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em nwohs evah uoy tahw ees I~I see what you have shown me
delaever sah noitiutni ym tahw ees I~I see what my intuition has revealed
gnilriws ssendas dna epoh ees I~I see hope and sadness swirling
tnetni dna esoprup a ees I~I see a purpose and intent
noissap degac a ees I~I see a caged passion
traeh a ees I~I see a heart
sdnah ruoy ees I~I see your hands
seye ruoy ees I~I see your eyes
ylfnogard ees I~I see dragonfly
?elihwa syats ohW~Who stays awhile?
ffo stilf dnA~And flits off
nruter ot ylnO~Only to return
efas s’ti swonk eh nehW~When he knows it’s safe
yats oT~To stay.
traeh ruoy ees I~I see your heart.
gnos ruoy raeh I~I hear your song.
thgilf ruoy leef I~I feel your flight.
ecaps ruoy hcuot I~I touch your space
ecaf ruoy ees I~I see your face.
uoy ees I~I see you.
Eid reven nac taht eno... Latrommi ma I
Thgil eht gniruoved... Ssenkrad eht ma I
Edisni lived eht, sraef ruoy... Eramthgin ruoy ma I
Thgin yreve peels ot og uoy nehw, luos ruoy gnilaetS

Mrah yna morf uoy stcetorp taht eno... Ruoivas eht ma I
Nus lanrete eht ekil gninrub... Tghil eht ma I
Dnal esimorp eht ot egdirb a... Ediug ruoy ma I
Dnah efas ni er'uoy erus gnikam, Peels ouy sa ouy gnidrauG

Erif lanrefni eht em ni eveileb... Lived eht ma I
Erised uoy lla gnitnarg ni em etivni, eman ym maercS
Thgif ew lived eht rof htaif yb deneprahs thgil fo drows a...Legna na ma I
Thgink gninihs a, rotcetorp ruoy em otnu llac ythgimla eht fo rewop eht htiW

One may contemplate, doubting their faith,
For some reason with a little suffering they started to hate;
Easily clouded their minds with deception and lies!
That's what devils do before plotting your demise...

One may keep holding on, no matter what is thrown;
For they believe in the almighty, and the coming salvation;
A walk through hell, a test of their own will and faith
For never a moment the devil tried blinding their sight

We are our own angels and devils
With free will we live a life with choices
A path through darkness where the devil lies
A stairway to heaven where the almighty shines

You need a mirror to talk to your self
Ask something that you will not regret
What kind of person soon you'll become
A soldier of God or an army of satan...
Jabin Apr 2018
.retsasid sdrawkcab a diova yam ew oS
retsam ot su rof stsixe ssenkaew tuB

.deyarp ev’uoy ecno retteb hcum leef dnA
dial ev’yeht shtap eht wollof uoY
.dnilb eht eusrup dna kaew eht dnuop tuB
?dniknam pleh ot enod uoy evah tahW

.ecnatirehni yppah dniheb gnidiH
ecnagorra htiw kcom dna egduj uoY
.thgin sseldne dna ,niap ,regnuh fO
?thgir s’tahw tuoba wonk uoy od tahW
Azrapse Jun 2018
Who are you? Who are you. Who. Are you. WhO ArE YoU? Who are you
whoru WHORU WhOrU
urohw UROHW UrOhW
uoy era ohW ?UoY ErA OhW
.uoy erA .ohW .uoy era ohW ?uoy era ohW
Nate W Feb 2015
em dnatsrednu uoy dlouW
?sdrawkcab saw I fi

?em piks uoy dluow rO
each word is backwards
read from right to left
It is said that if you read a poem called Tomino’s Hell
If read out loud things will not end well
As it is a way to summon Tomino who was cast down
For questioning & challenging Gods word
When he fell there was a crack, even the living had heard
Tomino fell from heaven, straight to hell
His mouth sowed shut for no secrets can he tell
He was not prepared with the hell he was shown
As Lucifer sits upon his mighty throne
With a surprisingly gently voice he says to not be afraid
He was not as what is imagined or portrayed
He is beyond the concept of beauty, its hard to explain
The torture, once you think there can’t be a higher pain
It gets worse; seemingly endless you start to go insane
Like heaven, each hell is designed just for you, none are the same
In Tomino’s you are constantly ripped apart
And a sensation, like someone squeezing your heart
Then it gets really dangerous & bad when you start to yearn
For the pain and the sweet, agonizing burn
Some may escape to the land of the living, but they always return
Especially Tomino who always brings a soul in tow
So whatever you do, don’t read aloud the poem below:
Tomino’s Poem
(Don’t read it, especially out loud!)
Enota ot nwod tsac neeb evah yam onimot
Enola ti o got sesufer eh tub
Oot nwod uoy gard lliw eh denommus si eh nehw os
Odnu ro epacse on si ereht, seod eh ecno
Od ot evah uoy lla s’that, doula meop eht woleb daer
Uoy rof emoc lliw onimot dna
Eurtnu si nettirw saw tahw rof
Uoy dniheb kool llew, daeh ruoy ni daer uoy fi, oob
Lley dna maercs uoy sa nwod uoy gard lliw eh
Lleh s’onimot ot emoclew dna seye ruoy nepo

Try reading it if you dare
But please beware
Because once you do
Your soul is sold to you know who
And while you are tortured, the scars on your soul adorning
Don’t say you had no warning!

Based On An Urban Legend
You can read it with a mirror ;)
Patricia Drake Mar 2013
But tuB
Maybe ebyaM
You still llits uoY
Recall llaceR
My yM
Reflection noitcelfeR
In the mirror rorrim eht nI
The image of fo egami ehT
Me naked in ni dekan eM
The sunlight thgilnus ehT
Maybe you uoy ebyaM
Still dream maerdy llitS
Of this siht fO
Of me my ym em fO
Body here ereh ydoB
Ready for a a rof ydaeR
Touch for you uoy rof hcuoT
Touching me em gnihcuoT
Me feeling gnileef eM
You inside edisni uoY
Me inside edisni eM
Outside edistuO
Touch hcuoT
Tickle elkciT
Tingle elgniT
Tease esaeT
Take ekaT
Action noitcA
Release esaeleR
Brumous Jun 2021
uoy ot gnis I
seuh derettahs fo yballul a
htrow dna ytilaudividni fo snoitcarfer

kni gniyrc neeb ev'uoy
em revo lla deraems
ynnuf s'ti, das os gnikool

I sing to you
a lullaby of shattered hues
refractions of individuality and worth

you've been crying ink
smeared all over me
looking so sad, it's funny

'sit scriptor aspiret invicem'

       Should we?
              we already are.
                     Each other we paint;
                                  "blood from thee."
original look here ->
I don't think
Brumous Jun 2021
uoy ot gnis I
seuh derettahs fo yballul a
htrow dna ytilaudividni fo snoitcarfer

kni gniyrc neeb ev'uoy
em revo lla deraems
ynnuf s'ti, das os gnikool

mecivni teripsa rotpircs tis

                            ?ew dluohS
                 ;era ydaerla ew
          tniap ew rehto hcaE
eeht morf doolb
RyanMJenkins Feb 2015
splurge on the urge to serve well colored desserts
binge with no purge.
chomp away conversation and feel it where it hurts

you are more abundant,
than all the currency you could ever carry in your pocket or purse
yet one of those black holes carries anxiety, profiling, while fear lurks

For many moons, mirrors were dispersed to the cursed,
Weeping and wallowing in whispering whirlwinds of woeful words unheard -
the never-ending spreading by attempting image cementing,
projecting lists with thoughtless flaws causing immediate rejection
with time the mind played a game to cage you in it's name,
draining your pay, benefits, and full pension
releasing the need to sow the seed for an introspective gaze
you hold the key to breathe through the chains of that imaginatory detention space



Suddenly walls lift from the maze you assumed was fatal race
Your heart glows
Knowing you're on the path you were hinted at but never faced
To forever flow forward with a loving third eye seeing absolute grace,
emitting energy in everyone, thing, mirror, and place
immediate influx of infectious bliss-infusing airwaves vibrate to the tune  of soul affection~
to realize inbetween scenes you appreciate the mystery,
part of a pinpoint plan, puzzle piecing the learned ability to see -perfection~

It's you.
Paige Potts Mar 2010
elbidercni eruoy
soudnemert eruoy
uoy evol i kniht i, htims ynnad.
In my most quiet of moments
I stir my heart.
The mixture it generates swells
Throughout my extremities coalescing
In this page, another finger painted start.
It contradicts that which is allways of mind.
It conjures up something yet defined.
Splattered words on the kettle’s crest
They fill the void with more or less.
Tinkering on a balance beam,
The right words jostle to be redeemed.

I could say they were me – my own gentle art -
But are they? Or are they just mine to take the part?
For they come from where I cannot see
And sometimes they go to where I cannot be.
They drive me around in an uncovered plea
Straight up to the heart of me.
Yet it is here in these pages that I belong
Found between the lines – how could I be wrong?
If I were to dismantle my heart here before your eyes
Would you understand its dissected replies?
I think I surely would if I thought that you could
Trace the lines inside of me – all the way to understood.

In this one place I take leave of myself
Pulling out everything from off the shelf.
Scattered on the floor – oh what is left?
With my hand I pick up another piece of myself.
Placing it here, covertly from right to left.
Could you ever know of such a scattered line?
If you could it would be the real me defined.
Yes, in my most quiet of moments
I stir my heart.
In the mix it regenerates me -
The real me -
**eeS oT uoY roF
Words are nothing more than symbols or signs. Many do not know this. They hold out the wrong sign all the time and then wonder why things happen the way that they do. In this piece by reversing just 4 little insignificant words I make the reader focus on what it is that they are seeing.
XIII Jun 2015
Many years were wasted, dreams that were broken
We cannot go back like molded bread
I've been enduring, I've been waiting
For your fire to rekindle again

Do you think you're the only one who regretted it?
I've brought butter for our bread, but its too late
The fire you said I had lost
You're oblivious, its the fire you had blown

Are you tired of bringing me home?
Are you tired of hearing me mourn?
I didn't mean to exhaust you
I just want you to notice me too

After a tiring day, I have to fetch and bring you home
If not, we'll end up fighting very soon
That's what's exhausting, 'cause I too, have things to mourn for
Which you never noticed, 'cause your hands are already full

I said, "This is enough.", you said, "I'm tired."
I ran away, tears fell even without a try
Unanswered questions, "Aren't you going to run after me? Don't you love my anymore?"
I never looked back, but how I wanted you to not let me go

You said you've had enough, I said "I'm tired"
To hold my tears and run after you, oh I'm very tired
Unanswered questions, "Don't you want to stay? Don't you love me anymore?"
You never looked back, but how I wanted you to stop so I can hold you close

If I can bring back the time
If I can bring back the time
I won't run away anymore, I'll stay and tell you I love you*
I'll run after you and stop you to tell you I love you.
English translation of atik laham (collaboration with JP) by princessninaann
Curlan Eiruc Jun 2015
If you would,
Be my mother,
Let me be your daughter,
And not see me as your second chance at life.

If you would,
Don't see me,
Don't look at me,
And hope that I'd grow up to be like you.

I don't mean to be rude,
I am not insulting,
I am speaking my opinion,
On how you rub off me,
I don't mean anything.

I want you to accept,
that I can't be what you planned,
Though you're a perfectionist,
I understand.

Let me be me,
just love
that I am almost a complete opposite of you.

I want you to accept,
so I don't disappoint you,
I am uoy,
Though I am your daughter,
I am me.
Just letting loose
The wicked never rest
Tset eht ssap yeht fi
For they scream this night
Thgis morf edih yeht dna
They come to close your eyes
Seirc rieht era esruc a
They come for you, be assured
Drawer ruoy eb llahs htaed rof
The wicked will come at last
Tsac eb lliw lleps rieht dna
You can not run if you try
Eid si od won nac uoy lla
Htims Sirhc
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
cackle sublime savagery
in domineering supremacy
a knee repletes successive concussions
and by viscous absurd petulance
crack this gourd, thought bearing toothed
SerenaDuru Nov 2018
uoy ssik I yaM
erusaelp taht em evig uoy lliW
cosmo naught Jun 2015
You  were  toying  with  my head, with
how   you   said   the  things   you  said
the  way   you   phrased  them   for  the
better,   then   much worse.    Walk  out
or    walk     away  ,  keep    on    saying 
what  you're  saying ,  but  all  I   hear's
c    o     m    p     l    a     i     n     i     n    g
and      your       echoes       in     reverse.
Emilio Apr 2016
It is when I look at you
or just the memory of you
The universe seems
to have shifted
And I died.
JMo Jul 2015
A few minutes into the conversation a spark of debate happens,
Twisting and turning inside both of us trying to hold back,
Moment to Moment conflict continues to arise,
Placing the center of conversation on what?

Taking a breath to realize one thing,
Are you joking?
One moment into another conflict arises,
Really now are you joking?

Coming into a final breath to say,
Grow up and learn that being smart is good,
Grow up and do not hide,
Get down and give it all up so God can heal.
indigochild Jan 2019
and before you,
i dig with a needle, an arm and a leg
i haven’t decided whether i should jump off the cliff or jump into you
but, the voice i once heard from the ripples in the lake, now respond with whirred silence
blackberry shaped kisses on my being
etched from the hand of my mother
i’ll give you lemon drops and hot tea
if you are willing to burry me in a cloud of forgiveness
lick my open wounds, and i’ll jump into you
or if the cliff lives above my head, catch me

Vincent JFA Mar 2017
so you disappear with the night
without much of a goodbye,
let alone an apology,
before I could speak
whatever magic words
it would have took
for your hand to find mine
for another day.
"I ylno reve detnaw ot
evol uoy reverof,
I ylno reve detnaw uoy ot yats,"
I've run out of tricks,
and you've just ran,
so I guess the vanishing act
is the best that we both got.
galaxy of myths Jan 2019
I miss you a little too much, my voice echoes; bouncing off the white walls. But you would only come by as you please and I'm left parched for your presence. Cause how else am I getting enough sunlight if not from your voice and skin and bones? Please come back.

Jennifer Jul 2019
The way I love you fills empty spaces I didn’t know I had
seceip noillim a otni em skaerb uoy evol I yaw ehT
I want to come home to you, I want your name and your ring
ytpme em tfel dna trapa em deppir evah uoy gurd a ekiL
Before you I never understood why a person would choose to build a life with someone
yako ton si uoy evol I yaw ehT
spiral-whirl Apr 2018
nac uoy rehpiced ym traeh?
vs lbh qn, v'yy yrg lbh vagb zl pbir,
dna ll'i evig uoy ym evol,
dove morning my be you'll
From Jess's Lips Jul 2015
.dnuos a gnikam tuohtiw
rettulf traeh ym ekam ouy
.nwod edispu em pilf dna
tuo edisni em nrut uoY
For those who don't like to read backwards:
You turn me inside out
And flip me upside down.
You make my heart flutter
Without making a sound.

I periodically send backwards messages to friends, so I thought it'd be fun to send a backwards poem to y'all. :)
Derby Sep 2016
Semitemos efil t'nia straight-
forward, os uoy yam deen ot
egnahc ruoy evitcepsrep.
It's all about perspective-- read carefully.
leo Oct 2015
hey i was wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend? it's been such a long time since i last saw you and you know, i was thinking, maybe we could talk and stuff again, like we used to? so, i really hope that maybe you could step out to hang out, yeah? but if you can't now, it's totally fine by me! just tell me when you're free, 'kay?
- Sent, 9:35 PM, Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2014

yo you never answered my message! are you okay? are you sick? please, tell me if you can't come any time this month, i don't really mind! please, just talk to me?
- Sent, 12:48 AM, Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2014

did i make you mad?
- Sent, 5:40 AM, Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014

please talk to me
- Sent, 11:11 PM, Monday, Oct. 20, 2014

do you just hate me???? is that it???? at least tell me straight to my face!!!!
- Sent, 6:40 AM, Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014

- Sent, 9:13 PM, Friday, Dec. 26, 2014

YOU KNOW WHAT???? *******.
- Sent, 9:13 PM, Friday, Dec. 26, 2014

- Sent, 1:45 AM, Saturday, Dec. 27, 2014

- Sent, 1:56 AM, Saturday, Dec. 27, 2014

i just saw your mom at the grocery store a while ago. and what she said surprised and upset me a lot.
- Sent, 11:40 PM, Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2014

why didn't you talk to me?! you know i always said i was there for you... why didn't you talk to me about anything?! i would have stopped you!
- Sent, 11:47 PM, Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2014

i'm so sorry i'm so sorry im so sorry im so sorry im so rty ims oert im so sory ims or t r yim osrr y
- Sent, 11:55 PM, Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2014

i'm so sorry, i wasn't a better friend for you. i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry. forgive me.
- Sent, 12:05 AM, Thursday, Jan. 01, 2015

- Sent, 12:45 AM, Friday, Jan. 23, 2015

happy birthday*
- Sent, 12:45 AM, Friday, Jan. 23, 2015
.hguorht em tup uoY
,niap emas eht leef mih ekaM
.uoy ot did I dias uoy tahW
,did ohw nam eht hcnup d'I
It's backwards and in reverse order, just like the twisted way they think.
PK Wakefield Oct 2010
you were
       erew f
                    y an unbroken softness. of tight soil. and was i was
a seed first pushing into the smart crevice of your light
by which guided the water of my soul
            and nurtured the second flower of my heat. burning in the
snarling rapture of your trembling thighs
           between they
spouting a tyrant of imperfect friction
                   and i laid in the velour of your heaving

                              and tickled

the slight arch of your spine
with errant lashings of my foolish mortal hand
           passive and boiling
under the searing fire
           of the delicious sensual crumbs
of your

                           ey  e   ,    s
Yppah seid roirraw yreve, ylivaeh seirc rehtom yreve, yllufedirp sesiarp rehtaf yreve, uoy secarbme tsirhC.

Glad as a traitor. 
Pure as betrayal. 
Glad as a traitor. 
Ruled by cheer as one. 

Glad as a traitor. 
Falls within his war. 
Gather, place, erase so,
Meant to feel this home.

Glad as a traitor. 
Falls within our war. 
Forced to Colosseum.
Willed stranger's bones crushed.

Ruled by cheer alone. 

Will becomes a Way. 
Way becomes a Drive. 
Praise guidance for its lies.
Hear a source of power.

Will becomes a Way. 
Way becomes a Drive. 
Drive a way to will a fire.
Pure as a blade moist with iron.
Moved by cheer alone. 

Glad-hand perpetrator. 

Proximo once spoke,
all we are made of,
is of shadow and of dust.
Stay any soul our hearts' desire.

Willed by cheer as one.

Glad as a traitor. 
Willed by cheer alone. 
Merciful shadows.
Pure as light return to one.

Moved by cheer of throngs;
Willed by cheer as one;
Ruled by cheer as song.
Steve Jun 2018
tcelfer I rorrim eht nIn the mirror I reflect
yks eht morf rorrim A mirror from the sky
tou ro ni ro nwod gnikooLooking down or in or out
yhw nosaer a tuihtiWithout a reason why
meht ro uoy ro em gnigduJudging me or you or them
ym ni gnikool reveNever looking in my
Written in the mirror, draw an imaginary line down the centre of your screen and let your mind wander through the looking glass...
Someday maybe                         |                gnitiaw fo derit worg ll'I
As I wonder about of you            |         ?yhw wonk t'nod i sselpleh oS
Hear my heart that say...          |                 ...enola lla ereh m'I taht
Of our sweet memories             |                 yawa spils tsuj ti tsaf oS
That is here to stay,                   |             ,emit ni eud nettogrof tuB
Of my love to you, Forever        |     og tel ot esoohc uoy evol ruo fo
It's been sitting in draft for years, so as the memories that comes with it.
(Origin date)
03/28/2011 8:15-AM

(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Phoebe May 2014
ecniS uoy tfel,
I tnaw ot nruter ot eht tsap,
Ot og kcab.
Purvi Gadia Sep 2014
Egami rorrim a si efiL
hturt eht fo noitcelfer A
thgir gniweiv ruoy elgnA
hturt siht nrael lliw uoy dnA
       **read this from right to left like japanese
read it from right to left like Japanese......
©2014 Purvi Gadia
Lou Dec 2017
uoy nehW
nwo ruoy ni gnihcraes flesruoy dnif
,ssalg gnikool
.flesruoy ees yllaer t'nod uoy
flesruoy ni tbuod evah reveN

— The End —