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Apr 2017 · 864
Allegory of Muddiness
Sanjukta Nag Apr 2017
It's raining in my hallway
and only yesterday I removed
my skin from your raincoat.
The dumb walls now stare
at each other
with your portraits
hanging on their drippy chests.
Your charcoal hair melts
flooding the glacial cheekbones
and messes up your lips.
I wonder how a little stain
on your shirt
used to make you irate.
Now your waterlogged selves
are hanged in my hallway
being muddy from head to heart.
Apr 2017 · 1.8k
Sanjukta Nag Apr 2017
This dream is a sloppy forest
and you are the bird
who broods in a labyrinth of trees.
Time revolts,
the cage of sleep fractures
with the flutters of my eyelids.
I feel mortified
for uprooting trees one by one
from navels of the earth
only to see you safe at home.
Now the greens lay under my feet
and the sun looks blue
with your screaming feathers
scattered across the sky.
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
Love Looks Green
Sanjukta Nag Apr 2017
When our home first felt the dark
You illuminated your thoughts,
And light flooded the porch of moon.

Poems were born, and I fell for you
Deeper than sun's root inside wind.

Like a child's friendship with colours
Fills the gap of rainbows,
You inked my words with voices of spring,

Turning love's tint into unaged green.
Mar 2017 · 1.3k
Bring Me Back
Sanjukta Nag Mar 2017
If I ever lose my house of words
In the bleak land of asleep flowers,

Read me the map of love
Sing me the silhouettes of life
For the sake of the blood we moulded into shape.

As the moon inside this head
Always will reflect
The sunbeams of your tangible thoughts.
Mar 2017 · 607
Seeking Life
Sanjukta Nag Mar 2017
Few truths in the unexplored blues,
Their smokey heads sway
Inside your eyes.

I perceive us with your touch.

Holding out an arm
Everyday you point to the distant,

Though our naive feet don't know
How to read a map.
Mar 2017 · 1.0k
Vanishing Point
Sanjukta Nag Mar 2017
When you are the book
Laying down on my infinity,
I read your caves
With closed eyelids.

Over the surface
Light exhales warm colours
Paying depth to my strokes.

I sit between the in and out
To draw a vanishing point.
Mar 2017 · 1.2k
Sanjukta Nag Mar 2017
We taste distance
And moments keep dropping
Little by little
From our melting hands.

Stories on your skin
Like a room full of silhouettes
Escape my touch.

Silence stands between us
Revealing an unknown script.
We read to us life.
Feb 2017 · 1.6k
The Creation
Sanjukta Nag Feb 2017
On the barren
head of this plateau,
you're the midpoint.

A curious moon peeps
from the curve
of your neck,
flooding the
shoulders of solitude.

With a cello
between legs,
and a bow made
of moonbeams
you string those
rare beads of a tune.

Birth of sound
makes the sleeping
auras trembled.

Ancient souls explode,
fragmented forces
drink fresh
Jan 2017 · 2.3k
Will You Be My Muse?
Sanjukta Nag Jan 2017
I've always been on this journey
Of floating with words.
Looking for you
I travelled across the
Sacred skies of many hearts,
Forming and breaking constellations
With the language of my ribcage.
For a thousand years
I walked through the veins of love
Wondering about the face
Of your ****** mind.
Your were the white heads
Of those tulips
I held each morning before smelling
Your absence inside them.
A constant search, still going on
As all the words of my poem
Keep running towards your smile.
Just answer me with your hands
Will you be my muse?
Jan 2017 · 1.3k
Away From Home
Sanjukta Nag Jan 2017
Sighs of the afternoon forest
Grow faint
Like ripples on the water
One after another.

Moments so close yet distant
I place on your lap
As the heart belongs to the wild.

Icing up the evening
Mountain blues of your eyes are
Now quiet at my palms.

We're only a thousand miles
Away from home.
Jan 2017 · 1.7k
Take Me Home
Sanjukta Nag Jan 2017
Everytime you bring me back from
The shore of infinity
Dragging my soul through waves
Sprinkling foamy stardust on my eyelids.
I open them
And find your shadow more pale
Than yesterday's dream.
You carry my wings
Your shoulders under my feathers
Expand wider than western horizon.
I melt and spread
Like a field of sunny tangerine
On your patient chest.
An ocean that is sweeter than freedom
Deeper than the blues of Pacific.
Jan 2017 · 2.1k
If Humans Got Wings
Sanjukta Nag Jan 2017
Looking at the birds
Little girl thinks,
"How sweet it would have been
If I had wings."

Looking at the girl
Caged birds sing,
**"No birds would be flying in the sky
If humans got wings."
Dec 2016 · 988
Evening Comes Home
Sanjukta Nag Dec 2016
Hanging downward
Leafy branches try to taste
The tangibility of earth.
Melted sundrops on the plains
Roll with grass blades
Welcoming the dark
To kiss his tangerine love.
Songs of the returning wings
Make the sky more grayish-green
Than those foggy heads
Of awaiting trees.
Wearing a cloak
Of tomorrow's  serendipity
Evening comes home.
Dec 2016 · 856
Afternoon Speaks
Sanjukta Nag Dec 2016
Inside the warmth of an afternoon café
Her romantic eyes
Clicked pictures of the fallen sun,
And how its golden pollens
Rolling down from
Her lover's caffeinated cheek.
Empty chairs around them
Empty dishes and cups,
Unsaid emotions of people already left
Stirred the silence inside her.
Behind the window glass
She felt another world revolving,
Devoid of quiet laziness.
Festival of various faces with
Running colours in hands
Flying words in hearts
Were re-cycling the myth of time
Or maybe moulding some lives out of it.
Her amazed self collected
Those moments or movements,
Like a child snatches from the wind
Pebbles of rainbow after rain.
And when he asked her
If she wanted to take anything,
Without opening her lips
She answered,
"I have just taken in everything."
This poem is the reflection of what my friend Sreeja had experienced on a particular afternoon in a café. I'm thankful to her for this poem :)
Dec 2016 · 6.9k
Sanjukta Nag Dec 2016
Our bodies are facing
The arms of dawn.
Conflicts of our skins
From night's reverie
Floating with fading purple.
Still lost in the depth of
Your starry mouth,
Particles of me
Merging into the universe.
Mingled thoughts
Under mingled fingers
Making galaxies crumbled
Time after time
Inside my closed eyes,
As I'm being washed by your
Warm luminosity.
I'm overwhelmed as Merged got selected as a daily poem. It means a lot to me. I'm grateful to all the poet-readers of HP. I wouldn't be able to achieve it without their support. Thanks a lot ❤
Dec 2016 · 1.6k
Constellation of Dreams
Sanjukta Nag Dec 2016
Pillow is pampering the softness
Of your left cheek,
While the right one is revealed
Towards the cold of night.
A smile, so pink like a lustful rose
Rolling down from creases of your lips.
But the wonder lies inside
Your honey eyes of fascination,
Where bright blue constellation of dreams
Is built like a castle of light,
That shimmers only
With the blushful touch of love.
Dec 2016 · 609
Sound of Dream
Sanjukta Nag Dec 2016
Walking to you
With my unsighted vision
Quiet like the water
Inside a sleeping oyster.
The thought of us
Blinks with
Half lit blue's random dance.
And I keep moving,
Between the space
Of distance and closeness
Until being touched
By your dazzling words.
There I become the prayer
Mildly glowed
Reflecting the sound of
Your dreams.
Dec 2016 · 473
Sanjukta Nag Dec 2016
Into the whispering dreams
Of your faithful eyes
I walked for days of mist
Looking for the hope
That speaks to eternal images.
Sweet smell ran neck to neck
Inside the starry depth
Of your overwhelming mouth
And I bathed with your light
Kissing our smiles over darkness.
There I am a hidden path
Under quiet wind
Awaiting for snowflakes
Which drop from the wooden basket
Of your bicycle-myth.
Little by little
Paint me green with
Those frosty memories of incarnation,
To mould me in a tree
That only gives birth to
The sweet fruitfulness of us.
Dec 2016 · 666
Holding On
Sanjukta Nag Dec 2016
Your promises are wintry sunrays,
Streaming into my pupils
Through the festival of skyscrapers.
Here on the road,
Cold gray stones are lying still,
To be caressed by your mustard gold,
Saying, "Hold."
And I'm holding,
Moving yet clinging to your song,
Like gravity admires every moment
The tangibility of earth,
The way sensibility overflows from
Its liquefied core.
Peaceful easy feeling surrounds me
Whenever you open your lips.
Voice, subtle and slow
Paint my walls with a glow that only
Speaks to snowflakes.
And I collect them, thinking
How they will melt on your hidden skin
That is so pale and bright
At the same time.
Patience it is,
Between us, letting me draw words
One after another,
Letting me hope that
I can make you come back
To a home, that has no ceiling no floor,
Only arms,
Constantly ricochetting
The pure silence of my prayers.
Nov 2016 · 672
Hidden Seed
Sanjukta Nag Nov 2016
Maybe your hair is blue now
Blue like the song of a mocking jay,
Sweet and cold.
Talking to the wind,
Drenching under the faces of clouds,
Waving at serenity.
Towards the landscape
Your feet smiles to happiness,
The white of your scarf softens,
Soften you start moving inside my eyes.
But I keep it still,
Quiet like the fallen particles of sun
On each of your pores,
Who run miles after miles
Inside your skin
Along with the prairie's wings.
There I am a hidden seed,
Sleeping through the eternity,
To dream you near.
Aug 2016 · 526
Every Poem I Read
Sanjukta Nag Aug 2016
Lover, every poem I read,
I read with your face inside my eyes.
Beyond whiteness I climb,
Tinge that breaks on bookish cleavage
My iris wishes bonfire for such darkness.
Glow, glow, glowing ceremonies of
Our blessed letters swirl
Like the freedom of a thousand fireflies,
From the translucent jar named
Childish amusement.
I am that child
With drizzling thoughts on twilight toes,
Who walks mile after mile to drink light,
To polish the white nails of moon
Beneath midnight fantasy.
Sipping pages, caffeinated self,
Watches your feet in ballerina dream,
Rhyming rapidly.
Flamboyant ribbon-like memories
Adding colors to every breath I drop,
Clapping like cards of familiar hearts,
That fall one over another
Like I fell for you, being that scarlet.
May 2016 · 572
Sanjukta Nag May 2016
Sometimes I sense,
The earth
Inside me
Has started revolving,
But my
Opaque eyes
Fail to
Perceive the sun.
May 2016 · 1.3k
Sanjukta Nag May 2016
Like the melting of
Sun’s burning
On the azure
Breast of ocean,
My soul’s
Ignited desire
Finds serenity
The sacred mirror
Of your
Ever-spring eyes.
May 2016 · 1.3k
Flying Colours
Sanjukta Nag May 2016
Golden warmth of sun doodled
Something on her cheek.
Like the resurrection of soft dawn in Alaska,
Gradually she opened her cheery eyes
And whispered inside my numbness,
“I can make colours fly.”
Slumber shattered into pieces of bliss
As she entangled the tenderness
Of her fingers, and
Her palms in synthesis,
And made it fly like a mythical butterfly.
My amused self asked her curiously,
“Where are the colours?”
Holding her dancing butterfly
Infront of my eyes
She replied in a honeyed voice,
**“Those are flying amidst your insight.”
May 2016 · 1.4k
Universal Us
Sanjukta Nag May 2016
Here, in this
Revolving island,
Surrounded by spacious galaxies,
Crumbling and growing
In chorus

You and I
Stand still, astonished,
Make love beneath
The faces of sunlit raindrops,
Promising forever

A third eye
Behind the forehead, sleeps
Throughout infinity,
Still we enlighten and paint
Each other's heart with our aura’s
Burning colours

Over our hundred years
Old soul, mortal us,
Wearing the coat of stardust,
Changing faces,
Arrive time after time

Through this intense
Whirling ride on a boulder
Called earth, we meet
In the middle of somewhere
And begin our
Beloved meaning of life
May 2016 · 1.4k
The Daisy In A Vase
Sanjukta Nag May 2016
Through the stormy desert
Your thirst staggered for days,
And ends up sipping
Fresh experiences as consolation.
An ocean of memories inside heart
Constantly combusts like wild flames,
Yet seems so peaceful
Like the rough skin of an extinct volcano.
You believed in my words, that,
One can’t grow larger than sun,
Or be more skillful than Orion,
Weaving luminosity over
The edge of eastern horizon.
But one can be the daisy in a vase
Who dreams every night of blooming
Like a star, with shimmering aura,
Writing fates of humans,
As if she can pick them, pluck them now,
From life, whenever she wishes.
We are all like her,
Craving for a ****** dream to live with.
And in the mirror of life,
Trying to reflect it time after time.
Apr 2016 · 1.6k
The Fairy Of Restoration
Sanjukta Nag Apr 2016
Like the stormy wind in a sunlit day
You always love to contradict me.
I tell you stories of monsters,
You transfigure them into angels
With your wand of positivity.
You tie my sadness in moonbird’s wings
And let it fly out of my earth.
Sitting amidst the emotional chiaroscuro
You play with soft words,
Paint new songs in your album,
Mimic the meowing of your honeyed kitten.
I sit back and wonder,
How do every time I witness sunrise
Whenever you let me walk deep
Into the core of your eyeballs.
And when I ask you the definition of life,
You unfold your slender arms
Like a Pegasus, and reply,
**“It’s about transforming from
One Avatar to another.”
this is for my friend Tulika, who helped me to restore the present chapters of my life.
Apr 2016 · 1.3k
Ordinary People
Sanjukta Nag Apr 2016
On the window glass,
Moon breaks into cold pieces,
Sudden taps of noisy wind play
Domestic music all the night.
We do have some
Dialogues of our conjugal ceremony
As lyrics, and some
Regular soliloquies of awakened eyes.
They roll down gradually
From the bedside table
To the cashmere carpet on the floor.
Embroidered daisies and doves,
Mock our innocence there.
As we are black, and blank, like
The moonless sky above the Dead Sea.
A sea where fishes do not live,
To celebrate this
Unbearable heaviness of reality.
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
Sanjukta Nag Apr 2016
Carries me into the core of existence,
The love in your voice.
Deeper than ocean's secret,
Mysterious, yet promising like the
Silver linings of sun.
My enlightened soul sips the freedom,
And roams through
All the emotional translucency.
For she knows,
True journey of souls only begins,
When there is no possibility of ending.
Apr 2016 · 1.6k
Pebbles Of Sun
Sanjukta Nag Apr 2016
I can still remember that dusk,
We stepped out in the drizzle to collect
The pebbles of sun.
They kept swirling in the airstream,
So soft, so free like your thoughts
Inside my ribcage.
Cold sprinkle made some of them wet,
Some even vanished before we touched their senses.
Mostly oval and round shaped,
With the playful brightness of seven colours.
You moved through them,
And let your skin absorb their vivid glow.
Fragments of violet brushed your eyelashes,
Hair accepted the waves of green.
While I placed
Sensual conjugation of orange and red
On your palm.
And it blushed like the primitive dawn,
The dawn of creation
When sun had first dropped its pebbles,
On the bare chest of earth.
Apr 2016 · 912
To Begin With
Sanjukta Nag Apr 2016
Another dawn begins,
Golden fingers of sun seem like
Scribbling the lost map of
El Dorado on your unconscious cheek.
Oh how I like to watch
Every little movement of dream
Behind the sleepiness of your eyelids,
Fading away bit by bit.
Then a deep breath,
Adorable fluttering of eyelashes
Reveals your awakened irises.
And I feel being welcomed again
Inside that sacred cave,
Where I found the desired key
Of fruitfulness last night.
Apr 2016 · 455
Sanjukta Nag Apr 2016
Our days and nights are akin now,
Wrapped with monologues from our
Silenced lips.
Little breaths break down
Under the hours of the antique clock
On our glass wall,
And we keep drawing with our eyes
A curved line of infinity,
Expecting it would lend our souls a path
To reach home safely.
Apr 2016 · 4.3k
The Snowman Theory
Sanjukta Nag Apr 2016
Once I met this girl
On my way to a desert of snow.
With a bucket and shovel in my hand,
A bit of chill on the spine,
I was trying to make a heap of snow
Then maybe a man of it.
She sat there for hours,
Watching me, smiling with fair cheeks,
While I saw her transforming bit by bit.
A carrot appeared on the nose,
Green scarf of a childhood winter
Cuddled her cold white neck,
And a fuzzy hat sat on her snow-head.
My baffled voice asked,
“How did you do that?”
Without opening her lips, she answered,
“Just dreaming bigger.”
I am thankful to my friend Tulika for this poem, who taught me that dream not only can be of making a snowman, but can be of becoming one.
Apr 2016 · 502
Sanjukta Nag Apr 2016
Our silence is colourless,
Even thicker than the Milky Way.
Long lost dust of stars
Swim across our hidden souls.
Bit by bit we move
Keeping the asteroids in our eyes,
Welcoming the fragments of chiaroscuro
To reach for
Every pore of this space.
And still hope,
One day the big blue sphere between us
Will become small
So small that we'll crush
Its icy mountains
And melt it down into a river
Only to make the bridge of affection.
Jan 2016 · 500
Sanjukta Nag Jan 2016
Frozen images, floating slowly,
Beneath the glaciers of sub-consciousness.
Some figures throb,
Stirred by sudden emotional storm,
Wet and grey like clouds.
Those burry faces feel the focus of aurora,
Hands start caressing dreams
Spreading the familiar scent of warmth,
While ears drink the whiteness of laughter.
Yet everything is so misty blue.
Unnerving coldness strengthens the distance
Between present and past.
And one figure,
Leaning on the terminator line,
Waves frantically towards my opaque walls
Before drifting off inside my darkness.
Jan 2016 · 486
Sanjukta Nag Jan 2016
Like a soothing touch of hope,
Enlightened enough to brace the darkness
With pleasure,
I am shimmering now and again
In your arms,
Wearing the garland of love.
Jan 2016 · 479
Bigger Than Sun
Sanjukta Nag Jan 2016
For a long time I’ve been here,
To let the snow melt
Upon the fallen feather of yellow magpie.
Breeze, soft like your thoughts
Digs out my soul from a secret cave,
Like the resurrection of a sweet dawn in Alaska.
Forgotten names of love
At midnight, I planted in your blood.
Now it’s your turn to open eyes
And show the world,
That life becomes bigger than sun
When you sprinkle crimson on the core of my heart.
Oct 2015 · 730
Body And Soul
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
A Greek godlike figure of yours
Is caressed by my body
Countless times,
Under amorous eyes of moon.

Now, let the hands of my heart
Enter inside of your being,
To lit the torch of your soul
With holy light of a lifelong love.
Oct 2015 · 2.8k
He Barks Like A Bird
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
My snowball-like puppy barks like a bird,
Whenever that sparrow enters my window
Like a sudden sunray of winter.
She perches on a luminous spot
To sing him the sweetness of nature, that
She composed when dawn kissed her feathers.
He rhythmically stirs air with his thin white tail,
And concentrates ******* imitating
The morning song of little sparrow.
Days walk like this on my room
Resonating with their twittering symphony.
Now I think, maybe it's not only a music lesson
But a chapter of learning the secrecy of flying.
'Cause yesterday afternoon I dreamt,
My puppy flew out of the open window
With his two new glittering wings of sparrow,
Singing the brightest song of freedom.
Oct 2015 · 687
Unfathomable Love
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
Fragments of fire stand like blade of grass
On the threads of my awakened nerves.
Compass succeeds here frequently
To detect similarities between east and west,
As sweetness is flowing like a river
Towards our measureless Mediterranean Sea.
All of my blues turn into phosphoric orange
Without any bruises, that
A reckless sin can cause in the darkness of desire.
Seasons mingle together to create a new spring,
Since your flexible fingers are blooming like petals
On every inch of my crimson skin.
Oct 2015 · 5.4k
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
Chorus of morning leaves
Paint trees deeper in happy green.
Sunrays ricochet
From your eyes to my lips.
Maybe we are dying
For heaven has stepped down between us.
Heartbeat resonates
All over the sky
Carried by the wild wings of
White doves.
Oct 2015 · 604
While In Love
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
I’ve never fallen in love,
Only I rise higher and higher
Like a glorious morning sun,
Depending on the soft firmness
Of your adoring arms.
Though I know sun also stoops
At the end of a blissful day,
So, I’m ready to drown my dear
‘Cause you are there
Opening sapphire blue of your chest
Like the vastness of an ocean
To drink my entire tinge of red.
Oct 2015 · 552
It's Time To Dream
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
Think about the pure white clouds
Of your beating heart,
Carefully kept inside a crystal box
That only unlocks by the whisper of
A key called hope.

Time will never knock the door,
Until the innocence of your eyes recognizes
The call of baby blue in faraway hills and sky
For climbing to your dreams,
Which are always wrapped with the purity
Of white clouds.
Oct 2015 · 492
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
Tiny words of sacred hearts
Quietly migrate from cells to cells
Blood to blood, inside mine and yours.

Monarch butterflies of July
Dip wings in roadside violet buds
With legs yellowed by wasted pollens.

Two journeys of love and life
Continue till one faces ending line
Spirits keep resonating with lost truth.
Oct 2015 · 634
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
Silence of last night
Laying on the pillow
Waiting to be touched
By the liquid sun.

Sleep draped eyes
Opening adorably
To steal a morning kiss
From the loved one.
Oct 2015 · 2.9k
Morning coffee
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
I like the way your last night skin
Burns the iciness,
When the first reddish ray of sun
Penetrates each pore of your bare back.
And every time I touch
The mocha colour of your skin,
Fragrance of caffeine
Seeps in through my nerves
To make me intoxicated.
Now, there is no doubt left, that
My morning is going be good.
Oct 2015 · 5.4k
Sunrise In Galapagos
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
I rose with chilled air of dawn.
Holding the baby sun on my palm
I ponder at his mystery of liquefaction,
That spreads the hidden gold of Eldorado
Over my shivering shoulders.
I wish if I were a flamingo
Waiting on one leg
For the perfect moment of sunrise,
To dissolve all of my tints of pink
With his melted gold
On the blue lagoon of Galapagos.
Oct 2015 · 2.5k
Shooting Star
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
The worst nightmare of a Star is
to fall from the sky
dissolve over the horizon.
A shooting star is never meant to fulfil your wish, as it can't even change its own fate of falling down!
Oct 2015 · 652
Are You There?
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
The light that burns darkness
Still sleeping above faint sky

World is splinted with woods
Steel is constructing mankind

Removing the portraits of life
They play the game of smoke

Happiness crossed terminator
Reddening my eyes with moan

Let me discover my reflection
On pupil of Your evident soul

Lift me up with Your firm arms
For staircase demotes to Hell

Tend my existing solitude and
Whisper, “It’s still not too late.”
Oct 2015 · 872
Forest Is Your Middle Name
Sanjukta Nag Oct 2015
Maybe Forest is your middle name
For your body grows so green with kindness.
Soul like a hungry leaf of morning
Constantly absorbs the rays
That our love emits.
Freedom of wild song birds resides
In your mind,
Still your root is so strong
And head holding itself higher,
Is reaching for sunshine.
While these poor lungs of mine
Only inhale the oxygen of happiness you offer.
Moreover, the vastness of your heart
Shelters all of my desires
Under the serene shade of comfort.
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