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lovelywildflower Oct 2018
maybe mosquito bites are just love bites
and maybe the pain is just all in your head
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
There is pain branded into my heart
It hasn't gone away
I can look the other way and pretend it's okay
But sometimes I cannot keep it at bay
I am in pain
And there's no poetic way to say
sometimes it hurts to be alive
No metaphor can describe exactly how it feels
You can try
But it won't work, it won't heal what you feel inside
But I'm alright
I've been friends with my demons since day one
and do you think that's going to change? No.
Because I don't leave my friends the way you do.
I'm sorry, but that's the truth.
And I'm not ready to depart with them yet.
They're the only ones that have stayed in the end
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
you break break break me
and then you pretend you did nothing
you hurt hurt hurt me
and then pretend that i did something wrong
okay i'm bleeding
can't you see
you've done your damage
now please let me be

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i sit on the bus alone on the way to school
i have people i talk to
but the same thing always happens
i'm left standing on the sidelines
watching, listening
no one speaks to me
no one sees me
i don't even want to be there anyway
i'm fine
i just haven't found where i belong yet
i'm lost
i sit in my classes alone
i speak to no one
all my friends have someone better
and i'm left alone
i ask to work by myself on group projects
because my anxiety won't let me talk to new people
i feel like i'll always say the wrong thing
and most of the time, i do
i sit alone at lunch most of the time
sometimes outside in the cold
sometimes in the hallways
people walk past
but they never say anything
i promised myself to stop making new friends
i started talking to someone
and a week later i hurt them
just by being me
just by existing
so yeah
i'm lonely
and you can't fix me
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
you can't lie to me
i saw you crying
the smeared mascara under your eyes
your eyes red and full of tears
don't think i didn't see
i asked you if you were okay
and you said yes
but you're really not that fine
i know how it feels
crying in school
then pretending you're alright
when people ask if you're okay
it happens to me
every so often
you just have to lie
and say you're alright
i know you're not fine
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i remember talking to God about you
and asking Him why he was bringing you so close to me again
after you broke up with me months before
and i thought He had answered me
because He brought you back to me
but for only one week
we were together a total of 8 days
and then you left
He taught me how to let things go
i fought and fought and fought for you to be in my life
but we were never meant to be
i made everyone else hate me
just so you would love me
how stupid was i?
i gave all of myself to you
every **** part of me
just because you said you wanted to marry me
and i convinced myself you were the one
i never saw myself without you
but look at me now
look at me
i've moved on
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i want ****** knuckles
and a black eye
i want bruises displayed on my body
like artifacts
each one with their own story
i want broken bones
and torn up clothes
i want to be in so much pain
people will wonder how i'm still breathing
you see
anything i feel goes straight to my heart
and i'm always in pain emotionally
but not physically
i can't feel anything
when i'm hurt physically
so hurt me as much as you can
put me in a hospital if you need to
just anything to feel again
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I have wanted to show you my poetry ever since the day you asked me what I like to do in my free time
I told you I write poems and songs
And I want to show you what I feel inside
The things that hurt me
The things that make me cry
The things that make me happy
I have never been good at opening up
I'm not good at talking
Ask me what's wrong and I freeze
But ask me to write a poem about it
And you will see all the things that are breaking me
I do not know if I want to open up to you yet
You still have the ability to leave
I guess you always do
But it will hurt much more than if you didn't know me
I'm still trying to decide
I want you to know me but I'm scared
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
You told me today that I better not **** myself
Because you'd come to wherever I am and stop me
I don't want to die
I just don't want to be alive
That doesn't make sense
to no one who has ever felt this
I used to hurt myself
Millions of scars up and down my arms
I'm glad you never had to see that
That's all gone and in the past
So you don't have to worry about that
I don't want to do that to myself anymore
I won't hurt myself
I won't **** myself
Don't worry
I don't want to die
I just don't want to be alive
And what I mean by that is I don't want to be 6 feet under
I don't want to take my last breath
I don't want to give up any hope of a good future
I just don't want to be alive
I don't want to have to socialize
or pretend I'm alright
I'm in pain
And I don't want to hide
I don't want to be alive
Don't worry, this only happens sometimes
I'm fine
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
hugging my knees
memories playing in my head
one in each drop of water on my arm
my body was shaking
hot water enveloping me
tears were rushing out
lungs not working
blood rushing out
my hands shaking
staring at my wrists
holding the blade to my vein
pushing in
then dropping the knife
i'm sorry

lovelywildflower Sep 2018
I want to write a special poem just for you.
To tell you how you make me feel.
But I don't think I could find the right words to describe exactly what is going on in my heart.

I could say you make my heart skip a beat, but no, that's not the truth
You make my heart stop and you revive it over and over again
I could say I see stars when I look into your eyes, but no, that's not the truth
I see whole galaxies and I know there's so many worlds inside you wanting to break free
I could say that you give me butterflies, but no, that's not the truth
There's not just a few, there's a whole lepidopterarium full
I could say you're as beautiful as a rose, but no, that's not the truth
Your beauty is out-of-this-world, unfathomable, no words are good enough to describe it
I could tell you you're worth more than gold, but no, that's not the truth
Your worth surpasses all earthly things
I could go on and on telling you these things that make my heart stop and my stomach fill with butterflies
But even this poem isn't good enough to show you exactly how I feel

Darling, I've never seen someone as beautiful as you.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i stopped praying to any kind of god awhile ago
i don't pray anymore for anyone or anything
maybe because i've been ****** over so many times
and i know god has his own plans for everyone
and he's trying to lead them on the right path
so it seems like he's against you when he's really not
but i've prayed to be with some people forever
i've prayed to be loved by someone forever
i've prayed to be in love with someone forever
i've been praying for forevers
and it never happened
because it was never meant to be
i think we're meant to be
but i won't pray to be with you forever
because i'm scared god will hear my words
and do the complete opposite for me
like all the other times
and i'm not proud of this
but i stopped praying to any kind of god awhile ago
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
please don't leave me
i know i'm a mess
i know i'm a wreck
but i love you more than anything
and i'm trying my hardest
i'm really trying

lovelywildflower Nov 2018
many teardrops fall
am i the only one you love?
you don't talk to me that way
my chest burns with pain
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
perhaps i'm some ****** girlfriend
but i just like to protect what's mine
i'm not possessive
i'm territorial
and he's mine
you better be careful around me
try to talk to my man in some flirty way
then i promise you you'll never want to talk to anyone again
i seem so sweet and innocent
but you've probably never met someone as crazy as me

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
please hold me
and let me fall asleep in your arms
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
here's the thing about poetry
it doesn't need to make sense
just keep writing
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
"You get to exhale now.
You get to be more you than you have been in a very long time."
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
finally getting skinnier
numbers dropping on the scale
head's hurting, but that's alright
getting dizzy, but that's fine
one more
just lose one more pound
i'm fine

lovelywildflower Oct 2018
if you want to know me
if you want to be mine
then just tell me
just tell me
if you want to take it slow
then say those words to me
and that will be fine
but don't leave me here wondering if you feel the same
don't leave me wondering if you will take away my pain
if you don't want to know me
then please just say it
because i get my hopes up too often
and i break too easily
i fall for people who i think are lovely
and then they leave me
so please
if you don't want me
just say it
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
how are you?

i'm a little tired
and it doesn't hurt
too much anymore

that's good
that's really good

the pain has subsided
but only a little

that's good
that's really good

is that all
you're going to say?

yeah it is
only because
it is good

but i'm still in pain
yeah but it's better

not too much
but still better?
it's better

that's good
that's really good

it is

(if only it were the truth)

idk what this is exactly
it just kinda happened
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
I know it hurts
It hurts
It hurts
But there's still hope left
I know you can't see it
But it's there
It's there
It's there
Just keep breathing, love.
I know your lungs hurt from all this extra work
But they're still working
Keep breathing
Keep breathing
I know you're in so much pain
I know you don't want to see another day
But the sun is waiting to see you each morning
And someone really cares about you
Even if it doesn't feel like it
They care
They care
They care
I know you just want to sleep
And stay there as long as possible
But you still have to get up
That's just the way it is
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
please tell me you'll protect me from the monsters inside my head
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i walk with my head down
staring at the ground
i don't keep my head held high
and if i do
i stare at the walls
or something in the distance
i don't make eye contact with people
i don't look at anyone
but one day i'll learn to keep my head held high
lovelywildflower Feb 2019
I'm so used to being left behind
I've never had a relationship that lasted a long time
I've always been thrown away back into the endless sea of people
Wondering who they're going to end up with
And I've found you
You're my happy ending
But forgive me for being skeptical about you loving me
It's hard to give you all of me
All of my trust
When it's just been broken and taken advantage of
And I know you're different
You won't ever hurt me
But there's still that fear buried deep inside me
I was never one to take risks
But maybe I should start
If I never learn how to fly
I'll never be with the one I love
So I'm spreading my wings
And taking that jump off the edge
I'll do anything to be with you
And I want to make this work
So today I'm learning to fly
And I will forget the past pain and hurt
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
darling, i understand.
how could you ever want me?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
you said you couldn't live without me
so why aren't you dead yet?
why are you still breathing?
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i wish i had something to write about
some trauma i experienced
or some injury i endured
or some great adventure
but no
i'm just plain me
no interesting stories inside of me
i'm no library
lovelywildflower Sep 2018
You called me your girlfriend and held my hand
You lifted up my spirit and healed a broken piece of me
Then you say we're not together
I knew it all just happened so easily
Why would someone like you want me?
Trust me, I'm fine.
Everyone leaves
Why did I think you could be different?
Maybe I'm being dramatic
But my heart breaks so easily
like glass
And that's why I don't open up so easily
I honestly don't feel like being shattered again
I just put all my pieces back together
Just a few days ago
I was put back together again
and you know what?
I did it.
No one else was around to help
And then you showed up
I was hoping that I wouldn't have to do it alone anymore
I know we just met
But I get my hopes up so easily
And I thought you'd be the one to save me
Why do you think I approached you?
I don't usually do that kind of thing
But it's fine.
I don't mind.
I just have to get used to being hurt again
by everyone in my life
I should just give up on love
Love *****
And I just have to pretend like I'm okay, right?
I've been told that my fake smiles look so real
I can lie
And pretend I'm fine
Because that's what I'm used to
I don't let anyone see me
The real me
Because they have the ability to hurt me
And almost everyone I let know me had the audacity
to use that against me
I destroy myself when I'm hurt
I can't eat
I can't sleep
I can't freaking breathe
And I'm a crybaby
I cry about everything
Everything I feel goes straight to my heart
and shatters it
And why would you be interested in that?
I'll just have to change my heart into shatter-proof glass
So just lie and say you're alright
Lie and say you're alright
Lie and say you're alright
Lie and -
I'm alright!
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
staring straight into the alternating neon lights
for some, staring at fast moving lights cause headaches
but it kind of just keeps some of the pain at bay for me
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
Looking back
You were the first person I actually left
When I said I was going to leave you
And that's probably because we weren't that close
Now it's like we never talked
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
i can almost feel you holding me and it leaves me aching when i realize you're not here with me.
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
everytime i look at you, more flowers grow from my heart and the sun shines a little brighter
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
darling, you are so special and you mean so much to me. so much, i have written 100 little love notes to you. and still, i'll write more just to show you how special you are.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
if i kissed you, i don't think i'd be able to stop.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
and when you look at me, i swear i can't breathe.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i haven't felt so full in so long. darling, you complete me.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
a soulmate isn’t someone who completes you. a soulmate is someone who inspires you to complete yourself. and that's what you did. you inspired me to complete myself. and now i am whole.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
and love is when someone who knows your scars, stays to kiss them. no one has ever kissed my scars, but i know you will everyday. because that's the way you love me. and that means so much to me.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i think we have the kind of love others dream about.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
what am i most thankful for? you. definitely you. you lit up my life and made me the happiest person in the universe. i'm the luckiest girl in the world. thank you for existing.
happy thanksgiving :)
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i saw your name today. and when i thought of you, the fire in my chest grew and i could feel the warmth spreading throughout my body. i am so in love with you.
lovelywildflower Oct 2018
if i had only one wish, i would wish to be with you forever
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i cannot tell you exactly what happened. all i know is, in the past few days, i fell deeper in love with you and i know for sure i am staying there forever. i can't ever love anyone else again. all i know is, i just want to be as close as i can to you, and i will never let go.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i don't feel like i belong anywhere, except in your arms.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i love you so much baby. i will never let go. ever. we will be together forever and we'll be so happy. i promise.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
i know the distance ***** but just remember that we lay under the same stars. place your hand over your heart and remember i'm right there.
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
"i'm jealous of the rain that falls upon your skin. it's closer than my hands have been."
jealous // labrinth
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