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May 2021 · 413
Aurianna May 2021
Sometimes you must break your own heart to remind yourself what love feels like
May 2021 · 1.7k
You make me vulnerable
Aurianna May 2021
Every time your eyes lock mine
Those three words float to the edge of my mouth
and dance along to tip of my tongue as they gently brush your lips
I’ve said it to you a hundred times as you slept in my arms
Ive whispered it behind you as you walked on ahead
You said you would be in trouble if you could read minds
Please don’t read mine
Just three words
That I can’t say to your face
That I tell you in little ways everyday
I lose myself In the way you look at me
Nobody’s ever looked at me like that
Truthfully I’ve lost myself in you completely
and I don’t want to be found
When did you do this to me?
I feel like I’m going to throw up
Maybe these are what they call butterflies
Why can’t I say it
First you took my eyes
And with it you stole my heart
It’s silent
Should I say it?
Hold it back
Then you stole my mouth, and my words were yours
What are you thinking about?
I said it
my chest is sinking and I’m drowning along side it
Can you feel my pain through my eyes?
The eyes you stole
My words are lacking now
My mouth is yours remember
I have nothing right to say
My heart it’s bleeding in your hands
Do you want it?
We’re you too scared to say it back or do you just not feel the same as me?
Nov 2020 · 281
16 reasons why I love you
Aurianna Nov 2020
I love it when he's loud, and
I love it when he's bold.
I love it when he’s calm, and
I love it when he folds.
I love him for his words, and
I love him for his songs.
I love him for his rights, and
I love him for his wrongs.
I love it when he's passionate, and
I love it when he’s gray.
I love it when he’s all for me, and
I love it when he strays.
I love him for his warmth, and
I love him for his stare.
I love him for his depths, and
I love him for his care.
Aug 2020 · 367
I wish I listened
Aurianna Aug 2020
I didn't listen when you told me that continuing to give, to love so much without receiving anything in return...
Was only going to hurt me... but I insisted.
Now here I am, empty, and nothing left to give. With no one around to help me pick up the pieces of my broken heart.
I wish I listened.
Aurianna Aug 2020
always telling myself
i can do BETTER
almost like...
im not good enough for me
i wish
i could be proud
of myself
in the same way
i feel
when someone else
utters that same sentence
makes me feel
its not that im...
constantly searching for it
i try desperately
to fill that void
the same love
i give to other people
in abundance
it never feels
the same as when
someone else
looks me in the eye
and all you can see
is love
Aug 2020 · 621
My favorite book
Aurianna Aug 2020
If my hands were numb to your touch,
and my eyes were blind to your affection,
I would still compose love letters for you with my lips.
For I could never piece together,
the perfect words that express truly how much
I care for you.
So instead I speak in tongue.
Breathlessly sliding my mouth in and out of yours,
like the pause in between a sentence.
You're a book I don't want to put down.
i write to express myself in a way i could never speak with my mouth
Aug 2020 · 291
Love me & Leave me
Aurianna Aug 2020
When I am by myself
I just sit there
My eyes unfocused
Completely trapped in my mind
As I feel my chest sink
And my heart breaking
I realize

I am alone
The three words echo
Louder in my head
Than a broken glass
In an empty auditorium
I have waited
For calls that never came
That was never given back

I believed
I could love other people
So much that I could one day
Love me too
But when everyone you love leaves
Apart of you, leaves you

Even if they come back
I continue to greet them
with open arms
But never forgetting
And Always reminded, Every time
No matter how hard I love
How much I give
That I am easy to let go

People see me whole
But every time
I look in the mirror
All I see, is everything that’s missing
I fill my holes with lies
And short term happiness

It’s easy to not notice
What’s missing beneath the surface
If all I choose to show
Is my smile
But not the pain behind it
The twinkle in my eye often
Confused for happiness

I avoid superficial conversation
But lack the words
To say what I feel deep inside
I am mute to expressing my pain
I drown myself in people
To silence my own mind

Until once again
I find myself alone
Unable to hold back the tears
Of how much
I cannot stand
To be left by myself
With my own thoughts

I don’t have trust issues
I have abandonment issues
For I consistently convince myself
That everyone I love will leave me
Like they have
So many times before

And honestly I understand
To look at myself
From someone else’s shoes
With an insiders perspective
And given the choice
To leave me...
I probably would too
I am empty with nothing left to give because I don’t know how to give to myself
May 2020 · 449
let go
Aurianna May 2020
mind that,
its okay
to be scared
to be better
even when
you're crying
stop running
from the storm
just embrace it
feel everything
fight all you
want, and then
face it
believe in you
trust yourself
free because
you need not know
where you're going
but because
you don't
need to know
let go
im free because i just let it go, fly with the wind baby
May 2020 · 267
He Is
Aurianna May 2020
He is passionate
Overflowing with untamed emotion, magic slips from his
Fingertips creating masterpieces with his hands

He is fire
Dry throat, silent pleas, match to gasoline, uncontrollable
Skin devouring

He is love
Where nothing can become everything
A halo of light illuminated in a darkened room

He is balance
The kinda person who makes you feel like a sinner and a saint
All at once; You wanna see him happy even without you

He is art
His eyes compose irresistible stories but only to those who listen
His tongue an abstract painting, each stroke so intricate; delicate

He is sad
For he gives his love endlessly, concern is his language
He fears he's not enough, but hes so much more than he knows

He is a dreamer
In the eyes of the world doomed broken by design, all the things he Knew he was meant for; the sweetest ignorance of how to get there

He is familiarity
Sweeter than any childhood memory, you want to wrap
Yourself in his embrace, you feel like its something you know

He is
when you fall in love with an old friend, Wether it be Platonic or romantically, i will love you always
Mar 2019 · 229
the suns love for me
Aurianna Mar 2019
I ****** up today
but the sun, she loves me
and I know she will be back tomorrow
and if not tomorrow, the day after
and when she weeps, the moon loves me for her
while the rain reminds me im alive
Mar 2019 · 202
This feels like winter
Aurianna Mar 2019
headlights in my window
raindrop melancholy
tv static reflections
heavy breathing                                    
sunken eyes
frozen toes
stuffy nose
all a
Mar 2019 · 157
Aurianna Mar 2019
Today I learned forgiveness is for myself
I lived my whole life thinking it was something I gifted others
when in actuality it was peace for me
Today I learned I have truly never forgiven myself
I have held onto that pain and let it hurt me
when in actuality I am free
Today I learned how to love again
Today I learned forgiveness
forgiveness is healing
Mar 2019 · 165
Aurianna Mar 2019
Empty Stare and a full mind
Feb 2019 · 185
That spark
Aurianna Feb 2019
Do you feel that spark, every time we touch?
The thunder in my heart?
Do you feel the electricity between us, every time we're near?
The lightening in my eyes?
Do you think about me every second of the day?
Like I do, with you.
Because I don't think I would feel like this if you didn't too.
Your body and your words are always speaking two different sentences simultaneously.
Is this lust or your love?
It's always been you.
That is one thing I am sure of.
Feb 2019 · 167
Loving despite the pain
Aurianna Feb 2019
Feb 2019 · 1.3k
"You're mine till you're 18"
Aurianna Feb 2019
A prayer whispered from a child's lips brought out of fear from a little one's heart.
For hopes that her father will beat her mother tonight instead of her.
Curled up in the corner of her closet apologizing over and over for her selfishness.
The screams from outside her door drowning her innocence in despair and fear that tomorrow it might be her turn.
The man who made her call him "Dad" had completely broken down her mother and every other woman who came into his life.
He made them all believe that they are nothing without him and without him they have nothing.
Financial, spiritual, mental and physical *******.
To the women who came around just to leave, leave her with him.
Too afraid to speak up, afraid for their lives.
The lies he filled her head with the first 13 years of her precious life. The man who helped bring her into this world just to make her hate it the most.
The blood on his fists and his breath in her ears.
"You're mine till you're 18."
That girl is me
Feb 2019 · 817
My Curse
Aurianna Feb 2019
I don't know where I'm going wrong.
I do things that make me happy.
I surround myself with people who make me feel good about myself.
But, I don't feel good about myself.
I do my best to treat myself with kindness but the bad thoughts won't go away.
I have the deepest conversations with myself yet I can't even begin to express to another person exactly how I feel.
Do I feel too much?
To deeply?
Too carelessly?
I can talk about the things I've experienced but I can not communicate what it did to me.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong,
when I'm trying everything in my capability to do right.
I don't know what to do,
I don't know what I'm doing.
I'm hurting far beyond what I let people see,
I don't know where I learned that,
but I really wish I wasn't like that.
To feel everything, but absolutely nothing at all is a ******* curse.
Someday, just someday, I will be able to smile again for no reason at all.
Feb 2019 · 499
Aurianna Feb 2019
Feb 2019 · 489
To Our Enemies
Aurianna Feb 2019
We're doing
our best to forgive,
and forget.
At least,
that's what we
tell each other.
But we must remember,
there's some good
in the worst
of us
and some evil
in the best
of us
when we
discover this,
we are less prone to hate our enemies.
Feb 2019 · 916
Our love
Aurianna Feb 2019
Love is a weakness,
or so they say.
Is our love my strength?
because I often feel you never meet me halfway.
Why is it always the same person
who makes me feel the most loved, is the
one who has the power to rip my happiness away with a single look?
The one that holds me when I'm in shambles
and wipes away my tears
is the same person who caused them here.
I've always dreamed of a fairy tale romance,
and with you, I have wanted that for so long.
but given the circumstance,
soon I'll be gone.
Someday someone will love me with their whole heart and it will be everything I have ever dreamed of. I have to hold on to that.
Feb 2019 · 295
Aurianna Feb 2019
Feb 2019 · 322
Moving on
Aurianna Feb 2019
I no longer care
If what's best for me
Isnt whats best for you
You are toxic
and I need to be loved
Feb 2019 · 660
Invisible Chains
Aurianna Feb 2019
I'm Aurianna.
I'm so many things actually, it all depends on who you ask.
To myself... at times I am destruction.
My emotions destroy.
I am hurt.
I am only 18, who did you want me to be?
You abused me.
You destroyed me for a time, and yet still all the time.
I want to be free.
Did I build these chains link by link or did you help me?
You beat me physically while she beat me mentally.
The perfect destructive team you two made.
All without realizing.
All without each other.
Yet at times I am strong, I stand tall to protect others.
Although a single person can raise their voice to me and I shatter into a million little pieces.
I never amount to other peoples expectations of me, so in return, I am looked down upon.
My whole life really.
The secret abuse that led to many failures.
I have so many problems that I cannot fathom enough to put into words.
I fail at expressing how I feel because I don't know how.
You never taught me how.
They ask me whose fault it is that I am like this.
I say it's mine.
Because I'm eighteen.
In the eyes of the law, I am officially an adult.
Responsible for only myself.
Am I falling apart yet again?
Or have I never actually been quite pieced together?
Do I accept your screaming, dehumanizing comments and threats for the hope that someday, just someday I will be granted parental affection?
Or do I not deserve that either?
Do I deserve better?
Because I really don't know.
You're sorry... that I know.
You have said it many times before.
Only to turn around and do the same things you've already apologized for.
Feeling is what makes me human, but too much of anything is cancer to the heart.
Your words hurt me.
They always have.
Worse than any beating I have and will endure.
Your words are my cancer.
I am fighting for my freedom.
With or without you.
For I have always been alone.
I have found my strength in that.
Because I am me.
Feb 2019 · 12.7k
A little faith
Aurianna Feb 2019
I am in love
Head over heels
A thunderstorm of flutters in my heart
But I will put you,
For if I live my life by the way of God
Everything else will fall into place
All I need is to have a little faith
Feb 2019 · 352
Aurianna Feb 2019
There are
things I
have suffered
will never
be a story
from my lips,
nor will
ever be
words to a paper.
Feb 2019 · 486
I'm Suffocating
Aurianna Feb 2019
I am suffocating.
I can't get you out of my head,
please go away.
So I can go back to my simple life,
the one without your smile,
without your brilliant blue eyes,
without your voice.
Why would God put you in my life...
if it wasn't meant to work between us?
The thought of your shiny blonde hair,
your mouth sliding in and out of mine.
I can't breathe.
I stay high,
so I don't have to feel you right.
I'd have to say I'm addicted,
I should stay away.
But these urges I can't fight.
I can't breathe

I am suffocating
Feb 2019 · 982
Sexual Tension
Aurianna Feb 2019
Tie my arms up to the branch of a tree
I want you to bend me over
pull my hair
and **** the **** out of me
I like it slow
and wet
Take control
grab my jaw
shove your **** through my mouth to my neck
Foreplay so sensual
juices sliding
between my thighs
your own personal ******* slip n' slide
Your tongue sliding perfectly
in-between my lips
on my silky smooth mouth
between my hips
Feb 2019 · 409
Learning to love the rain
Aurianna Feb 2019
You know those days when the sky is completely grey and we're afraid it's going to pour rain at any minute?
You know how we make it through the storm, but still, we have to acknowledge that the clouds will eventually be back?
You just never know when, and you'll never know how hard It'll down poor.
It speaks to me on how I, myself express my sadness.
These thoughts accumulate over time, they're there.
I can sense them,
sometimes I can forget them and they'll drift away
and the sun will shine,
the birds will sing,
the sun rays will dance across my skin
and all is at peace.
Most of the time, that's just not how it works for me.
  When I pour out I'm not just displeasing myself, I soak the people around me without warning.
I don't want to be like that.
I need to learn to love the rain.

— The End —