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Liz Oct 2014
My words, becoming literal.
I'm losing grip on deeper thoughts,
I wish I could find something more
But darkness fills my deepest caves.

I cannot mask my blunt remorse,
Unsatiated hungry thoughts.
I try so hard but I am weak,
My dusty bones can't hold my weight.

I am a force to all I love,
A burden they cannot hold up.
I'm sorry I am much too frail,
But you don't have to keep me safe.

There's something wrong inside my head,
I keep on wishing I was dead
Grim Apr 2014
The silent screams of forgotten souls
The poor things tethered to their worldly regrets
Are what haunt me in the dead of night
Pale ghosts glide before my eyes
Their images distorted by the veil between our worlds
They gather where their lives have ended
Pining for the times when they were alive
Or filled with a need for vengeance
Just the same, unsatiated
I find myself looking for words.
Combinations of feeling
I did not know existed.
I cannot breathe.
I struggle for them
& make myself a fool.
The world was so big before I met you
& now I'm grasping for it,
unable to recall it's delusion
as I am pulled into your orbit.
Out of drifting dreams.
My mind goes blank
& all I can see
is the dark galaxy that is you.
Alien, beautiful & natural.
You haunt me.
I nearly never believed so big,
& you infiltrated this complex defense
to show me what's been missing.
Half crazed by the loneliness of space
I cannot articulate.
Another form of art I hesitate to express.
I do not trust myself
that it will not be perfect,
each stroke of the tongue
like the brush fear failure.
I want to show you all I see
beneath the stars.
Let the brilliance of the moon shine through.
But she is stuck.
In the cloud of curious awareness,
my eloquence cripples me.
How many things can I say
before I lose my grace?
& I dread
the company of simple minds
who cannot love stories.
So eager,
your patience holds the hand of the clock.
I want to watch your eyes glow
lit up by the music from my lips,
& I want to be carried off
by all you reminisce.
I can't believe in chance
when a soul like yours comes to court.
Thrice even.
I am challenged by the core of you.
Things I cannot see
& stopped looking for.
If I take no notice,
I will not be seen.
Drawn into someone else's dreams,
Abandoning me.
I forgot how to identify
with my kind
so that I did not lose me.
Then I rusted over.
The great machine locked away
while the shows went on
in Technicolor.
losing passion & luster inside this shell.
How you found me,
only body in forum.
You took me out to play.
Engaged, stalled, oiled & sparked
I am reminded of a better me.
An affirmation,
of my Dominant heart.
His voice,
the coaxing in my womb to Be.
Away with closed up, dying to shine.
You wanted to show me off,
pretty girl.
I remember being a Goddess
& shattering the abyss around me
with heart & raw warmth.
The fire of honesty.
Unsatiated wander bred in me
& I held nothing back.
Now the world is clay
& my garden to build upon.
Train me to grow.
I am inspired to be stardust.
Permeate every corner of this heavenly body.  
I find myself the eager student of Aquarius.
Rajinder Sep 2018
Violating a placid spirit
Memories transgress  
desecrating the sacred.

Memories are
the dark side
of a full moon.

Memories are unsatiated desires
couched on sorrow  
entangled in time
a perennial wrinkle on the soul.

Memories are trespassers
possessing neural atrium
wading saline sockets
slithering in to throbbing veins
tiptoeing to hollow spaces
burying all under their eerie weight,
Memories are an inescapable affliction.

In fragmented mindscape
Memories are violent winds
littering the past.

Lurking behind aches  
in ethereal garbs,
Memories are assassins.
Or sema
of a swirling dervish.

Hurtling within, Memories
is an avalanche
pounding the abyss
choking the void
one gasp at a time.

Memories are
nameless apparitions
fused as shadows
to the very being.

Memories are an assault
on identity and belonging.
Ashwin Kumar Sep 2018
You are a guardian of the law
Your duty is to keep crime at bay
And bring the criminals to justice
But, as I watch you,
Wearing a khaki uniform
And swinging your baton around
As you go about on your daily rounds
I am filled with such a rage
That I hold my hand up in prayer
And desperately wish that thoughts could ****
Because you would then be dead
Before anyone could even say "police"

You are a guardian of the law
Your duty is to keep crime at bay
And bring the criminals to justice
But instead, you abuse the immense power
That you wield in your iron fist
As people come out in hordes
To protest on various issues
You swing your baton around
As wood clashes against flesh
Democracy dies a thousand deaths
However, your lust is unsatiated
A pistol replaces the baton
As it rains bullets
Bundles of cash change hands
As you quietly pocket them
You yell to the world
That justice has been served
Even as the bodies pile up
And Humanity waves a white flag
As she bows to your iron fist
This is my rant against the brutal and corrupt police force of India.
                                        a young couple roams these woods
                                             wounded by Kama’s arrows
                                          in each other’s eyes they find solace
                                           the rest of the world does not exist

a heavenly lass Pramadwara is                                                              a­ handsome young sage is Ruru
beautiful eyes, luscious lips                                                            s­trong and virile, though not a prince
slender waist, wide hips                                                             ­                        face bathed in benign light
every inch an apsara’s offspring                                                        ­   the result of his spiritual penance
Ruru’s heart is in her possession                                                   Pramadwara, that divine beauty is his

                                                            ­        lost in each other
                                                          t­hey roam these woody lanes
                                                    unaware­, uncaring of anything else
                                                   of love’s sweet wine they drink deep
                                                the more they drink, the  more unsatiated

and then fate rolls its dice
tragedy strikes!
Pramadwara’s unseeing eyes
find a serpent underfoot-it bites!
throes of passion turn into throes of death
in her lover’s arms she slowly dies
                                                            ­                                                      broken-hear­ted, wounded of spirit
                                                          ­                                                     anger seething within, Ruru mourns
                                                          ­                                             “my love’s sweet journey is not finished
                                                        ­                                       too young, too beautiful, too full of life to die
                                                             ­                                                                 ­ my Pramadwara must live!
                                                           ­                                                       and if she can’t, then I shall follow
                                                          ­                                                          this world is nothing without her
                                                             ­                                                                it is uninspiring and bitter”

saying so he prepares to die
till a voice from heaven arrests him
“Ruru do not mourn your lover
her time had come, you are no mere mortal
a sage you are, with spiritual knowledge
you need not be taught, what is written is written
time cannot be turned back, so leave this foolish path
accept that she is gone, turn back!”

                                                         ­                                 “what do you celestials know of love and hurt
                                                            ­                                                  you who neither live, nor love or die
                                                             ­                                  you exist unaware of love’s magnificent spell
                                                           ­                                           its pleasant charms and beautiful bylanes
                                                         ­                                                 and certainly you knew not my darling
                                                         ­                                               or of our love, so pure, so full of longing
                                                         ­                 that now remains unfulfilled, like a cruel broken promise
                                                         ­                        without each other I cannot live, nor can she truly die
                                                             ­           her soul shall never find peace until I join her or otherwise
                                                       ­                                                                 ­                      she returns alive”

back and forth they argue
each one unyielding and stubborn
but in the war between love and logic
love is triumphant here
a deal is struck, destiny is forced to yield
under love’s incredible power
                                                           ­                        “Ruru you are adamant, you refuse to compromise
                                                      ­                                                              so you shall have your lover’s life
                                                            ­                                                                 ­    in exchange for a sacrifice
                                                       ­                                         half your destined lifetime you shall give her
                                                             ­                                                           so neither of you shall live long
                                                            ­                                             but while you live you shall be together
                                                        ­                                        if this is acceptable, use your spiritual power
                                                           ­                                                   to make the exchange, but remember
                                                        ­                                                      your life will be that much shorter”

but what is eternal life without love  
so in a trice the exchange is made
from her deathly slumber Pramadwara awakes
to Ruru’s eager, enthusiastic embrace
tears of reunion mingled with pleasure
eyes looking forward to
a life and a death-eternally together

                                                    ­a young couple roams these woods
                                                           ­ wounded by Kama’s arrows
                                                        in­ each other’s eyes they find solace
                                                        th­e rest of the world does not exist

-Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Kama : The God of Love
Apsara : Celestial Dancers
Old Elm that murmured in our chimney top
The sweetest anthem autumn ever made
And into mellow whispering calms would drop
When showers fell on thy many coloured shade
And when dark tempests mimic thunder made
While darkness came as it would strangle light
With the black tempest of a winter night
That rocked thee like a cradle to thy root
How did I love to hear the winds upbraid
Thy strength without while all within was mute
It seasoned comfort to our hearts desire
We felt thy kind protection like a friend
And pitched our chairs up closer to the fire
Enjoying comforts that was was never penned

Old favourite tree thoust seen times changes lower
But change till now did never come to thee
For time beheld thee as his sacred dower
And nature claimed thee her domestic tree
Storms came and shook thee with aliving power
Yet stedfast to thy home thy roots hath been
Summers of thirst parched round thy homely bower
Till earth grew iron—still thy leaves was green
The children sought thee in thy summer shade
And made their play house rings of sticks and stone
The mavis sang and felt himself alone
While in they leaves his early nest was made
And I did feel his happiness mine own
Nought heeding that our friendship was betrayed

Friend not inanimate—tho stocks and stones
There are and many cloathed in flesh and bones
Thou ownd a lnaguage by which hearts are stirred
Deeper than by the attribute of words
Thine spoke a feeling known in every tongue
Language of pity and the force of wrong
What cant assumes what hypocrites may dare
Speaks home to truth and shows it what they are

I see a picture that thy fate displays
And learn a lesson from thy destiny
Self interest saw thee stand in freedoms ways
So thy old shadow must a tyrant be
Thoust heard the knave abusing those in power
Bawl freedom loud and then oppress the free
Thoust sheltered hypocrites in many an hour
That when in power would never shelter thee
Thoust heard the knave supply his canting powers
With wrongs illusions when he wanted friends
That bawled for shelter when he lived in showers
And when clouds vanished made thy shade ammends
With axe at root he felled thee to the ground
And barked of freedom—O I hate that sound

It grows the cant terms of enslaving tools
To wrong another by the name of right
It grows a liscence with oer bearing fools
To cheat plain honesty by force of might
Thus came enclosure—ruin was her guide
But freedoms clapping hands enjoyed the sight
Tho comforts cottage soon was ****** aside
And workhouse prisons raised upon the scite
Een natures dwelling far away from men
The common heath became the spoilers prey
The rabbit had not where to make his den
And labours only cow was drove away
No matter—wrong was right and right was wrong
And freedoms brawl was sanction to the song

Such was thy ruin music making Elm
The rights of freedom was to injure thine
As thou wert served so would they overwhelm
In freedoms name the little so would they over whelm
And these are knaves that brawl for better laws
And cant of tyranny in stronger powers
Who glut their vile unsatiated maws
And freedoms birthright from the weak devours
harlon rivers Aug 2017
He knew the ache could not be recompensed
they knew it too the moment echoes fell silent
There was already not enough love
in a world grown dark as darkest past

It wasn't the color of his skin nor dialect
or the  journey of a  thousand  miles
Not the place that he'd come from
       back when ―  left behind

             nor a heart of gold,  
      that never became a home

The colour of  unwritten silence
had  eclipsed  the waning  light
On the run from who he'd become;
     ashamed for all he was,  
couldn't erase a lifetime that felt a waste ―
               trying to untie a Gordian knot

He saw his body as an entombing barbwire cage
    imprisoning  a  wellspring  of  love writhing deep therein

Immured at arms length from the outside world
    where  the soul of a teardrop  abides  within
                         its insignificance

Shielding the  inherent  maelstrom
                          from the innocent passersby
Buried thoughtfully for the greater good of all ―
for the unsatiated dream boundless love betides

Written  artifacts  exhumed  like  ***** secrets
a lifetime of stigma's stain swept under the rug;
just whispered words written from an unfinished life
few ever really looked deeply between the twisted lines
arising from the soul of just another passing stranger

The long road begets a suffocating silence
choking out,           extinguished love inhumed
Ashes  of what once had been life aglow of light
               forevermore shrouded
          like the dark side of the moon

August 20, 2017
Amitav Radiance May 2014
The sensuous drool from the luscious lips
Dripping on your chin, and confluence
At the *****, where, eternal love resides
The glistening stream of consciousness
Only the two conscious souls are waiting for
To take a leap of faith, and drenching the souls
With the crystal clear consciousness of love
Where passion resides at the bottomless bed
Entwined like the eel, slithering to further depths
Exploring the pearls of sensuality, cocooned in shells
Hidden away from the worlds, only for the One to
Take away all the spoil, the bandit of the heart
Who uses the sword, with not the intent to ****
But he uses it deftly to rip open more passion
Leaving the mermaid wanting for more
She is still unsatiated, and the game has just begun
Gasping for breath, underwater,
In synchronization like the ballet, they both emerge
For a while, oblivious of the world
Concerned only about the treasures, deep down
And together they dive down, again,
The bandit is always eyeing the treasure to be exploited
Ready to drown, along with treasures of the heart

© Amitav (Radiance)
Whether storms are all numbered, counted, and expelled from heaven's manufacture as sensational, furious strands of wind and rain, who can say? As they arrive, however, it is nonetheless clear that they arrive as effects to sets of circumstances.

I sat up straight as an arrow, freshly awakened from a stirring dream of madness as the latest one arrived, watching the black clouds like mighty arms, struggling and arguing against the trees outside my bedroom window. I had been torn by an invisible hand clutching me by the throat, snatching me from the murk of an ephemeral bedroom.

Engulfed in unsatiated fear, powerless to convulse even the tiniest flesh patch or creak a bone, my body was wrapped in only a gray silken **** cloth. As I lay awake, speechless, thunderbolts cracked.

As I was rendered helpless to petrification, I was surrounded by strike after strike, a confounding series of white bolts striking seven times in each place, following a path of concentric circles around my small bed.

I struggled to move, feeling a moving static across my body like jellyfish stings from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, as I felt the cold chill from each bolt setting my face into a freezing strangulation.

I was pulled away. I faded away from the smoking holes surrounding the bed, the sub-zero chill outside and the torturous heat of fear and arrhythmia pumping spews and spurts through my arteries inside, and I was left to wander in my own fantasia as I stared up to the ceiling above me in my real bed, daydreaming of its meaning in epistomological fashion.
Kelle Apr 2012
April 2, 2012.

The only thing I am capable of drawing
is a city skyline.

Anonymous configurations
buildings I've never actually seen before.

Everytime I was handed a writing utensil
and a smooth wriing surface
my hand would flow into the careful rhythm
of drawing parallel lines

some buildings were topped off with triangular party hats
others remained flat
a place for the horizion to rest upon

This started at a young age.
Somewhere between eight and twelve.

My body began to itch for a city
that was overcrowded with the heat
of dream driven bodies

A constant ticking of an alarm clock
that would never understand
the word snooze

Tonight, I am reminded of this feeling.
The worn out, drugged feeling
unsatiated with drawing the familiar pattern

A feeling I've constantly felt
but a skyline I've never seen
Madzq Oct 2014
Malicious destruction
In childlike confusion.
A twisted affair
Left both so unaware.
Their bodies met without a care.
A mindless lust
Crushed into abyss...

I tried to scratch the poison out
All those years ago.
Thought I had bled you out,
All of this, everything about you, go.

You and I: a poison
Rabid chaos
A deadly end.
Unsatiated desire
Neither of us could quench

To my surprise
And our sweet demise,
Each other, once again we found.
Indescribable pleasure,
A rekindled fire.
Our bodies met without a care.
Mindless lust
Crashed to the ground.
You and I: a poison.
Toxic.... Till the end.
Do not succumb to your addiction.
traces of being Dec 2016
In an anthem of doubt
the wind song resonates
passionately through
natures’ cocooned embrace ,
          heart’s echoes manifest
                    thrive and bear fruit.
                    unspoken hearts enflamed
                    in poetic supplications ,
          soul rejuvenation ,
a flake of love sown
a spark of hope evident
a burning bonfire
metamorphosed ,  
wildfire fanned by the muse
          a shameless passion

                    insatiated thirst
                    unsatiated taste buds
                    a hungry heart craving ,
          an unsatisfied desire
to be spellbound
the moment of love
at long last ,
imbibed in deepest
heart subsisting coddle ,
          held like life sustaining breath

                    take me to your secret throne
                    lead me down
                    your garden pathway moans ,
          where all your secrets will be known ,
let me taste the beauty
of your naked sacred stone ―
please don’t make me wait forever
                    longing to be warm
                    in the frigid cold aloneness
                    curling my back
         to a fading  memory
         where you used to lie at dawn

         *wild is the wind  11. 27. 2016
Bryce Apr 2019
*******, Evangeline
I hated you in the seventh grade
When you were pushed on me at school
And broke my rib,
As I badmouthed you on the monkeyswings.

But quickly I learned
Not from mom or sister
That to be a man is different than
Hollywood and Disneyland
Nothing Loves, Actually; Forever calls—

Very quickly

It seems

That I go from adorable to expendable

With a bit of mandated mail
And affairs with Eros’ bureaus of State

Back then I played with chitinous bugs
Baiting them fluffy placentas
of budding trees
And stalked them back to their cave
Before I knew my felonies

But I was a baby,
A child—I never could have known what it means.

But of course I do,
I’ve seen
the running of the bulls
The utterance of men
They are angry and gouge *******
with cold vicegrips around their ******
And are kicked
Spurned to wrathful affectation
To be murdered in the evening
With rapturous spectation

“But they are bulls!”

Of course they are
"These feelings are only natural!"

No man can equate
With the pleasurable temptations of the state

Not bird or bug or steer or doe

The only Hierarchy permissible
Is of the animals
And of that we hate

I don’t see you woeing
About that steak on your plate.
Or the Glue in the soles of your shoes.

Stroll a bit
Sniff the trees
Whiff the *******
When it’s in the feed

He runs in circles shouting, chanting
“Oye, Oye, Aye Piche Cabrone!”
As the solo mothers cut his lengua
for the starving Ninos
In an apartment complex
off Oxenhoof Lane


Papi got iced
By I.C.E or the like
And the kiddies will never know what it means.

You’ll never know what it means
To be a bull
Muster your might for this—demand with laughter you die
I am an ant in the ever-washed hive
Of sterile kin who have no lives
They give for their queen or infectious despot with wings

Despite all the kindness they've given me,
I am not ready to be meat for the feet.

In every blade of grass I've faith
That no bird or sin will ****** me from my place
And into the sky or the unsatiated mouth of the various
Disunified highs

For now I share the toil and vitriolic
Jowls of those who hate themselves
More than me
And try to smile and bring food for the queen

But deep inside
I am an ant
And that is all you will ever see.
Jedd Ong Dec 2014
And he sleeps
Amongst the fisherman,
And the cab drivers,
And he's with me at midnight
Where the devil's hour draws
Closer to the lone sidewalk
And we are all ghosts
And I'm on the edge
Of a proverbial cliff and he's
There with me.

And he is no longer
Jesus of the Chapel
But of the slum dwellers,
Of the motocycle bikers,
Of the sodomites mentioned in
Howl and thought to
Roam the nights unsatiated.

That God.
The one I'm looking for.
The savior with an armsling
And an extensive knowledge
Of *******,
Every position every crack
Every twist and turn.

That God
Who baptized needles pinned
Freshly to tattoos
And made theologians
Out of tax collectors
And Jesus

Whose nails
Were used to tattoo
The words "King" grisly
On his forehead
And he was chiseled
On a cross,
Not hung.

Spurs on his feet licked
Like lapdogs by tongues
Hungry still for love,
Laying at the foot of the
Memory Jesus,
All adulterers and profaners
And cheaters and liars all,

Who laugh
And sneer and snipe
In disbelief at his memory.
At his clean, pierced hand
Slowly turning to ash
At the weight of our
Ink, face turning to bulletholes
As the chests decay
Into some kind of
Gang war amalgamation,

Tongues swollen,
Organs numb,
***** pierced with rose thorns
And rubbed with alcohol
And lubricant and
Sharp fingernails.

And we weep
As we are transfigured in return,
Each wound a closing scar.
Mike Adam Nov 2016
When vague
Float across
Flush pink eyelids
Against harsh
November sun

I open to note
A burnt orange leaf
Leaving its branch

In flight unknowing
To land
winter sakuras Feb 2018
As I developed, they shaped me,
as if I had been a block of clay
sitting there on the jagged concrete of
unpaved streets and endless roads.

My future form dependent on
the timing of passing strangers'
beginnings and endings,
their risings in the mornings
like the blue and orange horizon
spreading in preparation for the sun's presence,

And their settling back in the evenings,
like cool salty clouds of white sea foam
collapsing back into the ocean's
gray waves.

In each moment passing by
like a kid riding a bicycle, speeding down
the cracked pavement and
turning the corner out of site,

I was shaped by
the flurry of life that surrounded
every person's presence.

Picked up, tossed into the air,
and kicked by small children with bright eyes
and tongues that stuck out when
adults were unfair,

Colored, spray painted and scribbled on
by teenagers with messy dark curls,
wild laughing eyes,
and rapidly budding senses,

Observed, analyzed, discussed, and compared
by businessmen in jet black suits
and smooth red ties,
who pondered cutting me evenly
into perfect pieces for sale on the market,

Rolled, polished, scrubbed clean,
and spiced by rapid tongued mothers
wearing aprons and holding long
wooden cooking spoons,

Eroded, left to absorb a vast amount of salt
from teary eyes and bleeding wounds,

Caught on blazing, fiery fumes
of a man's raging anger,

Soaring high in the sky, resting on clouds
of someone's love and faith,

Trapped low in the ground,
sleeping in a bed of dried dirt filled with
people's sorrows and dreariness,

Drowning in purple satin
of one's longing
and unsatiated desires,

Chained to a planet
spiraling out of control in a universe
that couldn't bear to let go.
Nik Bland Jun 2015
Sudden chance of rain, she says
And things come pouring back
To this echoing cavern
Flooded from clouds of black

And here we are again, I think
A drowning man inside
With the unrequited unsatiated
A love that's undefined
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2016
only among poetry do you feel so
guilty having written much and read so little;
then come the chances to appreciate other genres,
and having appreciated such genres, become
all too willing to change
the genre of your expression
into something worth attention
when none was required;
such is poetry, an art of beatified
speech where there was none
to begin with;
and where adequate reading was enjoyed,
no other arithmetic of adequacy
was expressed, given the tongue's
complications of usage, i.e.
no beauty ***** joining him
for a scene at the opera, blah ha;
no tsar that met him ever left talking
about him with a feeling of jealousy -
the concert of concubines
and the nagging of the tsarina to keep up
now watch the nagging darwin in me
with a monkey's face doing the juggling act
of ooh ooh oh ooh for the mouth's
shaping into a protruding of lips awaiting a trumpet!
blows a desire of the many sires, and hence the shipwreck
of the aristocratic hearts gathered into a populace
of a little city without silverware and serf hands
providing the chess moves of moveable silverware
for entrée, main and dessert of edibles macaroons: ah those
feasting eyes and corsets... how eager the scythe in hands
that sweated for the eyes to be so tearful and yet unsatiated
at a table of candlelight and ahem aha manners of using napkins;
i'll concern myself with courtesy when i'm able
to express myself in saxon or bavarian:
burping after a carbonated drink at the table drank...
and indeed i'll ease out a **** on my way out from
the splendour to an applause: without a necessary crescendo
of my own undoing!
Judgson blessing Feb 2015
let be the breath that none see.
but only though feel it that makes life, even in most wee.
cause so scarcely is that thick stuff; but always believe it.
the bright of the shy hope will roof the summit.
is now your cause of senselessness.
so sorrow life can show you the realness.
rise your glaring face and decide the truth.
so rare is so the real proof.

in my hole life ,
so proudly shows so much rife.
this is my hall mark ,
i believe the blind can have a dear silk.
its so cool and sorrow heart the way you treated me so hard.
but now difficult do any soul as its so sad

now believe there are lawless ****** things.
but only though move forwards never look backwards.
im the bluff of the gumption of the blue sky.
no the blame of the taste of unsatiated motion of love.
so dainty the way the blue sky conveys sensation.
so grand when the wind grow so sensitiveness .
call the haysee of your vision the season.
but so gloomy many times the air blow the sermon.

  i have heard the tide saying most time bye bye .
but i can feel the well pouring down the heaven .
so heaven feeling that turned out to sorrowfulness.
the most suffering from my heart but willing dearness.
launch today your glance to my face to see the right .
and you will notice there is more space space its no t a lie.

i have seen the sea gotten into fire .
that stirred up my life desire .
you are the taste of the daring romance .
and no living no way under heaven can equal your performance .
let you move in the trinity of the fire of the beginning.
now becoming the right of the false singing .
shave the steam of flawless union .
if i can have the dream of far region.

in my hole life ,
so proudly shows so much rife.
this is my hall mark ,
i believe the blind can have a dear silk.
its so cool and sorrow heart the way you treated me so hard.
but now difficult do any soul as its so sad
Et cetera Jun 2014
That black hole
The one that ***** everything in
But still remains empty
The one which remains hollow,
Doesn't break, doesn't crack.
It takes everything in,
And waits.
For the perfect time.

Yes, that's the one I harbour.

Monika Oct 2017
of you I see the soldiers. all alike all abreast keeping time

streets; they hear it, the old gates shake, and the leisurely patter

of frame houses, they have leapt the green tide towards the gardens

them detaching sweat smells from underclothes making muscles itch

a tremulous pale fleet over gleaming ripples to the

o you strong bells of castile, can it be that you

a dormir. beetred faces of men. the shadows make strange streaks and

brass beat. run run to see the flushed sunlight, the

blowing with bearded lips on a brave high bed; the golden light of

panting unsatiated breath that heaves under the golden crown has slipped
Disclaimer: used a Markov chain sentence generator for this one.
Salmabanu Hatim Apr 2018
I had to leave,
I had nothing left to give.
Your lust,
Had become your must.
Your unsatiated desires,
Became quagmires.
Your continued demands,
Hollering reprimands,
Had left me hollow ,
Empty with nothing but sorrow.
Too much of anything is not good.
Rajinder Apr 2018
I am a collector.

What now?

People, Places, Things?

Hmmm... Yes and No.
Of Desires. Dreams. Memories.

For unsatiated sense of longing.
So People.

Floating images, emotions, fantasies.
So Places.

That's all which is left.
So, Things.
Erica Jan 2015
There was a pause.
"Is this just about ***?"
you asked.

Instinctually I was offended.
Is this just about our bodies, you mean?
That my warm rub against yours
is just skin, just flesh on flesh
as we share the space inside one
and around the other.

I permit you
to taste the spit that comes
from the inside,
and gently you give it back,
And I swallow.

This is our exchange
of space and juice and breath
And yes,
with most persons
I watch from the inside, alone;
But I know you
Have tasted your tide
Pressed against your push and
Felt you
Share the space -
really Share the Space -
with me.

I want to know you more,
feel you more
that I am driven to this potent nook of intimacy
and hope that this time I will
yet again, be unsatiated.

So we do it again and again
to get deeper
to try to force through out figures
and be more together than
The mutual space inside one
and around the other.

Maybe I am alone.
Maybe this depth is unrequited.
But that is the necessary risk of Life
because in order to create
in order to continue
We all must make love.

I evolve past offense
and look into the eyes that
have seen through me:
"Isn't it?" I respond.
Angie Nov 2024
For seven months I drank my tea at the window and allowed the sun to cast its rays over my resolution.
I gazed at the space between but never directly into my neighbours house
for I knew the indifference that awaited me in her window of enmity.
During the seventh month my love swelled and pooled at my fingertips, restless with those un-penned words of indignation,
And so I gazed into her window.
Bleeding from my freshest wound,
just rage unfurled into bitter poems,
reruns of us,
of when you offered the belly of my dignity to feed your enemies, revealed a vengeance owed to me,
not of retribution
but of justice.
During the eighth month I wrestled love and grief, rage and memory,
to save you,
to save you from the recklessness my pain threatened to uncage.
I allowed the waves of your betrayal to break over me and pull me back into the sea of childlike grace within myself.
I did not emerge cleansed, pure, or resolved.
Victorious over my animal lust for vengeance,
yet unsatiated in surrendering my desire to deliver you to the same gallows where you made a pariah of me.
And conflicted with answerless questions.
Is vengeance the natural harbinger of karma and therefore my gentleness; justice interrupted?
Is my enduring love my weakness or my courage?
glass Jul 2023
patience demanded now
it couldve been worse but i wasnt sure -
looking, and my thoughts are not current
and im sorry and im scared and is it worth it

unsatiated crown
cutting off, its all i know
the only thing i can control
and i worry and i falter
because all thats in my palms are stones
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2018
to note, i am always eager to become
a sponge at the end of the day,
having soaked up anything of interest
throughout the day, to later squeeze it
out onto a page with words,
four points of consideration,
and the obvious fifth unrelated to yesterday
through to today: sunsets in march.

1. the documentary film
        cyborgs among us -
   and my, what a dull etymological
            cipher- or even psy-
                        psi-? that's stretching it...

2. making dinner today, schnitzel
    with home made fries,
    plus two salads,
       grated apple and carrot
         with sour cream and garnished
to taste, the other being blanched
   leak with a mix of mayo and sour
cream, opening the richness of the mayo
with white vinegar, sugar to taste...

   the anatomy of a poached chicken
corpus that was used to make a nice chicken
broth, soup, with added carrots, an onion,
leak, root parsley...
        what is the most tender meat on a chicken?
answer? the neck.

3. if you're not serious about drinking
on any said day, don't begin with a monkey,
i.e. 100ml of any 40% alcohol, esp polish
*****, unless if course you want to wake
up an unsatiated  monster
   who will rob the ******* drinking cabinet
and sit in minus 6 degrees at night
on a balcony blinking at the moon
    writing berserker poetry wishing
it was (i.e. the beast, high on shroom) -
ease into a soft pouch of Bailey's liquor
and you'll be fine...

4. never mind the cyborgs,
   the mutants, the anomalies are already here,
well, seeing what the end result will actually
be for the average boy genius,
tattoos, piercings, cyber-punk
    and implant magnets,
    not exactly the upper tier of the mad engineer
and his special guinea pig at the cyber Olympics,
after all, to compete is not to distribute,
and to not distribute is to face that music
and speak of the middle men of power
who already have the high end and the low
end of th robotics enterprise,
    thanks to the cyber punks in the dingy
caves, cyber-hacking templates for
those in the higher and highest stratum
of the movement...

the mutants? 20 / 19 is the magic number,
    from the onset of chernobyll and my birthday...
if the Scandinavians had a whiff of the fallout
and we're talking atomic winds...
    and my great grandmother telling me that
as the breeze past the were lanes in the trees
interchangeable autumn and spring,
  couples of metres of autumn, then spring,
autumn, spring... in one giant bogus farce...

     сорок город... or rather city no. 40...
the  facilities, built by the soviets
in retaliation to the amrican first drop...
    for every worker of the facility
  and agent was ascribed to monitor their every move,
city no. 40 was not like your romance with
the Greek city-state, it was deemed a closed
city (an official term), people could leave it
and come back, but no one could
go in without military planning,
     city no. 40 was revealed after
Perestroika as ozoirsk, prior to residents
of city no. 40 had to lie that they lived
in cheladin on Lenin st.,
    the city itself? claim to fame as providing
Litvinenko plutonium tea...
             beneath it, and beside it,
death like, a bed lined with 30 tonnes of
plutonium waste, and 50 tonnes of
weapon-grade plutonium...
         the Маяк incident of 1957...
nadezdha kupetova added just the right
of glamour to the streets of Paris...
another worthwhile mention
of closed cities around the world,
similar to city no. 40...
   well? what a nice bedtime story they
tell you, about the city of Mercury, Nevada,
otherwise known as, area 51...
    i guess it's better talking about aliens
than talking about what's behind this curtain
lies... area 51, Mercury, Nevada, has as much
to do with aliens as Charlie Chaplin has to
to do with ******, because it's not as easy
as pointing out that ****** actually borrowed
Charlie's moustache.
ARuckus May 2020
Cast off, shunned, alone. This is what they condone. Shaded, jaded, and unsatiated, that’s my legacy. I thought I was strong enough on my own, that I’d grown, but I’m just a small child inside, lonely and empty, a hollow of a shell, with no one to compel me, help me, love me and move me. I’m so ******* lonely, eating a bullet will fill this void. Will it? I’m so hungry. For love, for compassion, for someone to share my passion. I have so much love to give, so much to share, there is nothing to compare. I’m so hungry… still hollow and empty inside. Every day I die again. Still nothing to swallow. I feel like I’m suffocating from the inside out. A shell of a person, a ghost, a hologram. Nothing left of me. I waste away Each day is another death I’ve died. No anger left in me, just apathy. I’ve cried myself out, barely drag on. Yet they still hang me out to dry… and so I die again and again. Will it ever end? I’ve held a gun twice to my head, wishing and praying I were dead, asking is there anything left for me ahead? No. It’s another bleak, dark day, wasted away… turned to dark, with no spark. My flames have gone out, suffocating embers is all that’s left. No light ahead, and so I feel dead. Another day, is another dollar I have not earned. I yearn, Oh how I still yearn. But my prayers go unanswered, unheard, my shouts get lost in the noise, of everyone screaming to be heard. My prayers float away, another day… a dollar I’ve not earned. It’s all gone to Amazon, to Disney, as they flip my story. Tarnish my name, and so my flame finally dies. I’m still forever left out. My name, my story used, but they don’t tell of my abuse. They don’t tell of my shame, I get no fame, while they lay claim to my life, my rights. I’ve no fight left, no spite. So I die over and over again inside. Please just give me the bullet. It would be so much easier. Less pain, please take it away. I feel I’ve died a thousand deaths from here to tomorrow, there lays my sorrow. It goes… on and on and on…
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 31st Dec 2019)
A Message of deep Love in Divinity
to one and all.

O Loiterer of the Land of the Ephemeral!
How can you reach Eternity?
Your periphery is limited,
Wisdom in ******* to flesh and body!!!
Love is confined to Lust
So much mundane, so earthly!
You are the crawling insects of dust.
How can you scale the heights of Infinity?
Your choice lingers in the finite
From one to another every minute,
Ever fleeting!
Bliss is Daydream for you,
Passions unsatiated served in your plates as your choicest recipee!!!
True Love is far receding,
Ashamed to come near you
With its inherent Dignity.
Love is wrapped around you -
In each and every part of your human history.
Do you know
Each and every moment of your life
Have been looked after by the -
Unseen Eyes beyond all limits of mystery.
How can you roam free -
With tons of loads of Ego
and Vanity?
Your pleasures profuse
The mansion you build around
Could they ever give you Peace profound -
To live in the Universe
In universal Harmony?

Your Body is a tabernacle
To enshrine the One Divine.
It too is a vehicle
To give expression to senses' destiny:
Creation's evolution deathless, evolving.
Even to go beyond that
Are you ready?
Do you live in Dignity?
You are utterly ephemeral
How can you reach Eternity?
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Puri, Odisha.)
Aditya Roy Aug 2019
In the obstructed morning, a place of didacts
And pedantic passerby, and social vista of Perdido and ambient arcane fires of love
Perdition could be sensual, or superstition could be unsatiated
We could obstruct our cozy mornings with dingy dreams and bright cups of coffee, love's a new game
Reading books, and placing our shiny spectacles on the bass guitar, the coffee is getting cold on the plate
But, the table gets hotter, too bad the kitchen is too big without you
The bed is getting smaller, as I toss and turn, and dream of the real you is perfect
The dream of love and the idea of a bed better with just you, you make me collate these feelings and place my nosegays just right.
Perfection requires the right hand of time.
Clarkia May 2021
When I met you
My heart ripped open
Love burst into
A thousand directions
Unsatiated and overflowing
Endless and yielding
Spilling over the top
Of every full glass
No lid, no cap
How did you make that happen?
Travis Green Jul 2019
My body was numb,
stunned, scattered
in murky caves,
unsatiated, deprived,
aching, dividing,
saturated square roots
and syllables sinking
inside ghastly galaxies.
I was lingering within
pain-stained dimensions,
paint-drained horizons,
chaotic sounds constructing
wild raging mazes, blazing
frequencies, silver bullets
bombarding through my heart,
as I sat in the darkness
and inhale the amplifying
agony, the twisted tinging
inside my fingertips rising
in extreme motion, trembling
thighs, shapeless shoulders,
sawdust muscles screaming,
splitting, spinning inside poisoned
skies.  And as I stared around
the dank space, the jagged
dressers jammed, slammed
against shadowed walls,
forgotten furniture separating
into bitter songs, broken,
stolen, crusty creations falling
below bottomless mountains,
I could feel my ears hardening,
rugged cheeks revolving
around scratchy surfaces,
more like slumped inkwells,
slippery shoulders – distant,
streaks of lopsided lines lingering
in time.  I was disappearing into darkened
divisions, becoming a soul-less
beat, a yellowing note discarded,
destroyed, suffocating in the shadows.

— The End —