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Mar 2019 · 291
'tis season of melancholy
grim-raven Mar 2019
I try
Never works
But i still try
Mar 2019 · 257
journey to a black hole
grim-raven Mar 2019
we go in circles

|circles, circles, circles|

an undisturbed cycle
of two particles
trying to annihilate each other

until a millisecond passed
the pattern broke
you went away
scattered across the dark matter
gone forever
Mar 2019 · 648
a big sunflower
grim-raven Mar 2019
faultless picture of a girl
behind a flower as she twirls
strands of hair fall on her cheeks
she sees me staring as time ticks

as the light from the sky gleams
her beauty of inside also beams
how come there is an odd connection
from faultless girl of perfection
Dec 2018 · 286
grim-raven Dec 2018
Sep 2018 · 219
9 years worth waiting
grim-raven Sep 2018
I'm right to choose, my heart is loud
Time will come and i will doubt
But i'll look back and see again
For once, i knew what i did right
Aug 2018 · 263
clinging me
grim-raven Aug 2018
my strings are hanging lose
in a second it will snap
i want everyone to hear it
i need you to see

in just a little pull i can
cut the strings clinging to my head
Aug 2018 · 237
grim-raven Aug 2018
Your nonexistence makes me wonder
Would i ever feel something real?
grim-raven Jul 2018
the whispers, the cries, the laughter
all now seems hard to reach
and i was waiting for the right time
and you are waiting for another time
and i'm in panic of losing something
of what i thought would last forever

no, that's a lie
of course i am not that kind of person who believes in eternity
and you knew that
and maybe you did but secretly not told
so little by little
deciding to forget
and i was confused

should i also forget?
May 2018 · 403
grim-raven May 2018
I’m tangled within a sea of trees
and lost with no markings or guides,
I have once read about
history absorbing
the dense and porous lava,
once in this land
as it does me now
providing my sense of solitude
May 2018 · 337
Another Murder Story
grim-raven May 2018
When a stroke killed their own
A shadow from afar
Left a tiny gray spark
Kid hanging from his feet
Begging for mercy
Begging for life
Blood bursting out of his veins
While wings of murderer spread in delight
While his face, paralyzed with fear
And others crying in panic

His heart stopped beating
His lungs ran out of air
His body stopped fighting
And nobody tried to dare
May 2018 · 441
ex nihilo
grim-raven May 2018
everything in life is changing
so how could we find
a stable answer
to a changing thing

there's so many layers of uncertainty
but what we can do
for sure
is live the best lives
we can
within our means
and be fearless
and loving
because we will be back
after all the chaos and darkness
we will be back
a 27 year old stranger's wisdom
Mar 2018 · 222
a decade and beyond
grim-raven Mar 2018
when people ask
"aren't you scared?"

i just smile at them
because deep inside my core i know i am
i'm terrified of failure
and i have been exposed to it during my youth

i don't know what will happen if i try
but i do know nothing will happen if i don't

so i as i smile
i tell them
"i am scared.
i am terrified.
but i'll do it anyways"
Mar 2018 · 312
grim-raven Mar 2018
it was nice living life
pretending to know what is right
pretending to see what is real

in this senseless world
i was hopeful
somehow thankful
that i once knew you
and if what they are saying is true
that you are there
watching from above
the holy mighty creator of love

thank you

and this is not a trial or a phase or a social experiment of some kind
i am truly hopeful that one day
someone can prove the existence of the highly improbable

because i did lose faith
in your people
in your existence
in my 'religion'

but now im trying
really hard to know the truth
and i know you, among everyone else, will understand
Dec 2017 · 186
and now i bled
grim-raven Dec 2017
stop claiming what i have

everytime i declare what is mine...

you took and left my innocent heart

leaving my chest open wide...
Dec 2017 · 185
lost keys and memories
grim-raven Dec 2017
i lost the key
to the treasure chest
of imaginary memories
Nov 2017 · 255
im thinking of
grim-raven Nov 2017
we romanticized being broken too much
that we actually became one
and the worse part is
we became addicted to the pain of sadness

as we stay up all night
drowning in words of depression
finding comfort in darkness
now sorrow is our companion
which our generation tearily accepts
Nov 2017 · 298
i was confused as a cynic
grim-raven Nov 2017
as you try to weave through your words
                                 without bothering to look behind
                                as i breath again the familiar scent
                                thinking 'please, if you don't mind'

if i could just picture a perfect story
                                                           ­        of us last night
                                                           ­                                      intertwined
if you will just let me
                                          for one last time
                                                                            just be blind    

                              but for this particular moment
                                        let me be delusional                                           
                                          let's make a deal

                                           because cliches
                                   fairytales and love stories
*those weren't real
Oct 2017 · 310
grim-raven Oct 2017
inch by inch
i feel the fire around you
its not warmth but rage and hate

inch by inch
i felt ice burning my fingers
while i tried to hold and touch your soul

inch by inch
i moved further away from you
from cold and glares
from hateful stares

inch by inch you looked at her
inch by inch you left
Oct 2017 · 233
late mail
grim-raven Oct 2017
i regret not sending the letter
and i am trying to send it to you now
but the fact that i just erased the whole poem i just wrote
i don't think i'm ready
and i am not expecting for you to wait
i am expecting myself to send it
one day
because i am not doing this for you
not anymore
you can go now
Oct 2017 · 178
grim-raven Oct 2017
You could not stay
So you slowly walked away


ripped my soul off piece by piece
and though i told you id rather feel that than nothing at all
it doesn't mean i don't hurt


i do
but please continue
Oct 2017 · 307
grim-raven Oct 2017
Our worlds experienced tangency
Once, we met and then you're gone
And somehow, that was fine

Our worlds are asymptotic
You are so close and if i can just reach out
Maybe it would have cleared the doubt

Our worlds formed a circle
We are half-arcs filling each other
Sep 2017 · 277
deep blue
grim-raven Sep 2017
the sea is sadness
and you taught me how to swim
amidst the shore we found
ecstacy in a whim
Sep 2017 · 215
i dreamt once of death
grim-raven Sep 2017
...careful not to fall into the bottomless pit
monster lies in there beneath
chewing sinners with its gritting teeth...
these were all once a myth
Sep 2017 · 232
grim-raven Sep 2017
sorry for not seeing this was coming
you were so caught up with all giggling
all the friendly punch and the hugging

ignored the lies and red flags
with all their caring personality in drags

what will you do?

it was hard to not be liked
by the person you call friend
and with the bunch of times you cried
no one sticking in the end

you were not enough

caught up with the social hierarchy
at least you were 'ok' to them sometimes
that you should feel lucky

sorry for not seeing this was coming
you were so caught up with all giggling
all the friendly punch and the hugging
Jul 2017 · 358
still sinking
grim-raven Jul 2017
suddenly i am falling fast
into this vast deep sea
splashing and i felt the waves crash through me
i didn't try
no, not at all
to swim or move
i knew you wouldn't be coming to save me

suddenly i slowly sink
into this vast deep sea
i didn't move, nor breath, nor think
about anything besides you
you weren't holding any part of me
yet i felt i was let go
but i wasn't
because you were not mine to begin with
grim-raven Jul 2017

*...i have a picture in my head
me on top of a hill
shining, glimmering city lights
i am standing still
on top of these wondrous sites
and it all seemed real...
Jun 2017 · 715
tell me
grim-raven Jun 2017
I* *tried to hold it back
Keep it to myself
As long as I could

I tried to stop the tears
Running through my face
As long as I could

i knew you wouldn't say
Anything at all
Even if I tried

tell me I am right
It won't ever happen
Even if I tried

*And now
I'm writing this to you
A long lost love letter
Hoping you would see
all the secret glances
all the awkward handshakes
all the hidden smiles
And how you shattered me
Mar 2017 · 516
worship all the lies
grim-raven Mar 2017
before she took her last breath
they promised heaven for all eternity
but hell is much realer
home for horror, suspense, and thriller

before the "almighty" father of all
she tried to kneel to the creator with naked soul

omnipresent even in hell
the kingdom of his enemy
omnipotent; powerful; supreme from all
thus give the sinners everlasting penalty
omniscient forever and ever and ever
yet cannot show a piece of clemency

**lucifer did exist
then he turned to a demon
tired of all the lies
of the father of the treason
Mar 2017 · 403
ciao adios
grim-raven Mar 2017
Your captivating eyes of blue
Enthralled my iris with no hue
Eyes of life and perfect dew
While mine's are dead, blackened too

Never will yours see what's mine
Never ever, no right time

So in this farewell I will say
From your blue eyes I will stray
I'll try to keep my eyes from you
And please tell me you'll do too
grim-raven Mar 2017
i was also once told
about the tale of night and sea

the sea so blue and captivating
calm, peaceful, and very charming
the night was drawn to his unique beauty
stealing glimpses became her duty

day will come and then will end
then darkness of night will then blend
sky filled with stars, a full moon
the night emerges and starts at noon

holding on for hours and hours
sharing peaceful warmth and tides
sea met night time and it felt right
embracing each other with all their might

but time is cruel and they both knew
the day will come, it will do
night cries tears of dull dead stars
leaving the waving sea with scars
grim-raven Mar 2017
The rule of north and south
Opposites attract
Likes repel

But we were not opposites, you see
Tiptoeing on the branches of the same tree
Uncanny similarity and we both knew
Something is wrong and we have no clue

Evidences and theories and proven laws
All were broken for our good cause*

The improbable is what made us
And though it might seem very foolish
Breaking the rules and be as selfish
We can both admit how delightful it is
We have just beaten the laws of physics
This is what we choose
Same polarity but we have fused
Same as ever, I and thee
You are you and I am me
Mar 2017 · 299
the dragon's eyes
grim-raven Mar 2017
He owned the dragon's eyes
So beautiful like the skies
The colors shifts so fast
So beautiful, calm, and vast
I stare right through
While he did too

The man standing in front of me
The one who seems to see

*oh please god
what a beautiful sight
Nov 2016 · 273
girl of yours(end)
grim-raven Nov 2016
The girl will be good
Beautiful as she could
The girl will be happy
But the girl won't be me
Nov 2016 · 290
girl of yours
grim-raven Nov 2016
The girl was good and sweet
She was kind, admired, and deep
She knew how to sit
Lady-like and neat

The girl is funny and wise
She is smart, cute, and nice
Always makes new ties
Surrounded by the guys

The girl will be like before
With just a little bit more
She will be riding on a horse
Just what you've been looking for
Brave enough for war
She will be perfect and be yours
Nov 2016 · 652
little specks
grim-raven Nov 2016
We are the fallen stars
Rejected by the night sky
Accepted by the light

Earth became our home
Humans as we're called
Thinking we are special
Though just specks of dust
Falling through the core
Landing on the crust

We used to be out there
Made up galaxies and its parts
We used to bring out light
Now we're just broken little shards
Nov 2016 · 468
as long as you live
grim-raven Nov 2016
as long as i can make you crispy cream pies
as long as i can read you stories to make you smile
as long as i can take you places in longer miles
as long as i can see the lining between the sea and the sky
i'll remind you over and over how important to live this life

as long as i am living

you will know comfort
in times of grief
you will know joy
in every growing leaf
you will know friendship
when it's time for you to see
you will know life
as you will know me
Nov 2016 · 336
say something
grim-raven Nov 2016
Say something
Something like you like me
Something like you care
Something like you see
Though you haven't stare

Say something
Something kind and sweet
Something like a smile
Some place we can meet
Though it can take a while

Say something
Something like you miss me
Something like you'll try
Something like we'll be
Though you said good bye
Nov 2016 · 268
grim-raven Nov 2016
i feel so weird and so pathetic
you made my breathing so erratic
Nov 2016 · 329
just stop
grim-raven Nov 2016
i tried ignoring everything i had for you
and i had a million reasons to continue to
to keep ignoring what i've always knew
but you said one word and it all blew
Nov 2016 · 743
she's so fair
grim-raven Nov 2016
mirror, mirror on the wall
who's the fairest of them all?
perfect brown-eyed boy so tall
looking at her as i fall

she's so perfect from their eyes
as well as yours, so do mine's
so brave and wise, she's what you dream
and i can't deny, she's what she's seemed

beside the prince who dreamt so deep
lies a princess he'll always keep
as the happy couple had their sleep
the ugly duckling start to weep

mirror, mirror on the wall
tell me again not to fall
Jul 2016 · 527
Here is; Hear us
grim-raven Jul 2016
Here is what I know,

I have known you from the start
Flashing brown eyes built a spark
Lighting what I thought was dark
I knew those stares left a mark

Here is what I see,

I have seen our own words link
Sharing stories as we drink
These stories made me think
Did you see how fast we sync?

Here is what I feel,

*I have felt your hands so fine
As we walk along this line
When they unconsciously intertwined
I was struck and you were mine
and i am yours
Jul 2016 · 987
Solar Nebular Love Story
grim-raven Jul 2016
We are inside a plenum of darkness

Opaque matters
Transparent walls
Desperate lovers
Weak and crawls

We are a spinning nebula of luminous materials

A whirling disk
Gas and dusts
Colliding lips
Until it lasts

We are the origin of us

*Planets, stars
And middle sun
Healing scars
And we were one
May 2016 · 599
Two Two-Fourty
grim-raven May 2016

Aching body
I can’t stand
Empty tummy
My dreamland


Cold water seeps
Through my body
Fish is eighty
I ate three



On the table lays some bait
Taking two shrimps on my plate
That’s one-eighty I can’t hide
So I pushed my rice aside



Forty squats
And leg lifts too
Jumping jacks
I need to do


I eat early
So they can’t see
Fish is eighty
I ate three



Counting while I’m on my bed
Two Two-forty and four-hundred


Resting body
I can’t stand
Empty tummy
My dreamland
May 2016 · 502
Anatomy of a Rose
grim-raven May 2016
In the middle of the sea
Five petals on my thigh

In the middle of the sea
Four leaflets on its side

In the middle of the sea
Three roses floating by

In the middle of the sea
Two hands waving bye

In the middle of the sea
One girl cries and die
grim-raven Apr 2016
Are you aware of a bloodless war?
No soldiers at the field
No armor or a shield
No singing tribal chants
No king giving grants

Have you been in a bloodless war?
The war is a game
A game inside a frame
The boy with eyes of blue
And you without a clue

Together with the boy
A chanted hymn of joy
A hymn of tongue and lips
A ritual without scripts

A ritual of one's own
Tradition for the throne
Until one stops and breathes
And you see the ****** sheets
Apr 2016 · 373
All is Well Until
grim-raven Apr 2016
I saw the stone that you threw
The one with shattered frame
You cut the leaves into two
For me, it’s just the same

You poked my eye with a burning stick
And then you smiled again
You dropped my heart but never pick
That‘s when it’s not the same
Apr 2016 · 425
Altocumulus Lenticularis
grim-raven Apr 2016
She had clouds around her head

Building up with a threat

Storm was coming so she fled

With a parasol and her death
Apr 2016 · 702
4 petals on the sea
grim-raven Apr 2016
I am floating on the sea
With 3 petals that I picked

“He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me”

Those petals made me sick
They lied and now I see
I am the last petal that I picked
Feb 2016 · 396
Dream of A Kind
grim-raven Feb 2016
Once upon a time, you were one of my dreams

The ideal man of my world, my own little prince


Solving the equations inside my core

For so long, I thought the answer was you

But then a pebble happened to strucked my door

That's how I know this is too good to be true
Jan 2016 · 359
Adore It
grim-raven Jan 2016
Learn to feel pain even though it makes you sick
In life happiness is much easier to be used to
But once you learn how to appreciate the true value of pain
You will realize how much it can really help you
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