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773 · Apr 2018
If Only
sadbadhabits Apr 2018
If only you knew
the thoughts in my head
that make it difficult for me to wake up in the morning.
If only you knew
how fast my heart starts racing
being in a room full of crowded people.
If only you knew
how difficult it is
to reach out for help.
If only you knew
how heartbreaking it is
to be seen as a burden in society.
If only you knew
that I am no different from you
and I am deserving of as much love and respect
from you.
@ifonlymovement on twitter
494 · May 2018
may 27th 2:08am
sadbadhabits May 2018
i laid in my bed
and listened to the small breaths you gently let out.
my heart was racing
because it felt like you were right next to me
i was almost tempted to tell you how i felt,
but i knew it would end our beautiful friendship.
i could feel your eyes on me
as i stared into the dark screen.
i thought of the first time we saw each other
and the little smile you sent my way.
time feels frozen when i'm with you
it makes me scared to jump back into my sad reality.
i stared out my window
and i looked at the moon.
and i wished for our souls
to reunite in another life.
another life where the timing would be perfect.
for him.
470 · Jun 2017
august 25
sadbadhabits Jun 2017
I finally found someone
our love is so beautiful.
It's like a sunset over a crystal clear ocean
like cotton candy pink tulips
dancing in the wind
like the smell of freshly clean linen.
I wish this feeling would last forever.
439 · Mar 2019
14 march 2019
sadbadhabits Mar 2019
it starts off like this,
I hold his face in the palm of my hand
and lean in for a kiss.
suddenly, reality is nonexistent
and it’s just him & I.
I look into his eyes,
and discover my favorite constellation
are the heavenly stars  
gleaming in his eyes.
as he tells me im beautiful,
I get this feeling in my body
that feels so right to me
and I feel like this is where I belong.
my lips on his
my skin against his
my eyes lost into his
this is where my heart belongs.
437 · Aug 2019
09 august 2019
sadbadhabits Aug 2019
you say you sleep better alone.
you told me you couldn’t sleep
until i was by your side.
i cradled your head
so close you could hear my heart beat for you.
i played with your hair,
i traced the outline of your face
gentle enough to not wake you
i played my favorite songs for you
and you slept for hours in my arms.
when you woke up you said,
“i thought i was dreaming of having you
in my bed,
but then i realized it wasn’t a dream,
and it made me so happy to pull you closer.”
the sun was shining differently that day.
you smiled more bright that day
our love grew more that day.
but now you sleep better alone
for joshua
422 · May 2018
dont dream its over
sadbadhabits May 2018
i remember one day i went to the eye doctor to figure out what was wrong with my eyes. my eyelids would get a huge ball on top of them and it always made me insecure because it would make me feel ugly. the doctor looked into my eyes and said, "you have very beautiful eyes. you have the eyes of a dreamer." and that stuck with me for so long. my eyes eventually healed, and my eyes became my favorite feature. my eyes look so beautiful when the sun hits them. they're a pure brown color, so smooth you would believe that they came from a painting. and my eyes are just as beautiful when im about to doze off. i dont know how to explain it, but when you look into my eyes, you can hear a voice telling you "im soft and innocent, and i would never hurt you in any way," which is true. i would never hurt anyone. i always make sure people are happy being around me. although my face may not be the prettiest, i know by having people look into my eyes they can see how beautiful my soul is.
something new i dont know
380 · Nov 2018
brown eyes
sadbadhabits Nov 2018
the majority of people in the world overall have brown eyes
to dark eyes.
i see people every day who all mostly have brown eyes.
but when i stare into his eyes
they are a different shade of brown.
this brown shade of his eyes
make me fall deeper for him.
i get so lost in them that i don't even notice when he solves his rubik's cube.
his brown eyes are the same shade of my favorite chocolate.
it makes me enjoy his eyes even more.
his brown eyes make me believe that he's the only one in this world with this color of eyes.
the majority of people in the world
don't have the same color as his eyes.
he makes me think that i am seeing brown for the first time.
he makes me feel alive.
1,434.9 miles away
to my love
348 · Jul 2017
june 24
sadbadhabits Jul 2017
the sun is coming up
and so are my sweet memories of you
341 · May 2018
sadbadhabits May 2018
dear moon,
does he think about me as much as i think about him?
325 · Jul 2019
3 july 2019
sadbadhabits Jul 2019
we were standing outside his car
and the sun had just set.
he was holding me against his car
with a blanket wrapped around us
and I looked up to try to find the moon.
i said “where is the moon?”
and i looked around the dark sky.
he whispered “keep looking for the moon”
and began kissing my neck
as I tilted upwards to continue my search.
his soft lips touching every area along with his tongue
making me weak each time
his tongue glided against my neck.
but then I said
“I can’t find the moon,”
he stopped to look up and said,
“oh **** you’re right where is it”
and we laughed.
was it just a dream?
318 · Jun 2017
june 15
sadbadhabits Jun 2017
i don't get why it always has to be me
its always me crying to sleep at night
its always me fighting to get people to stay
its always me trying to satisfy other peoples happiness
its always me putting more effort than others
but no one ever does the same for me
no one cares about losing me
no one cares if i didn't exist
no one ever notices me
no one ever wants to love me
it always has to be me
but i'll do what i do best, and turn my feelings into poetry
296 · Feb 2019
sadbadhabits Feb 2019
my heart still yearns for you
sometimes I make myself believe
that you’ll come looking for me.
but you have erased me from your memories.
do you miss me?
do you wish you could have met me?
do you wish you could have kissed me?
i don’t want to live the rest of my life not knowing.
I want to go back to dreaming with you
I should be with you.
did you even love me?
288 · Jan 2019
my last poem to you
sadbadhabits Jan 2019
5 years ago, i lost you for the first time
it didn't mean much to me
because you cant love someone
or miss someone you've never met.
now i am an adult
and have a clearer image of what love means to me.
i brought you back into my life
because something inside my mind pushed me
to fix something my younger self was too afraid to do.
unexpectedly, i fell for you. all over again like i did 5 years ago.
the idea of you was a dream come true to me.
all the love songs started to remind me of you.
im such a hopeless romantic.
i love the idea of love
and my emotions get so strong especially when its someone i dont want to lose.
i didnt intend on losing you.
but i did.
i felt toxic to you
everything i would say in the last few days we talked just distanced us even more.
i made the hardest decision
i chose to let you go.
there is still hope in me that you'll miss me
and want to come back.
for now, all i have is our memories
on what could have been.
january 4th, 11:26pm
276 · Dec 2018
december 17
sadbadhabits Dec 2018
how can you miss someone you’ve never met?
by remembering the sound of their voice,
and the way their tongue moves
with every word they say.
by replaying the sound of their laugh
when you can’t sleep at night.
and the way their eyes squint when it becomes uncontrollable.
by picturing the way they blush
like that one time you told them that you can’t help but fall deeply in love with them
as they looked at you
with their heavenly brown eyes.
by daydreaming of the shape of their lips
and realizing that you may never get to feel them against yours.
I miss him.
he’s so far away
269 · Aug 2019
august 19
sadbadhabits Aug 2019
after tonight
sleeping alone didn’t feel right.
it feels lonely, cold, i’m craving the bliss
of laying next to you and sealing the night with a kiss.
i remember thinking “this is going to be a perfect memory”
but the happiness i feel is now in jeopardy.
i don’t want it to be
but you aren’t showing the same feelings to me.
i was a fool thinking it could be us against the world
but you left my mind in a constant swirl
i want you to stay, please stay, please, please, please stay
don’t keep pushing yourself away
come back to my bed
i don’t want my heart to crash if this is the end
266 · Dec 2018
sadbadhabits Dec 2018
at night when i'm looking at the moon,
i wonder if he's looking at it too.
but he never is
instead, he stares into her eyes where he sees heavenly stars
he prefers the twinkle over the plain moon.
we're miles and miles away
but the moon meant to me that we were always under the light of the night.
but he saw the myriad amount of stars
and found one much closer to his home.
now i cant help but think of him as i look up at the stars.
255 · May 2018
may 30th 2:55pm
sadbadhabits May 2018
i let you treat me like i was nothing
you took advantage of the kindness i gave.
you spoke to me as if im someone who has no feelings.
3 hours of my time wasted
thinking that you would come back to me.
but you only came back after i didnt want you anymore.
i was in love with the thought of you,
but im back to my sad reality that has made me realized
you are nothing like i pictured you to be.
youre exactly like everyone else.
you left.
disappointed but not surprised
239 · Dec 2018
december 26th 12:34am
sadbadhabits Dec 2018
26 days
since i’ve heard your voice
and your laugh.
I told you “I love you”
like I always did
and you hung up on me.
thus beginning the process
of losing you.
I remember the day I sent you a video of what my voice sounded like.
and you said it was cute
which eased my anxiety of hearing a recording of my voice.
that fear came true.
you don’t want to hear my voice anymore.
it’s been 6 days since we last texted
since the last time a picture of your face
was on my screen.
i’m waiting for you to miss me
like you said you have been.
but it feels like you haven’t,
you don’t stop talking to someone you miss
when they’re just one click away.
my phone says it’s 11:11pm
and my only wish is to talk to you
one last time.
what am I supposed to do with your christmas present?
231 · Dec 2018
december 29th 9:36pm
sadbadhabits Dec 2018
tomorrow is one month
since I last heard your voice.
I deleted your number
because I didn’t want to be tempted to reach out
or to pour my heart out
and be left on read.
I remember the morning I sent you the playlist I made for you.
you were so happy
now I sit here alone
listening to songs that remind me of how much of a dream you were to me.
I remember the last thing you said to me
“I want you but I can’t have you”
how could you want me if you pushed me away everyday?
I never got the chance to meet you.
but the hurt I feel
feels like you woke up one day
and walked out of my life.
I still miss you
229 · Jun 2017
november 23
sadbadhabits Jun 2017
how painful is it
to lose someone who wasn't yours
even worse to lose someone
who belonged to someone else
the pain of never knowing
what could have been cuts so deep
into your soul
but the pain you bestowed on me
is nothing compared
to the pain i made myself feel
197 · Jun 2019
16 may 2019
sadbadhabits Jun 2019
i met you 2 months ago
8 hours together
and we fell for each other.
at least I did.
2 months later
and I read a text from you that says i’m fake
my heart keeps breaking
as I read it over and over.
you’re breaking my heart
i’m so tired of my mistakes defining me
and people turning me into someone i’m not.
I never thought it would be you
to be one of them.
the man I adored,
the man i shared my secrets with,
the man i cried to as he held me,
the man who I thought would be the one
betrayed me; just like the rest of them.
how do you expect me to stay
maybe i still want you
174 · Aug 2019
15 april 2019
sadbadhabits Aug 2019
I laid on the floor that night
I panicked when he told me to take off my clothes
I don’t know why
my stomach just felt uneasy
but I forced myself to do it
because he loved me
and I wanted him to be happy.
he loved me.
today, the uneasiness came back
if I didn’t do it, would he stop loving me?
I don’t want to lose him,
but my brain kept calling me names
“easy” “stupid”
and my brain said
“he’s not going to love you”
my brain got the best of me once again.
now im sitting alone with my thoughts
wishing i wasn’t such a broken person.
I don’t know. I don’t know. I just don’t know.
you dont know how you want me to touch you?
I don’t know.

— The End —