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bukowski May 2014
I feel it making it's way
through my body
like the shiver I get when you touch me,
or the burning sensation I get
when I'm pouring ***** down my throat;
I feel it making it's way into my heart
and into my lungs
like your love,
or my cigarette smoke;
I feel it tightening it's grasp
around my neck
like your hands,
or my noose;
I feel it killing me
like the cigarettes,
and the *****,
and the love
bukowski May 2014
I just need to be left alone,
but don't stray too far;
I just need to know that you care,
but don't let out too much;
I just need to be able to stand
on my own two feet,
but don't let me collapse to the floor
for I fear my bones may break;
I have grown weaker
and my mind is slowly sinking
into a comfortable nothingness
and soon I will be sleeping
with the dead;
I just need to wait,
but I'm staring at clocks
with broken hands
and they've lost
their voice
Genevieve May 2014
I don’t want to sleep
There are too many noises
(Too many voices)

The tick 


Ticking of the clock

And the silent buzz

Of street lamps

Outside my window

I can hear her breathing

Like the wind

Rushing through the trees

My heart beat

Pulsing in my chest

It gets harder to breathe

Take it slow

Count the seconds

My mind is so awake

But my eyelids

Are falling 

And i am choking 


Smoke and demons


Carbon dioxide
And ash clouds

My hands are shaky
And my fingers

Are burning red

I feel an electric shock

Jolt through my body

Then entire numbness
This is turning into a nightmare
It was never like this before
I'm afraid that if I'm conscious too much
They'll come break down my door.

This is turning into a nightmare
It was always better than this
Borrowed, fake, sweet to the touch
Nothing is going as I wish.

This is turning into a nightmare
It was hardly better than now
Explain how I can find my love
Because it wasn't in lost and found.

This is turning into a nightmare
It can't be any better for you
Why do you care, they all just shove
And I end up falling through.

This is turning into a nightmare
It was worse yesterday, though
Maybe because I'm looking above
And I see a spark of Hope.

This was always a nightmare
But now it's turning to day
Perhaps I'm finding He is enough
And I've finally found my way.
bukowski May 2014
the beauty that comes
from that little black pen
of yours
is more than what will ever
come from the stars
and the moon,
or the sun
and a clear blue sky;
your mind is working
so fast
and your pen still manages
to keep up with your train of thoughts;
your words scribbled on paper
are better than any
misty lake
on a cold Sunday morning
or a silent forest
on a dark Tuesday night;
your pen carries every single
from your brain
to the paper it is dancing over;
your beauty is
written through
that little black pen
and you should never
stop writing,
even when you feel empty,
you can find something
to write about;
cr May 2014
i will tell you this: the devil
is inscribed in the details. when you
haven’t spoken to someone
in months, it’s like greeting
a stranger anew; they are not
who they were five months ago,
or six, or seven. they are a
collection of newfound

cells and new skin and new ideas; they
are not the brilliance you once
observed at 3 am when they
were crying out their reddened eyes
over the fact you did not
love them like you used to. even
if they find some new person kissing
their wounds in a failed attempt
at intimacy, they may still latch
onto your once-love as a blood-*******

leech. the god of trickery and emotional
manipulation is named “my ex-
boyfriend” and i don’t think i like him
very much. “are you missing me” he
sighs to me over the phone, and i
cannot reply. if i whispered “yes”,
he’d grab my wrist and pull me into
his side again; if i whispered “no”,
i’d observe it devour him alive and
bring him into the warmth of a
broken heart.
The Whisper May 2014
I pinch my brow, and rub my eyes.
I procure a heavy sigh.
I feel regret, a dear old friend,
As I look up at the sky.

I retreat to my mind, I shut my eyes.
I think of what to say.
Hate comes along, whistling his song,
"How would you rather feel today?"

I searched for love, I found someone.
I thought she was a dream.
Instead I found myself in hell.
People aren't always what they seem.

I was blinded by "love", I am in love.
I love her and she loves me.
But so many questions come to my mind.
"Are we truly meant to be?"

I don't know, I don't know, I really don't know...
There's so much pain in my heart.
The things that we do and the things that we say,
Are tearing us apart.

I unclench my fists, I open my eyes.
I let out a heavier sigh.
Rubbing my eyes, I wipe these tears
As I look up at the sky.
In this poem, I used a lot of imagery to try and paint pictures and piece together what it's like when we all stare at something, eyes wide open (for whatever reason) and we just become unaware of ourselves whilst in deep thought. We just focus so deeply on what we're thinking about, and we get so lost, that as soon as we open our eyes, we don't even realize how little or how much time has passed. The shortness of this poem is supposed to mimicking how very little thinking can be a lot to take in at once.
He used to only dance
With a raggedy grey mop
And now when she's with him
She can't get him to stop.
bukowski May 2014
I know I should stop,
I have told myself
a thousand
but my mind won't listen
when it is restless and
needs comforting,
I am lighting
after cigarette,
drinking *****,
whiskey, gin,
anything hard
to really put an end
to the voices in my head;
but they keep coming back
they're not backing down,
I'm being eaten
from the inside out
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