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Oct 2016 · 771
The question
Mary-Elizabeth Oct 2016
I moved far away
To try and better myself
But what is the point?
I just realised wverything happens for a reason and I made these mistakes to learn from them
May 2016 · 416
Mary-Elizabeth May 2016
My choices
My life
I put them before you
Before your life!

You aren't here
I ended your life
Before it had even begun
I'm sorry

The only words I have

You're my child
You always will be
Even though you
Will never be born

I love you my child
I may be young but i made my choices. Some good, some bad. I love you my child! ❤
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
Live Love Learn
Mary-Elizabeth Apr 2016
I'm learning

learning to be free
learning to love myself
learning to live

I'm living

living my life
living without you
living with love

I'm loving

loving my life
loving myself
loving you
The last few months have been tough but I am learning, living and loving!  I am accepting my mistakes, my choices and beginning my life again
Apr 2016 · 317
Mary-Elizabeth Apr 2016
How can I live here?
One day I will escape
Maybe today or tomorrow
Every experience matters
I am leaving, finding an escape
Apr 2016 · 523
Mary-Elizabeth Apr 2016
I was never able to accept
The position was was in
At eighteen I am stupid
I left myself vulnerable.

In under 4 months
You were gone
The hardest decision I made
A choice, a life

The trust of my friends
The secret out.
I was stupid.

I took a pill,
it was over,
But my pain
My regret

You will always be
on my mind
in my heart
on my conscience

You are a reminder
of my power
my choices
my mistakes.

I have to accept
You were me
I was you
A life never lived.
I have had a tough time recently. A lot changed for me I put myself in a difficult position and even though i regret my choice I believe it was the right one
Jun 2015 · 568
Mary-Elizabeth Jun 2015
My father's love
Is like a
guiding star
That shines brighter
Through my
**darkest hours
Although I know he won't read this, he knows how much I love him. He is my star. Forever a daddy's girl
Jun 2015 · 612
Mary-Elizabeth Jun 2015
Find me a window,
Find me a door,
Find me a corner
To hide in

I need to escape
This unfortunate life
My house, a building
Not a home

My sister's are my rock
Well what can I say?

What is a family,
When there's no love?
It's emotional
It's my stability,

Well maybe not.

When can I escape?
Without any money
I can only hide
Hidings what I'm good at.
It's been a long day full of hurt and emotions, I just can't face. I really need to escape
May 2015 · 519
Mary-Elizabeth May 2015
Who can I really trust?
Well I thought it was you but

Just like her
you tell the my story
My secrets
My feelings

It's a shame you hold the title

Twisting every single word
I spill my heart out
She knows
What I tell you in confidence

I'm unaware if it's
You or her that stirs
this hatred so much

Mother and father
Divorced but will always be
Partners when it comes the the
Spilling of My secrets
True and to the point!!
May 2015 · 631
Mary-Elizabeth May 2015
This tear stained pillow
Means nothing

The heartache and misery
Mean nothing

You build me up
You break me down

You tear our family apart

What is this?
A dream?

This is the reality

I feel nothing inside
My head hurts
My heart breaks
I feel nothing anymore
Apr 2015 · 646
Mary-Elizabeth Apr 2015
Any assistance for me,
The mild, meek, ugly me?
When will I be...
What I see...
In all those magazines.

A guy like you,
A girl like me...
Naa never going to be
I know what you want.

You want the "perfect" girl,
With the perfect smile.
A girl, skinny and tall
What am I?

All I see is rolls of fat
A short, ugly waste
Have your princess
The girl you want

Please just leave me be, in peace
Without assistance, you or us
You had your choice of me and her
The perfect or just me

Plain old boring me
Mar 2015 · 481
life or death?
Mary-Elizabeth Mar 2015
Abused And
But always forgotten
It's only a question of death.

Searching, not knowing
For a dream
I don't know
There's nothing here for me

A life spent wanting
Spent waiting
For something never to be
Is there any point

Life is lame
It *****
It's not what we expect
That why

It's only a question of death

It may seem dark
But there may be
It's never a question of death
life is hard but I'm used to it. Amongst the dark there's a glimmer of light. Just find it
Jan 2015 · 374
advice in love
Mary-Elizabeth Jan 2015
If they miss you
They'll call.
If they want you
They'll say it.
If they care
They'll show it.
And if not
They're not worth your time.
Stay strong you can do it. Love is hard but when it works, it works!!
For my girl Emma!! You don't need a guy to be happy
Jan 2015 · 4.4k
❤ sisters ❤
Mary-Elizabeth Jan 2015
Side by side
      Or        Miles       Apart
Will always be
Connected by the heart
Love my sisters wish we all lived closer. Edinburgh to London is too far!! Miss my big sisters
Jan 2015 · 585
Untitled (Haiku)
Mary-Elizabeth Jan 2015
The comments you make,
The laughter and sniggering
Drive me so insane!
When people get you down fight back. Stand up for yourself... don't go crazy with worry, I promise you will pull though
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
Mary-Elizabeth Jan 2015
This is who I am. I am me!!!
Jan 2015 · 773
Mary-Elizabeth Jan 2015
When did family,
Become about choosing sides
I'm done choosing who.
Who is right and wrong
Who I can trust
Which side of my family i want
Is it right for me or them
Jan 2015 · 300
Mary-Elizabeth Jan 2015
What will this year bring?

For me: exams at school and dance
A professional show for the fourth year
And my seventh dance school show
A busy year already full

2 jobs; soon to be three
Revision for school
Dance practice
Private lessons

No time for me
One holiday
A week to get away
To relax;  be free

Learning to drive
In amongst the fun
The torture of life
Can stand still

For 2015
Is no random year
*is my year
Thoughts to an already busy year
Jan 2015 · 415
Untitled (see notes)
Mary-Elizabeth Jan 2015
A limp and lonely boy,
A lively loveable girl,
One bench,
One day.

A bench where strangers meet,
They glance,
They look,
They stare.

A simple stare,
But more than that,
A new beginning,
Of an old ending.

Would it be love,
Or friendship,
Or nothing,
Only days would tell.

As everyday they sat,
They stared, but neither said a thing,
This then changed one day,
When the girl was not there.

The boy just stared,
At the place she should be,
Waiting for her to arrive,
She never did.

Three weeks later,
She finally turns up,
He says "where have you been,
I was worried about you"

He sits closer,
She goes to back away,
He holds her,
Then noticing the bruises and cuts.

One cut still bleeding,
Had she run,
He looked,
He stared.

He stayed!
Kept this poem private for a long time as I couldn't find an ending I liked... finally finished it.

Title- if anyone has an idea for a title pkwase message me the suggestions
Dec 2014 · 242
Mary-Elizabeth Dec 2014
One year sadly ends
A new one set to follow.
What will happen next?
Dec 2014 · 300
life haiku
Mary-Elizabeth Dec 2014
In understanding
We can forgive and forget
All our past mistakes
Dec 2014 · 313
Mary-Elizabeth Dec 2014
Prim and properly
Dressed I must be for the ball
Tonight I shall dance
Dec 2014 · 829
Mary-Elizabeth Dec 2014
My old home,
My new home
the same.

My building at birth
My building in later years
Leaving,  Returning
I'm reminded of much

My first few years
Are not forgotten
For many back then
Tell me now

I was only little
When we left
As a teen
I return

Flashbacks of past times
With our regulars
I remember much
I never knew about.

To me it's my   forgotten   *past
In the process of moving back to the pub my parents once owned.
Dec 2014 · 744
Haiku (#2)
Mary-Elizabeth Dec 2014
After everything
I know that I will have you
My trustworthy friend
Dec 2014 · 318
Hello Poetry (Haiku)
Mary-Elizabeth Dec 2014
Here I'm happiest
Free to write ever so freely
**Hello Poetry!
Dec 2014 · 535
Mary-Elizabeth Dec 2014
Overworked and underpaid
To help the family survive
To please you
I just can't

Two jobs, school and dance
Little sleep and lacking comfort
So much to do to help
I struggle

No time for me to relax
Working,  revising,  practicing
For what?
A better future for all

I'm stressed out
And struggling
With life
With everything

Failing school
Failng my family
Failing at dancing
It's all falling apart

The stress I'm under
It's effecting me
All those I know

I can't keep it in
I will just burst
Leaving you all behind
Dec 2014 · 336
Run and hide
Mary-Elizabeth Dec 2014
Wanting to run
But with no where to hide
How to eacape this misery?
I can't stay

It's not a house
It's not a home
It's a hell
I'm in for eternity

I'm ill, Tired
2 jobs, school and dance
With you are far too much

The rising pressure
I'm constantly under
The want to please you
It's killing me day by day

I can't stand the agony
Any longer
I'm out

I will run from you
Hide in a safe place
Not that I have one,

Run and hide
Hide and seek
I know that I will be found
You know where I feel safest

An unexpected place
I'm still to be found
I live in a public place
Known by many I do not know

Help me run
Help me hide
I just need to
Run and hide!
It's a dark piece partially (mainly) based on truths in my own life.
Nov 2014 · 265
Mary-Elizabeth Nov 2014
I follow
In every direction
The rush of the wind
That breeze

A mountain
A river
A stream
I walk to find you

You are the rock
A pillar from the earth
The gift upon which I grow

I believe in you.
For you are my reason for life.
I love you
Just a quick one. Try reading it backwards.  Let me know what you think of the poem :)
Nov 2014 · 280
Mary-Elizabeth Nov 2014
As I Live Each Day
May I Make A Difference
And Touch One Heart. . .
Each Day It Is My Goal
To Bring Smiles And Laughter
Into A Soul!
Love,  Peace And Happiness
To All!
I was touched by the purity of this poem so wanted to share it.
Nov 2014 · 868
Mary-Elizabeth Nov 2014
I thought this change
Was for the better
For me, myself and I.

A chance to meet new people
Be liked
Be helped

To find myself

Different from the past I thought
Never to be true
I overestimate what we can do.

This change though
Only months old
Was one too many
6 months full of changes none so far have turned out the way they were planned!
Oct 2014 · 275
Untitled (10W)
Mary-Elizabeth Oct 2014
You say it's love, but once again
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
A hard decision
Mary-Elizabeth Oct 2014
I'm done with the pain
I'm done with the hurt
In my muscles

The inflicted pain
The stretching
Brings me no joy
I hate it

In 13 years
What have I got?
No better
Only worse

Injuries beyond belief
The pysio
For the pain endured
Every week!

Do I stay?
Do I go?
How do I decide
Loyalty of life itself?

I can't,  I really can't!
Been advised to give up dancing due to my injuries.  I cant do a lot anyway but I love my friends there :(
Jul 2014 · 1.7k
end of an era!
Mary-Elizabeth Jul 2014
5 years led to this
A party
A prom
A goodbye.

Not many shall I miss
Only few will stay with
Me in my heart
The memories we made!

Some people partied
Each one the same
I concentrate, being
The introvert I am.

The final day, Friday
A prom.  Our prom
We created.
We will go!

I won't miss
The loud ones
The rude ones

I will miss
The fun
The games
My friends

My close connection of
People I love.
Have bonded with
Will miss!

We won't meet for
Years to come
This last day
Will be for years

Good luck to you
My friends
My year.
My school
Leavers.  Laat day prom,  will miss my friends lots as we lead separate lives
Jul 2014 · 1.6k
Mary-Elizabeth Jul 2014
I believed in you.  My
Friend, just like my sister.
You broke it. You broke...

The belief that all
Things happen for a reason
Confuses me, it doesn't work
The way you want.
You make your destiny

I believe that the future
Holds a path of good.
And bad
A path that only we can change
We sculpt it how we
Want it.
Are our lives already known?
Are we just living out other people's plans? 
 Is there such a thing as destiny?
Do we create our own destiny?
Can we sculpt our lives away from the plans we're given?
Jul 2014 · 365
How do you know?
Mary-Elizabeth Jul 2014
How do you know
He loves you
How do you know
He cares

How do you know
He loves you
How do you know
That he really cares?

How do I know
It's meant to be
How do I know
That he wants me

What is love?

How will you know
When you find it
How do you know
It will last

Will it last?
Will it be?
Will it work?
Will we be us or
You and me

The various questions
That hide the truth
Of something so simple.
Issues of a young girls heart.
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
Pain (the essence of dance)
Mary-Elizabeth Jun 2014
The stabbing feeling
That I experience
Day in day out.

Knowing that for
Three years
The issue has been
This the pain is unneeded

To stop the pain
These tablets, Painkillers
Cause more pain
Than they solve

The daily tears
The throbbing
Like a knife

A dance career
No longer possible
Ended before begun
May 2014 · 8.0k
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
When Alices world
Was a M
She lost herself in a
Wonderland of *M
May 2014 · 388
The way to live
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
Is history
It's in the past
Forget it

Is a mystery
It's in the future
Wait for it

Is a gift
It's the here and now
Treasure every moment
May 2014 · 3.2k
humans and nature (10W)
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
chaos** --
The law of nature

The dream of humans
May 2014 · 487
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
I'd rather live a life
Full of 'Oh wells'
Than a life
Of 'What ifs'

In my life
I was taught
And I've finally managed
To follow my instincts

I know fake when
I see it
I know B.S when
I hear it

The most important thing
I've learned to this day
I can respect real when
*I feel it
Sorry about the abbreviations I thought it would be best not to use that word.
May 2014 · 760
broken home
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
Knowing what you did
How you ruined our lives
When will you learn?
We come first

No text
No phone call
No letters
Will ever make this right

Your love
Willingness to be there for us
That's how life improves

When will you comprehend
I need you in my life
Be the person I need you do be
Be my Father
Just somethoughts
May 2014 · 301
A Poem
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
What is a poem?
A work of art,
An artists muse.

To me a poem is,
An expression of
My heart and soul.

To you a poem is,
Express the beauty you can.
May 2014 · 433
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
Men in denim
Built this land
For us to love and grow

Men in suits
Destroyed the land
So that man no longer stands
May 2014 · 3.8k
fairytale love
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
A fantasy love,
Between two worlds
The real,
And         the fairy tale

An unlikely prince
Sings to find a lovable Princes
Tragedy strikes
Loves caught between two worlds

I know that the prince
Will find his princess
Loosing one
He shall find another

A love of bonds
A love of life
A love for music and
Nature alike.

Two marriages
Two new royals
Royal blood
Royal love

A love like no other
                                      Just a fairytale
May 2014 · 590
life 10W
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
        Is offended by mere sights
                                                        Of you and I.
May 2014 · 702
A Cinderella Story
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
Have you ever dreamed of your prince?
The man who'll save you from the pain.

When the clock strikes midnight
Don't stay,

If you loose a shoe
Keep moving
It's a hint for your prince
He needs it

Don't stay
Remember you riches
They turn to rags
He will find you

Always remember
If it's meant to be
It will be
May 2014 · 279
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
My heart beats,
To the rhythm of drums,
It's life.
Late night thoughts
May 2014 · 575
I'm ready
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
I'm ready,

ready to see your smile,
ready to see you dance,

I'm ready to hear the music,

I'm ready to dance,
ready to light the stage,
ready to impress.
Inspiration from the Strictly Come Dancing Tour that i will be taking part in tonight
May 2014 · 369
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
No daily conversations,
Never, always together,
It lives in the hearts,
Of you,
Of me.
It's our strong friendship,
True friends
Will never part...
May 2014 · 405
meant to be
Mary-Elizabeth May 2014
What's meant to be,
Will be.
It may take a year,
It might take a day,
But what's meant to be
Will always find a way
Mary-Elizabeth Apr 2014
You did this.
The blade used, tore me
Ripping my heart from the place it belongs,
Draining the blood from my body.
A knife, cuts
A knife, kills.

Don't do this
Not again!
Title by Abigail Alabi.
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