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Ryder Rose Jul 2014
Like  a
river   flows
so   effortlessly -
all   of   the   things
I     love    about    you        
slip    between    my    lips

& straight into your heart
Ryder Rose Sep 2015
been a
royal flush,
f o l d e d
Ryder Rose Jan 2015
Just remember,
even your
only have
Ryder Rose Sep 2015
y o u
Ryder Rose May 2015
Ryder Rose Jul 2014
Don't be sorry


My mistake.
Not yours.
Ryder Rose Apr 2015
it's like
to not

*b r o k e n
Ryder Rose Jan 2015
Out in public his eyes glimmer
Ready to set his jokes in place
Offers a warm handshake
A sweet embrace

Nobody gets it
They ask what makes him so bad
Everybody wonders
Why I don't introduce them to my dad

Behind closed doors his eyes go black
His voice grows louder
Already on attack

Quick like a viper
Strikes you when you're down
Whispers sweet nothings
Then to turn them around

I love you
I hate you
I need you
I don't
You're everything
You're nothing
I'll **** you
I promise I wont

It's been five years
Since he last stepped up to me
Tears blur his vision
"Baby please forgive me"

I know forgiveness is power
I struggle with it every day
But it's so hard to move on
When the memories always stay
Ryder Rose Apr 2014
every    boundary
I have ever drawn. I *am
S h a t t e r i n g* every  lasting  
doubt left on the tip of my tongue.  
I   am  S l i d i  n g  down  a  pile  of  the
last    of    my   demure.   I   am   S h e d d i n g
each    and    every   layer   guarding    my    soul.
I   am  S h a k i n g  afraid  to  let  go  of  my  safe  wall.
I am T u m b l i n g  past everything I have always clung too. I am
Letting go until all that’s left is my fears broken at the bottom of the ledge.

H e a r t b r e a k

F a i l u r e

            R e j e c t i o n

                                    L o s s

Ryder Rose Apr 2014
My rich ****** soil desperately lingered, ached, and yearned during the
melancholy hours  of the night, patiently  waiting to be kissed by the
incandescent  of your aura,  And as  spring  approached  sapphire,
crimson  and gold  gleamed onto me with all of it’s resplendent
glory, I  was  touched universally  by the  sincerity  of  your
luscious  seeds  as  they  settled  infi­nitely  within  me,

I was torn apart as your roots spread through my
body, igniting all of my senses, With pure satisfaction I
blossomed reds  lavenders  and blues, And  if your seeds were
to be blown to another garden, my flowers would no longer breathe
in  hope,  for  all  possibilities  of   cultivation  would  be  diminished,
Yet you  still  drizzled  light  showers  of promises  that  kept  me  alive,

And soaking me with faith they said;

You’ll always be the only one I want

And how somber it is that I was naïve and beyond deceived
by you, and when you left I began to rip up all of the flowers you
planted within my body, hoping to destroy every lasting piece
of you remaining

And although you can no longer can see all of the vibrant colors that
Seeped of your love and affection,
Your roots will forever remain
Eternally Embedded deep
inside of me, never letting me forget you

Because after tasting your love dear;
I know that I’ll be starving for the rest of my life

Because it has been 2,291 days since you left the meadow

And I’ve been in a drought since

Ryder Rose Jun 2014
is the s p a c e that is holding me back
it went from inches to miles
hindering my hand from caressing your back
If only it was just one hallway
Down four or five doors
I would sneak on over
Just to feel my lips on yours

is where I kept you
only wanting to be friends
& what I’m regretting now
Is taking so long to allow the rules to bend
Because distance is something I normally invite
For I’ve had my heart broke
& for every kiss I pressed softly against your skin
you understood everything I never spoke

is where we started
& now you whisper that you’re in this all the way
Something that ill never understand
Is that you’re okay with me only being half way
And just as I was letting my guard down
There were only ten days left of your stay
And on day ten I kissed you goodbye
Slowly backed down your driveway

is causing me to stare at this calendar
And count down the days
Until the next time I get to see you
Baby you’re so far away
For I would give up sleeping
My favorite thing to do
If it meant I got to see you
For just a minute or two

crosses my mind all through the day
& as I’m admiring the radiance of the nights sky
You are watching the sunrise ready to start your day
& now the wolves are beginning to howl up at the moon
As if it has their heart’s confined in a hutch
My lip begins to quiver as we both cry
For a tenderness we cannot touch

may be keeping you far away
But the truth is that I can still feel here
The way your lips brushed softly from my mouth
Across my cheek, and whispered in my ear
& you said “there may be oceans in between”
“Mountains for we cannot climb”
“But one thing is for certain”
“I’ll love you until the end of time”
Dear skinny love; please don't let me down.
Ryder Rose Jan 2015

                                                                ­    I'm sorry,
The moon is beginning to shine
                                                           ­         bright
It's provoking my
                                                              ­      thoughts
I'm starting to
                               t                                    slip
My hopes   f         a
                       l o                                         away

Ryder Rose Apr 2014
I linger past my family, only glancing at me,
It’s one  thing to  look, And  another
to see, With tear  stained eyes,
Sunk in  cheeks, I float to
my  bedroom,  Too
b r o k e n to

I lock my door, Close my shades, Dark and masked
I want it all to fade, Something I’ve learned is
monsters  don’t  sleep under  your
bed, For all of the demons,
Hide  in  your

Eyes of ebony, Heart and gold, Honey dripped
smiles, All  past  and  old,  Sweet  crimson
blood used to  fill  my  veins,  crystal
clear    *****,   Now   flows    to
lessen   the   pain.   My   lips
a   pale   blue,  My   eyes
dark and stern, “Just
one more  drink,”
“Baby  let  it

They all call me  perfect, Inside  and out, The  problem with
perfect, Is that I go without, It started at pound one,
And  led  to two, Now  boney and  frail,  I still
feel  size twenty-two, Tattered gray
bow,  Tied  tightly  around  my
wrist, Hugging the wound,
From blade it has

“Drink just one more liter, Graze one more spot,”
“Lose one  more  pound,  You’re too close  to
stop,” These pills so vibrant, They begin to
taunt  me,  I  hear  more whispers, “Take
them,   there’s   only   twenty    three,”
Growing  the  courage,  I  take them
with the  last of  my  drink,   Pull
out    some   paper,   write  a
final note  in  ink. You  see
these   demons,   They
took  over  me,  I’m
sorry  I have  to
go,  But  I just
need to be

Ryder Rose Mar 2015
I  am   the  perfect  riptide,
nobody  can   see, that
my   mind   is   a
storm,  yet  I
seem so

Ryder Rose Sep 2015
Sun kissed skin
Deep blue eyes
Tears wet my face
As I picture you tonight

I let you go
& pushed you away
But now my biggest regret
is not asking you to stay

Hand in hand
A bond so strong
We had it all
But now you're gone

I'm wishing on stars
Staring up at the sky
Cursing myself
for telling you goodbye

Maybe one day
when we meet again
You'll give me another chance
& we can start again
To my first true love
Ryder Rose Mar 2015
Your words are dancing in my mind
As they spread through me
Icing my soul
I'll never be free

Laboring my breathing
They have broken my heart
I'll never love again
Because you ripped me apart
Ryder Rose Apr 2014
I felt
the   b u r n i n g   of   M Y
H E A R T as it was r i p p i n g from my chest.
Sticky red substance. Too late to shield. Run for cover while you can.
Because   it’s   coming.   It’s  coming.   S L O W L Y.   But   it’s   coming.
Heartbreak stops at  no  one. Stops  at  no  mercy. B L E E D S  you   dry.
Run   for  cover   because  it’s   coming.  It’s  coming.  &  you  can’t   hide  without  cover.
It’s coming.

Ryder Rose Mar 2015
You'll be the first one to send a text
The first to say you're ready to commit
And if one day you show me you no longer care
I'll act like I never *gave a ****
Ryder Rose Jun 2014
And at
the end
of this all

I'll be
the one
you forgot

And you'll
always be
the one I

*f o r g o t
f o r g e t
Ryder Rose Mar 2015
I feel
in as
I do
It runs through my veins.
Ryder Rose Jul 2014
At the start of summer I was introduced to you
It was pure serendipity
I said,
                                                           ­               "Hi I'm Ryder, age twenty-two"
On our first date I noticed your eyes
An emerald green
They had me memorized
On our second date I noticed your smile
The stars in your eyes
Your quirky style                            

On our third date I noticed the freckles on your skin
Your succulent lips
That dead **** grin
On our fourth date I noticed the coolness of your kiss
And the flutter in my heart
After our goodnight kiss
On our fifth date you told me that you loved me
Took me on a picnic
Carved our names into trees
                                                                ­                                                        (R+D)
                                                              ­   "Baby I love you, don't you feel it too?
                                                            ­               this electricity that's between us
                                                              ­                             I want to be with you"

1 year later on our last date you barely looked at me
                                                              ­                 "Honey, I cheated," you said
                                                            ­                                   "Please forgive me"

Poem about my ex-boyfriend who is a con artist to women
Ryder Rose Sep 2015
As you part your lips
your tongue cuts though walls I've built
Leaving nothing but
broken elements
of myself
s ha t ter ed
into a thousand p
                                            e   c
       ­                                                    s
Ryder Rose Feb 2015
I held your hands
in mine as
b       r      o      k      e
Ryder Rose Dec 2015
I want to forget you
I want to not remember for a while
Why can't you just fade away
I don't want to remember your smile

I want to lose all of the memories
I want to forget our first kiss
I want to just close my eyes
& not have you to miss

I want to forget your touch
I don't want remember your name
I just want it all to stop
I can't take any more of this pain
heartbreak, broken, life, poem, love, sad, pain, thoughts, heart, sadness
Ryder Rose Oct 2015
As I'm scrolling through my newsfeed
I see a picture of your face
Next to you is a beautiful woman
All covered in lace

I first heard of the engagement
Six months ago
I didn't know it'd actually happen
I thought you'd take it slow

For I was your first
You said I was the one
The army did this
I just had to run

I pull out a bottle
Full of ***** and pain
Maybe it'll help me
Forget what's now her last name

When I awake in the morning
I look at my phone
The first thing I see
Is your guys' brand new home

For it's in Texas you reside
At least we're miles away
But every time I close my eyes
I always hear you say

"I would've left her for you
Baby, I waited for years"
It's something I'll always regret
As I'm now drowning in my tears
Ryder Rose Jun 2014
She has a heavy heart. A messy soul.
A reckless mind, that lacks self control.
She wore nothing but shades of grey.
Her finger tips blue, from writing all of the words she couldn’t say.
She’s always been a silent fighter,
with demons on the tip of her tongue.
Taking away her breaths,
right from her lungs.
She won’t take any judgements,
on the bonds she needs to untie.
She won’t listen to those telling her how to suffer,
and how to cry.
Ignoring the murmurs of others she looks up at the sky,
as tears start to roll down her cheeks,
that tell a thousand stories she’s too afraid to speak.
Her heart cries for help,
but her face is all smiles.
Her emotions unsteady,
hiding she’s been crestfallen for a while.
Something she’s learning is that she needs to undress.
Starting with her buttons of worry and stress.
Undoing them one by one,
brick by brick.
She knows it’ll be hard,
for she’s built them up thick.
She was once asked why she sometimes wears many layers on warm sunny days.
She said because they made her feel grounded,
but maybe it would be better to just FlOaT away.
Giving in she wandered around searching for something that will finally set her free.
Lift her off the ground,
high above the trees.
She is like a kite with it’s string still spooled tight.
Closing her eyes she drops all of her burdens mid flight.
After realizing how unhappy she has been,
she choses to live as light as air,
never again to lose sight from there.
Ryder Rose Apr 2015
The burn from the needle
the sting from the ice
the fire sensation
it's less than suffice

How could you ever
think you could equalize the pain
I felt in my heart
from your lovesick games

Dear past love
you took the breath out of me
choking me with your words
for now I am buried below the sea
Ryder Rose Mar 2015
You helped me fall in love
with the art of words,
because darling
when I looked into your eyes...
All I wanted to do
was to write about you
It was always you
Ryder Rose Jun 2014
My love for you is like the ocean
Deeper than the Mediterranean sea
These memories of us are pulling me under
Clouding my mind, hushing my plea

Suffocated by my thoughts
And all of this space
Thoughts of yesteryears
Surreptitious tears wet my face

Salt in my wounds
Demons on my tongue
Taking away the breaths
Right from my lungs

Caught in your anchor
Forever stranded in your sea
A never ending riptide
Will you ever save me?
Written about my ex boyfriend who became wed 3 months after I wrote this
Ryder Rose Oct 2015
As I drive through our hometown
The one I've avoided for years
I try to block out the memories
But my face is already full of tears

In the middle of the park
Basketball you would play
I watched you for hours
Day after day

Just there on the corner
You kissed my face
I take in a deep breath
Remembering your taste

In the fields of daisies
We both lied
In each others arms
Until next time

But there wasn't a next time
Forever ended so soon
For me it's not over
I'm still singing our tune
Ryder Rose Apr 2015
With my hands held high
I invited them in with open arms
They clouded my mind with poison
I was suffocated by their charm

The demons thought I was crazy
They laughed right in my face
But what they didn't understand
Is that my mind was already a dark place

Losing it was easy
I wasn't trying to stay sane
For my heart was bruised & broken
I wanted to go *completely insane
You were everything.
Ryder Rose Mar 2015
Even                         though
   I   said                      goodbye,
      I'll              never
Ryder Rose May 2015
I anticipate
all day

— The End —