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Jun 2018 · 193
Anger and Love
HTR Stevens Jun 2018
A helpful hand and a smiling face’s
Far more loving than beauty and grace.
Kind words will sweep away a person’s anger,
Hard words will surely cause more danger.

A smiling face is like the moon;
An angry face’s hotter than noon.
Let not beauty, let not grace,
But only love be on your face!
Jun 2018 · 1.1k
Oh to be a Lark
HTR Stevens Jun 2018
I hear the lark
Singing yon on a tree,
Day after day,
Oh so very care-free!
How I wish I’m one;
I’ll fly o’er the sea!
Early each morning
Can you then hear me.
How I wish I can sing
As gaily as it can;
Oh, such a tiny thing,
But yet can be my friend!
***** its little head –
Greets me with a chirp –
Asks me for some bread –
In the water dips.
Fresh as a daisy –
Sweeter than pie;
Who is so merry?
Not even I!
Early in the morning,
I wake with the lark;
Hear it sweetly singing
Upon its usual mark.
Jun 2018 · 274
Whose “Liberation”?
HTR Stevens Jun 2018
In days gone by, roles were pretty clear
When men knew they had nothing to fear.
They were the ones who brought home the bread
And each in his household was the head.

But no longer today, men are pleased
Their financial burden has decreased;
With it too, as heads at the table
Why not? When wives are just as able.

Who is now sharing the household bills?
Who pays now, when the car needs refills?
He no longer needs to feign offence
When outings are at his girl’s expense.

Pray, what mad genius started this game?
Or are the times entirely to blame?
Women are free but men are more free
Who are you fooling? You can’t fool me!
Jun 2018 · 314
Not the Last Goodbye
HTR Stevens Jun 2018
It is raining in my heart,
‘Cos you are going away.
Will we always be apart?
My world has gone sad and grey.

Will you be back when I lite
Your little candle for you?
My soul will always burn bright,
When I am expecting you.

All the happy times we shared,
Will we always remember?
Everything we feared and dared,
January to December?

Will you be back by and by?
To our memories I cling.
I am sad, I want to cry;
To me you are everything.

Why are the stars still shining,
When it’s time to say ‘good-bye’?
Inside my heart is crying,
Even tho’ my eyes are dry.

Hope I have not let you down,
In ways that I do not know.
Time slipped by without a sound;
Now it’s time for you to go.

Will we be back together,
As this journey of mine ends?
Hearts as light as a feather,
We who are closer than friends?

Will we meet on the rainbow,
Hanging our tears out to dry?
With our faces all aglow,
And from our ******* not a sigh?

On earth we come together,
And from earth we then depart;
Storms and hardships we weather;
Enemies tear us apart.

Those with whom we wine and dine,
When enemies they become,
Is it the end of the line?
Should we not ourselves disarm?

They who know us just too well
Targeting our weaker link;
We must have a way to tell,
How in quicksand not to sink.

Good-bye, now, my precious friend;
We’ll meet on the other side...
This is not really the end;
Some things fate cannot decide.
May 2018 · 266
Doggie Names
HTR Stevens May 2018
Shall I call you “Bruno”?
Shall I call you “Beano”?
What is in a name?
Are they not the same?
Both have world-wide fame.
Names are just a game.
You are very happy
Whate’er your name may be.
Paw tapping on the phone;
Teeth gnawing on a bone;
Dancing around the room -
Lovely flowers in bloom;
Watching TV cartoon;
Mesmerised by the moon...
A rose smells just as sweet,
Whatever name you tweet.
May 2018 · 304
Eternal Love
HTR Stevens May 2018
Tho’ seas and mountain barriers may us part,
Your image will still remain in my heart:
A being supernal yet darkly wise,
Your healing sympathy in cold disguise,
- Your character can never be defined,
With inconsistency of every kind.
One who knows you learns to love and adore,
Even when you split a heart into four!
May 2018 · 319
Love in Spring
HTR Stevens May 2018
Gentle as the Spring-time breeze
Kissing the green leaves on trees,
Warm as the bright morning sun
Smiling aft the night is done,
Came my love, in a mysterious way –
Disposition between grave and gay.

Strange! Two people – worlds apart
Born to meet by Divine Art…
Who can tell what lies ahead?
The unknown makes me afraid…
May 2018 · 312
HTR Stevens May 2018
As the sunshine smiles thro’
Clouds that shed heart-broken tears,
Letters ebbing strength renew,
Cheer the heart and rid its fears.

Distance keeps us apart –
Each other we cannot see,
But – united at heart,
Is close as friends can e’er be.

Two people – worlds apart,
Who met by a twist of fate…
Who could tell True Friendship’s art?
Its growth nothing can abate.
May 2018 · 160
HTR Stevens May 2018
Old Mr. Goon,
Heard the ringing phone;
He called for his wife,
Inside a bee-hive,
For fear of the moon.

Auntie Susan,
Likes some fun;
She takes me
Out to sea
On a bun.

John puts a fish
Into a dish
But it jumps about
And keeps calling out:
“Oh…! I am finished!”
May 2018 · 235
A Plea for Guidance
HTR Stevens May 2018
Before me, the path like an endless chain
Stretches into the infinite unknown.
O Lord, be the path filled with joy or pain,
Roses or thorns, I dare not walk alone.

O Lord, at times when I am seized with fear
I need Someone whose guidance I can seek.
O Lord, I need to know that Thou art near,
So very near that with Thee I can speak.

Be Thou, my Lord, the Sign-Post at each crossroad;
The Compass of my vessel out at sea:
Let not the waves o’erturn my sailing-boat
Ere I reach the shore of Eternity.
Apr 2018 · 306
HTR Stevens Apr 2018
Who’s greater than a friend,
A friend who loves you?
A friend who helps you plan
Things both old and new.

When you have made a friend,
Never let him / her go,
Let not your friendship end,
With sorrow and blows.

If you have made a friend,
Never let him / her go,
Let not your friendship end
For friendship is gold.

Who can live without friends
In this world unknown?
Who can live till the end,
In this world, alone?

Pray, do remember this,
For I was once told:
“Love is the way to bliss,
Everywhere you go.”
HTR Stevens Apr 2018
I cannot boast about worldly wealth
Nor can I boast about physical health
But what I have none can take away
I prefer my freedom any day.

I am no King with a worldly crown
With both my feet firmly on the ground
I know that life is an illusion
So nought over me has dominion.

Around me people fight for riches
The chinking sound of gold bewitches
Content does not come from worldly gain
It comes when no desires remain.

I want nothing, so my heart is free
Unattached and just content to be
Very gently with nature I blend
All is my brother, sister and friend.

Together everything makes a whole
We are units of a single soul
We have all been made blind by the “fall”
There is but one god and god is all.

Open our inner eye…we will see
Our past, present and future to be
God is not an outside entity
It is the spark within you and me.

When every ego its job has done
Then the universal prize is won
Like a picture the artist has drawn
The ultimate masterpiece is born.

All the things the world has ever known
As a child into the adult grown
Lives need to be lived and then depart
All is made perfect and becomes art.
Apr 2018 · 298
Show the Best
HTR Stevens Apr 2018
Life is sweeter than a flower,
Tho’ silently goes like dew;
So make good use of each hour;
Show the best that is in you.

Show a face of sunshine cheer,
A smile on a tender face;
Show your courage, show no fear;
Show the best in human race.
Apr 2018 · 416
Lark Song
HTR Stevens Apr 2018
Beneath the sun I always roam
A happy lark – o so free!
The spacious sky my native home –
My comfy perch up a tree!

Every morning wake up with me,
To greet the bright morning dew!
Take a light stroll across the lea,
Hear my chirpy song to you!

The wild cold wind does call to me –
Its many arms me enfold…
The blue sky offers liberty,
Of more worth than shining gold!
HTR Stevens Mar 2018
I don’t want to be famous, I don’t want to be rich
But I have to write because I have the writer’s itch!
Compelled to write by a heart, mind and soul on fire;
Not doing it is like standing on a live wire!
Mar 2018 · 179
Mind Games
HTR Stevens Mar 2018
Many new toys have I…
The universe is my playpen.
Ideas fall from the sky…
I ask not how or who, but when.
Mar 2018 · 129
Poet's Ditty
HTR Stevens Mar 2018
When I get a buzz in my bonnet
I am glad it is not a hornet
But an inspiration so intense
That I have to write it down, condensed.
Mar 2018 · 684
Addicted to Poetry
HTR Stevens Mar 2018
Poetry is like an addiction,
It is such a strange condition;
I cannot sit, I cannot stand,
I’ve no rest till I grab a pen;
To write down all I feel and see,
Compelled to write all shown to me.
Thoughts and words float into my head,
Be it I’m eating or in bed;
I welcome them all with delight.
Consciousness raised to a new height;
As we have to earth a live wire,
Thoughts need to be controlled, like fire.
I’m bubbling to tell all around,
Your thoughts are alive!...write them down.
HTR Stevens Mar 2018
As many poets come and go,
I am but one;
When I’ve imparted what I know,
My work is done.

I am here just to say “Hello…”,
This niche in time;
To watch the world, to note its flow…
Put it in rhyme.

Whate’er people may think of me –
Good, bad or mad,
At heart I am vibrant and free;
For that I’m glad.

I bid you farewell now, my friend,
Tho’ we may meet
In distant worlds, should this one end –
As old friends greet…
Mar 2018 · 200
HTR Stevens Mar 2018
All things in this world are vain!
All things that we try to gain!
Pearls and gold, cities and crown, all must
Stay behind, when we return to dust!

Have we drunk the wine of power?
Have we seen our finest hour?
Aft we have gained all this stuff,
Do we meet a cruel rebuff?

Look ye, all men, great and small;
See ye all these white brick walls?
Remain but these smooth grey stones
Beneath which are dead men’s bones…

Look ye, and fear, death takes all!
Death hath come from ‘Adam’s fall’;
In this world, we may rule all,
All but death – life’s bitter gall!

Inside houses we may be,
And think from death we are free?
Sadly…into houses death will creep
Right across the room to where we sleep!
Mar 2018 · 339
The Universe Within
HTR Stevens Mar 2018
I have ridden with the sun across the skies;
There’s a DIVINE spark in me that never dies;
Ask me all the What’s and Who’s and Which and How’s and Why’s;
Question the DIVINE spark within me, it never lies.

With God within me, Nature and I are One;
I cause the earth to quake and rivers to run;
Ask me questions, seek from me the Truth to understand;
Seek within yourself – the universe within the man!

The force within balances the force without;
A whisper within – as mighty as a shout;
See Mother Earth when you look upon a grain of sand;
Man is the Universe and the Universe is Man.
Feb 2018 · 218
Little Snowflake
HTR Stevens Feb 2018
Change me into a snowflake,
Dancing lightly in the wind!
Change me into a snowflake,
Thro’ the misty air I’ll spin!

How exquisite and fluffy,
Soft and delicate it is!
Does no one e’er feel pity
To see it flat aft its bliss?

White and fluffy, soft and light;
I will watch you forever –
I’ll dance with you thro’ the night!
And love you as my sister.

Let me dance with you tonight,
Tho’ I’ll be dead hereafter;
Kiss me, I will take the flight,
Little snowflake forever!
Feb 2018 · 251
Society Quite Contrary
HTR Stevens Feb 2018
What’s this that all around us we see…?
People strange but strangers cannot be!

The thief sows not, but consents to reap;
The watchman falls a victim to sleep.
The comforter, brings tears, not relief;
The youth, by glamour is oft deceived.
The gossip, loses in frank debate;
The punctual, cannot help being late.
The wise, in his proud conceit turns fool;
The taught, oft seems to be more unschool’d.
The tactful, by silence, oft does hurt;
The polite, being civil, sounds curt.
He loses who speculates to gain;
He thinks himself fit who is insane.

But then, who are we, others to judge,
When we, ourselves, may be among such?
Feb 2018 · 190
Leap Year
HTR Stevens Feb 2018
Alas my love, I find thee cold
Despite that, thou attract me so.
How often my thoughts dwell on thee!
Tho’ thou would have the contrary.

‘Tis not thy eyes that attract me
For they’re as cold as ice can be
The more they darken, on me frown
For thy love I’ll exchange my crown.

I am no Empress with a crown:
I rule no Kingdom nor a town;
But am Empress of O my heart;
If thou love me, Emperor thou art.

Come then, my love, and make me thine;
I’ll set before thee food and wine
I’ll be thy lady virtuous true
At the church let us say “I do”.
Feb 2018 · 256
HTR Stevens Feb 2018
Like a drop in the ocean,
Like a grain of sand,
So is the comparison
Of the world to man.

A golden ray from the sun,
A leaf from a tree,
As joy to a child means fun
I wish to be free.

A poet can’t do justice
Just with words alone
Describing an inner peace
That has quickly flown.

What is Truth – that we all seek?
The answer – who knows?
Where there’s the strong, there’s the weak;
Only a fool crows.

Where there is good, there’s evil;
Where there’s wrong, there’s right;
Our minds create the devil
Whom we fear to fight.

The world is a looking-glass:
Reflections of life;
To be enlightened we must
Give up worldly strife.

Who has stepped out of our world
Tho’ still within it?
The Truth is universal
When the fire is lit.

Our eyes to nature open:
All are relative;
We spy a glimpse of heaven
As each day we live.
Feb 2018 · 285
Be My Love
HTR Stevens Feb 2018
A life of music I’ll share with you
A life of music we’ll both go thro’
A life of music with just us two
A life of music beneath the blue
A life of music! Come, hold my hand
A life of music in this dreamland.
Come, my Beloved, I’ll dance with you
Come, my Love, the roses we will view
The sunshine is ever bright above
Come, Naferina, and be my Love!

A life of music I’ll share with you
A life of music we’ll both go thro’
Come, let us dance in this sunshine land
Step together on this lustrous sand
Step together! In this dance employ!
Step together! Gloominess destroy!
Youth is like green grass which the winds sway
‘Tis a time to be youthful in May
The sun is shining brightly above
Come, Naferina, and be my Love!
Feb 2018 · 411
Cupid's Arrow
HTR Stevens Feb 2018
Give your heart away;
Day will turn to night!
You won’t find your way,
Ev’n in broad day-light!

Give your heart away?
You’d be better blind,
For lit by Love’s ray,
His / Her faults are divine!
Feb 2018 · 474
Ditty to the Wind
HTR Stevens Feb 2018
Blow, o wind, across the land,
And toss the leaves on trees,
And cause the huge waves to rise,
In the blue stormy seas…

Blowing ‘cross the ship’s high deck,
Let your fresh breath cool my neck;
Let my spirits with yours rise,
To meet the clouds in the skies.
Jan 2018 · 785
Our Darker Selves
HTR Stevens Jan 2018
Everyone has a shadow;
You know what I’m talking about?
They’re not the ones that follow
Us where’er we go – in and out.

Shadows no one wants to know;
Denying them ev’n to ourselves.
In us they fester and grow,
Hidden deep where we fear to delve.

We blame the poor old devil
For the bad things we want to do.
Where we recognise evil,
We look for a scapegoat…guess who?

Shadows to haunt us by night;
In each of us a Mr. Hyde!
Dreams of demons we can’t fight;
Within each of us they reside.

We must face our weaker side;
Master the animal within!
We ourselves have to decide
If our better selves are to win.
Jan 2018 · 362
Cosmic Laws
HTR Stevens Jan 2018
Death to life, life to death, it comes unsought;
We view each death with such fear;
Many deaths had we passed thro’, knowing not
Our eternity is here.

As in each life we try to do our best;
Each star to do its true will;
But in reality who can digest
Truth? It is a bitter pill.

It’s easy to think of a Redeemer
Who came to save one and all;
Individuals need not lift a finger;
It must be against the Law!

Each man in his heart must be his own Christ;
Each divine spark runs its course;
Seeking above life, above death, to rise
According to cosmic laws.
Jan 2018 · 232
Weep not for me
HTR Stevens Jan 2018
Do not weep for me when I am dead
The stars will still be shining o’erhead.
I shall be free from life’s mundane chores
I shall not be bound by earthly laws.

Free as the wind to go where I please
In physical death life does not cease.
I shall watch you for a little while
To see your tears replaced by a smile.

Death comes to each of us soon or late
Our spirits pass thro’ another gate.
Each of us came to fulfil a task
Sunrises at dawn, sunsets at dusk.

The rivers will still be flowing by
The oceans will still meet the blue sky.
All things for you will be as before
I will just grow old and be a bore.

Best to go when I am at my peak
Not to wait till I am wan and weak.
Best to leave while there is still applause
Not wait for the ebbing of my course.

Humans are fickle, changing at will
Only the spirit is always still.
So free from this life I seek to be
To loved ones I say, “Weep not for me”.
Jan 2018 · 212
One Source
HTR Stevens Jan 2018
From one source we came
To one source depart
Every burning flame
Of Nature a part.

Each in his own way
Strives towards a goal
Hoping that he’ll play
Perfectly his role.

Life is illusion
Man should stop to think
Within creation
He is just a link.

“God” is just a force
Without form or name
That’s the Great Light Source
From which all life came.
Jan 2018 · 249
One Lone Voice
HTR Stevens Jan 2018
How often we harken to the common voice
We want to be counted as one of the boys
It is a case of the blind leading the blind
As out of a maze our way we try to find.

We fear to be considered the odd one out
Our views differ, conventions we dare not flout
Why do we always have to follow the crowd
And be afraid to voice our ideas aloud?

No longer dumb driven cattle do we need
In each of us Truth is like a tiny seed
Truth is there even if no one takes its side
All it takes is one lone voice to change the tide.

Sometime, somewhere, someone has to take the lead
Fearless of foes, to accomplish a great deed
Fear not to stand up for what you know is true
Truth must conquer, even if it breaks the rule.
Jan 2018 · 209
In Never-Never Land
HTR Stevens Jan 2018
Close our eyes; sleep…dream…know what is in store,
As we pass in death out of this life’s door;
Just know that all our sorrows are no more;
Lay down all burdens, ev’n the clothes we wore.

Out there, to which this life is but a dream;
In that waking, we forget all our cares;
Blissful peace and ecstasy rule supreme;
Sadness, fear and worries are past affairs.

Inhibitions gone, there’s no tomorrow…
A child just thinks of the immediate “now”;
The future is not for us to borrow;
A fresh start: Every slate is white as snow.

A child, at last, in Never-Never Land…
Joy in an ancient tireless timelessness;
Following the footsteps of the God Pan;
A child to stay – forever and ageless.
Jan 2018 · 149
Walking on Cloud Nine
HTR Stevens Jan 2018
On a day when the weather is fine
I seem to be walking on cloud nine.
Everything is brighter than before
My feet seem hardly to touch the floor.

My heart floats like a song in the air
With nature I’m having an affair
I feel sunlight dancing on my skin,
Intoxicating like lime and gin.

So many stars are before my eyes
My heart floats like a dove in the skies
The world is such a beautiful place
I shall not want to leave it in haste

It fills me with such gladness of heart
My soul enraptured by divine art
Nature clothed in such colourful hue
Bright and shining and forever new

An old world that young forever stays
Sharing with all its life giving rays
Beauty in man may be just skin-deep
Nature its youth will forever keep.
Dec 2017 · 142
You and Me
HTR Stevens Dec 2017
Look into my eyes and you will see
You and me and all eternity.
Everything dims into nothingness,
Just you and me in the Universe.

Whispering softly in your ear
Many things that only you can hear…
Paths leading everywhere far and wide;
Will you hold my hand and be my guide?

Whatever lies beyond matters not
When eternity is all we’ve got.
Past and future, all rolled into one.
Always present. Around us is none.
Dec 2017 · 1.1k
For the Love of Scotland
HTR Stevens Dec 2017
If I am Queen of Scotland and you are King
We will wander thro’ all the castles, you and I.
Who knows what the years ahead will bring?
One thing I know, we will see endless Skye.

We will feel so small but yet so free;
Mother Earth steady beneath our feet
On every blade of grass, to the highest tree
We can curl up and sink into sleep.

Scotland, O Scotland! Here we come whilst we are still at one,
Your pipers, bagpipes and drums tug at our heartstrings
When dusk falls and all is said and done,
Only the Gods know what the future brings.

My heart yearns for you, your passion and your fire;
Your world is strangely dark and deep.
Can a heart smoulder with such love and desire,
Mesmerised by your magic and mysteries, and secrets you keep.
Dec 2017 · 326
A Jailbird’s Swan Song
HTR Stevens Dec 2017
They tell me that I am no good;
They lock me up in jail.
They give me all the sloppy food
They tell me I have failed.

They take away my self-respect;
They tell me no one cares,
They tell me you will soon forget
I’m part of your nightmares.

They say they’ll throw away the key;
My cell is dark and cold.
By and by you will forget me
As I grow weak and old.

The days grow short, the nights grow long;
My time is running out
Like the end of a dreary song
I have no breath to shout.

A jailbird has no wings to fly,
Not like your feathered friends;
A jailbird can just wait to die;
His way to make amends.
Nov 2017 · 289
Christmas and Thereafter
HTR Stevens Nov 2017
Christmas is here! Time for good cheer!
Once more the best time of the year!
TV programmes; same old! Same old!
We love them! Stick with what we know.

The season we’re celebrating;
All year long we have been waiting.
Eating food we don’t have to make
From scratch. Nor do we need to bake.

Shops sprinkled with white Christmas dust;
All things sparkling! All things a must!
Time for fun, for laughter, for joy!
From “on-line” get the latest toy.

Buy in haste, regret at leisure…
Toys that give us short-term pleasure.
Turkeys vote for Christmas, we know…
Brussels sprouts, and all things that grow.

Life is “hard labour” thro’ the year;
Comes Christmas, pop champagne, not beer!
Heston’s puddings have all sold out;
“That is a nightmare!” some may shout.

Christmas passed. New Year comes around…
Is snow lying thick on the ground?
We have survived another year;
Very soon ‘Springwatch’ will be here.

Creepy crawlies and birds that sing,
Showers with the first buds of Spring,
Lambs frolicking, pretty flowers grow…
Also, weeds that we did not sow…
Nov 2017 · 241
Attic in Your House
HTR Stevens Nov 2017
There is an attic in your house
Quite the place I’d like to browse
What is in it, I’d like to see
Things unwanted, full of mystery

Things valued once upon a time
Now you cannot buy for a dime
Old but too new to throw away
Things you may reach for any day

Vinyls, and such music sublime!
Too much stuff to fit in my rhyme
Christmas trees that have lost their shine
Bottles of fine old vintage wine

Old toys for which you used to pine
Once more you may search for and find
Like trophies from another time
Throwing out would be such a crime

So keep them – you know where they are
Your doll house, train set or your car
Toys you may play with once again
With the zest that may still remain.
Oct 2017 · 916
Castle in the Sky
HTR Stevens Oct 2017
I have a silver castle in the sky
One day, we will visit it, you and I
We will sail down the river, gently row
Eyes affixed on my castle, from below.

My beautiful castle is shining bright
Surreal and surrounded by mist at night
We will keep rowing until morning dawns
We will haul in nets of shimmering prawns.

My castle in the sky is very far
We will never reach it by boat or car
But in my mind it will always hold true
All is possible at the time of Yule.

In dreams my castle can be anywhere
Wherever I wish it, it will be there
Between you and me, no one else should know
My dream castle is made of ice and snow.

In my dreams I should also let you know
Castle walls glisten with silver and gold
Dreams of castles in moonlight all aglow
Piled sky-high with treasure and wealth untold.

Can I tell you, while I am feeling bold
Sadly, comes dawn, there is nought to behold
All the same, dream I will and dream I must
Tho' at dawn, even castles turn to dust.

— The End —