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Lotte Jan 2018
Platonic Love Song

The wind in our hair as our lungs work
Screaming out the lyrics to a teenage summer
As we drive free, racing, to the waves and mountains
Lights in our eyes and hands over hearts
Youthful yearning fills us, as we get caught chasing the sky

Her laughter fills my soul and she begins to dance
While she wraps her arms around me, safe
A fire blazes, but our smiles are what light up the night
We make the stars jealous, 
They beg for half of our shine

Embers and vapour fill the air, 
Hands trading drinks and smoke and care
Music floats and lyrics sink in
Lips trading stories and laughter and kisses
Engines start, stop, jump, and rumble

Her eyes gleam and shift, catching attention
Hypnotising and beautiful, 
They draw us in, keep us safe, and we ask to stay. 

Let yourself love your friends. Let yourself stay with them. 

She pumps music into our lives, her voice loud
We dance to the wild tempo of our heartbeats
Crass and catching, her voice settles in us

Let people in, even when it’s hard. Let yourself love them. 

She scrunches her face up and tosses in jokes,
Making us smile at any price, 
She helps us laugh the pain away. 

Let people love you back. 
I know it can be hard but...

She covers her smile with a hand, 
Else she’d blind us, but we’d be alright,
If that could be the last thing we see

If you aren’t in love with your friends, where is your absolution? 

She swings her hips and we get lost in her lips,
The gold on her skin, the brown in her eyes, 
Entrancing on a new level, and we exalt

If you aren’t in love with your friends, then something is wrong. 

She grabs our hands, reviving and vital, 
Her shoulders jump and so do we, she’s got us on our feet
Her energy is infections, makes us forget imperfection. 

If you aren’t in love with your friends, where are you spending your time? 

Existing in a different state, but in the same hearts, 
And we are all staring at the same jealous stars. 
She feels like a home you’ve never been too. 

If you aren’t in love with your friends, then you’re not doing it right. 

Because for me, they define ride or die, 
The first loves of my life, they mean open
Open arms, open homes, open hearts
They are coffee in the cold and make up in the night, 
Empowerment in the dark and hope in the now. 

Love isn’t just for spouses and partners, 
  Love is for those who you know with your heart, 
Who’s soul touched yours, and said, 
“Hey, it’s been a while. I missed you.” 
And if you haven’t felt that yet then I’m sorry, 

But don’t worry, you’ll find them. 

And when you do, it will be like coming home. 

And you’ll know.
Prathipa Nair May 2016
In their Garden of Love,
She,the beautiful queen,
Champak, with her
Intoxicating scent
He,the handsome King,
Gandharva, with his
Mesmerising scent
Hypnotising two hearts
With love and romance
Taking them to Heaven !
These are two flowers which will take you to heaven of love :-)
Craving for attention
Craling deep down inside
growing as the day goes by
Releasing it's fire
As she speaks .
Creating a deep hole
in everyone's heart.
Casting spells.
Blinding people's eyes.
With sweet words and dreadful meanings.
Each year goes by her level rises.
New level,  new devil.
Pagan Paul Apr 2017
The Room of Dancing Shadows,
undulating across the wall,
like ****** Persian ballerinas,
making no sound at all.
Reaching, retreating, a mosaic form,
eternally shifting the dark shade.
Pictures of no light in a flux,
remain fragmented, cold, unmade.
Hypnotising, random shapes in black,
swim serenely, start to slide.
The Room of Dancing Shadows
holds its fear deep, deep inside.

© Pagan Paul (03/10/16)
st64 Dec 2013
marvel at the complex-pattern
painting such a span of swirls
light-panels less than shimmer
in the afternoon shadows on the wooden kitchen-table
biggest fear - your leaving

beautiful summer-days lost in your eyes
oblivion dances like a wily-***** at hypnotising fire-licks
from our languid-bed, I'd lazy-feed you lox-on-crackers
and everything you liked
heaven never had it so good


woke up and *you weren't there

where'd you go to?
no letter, no call.. for days

to overcome this fear
I brought in a  b-i-g-g-e-r  one
that used to drive me to serious-pitfalls in the past

off to the exotic pet-shop, my toes marched me
and I got one - very toxic thing on legs
without a natural terrarium

once home, I set it free
I set free.... my biggest fear
        to blot out your absence
        to overcome your presence
        to forget you

it crawled around and made a home
while I hardly breathed nor slept
and moved about on ginger-steps

I kept feeling strands of your hair
          in my sleep
          on my cheek
          inside my cry
and woke to moonlight bathed in sweat

I did not wash your pillow, after weeks now
I bury my face in olfactory-memory lingering
and pine for you, but I see your missing set of keys and..

/ scratch .. scratch /

I hear a sudden scurrying
heartbeat jumps out cage
eyeballs to the parquet-floor


I'm getting used to this new pet
and she doesn't mind my breathing
                    oh, I swear she's a brain-scanner
                    when she looks at me that way
                    like she can read me.. through and through

I dare not pet, I dare not touch... ohhhh no!
       I leave her the daily-bowl of delicious, fresh worms
       to find it empty in the evening
I guess, thanks for freedom.. of sorts

one day, I left the window open
as I jotted down some poignant thoughts
at my antique-escritoire
    espied her legs upon the solar-sill
    thought she'd be running... a leaver, too
but no..    
                 she was sunning all her legs awhile

the season's changing.. leaves are falling
crackle of wind in the air

now, I'm making me some coffee in my silver whistle-***
hot, solo beverage to calm my settling-mind
when.. ping-ping.. comes a text
lo and behold....
it is you...


delirium / delirium /
(I'm on cloud-nine... you're coming home tonight..
                                      you love me so much, you say..
                                      made a mistake..
                                       you've got something big to share..

I've taken time to prepare a special-meal.. candles and all your faves
but must pop out quick to get some lox...)

I'm back now, got the stuff now
key in lock
but the door.. jammed by a weight.. of sorts
can't seem to push the ****-door open...
shoving hard, I see........

fear compounded by a minus
simply multiplied

S T - 4 dec 13
plan(e) in the air.. pushing tin's a fine way to get there :)

sub: fly

days fly by
on wing of trust
in rusty-daze
If I could write my thoughts
You may not quite understand
For the words we are stapled with
Seem ridiculously bland

Music flows like colours to beat
Hypnotising my soul, sparking my senses
Controlling my body I'll jump to my feet
Unimportance of visuals like seeing through lenses

If emotionally moved why not be 'fantabulous'
Eyes closed I see clearer and all is so peachy
Bisto relates to Sunday but life is better gravy
Grey Monday's depress but not 'Grey..You get me?

Just separate your instincts of colours and such
Words are just letters You'll see in a bit
Brains installed with viral fake mush
Some never stray from the path of life's Pit

So blasphemy like '*******, **** and ****
Bad letters because swearing is ...wrong?
The four letter 'C' word the worst though admit
Cos **** is just letters made worse for too long

Sue is my name all over the world
Yet Mum can be Mom, Dad, Pa, Pere
If taught **** for Mum wisdom are not pearls
Red is not hot blue is not cold transparent unclear

So simply my mind see's what's gone so wrong
To un -train what's been taught like losing a limb
People are 'Crazy' to not follow and conform!
Don't get the page yet? read on its no sin

Fantabulously individually Humans
My DNA matches no others so why  march to the tip TOP beat
How beautiful we are 'ALL' Races of humans, Us
The recent power crazed gave racism a ******

****, Racism, diets, Religion
War, Rich, Poor, just made up words
Humans empathetic risers to imagine
No hate, selfishness, Malice in Humans that's Absurd!

Do we find Racial abuse amongst Dogs, Cats and such
So many species but a ***** is a ***** regardless of colour
Rabbits in the wild don't live in a hutch
Straying the point lets try to mull over

From born colour coded, numbered and named
Associated colours, Pink Girls, Blue Boys
Lemon and white if scans are waylaid
Colours are just preferences or visual noise

Taught to be the best you can be
Strive to the top, the higher, the best
Already are wedging the You and the Me
Hang on..Oh look.. I come from the 'West'

How hard to be taught to embrace our uniqueness
Respect, Love and cherish the short time we're here
Selflessly love, change this bare rotten bleakness
Humanity release this dark You enslave

No rich or poor just balanced and happy
Heinz not for me still love store brand
Caviare Hallooga Ballooga, Whatever, Really?
If not jisting my drift now... You're not of this land!?...

All I'm saying is we are all unique so live life to the full, embrace love and happiness, help others where you can, be selfless, respect costs nothing as does a smile, no need for fad dieting, embrace your unique self, let's strive to make Humans be the best we can be but embrace the journey together, life is not a competition or a race, beauty can not be visualised or bought, true beauty 'can' be the ugly ducling surrounded by selfish nasty swans.  Feel the love in all Humans globally.  The one's who lead us at the tippedy top have been hypnotised by some othre in-humane greedy, selfish sub species, who I shall name the darkness and unknown fear we only feel, because remember to visualise is irrelevant to our existence , it's through our feelings, fears and thoughts they attack first, causing panic amongst the trustworthy of our so called Governments.  If they all wanted the best for us then by al means pull together as ONE Government, but to diminish the value of money is just a way of controlling us, keeping the rich rich and richer and making the poor the lowest, ,maybe now homeless **** in society we all feel uncomfortable around?  If all houses cost the same, all wages paid the same rate and no unnecessary taxes to park a vehicle, drive the vehicle, toll costs when in the same country and no tax on wages...What they spending that **** on? We already pay tax on the area we live, yes roadworks, police, fire crews, New Homes even, street improvements have to be funded by tax to pay wages... fair enough.  No taxing us on our hard worked, underpaid jobs that we lose blood sweat and tears over and lets face it 3/4 of that goes back into the government with tv licence, overpriced food, tobacco, extortionate fuel companies conning you out ya money with standing charges and charging you more kw for the £ on the ever gracious £5-8 emergency they put on pre payment machines.  Then If your lucky enough to have worked and lived an average life you can buy your own house which you pay of untill your pension years.... god forbid you need residential care if u lose your mind or you can kiss your financial future for your kids cos that care don't come under the good old NHS.... and is soooooo over priced and understaffed by mostly aliens of society that the government take the house and money to pay for their care???? ******* rediculous.  And of course when U die you have to pay a % of the value of that house to the government.....for?? Yea what the **** for? My house? Go **** yourself!...The free bus pass don't cut it, the discount priced fish and chips DON'T cut it!!

You know the thing that grates me the most? TV Advertisements, e.g Washing powder ads.... 10 years ago it removed 'all' stains and made whites whiter than white... now 10 years on and Fantabulously new and improved with colour protection and stain, bomb, bullet proof...Yes you have guessed it, makes whites 'even' whiter! ha.. white is white it don't get whiter.....all scams for money....stick a trusted celebrity in the ad....and you could sell chocolate teapots to the masses...

My Motto..... Eat well, live life, embrace our imperfections cos perfection is unreachable, unachievable and installed into us to get more money, more power, more **** knows?  Don't be ruled by the soldiers and the puppets of society, believe in what you like and respect that others may not always agree with you but we are entitled to our opinion, not everyone is going to agree, that's what makes us different, never seen a war starting over country A likes coffee Country B likes Tea....lets go to war to battle it out....Make war against the law... would solve asylum seekers, ad that god dam racism word, bring back golly Wogs and baa baa black childhood was when thatcher was in reign.... oh how the man 'o' species let 1 woman come into power and claim she ****** it..... anyway straying again...Wake up People Freedom is lost,  lets not let them take our souls too!!
Luisa C May 2022
I want the air to surround me, hug me,
losing myself in its invisible arms
and therefore finding something meaningful
in its transparent substance.
I do not want to cower from the implications
that I am so dependent on this traceless vapour.
Make me crave you, I think, hoping it hears my wish,
welcome me as I so desperately want to welcome you.
So I stand paralysed staring into the unknown,
the endless vortex of existence,
hypnotising me with its mystery, torment and beauty,
divinity, chaos and serenity;
the paradox of living and reality.
To be a human is to be a reflection of the dazzling mess of life;
how can I not take in the wonders of the universe each time I inhale?
My breath is power, the air my hero,
it gives me strength even in times I fight ruthlessly against it.
What is this strange instinct, this stubborn ingrained desire,
this anonymous impulse that never changes or falters?
Why won't it tell me what it's here for, why it persists,
I want to be informed on what it has to offer me.
So show me, I say to nothing, come out and reveal your secrets,
stop your hiding and give me everything there is to know, consume, devour.
I want to be nourished with it, overwhelmed with it,
so show me that this life is worth living.
The vast and depthless road of reality stretches out for so long it scares me,
the plethora of choices, unlimited possibilities,
fear traps me, foolishly, I allow it to strike me
in every way, shape and form
even when I told it to do everything it can to excite me.
It kept its promise well it seemed, it obeyed my order,
now I'm stuck between two states, helpless and frozen.
It turns out I'm not really sure I can handle it.
It turns out I'm not really sure what I want, ever.
Vraj thakkar Jan 2022
You do not appear to me as the light of the sun,
You rather appear dark, like a curvy fabric of space pulling me,
I fail to find the stillness in you, to sail past unharmed,
You are like a hypnotising blue wave, promising fun in drowning,
I know I should've turned the ship away, before it was too late,
But silly soul had planned the adventure, before conscience was awake.
Darkside of you
Paul Gilhooley May 2016
television is devising
ways and means for

mass media is advising
ways and means for

government is advising
ways and means for

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
Skye Aug 2018
I am stained with your colour;
Royal purple and blinding white.
I am smothered by your scent;
Marlboro cigarettes and cheap alcohol.
I am lost in your words;
Mellifluous syllables and sage proverbs.

You must be a sorcerer, for I have been bewitched.
You roam through my mind, casting hexes as you go;
I see you walk with that charming little gait of yours.
The memory of your face is hypnotising, infatuating;
Perhaps I have been cursed, but I hope this necromancy lasts forever.
Did I make the right choice?
Ryan Topez Mar 2014
My whiskey habit is complimented then insulted by the ever temperamental voice of Jim Morrison,
I listen to Alabama Song by The Doors
I throw my pen and page
In an anger induced rage
As my mind recites the wrong words
To his poems and songs
His voice plays on repeat
All i can do is blame myself as the primitive synth dances it's oscillating tunes through one of my depleted senses.
My hearing
Mojo Rising's face crudely made into pop art painting by a fan, an idoliser's image
Suddenly the fender telecaster takes over the smokey airways
Hypnotising, mesmerising
as it fills the space between the barely conscious being and the walls that surround
The tempo of the snare, tom and high hat slows
I now have time to gather my ever harsh and bitter thoughts
Harsh like the whiskey, bitter like me
Errors are inevitable, go **** yourselves
MOTV Dec 2015
I am
Dazing deeply
Take me high in the sky
Firey, disk ablaze
As we hover towards the deep black sea in the sky
Light up the abyss, reflecting through eyes
Hypnotising through harmonic tones
Oh slowly breaking the atmosphere
As we go
Awesome Annie Jul 2014
I whisper your name to myself,
and it puts this smile on my lips that's hard to wash away.
This feeling that's come over me,
Is so very warm.
It spreads with delight from the top of my head,
to the very tips of my toes.

I'm tangled in words and emotions, thoughts spin out of control. Hypnotising me in endless day dreams. Possibilities as countless as heart beats.

You must be my new fascination.
I'm beginning to settle in,
becoming to comfortable in your thoughts.
I wonder how good your lips might taste touching mine,
How your body might feel under my touch.

Lay me down,
Let me belong to you.
Just don't let me fade away...
I crave to be more then an indent on your bed sheets.
This time,
I want more then a once whispered name.
TinaMarie Feb 2012
Hopelessly wandering
I am at an impasse
Immobilized by desire
There is no way out.

Freedom awaits me
I can hear it's cries
But I turn a deaf ear
My lover pulls me back.

A hypnotising smile
And tranquillizing touch
Invade my mind
And Control my body.

Liberation will come someday
I can hear freedom cry
Another day I will leave perhaps
Today my lover needs me.

Captured in a conundrum
Intriguing mystery abounds
Captivating me to decipher
Perpetual perplexity.

I hear the screams closing in
Freedom is more persistent
I ready myself to join the calls
But my lover has my hand.

© Tina Thompson
Katelyn Rew Nov 2013
Soft linen surrounds me as I wake draped in your arms,
I feel your breath on my back and smile,
The light of the morning lifts the shadows, and glides across your soft skin,
I turn and press my mouth against your forehead, stopping a moment to inhale your scent,
As your lips curl into a smile, my quiescent heart builds up rhythm,  
Your eyes open in a flourish of dazzling blue, and the dancer in my chest begins to twirl,
Oh those captivating eyes, circles of crystal that continually ensnare, hypnotising, encapsulating, my dancer has begun to leap.
Sammie wells Mar 2014
When two become one
Nothing else matters
But that moment in time
Feeling ecstacy, grind

When two become one
Flowing in time

When two become one
hearts  racing
Adrenalin pumping
Fire ignites
Explosion of pleasure

When two become one
Nothing else matters
Our song.
Jill Oct 2024
Country nighttime turned off the world
Absolute window blacking
Any other life void-invisible
Universe shrunk snack-size
Existence is only this cab,
these tiny lights,
this fuzzing radio
One direction
Only ahead
Only these tracks

A change in rhythm signals new territory
Lower infrastructure spend
Budget acknowledged by
transitioning drum track
More toms
Double kick
More bass, but
no less hypnotising, no less soporific, no less slowing, no less…

Driver vigilance alarm earns its keep
Pierced by safety sound needles
Bleary eyes split open
Only closed for seconds
Enough to dry 3am eyelash glue
Intermittent, intensifying battle
Open versus closed
Here versus where
Wake versus yawning, rocking, mesmerising, irresistible…

Assistance required
Scan for options
Snoozing thermos drools its last drips onto the floor mat
Moment of silence for coffee, our absent friend
What else?
Lunch box offers carrot sticks
Sharp, crisp, smug
No help. What else? Cake.
A silent bargain
– okay calories, we’ve had our differences, but we need to pull together
Health is tomorrow, safety is now

Sleepiness shrinks and stretches place and time
There is only here
Only now
Battle and bargains
Winning and losing
Until the sun comes up
Sara Jan 2018
I want to tell you about the time I jumped.
The time I became my biggest fear
And conquered.
I want to tell you of the white curtains that tried to sweep over my eyes, and
How I summoned that aguish

I want you to know
It wasn't made right straight away
Blood, screams, tears whirled first
In my face on my body,
A weight of dread coming from her mouth
Holding my arms down.

But then still.

A peace took residence in the air, creating an earthly dull hum
A constant murmur, hypnotising
The knots out of our backs
The beast in my stomach,
to surrender

I want to tell you
I felt safe,
But then I would not be credible to you
And my words could be dismissed.

Now, the truth spilled
Her tongue no longer licks my legs, purple
Nor do I  wake with my knuckles numb
I take what I have coming, happy and sad

Both, the vibrant beat
To my weaping heart
duang fu Aug 2018
brooklyn, new york
is not just a place

brooklyn, new york
is sunshine caught in sandy blonde hair
it is the light dusting of eyelashes
it is a pair of deep, hypnotising blue irises
it is a warm smile and a pair of strong arms

brooklyn, new york
is morning kisses across the cheek
it is the smell of sweet syrup on pancakes
it is the sound of 70s music in the background
it is the taste of vanilla ice cream from a tub
it is the feeling of a smooth bubble bath against your skin
it is the view of earthy undertones wherever you turn

brooklyn, new york
is my lover's embrace.
Donall Dempsey Aug 2015
Her mind
was a  Möbius strip

which every now & then

she offered a sip

like a too rich wine
which offended the palette.

She acted like a
fictional character

in an outrageous
historical novel

her bosoms
almost hypnotising one

into ripping her bodice.

She acted out
her life

as if she was a Colossus

like an Ozymandias
before it all went wrong

& some guy called Shelly
happened to come along.

She was an aria
in the opera of her life

but right now

she was just sipping from the daintiest of cups

& laughing hysterically at something I said

(which I hadn’t considered funny)  

spraying in  my astonished face

a soft mist of hot
Earl Grey tea.
Dear Poet;

We chose your "Earl Grey Tea" poem as 'Poem of The Day from A Member' and on 8/1/2015 it will be sent to all 'MemberPoem Bulletin' members.

It will also be on the main page on that day, and it will be listed on 'Poem of The Day from A Member' calendar.

We thank you for your contribution to our site.

Best regards.
LadyM Oct 2018
I just wanted to say
that the sound of your voice
wakes up my senses

When you speak
I'm melting away,
giving in to the consequences

You're a room
full of candles,
I inhale without a choice

I scent cherry blossom
and vanilla flames,
you sound like roses and apricots

The sweet aroma
of your melody
smells like candles of passion fruit

I'm drawn in
by your tone,
for me, you are an absolute

I'm enveloped
in daffodils
as your words glow in yellow

Your voice
is so hypnotising,
euphonious and mellow.
Being in love is like being surrounded by a million flickering candle flames, giving out the most precious aromas, mixing up all your senses and awakening them at the same time. <3
Jackie Mead Mar 2020
If you are reading chapter 9 you will be familiar with the characters of mine.

There is Mouse, of course, he has a house on the River Louse, his Wife Hilda and 11 Sons and a Daughter.

Frog and Bee, they live on a log in the middle of a bog, happy and free.

The Fly with one eye and his friend dear, that is, of course, the Elf with one Ear.

The Horse and his Master, from the town of Cry.

A Dolly called Molly and her dear friends Ferret the Cat, and a Dog named Mouse, who all live nearby.

In the nearby town of Cry there live a Mayor and Mayoress, a pair of beautiful, graceful Swans.

Mr Mayor has such an air of authority, when he talked people listened, what he was saying took priority.

The Mayoress walked around with such a hypnotising grace, people would stare at her, stuck , unable to move, paralysed in one place.

Together they held people’s attention, lest the Mayor or Mayoress would think to give them a mention.

One day,  it was a warm sunny day on the River Louse and the Mouse with a house on the River Louse was sunning himself in his pretty garden, whilst Bee was buzzing closely by.

The mouse with a house on the River Louse would soon need to go indoors and get ready, he was expecting to see not only Frog and Bee but also his other friends; the Elf with one ear and the Fly with one eye.

They saw each other most days especially now the sun was in the sky and it was warm outside.

They were free to wander wherever they chose; sometimes swimming in the river, sometimes lazing on the bank, closing their eyes, having a doze.

The days passed swiftly when they were all together, no need for advice on social distancing or where to travel or indeed no need for a bellwether.

One fateful day this would all change the dear friends were soon to become estranged.

The Mouse with a house on the River Louse noticed it first; he had seen it on the news, he didn’t believe it affected him, surely he would not be affected by something started in Wan-hu.

That day the Mayor and Mayoress were visiting house to house when they came upon the house that was home to the Mouse with a house on the River Louse.

“Come in, come in” the mouse began to say but the Mayor interrupted him “I have something important to say!”

“Today we have been advised by the Prime Minister that we are no longer to have parties in the sun, a measure called social distancing has begun”

The Mayor continued to say “there is to be no more socialising with your friends until I announce these measures have come to an end”

“Most importantly he continued to say “ “you must wash your hands regularly each day with soap and hot water, pass that on to anyone within your home, your Wife your Sons and Daughter”

“now I must hasten on my way and wish you and your family a good day”

Mouse was beside himself, for once he did not know what to say, he wouldn’t see his friends anymore and the Mayor had implored him to stay indoors.

What was he now to do; who would he pass the time with if not his friends, his whole world was coming to an end.

Hilda his Wife was not so downhearted

“There are tasks indoors you could complete if you don’t want to spend the time downbeat.”

“First there is painting to be done, starting in the boys' bedrooms I was thinking wheatsheaf yellow, you know the colour of the Sun!”

“Next I am sure your Daughter would like you to take her for a ride on her new bike,  around the living room, I think the size of that room is the best.”
“by the time restrictions are lifted she will be ready for her cycle proficiency test”

“We could play a game of chess, monopoly or trivial pursuit, drink grapefruit juice or a glass of wine made from arrowroot.

“There are TV shows that have got the boys excited; like Marvel revisited and Iron Man and Hulk reunited”.

“as for you and me, we can put the children to bed, have a romantic meal, soup of carrot and a main meal of chickpea”

“Does any of this sound appealing to you?”

“Have a think and let us know what you want to do”

The Mouse didn’t have to think or take up with an alcoholic drink, he knew what he wanted to say.

“My dear wife, Hilda, you are quite right, we have each other and that’s alright”  
“if when restrictions come to an end, I will, of course, love to see all my friends, they seem like family too at times”

“For now, though I just need you, my sons and daughters and plenty of soap to wash my feet together with hot water!”

His wife and children began to laugh, they had thought the world had come to an end when Mouse was told not to see his friends.

Instead, now life had just begun, a different life to one he had once known but that was alright because he had his health, children, and wife and that meant he was not alone.

A pandemic had caused the social distancing now in place, travel had been stopped to places far and wide.  

It seemed Humans were the worse affected, but the illness had transcended from animals in the first place, the restrictions, therefore, were needed to protect all animals nationwide.

Restrictions would be in place for the foreseeable time but when lifted the whole village would celebrate with a posh ball and dance to the music of Five in a Pen.  

A posh ball so big, it would include mouse, frog and bee, molly the dolly, elf with one ear, fly with one eye , butterfly and Mayor and Mayoress, ducks of all names, squirrels and snakes, badgers and moles and all manner of creatures would attend this very posh ball.

Creatures would come from far and wide and mouse would have his children and wife by his side and would puff out his chest showing his pride.

As long as his family and friends made it out of restrictions without illness then the plan the Mayor had put in place would seem flawless.

The Mouse with a house on the River Louse knew that times were changing, the after-effects of the pandemic would be long-ranging.

That was a choice he was willing to make for his wife and his children’s sake.
If you are in isolation then my thoughts are with you and I hope you get well soon.
I wrote this to go alongside my other Poems of the Mouse with a house on the River Louse and his friends>
You are the first to read it, I hope you enjoy it and take it for what it is a light relief at this time.
Please I have not mistyped WU-Han, it is an intended difference.
betterdays Jun 2014
Here I am,
picking tissue lint,
off my favourite linen pant's ( I hate it when you leave a tissue in the wash.)
thinking small thoughts.

My mind,
dawdling along,
as my hands pluck tissue.
A bit like a magpie hunting worms.
It is hypnotising, in it's own way.

My dip, into the shallow end, of realities swimming pool. Now, I know,
there are those out there,
who are drowning,
in the deep end
and those who,
swim laps endlesslly.
And I will tell you,
I know well, both those states of mind.

Bu, for here and this moment.
Dipping in a toe, is just fine.
René Mutumé Jul 2013
It was a gift, and is engrained with the words
“The whole world is about three drinks behind”
now it catches up-in
of marathons, and sprints, families of credit
hustling their own into bunkers at the coast edge;
where the crevice can house no more than two,
watching the war come
from a small peep hole.

I look inside and see the wealth of crushed cans
and crisp packets, I walk over the mixed grass
and sand rock finding a place that stares out to the sea;
better than I can, but is happy to seat me
for a while, words of love affairs
cut into the smoothing rocks;
and they wont last a thousand years,
but have endured until now,
my skin resting upon them,
as I accept the seas hypnotising world,
which is enough.
Ubik Jun 2018
Conversation begins to rise with the giggles. The irony of life is too common not to laugh. A mixture of colours scatter across the sky. Blending into one to see the cosmic eye. Rays of fluorescent light ripple across my vision. Tunes dance around us with there flowery melodies, hypnotising our moods. The sand sinks into the soles of my feet. As we move closer to the roaring ocean, demanding to be touched. Our bodies gently press upon the water. It streams up our legs leaving a chill. We walk across the shore discussing the politics of meaning, reality begins to dissolve.
Are humans the most intelligent species in the world?
I cant help to disagree, we're sharks looking for our next prey. The weakest waiting to be enslaved by our arrogance.
But you insist in our advance technology that surpasses any other species known.
If we're so intelligent however, then why do we massacre each others dreams constantly. Dead bodies thrown in ditches with our forgotten hopes. Is it smart to be consumed by an ego and place yourself in top of the food chain. What are we missing?
We reach the end of the shore and  draw a breath of fresh air to fill our lungs.
The waves cease to move and the ocean extends beyond sight.
The sun stretches across the horizon and showers us with warmth.
Taking 2cb at the beach
Sia Jane Sep 2014
In silence
I find
Medusa's head
Snakes tamed.
A snake charmer
Crazed carcophonous
In my silence
The rhythmic
Tick tock
Over working
Body clock.
A man,
A wandering
He seeps into
My nights
Seeking fights
To waver the
A war in
Silence is my
In silence
I find
The charmer
Within me
Calms those
Rattling snakes
Rifling through
& through.
In silence
I find

© Sia Jane
3.02am rambles
Poetic T Aug 2014
They are always together
If one is in **** the other joins in
Best bugs,
But they travelled around
Here and there,
Stopping to eat what ever was around,
But then night came,
A light shone above
One could not look upon it
Without wanting to be there,
"Don't look cover your eyes"
But to late, one was entranced
Move away, don't follow the light
But as one neared, the other far away,
All that could be seen and heard was
Burnt flesh,
And then there was only one left.
As he flew away,
He was my best friend, I knew him but a day,
But they all go out with a flash
"At least it a quick way"
"The fly flew off",
My next best bud is but a dustbin away.
Bryden Jan 2018
Two worlds meet as crystal waters dance to shore, tickling powdered sand with fingers of foam. The sound evokes calming sensations, perhaps revelations, before falling silent as the wave retreats. A sailing boat strokes the surface, whistling with the wind as it carves patterns, unaware of what lies beneath. Even the sun looks on in awe, as its rays gently caress the quilt of blue, congratulating its infinity. The land above, so blissfully unaware, sits and inhales salt stained air.

Beneath the clouded sky of blue, lies the ocean’s treasure chest, a beauty born of rock and sand. It offers a glimpse into its world, for the inquisitive, stuck on land. Fish of every sort dash amongst confused hues of greens and blues, gulping salt water as if it were scarce. Angelfish dart around like horizontal fireworks, while seahorses surf the foamy riptide. The sun’s rays explore the thick meadows of seagrass, that sway in slow motion to the breeze of the current. Coral castles cemented in the sand curiously poke their turrets out of the water, causing waves to trip and fall and spill their froth. This is the ocean’s natural aquarium, yet mankind still invade the shallows with camera lenses and alert senses, attempting to prove they can figure it out.  

The sea becomes weary, tired of showing off. With its final yawn, it exhales out one last chunk of rock before it falls into a deep, cold slumber. The fresh palette of turquoise has faded into shades of murky blue as the ocean’s belly is revealed. The sun, now desperately trying to reach its rays towards darkened depths, is now just a golden haze, unable to offer any warmth. On one side stands a wall of coral, tarnished with colour, hypnotising life so it does not stray. The other offers an unconscious abyss, frightening to the wary, tempting to the brave.

The deep proves uncharitable to navigation, yet it’s muffled moans still encourage exploration. Faint whispers echo and fade, carried by indecisive currents. Now too deep for the day’s light to intrude, creatures below must brighten their own paths; fish with fangs carry glowing white pearls from their heads, while faceless ***** drag strings of electricity from their pulsing pink bodies. A lone whale glides by in her watery flight, her haunting lullaby becoming lost in the great Somewhere, accompanying the secrets that stay sealed beneath the blue.
aurora kastanias Jan 2018
Long fingers, strong
as those of a pianist, maestro
entrancing as he strikes ivory
keys unleashing,
hypnotising notes gently
opening with an adagio,
softly incalzando to an allegro
keeping tempo, beating rhythm
to intimacy only awaiting,
On music and intimacy
Prathipa Nair Jun 2016
A beauty of yellow Indian Tulip
With a graceful shape of Rose Chestnut
Filled with Cypress Vine of Jungle Flame lips
And the Golden Champa skin
Shining like a Scarlet Mallow
Curly black hair like Elephant Creepers
Was in a colourful dress of Peacock  Flowers
Alluring eyes of Blue Water Lily
With a face glowing like the Beauty Of The Night
A hair crown of Oleander
Necklace of Winter Jasmine
And Periwinkle earnings
Fragrance of Kunda was hypnotising
Making her man, the Gallant Soldier dissolve in her !
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
Lets go back
Back to where we started
To where I first saw you

You were fire and embers and smoke
Your lips tasted sweet; like candy
Your body moved to the music
Hips swinging, arms swaying

You were love
Setting me alight
Staring into my eyes
Your fingers brushed mine
Static run through me

Let go back
Before what you did
Before him
Before him

You were acid and burns and cuts from a knife
He tasted you lips; inhaling deep
Your body moved like a serpent
Hypnotising and wicked

You were gone
Putting out our flames
Soaked to the bone
Lost - on the floor
Your arms circled him
Knives stabbing at my gut

Lets go back
To before we began
So I can pretend we never met
That your touch didn't set me on fire
That I never fell in love
with your smile, your laugh

Your eyes sweep across the room
Venom on your lips, ready to strike
You catch my eyes, your mouth upturned

I remember last week when you kiss me like that
Then you left; scared and not ready to love me
You chose him, to tortue me
Your mouth dragging him to you
Knowing I couldn't take away my eyes
Knowing I would break

Knowing I loved you
dont know why I wrote this, ive never experienced this but i wrote it hope you like it
Smoke! A lot of it
Above my head
Inside my chest
I wish I could flee
Leave my bed
But can’t
Where have I landed
It’s a no man land
With spiral rings
Placed all over
Like a puzzle
Wanna escape!
A voice echoed
In my head
Enough you tried
But it seems futile
You can’t escape or
Get out of your bed
You are paralysed
You can’t analyse
You have lost your

I think only few
drags were enough
to loose control.
Philia Nov 2013
Falling in love with you,
is so easy.
I can fall for you all over again

Falling in love with you,
is so hypnotising.
I'm spelled by your charm.
Every single second.

Falling in love with you,
is so addicted.
I can smile for no reason because of you.
Every night.

Falling in love with you,
is oh-so-fairytale.
it's like, you are the prince,
riding your white horse, and come to me.
Make me fall for you.
Every time.
flashback hits me so hard.

— The End —