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Sep 2016 · 1.0k
Begin Anew
Cerasium Sep 2016
In this world of pain and torment
We ask ourselves..
Is it really worth it?

This life of crime
This life of hate
The world unbound
In a suicidal state

Run around in circles
Hear the echoes of tormented souls
Race beyond compassion
There is no love

Hunting the lifeless bodies
Of those who once believed
The endless amount one could show
How much they cared

The darkness has risen
No more love to show
The darkness takes flight
Compassion is all but dead

Life can be cruel
But just look beyond it
The light shines so bright
As the world comes to an end

Remember the passion
The life we all once knew
Where our imaginations could bring us
Everlasting love

Fight for a new day
One we can all enjoy
Embrace the horrors
Of a world thats brand new

Breathe in the light
Of a thousand new born stars
For the love has come back
The time is now

The gift of eternity
And the passions that we share
The life of a baby
And the hope of a brighter tomorrow
Aug 2016 · 651
Hidden Truth
Cerasium Aug 2016
Anger and fury
Uncontrolled emotion
Feeling of regret
Remorse and sorrow

Fearing what happens next
Hoping for a better solution
Depression falls
In agonizing defeat

Tear run dry
Hiding from whats in sight
The pain that spared
The hope of an end

Locked away in a forgotten safe
he long lost
Now discovered once again
The long forgotten safe
Aug 2016 · 315
Break these walls
Cerasium Aug 2016
Is there anybody out there?
Its so lonely inside my soul..
I'm calling out to you..

Oh wandering angel?
Will you hear my call?
Seek me out and find
This tortured being inside

Is there anybody listening?
My soul is getting cramped
Theres no more room to run
No room to hide..

Can you hear me?
Please come rescue me soon
There only so much more I can take
Before I crack

Are you here to save me?
The door seems to be wielded shut..
Can you break down these walls?

Theres destruction all around.
The walls come tumbling down.
Are you my angel?
Are you here to rescue me?
Aug 2016 · 208
Eternal Dance
Cerasium Aug 2016
The attraction of the heart
May it be sorrow
Or forgotten love
We heed its call

Walking into an eternal abyss
Of mixed emotion
Thats destined to change
Falling deeper upon the night

Echoing cries
tears of joy
Agony sorrow fear
And dread

The dark haunts
Of an eternal dance
The safety we feel
The harmony we embrace
Aug 2016 · 567
Phoenix of Flight
Cerasium Aug 2016
Locks of fire
Flowing in the wind
Free in spirit
Jailed in body

Caged phoenix
Waiting for peace
Thou cage is broken
Yet here you still remain

Drown your fears
No water can dowse thy flame
For in this world of fire
No rain can fall on thee
Aug 2016 · 752
Ignorance Of Sight
Cerasium Aug 2016

Blackest of night
night of day
We cower in fear
Of what they might say

Conform to the norm
As they all would believe
Different is evil
Thats what they perceive

Danger is everywhere
Just open your eyes and see
Imagine that the norm was crushed
And what the world could be
Aug 2016 · 243
Breaking the Silence
Cerasium Aug 2016
Words colliding
Splitting the wall
Breaking free the chains do fall

Echoes not the silence held past
For now the words
Do fill the last
Aug 2016 · 489
Chained Up Soul
Cerasium Aug 2016
Sleep now thy peaceful angel
Your wait is finally over
Hunting day and night
For such a wondrous sight

Though normality is overrated
The peace of mind is calmly waited
Reaching through that solid door
The hurt that lasted nevermore

Peaceful slumber
Moving forward
No more pain
No more longing

The heart now trapped
In the melody of souls
Chained forever
High above the tormented fools
Okay im not sure what the heck this is it just popped into my head while at work so.. Dont hate me lol
Aug 2016 · 307
Hunting what once was
Cerasium Aug 2016
Upon the night
The shadowed stalk of an early hunt
The glimmer of hope in the laughing darkness
The simple breath of a heart unloved
The heart seeks true want and only finds undying hate

It withers away to nothing as it continues
To seek what will never come
Slowly the heart starts to break
Never wanting to be hurt again
Turning into what has been done to it

A lowly being
Of hurt and despair
Never again to be filled
With happiness and joy
But to be trapped in a world
Of hatred and sorrow

Rabid it went
Chasing the hearts in which it was
And longed to be with
Hurting those like itself
Aug 2016 · 2.5k
Broken Darkness
Cerasium Aug 2016
**** thy nature of sorrow and doom
In thy wake of weakness and gloom
Thy love of darkness thy unchanging loyalty
Thy passionate care of the star light night

Unto each and everyone's soul
Thy darkness burns bright
For when thy world ends
It will be a wondrous sight
Aug 2016 · 311
The Eternal Bliss
Cerasium Aug 2016
I am dead inside

No free will
No happiness
No bliss

My eternal soul snapped to pieces
Like the fragile cracks of a sudden drop
I have been tossed
Like the rotten food of last weeks meal and I ponder

Will I ever be yours again
Will this wave settle us into the sound
Will your embrace ever come back

The love
The care
The eternal bliss in which I longed for so
For now it is all but a dream

And yet
I crave with my whole being
For it to be real
Aug 2016 · 335
The Man and His Angel
Cerasium Aug 2016
The clouds are rolling by so fast and i see something weird
The clouds start to slow and time starts to stop
In the distance a figure starts walking forwards
The clouds stop and time seems like it was never there at all
The figure continues to walk forward and becomes the outline of a man
He stops and looks at me then smiles
Have you seen my angel anywhere he says
From what I could see he was beautiful
The clouds vanish an I see the man completely
He is the symbol of beauty in my eyes
He leans in close to me and looks me up and down
You know you look like my angel he said to me
Who knows I might be I muttered
He leans closer until our faces are almost touching
You are surely my angel he said and kissed  me
In a flurry I feel weak in the knees and to my surprise he holds me still
He continues to kiss me and I let him
For I am starting to believe I am his angel
Aug 2016 · 427
Hiding Love
Cerasium Aug 2016
Your love is strong and stronger still
Though you have left from my sight
Though it was not your choice
How can I know that we were right

Many have tried and yet none are right
So where out there is he
My love for you has grown sibling
And I know not of its return to mate

My soul aches and thrives to love
But who is my match to love
They wander from me to hide their presence
So I am not able to see

Why must they make me hurt
I can't take the pain no longer
To him I must be a disease
To not be shown this life
Aug 2016 · 826
Eternal Madness
Cerasium Aug 2016
Madness descends upon you
But beware the fall
Cause once you do
There's no going back

Just embrace it
And soon you'll realize
It has always been there
Refusing to hide
Aug 2016 · 232
Hidden Pain
Cerasium Aug 2016
My hidden cause
My ego erased
My love poured out
My heart raced

The pain felt
Yet can't be shown
The fear of loss
The chance be blown.

Curling into a ball,
Hiding my swelling heart
Feeling nothing but pain
Wanting only him from the start

As I am pushed away
I fear things are going a stray
Try as I might to hide the pain

I wonder if the jealousy
Is but a game
Aug 2016 · 350
Butterfly's Dream
Cerasium Aug 2016
The life of a butterfly,
So swift and free yet knows
Its doom is upon it lives free of worry
Sorrow and regret

Oh how I wish for to transform just like a butterfly
To be free of all regrets
Pain and misery

To finally fly without a care in the world
But for not I stay in this dark
Damp chrysalis

Away from all happiness of freedom
Trapped in a never ending nightmare
Of misery and heart ache

Oh how I long to escape this hell
To once again breath
The sweet air of freedom
Aug 2016 · 209
Never Enough
Cerasium Aug 2016
Alone forever
The darkest night be near
Heart turned dust
The love now shattered

Within this form
My soul does weaken
To a being that is never enough
Nor will it ever be

These tears come from it
Begging all to see
The torture it holds
For only it can

This soul gone black
Nothing to be known
This life comes to the end
Alone once again
Aug 2016 · 178
The Frailness
Cerasium Aug 2016
The life
The heart
Such fragile things upon a being

The slightest crack spreads through
Forming greater till it all
Comes to a shattered mess

The time one spends
Trying to mend what once was whole
Will never fully take the pain and sorrow
Which will yet come to it

One can wish to harden one's heart
To prevent the slightest crack
But even the diamond can shatter away

For the heart is of that diamond
Beautiful and pure yet can break
With just a simple gesture.
Aug 2016 · 615
What is Love?
Cerasium Aug 2016
What is love?
Like the snow flake falling to the ground
A gentle yet subtle movement straight to the heart
Echoing within the valley of the soul

Christening the wings of the fragile butterfly
Love is the gentle caress of a new borns grip
The sound of the waves flowing slowly to the shore

The gentleness of the breeze as it slides across your face
What is love?
Love is gentle
Pure and divine
Aug 2016 · 563
Solemn wish of a Flower
Cerasium Aug 2016
My heart is a delicate flower
Blooming against the ocean breeze
Swaying on the cliffs of hope
Fearing to fall in the waters of despair

Reaching out to the rays
Of kindness and compassion
Battered by icy storms
Of hate and judgement

In hopes one day the gentle hands
Of another delicate heart
Picks me from
The now soiled ground
Aug 2016 · 195
Riches upon Death
Cerasium Aug 2016
To the eternal darkness
And rightful bliss
The light of all
And death of some

The heavenly sorrows
Of angels falling
Truth be told we are but none
Seek fame to riches

And shutter no more
For riches and fame
Once again be nigh
Thy riches slumber for death is all
Aug 2016 · 352
Aching Sorrow
Cerasium Aug 2016
The darkness lurking
Gnawing and irking
Eating away at my soul

Peace has gone
With nowhere to return
Life is dull
With no concern

Blacken heart
Shattered hopes
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to cope

The happiness once felt
Turns to stone
Living life now
Turned to rotting bone

My brightest wish
Now fading
The worry and sorrow
Now hating

Wishing things would birth anew
The happiness and joy
I once knew
Aug 2016 · 746
Rain Fall
Cerasium Aug 2016
Rain rain pour
Drip drip drop
As the candle drips
The rain shall drop

Drip drip drop
The rain patters
Slowly filling the glass
Ever so gentle the rain does drop

Drip goes slowly the candle of blue
Ensuring rain will be here soon
Misty eyed the sky does get
To end the heat rising brew
Aug 2016 · 448
The Phoenix
Cerasium Aug 2016
The flames of death
Eternal they may be

Sorrow fills the air
All free will be lost

Life ending in agony
Airing out the misery

Loading upon the living
Sorrow vanishes into shadows

Night turns to day
Life begins anew
Aug 2016 · 370
Eternal Slumber
Cerasium Aug 2016
Sleep now thy wandering angel
Thy journey is over
Filled with torment
Blood and anguish

Thy hunt be fair
For quickened hearts
Beat now thy heart of gold
Time is null and void

Rest does come
though slow it may be
To carry thy sweet angel
Where few dare tread
Aug 2016 · 396
Cerasium Aug 2016
The fates be among us
The eternal seers of destiny
Bringers of pain and misfortune
Foretelling of destruction and mayhem

Bringing together torture and pleasure
Combine fates they come alive
To see eternal suffering
Among Gods and mortals alike
Aug 2016 · 456
Flowing Time
Cerasium Aug 2016
Tick tick tock,
Are you Grandfather clock?

Drip drip drop,
Are you able to stop?

Water flowing and slowly filling,
Stopping our endless drilling.
Aug 2016 · 313
Divine Flame
Cerasium Aug 2016
Up in smoke
Fire takes to the sky
Burning brightly from the great beyond
Though I see it I dare not gaze

Burn burn burn
Great pillar of fire
Tread not thy weary soul
Or be ****** for eternity

Though fear itself dare not query
Thy soul divine need not worry
Gazing upon thy holy flame
Thy soul does burn its eternal grace
Aug 2016 · 682
Frightful Night
Cerasium Aug 2016
Darkest of nights
Repel this fright
Evil be wiped
From this sacred sight

From deep it dwells
Blood ravage beasts
Thy death be swift
So wings take flight

This hollowed night
We bless to thee
No more torment
From this wretched fright
Aug 2016 · 1.4k
Goddess of Rebirth
Cerasium Aug 2016
The radiance of light
Shining from the sky
Passing down thy judgement divine
Ever vigilant thee be on high

Gazing upon thy blissful soul
Thy Goddess dances thy ballot gold
Graceful movements thou limbs do sway
Casting moonlight of cleansing glow

Ever so brightly thy soul does burn
Brightly shining thy sins depart
Glowing still thy beating heart
For thou hast bared thy final part
Aug 2016 · 594
Silent Night
Cerasium Aug 2016
Into the hour of midnight
Fangs bursting veins
Chills running down your spine
Haunting the last breathe you take

Piercing screams echoing through your ears
Blood dripping from a tender neck
The faintest whimper of the lips
Thud falls to the ground

Cries heard from desperate lips
Echoing into the night
Tears run dry
For a life no more
Aug 2016 · 2.5k
The Fates Alike
Cerasium Aug 2016
Fair thee well for thy fates are cruel
Casting out thy lonely fool
Forever lost in a bitter realm
Cursed to feel thy overwhelm

Fear thy life for thee is next
To taste the fates bitter hex
Sorrow and ruin knock at the door
Pleading to enter as the poor

— The End —