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Lyn-Purcell Oct 2018
heart is                                                  
A LANTERN                                              
Inside, lives a                                              
♡         ­                                       
e                   ­                 
t                       ­                       
  ­   n                                
      d                        ­                  
      ♡                                       ­             
s                                                  ­  
e                     ­             

                   bright wings
                     G L I T T E R I N G
                     with love, life and

I grow,                
S H E  R E M A I N S              
youthful, timid,              
d       ­     


                   ­                     spent days
                                          JUST  CRYING
     ­                                     feeling so lost
             ­                             ♡
                                  ­        I
       ­                                             s
                  ­                             o
                     ­          s
                    ­                              y
                                 ­                   ♡

                                           ­                             The
                                ­                                         summer
                                                          ­                OF HER HEART
                                                           ­                  became winter
                                                          ­                bleak
                                           ­                            ♡
                                                               ­                 a
                                                                ­                     n
                                                               ­                   d
                                            ­                            ♡
                                   ­                            c
                                                               ­   l
                                                            ­                d
                                                                ­                   ♡

                       with time
                          SHE MANAGED
                        to pick herself
                  ­ n
                           ­               h
      ­                           r

the help                        
O F  O T H E R                        
fellow Kings and                        
k         ­                         
♡                                      ­    
♡  ­        

                   You                                                              ­    
all have                                              
A D D E D   TO                                            
my heart's inner                                              
flame        ­                                        
n   ­                                                       
♡       ­                               
o  ­                      
e                               ­       
♡                     ­           

       Winds                                                            ­              
blow, wings                                                            ­      
NOW FLUTTER                                                          ­        
I'm ready to                                                               ­   
fly                                                              ­  
♡                                                                ­
b                                                               ­ 
y                                                              ­  
s    ­                                            
d            ­                                              
e                 ­                                                   ♡
I'm back!
So sorry everyone, the last few weeks have been... a strain on me.
I am still doing my media course and all, but mentally and emotionally,
I was slipping down into a dark place. My sleeping patterns have been messed up, my nerves have been completely out of control, my self-doubt, anxiety and depression drained me so much that I found it really hard to write, so I needed time to gather myself. It was so hard for me to pick up a pen. To do anything. My smiles were hollow and I just felt so lost.

I just wanted to apologise, I didn't mean to worry anyone. I'm truly touched by the out-pour of support for me. I got so many messages asking if I was alright. I can't express how much that warmed my heart. I'm so used to people being angry at me for my silence that it usually scares me to come back. By nature, with everything I've experienced, it's made me more and more of an isolationist. To all of those people, truly, thank you so so much for staying and just being kind to me...
Really. Thank you T-T
And thank you to all my followers, old and new.
245 followers... I can't even... T-T
I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record but thank you.
I'm back now, and I'm feeling better.
It's easier to hold my pen so I will resume spilling my ink.

I'll continue the Masked Bard on Thursday, I'm free the whole day.
I have no idea of my schedule the coming week.
Again, I appreciate everyone one of you.
Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts.
Thank you for staying with someone like me.
With much love,
Lyn ***

Psychological verse #inscribed #meaningful# thinking #2019 Feb
ecruz Dec 2014
Passionate lover, fluid strokes.
Deep inside, ****** moans.
***** thoughts, innocent tone.
Rough motion, head explodes.
Wet finish, all over her throat.
Beautiful kisses, on her toes.
Lustful whisper, do so float.
Heartful words, I do so devote~

Verse: E

i hate that she says i only want ***...its more than that...
Savio Fonseca Jun 2023
Love has always had, a favourite corner.
With Secrets, Wounds and Scars.
Hearts often meet, at Sunsets.
So at Night, they can count the Stars.
Lonely is My Heart Tonight,
as I stand upon this Sand.
Crashing Waves roll all over Me,
Finally a Moonbeam holds My Hand.
At Midnight, as I try to close My Eyes.
To exhale My Loneliness Away.
My Eyes keep waiting for a Heartful Soul.
But not a Soul comes My Way.
You’ll love me yet!—and I can tarry
Your love’s protracted growing:
June reared that bunch of flowers you carry
From seeds of April’s sowing.

I plant a heartful now: some seed
At least is sure to strike,
And yield—what you’ll not pluck indeed,
Not love, but, may be, like!

You’ll look at least on love’s remains,
A grave’s one violet:
Your look?—that pays a thousand pains.
What’s death?—You’ll love me yet!
Moumita Mitra May 2018
I was your best friend, 

But, one fine evening,

You surprised me by the words you said.
You, had proposed me that day,

And our relationship status got changed by words that day. 

I was quite happy because I knew, you will never take any wrong step. 
And will never break my heart,
And will never hurt me hard.

Best friends now had become boy friend and girl friend.

It was cute and different.

But that was not love, I thought. 

That was friendship from heart. 

You said, "it's love, true and pure love dear, you will also feel the same, spend some time other than being best friends."

Finally, one fine day some miracle might have had happened, 

I fell in love with you. 

It was truly a love relationship for me, by words and heart. 

From then some feelings really changed.

A few days later, you said, you want to confess something, 

I thought, you now might want to marry me. 

I was so happy, I can't share in words. 

I was waiting for your arrival.

Sayed, this was true and pure love- friendship, then lovers and then married couples.
I was awesome happy from core of my heart.

You came, but accompanied with a unknown girl,

And said, "let's be best friends again, because she is the girl for whom I have fallen in love forever."

"What about us?", I enquired.

"We! We were not made for love affair. Friendship is only ok for us."

I was shocked, surprised and shattered.

You have by then broken my heart.

It took long two years since then, 

To rise up and live again.

I, finally promised myself,

Not to fall in love again.

Then again we met on a cloudy day.

You said, you are single again.

Your words, your behaviour, your attitude,

All were strange that day.

I felt, I was talking to some stranger,
Who is not my best friend.

That night you came at my place again.

And said, "let's fall for each other again."

I was very sure with myself,
And rejected your proposal face to face.

You requested me to think over and over again.

"I am sure, I don't want to fall for you again."

Hearing my words, you left the place.

No talk, no promises, no connection since then.

And, now, after a decade, you have come again and saying,

"Tell me something so hurtful that I don't miss you forever."

Why such downmarket things you are speaking?

What I said that day, are still my words, today.

If this is not hurtful, then put yourself in my shoes,

And imagine how much hurt I have got,

Which had made the heartful girl so very heartless.

A little *** and spirit
Make days tighter

Easier moments
   dense air

Heartful silence
Islands hosing negative measurements

Singing folk tales
Micheal Peay Jan 2016
They say your heart skips a beat when you see the one you love, but did you know mine only beats when you are near?
It’s not your beauty that captures my heart, but the glow of your soul that calls to me.
When you are with me, my heart takes flight, unfurling wings of brilliant light.
I take you with me where ever I go, even if it’s just your smile, it keeps me whole.  
Life is whatever we make it, be it good or be it bad, but my life is always perfect when where you stand is by my side.
You make me brave, you make me strong, for you I will dawn armor and a sword and destroy anything that wishes to harm you.
My love, my life, know that you are my world.  With you my life is complete. No matter what this world will bring you are my angel that brings me life.
Sa Sa Ra Aug 2013
Step in and rest wearily
Your troubles here are the best
Every image your fear does possess

Such pretty illusions
Poses and all sweet scents
Where too are all the roses

And the thorns they don't bite
When you're safe from all your doubts
In this room comfort seeps deceptively

Till your dead
From the inside
Out is but a grave

In the comfort zone
Artificially boxed restrained
Air short getting shorter waning

All the once pretty flowers
Their colours run down dreary
Till sludge is climbing up your legs

No lock no key but deception
Has claimed another chapter
Of what life may still claim

Time for motion of ones will
What does willingness will for
With some distressing emotion

A heartful of determination
Shall give rise to some clever
Quick thoughts in desperation

Beware of your next step
That such is beyond the


Of deathly comfort!!!
Doofinity Jul 2015
like the moon,
wax and wane
thy heartful tune.
like the sea,
ebb and flow
thy poetry.
shanika yrs Aug 2022
popped in
shape of
and it was red
so /i sealed
my heart
in my book

/i bought a
sharp black

/i have cut my
thumb a little
© shanikayrs
your behavior is ******, she writes to him,
you're a boar, without a cure,

my good ant Anna often asks me,
how the hail i except you,

she says you belong to that banned of men
that effect a woman's life badly

she also suspects you of elicit affairs
goes on to ad you are to me not fare
and we too don't make a good pare

its about time we go our own weigh
since we don't feet each other at all.

i'm sorry though
i had to pain you this heartful later

but bitter swoon than letter.

p.s. thank god i mate the man who scares and laughs me more than you.
Jayantee Khare Jan 2018
Lost in the city
United by poetry

Online friends
Things which trends

Few find their soulmate
Others find a friend great

Here found one with like mind
Maybe past lives were entwined

Great to have a tea with her
Heartfelt talks heartful together

A grand date with a poetic soul
Who is assigned the divine role

We will catch up again surely
Another meet to be planned shortly!
Met Sarita Aditya Verma today....thnx hp for letting us find each other......
Tatiana Sep 2018
He had wandered far in his truth quest.
A man by law, with 19 years he can attest
and ended up stuck in the west.
With limited cash in his name,
as he had abjured his family's fame.
Since his beliefs differed in his chest.

The family ideals were deceptively lenient.
Kindness was taught but he had never seen it.
His views were seen as unnaturally scenic.
A family that preached their branded acceptance,
made the man sing their praises and dance
with their rhythmic rants.

Maybe he is just a rebel;
A phase where instead he sings treble,
because the bass is in a bubble.
His head shakes and dusts rains,
falling just like earthly remains.
The ideas caused by yesterday's pains.

Heartful man, take care in the west
Listen as lives differ with the rest.
Make a pledge and mind the dread
Keep a level head.

Keep a level head.
© Tatiana
No 'O' was surprisingly more difficult to write than No 'E'. The amount of times I wanted to use the words "to," "of," "for," "you," etc. and then realized that I couldn't, was more of a challenge than I thought it would be.
Also I couldn't write "vow" so "pledge" it is.
The amount of times I've looked in a thesaurus is unreal.
Jon Tobias Mar 2011
You can’t leave without getting what you came here for

I know it’s hard

Finding meaning in life is about as cliché as a needle in a haystack

Just achin’ to fill in the empty spots

With anything you can get your hands on

Got some gaps festering

Afraid to unplug and let the hurt bleed out

Cuz at least you know your holes are full

But life

It punches us toothless

Won’t let us sleep at night

With the ache of mystery

You want a purpose

Hold tight and live

Just live

Like plants and housecats

Someone once told me that there’s a forest of redwoods out there

So big with roots so tightly woven you can’t tell where one tree begins and another ends

You got roots planted in my heart

Each step you take is a purpose

I can feel you even when you aren’t close

So don’t leave me

Not yet

We got too much fire fueling engines in our feet

Just walk with me

I’ll find you a purpose

There are haystacks everywhere

And a heartful of needles buried beneath

Just don’t leave

before you get

Whatever it is that you need
K Balachandran Dec 2013
See, wide open the gates are in welcome,
I am the city of tranquility
that appeared in your thoughts from nowhere,
you may choose to live for now,
       perhaps for ever or never.
having crossed many toll gates
in your long drive to reach here,
don't you wait, drive straight,
the capitol looms above bright,
occupy the citadel most secure
in which a few like you stayed for a while
till they figured out  what they seek,
when they resumed their journey
with heartful of joy

keep at bay the angst that chases you
from a wrong turn once you took,
experience the weather, peaceful atmosphere,
till it dawns to you, the magic of this ambience,
air, water and land unspoiled, like old times,
don't you miss the birds that
never forget to sing, be it
a harsh summer or a frozen winter.
they all make your soul
listen to the  beating heart, the city has
A free bird you are, be aware,
do whatever freedom demands,
if you choose to come back
this city sky is all yours.
Erin E Esping Jan 2018
I can remember people strolling down the damp streets
The smell soup gliding in the wind, what a sweet mixture
Potatoes and parsley tickling your nose
People wrapped up in torn shawls waiting in line, but content they were.
I can remember the clattering of teeth, the movement of lips
The expressions of ideas, so different in all,
No one was afraid to criticize, to call out.
People had a somber mood, no doubt about that.
But it was better than what was to come.
It was so much better.

I can remember the end of ‘29.
The dismal fall of our state, of our home.
Suddenly my walls were painted with bills of despair,
A cruel reminder of our payment that we can’t pay.
Since the Weltkrieg, I was told to hate those Amis.
They destroyed our Economy, and I know they wish they didn’t
Because in that vacuum arose a grim beginning
And in ‘33 our world as we knew was to crumble at our weak feet.
But I can remember the future was foggy, so we decided to walk forward,
Yet that walk was instead a sprint to ultimate death of ideas,
And a sprint to the death of peace.

I can remember the deterioration of our lives and freedom.
Nothing was being spoken of the crimes we were committing.
Our friends were being hauled away to not be seen again,
But they were not our friends, they were only to blame, we thought.
I can remember the bitter september of  ‘39
When we took our east neighbor’s home and called it our own.
Not knowing what we had started, we trudged forward
Handing 20 year olds by the millions gas masks and guns.
But they could not ward off the sins yet to become.

I can remember hating our deeds,
It went against every good and heartful moral.
My words were to suffocate in my own mouth.
Too afraid to speak up, but of course I was.
The harassment and suffering that would follow
Would be so emance I would lose all hope
Of a life that was worth living,
If I still had one.

I can remember the clearing of the smoke and gas,
The rising sun of September ‘45, a gleaming metal of promise.
And we ran out to the streets and cheered on our loss.
For our loss was our liberation, our emancipation.
And while our state layed dispersed and in ruins,
We were more put together than ever before.
Yet all good things must come to an end, don’t they.
And Berlin was cut and split once more.

I can remember the change in my street,
Named after that soviet hero, known as Marx.
His named controlled the Allee, and it was the farthest we could go,
Until the officers shoved us and forced us to turn around.
They say the sun rises on the east, but it really only shines on the west.
And this lack of sun drove our leaders fridged.
Calling for a blanket to insulate us in.

I can remember how cold it became in ‘61
The year our ‘needed’ blanket was made.
155 kilometers it spat on the pure soil of our destroyed home.
And when my neighbor tried to cross it, he was shot down
Blood of a friend tattooing the wall, ink spilling over like a broken pen.
Writing the grim truth of our situation, the lies trickling as a river.
If I could of protest it, I would of, but all those who did didn’t last long.
And if the hand on the trigger was not to pull it,
Gulags were to be our next home.

I can remember hating his deeds,
It went against every good and heartful moral.
My words were to suffocate in my own mouth.
Too afraid to speak up, but of course I was.
The harassment and suffering that would follow
Would be so emance I would lose all hope
Of a life that was worth living,
If I still had one.

“...Open this gate! ...Tear down this wall!”
The words flowed past the barrier into our ears.
A second liberation, a second emancipation.
Please freedom, please drag us by our head and force us to stand.
Let us stand with our brothers and stand until our knees buckle.
I can remember the arms around me, the arms of my lost son.
Pulling me up from the depths of the east, until I was standing on the wall.
The crowd cheering beneath us and cheering beside us.
Free, this is free, I am free, we are free.
But nothing lasts forever.

Many years later, many years have gone through time
My memories linger, dancing in circles
Reminding me of the pain and suffering we went through
To figure out what it means to be us.
I can remember the days when everything seemed lost.
I can remember the days when we were a disgrace
A mistake in world’s code, an horrific accident that was never meant to happen
But time has fading upon itself
For a brief moment we knew who we were.
And then we remembered all that has been done in our name
Now we insist on cleaning ourselves.

Destroy us. Rid us of all things that make us us.
Vacate the room of all bad, and get rid of all good too.
Nothing shall remain of us. Nothing good can last in our name.
At least that's what they want me to think, but I can’t and I won't.
I lay here, alone, abandoned, dying against my will.
My words suffocating in my own mouth.
Too afraid to speak up, but of course am I.
Silence is what keeps me alive.

I can remember being told to be silent
My mother whispering in my ear, “I know, Don’t say it.”
“If they hear you, you could be sent away.”
I can remember disclosing to my son through the thin black wire
“I can’t say it, they can hear it, and I would sent away.”
And now I lay in the skin of the scared man I have always been
Too afraid to fight back, too afraid to say my truth.
Unable to alter the past, and no control over the future.
No one is here to listen to the wise, to listen to those
Who have suffered through forced silence twice over.
But we are Germans, silencing is what we do.
Rose L Jul 2018
Fast, please, and let that heart ache
just for a moment, the sun's in today.
Recall like chocolate that thick blood and all that ugly love.
After all this time, you whisper to me still,
an echo in a chamber filled with words and lines that make me cry.
I won't be bitter -
being bitter merely begs the roses up next spring,
pushing through the lawn, pale with over-watering.
The only difference now -
I have forgotten your smell.
Hard to be in love with a personality you have so clearly discarded,
his love.
perhaps, I will grow old, begging for return.
luckily, as the sun sets I keep him somewhere
between my pulmonary artery and the base of my vagus nerve,
a heartful love urge,
the lake of tears.
Gillian Jun 2014
you wrote all those songs
each lyric a shorthand
heartful message
that never left our lips
neither heard nor said

i wrote half those songs
it was so convoluted
each poem a missive
never imagined
i would be asked to explain

your heart breaks every time
it weakens my resolve
i am the last person you
thought they would ask to help you
Peter Balkus Aug 2024
Sadly not, I won't be here tomorrow,
I'll be somewhere else, someone else.
though I'm not talking about different life,
and I'm not talking about same old death.

I am talking about time that is timeless.
I am talking about placeless place.
About some kind of Hell-free Heaven,
some kind of greener grass Universe.

I'm not talking about having a choice,
or some signs of hope that'd be showing,
but about clocks like broken toys,
and maps like some nursery drawings.

I am packing my stuff - it's not easy:
been unpacking things my whole life.
Feels like turning the course of dry river,
or the blood painted hands of  time.

**** the happiness, **** the sorrow,
no more heartful and dreadful a-roving.
Blind man's shadow - my guide I will follow.
Only future me knows where I'm going.
Nevermore May 2014
It started with a brofist
Interest fenced in
By the facade of indifference
Fueled by pride

And it ended with one.

Do you still remember
When we first met?
Us stealing glances at each other
You gnawing on your nicotine-stained nails
Me soaking in contrived nonchalance
Both of us clouding the air
With the static of bro, man, **** that, dude...
Supremely confident
In our juvenile, preconceived mastery
Of subterfuge.

How idiotic we both looked,
But how wise of us
To stay our hearts and tongues
With the ancient wisdom of abstinence.

You still sitting there
With half a heartful
Of words left unspoken -
Perhaps an apology was in there somewhere -
Staring in barely-concealed disbelief
At my abrupt flight,
I sensed your hesitation
As I waved goodbye
For the final time,
My back to you,
As I disappeared into the night.
Ako naman ang iiwan sa iyo.
Anais Vionet Aug 2022
Is liking someone so uncommon
or wanting someone, a new phenomenon?

Are you an April - wreaking the milieu to discourage me?
Is that why you disparage him to such a degree?

He’s heartful and sincerious,
he’s slammin’ hot but oblivious.
He’s music, lust and fun,
all rolled into one.

So, I’m calling you off,
stop blowing up my phone.
You might as well not bother,
We’ve got dibs on each other.

What’s really good?
He’s really good.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Wreak: "to cause harm.

April = a manipulator of well thought out tricks and evil plans
wreaking = causing harm
milieu = the environment
heartful = honest and sincere
sincerious = sincere and serious
slammin’ = very, very f*ckable
dibs = a claim*
As the last attatchment from the past clashes with morality and is found to be heavily sad,u wonder why u live as the voice cracks and back slacks, holding your head in your hands, abandoning all thoughts that once made you laugh, You look deeper into darkness till nothing feels bad. just numbess at the heart from a destroyed past. the girl you asked to be your last was your first ex, without a chance to prove you was glad to fix the problem spued from a rumored movement consuming your relationships best, in the dust she went. Hell bent on other fake women knowing they were jealouse you moved on and lost trust. still this slow pause remains odd as my thoughts wonder off beyond this capsul. this dark after taste has replaced my scence of heartful becoming bashful in a natural scence. Guess I'm going to live with this , knowing im going to live to win.
Daniel Hunt Jan 2015
You'll love me yet!--and I can tarry
Your love's protracted growing;
June rear'd that bunch of flowers you carry
From seeds of April's sowing.

I plant a heartful now: some seed
At least is sure to strike,
And yield--what you'll not pluck indeed,
Not love, but, may be, like.

You'll look at least on love's remains,
A grave's one violet:
Your look?--that pays a thousand pains.
What's death? You'll love me yet!
This poem asked you'll love me yet
T E Pyrus Sep 2015
and then

you look for

a way to

peel of your skin,

a candlestick

and a rusted

blade beside

the matchbox

because the

dreams were

too magnificent for

you to ever

grow into,

so you lie

beside it

in a corner,

let it pour out

like wandering

silver mist

from a stranger’s

lost cigarette,

too exhausted

to be another


teeming with


like a writer’s

old notebook

that still smells

of old lavender

and almost

unused lipstick

and teardrops

and ink blots

and almost

unnoticed mistakes

and a little

too much sentiment,

outlawed by time,

ripped out

like a reluctant

heartful of stifling

frustration and


with sarcastic


like gravel

that once

hoped to

be sculpture

in an ancient

museum of fine arts,

because, y’know,


is fine

until it’s gone;

shine bright;

dead stars

were born in

the wrong

galaxy; dead

people were

merely unlucky.
SG Holter Jun 2015
Does this hurt?*

It hurts like seeing your
Childhood home for the last time.

Nothing stings like your skin catching
Sparks from a bridge burning,

Like resting scalpel on chest and
Sliding to access the heartful of

Thorns, then changing to tools of

What am I doing here, would be
The last words they'd watch me

Think. Now I remain with the
Question, eyes turned to where I'd

Like to see Heaven holding divine
Wisdom and offering it,

Getting nothing but rain in my eyes
And silence.

All homes are temporary.
The smell of lilac floating down

The street will always take me back
To when that bridge connected one heart

Set on forever to one set on for now.
I run the tips of my fingers across

The scar of scalpel; a map from Death to
Life; lying flatline;

Temporary, temporary rest.
I was never meant to stay, I whisper

Into what I know is coming.
Will this hurt?

Jayantee Khare Apr 2018
Either occupied or lack of interest
Tell me what is this?
The way seriousness surrounds
Nothing to say? just tight lips!

Wish to have a heartful talk,
To lighten the heavy heart
Let's celebrate the togetherness
And let the laughter have a blast
English translation of my previous hindi poem
Jayantee Khare Feb 2018
Sitting under the sky
away from the crowd
This Valentine's day
no music loud

Neither chocolates
Nor dinner cosy
Just aroma of coffee
No fragrance rosy

Talk heartful with
the moon and stars
Showing my heart's
deepest hidden scars

Praying to the God
to help me to heal
To remind my heart
to not to feel
Just spilling thoughts
Lalachan Jan 2013
He would always say goodbye
every morning every night

He would always say take care
Brush his fingers through her hair

Months together turned to days
The last week was just a haze

For so long as they could stand
He reached out to hold her hand

They knew he'd leave in a week
So he kissed her on the cheek

Told her softly 'now take care'
Brushed his fingers through her hair

Then with one last heartful sigh
He took a breath and said goodbye

Copyright © Lara B. a.k.a. Lalachan
January 2013
A nightful of fairyness
A moonful of mysteries
A dayful of roses
A sunful of emotions
A riverful of spirit
A seaful of pearls

She was not my girl
She was not my girl

A desertful  of solitude
A seaful of tears
A heartful of poetry
An eyeful of waiting
A roadful of leaving
A guitarful of songs
A bookful of tailes
A dreamful of her

she was not my girll
she was not my girl
Sandy May 2022
I fell in love with the idea
That there is greater me and a greater you
As there were war in solace and peace to menace
Grief to heartful and bliss to mourn
I fell in love with the idea
That there were two you as there were two me
As there were two hearts
As there were two falls
Buzz Dec 2015
I know you might not read this
But I'd still write it for you
Though it might be straight from the heart
But you better bet it's true

You are a blossoming spring morning
Littering the streets with bouquets
Chilling the atmosphere
A refreshing misty wind
With a breahtaking view

You are a flowing river
In the midst of a calm meadow
You lushed with greens
And sparkled with pureness

You are the silent moon
Greeting people
With that heartful lunar light
A stunning monument
In the lone starry night

I know you might not read this
But I hope you do
It's just another cheesy poem
From me
To you
Sorcier d'argent Sep 2017
In well wishes 'nd afters,
As if rested: souls asunder,
A heartful of me spares;
a few lips of vexing pecks.

A token to call me by,
A reminder to return to:

"It's a sign of love."

Over days and years,
in this corner of mine;
left for after are kisses:
A plighted; every three.

A token to call me by,
A reminder to return to:

"And I hint selfishness;
It is my sign of love."

And for yours I await.
Jayantee Khare Nov 2017
Full moon
Lazy afternoon

Beach waves n sun
Friends family n fun

Morning breeze
Snowfall to freeze

Starry night
Hues of twilight

Long nature walk
Heartful talk

Completion of a Good poetry
Replay of Sweet memory

Meeting an old friend
When my poems trend

My baby's smile
Dressing up in style

Warm summer
Fav item number

Devotional song
The list is long

Many more
SBG for sure

Makes me sing
Gives a zing
This is my answer to sbg's poem
"what makes your hear sing"
Wrote in comment section,
Just few edits
Jayantee Khare Jul 2019

Touching from a distance
Comforting is the presence
A solace when I'm sad
Calming when I go mad

Pulsating within
Descending in the being
Reverberating in the mind
Putting back the smile

Embrace in their flow
Uplift from my low
Crazy, they drive me
Actually drive me

The talks are heartful
For you I'm grateful
Your words
My world

Some people uplift just by heartful talks..
Jonny Angel Dec 2013
Countless hours we spend,
between the lines hiding,
lying in lonely-beds
or sitting instead,
staring at the lit
most of the night
& long into the day.

We find what remains,
is what will always be.
It will be the silence,
the loneliness that
keeps us at bay,
from outside-play,
and perhaps, maybe
from truly being.

But regardless
of despair,
we will always spill,
our continuous
verse and rhyme,
our heartful-words,
it is our way,
the way of odists.

— The End —