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Feb 5 · 27
Father, did you know!
Father, did you know, oh Father, did you know?
In the beginning of your parenting road
There'd be sorrow and pain, but also growth to show
Your baby would bring healing, and your heart would start to glow
Oh, Daddy, did you know, your child would bring
Healing and deliverance, joy that would sing?
With every step, with every fall
You'd find your strength, through it all
Verse 2:
Did you know your child would take you far away
From the familiar, to a brand-new day?
But even in distance, your love would shine so bright
Guiding your child, through the dark of night
Oh, Daddy, did you know, your child would bring
Healing and deliverance, joy that would sing?
With every step, with every fall
You'd find your strength, through it all
You'll find your way, through the ups and downs
Stand your ground, and your heart will sing renowned
Oh, what joy life can bring
Oh, Father, did you know, life will find its way?
Oh, Daddy, did you know, your child would bring
Healing and deliverance, joy that would sing?
With every step, with every fall
You'd find your strength, through it all
Oh, Father, did you know?
You'll be the best daddy, that you can be
A bond unbreakable, a love so true
A heart that sings, with a love shining through.
selinashardaye lyrics s.a.m 2025
Mother did you know that your daughter will, be so innovative.
So relative.
Did you know that  her quality.
Will bless and enhance  her beauty.
She'd be such a lil cutie.
With a charming way to bring on unity.
Sent with petals or rarity. Adorned with gifts for public Charity.
Mother oh mother did you know..
That your lil girl would so admire you.
She'd adore you so.. Come to heal the lil girl in you.
Her light would shine through.
Even during moments that she'll challenge you..
Pull out the strength in you.
Cause your motherhood to anew.
Oh lil daughter  no matter the journey .
when its rainy sunny or stormy.
Life will bless and surround her like an army.
Oh mother, did you know that
your baby girl.
Will embrace the world.
With brightness and wisdom.
A road to fight for freedom.
A heart for equality.
Such strong personality.
Ohhhh  mama did ya know,
your heart would swell and with joy and grow.
Did ya know
The burdens at times you'd tow.
Some moments worry will follow.
But  life would keep moving  along.
Each trail you'll carry on.
Oh your daughter will become a brave woman.
The labor you have sewn sheweth forth will be shown.
Her Father labor will not go unknown.
Oh mother did you know.
Your gifted  daughter would help to mold and shape.
Bring on courage.
Bring about determination.
Her rays reach across the nation.
Her knowledge be profound.
Clarity character and creativity
Uniqueness unbound.
Oh Mother let your praises ring.
Lift thy voice and sing.
To be blessed with such a daughter.
Glory to the Creator.
Oh Mother be blessed to know.
And enjoy such a daughter.
By Selina'Sharday s.a.m
@Sharday_Artz Image On Soundcloud
Mother in a struggling beginning.. your child is here.. lovable cute adorable, embrace her, and be strong..
SelinaSharday Jan 31
After a breakup, it's hard to let go,
Memories linger, and emotions overflow.
You think, "I still love them, I still want them near,"
But forget the pain, the tears, the neglect, and the fear.

You forget how they disrespected you, ignored your needs,
How they didn't value you, or treat you with kindness and deeds.
But it's time to remember, to recall the past,
To acknowledge the hurt, and let go of the pain at last.

You're not used to being alone, but it's time to be strong,
To carry on, to move forward, and right the wrong.
There's a brighter future ahead, a life to be lived,
A chance to heal, to grow, and to find love that's real.

Many don't make it out of toxic relationships unscathed,
But you can be wise, take heed, and let the lessons be engraved.
Listen to those who've been through similar strife,
Take their advice, and let it be your guiding light.

Hold your head up high, be strong, and don't look back,
Let your heart heal, and focus on a brighter track.
Do better for yourself, be stronger, and don't give in,
To the heart's whispers of "I still love them," let love begin.

My plea to anyone who's been in a toxic bind,
Is to be strong, to heal, and to leave the heartache behind.
You've had enough trauma, enough wounds to your soul,
Don't go back to the tears, the sadness, and the pain's cold.

Be safe, be strong, and know you deserve better,
A love that's real, a heart that's true, and a life that's forever."

Letting go with maturity, realizing its the right thing and best thing to not be clingy
Jan 31 · 147
Elijah Do You Know
SelinaSharday Jan 31
"You're the brightest light, shining with all your might,
A sweet bundle of joy, a heart full of delight.
Your laughter is music, a symphony so fine,
A precious gift, a treasure that's truly divine.

With a smile so contagious, you light up the way,
A diamond in the rough, with a heart that's strong and brave.
Your life is a canvas, painted with vibrant hues,
A masterpiece unfolding, with each new dawn's dew.

May heaven's blessings surround you, may love be your guide,
May your heart remain pure, and your spirit abide.
May you soar on eagle's wings, may your dreams take flight,
May your life be filled with wonder, and your soul shine bright.

Little Elijah, sweet one, you're a gift from above,
A precious treasure, sent with endless love.
May your life be a reflection, of the love that you share,
May your heart remain open, and your spirit always fair."
Lyrics Poetry By SelinaRos3y S.A.M
A colorful Inspired Poem for my Grandson Elijah. Audio track Mary Did You Know.
SelinaSharday Jan 31
(Inspired by 'Mary Did You Know' instrumental)
Little Amaya, do you know that you're a precious gift to all who behold you? Sent by God above, you shine like rubies and gold, with a beautiful soul rooted deep within you.
From the beginning, you've been a blessing, bringing creativity and challenge to all you do.
Do you know..Your artistic soul stirs hearts and minds, inspiring growth and contemplation.
Oh, Amaya, wise and wonderful one, who could have imagined the incredible gifts you'd possess? God is with you, guiding and empowering you as a strong, determined, and bold individual.
May peace be your constant companion, and may the spirit of obedience lead you. You're an extraordinary leader, standing out among the crowds.
I thank God for the blessing you are, Amaya. Stay courageous, bold, determined, and awesomely challenging. You inspire and uplift all who know you.
— SelinaShardaye Lyrics"
to my grand daughter Amaya
Sep 2024 · 202
@#Busily Being Done
SelinaSharday Sep 2024
Busily being done,
done with drama less of charm.
Done with the hustle, past the fail of the sun.
Busily working, out chasing relaxing soothing fun.
As I come, to the rescue
I wanna sooth whats been hunting.
and causing a loss of won.
Are you busily being done.
Done with the things, with the things
that keep you from having fun.
I come to do my best to..
help you enjoy the days.
as you busily be free.
busily flow with laughter and glee.
delivered and wholesomely set free.
stop and enjoy your day the latter years..@Mom
Sep 2024 · 530
Birthday Wishes
SelinaSharday Sep 2024
always a place in my heart......
roses and mental thoughts
love and care..
Be Blessed always..
we got this....!
to my sistahs..
united we shall stand....
@inside the fences....
s.h.e_Is Eternal..
happy birthday wishes
Sep 2024 · 232
The mother
SelinaSharday Sep 2024
Your the womb that carried these diamonds..
The shelter that harbored the extended mini cities...
The feet that traveled the valleys highs and lows....
your memories will always be what follows....
Today we embrace the hands that cooked, washed, scrubbed, and wrote the songs that'll never be forgotten..
The songs are your vocals.
we have listened to from birth and beyond..
Love you!!
From the daughters...
Jun 2024 · 129
Brilliant Amethyst
SelinaSharday Jun 2024
She carried a heavy burden from an early age
She's the 2nd oldest but a leader in her her own way
Standing out amongst her sisters and raising fine sons
To this mother I dedicate these words
Violet radiance is her energy Humble wise and  and  compassionate her aura does shine
Doing all she can to be a blessing to others an admirable quality rare in this time
Although mothers day is only a single day, a mothers job sadly never seems done
Especially when the father is nowhere in sight, I applaud I know it wasn't always fun
You never quit when things were bad
you kept bellies full  and  put smiles on faces when kids felt sad
you were always fair even when made mad
Years later as storms pass, like a diamond you only got better with time
I always felt gemstones were underrated so its time this one got its spotlight to shine
Like stars in the Sky you deserve countless blessings as far as the eye can see
Know when I leave this prison you'll want for nothing a fact you'd best believe
I pray your vibrant light never falters in my life because I feel id truly be lost
It will weigh on me heavily since my actions robbed us of time my anger's folly too heavy a cost
Heavenly Father speed my return to my mother if you will I'll not ask for much else then.
Except that we all can meet once more and enjoy paradise in your kingdom in the end.
Love you and thank you for everything hope you like this poem.
May 2024 · 116
Another Mother's Day
SelinaSharday May 2024
what I got for mother day

Ah What I got on yet another Mom Day
some air and some imagination, hopeful wishes at bay.
some invisible, un -acknowledge_ ables, some
written unperson-ables.
A happy M day not much else to say..
As If i am some kind of..
Never there fa you kinda motha/*****.
Don't do nothing fa ya Kinda motha..
Trifling otha kinda, something or other type motha..
What I did get and have is.....the spirit of let down.
A gift of  no consideration.
A quiet shadow of you ain't that important or relevant.
The failed chance to say oh you shouldn't have's.
The missed moments of awe how sweet of you's.
The crumbs of no gratitude, from self absorbed tudes.
And a simple say anything I'd come off as rude.
I'm unseen, unheard, seen as old fashioned old school old ways.
Blinded shades, wisdom ignored, prayers stayed, unappreciated days.

Thanks for the little tab bits of invisible cards...hmm really
Thanks for the symbolic s of traditional materials,.. untouchables
Those just tryna say I lov ya so's...(walkin in them shoes)
The absence of it can at times pain the soul.
Never one to ASK FOR MONEY OR GIFTS...Do I! wee bits..
By surprise be nice to discover how It'd feel to get the what ifs.
To be given the  unexpected gift, how heaviness might lift.
How solemnness n sadness may suddenly shift.
It's not the material of a gift,, It's the showing of
heartfelt bliss. Spiritual Uplift.
I sit and it makes me recall.. the six times, six souls, six plights..
To sow, to plant, to till the ground,
to labor, to sacrifice, to pray during those daily fights.
To feed, to nurture, to yearly grow.
Unselfishly.. regardless of the needs of me.
By Grace of mercy heavens kept me.
So I can be.. still Mother, imperfectly.
Happy Momma Day 2Me...
@S.A.M  H.E.R/POETRY2020
Oh whoa,, ignore the typos I already know' so its the way i still want to flow.. mothers day holiday what. Some sons are wonderful and thankful. and teachable. some though forget to say and to bless on  special days. They overlook. But I know as a soul I've been there always through prayers, sweat and tears. raised all my sons.
SelinaSharday Apr 2024
Pour your smiles on me.. Paint my face your way..
Let me say I feel things in my solemn of days.
Don't be bothered
by how I can paint my face,
diff then what you ordered.
Green red or blue.
Doesnt mean my heart ain't tru to you.
If my red lipstick makes you sad.
why can't it make you see red is pretty and be glad.
My personality does it matter how fun and cute adorned with sashes.
Or is it you can't see it your too busy being mad about lashes.
I bought me some fancy adorable colored rings.
Your like hmm, cuz you'd rather
I'm plain and stripped of all my pretty things.
Paint me how I look when I wake up.

My face is still pretty with no make up.
But when I shake some colors up.
Grown Up fa me cuz colors should'nt make you mad at me,
when you love me..
Love me, like me.. dolled up or down.. I'm a lovely me..
Why is that hard fa you to see. free ya mind babe....

@SelinaShardaye_H.E.R Poetry copyrights..
SelinaSharday Mar 2024
After making me Feel ah way! Ok!
Say fare enuff sweet friend..
I'm just across the street.. remember
Say ok cool shardaye..
Cuz I'm just a prayer and a thought away.
Think oh she just decide to chillax. and I know im cool always with huh..
Hi my guy friend. I am here, in my room ok...
working on wonderful virtual adventures all at bay ok..
I'll hit u up when everything's all ok.. try not to feel a way..
I'm sensitive, needing things done my way..
Know that the hill and me needed to chill in our own divided way..
Say.. oh hey.. You know me I'm being shardaye..
Keep a smile on yo face er'day ok.. as i'm just sails away...
just Pray.. ok..
byH.E.R_Shardaye.RosePoet S.A.M 2024
Mar 2024 · 252
Kno what ta do wit Cha!
SelinaSharday Mar 2024
Do with ya.
Make ya breakfast on time. Duh…
I see somethin diff about cha.
some don't know what to do with ya.
But you can see sumthin different when ya with me.
preparing ya lunch.. What you like I got a hunch..
every day when ya f'in with me.. be somethin diff.
Dinners going to be somethin to stick to ya bone.
Ya won't get the same thing er’day.
the young chicks don't know what ta do with ya..
with ya yeah yeah.
I'm like seasoning simmering and classic dinning.
but home grown fixing..ol schoolin know what I mean..
I'm jus saying I'ma eye pleasing cuddly smiling thang.
Dedicated behavior..
dressing thangs up and smoothing things round..
so cool so cool....
Bring yah specialty behavior...
So I can bring tha flavor...
tasty gravy.. committed chemistry, sweet rarity.
I could be best fa yah...
cuz some wouldn't know what ta do wit cha..

H.E.R_Poetry By SelinaShardaye
Being Her.
Mar 2024 · 297
Poem_Untitled Thoughts.
SelinaSharday Mar 2024
Sadness is the feeling.
Depression is the temperature.
Coldness is the feel.

Pushing above the reel. Is such an option quite a big deal.
I need to find a sweet pickle of a mood.

Protect my drive to improve..

Im tryna keep nice and warm.
Fix my hearts alarm.

Nothing fake, no playing patty cake no baker man for the lost to take.

I  don't know what are my biggest mistakes.
But I refuse to let my peace escape.
For Shardaye Rose Sake.
S.a.m 2024
Feb 2024 · 229
@_# Packing My Bags.
SelinaSharday Feb 2024
I'm giving you heads up.
That I have gathered my suitcase
folding and packing up my aromas  that's sweetly
divinely me..  
Cuz I've shared so many things.
About myself about my life but it's not nearly half of my daily things. Sometimes my days are filled and sometimes a little unfiltered.
But it's getting to a point that I feel I am consuming.
I am like a colorful rainbow of smoke
and as you take your puffs it can get you high.
So high that you may begin to forget to do the returning needed respectful things.
My examples shown.
I won't ask to be treated as I treat you.
But I'll just remove my me.
Clearly see thru my soulful
Beauty. The fullness of me....

I need a strong friendship a strong partner.. If I feel I am not matched I will be strong and pack up my beautiful things...
Jan 2024 · 91
"Just Don't Do It:...
SelinaSharday Jan 2024
Don't steal it.. Take my way to reason write and rhyme..
Don't zap it quickly to copy cat me..
Make me afraid to share myself with liberty..
let me post freely..
I do want to inspire.. But let me encourage you to thrive higher.
I'm me yes crazy eccentric creator molded differently.
But I'm trusting when I speak my diversity.
I love how your different than me.
Keep showing your soulful delivery.
I burst artistic lyrics.
I drool for knowledge and spiritual growth.
I enjoy posted notes..
Invite me I'll share my quotes.
I am cruising casually.
Biblically loving longevity.
The truth spread widely as matters to address.
Don't copy, paste and fail to credit that's such a mess.
Be gentle with me. In my shared rarely.
As the unheard personality... Browser shy. Don't steal my poetics of wings.
As I share my uncovered word bling's.
selinasharday rose..@H.E.R-Poetry 2021
Be You Just do You Poetically..
SelinaSharday Jan 2024
Hi, Hello
How are you,
ask yourself how much do I want to..
get ta know huh better..
do you want to..
Your invited to enjoy my atmosphere.
I want to get to know a side of you I dont know..
so i can touch your soul..
..CALM MY MIND and calm your mind
get to know you better..
so I can touch you.
Touch your emotional.. side
do u want to touch my funny poetics,...  honey..
my emotional side..
I invite you to touch me free
I'm just selina sharday rose.. yea
come  touch my rose petals.. their like musical sheets.
feel me breath,  touch my heart, touch my mind.
ask can you touch my heart, say come sharday touch my mind..
put your hands over over me.. keepin me company..
its all in the policy.. touch my poetry
Thank you... for Touchin my friendly..  touchin my me.. I'm poetry
I'm more then what you see.. Read me.. Stay within my policy@her.poetry..
calming, poetry, things
Jan 2024 · 251
@Word_ Pieces
SelinaSharday Jan 2024
Let's see, let me check this  correctly.. So your saying you don't get me.
You don't get the creativity.
Ink to pad tapestry.
Designed words of dressed abilities.
The way words portray, feelings, thoughts emotional say.
Ahh I can slip into them like lingerie.
You need words put simply rather easily in your described way.
Well they can be worn like a pair of  comfy shoes, or come with wings of expressions.
You don't want any worded thoughts of cuteness. No challenged reasonings.
Come on and try it. My words scoop them onto a spoon. Sprinkle them across the tongue.
Allow flavors to be measured drizzled with fun.
Chew on  their newness. In fullness.  
Their  stunning liked bites makes  your sharp teeth.
That are able to reach then flow oh so deep.
Have a seat,
allow me to season your mind roused with words like music under feet.
Don't retreat
Don't claim verbal defeat.
The minds willing to listen.
Spiritual ease smiling oh  so nicety. How do you say!
What's that,  love how you sway, eyes glow with laughter after laughter.
Line after line.
Words love when its
Cute and flirty poetry find.
Read me, metaphorically.
Mind and bodied lyrical I be.
Richly diversely gently staged  so cleverly.

S.A.M H.E.R_Poetry 2023
Jan 2024 · 84
2024 Explore the More..
SelinaSharday Jan 2024
Enjoy Life ...
@Life for its everything and everything is  Life.
It's Something Beautiful and Beautiful is Something..
Giving is a Blessing... And a Blessing is Giving....
To Love is Powerful... and Powerful is Loving...
You are Music ... you are musical.. Like Musical is  amusing  and
amusing is what you do.... So keep flowing,. and sharing your musical melodies.. your life, Your beauty, For its a blessing, as you receive, keep giving and loving.. Your Power is in loving.. It's when your glowing, laughing and living... from@Shardaye's_Quotes...2024
Explore...The More...
Your melody your a whole Vibe.. you are in 2024.. Your life is to explore.. and to
Live even the more.. as you explore this 2024 and the More..
Jan 2024 · 222
Say Something
SelinaSharday Jan 2024
Last convo of the evening.. So Who/what keeps you grounded..?  What is the source of what you feel is the thing that makes you founded.., In your busy and your idle times..?  what helps you be the best of who you are.. And do questions from a online convo some one you never met make you get annoyed at said arrival.. Like dang why you asking and do you feel the questioner better answer you first before you do. Or even if they do you don't give sound minded details of what is significantly you...about you??  answer or not hope i make you think  and feel some emotions and some thing to ponder good or bad..
Past intro   Some..  Questions .. LIKE what keeps u grounded..
saying something.. is a powerful..
thing so make that saying worth something....
Jan 2024 · 69
In a Earth's day
SelinaSharday Jan 2024
It's getting evening time for the Earth to prepare for resting as
9 p.m. approaching. Ready for sleep sleeps restoring from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 11:00 and 12:00 p.m. As sleep restore, the sneaky deeds of doers are rushing to do their ***** Deeds.
Under the midnight cover of Darkness coming out of weeds.

As so much is going on.
The winds are calling from nature strong.
By 12 midnight and 2 am.
The Earth is turning over.
From sleepiness as she is awakening hearts so they are praying.
Those who feel her by 3 am awakens from sleep by the 3@ms
Earth shifts and turns before daylight dawns. Many are yawning.
Shaking the sleep so prayers are pouring.
The Earth Night Angels have been battling. Evils that hide in the wee hours of darkness start their running hiding and falling.
It's the 4@m the Earth is preparing in praises for the promises and hopes in the newness of a lighted blessed day.
By 6@m the earth is glowing she's washed her face, and she's blessed by grace.
Standing even when turmoil somewhere with such disgrace.
It's ready to work ready to shine planting hopes and love.
Comforts from above. Let's fight let's stand my Earthly Children and animals. Plant life, and all that exists.
It's Your day, as are another day closer,
Let's live, let's remind ourselves, in every moment shine.
Smell the flowers,  keep going, moving, growing, The Earth is still standing.


Love, Joy, Peace @H.E.R
The busy and many blessings in Earths day
Dec 2023 · 1.3k
SelinaSharday Dec 2023
You welcomed me inside of your love, some where deep.. Places the heart will keep.
said I can grow inside your soil, said I'd not spoil.
Even if there'd be any tormoil..  I will began to grow..
Flowers that are Both of us empowered...
seeds, soil, love, tormoil and growth sunshine, rich vine, Yours, Mines and Ours..
------------Flowers__ Flowers---------------Flowers_____
..............................Love>>>> Us........................................................We.. She.. H.I.M
S.H.E she His Everythang... H.I.M He Is Mine..............
Poetry Cmas in december 2023........
soil growth flowers love
Nov 2023 · 449
Symptoms Of Flu....
SelinaSharday Nov 2023
Crumbling.. changing, stumbling.. aware of..
the unattended now cold non brewing..
Sadness creeping..
Feelings of.. turning..
As I 'm searching sources of it..
ahh ah ha.. There..
seems the warmth has no care.
Room check, maintenance request in room 5..
Heart chamber.. Private Estate.. wayside.
****.. it.. ok..
No quick fix..
without admit..
So yeah.. slow brewing storm.. of pain...
No fun.. no at ease..
no its coldness...On my sleeve.. sorry .......
Even a cold coffee of brew..
Including a cold *** of stew.
Sad cold.. turning to symptoms of flu...

By @Shardayes Poetry Room..
Ssdly brewing cold stew heartaches and the flu
Oct 2023 · 554
Dear Loved One
SelinaSharday Oct 2023
Hey.. keep
that shinning personality glowing
You are my Sunlight..
The one who loves.
whos a
different outside of the box
my comedian. Whose
so much fun..
It rips my soul seeing you in Pain when that happens..
These words are sent from Poetic Mother.
Of The Poetry writer, the comedic, art drawing Son..
Your a unique soul..
May the flow of wisdom.. flow within You and bless you with Faith
Adding wisdom and a rich foundation of knowledge..

Hey You..
Hi armor one who hides his pain and covers
his aches with smiles..
I see your heart I see your soul.
I see your a created unique Mold.
Gather gratefulness and wash in it plentifully.
Within every inch of your spirit,
bath in the ingredients of bounce back.
Giving your mind over to Peace.. Order your heart to allow
Mercy to be in full control..
Waves hey son..
Loving you is strings of blessings..
The links and cords of greater blessings.
like sowing good.. In rich soil.
Rest from all turmoil.
Your Heavens Son..
Your works aren't done..
Encouragement, acknowledging, and praying
Sep 2023 · 98
SelinaSharday Sep 2023
Feels Good Chillin..
How does it feel to be a villain..
How ya be stealin, all my feelings.
Like skating a figure 8
Even thou you come here. Late..

I'm off on a island.
Yet not far from  the greater land.

Ya a Navy Service Kind..
Thats a service rare find..
How does it feel..
Getting all my breath, Leaving me gasping..
Feeling like Joys raining..
Now you seeking.
To run from the Navy ships.
just to share more timed dances and fruity kiss lips.
Serve my country.
I'm a civilian.
Understanding the mission..
Isn't just about seeing the vision.
Its the moods, and the good done deeds all that succeeds.
Its what keeps, us belonging and serving the needs.

casualties. lasting normality's, kisses, services, long friend(ships)
Sep 2023 · 2.5k
Wednesday Loved Me
SelinaSharday Sep 2023
After many working days of giving of myself in love patience and endurance There are joys in the mist  and I'm Thankful
The days past have had their struggles and blessings.. I have been facing the challenges ..
The mentals cares and the growing pains that comes with time experience and rough edges..
I know Sleep has  been  a thing I have chased, and tried my hardest to pin down.. by accidental falls..
Sleep where are you my heart calls.
But yet my days catch her sometimes..lolzz I mean really..
I crave for certain events on days.. its absence quite chilly.
Yet there are many delays..
But this Wednesday I needed Wednesday the rains fell and poured me replenishment to my thirst, and dear love Wednesday loved me.. dearly  gave me the rest I needed.
Wednesday fell upon me, and gave love, like cloud nine times eleven sent.
I tried to hold on to Wednesday and pouted as it had to carry on...
Now its Thursday and as I labor my eyes cry for rest to sleep as I'm pushing and working strong.
This day has been long..
  My off days are Thursday and Friday..
Sunday and Monday may bring, rest and love, flowers, and kisses and sweet misses
of sweet napping's I'll say..
ahh don't delay..
@ selinasharday_rose H.E.R #POETRY 2023 S.A.M Published.
Its about love
Aug 2023 · 375
Dimmed Light
SelinaSharday Aug 2023
It's getting dimmer.. times I can't see my way. so dimmer.
Heated Temperatures going off, only if I could find a way in the heat to simmer.
my soul's control is getting thinner.
I want a future, a life where I can be a final winner.

I'm in tunnels with barricades.. where my life seems to fade.
This is such a horrid maze.
Sometimes a speck of light allows a glimpse of the sun.
  Tiny moments My faith rises for in my mind I get to run.
Yet up come darkness, and barricades, reminding me I'm in a dungeon beyond.
It's going to take spiritual downpours.
Filled with powers to keep my sanity behind these doors.
To enlighten my mind,
from cruelty lurking round about the hateful kinds.
Only heaven can shine its light in this darkness.
I need it more than ever I must confess.
Freedom from Darkness...
Walk my feet through the Barricades.
  Pull me higher, Oh Yes higher. As I denounce all evil.
Trying to bury me against my will.
Oh Mercy on me let thy Peace be still.
in prisoned spaces
Jul 2023 · 111
@The Earths Day
SelinaSharday Jul 2023
The Earths Day
It's getting evening time for the Earth to prepare for resting as
9 p.m. approaching. Ready for sleep sleeps restoring from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 11:00 and 12:00 p.m. As sleep restore, the sneaky deeds of doers are rushing to do their ***** Deeds.
Under the midnight cover of Darkness coming out of weeds.

As so much is going on.
The winds are calling from nature strong.
By 12 midnight and 2 am.
The Earth is turning over.
From sleepiness as she is awakening hearts so they are praying.
Those who feel her by 3 am awakens from sleep by the 3@ms
Earth shifts and turns before daylight dawns. Many are yawning.
Shaking the sleep so prayers are pouring.
The Earth Night Angels have been battling. Evils that hide in the wee hours of darkness start their running hiding and falling.
It's the 4@m the Earth is preparing in praises for the promises and hopes in the newness of a lighted blessed day.
By 6@m the earth is glowing she's washed her face, and she's blessed by grace.
Standing even when turmoil somewhere with such disgrace.
It's ready to work ready to shine planting hopes and love.
Comforts from above. Let's fight let's stand my Earthly Children and animals. Plant life, and all that exists.
It's Your day, as are another day closer,
Let's live, let's remind ourselves, in every moment shine.
Smell the flowers,  keep going, moving, growing, The Earth is still standing.

Love, Joy, Peace @H.E.R
All within the earths day
Jul 2023 · 211
Inspires Me
SelinaSharday Jul 2023
Our love fills the imagery..
Of life secrets its colony.
A restful place of destiny.. happiness that is complete.
His excitement splashes from his soul like glitter ever so unsteady.
I apply sounds of stability, that steady the floors of common grounds.
Steps at finding partners' toes. hellos like liquid Golds.
Rich in this. Throne of humble homes.
Laughter going and going strong.
Mentally appealing...
His smiles,
His joys,
with fires.
@H.e.rPoetry2023 s.a.m
Gifts Of Pure happy
Jul 2023 · 125
In A Poem "poem Unity-Slow"
SelinaSharday Jul 2023
"In A Poem "
Can't hide now..
Somehow you trippin on account..
Stepping in full hearted..
Its always on yo mind.
My Nicety.
My friendly..
Don't rush this kindness.
Don't allow the blindness.
I need to match up with You..
But I'm clear headed..
I get your melody and its like magic.
But I won't take it for granted.
Your niceness is so so sweet.
Your limousine, and your beautiful things.
You ride me above near clouds. I can see the city below.
But Im still careful of where I let my harmony flow.
Its not too late to stand up and get yo balance. I want romance.
The taste is yummy, let me sit you down.
let us both unwind..
Your hopes are so high.
I adore it.. Sigh..
allow me to show you what it takes..
Its so obvious I feel your rush.
Don't run and make me play catch up.
This gotta  align for the both of us..
Ok My spirit loves its freedom.. Keep me feeling free..
Even with you flowing with me.
We are both complete individuals.
No going ghost.
Lets take a bite of unity on a count of 1, 2, 3.
Lets take a Toast!
To our purity, our kindest, our Niceness.
Genuineness. Lets not worry we won't be together.
Quietly, silently in unity.
Inspired POETRY
Poem by selinashardayH.e.rPoetry
so cool people, vibes slow down
SelinaSharday Jun 2023
Cry,-sob, wail, shed tears, snivel,
quall, lament, bewail, bemoan, moan,
howl, keen, whimper, weep over, lift up the voice, complain.
I was out walking, just glancing
around in a scenic and colorful(online) place
I walked into a (online) museum.
Inside were huge displays
being awesomely displayed in colorful arrays.
Some with dark shadows of greys.
Some with much to say some with very little.
After walking and gazing, viewing,
smiling being so excited I went into a carnival zone.
What a wonderful place to stumble upon.
Music and festivities so much for the eyes to see.
So much to explore even ****** creativity.
There were games that brought out the Little girl in me,
I started to make some friends among this exciting place,
people of all sizes and colors.
Time would come to go back home,
but often into this new found place
I would come play and rome.
There were times some would just follow me around,
some would tell me what a lovely friend they had found.
Yet I always kept my feet on the ground.
Life has taught me one day those you think
are friends won't be around.
They just leave with an empty sound.
Even when its happiness you share,
some will become jealous and choose not to be there.
Some are spiteful and choose not to play fairly.
I tried to spread myself like love around
never was mean nor murmured an ugly frown.
I set up my own unique boutique and
said come one come all. Let us be friends
let us share. As a friend I really do care.
Coming and going always knowing
that outward my heart was pouring.
Somedays the show was boring some
days it was exciting, mentally challenging.
There came a day some bully from
no where knocked me to the ground.
Felt that tear start to wail.
But I held on like a little girl who's
gotta be strong and I adventured on.
Some friends asked things I couldn't give
so they would began to privately strike with silent meaness.
Tears started to mount.
I put my heart into my own show
began to feel good and to grow in this great wonderful show.
Many came to read what I'd proclaim,
many came to sup from my cup and greedily drank it up
and only a few would come and say why thank you.
While the takers, the easily shakers,
the down right haters came and
quickly went never a moment spent.
To build up, or lift up felt you had to be quickly sliced up.
Or your somehow taking from their show,
they forget God gives blesses and multiplies.
There's no reason to be haters or spies.
I felt their jabs and stabs hoping I'd be a failure.
Most failed to be the friend they claimed to be.
They join your team and fail to simply post.
The tears Fell
Thought to just hang on to a few
close friends from this museum within.
After all on the outside I had my life.
The more that you do some came to bully too.
Some just up and walk off leaving you no clue.
The rains came winds blew look
around no ones still standing with you.
A blow, in the storm a twist to my arm,
a knife in my back, a slap in the face,
a bitter taste, I'm lost in this race.
How much more do I take?
This used to be such a friendly beautiful place.
Just make some new friends
Tears are falling I can't hold back,
Cry,-sob, wail, shed tears, snivel,
quall, bewail, bemoan,
moan, keen, whimper,
weep over, lift up the voice, complain.
This is why I know what it is
To Weep
In the Virtual Museum
Some of FB, Insta, Twitta, A few of them.
Sorta gaming Social Oceans.
Beware swims..
By SelinaSharday of S.A.M All Rights Reserved 07
DISCOVERY, social media's online findings
Jun 2023 · 175
Touch Me My poetry I'm me.
SelinaSharday Jun 2023
Hi, Hello
How are you,
ask yourself how much do I want to..
get ta know huh better..
do you want to..
Your invited to enjoy my atmosphere step into my journey.
I want to get to know a side of you I dont know..
so I can touch your soul..
..CALM MY MIND and calm your mind
get to know you better..
so I can touch your reality.
Touch your emotional.. side
do u want to touch my pages of funny poetics,...  honey..
my emotional side..
I invite you to touch me free
I'm just Selina Sharday Rose.. yea
come  touch my rose petals.. their like musical sheets.
feel me breath,  touch my heart, touch my mind.
ask can you touch my heart,
invite sharday to browse your mind..
put your hands over over my pages.. keepin me company..
its all in the policy.. touch my poetry.
Thank you... for Touchin my friendly..  touchin my pages.. I'm poetry
I'm more then what you see.. Read me.. Stay within my policy@her.poetry..
Jun 2023 · 2.0k
At a Distance (sky)
SelinaSharday Jun 2023
When will we.. stop admiringly
stop posting afar,
its impossible to try and reach a star,
But I can certainly shout
to the star above
conversate with it show it love.
In my heart and mind
sparkly hype find..
share my thoughts all in the blind.
A traveler at heart is mine....
I quickly rhyme...
yet truthful a blessed find..
I'll leave and stray away..
keep my attention far at bay...
Good day...hope you like it..
my paper plane..
sent to a moonlit sky..
Registered.. S.A.M shardaysCopy Righted notes.
Your way over there up there.. can you get my paper sent planes..
May 2023 · 132
Say a lil Something
SelinaSharday May 2023
Last convo of the evening..
So Who/what keeps you grounded..?  
What is the source of what you feel
is the thing that makes you founded..,
In your busy and your idle times..?  
what helps you be the best of who you are..
And do questions from a online conversation
with someone you never met.
Make you get annoyed at said arrival..
Like dang why you asking  all this?  
Do you feel the questioner better answer you first.
before you do.
Or even if they do you don't give
sound minded details of
what is significantly you...
about you??  
Answers given or not.
Hope I make you think and feel,
some emotions and
some things to ponder good or bad..
Past intro's   small talks.
questions ..
Like what keeps u grounded..
Take as long as you need....even if in only a lil of time..
I'd like answers even if you only answer one or two.

Hello stranger we have been in the greeting phase way to long.. take a sip of my minds thoughts.. on me..
May 2023 · 493
Mother Natures Loving_Wild
SelinaSharday May 2023
In Loving Wild.
Wild has flower child
in fact wild has flavors of flowers
that are it's children.
descended into more wildflowers.
Wild is like mother nature carelessly.
stubbornly religiously uncontrollably
Wild has five states.
in the United States.
Very unique states
of their own.
Each with  Wild Childs.
That's loving wildly.
Wilds love is hardly loving.
It's a distant, suffering
typed mother's nature.
In her kingdom of states,
she was mothered wildly.
Can love be so neglectfully
Yet seem friendly,
unknowingly friendly,
While separating the states.
causing distance between the United States
of America.
Within America in spite of America.
Mother's  Daughters  Greats and Grands.
ONE Nation individually with justice for all.
The dividing of it all.

@h.e.r_poetry/Sharday thoughts &
Blends wild flowers.. growing in united jungles, mind states and wild gates..
Apr 2023 · 1.0k
Stranger to This
SelinaSharday Apr 2023
Such a manly man very rare
Dripping with forbidden
Complexities bringing out the besties in me.
Touching places imaginatively.
At thoughts of beauty.
Guilty guilty..
Diamonds sparkly out shining reality.
I was driving to the store for some seasonings and something refreshing.
As the sunlight kept appearing rays of bright.
Pulling down my sun visor.
The heat of the evening. Gets hotter temps are steaming.
As my mind starts to reflect.
Trying hard to redirect.
Flowery thoughts best to forget.
Walking down grocery store isles.
Looking for black pepper, and onion powder.
As emotions inside scream for hearts attention gets louder.
I need to get some tomato sauce, parmesan cheese,
Feelings leave me alone please,
hearing that voice "come here baby I'm recalling.
Woman quit running suga your stalling.
He states I see you truly I've been going thru my own
lonely thangs I'm a man. Living day by day
working hard laboring with these hands. Meeting life demands.
Your cool such an Angel Brush me with cool wings.
I do compel.
I admit I fail. Just need water from glowing wells.
Mercy for me..
You run away from me.."
Guilty guilty ..please forgive me if I trouble.
I'm shopping isle hopping escaping. All I want is to find my own paper.
That will belong to the words I scribble on it by my own flavor.
Pen courting simple free good dots careful no out of the line spots.
Finally at the register ready to check out.
Tempting treats thoughts to grab them mind plots.
Don't grab any candy junk at the register. Keep it moving.
Guess who's entering.
As I'm exiting. Beautiful luxury manly casually strolling up to me.
@SelinaSharday_H.E.R POETRY S.A.M 2023
Apr 2023 · 169
Touch Me My poetry I'm me.
SelinaSharday Apr 2023
Hi, Hello
How are you,
ask yourself how much do I want to..
get ta know huh better..
do you want to..
Your invited to enjoy my atmosphere step into my journey.
I want to get to know a side of you I dont know..
so I can touch your soul..
..CALM MY MIND and calm your mind
get to know you better..
so I can touch your reality.
Touch your emotional.. side
do u want to touch my pages of funny poetics,...  honey..
my emotional side..
I invite you to touch me free
I'm just Selina Sharday Rose.. yea
come  touch my rose petals.. their like musical sheets.
feel me breath,  touch my heart, touch my mind.
ask can you touch my heart,
invite sharday to browse your mind..
put your hands over over my pages.. keepin me company..
its all in the policy.. touch my poetry.
Thank you... for Touchin my friendly..  touchin my pages.. I'm poetry
I'm more then what you see.. Read me.. Stay within my policy@her.poetry..
Mar 2023 · 395
The weathers changing 2
SelinaSharday Mar 2023
Touch me and hold me,
I don't know what to do.
I know that u know me better then, but the weathers changing.
The weathers changing, its changing on me,
I can't resist I can't shake it, I'm tryin, to go deep.
Bury myself deeply in everything any thing something
I can't ignore these feelings its scaring me now.
You may be fine, and you say its ok..
But the weathers suddenly changing on me.
It feels critical. Its grabbing me in my soul.
Its shaking me up. I try to hide from it. But wait!
Did u get a whisper from the wind?
Anything to rattle you shake you from within.
what's happening do you know.
I try to hide from it.
I am tryin to talk myself out of it.
what is it time to do.
I've been waiting patiently but the weathers changing on me.
Baby what's it time to do. I'll get back with you
I hope I get bac to you.
@Sharday Poetry@Weathers_Changing2
Things change...
SelinaSharday Feb 2023
Don't say It's nothing..
Because it only has 1 like or reply!
Its Beautiful and Everything
even if it is never even seen..
Keep Sharing..
There is also the browsing
never liking/replying Kind...
Keep giving of your creative thinking.. its giving, its touching, its stirring even when we can't see those things
Feb 2023 · 368
Heart Felt Windows
SelinaSharday Feb 2023
A Poets Thoughts Poem.
Keep opening doors all by yourself.. leaving me thinking.
How I'm gonna tell you next time.
Maybe I will purposely appear unappealing less smart and give you a sour taste in ya mouth.. Unlike some women from the South.
Maybe you should stop taking chances and making advances.
On things I never asked for. Maybe I can get respected in my own type lane. I like my paced.
Slow going train.
But remember this poets just a entertaining.
Cruising type thing.
I'm not one to tame..
I love being called simply by just my name.
@H.E.R_Poetry s.a.m
just a expressive free thought writing.. I want to be respected..
Feb 2023 · 221
Paint Me Colorful..
SelinaSharday Feb 2023
Paint me colorful.. Watercolor me Ros3y hues..
Shy with blues.. Sketch me bright, filled with Highlight.
Filter out my imperfections.....
Make my day with Pink colored confections...
I'll power up my shields with fruitful useful weapons..
I'll prepare my weapons with Graceful connections...
Counting the ways my Battles shall be won..
I'll dance under the beautiful sunrays of the sun..
And know my spirit is humble, battles won with no gun.
I hope and pray to endure till the end...
For the race is given, as faith and goodness will defend.
@Sharday_H.E.R Poetry
Dec 2022 · 260
Fandom By Your Side
SelinaSharday Dec 2022
I could If I wanted to But I won't.. Keep you all close as online company.. Fan to me.. I could Make you smile with Peaceful  vibes,, Share poetic rides.. Fan Like company.. I Could enjoy you at long  enduring seasons.. That can go on and on.... But I will not... I care enough for you to be spring and bloom, and I care enough for you to seek and find.. To be awarded a position past fan and  friendship.. I want to see you grow into all your meant to be. And like the  rare Star you are. Win redeeming and awarding companionship!  I'm witnessing and here listening to all the growing I see in you.. Because respectfully I'm your fan too. Cheers.. Salute.. I admire You as I am Butterfly browsing.... My hearts blooming.. Song dedicated with this note is "By Your Side" Because of its gentle expression..
Dec 2022 · 1.9k
U Left It raining..
SelinaSharday Dec 2022
It's Pouring Ova here, Its falling..
Just look at the rain you've allowed..
It's raining , it fills my room...
This rain inspires though its pouring lightly..
It increases gently..
You said you can feel it too.
The rain is growing flowers, in my room..
The grass grows with energy..
Pouring within me respectively..
Raining... I can still hear you saying.. its raining for you too.
abundantly.. fun while... dancing meaningfully.
Rain.. Raining excites destiny.. Pouring fully..
Spilling from my room...
Sunlight above the cloud as its pouring.. Blissfully..
So luxuriously. keep raining..Over me..

keep pouring..
keep falling sweetly..
Raining.. Inside.. Raining outside.. Love reigns...Beautifully..

Such Rains...
a Good thang..

SelinaSharday_H.E.R#POETRY 2022......S.A.M
When Love is falling its like refreshing rains thats a good kinda thang...
Nov 2022 · 166
Protesting For Us.
SelinaSharday Nov 2022
Protesting For Us.
Our Cries World wide..
From the USA even to the Mother lands..Africa..
The World Cries reaches US.
Paris France. Vancouver Canada, Germany
Visions and dreams have shown my stove is burning..
I often wondered what it could mean.
There's a fire in my kitchen, the center of where I live.
Theres a burning. In the heart of the land..
The place that feed my family.. food to survive..
As I look around my land now right in my homeland. There's fires burning..
In the hearts of man. From Injustices in the land. The killing OF another Now George Floyd Openly. Strangely for the world to see.
Now cities are burning, grenades are throwing, rubber bullets are shooting..
At us in our pains. They are arresting any and every one of us. Why..
Because we are Bleeding, so they arrest us. because we don't wanna go home.
Suffer in silence unseen. Hurt and die in our sorrow.. Obey curfews.. Used as tools to control.. what needs to be seen.
Our rights to be heard, our rights to walk it out, shout it out, All day and night with eachother.
See us we want to protest, stop shooting your rubber bullets, because
we don't wanna hide behind closed doors. between 7 and 11..

We are risking Our Lives for this cause.. Risking Our health for Liberty.. Equality.
The Rights to be free, Our Lives Matter, Our Rights matter, Our Equality Matters,
Our Humanity Matters, Stop Killing Us, Trying to Silence us.. STOP And.. Prosecute The guilty.
OverThrow The Powers in Authority That rule with cruelty to humanity. Especially to People like me. I want the rights to Express myself Openly, Our tears for the world to see.
In Our Pains why must you treat us so roughly, so disrespectfuly. rubber bullets, gas grenades, smokes and flares, We people are already wounded, already feeling down, already fed up, already exhausted, already disrespected already getting killed.. You won't lift us up give us a  caring hand..Us against those racist against us..Way Over fed Up.
We are Thanking every color in America and world wide.. that Protest On Our side.
Willing to fight and be heard and demand for changes for our kind, and all of mankind.
Thats been denied..
Justice for US.
Poets Cries, Inspirational Speakers, Speak, Teaches Teach, Leaders, Lead, People reach Out, Its time to speak Out..
Nov 2022 · 283
Depression & Anxiety
SelinaSharday Nov 2022
It feels like death hovering and fear lingering.
Its like the window shades closing and lights dimming..
Anxiety feels like losing a race where your being chased..
  You quickly need to be freed.
Yet it's slapping your face desiring to
**** the life out of you till you can't breath..
And your mental starts to bleed.
Because in the moment you feel your dying,
its forgetting, The fight isn't realistic
The body is responding as if it is.
Depression sometimes we just can't even put a finger on whats going on..
  Feelings  a bowls mixtures of Polluted stirrings.
Sometimes It can be just a hint of somethings off.
To a daggers throw of slayed emotions.. But when things rain of hurricanes.
And your lost in the drowning of crashing planes...
Your doing Jail time in the cells of Depression and Anxiety.
Where variety of pills may work on and off for a lil relief from its complexity.
H.E.R_Poetry@SelinaSharday 2022
horrid emotions
Nov 2022 · 145
Winter Fall Calling
SelinaSharday Nov 2022
Autumns leaves falling
Tender loves calling. simple steps are stalling
others rush at hauling.
Call my winter Heart, let not my love fall.
Brace your soul for winters here..
brace your minds for clarity draw near.
Winters here Winters here..

Sharday H.E.R­­ Poetry
Oct 2022 · 114
R U Single?
SelinaSharday Oct 2022

I'm single minded at times..
but I'm trust worthy. and single kinda publicly..
unsmothered. with trust that I won't cross several lines..
or take different leads that leads to some things..
Aug 2022 · 115
He Wrote...
SelinaSharday Aug 2022
He wrote.. Gm gorgeous (smiley face, kissy face)
She wrote.. Gm
He wrote (smiley kissy)

She wrote.. Don't cuz I'm a woman of words.. I'm recalling the saying "I got two F's to give" Could be wrong way to say it but still..
My reply is "U got one word n 1 abbreviation and
@. a smiley maybe two.
I have maybe 1 abbrev GM - minus - that gone leave yah none. 😂
U ain't got Time. Well how can I try sharing mine. End Quotes.. blank notes. 👀👋
He says I barely text..
I say same to him. and why should I..
make time for symbols and abbreviations..
I make none...
Well now.. so you still trying... oh.. why.. lolzz.
Jul 2022 · 822
Hearing_My name!
SelinaSharday Jul 2022
Hearing you speak my name.

Is like hearing Poetry@her tamed.

I've been doing well unlonely

With a heart


You can extend your chivalry as you keep free my reigns.

Noting ya ability to capture things ascertained.

Say my name.. say my name again. How it sounds can inventively be explained.

We danced in styled coordinated glitter.

Showers of hanging illuminated strings party designed bling all in silver.

Adored smiles, memories for miles. Lasting Niles. Captured images neatly compiled.

All the while loving your productive styles.

Spoken as if sanged, say my name
May 2022 · 1.7k
Finding Mr.
SelinaSharday May 2022
Poem Sanged
Daddy.Vibes..(written for someone I know and I feel their pain so)
Listen.. hold me close and not far.. plz. hold me close to you.
Don't reach for me and be too far..
I'm just getting to know you and who you are.
i'm just getting to know you.
Hold me close and not far.
Your the reason why i am who i am.
why some things are the way they are.
So hold me closer.
I want that attention..
Oh must I mention i wanna know you.
I'm calling repeatedly.
I know i don't get answers every time. hold me closer.
But its been way too long.
pick up the phone, your important to me.
and I've waited my whole life long.
To kno who you are mr.
Don't wanna seem desperate
But I'm a part of you, you you and
I wanna get to know you.
Mr. busy busy busy I wanna know who you are
pic up the phone.
I want to hear you talk to me.
Mr. talk to me.. oh I'm still calling you.
Something in my soul.
got me callin you. something in my soul.
got me seekin searching
longin to get to know you.
Mr. Come through..
My Dna has much to say..
its in my soul Mr. see about me..
give a care I pray!

Finding a Long lost pops.
by selinashardaye
Been wondering who's Your Pops.. and get lucky enough to find someone you never thought you would... And your soul longs...
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