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cosmo naught Jun 17
why do i wait til it’s bad
to do something nice for it
cosmo naught Jan 4
I use your urn
I use the heart shaped velvet box I keep your urn in
to prop my phone up during therapy.
A choice I may choose to examine.

I keep it in my “workspace”,
a workspace I neglect
until it is time for therapy.
telehealth with Sherri Steele,
a professional

It’s a place so hard for me to be,
to think, to straighten up.
Sealed letters, dried flowers, undeveloped film.

then I walk away when it’s over.

There’s a secret
I do not disclose

to Sherri
or myself

In lucid moments I can see
the shade you colored my life when you left.
Out of focus, still on my mind

a crushed, pale blue.
cosmo naught Sep 2023
all I have to offer are these ugly, ragged breaths.

They had your funeral,
there was no eulogy.
cosmo naught Apr 2023

it’s all quiet but you snoring upstairs.
the harmonized hum of the kitchen,
a bird down the block.

A musical masterpiece,
synchronized symphony;

It’s like you all practiced for hours.

I can’t help but notice
the peace you bring with you;
as in, its shear force.

It blows back the curtains,
leaving nothing in its wake.

Can you believe it?

No fear; no questions, doubt.
I have so long dreamed of this;
a gentle, subtle bliss.
This quiet nothingness.

With the exception of you snoring.
some hums in the kitchen,
a bird down the block.
cosmo naught Feb 2023
When I get overwhelmed,
I write out ways I will be better
and then I do not do them.
cosmo naught Dec 2022
Grief is a tough customer.
very demanding,
never satisfied.

A debt collector,
with letters in caps.
How do I tell them you’re dead?

I saw you blue.
felt you cold,
smelt what replaced your blood.
Now you’re reduced to rubble.

Kiss your urn,
warm in my hands.
See you when I blink
cosmo naught Sep 2022
I can’t wait to see you.

Oh, you’re not in trouble, baby.

You know I love you, don’t you?
I love you forever.

Since forever, on.

do you still feel it too?

How could I dare wake you
from this, most peaceful sleep?
Selfishly, and cruelly.
easily. I would.

This pain is mine now.

I am happy to wince when remembering you;
in fact, I refuse to forget.

Grief, violent as our joy.
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