as sun turns the sky bright blue
You're the color that fills my day
I'm always rushing to find you
Your life-light's my every ray

And as the moonbeams softly glow
With candlelight's warm gentle hue
On my love-stream will ever flow
I'm always rushing to find you
Quatern form
Feb 2019 · 190
AmeriMav Feb 2019
Your wild stardust glow
Dazzling flash our fire dance
My soul ignited
Haiku form
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