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19.2k · Jul 2019
Conditional Love
Kanishka Jul 2019
I love you with all my might,
All my heart and all my life.
But if you fail to put up with my battles,
I'll cleave our bonds with a knife.
Kanishka Jul 2019
I didn't feel like writing today.
I was afraid I'd say the unsaid.
I dont wanna face the truth,
I dont wanna give up on us.
Why cant you come back to me,
And be the way it's supposed to be?
But alas I'm a poet. I must write.
1.6k · May 2019
Kanishka May 2019
One of these nights will be the last,
When I cry to sleep because of you.
One of these mornings will be the first,
When I wake up happy in a life without you.
1.3k · May 2019
Kanishka May 2019
I wish I was an aurora.
My performance will be a blissful rare site.
I'll dance from sky to sky unhindered at night.
My manoeuvre making spectators gasp.
Witnessing me sing will render luck bright.

I wish I was an aurora,
My lovers would camp despite freezing just to peek.
They'll try to touch me but fail.
They'll hold me dear only to lose me instantly.
I'll be their memory, remembered vividly.

I wish I was an aurora.
I'll be the goddess of dawn.
I'll be the chariot of light in darkness.
I'll harbour revolutions in lives.
I'll enlighten everyone as my own.

I wish I was an aurora.
I'll be valued and worshipped by some.
But I'm not an aurora,
I'll die insignificant and glum.
1.2k · Jun 2020
London Rains
Kanishka Jun 2020
As I got off the tube in London and
Climbed my way onto the ground I saw,
The increasingly tempestuous but melodious
rain collide with Thames like shiny little gems.
The aroma of sweetness abroad the air,
Led me to a small bakery on a secluded street,
And through the display window I saw you,
Sweeter than any pie, cupcake or pastry.
Come let's travel.
1.0k · Jul 2019
Quote Unquote
Kanishka Jul 2019
Behind every successful man,
There is a woman.
To achieve this ideology,
I'm crumbling myself to pieces,
As best as one can.
I'm willingly giving myself up to this social construct. Everything we do for an unreciprocating love.
1.0k · Jul 2019
Kanishka Jul 2019
I'm like carbon.
Under the right pressure I'll turn into diamond.
But if exceeded I'll break,
Forever worsened.
There's a limit to my tolerance.
947 · Jul 2019
Kanishka Jul 2019
I'm like a closed door,
Not locked just shut.
People gather around.
But none of them so bold,
Willing to cross my threshold.
Would you come in?
940 · Apr 2019
On A Leash
Kanishka Apr 2019
Just as I let my tears part,
My eyes burst in flames,
Reminding me to leash my feelings,
For wilderness is not safe for the tame.
864 · May 2020
Kanishka May 2020
Every road seems unfamiliar,
Every turn is different from the last,
Towards north I see despair,
And the south has evil in the air,
East and west look ready to ensnare,
Since you left me here unprepared,
Tell me who am I to trust amongst this mass?
Why did you break me to my soul?
744 · Jun 2019
Under The Soil
Kanishka Jun 2019
I lie on my bed all curled up in myself.
No lights, no ventilation, no disturbance.
There's no spark that would lead me out of this cave.
I'm suffocating on my thoughtless brain wave.
There's no one I know coming to me to save.
I desire nothing lord, put me back in my grave.
The rocks and soil will make a comfortable bed I suppose.
618 · May 2019
Kanishka May 2019
There's always more to it than meets the eye.
Two flowers behind the fence house a million stories,
Insurmountable for all to tell by.
For some it's just two unnoticible flowers,
For some it's the cradle of spring,
For some it's imagery of prison,
For some it's lovers in their haven,
For some it's forbidden opportunities,
For some it's consequence of a strife,
For some it's an offering to a loved one,
For some it's just the cycle of life.
522 · Jun 2020
Sunny Ipanema
Kanishka Jun 2020
Let's get tanned on the beach of Ipanema,
Where the breeze is always lively and artistic.
We'll climb Arpoador just to watch the sunset behind The Two Brothers as it casts color on the sandy bay.
As the night draws in we will head to a restaurant, where the air is drunk with bossa nova music and dance our night away.
Pack your bag let's travel.
519 · Jun 2019
Kanishka Jun 2019
You held my hand and I learned to walk,
You spoke to me and I learned to talk.
You gave me a pencil and I learned to write,
You gave me wings and I took a flight.

To make you proud is all I aim for,
I know you'll save me whenever I'm at war.
No words but one can describe
The respect, the love and the admiration
Happy Father's Day to all the great and amazing dads of the world.
484 · May 2019
Make it Count
Kanishka May 2019
Today I suffered discomposure,
Tomorrow world may bring order.
But I don't postpone my satisfaction.
For time once lost, can't be gained over.
Live every moment of your life to the fullest.
450 · Oct 2019
Empty Mug
Kanishka Oct 2019
I know its empty today
but someday I'll be your sunshine
And make your morning warm and cozy
With a hot cup of coffee.
This one is for him.
440 · Jul 2020
Kanishka Jul 2020
I lie on my bed, all curled up in myself.
No lights, no ventilation, no disturbance.
There's no spark that would lead me out of this cave,
As my brain suffocated on a thoughtless wave.
The weeds growing out of my mouth stops the little part of me from screaming.
I know no one will come to save me now.
I desire nothing lord, thank you for putting me in this self made grave.
417 · Jul 2019
Kanishka Jul 2019
I wouldn't praise our love today,
I won't dedicate you any song.
Not because something's not right
But because I'm afraid.
So I will admire us and let it live on.
412 · Apr 2019
Thoughtless Mind
Kanishka Apr 2019
A poet suffocates on lack of words,
A blank sheet and an empty soul.
For there is nothing more torturous,
Than when his muse renounces her role.
401 · May 2019
Kanishka May 2019
Back when we were so close,
Was when I felt heaven's touch.
Now you're far away from me,
And I crave for you so much.
Come back, be here.
377 · Oct 2019
Kanishka Oct 2019
Time seems to fly by at the speed of light,
When I'm with you, so close
That it makes me suspect,
It may be all lies or love.
Fall in and help me decide,
What's better
To radiate darkness or light?
For more follow me on instagram @kanishkagupta.19
372 · May 2019
Why Always A Lemonade?
Kanishka May 2019
When life gives you lemons,
                      Make a face mask out of it.
It's really good for your skin :D
366 · Oct 2019
Definition or Consequence?
Kanishka Oct 2019
The tree holds onto the ground even after a flood and dies of suffocation.
I guess that's what love does to you.
363 · May 2019
Misleading Welfare
Kanishka May 2019
I got lured by the match you had,
I let you break down my walls.
Instead of illuminating my dark corners,
You burned me into an ash doll.
Can't figure out how to live again.
360 · Apr 2019
Two Singularities
Kanishka Apr 2019
My body houses two selves.
Former fulfilling my heart's desire,
Later obeying what my mind dictates.
For you I'll light my brain on fire.
Maybe I'll settle for this love.
351 · May 2019
Dry eyes
Kanishka May 2019
Do you sometimes feel so sad
That ground beneath your feet disappear?
That your heart strings break?
That your mouth goes completely dry?
That your eyes can't even shed a tear?
Don't do this to me again god...don't
335 · Jun 2020
Chicago Winters
Kanishka Jun 2020
All of this feels strange and untrue,
but here I'm am in Chicago winters with you.
Where windows oversee the frozen lake
And snow glows on streets at daybreak,
As we sit in front of the fireplace,
blankets covering us as on your
arm I lay my face.
From now on I'm gonna write about places I wanna travel once Corona fades.
333 · Sep 2019
Kanishka Sep 2019
I walk on this road while,
The winds conspire our union.
It might take longer than the true intend,
But I know that together we'll transcend.
Watch the road that led me to this on instagram @kanishkagupta.19
326 · May 2019
21 May
Kanishka May 2019
Let my heart break with the truth about what was happening,
But don't make me miserable with a lie you find comforting.
I can try and fail to forget this.
315 · May 2019
Kanishka May 2019
All have love as the cause and love as the victim.
306 · Jun 2020
Kanishka Jun 2020
You were my 'the one' at the wrong time.
You could've been the sun and
Could've made my moon shine.
But whenever we were together,
We caused an eclipse.
If only I could do you better,
If only we could co-exist.
280 · Nov 2019
Kanishka Nov 2019
The essence of you lingers on.
You stand there with your arms open,
A welcoming fire.
I walk in and feel my layers evade,
Catching fire.
Burning till cessation of existence.
The essence of you lingers on.
274 · Jul 2020
Winter Calm
Kanishka Jul 2020
We go on and on till we die.
Come here lie on the ground with me.
Don't hesitate, let's make snow angels and
Admire how the snow provides a blank paper for the sun to paint and embellish earth.
Feel how the evergreen conifers shine like Ornaments after a strong blizzard hit them.
Let the calmness of winter imprint on your soul,
Exhale all your uncertainty and watch it
Condense into a fog and leave your body.
272 · May 2019
At The End
Kanishka May 2019
I'm not good at being young,
I'm not beaming with life,
I'm regularly petrified of being old
And accepting it all with my withering lung.
What if my existence is a failure?
270 · May 2020
Alternate Reality
Kanishka May 2020
A single drop of water seems inconsequential,
But a bunch of them create alternate reality.
Should we continue to hustle where we are?
Or should we plunge into the one below where
time is loosened and us free of captivity?
Dive in with me.
267 · May 2019
Inspired By A Classic
Kanishka May 2019
Be humble in your triumph,
Be audacious in your defeat.
And if we don't learn lessons from our loss,
We'll find hanging by our neck an albatross.
I know it doesn't give out the right interpretation but I just wanted to tell how disastrous it will be if we don't learn the lessons life has to offer.
261 · May 2020
Kanishka May 2020
On the hangers of your closet,
Diverse masks dangle.
Which one will you wear to appease
the society tonight?
Will you let someone see the real you or always remain misunderstood?
Or will you let it drain all the oxygen from your blood?
260 · May 2020
Kanishka May 2020
What if my thoughts are not mine?
What if I do things without insight?
My mind is fractured by the world we live in,
And the breach is used to steal and replace
what lies inside my brain.
No memory is safe, no plan unstained.
260 · Jul 2020
Melancholy Blues
Kanishka Jul 2020
In my melancholy blues
I wonder if all the problems
I have are because of me.
Intoxication doesn't wash it away
Your love is all that makes me stay
Sane and numbs all the pain.
So come and let me be with you,
Let my little heart feel the bloom.
259 · Oct 2019
Kanishka Oct 2019
"You dont speak much"
I've heard that too many times
But what will you do after
Your forever turned into laughter?
Pieces of your heart scatter,
Feeling served on the wrong platter,
Wanna run away from love faster,
Ain't nobody can fix me, nah no pastor.
"Why cant you trust me?"
Rings in my ear like wind chimes.
No one knows what it took to,
To again become one from two,
I bared my soul, I bared my body,
I changed my life, I changed my story.
I've been through seven hells,
Hoping all's well that ends well.
"Are you okay? Hope you're alright."
If I was, wont have written this rhyme.
No, I've been trying to be normal.
Getting sleep, I ain't nocturnal.
Now I know you think I'm hungover,
Come here, let's trade our shoes over.
This no sad song, this a rap battle.
If you didn't realise, do a do over.
I'm beginning to feel like a...
258 · Dec 2019
Kanishka Dec 2019
I saw a full moon tonight.
The one which brings peace,
At the quiet of night.
I am in my prime in its presence.
Would it be okay for the starry sky
If I do?
246 · May 2019
Kanishka May 2019
Here I am on my knees atoning for my sins.
The stars shine brighter sitting under them with you,
The bed feels warmer sleeping next to you.
If I get a million lifetimes, I would spend them loving you.
Again. Everytime.
I should've done this sooner.
246 · Sep 2019
Sycamore Tree
Kanishka Sep 2019
I wish I had saved those poems,
The words portraying our love.
I wish I had done something more,
To sleep with you forever under this sycamore.
240 · Jun 2020
Looks Don’t Define Me
Kanishka Jun 2020
Looks don’t define me but do you know what does?
The talent in my hands,
The will in my legs to carry on,
The hunger to try out new things,
The power in my neck to keep my head upright,
The brain inside my skull,
The love inside my heart,
The soul inside my body.
Be confident in your own skin.
234 · May 2020
Kanishka May 2020
Wasn't it better when we were children and
Fear meant being alone in the dark with six-leged spiders crawling over our neck?
For look at us now, we're all alone, darkness sweeping us in while the strings of anxiety, depression, panic, sadness, insecurity and death traps us in their web?
234 · Jul 2020
Kanishka Jul 2020
'You won’t be able to take the pressure’, people said,
‘It is tough to get in and even tougher to carry on’, they said.
Well yes, saving lives was never supposed to be easy at all.
Its true it takes years to master but wasn’t it said that great things always take time?
After having their share of sand kicked in their face at med school,
They start working selflessly day and night.
Pandemic occurs, world undergoes a standstill,
They power through, never stop and take no rest.
You expect them to be curer of all and everything,
But then why don’t you give them the love,
The respect they deserve?
226 · May 2019
Kanishka May 2019
I think I stopped living today.
I never thought you'll abandon our ship for real but here I am now,
All alone and opening my arms to the demons.
I'm not fine.
224 · Jun 2019
Life Giver
Kanishka Jun 2019
Dear mom and dad,
It's only after I was alone that I realised
The world is cruel it won't let me stand
Without you both there's nothing I'd understand.
I miss you already.
221 · May 2019
Slow Death
Kanishka May 2019
Stab me everywhere but my heart,
So that I can love you a little while longer.
If only you could see how much I yearn for you,
If only you could love me back too.
I don't know how to give up on you, if you could just be you and love me, nothing would matter.
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