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Stephanie Mar 2018
The night sky above...
Unreached by doves
a majestic sight
of incomparable light
twinkling dusts
of shimmering galactic blast
I wonder why
That this precious night sky
was so sadly underrated
even noticed, but rarely appreciated
I wished you give a minute
to take your eyes a treat
and you'll see that same night sky
I look at when all I've got is to cry
That is my eternal canvas
where hopes and dreams and lies was
scattered in nowhere of fair distances;
couldn't even remember the pieces.
my metaphor of life,
an infinite projection of blithe
so tonight, by chance, again
I'll watch my night sky then
hoping you did too
because my methapor of night sky is you
c e l e s t i a l | t h e r a p y
Lena Bitare Dec 2014
Broken dreams
Free spirit soars high

In the sky of hope
Kindles and tickles
Pieces on the floor
It will someday be whole

Fragments still defy
Echoes of mercy
In your life, lifts light

Your presence is a gift
It has been, as always..
I wrote this yesterday for a friend. We had a nice talk about unattained dreams and hopes, but life goes on. I believe God has a greater plan and besides, it's never too late. He said "Sometimes, you just have to motivate yourself, because there's no one else to motivate you. I salute him. I think I just found a long lost brother in him.
D Jun 2018
Despair often embark in a lovers joy

When the love gone missing for only a speed second

All triumph and exhilaration turns to dust and disappears into thin air

The sense of love that one feels suddenly alter into immeasurable grief

An hour of disturbed, sorrowful contemplation pass by like thousand nights of longing for a reaching hand or devoted kiss

Do not mistake fire for water

Humans in love would have cried out,

“I want to catch fire and be all burnt just to taste water again.”

Do not mistake poison for wine, for insane lovers say

“Let this bitterness reverse against any other taste upon my tongue, and let this body sick. All I want is my soul to be drunk and content with a lover’s sanity.”

Be patient when you want to be in love

And let go when you think that love is not meant to be

For love always come again

Spreading hands

Feeding souls

Overcoming ego

And finally kiss the unreached parts of solely your body.
karin naude Nov 2013
mum's well intended tough upbringing ended in a two sided razor sharp sword
i am independent, intelligent, and successful
that same achievements cause me no shortage of frenemies
and a severe debilitating starvation for true friendship and love
men wont touch me with a 10 foot poll
both sexes make me out to be weird beyond the point of recognising there reflexion in me
imprisoned in a life i wanted, successful
with a incurable case of loneliness, i'm drowning out with food and bad poetry
this is my roaring twenties, hooray
cant wait for the next 80 years
going senile will be a blessing
no longer haunted by pain and unreached potential
Kim Yu May 2015
I’ve got a mission
To reach the destination
I was destined to go on a journey,
A journey which is unreached by many,
This is the journey of my life.

I shall walk down the empty streets
Through the boulevards of broken dreams
To the successfully riches
This is the journey which takes years to reach,
The journey of my life.

This journey is not an adventure,
It is a mental journey through nature
With the care & support of my family and friends,
I believe I can complete it with love in my hands…

So journey with me
Let’s push forward…
There’s nothing to rewind,
In this journey through my mind.
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Old memories preserved in black and white.
Reminisce of a time less contrite.
Seen through the lens of those without strife.
Young and free with a passion for life.
Replaced by wisdom, fear and guilt.
For the life one has methodically built.
With walls and doors, and windows to see.
As the world passes by this absentee.
Surrounded by frames of the finest wood.
Of snapshots of the potential that someday could.
Climb the mountains unreached by the hands of our time.
Instead stuck walking for fear of the climb.
For fear of the fall and all it might bring.
Fear of the inability to rebuild his wings.
Compliant with gravity, compliant with normality.
Unfamiliar with the rebellion that once filled his soul.
Defining his life where their now is a hole.
Replaced by a scar and filled with his tears.
As the joys of his childhood continue to disappear.
Chased away by the light of reality.
Youthful dreams replaced in actuality.
Ambitions refocused towards sensuality.
Mind made up of generalities.
Soul defined in spirituality.
As his life moves slowly into irrationality.
And though the colors here are always bright.
They are most vulnerable in the absent of light.
Replaced by the darkness and a mind numbing truth.
One we all have forgotten from our youth.
That the potential of life knows no bounds.
And that which we can create will always astound.
Those who come after us and those who continue to follow.
Will continue to fill our world as if it was hollow.
In need of filling with that which they create.
Building from our ashes on a brand new slate.
Their artistry challenged only by those.
Who have left footprints in the sand with their bare toes.
So which life do you wish to live.
One of solitude or one where you continue to give.
Give your time, give your energy, give your heart and your soul.
To the child in you whom you continue to out grow.
Continue to neglect who’s dreams have yet to be filled.
By the world you once dreamed of with those Legos you use to build.
Dreams filled with sky scrapers all in black and white.
Only to be interrupted by mornings first light.
Life’s colors seeping in as they begin to fill your days.
Your youthful ambitions still here in many ways.
Still clinging to you through those memories of yesteryear.
Captured in your childish smile radiating so clear.
SassyJ Dec 2016
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas
Urggg yrgggg yrgggg urggg,
the songs are like a clogged bell
streaming depressive used sounds
Hymns of abused commercialisation
As an excuse of mixed celebrations

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas
Urggg yrgggg yrgggg urggg,
you remain dead for long time ago
when my heart changed into stone
and my dance a faded fortification
in opened doors of the unreached

Christmas, Christmas,Christmas
Urggg yrgggg yrgggg urggg,
a season where enemies embrace
with a tint of lost meshed generosity
That flavoured distasteful laughter
Coated with silvery decorations

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas
Urggg, yrgggg yrgggg urggg,
a shaw of the dying tower blocks
Overlooking hunger and troubled war
that height of starry driven nights
Casting shadows to the chilled earth

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas
Urgg, yrgggg yrgggg urggg,
The trees are felled to make cards
with anthems of a failed system
the tide of the recycled messages
of happy tidings, fill the bellies ehhh
For those who question the commercialisation and falsity of Christmas. Thankful for the time off....
Mysterious Aries Aug 2015
Can you blame me for viewing life gloomily sometimes...
As dim as night or even darker...
Whenever I go beyond unreached, I saw strangers within me...
They knows a lot well... They often brought me to the farthest end...
Religion give us hope... But for them there is no hope at all...
For them we are only God's toys...

They knows every fate of human... Death...
That the blade of the father of time was always in our neck...
That every day we became closer to our unhappy ending...
They were so strong...

They began as my sidekick...
When I started counting 1 2 3... Learning ABC's...
I even taught they were a gift... My guardians...
But as time goes by... Their motive was unleashed...
To ruin life... To ate and destroyed mind...

There was a time that i never know me anymore...
They possessed me so much that I can't even control myself...
It's like a beast was unraveled within me...
Their passion was to get into one's head...
To play mind games with it... To turn white to gray...
Beautiful days into rainy... Love to hatred...

My body fell numb suddenly... Here they comes...
They really did exist... My head will be at war yet again...
On what I feared most... My sudden METAMORPHOSIS...

Mysterious Aries
My Schizophrenia Poem #2
BianchiBlue Aug 2014
The sunrise betrayed the furnace
pouring heat into this atmosphere,
beauty deceives in pinpoints of fusion
spilling light on these nights in silence

We are all made of stars - we burn within
this core, unreached and untouched
as science fades in its approach -
Who can test the mystery inside?
Pax May 2015
How I lie and break, broken till to the very tip of my bone
I dislike how I ate my own hate, swallowed till it reaches the gate
How the voices preach to breach the barriers of the untouched soul
Purity bleach the acidic preaches of ones owned,
rinsing the putrid echoes of THE hateful stone.

Innocence remains unreached; it’s a battle of everyday presence.
My pure essence survives the life’s impermanence.

Winning and Losing stands in equilibrium.
Life is not as tasty as the sweet brew.
no matter how much you hate yourself, never let the hate reach you heart and destroy you....
Brynn S Nov 2018
I tremble before you
At your alter
For lives unreached; all shall falter
Craving touch
Falling into clutch
Sweet lease
Shown to be brief
Avinash G Dec 2013
In the forest of finding my life
Tired of my longing desires
My soul quite silenced
My Body exhausted by unmoved farness
My wind lost its spirit
Hurting my road to desired joy

Yet, Rejecting my lost travel, I am now,
Drifting away from soul pits
Silhouetting my dreams so beautiful
Birthing my unreached longings
Stretching to my forseen destiny
Now, I am in all control  
Creating my beauty beyond compare
And Dreamy Daily Days!
Susie Nuttall Apr 2013
No more time for pain.
Tear stains.
Or sobs.
Shrieks at the top of your lungs!
Frustrated fidgeting,
Or furious dialect.
The true depths of sorrow,
unreached yet,
Shall remain unexplored.

The heights of fury and rage,
Shall be another days venture.
(Or hopefully never).

Visions of disliked visages,
Traitorous touches torturing the thoughts,
Lustily leaving lover and friend
And congealing into a puddle of humanity
at the knowledge of their philandering.  

Numbness sinks through the dermis,
Hiding hints of heartbeats,
Silencing skins sweet sensations.
But barely.

No time for sensation,

Reform some semblance of humanity.
No time for languishing,

Only enough time for a little poetry.
And then,
WickedHope Aug 2016
Words unspoken, dreams unreached
The spell is broken; time's incomplete.
My eyes now closed as you speak to me,
My heart is folded and it's corners weep.
The tears that gather here are not mine,
Just as the rain as it falls belongs to none,
But by the time it's gathered is nearly gone...
Feeling vulnerable and used.
Feel the rhythm and wake the dawn.
Show us that you care.
Needles fall to the sound of silence,
To your bed of questioning air.
Your wake unreached.
Drown me in desire,
But resist temptation.
Feel the drummers beat and
Motion to the sound.
Unfold me into light.
Blur my weaving qualms.
Rest your worried head,
And let me know you.
A taste of hope...
Unsteady hands,
Answer my soul.
Witheld motives and
Dangerous notions.
Penetrate my heart and
Devour me.
The rhythm moves us,
Lulls us,
Aids us.
And you will know desire.
The truth.
The answer to your hunger.
And I shall bend,
Within your demons
And your saddened eyes…
Then blur this illusion.
End of sight.
Break me.
Now breathe.
Cm Jan 2019
Your presence in my heart
Has made my life
More meaningful
You have taken me
To the deepest core
Of my being
My true self
I was unaware of
I had never reached
Where you lived
I realized
We are not separated
But have been

Daan Feb 2014
A year has passed and you don't know.
I admit to the crime of too subtle action
almost forced to go,
never sure,
you enigmatic mystery,
I could never tell what I was meant to see.  

What you think of me is
still a question, I feel its automatic
journey is close to its end, I cannot pause,
cause it never does, not for me.

I guess we are the same but I never came to affirmation.
I end it right here, you had me for a year
and never shifted gear, next levels
never reached. Some doors breached

I'm off to bed. Could I never return please?
Tomorrow is always a disaster, so tell her today.
Today was two days ago.
I am too late.

Doubting about giving up, then she's not the one.
Giving up is for cowards, for guys like me, two days ago.
regret is a horrible state.
Please never make me experience it again, I preach.
I wish you made me feel careless and casual, then it would have worked.

But your sparkling eyes make me insecure,
your cheeky cheeks unkissed and pure,
your perfect shapes and dazzling hair,
your blinding stare, everything around me
vaguely disappears,

an empty feeling sears
through the image that I had
I was just a helpless lad, fallen down, reaching up to you.
But I did not dare to grab your hand for it was too
soft and smooth and perfect for my not so bright ideas.

Now drop me and never lend me that hand again
I will always try to grab it, immobilized by your smile.
addicted, not in love, hooked, not shared, affected and absorbed but not attracted.
attraction has 2 ways, of one I am not sure.
Abruptly looking the other way, my only cure
for how you agonize my being.

I am still thinking about not giving up, so maybe
she could still be
just not

I cannot understand myself
why did I not say
what I wanted every single day
for us, it may, but hey, this way,
I did not have to lay
myself on the line,
a risk avoided same goes for love
nothing else to painfully think of
nothing ever broke me like
you did.

My approach was the worst in human history
from afar they'll come and hear his story
of failure and demise, for a month or two
he'll be the talk of school and then it ends.

Either end it or start it, but not this phase of inbetweeness
it's powerful and useless at the same time.

One whole year, you shaped me, reformed, refurbished,
you were my goal, unreached. I need more time, more coal
to keep this ancient bunch of chances from not living forth. To north
instead of south, your words in my mouth, my
songs sang by birds and rippling creeks,
banished and expelled from peaks,
vanished thoughts, so sure they were,
together with the derivative motions they withheld

I spelled your name a thousand times
drew it in my books next to some rhymes
made it pretty to fit your being, even
though I never succeeded to pass breakeven.
Poetic T May 2015
They would hold their  hands up
High in search of golden nuggets,
Their dummies held up to the sky.

The map showing them where X did
Mark a spot, they crawled on their  
Merry way, through sand they did
Crawl, slowly never would they stop.

They didn't want it in a skull *****,
X marked the brown pongy spot. A
Bottom full of sand would slow a
Pirate baby down, making them
Uncomfortable  crying as their treasure
Unreached they would have had to stop.

They crawled under fallen trees, through
Shrub and looked up, and saw the branches
Reaching for the sky. They were nearly
There they had crawled for 20 feet and
Stopped twice for nap times, as it was
Far away in baby steps not like big foot.

They had reached there goal with dummies
In hand, many dangers faced but together
As a crew they got to the treasured land.

X was their goal and it did mark a spot,
Where the golden nuggets shined in that
Spot. Where the rusks had that golden tint,
And that yummy taste as they went down
With a bottle Of hot milk in hand that really
Hit that nap time spot.

Dummies held up high they had reached that
Promised land, where treasure was eaten an
Then nap time was coming close to hand, gogo
And goodnight.
Feeling Real Jul 2014
driving past red
calming hues of blues and greens
nature's imitator, bleakly, but resilient
if I were the ant I would step on me, too
often I am, but disguised
cracks in the sidewalk are cracks in my exterior
I paint myself thin upon tree branches
I drip - drip with gravity's whim
blurry-eyed and sleep-deprived
glutton for existing as such
in my hands, crumbled, dry leaves
relish in the ending of acts
misguided attempts at steeping leaves
harvested during new moon
tranquility is unreached at current times
I am always sure to remind what's forgotten
Sofia Dec 2012
Mentor Shakespeare!
He said that expectation was the thief of all joy.
(Or was it his cousin Comparison?
It might not make a difference.)

If I may address you,
Adhered--blessed Grandfather of my soul's art,
My God's created conduit to His inspiration that flows through me constantly,
The ceaseless voice I can never shake off--
I feel this is my only release
In the pain I feel
--Blessed grandfather,
And Father,
Ease me in this tumult:
I was inclined after a few
Short grasps of eyes meeting eyes
A shared Smile
Maybe then I thought,
The loneliness could be lifted,
Only just for a moment!
Only just for a brief break from the drab outline of the life I call mine!
(And yet, it is not!)

I thought perhaps I was worth a moment
Of a precious creation's time.
Was it not commonplace to build such dreams
In the sand of my stormy shore'd mind

But Fathers,
What sparks!
What electricity can bring down the tallest tower that stands alone in the barrenness of the world,
To an elevated illumination in the highest clouds of the most brilliant heaven of Love!
Ah, the sharpness of the memories jolts me still!
But what of it?
All my visions are turned to naught,
And I have been struck down
And returned to the far corners where I am unreached.
Alone and unsought,
Feasibly content, the tallest tower remains in its solitude,
Unaware that the absence of life cannot render a knowledge of its true state.

What a sad shape we are in,
To expect the world, over a single pearl found
On the tossed beach of the soul.
written on a painfully empty stomach as well as a pained heart.
things don't look well off when you're alone and unused to the joys love brings--
ah, how it loosens your self control.

staring off into the 100 images that don't exist
a bundle of "what if..." scenarios
dreaming while im staring reality dead in the eye
a reality that won't coexist with my dreams
the impossible remains unreached, desolate, and unemployed
rejected by every firm in my brain
oh but my dreams show up when my head is
booked with emptiness and in a blink im in a different world
one where "impossible" is a forbidden word
I see 10 years ahead and 10 years before
time is not a concept its but a mere speck on a wall
until I here the clock go off; im set free.
I am a sinking ship
Amidst a calm ocean
No turbulent waves
No frenzied, rioting sea
Just me slowly falling
Into depths unreached
With anchors at my feet
And no oxygen for the trip
This year has been crushing
The pressure so dense against me
Yet still so gentle and somehow kind
With no great and terrible tsunamis
To drag me to foreign waters
And still, in the calm, I do sink
No lifeboats, and no landmass.

Just the ocean, the pressure, and me
I don't think I'm going to make it to 17.
The world is a hard, harsh world
I am too soft for it
I feel very alone
Master of all voices
“There will come a time when you choose radiant over dire.
A moment when you don't feel the rage but choose to remember the spirit.
Look to those moments and be ready to defend your home ancient
For the world is not enough to get rid of enemy’s heat”
“Come Centaur! Crush them beneath your hooves!
I want you to put some weight on them
Because they don’t really care what are our moves
Kick every untrust worthy enemy creep”
“I can’t carry you all at times alone
Make them fear the hammer, Omniknight.
Don’t let them near me on fire
I don’t want to get fired up this early
So get ready to open up the sight”
“Motred! I want you to work hard
Let them get back to their ancient
With the fear of coup de grace
Until then you go your way”
“When did they start destroying our structures?
And our pursuit for peace lead to fight.
Our alliance leads to their battle rage
I look around and I see the Drow ranger crawling silently”
“Our Omni knight is busy preparing first aid
The agony is deafening .
Our battle is rumbling down.
It looks as if all going to clash”
“With our attacks swollen
I am desperately collecting rifles
The destruction is resuming
Awareness is lost”
“Yet even in all of that there is a glimmer of hope
The echoing strike of coup de grace
In Centuar’s smile
Or Windrunner’s silly laugh “
• It's the smells of battle that stay with you long after they've ended.
• In Stonehall it was blood and sulfur, smoke, and rot and fear...
• You won't win the war by dying for your Ancient.
• You'll win by making the other dumb, unfed ******* die for theirs!
“Redness of bloodshed of creeps
The colour of blood boiling enemy . The height of unreached cliff
And time of unfeared battle rages”
“Fake moves, helpless creeps Fell for the need to push Now the fluid flowing through the woods For they have started the attack.”
“Alleria! Get some air from the bottle
Shackle those ******* one or two
I bet Drow didn’t learn your power shot
So why stay still? Get them”
“Axe held his axe ready, standing very still at rune side,
The even minute ticked
He charged towards me,
I was taken by surprise by Rubbick.”
“He lifted me up in the dark vacuum.
then Axe ran to get me with his axe
As my weapon fell to the ground.
I yelled Omni! In a second he purified me”
“Axe and Rubbick backed off with bleeding heart
I pressed attack and drew first blood on Axe
Some general you turned out to be!”
“Nevermore saw pain in me, but I fleed to ancient
Motred and Centuar were hungrily covering Traxex and Void
Keep up Windrunner! Try to call off Blue ranger”
“As I went with the cry, the smell of hell clicked my instinct
I drew duel against demon, Shadow fiend…I challenge you
But he escaped… We weren't finished!....”
Imran Raza Sep 2015
At the 50 +
An old lot
coming from the monotonic ringing melody of Graham Bell's

gone the days of childhood , adolescence and to breath sighs !ah the kisses for her lips and eyes to watch as she walked on pedestrian , how often she moves her curvy hips ,

What's ahead !anytime anywhere , even this very  moment clocks could be locked always tightening the noose around , Death that only clips ,we're acting childish in our shells ,

In a trance kept lone , social gaining kilos of fats and accumulating distances  !  Ah though miles we're apart but isolated and in love , dancing  rhythmic on keys and board of Dell's ,

what's to hide how much we seek the harmony we lost in quest unreached as ever asking where the soul dwells ,

All exit reveals in each of thyself opened are the many hells

we are no more child but to act childish whenever in love , only  it tells ,
Monicah Kiptoo Jul 2013
Grains of sand as pieces of hay so small,from which passion was lit.
A profound indelible feeling yet unreached by thoughts or imagination.
You have morphed into my hero,
A mirror that never lies.
Broke into the comfort of my familiarity but made it much more worthwhile...
Harmony Sapphire May 2015
Waited to be sofisticated.
Desires saturated.
Feelings contemplated.
Unknown people stalked & hated.
Commitments unreached & outdated.
Birthdays belated.
Imaginary relationships created.
Fantasies unfated.
Communities fenced & gated.
Opposite sexes connected & mated.
Second thoughts changed & debated.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Ovi-Odiete Aug 2016
What then is the poem?

The poem is a sword too sharp and piercing
Too vast and Strong
The poem bridges the gap between known and unknown forces
Between seen and unseen faces
The poem is a sword too sharp that cuts
Cutting through hearts and minds
The poem bridges the distance reached and unreached

The poem has its wings and aim to fly on its own
Don't force it to fly,
Let it fly and soar when its time comes

Ovi Odiete©August 2016
What then is the poem?
Gigi Tiji Jun 2015
Crawling backwards through my dusty spiderweb of neural connections, I am projecting comedic tragedies

Call me crazy, because you're probably right

Absurdist fantasies of long lost dreams and an empty train station smelling of **** and departed railway cars

It's time to turn it around and
crawl out of my tunnel of silk

I will explode into butterfly
from the silk in my belly

Spit me a story, Oh Old One.
I am astounded by the revolutions
you have memorized around the sun.

Stellar vortex, find me twirling
through the disconnected
and unreached.

Remember me
Gracie Knoll Sep 2016
The song swells in a crescendo
Soaring to heights unreached by any soul before
Calling forth from the farthest depths of my heart
Emotions unexplored by centuries of human war
Mazen Edlibi Apr 2017
Is it a Dream!
Is it a fantasy!
Is it a wish that can’t be fetched!
All my life, i’ve been watching life in silence!
                 And i asked….
Do I exist!
Is there a need to let my voice heard!
I saved lives!
I helped lost souls!
I broken hearts!
I touched the unreached Hope and whispered him
to shine in their eyes…
I am who I am!
If you see me silly… know that I am Human!
If you see me stupid…Know that I am Human!
If you see me sensitive…Know that I am Human!
I have my Dark side and that didn’t affect my love for you!
I have my Bright Side, and that didn’t hide you behind the light!
You always there, in front of me…shining in your darkness and brightness…
Do you have the same for me!
Talk to me, let me listen to you… Let me feel you!
I’m not better than you… I am like you…I am you.. You are me..
In a Journey we are together…
In a long-life walk we are together…
My Hand longing to hold your hand!
My Heart longing to feel your beats!

Are we falling apart …… Or

Are we reborn again!

What is your say!
Satsih Verma Dec 2016
I am nudged to shift
the centre of gravity.

The flames are touching
both of us. A civilized frisking
to unmask the secret.

I look at the dark
sky to plant the stars.
Unreached and unreachable
were you― in the carnival.

A creepy night nods.
I must wait for your zodiac
to blink and release the
incense of dew drops.

There was no destination.
I am a surfer, will not skirt
a thunderbolt.

Blood stains will appear later.
Mary Anne Norton Oct 2021
Always Running
It seems
No destination
Just Running
Through the wilderness
Tripping over dreams
Around the corner
Over the bend
Jumping hurdles
Landing on unreached
Plans and destinations
Just Running
Running to
Running from
Just running
Harmony Sapphire Feb 2015
A world is turning.
The deadly sin of anger still burning.
Seven sins you can't see,
You don't want to be.
Repent, rebuke, forsake & forgive.
Allow yourself again to love & live.
Mistakes educate, sometimes learning too late.
Be wise & don't trust too easy.
Try to see what no one else sees.
Have morals & be strong in your beliefs.
Everyday until we decease.
Have a reason to be at peace.
Your child is a purpose to believe.
You are a person you can not leave.

Allergies of the past.
Unreached & trashed.
Never to heal.
Records are sealed.
Crimes get appeals.
History is unpeeled.
Misery & broken lives revealed.
Heart break & pain is feeled.
Resentment congeals.
Damage is real.
Suffering & sorrow deals.
No food & uneatten meals.
Faith, love, trust, sanity, contentment, happiness, your first born, & opportunities are stealed.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
Vylette Jan 2015
I stay awake
Staring at the darkness
Long into the hours of the night
Dreams are fleeting
To the restless mind
Intangible goals
Can't be unreached
No point to being rested
When the bottom is the peak

And I'm headed there
The end is the beginning
I will cry a sea of tears
And jump in
Not knowing if I will sink or swim
Because I'm not a sailor
Only in my imagination
And not my memory
Do I know the sea
Daan May 2014
Passing puddle after puddle,
chasing girls I'd love to cuddle.
But nothing is my option as
I walk past the growing grass.

The sun is blocked, the clouds feel
mighty as the supporting pillar
mightlessly tries, aborting his fighting squeal.
The stranger, the stayer, the stronger and stiller.

I worry a lot, for unpassed moments,
pages unreached. She says it's my fault.
In our stars it was written.
Now I feel cold, I guess I am smitten.

It started raining, feelings, cropped,
come out all at once, it finally stopped.
I am mortified by the choice I made.
It was wrong and I have to change.
Ubaid Majeed Oct 2017
“I broke with the virtuality yesternight”.

Your hands as numb as the winter of some unreached epoch;
as traumatised as the rays of this moon—
borrowed and leaden.

Diddering by the cold morrows of life,
your soul is already downfallen,
out of the blue,
by this last good-bye.

You are through the endless seasons of fall,
with no spring foreseen,
your spirit at stake;
your fall, an eventual doom.

Your eyes are drowning in the ocean of death,
where even in the best of the boards, you're wrecked.

While, I stand as stiff as mountains,
with the same impoverished gesture of last adieu;
concieted by the delight of pain bequeathed to you.

You are the object of my empirical yet conjectural fortune—
that, I poetise now.

In your heart, broken, lies my dwelling destroyed,
and I would soon find myself mislaid or a doomed grave.
In her memory.
EJ Aghassi Jan 2018
There is a voyage
Unreached in this
Granite rainfall. A rhythm

And patter hammer upon an
Arid wasteland and its attraction
to overthinking. And to

This night we drink muted song,
Draining the mud chalices that
Are brimming with fermented blood. A single

Drop of crimson flame dances
Across knuckles strained white
With wanting. An insatiable appetite

Hangs above her stretching
Neckline, a single frame of
Infinity, floating defiantly,

Heavier than gravity can trap,
As we send stones softer than
The footsteps of these foreign words

Towards the visage of a lunar flare.
A very bitter taste paints
The picture of her collarbone,

A certain kind of riddance
To more tender times.
Whispering shades of blue, the

Blurry contours trace the hair
Flutter threads of moon rays, dragging me
Towards the shrinking horizon,

the other side of love.
Ecstasy and eternity sit upon
The lips of her simmering Winter.

— The End —