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22.4k · Mar 2019
Orange Popsy
Elena Mar 2019
Her eyes were fiery
While her lips peeled away
Her sun was setting
But her colors never fade
When she bites she is bitter
But when she smiles she is sweet
Like a nectarine emblem
She’s the fruit of life’s tree.
5.6k · Jan 2019
Weeping Willow Moon
Elena Jan 2019
Her branches hung low
to the ground
They brushed the dirt
that they sat upon
How beautiful is pain
when it grows
It has a way to hang
those gentle woes.

See that tree all alone
yet so full?

Her shadows weep
in the bristles of doom
Then the sun comes to play
in the cold bushy monsoon.
As gusty sighs sway her eyes
to greet the galloping moon.
4.6k · Apr 2019
Wave of Light
Elena Apr 2019
The values of our relationships
and the commitment to our virtues
inspire and open our eyes.
4.0k · Mar 2019
Poetic Travel
Elena Mar 2019
With the footsteps of determination and friendship,
together we will carve beauty's eternal pathway.
3.7k · Dec 2018
Elena Dec 2018
The hole is deep enough for the two of us
And yet we keep on digging!
To haul each day a heavy load
Is this the life worth living?

I hear the wailing in the distance
I feel the heavy hooves beating down
The stubborn mule never listened
And the steed chased but never found

The gift of life can give or take
Like crops in a drought mid harvest
Sugar cane can grow in numbers
Or growing hunger serves to starve us

So when the wind no longer howls
We will see the trees stop flailing
And when the eyes can see the sea
We can trust the sailor sailing.
3.5k · Jan 2019
Inner Peace
Elena Jan 2019
Inner peace and prosperity
must be free,
to bear true born fruits
of a balanced tree.
3.1k · Feb 2019
She Had Sunshine Tucked
Elena Feb 2019
My eyes are slits
As my reflection is not familiar
— with her
But she has my attention
She is smoking from her ears
Her voice trembles
Her lips are thin lines in dry chaps
And her tone is well—
Seriously monotone

Like nails on a chalky stone
It sent violent shivers of discomfort
Up my spine
down again
This body
A zombie

I snapped back to my face of wasted time
She is an escapee from her own death
Her tone crosses me
Like a knife on my bone
In solemn droning
To the girl with bloodshot eyes
Though not from tears
But from bursting inside.
3.0k · Jan 2019
On Love
Elena Jan 2019
I think love is what we need in the world.
We needed it so badly we created it. Then we fought over it. And we corrupted it. It even became a disease. Until we found it had a medicinal effect. It could heal.

Love seeps into the ground where we bury it. The decay leaves traces of it. So is love also in death? Love is powerful indeed.

If love can find its way in life and death, it must not be mortal like us. Perhaps we can call it Divine. It must be what we see when we look up to the sky.

That’s why we describe it in so many ways. It flows like the blood in our veins. And when we no longer have the strength in our heart, it becomes the soul of our own.
2.9k · Apr 2019
Spirit of Love
Elena Apr 2019
When I asked you what your name was
You replied and said, “It’s Love”
Then I asked you what your song is
You then sang the song of a dove
Please chirp to me your fancy
Make me rock to your lullaby
Flap with wings that dance free
So we can sing that Love does fly.
2.8k · Mar 2019
Flame of Mind
Elena Mar 2019

In shaky hands she walks on
Shadows flickering on the walls
Dark figures
stretch down
tunnel halls
come alive
in the depths of
estranged minds
And deep down
   in her very soul
There is a wild fire, burning strong
Engulfing the curtains of darkness
Where her fears hide behind.
2.7k · Mar 2019
Love from the Ground
Elena Mar 2019
To grow my garden slow
To health and digs be known
That in a soil throne
Will be a deeper love to grow,
While taking chances
Hands will dance
And spring from the ground of romance.
2.6k · Mar 2019
Make Softness Last
Elena Mar 2019
Do you taste what I taste?
Sipping on our sweet cafe
Spicy nutmeg, sprinkle me
With all your flavors, sing to me
What your buds have held on to
Every flake of cold or warm
Thoughts of wonder, sadness flows
With every ponder, it must know
Shallow waters, dip your toes
Into the deep end, with me
Open closed doors
Surf away, in winds unknown
Till we fall and make a splash
Till we laugh, in arms we shall
Pry the past from my fingers
Kiss my bruised lips,
make softness last.
2.5k · Nov 2019
Elena Nov 2019
Truth was a breath
of cold November air
Escaping from her soft lips
Truth was warm
a breath of purpose
A spoken word
Tasting sweet nuance
A fresh, crisp blow
of season's new flair
Something so subtle
yet undoubtedly alive.
2.5k · Dec 2018
The Painting
Elena Dec 2018
Turning table of bare skin and plaster
Sitting model of perfections mastered
Brushing every layer on blank sheets
Watering eyes for moisture in basking heat

Now cry those pictures prettier than me
Wash away what flaws replay then flee
Creating beauty; an authentic frisson
Until the truth is unmasked to glisten

Strokes of warmth into lustrous mellow
Let me shine then fade a sweeter yellow
Add finishing touches on the drying husk
Then marvel at the paint of dawn to dusk.
2.4k · Mar 2019
The Archer's Child
Elena Mar 2019
She has glowing eyes
Gracing the land of skies
Where dreamy times collide
Lily Pad, her float
Lotus flowers, speak
Her fingers trace East to West
Grasshoppers make their leap
Earth fires off canons
As she prepares her sail
Green eyes strike a match
Do you hear that distant wail
Do you smell that burning flame
She certainly is wild
Arrows shooting higher
She was the Archer’s child.
2.4k · Jan 2019
Elemental Rhapsody
Elena Jan 2019
The woods felt peaceful
Alas, they hung in a rhythm
we breathe
The trees swayed high above
Mighty silhouettes
calling down to me.

My eyes traced
the streaks in the sky
From eastern pink
to the blaze in the west
Earth was blushing rosy cotton
Fierce in her burnt sienna dress.

Earth was me
swirling with the elements
Wind was me
finding the love in the twist
Wells were the arms of melancholy
Fire was the heat
erupting from my chest.
2.3k · Dec 2018
Pain & Poetry
Elena Dec 2018
Poetry is the string
         looping through and
         weaving out
the needling pain

It knits a beautiful
         patchwork, coated with
         colorful patterns
our fingers trace

threads of our lives
         create designs
a shining::
or dulling
our emotions blend.
2.3k · Jun 2019
Sailor of the Sun
Elena Jun 2019
Tip toeing around the sun
Silence so peaceful
Graceful sails into summer
1.9k · Jul 2019
With Fear’s Evasive Tongue
Elena Jul 2019
Golden trees with sun-kissed leaves
Wings of midnight cotton
Floating high in cedar hills
Are dreams inside a coffin

****** rose with sappy petals
Warrior wings with fewer scales
Coasting into deeper woodland
Are the graves of the lost and frail

My pen wrote of loss
And with an evasive tongue, it spoke
My quivering lips succumbed to terror
And so on the truth, I choked

Azure sea reflected me
Singing wading tunes
As I dipped the toe of fear
My fear hid in the dunes

Golden rays throw blinding flames
As the setting sun burst color
Broken shells still pierce my heart
As it yearns to rid this dolor

My pen wrote of drowning
And with an evasive tongue, it spoke
My quivering lips succumbed to terror
And so on the truth, I choked

My pen then wrote the face of cowardice
And with a change of tongue, I spoke
My lips would brave the words of reason
And the birds would fly in happy notes.
1.8k · Feb 2019
Reflections off the Sea
Elena Feb 2019
I told the world to smile,
and her corners barely creased
She said to get her good side,
and then she turned her back to me.
The melting sun was crying
And rolling tears into the sea
The shadow of her body
The whales eerie harmony.
1.7k · Feb 2019
Elena Feb 2019
Have you ever looked evil in the eye?

           I have

    And he winked

A tone as smooth as velvet

A grin of a boy

His lips parted seas,

of churning lava

But I saw a pool,

     to dip my toes

He splashed playful twists and turns

    Till I was soaked

And drops trickled down my skin,

    scathed by sin

That murky tank of burns.
This was on my old page & I didn’t want to lose it as part of my collection, so here it is.
1.5k · Jul 2019
Elena Jul 2019
My pen is dripping
from my heart and soul,
hoping to grow
a bit more beautiful
each day.
1.5k · Jan 2019
Lovely Enfold
Elena Jan 2019
Love was a new moon
Darkness snarling blindly
Eternal life curse
1.4k · Aug 2019
Word Seeds
Elena Aug 2019
Serene words
are like good seeds
planted in the mind.
Watered by the smile
that will bloom for miles.
1.1k · Mar 2019
Trial and Terror
Elena Mar 2019
Life is an accelerator
But I hate her
She trips on words
And works my nerves

Life pushes me away from you
Begged her not to
Indeed I lost
To sting the wasp

Life yelped in rhetorical ways
Pocket of space
When questions soar
In masking roars

Life cried herself to sleep last night
Polluting sight
As stars dim out
With clouds of doubt.
1.1k · Mar 2019
The Stormy Sea
Elena Mar 2019
There was a wild fire
In a forest glum
The villagers screaming
At the top of their lungs
While the children scattered
And cried for their mums
The wind began howling,
And the wolves had now come

So tell me mighty river,
Why are you flowing away?
Past the gashes on tree trunks
And the blood pouring from the fray
Your purest fresh waters
Are now stained and at bay,
It doesn't mean your white waters
Cannot help them today

There was a sea serpent
In the eye of a storm
Her iris was burning
And she was whirling her form
Her venom was toxic
For all who had torn
Through her layers of skin
That she ever did mourn

So tell me mighty river,
Why are you flowing away?
Past these churning red waters
That our trauma has lain
The fear is engraving
And the worst is to stay
If your ripples of wisdom
Do not flow back this way.
Here’s the full version — Enjoy.
1.1k · Nov 2019
The Lost Hour
Elena Nov 2019
I ride waves
deeply unaware
of how long.
I ride waves
afraid to face
what will wash
up from the sea.
I dive in slowly
As if seconds
last forever
but in just minutes
I’m face to face
with the silent ticks
of each gone hour.
1.1k · May 2020
Elena May 2020
As pebbles are thrown
into the lonesome pond
laughter splashes out
And smiles run and glide
with ripples of liveliness.
1.1k · Mar 2019
Our Weary Souls
Elena Mar 2019
To Our Weary Souls,

If you build a wall between us
How long till you break it down?
Will it corrode over time
Will it continue to make us blind

If you grow acres of fields
And call it yours
Will you **** the unwelcome
Or will you let them explore

Will you tell them to leave
As the night tells the day
Because when you close your eyes
You want to keep the threats at bay

So I ask you now
Who do you turn to?
When your fields flood
And your cattle is diseased

Will you turn to your neighbor
And what if you have none?
Will you turn to the sky
That’s been ebon like your eyes

Is your heart broken from the loss
Do you long for a change
From this god forbidden place
Are there parasites in your skin
Do you feel them deep within

Well so do they
But you refused to hear
Instead you built a wall
A wall too near

Just so your hand could push for miles
As all of our cries, echoed to the heavens.
1.1k · Dec 2018
Love is Simple
Elena Dec 2018
To love is to embrace the simplicity of a bond.
1.1k · Oct 2019
Ways of the Blue Bells
Elena Oct 2019
Our bed is the epitome of careless love
“Blue caress, blue sheets, blue dove”
But creaking like broken bones
And eyes so sleep deprived
This voice was cracking
And failed to verse the final line.
So this is what we call rosy then
A bare thorn without a flower?
Your music transparently
repeats our chilling song
But still you sing,
“Blue promise, blue jay, blue flame”
And with the softest blow
We always fade away
As bells softly chime
A ringing cry,
“Blue dreams, blue freedom, blue winged bird of mine.”
910 · Jan 2019
Elena Jan 2019
The bouquet of flowers
Your note attached
Flew into my arms
In a tall vase to match
Their dying embrace
As you wrote to me
Fell deep inside
Are petals you see

That still smell
Oh so beautifully
Even though
They were drying
Then dying
Oh so subtly
874 · Nov 2019
Inside the Fog
Elena Nov 2019
A halo of envy
Steamed a green fog
Upon her dreamy sky
The faint shape of him
Unveiled her heart
And she shivered
With a chill of denial
But hope was a’gliding
And a’rising at Dawn
and He, so humble to beauty,
Was flowering notes
And willed solace afloat
This crystalline sky,
Fuming boldly.
871 · Feb 2020
Dancing with Fire
Elena Feb 2020
A candlelit rage
Dances in Shadow and Light
Flickering our flame.
846 · Jan 2019
Brighter Day
Elena Jan 2019
I inhale as you speak  
And the fresh smell of grass returns
There will be a summer day
When my inner layers burn
And as they mow what’s dead away
I'll gleam as work pays off
For dripping, sparkling copper skin
Is how the light entranced the moth.
811 · Jan 2019
In the Break
Elena Jan 2019
I let the shape of your face
  Fade from the clouds
  I let the musical sounds
Heavy with pain play

   Now soft as a feather
As birds of my heart sang
I let the break of a new life
     Let you go
810 · Jan 2019
Sugary Elope
Elena Jan 2019
Salivating tongues
Juggling one tasty rock
A sweet distraction
711 · Mar 2019
The Growing Season
Elena Mar 2019
Oh the joys of Spring
Swinging from her singing moon
Cast her eyes to meet
667 · Mar 2019
Elena Mar 2019
Values cave when built upon the riches
of a dead man, whose soul was fed by the hands of greed.

— The End —