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Oct 2024 · 248
Why now.....
Heike Borgard Oct 2024
So many tears
that haven't been cried yet
So much laughter
that has not been laughed yet
So much life
That hasn't been lived yet

Still, it's not on us to choose
When the anchor will be cut loose

But if we happen to be lucky
We will have some provisions with us
on the journey into the unknown......

Our tears
Our laughter
and the love of the people
with whom we have shared all this.

( © Heike Borgard 2024)
Time is not only a factor but the biggest treasure given to us in life - it's only borrowed and limited - never take it for granted or put off your dreams
to "later" - as I said, faith is an unkind betrayer,....
Jun 2024 · 443
Heike Borgard Jun 2024
In the night, so calm and clear,
lies a land mystic and dear,
glowing lamps, tender, slight,
softly sway in amber light.

Fairyland awakes by night,
in the silence lies the might,
stars are twinkling, water gleams,
lake rests still in moonlight's beams.

Every tree stands proud and tall,
guarding over ancient hall,
faeries dance in hideaway,
soft music plays for them to sway.

And the wind it carries songs,
from fairyland, where they belong,
whispers them to dreamers too,
giving night its peaceful hue.

Fairyland awakes by night,
in the silence lies the might,
stars are twinkling, water gleams,
lake rests still in moonlight's beams.
© Heike Borgard 2024
(inspired from a picture I draw with copilot)
Apr 2021 · 902
Beyond The Veil
Heike Borgard Apr 2021
The pink strands in her black hair turned into dark violet
and her leather suite changed into a shirt of white linen..

the last chapter had begun
The veil between the world became translucent
being lifted far to early:
Beyond the veil - the long cold road to eternerty
                      that nobody wants to walk
  Right into the void
                        where nothing can remain                    
      no white light at the end of the tunnel....
      no welcome from anybody....

Just a fading whisper about her.... into dark violet - leather to linen...

                Echoing - dying  -
                                                         ­       Infinite Void

                              as if she had never existed

                                            nothing but
                                         DARK OBLIVION
a bit darker poem this time
*this does not apply for animals - animals go to the rainbow bridge !*
Jan 2021 · 874
Bumble-Bees versus Physics
Heike Borgard Jan 2021
The Bumble-Bees so happily
from flower to flower they bumble

A scientist insists:
              "this cannot be
                it's an areodynamic  scandal!"

with a formular:  Y somewhat x Phi
he proofes why Bumble-Bees can't fly at all:      
      their bodies are too heavy to fly
      as their wings are much to small

I humbly admit: physic is all greek to me
I enjoy Bumble-Bees and their humming

and the Bumble- Bees seem to agree with me
and continue to fly...

                                   ...isn't that stunning?

©Heike Borgard 01/21
last year was not too happy for all of us and the new year also did not start too happy.
So I would like to start with a poem that hopefully brings a little smile to your faces.
Aug 2020 · 674
Everything will be alright
Heike Borgard Aug 2020
Nightfall - time for a walk in the green
silence -  the noisy day has gone to sleep
finally I am on my own - no more avoiding by zig zag runs

I take off my protection mask and a deep breath -
summer air and the scent of a freshly mowed meadow,  
familiar and normal.....

In the  distance a falling stars lights up

and I remember the taste of white clouds  
and the sound of laughing butterflies

Everything will be alright
© Heike Borgard 08/2020
Jun 2018 · 840
Heike Borgard Jun 2018
Stress, Pain - Mind insane
Guardian Angel spreads her wings
Soul feels Ocean Blue

©Heike Borgard 06/2018
Mar 2018 · 1.3k
New Beginning
Heike Borgard Mar 2018
first morning light
sunbeam tickles frozen dew
drying midnight tears

©Heike Borgard 03/2018
Jan 2018 · 668
The day he stopped praying
Heike Borgard Jan 2018
every Fryday night on his way home he stopped by the church near the bus station
to say a prayer.
his short escape to find comfort in this fast moving time.

and as he sat there, as usual, hands folded,
wondering again if there will ever be an answer to his silent prayers
this time, to his suprise, there was a rapid response:

***** music started playing and a celestial voice said:

"Dear prayer – thank you for calling but
currently all our heavenly connections are busy –
you are now in a queu - please hold your belief!“

***** music playing.....

"Your prayer is important to us -
We are sorry to keep you waiting but all hosts of heaven are still assisting other prayers-
The next spiritual entity available will connect with you soon.-“
Please stay in devotion!!

***** music playing....

"You have exceeded the waiting limit for this queue. Please unfold your hands and try again later!"

As he stepped outside he had left the church in every possible respect.
He never prayed again.

                                                         ­                     (© Heike Borgard 2018)
tried another style without rhyme, a bit like a short story
Oct 2017 · 605
Heiku 5/7/5
Heike Borgard Oct 2017
Heike tries Haiku
Seven sillables  brainstop
Farwell mental health.

(please do not take this too seriously :-)
Oct 2017 · 541
Heike Borgard Oct 2017
on a rock near an island - and a long forgotten shore
she stills sits there - the mermaid
graceful charming - but fading
eyes only looking at a mobile phone
won't see her anymore

nightfall at the seaside - another long forgotten shore
she starts singing  then - the siren
celestial sound - but fading
ears covered by headphones
won't hear her anymore

deepest forest - untouched nature
in a ring, so says the lore
she's  dancing there - the fairy
impishly cheerful still - but fading
senses focused on "smart e-devices"
won't feel magic anymore.....

© Heike Borgard 2017
#magig #mobiles #lost magic# #mermaid #fairy #sirene #shore# technic
Mar 2016 · 900
Heike Borgard Mar 2016
I was born 05:40 in July – Zodiac sign: Cancer
A little girl that loved looking out of the window
Watching the moon at night
Nights were soft and friendly that time
And the Moon smiled and lit up my way

On my 20th birthday I was holding my present
A birth horoscope
Printed on beautiful dark blue paper it stated:
Your are Cancer / Ascendent Cancer – a child of the moon
Nights were wild and full of life that time
And the Moon winked at me and lit my up way

6 month ago I was holding a report
On sterile white paper full of medical phrases – again the word „Cancer“
Long way to go now and the road won't be easy
But I started marching
Nights are a bit darker now
Hope the moon will light up my way

(© Heike Borgard 2016)
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Good Night
Heike Borgard Aug 2014
At night when the moon's shimmering glow
takes the cold and fear of darkness away
when fireflies silently  guide the way for the losts
when mothers softly dandle their babies to sleep
then let yourself float
wrapped into a warm and sheltering bubble
into a world of impossible possibilties
yet tomorrow to conquer reality again
full of hope.
©Heike Borgard 2014
Jul 2014 · 3.6k
Heike Borgard Jul 2014
as fortune turned his back on him
and hope got out of sight
the sun eclisped and love escaped
into the fading light
all on his own, betrayed, alone
no one even near
had denied the truth for too long
he stood and froze in fear

His silent screams remained unheard
they just died away
than finally he lost his faith
his whole world turned to grey
Shades of pale, diffuse light
colourless and dim
soundless echoes, ghosts of the past
whispering to him

How could he leave this zone of grey
He started to walk paths of shadow
substance blurred, he went astray
and for every step he stumbled on
he had to give a piece of his soul away

soon he'll be a wraith himself
last tribute left to give was his fear
awakening clearness stroke him hard
this would not be his end – not here

Ravishing beauty, colourful shades
how could he have been so wrong?
ignoring the welcome that twilight did offer
this was the place where he belonged
embraced the twilight, felt libidious power
recreated, completed, transformed
into someone new
but Twilight's kiss demands its own price
Now he'll be haunting you.
( © Heike Borgard 2014)
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Willy the Wil-o'-the-Wisp
Heike Borgard Jun 2014
***** the wil-'o-the-wisp sadly sat at home
for he was young and much too small
to roam the swamp alone

He wanted to be an elusive light
mysterious, misguiding and haunting the night.
„Oh swamp“ he whined „it all goes so slow
I don't want to stay home – please help me to grow!“

„Shut up, little ones, enough of that weeping“
bubbled the swamp and then started sleeping
„Oh not again“ the old tree moaned  as ***** burst out in tears
and raised his branches left and right
to cover up his ears.

Meanwhile a burglar with Police had a battle
with a big bag of loot he had to skedaddle
into the swamp  and lost the way.

He watched out for a guiding light
but all he found was crying *****
(wil-o'-the whisping really not bright)

„What's that?“ the burglar snidely asked
„a lousy glooming firefly?
can't even light my cigarette
get out of my way  little bug“
and  proceeded to pass by.

This now was too much for *****'s pride
(teenagers often  freak out)
He drew himself to his fullest height
and he shouted loud:
„listen you mean and human thing – I am no dim-lit light!
Beware of the rage of an wil-o'-the wisp!“
and then he run completely wild

„Hear what I will bring to you
first death then pain and sorrow
I'll **** you first then chase you down
for you there's no more tomorrow
I'll lead you into deepest swamp to a puddle of mud
and when you start to drown in it – I'll watch you in cold blood“

(if we were picky in logic and order we surely now have to complain
but let's close an eye for he is still very young – back to the story again)

Inspite all efforts and *****'s threats
the burglar did not catch a word
(wil-o'-the-wisping as language is not very common
and therefore not often heard)

Let's say (to help our ***** a bit)
the burglar was slightly confused
so nothing much happend
until the swamp woke up
and swamp was not amused

„Who dared to disturbe my holy sleep?“
he blubbered with utmost grim
*****'s finger pointed out to the burglar then
and he sheepishly squeaked „that was him!“

Swamp did not hesitate too long
burglar sank into swamp to a place deep and stealthy
(for medical reasons we have to admit  
this can't be considered as healthy)

In the next days ***** did not no more complain
to spend some more time at home
as he learned one thing this very day:
there are many ways that lead to Rome.

(©Heike Borgard 2014)
humor smile  Wil-o'-the-wisp swamp burglar
Jun 2014 · 1.9k
Poetry or Facebook?
Heike Borgard Jun 2014
Most poets or writers here have my respect
but some are producing some strange effects
to call just 2 words a poem someone really needs guts
want to know how I call this? I name it -  It's nuts!
Has got 103 likes? Research and you'll detect
He/she liked 804 poems before..
you can start now to flame me but it's a fact.

Have been reading here a lot around
did not click “like” on every poem I found
but those that I liked no matter the subject
was “***” or a “Flower”
made me laugh or think twice or surprised me
with its strong expressive power
and a few, I admit, really touched me inside
Kudos! Poets you can take the pride!

Don't care if I am trendy
perhaps my language is bad and my grammar obscure
Typing errors – if you find some, please take them
Don't give a  a sh*t – they are yours.
Thanks for “likes” that are honest
and for taking your time
should be poetry not Facebook
and now to hell with the rhyme.

(© Moon aka Heike Borgard 2014)
Warm greetings to my followers, even if I do not follow
you, I will follow your poems and you are on my mind.
Jun 2014 · 782
My Share
Heike Borgard Jun 2014
" I can't help it" you said
"Things are like that, black and white"
Let me share my my visions with you
in my visions there are so many  beautiful shades of grey

"I missed the chance" you said
"Now it's too late"
Let me share my thoughts with you
in my thoughts the clocks tick differently - It's never too late to try

"I am tired of so many things" you said
" I am getting old and losing energy"
Let me share my dreams with you
in my dreams there are no limits - release all worries and let's fly

"I was there" you said
" but I was only present, tolerated - never belonged to it"
Let me share my heart with you
in my heart there's no place for ignorance and I promise this time you will be part of it
(© Heike Borgard 2013)
May 2014 · 1.6k
Ode To The Moon
Heike Borgard May 2014
old friend again you're shining
over  the sleeping shores
around you stars like diamonds
the velvet sky is yours

you're sparkling on the sea waves
to brighten mermaids' dreams
while long forgotten magic
is reflecting in your beams

my soul longs to be with you
and flies with wings spread wide
all way through time and space
to drink your silvery light.

(© Heike Borgard 2013)
May 2014 · 3.5k
Crystal Soul
Heike Borgard May 2014
between sunset and dawn
at the edge of time
near the fountain, in a crystal garden
that's where you will find me

we will dance in the moonlight
to the sound of frozen stars
and if our souls will happen to meet
I will lift my veil

when you awake I'll be gone
you won't find me twice
but memories of pearls and shells
engraved in your heart

( © Heike Borgard 1987)

— The End —