Put those pills Down on the table Put that razer blade away for you dont need that Put away that gun and rope For we shouldn't sweat the small Stuff by Sweat I Mean **** yourself Over it You don't need to To it.
I say that Love And swearing will keep You alive I should Know I had many a dark thoughts About hurting my self But one f-bomb Or hug from my mom And it was bearable To get me through.
In heaven the Big Dipper says qharsheeeiilesh (welcome) As you enter the purple clouded World Once in You will see seven Orbes That form the Great dipper
As the could rain Spills Allover I amagibe being in your Arms cuddling With you Kissing you But instead I walk drawing Finger marks on The store windows
Try learning that You very first love Is druggie And has *** When she used to be so brilliant And loving And full of life When you two had So much in common That is pain Right there.
This is the poem of my first love who is in a desperate situation
As the buddha Rests his Travel Wiery head On his knee As he Crouches Down town the ground The lack of food All that walking took its Tole on him Soon like All living things he needs to Reach his battery.
One night outside of Ottawa in a swamp Every fullmoon The ghost with the red Balloon appears That of a girl Some say that the red Balloon meant that she was a child Or had child like innocence.
Freaking rush hour I am either Trying to get home Or get to a flight This time it's a flight And there are many cars Stop and go Will I make it to my flight On time Or will I miss it because of Rush hour.
This :(s :(a :(d Angel is between The cosmos And reality For everywhere she goes so does space And time Even when she is resting in Beautiful f o r e s t.
As I walk Into the forest to calm my Mind it does not work And so I screem So loud that my soul Leaves my body For being in The Forest Earthbound Because I wouldn't cool off.
I don't care about popular belief but this is my take on tantra and tantric ***. Though I have never tried it and DON'T WANT TO because of my experience with its **** and from others I know. It's is an evil and degenerative thing to do. It more ***.
As I shopping for A new set of baoding ***** In China town I find the the oddest pair One clear and white with yell and orange flaming dots representing The Big dipper And blue one clear with white shiny dots The Dipper At night. And so I buy.
After the first day of school I remember getting into Sh*t So to avoid my parents yelling at me I see on the back porch Seeing the sun set To quiet the mind
Crinals are not Mentally ill Just illegal For they use PTSD As away out Of their actions They are stupid It takes a brain to have mental illness ... ..... Silly squash heads.
As me and my friend Drive slowly in An orchard I am overwhelmed by The snow like blossoms and the Pleasant smile How I wish I was a butterfly Or a bee.