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Thomas Goss Jan 2021
Rising From The First Galaxy, This Ubiquitous Love Tsunami Crashes Into The Cosmic Architecture With The Transcendent Fierceness Of Youthful Yearning

I adore delightful wind scattered kisses  
that you left for me in a paper bag  
crinkled to the brim with boisterous galactic dreams

stars spin as two pairs of eyes leap together
into the scintillating stardust horizon  
that echoes with love's eternal enchantment  

cradled hearts pull back curtains that  vibrate across oceans of eons,
full spectrum blossoming of superstrings ripe with quantum entanglement,  
driftwood shaped into a lover's captured face,  
an utterly devout gaze carved by your gentle, skillful hands  

laying down sleepwise, we entrust fate to join us again and again
in the sounds of tearful reunion, of ******* delight,  
technology rusted until the jaws of nature  
crush it into something verdant and renewed

imagination spark,
arc of hungry starlight pressing into voracious lips,
you, scalded into my heartcore,  
imprinted like flowers saved in a closed book of poetry,  
set upon a precious mantle,
years of soot from the fireplace below enriching  
what it means to traipse upon the blade of sentience
in an unchoreographed dance of worship

the movement of these hands in front of this face,  
an orchestration of so many elements and moments,  
painted femininity in silk robes,  
shadows chanting choruses of epic tales of love lost  
and eventually rediscovered in the unlikeliest of places

each breath is wingflutter,  
swooning for sunshine that blazes warmth onto this face like the planet's swan song,  
high atmospheric diving against the crisp cerulean blue

I take your arm in mine,  
placing hands in the fountain of truth,  
a cosmos spun majestically,  
like the curves of your face;
a living sculpture, apex of all summer sunsets

and I know only that my life began  
the first time I reached out for you in the darkness,
my hobbled form choked with dirt light years long,
that you gather into bundles that you tell me will one day become stars

lady of the verse,
speechless delving into words,
adorn me with the dynamic heartflow of tasted mountaintop clouds,
I am the midnight garland caressing your supple skin,
nearing sleep, yet wandering far away from the fruiting orchard of your eyes,
exploring the sundry universes of your mind and body,
passion's forgotten time traveler

as your silhouetted frame repositions itself in the restfulness of darkness,  
I am the one draped in the tapestry of awareness,  
hand upon your meaningful hip,  
a kiss upon your cheek that shall linger like a neutron star,
visiting you in hungry fever dream rivulets
that trickle steadily into the ever shifting horizon
of your cherished and rampaging mindscape
poetry ate my soul
Thomas Goss Dec 2020
As We Walk In Stride Up The Steps Of Our Palace Of Joy, We Honor The Way Each Step Was Crafted From The Bricks Of Suffering That Once Littered Our Past

There was a dream of you
Poetry carved from a boy of blue
And in this monumental brew
A sculpture of the chance to start anew

But all the words in the universe
Could never elucidate the sparkle in my soul
That you've ignited with the synchronicity of your heart

Though I don't yet know
Every precious contour of your gorgeous face

Starshine erupted from our reborn cores
Illuminating every aspect of the landscape of our minds
Shimmering like the primordial sea of stars

200 million years of lonely darkness washed away
Infinite realms of possibility brought to life

Supernovae seeding the future of You and I
Dec 2020 · 299
Moonglow After Heavy Rain
Thomas Goss Dec 2020
The love that we miss
Shines like a comet flying by
The length of every kiss
A shadow of memory in the night
And how can I resist
Now that the summers are all gone

Can you remember
How it used to be?

The cosmos amazing
Our bodies shaking
Our hearts racing
To do it again
Thomas Goss Dec 2020
I am a dream that is awoken
In the palpable stillness of night

A feast of all things
Drowning in the crypt of eyes

So beautiful in silky aloneness

Scintillating like the shadow of an imposter
Gliding through the quicksand of glacial night

Grappling with the behemoth of humanity
Dancing with the fragility of raindrops perched on the sun

A tangled morass of limbs spiked with sentience
Colliding prismatically like an unruly flock of birds

Oxygen and mayhem fluttering
Upon the parading windstream

I am the delightful trickle
Of a distant waterfall's hushed rainbow

I am a boy sewn together from scraps
Of true love's wardrobe

Rising strangely through the thunder clouds of heartbreak
Like dawn whispers caressing every particle in the solar system

I am all of these things and more
Yet in the end only one truth remains:

When love paints the dappled clouds
With wandering rivulets of gorgeousness
That morph majestically from one lovely unnameable form to another

We kiss underneath a sky
Made of nothing but us

We kiss underneath a sky
Made of nothing but us
Thomas Goss Dec 2020
Look at the moon tonight,
So bright in the sky,
It almost hurts my eyes.

Feel how the cold air swims
Under a midnight sun,
Where our world is suddenly waking.

Of the chains that bind,
Of the limitations of the mind.

So set it all free now.

Let every ripple of regret
Fall like a moonlet
Slipping through Saturn's rings.

This journey that we're on
Can be such a lonely one,
But there is joyful melody
Bursting from your soul
And you are standing next to me
With starlight in your eyes,
A never ending memory
That stands the test of time.

There is no way to say
What you mean to me,
But can you see
The moonshine in the sky?

Yes, everything's alright.
Another soul burning song, meant to be heard:
Thomas Goss Dec 2020
I was sitting on the steps
Wondering why

All the stars up in the sky
Burn through the night

For everyone faces the darkness
And let’s out a sigh

Under pools of light
In the deepest night

Time will send you over the moon
Endless moments where it’s just you

And as starshine opens your mind
There will be another surprise

Here under the sky
A shooting star captured in your eyes
Thomas Goss Dec 2020
This luscious lily is a star gazer,
flush with the fever dreams of forever love,
intent on building our wildflower throne ever higher.  

Bare skin,
thumping heart,
a flourishing hearth of smiles
overwhelming the candle lit darkness.

We are galaxies triumphantly colliding
somewhere in the blissful matrix
of vast and unhindered interstellar spaces.

Pressing my lips to your face,
I know there is nothing worth more
than each swaying tender moment
where I am graciously reflected
in the elevated geometry of your fierce,
hypnotic eyes.
Thomas Goss Dec 2020
when love calls your number
you wake from your slumber
when life makes you wonder
and seems to drag you under

just remember that
I believe that we can acheive
a life greater than dreams
they can call me naive
but that's what I believe

her heart is warm
her heart is bold
her soul is lighting up the dark

and this dream shall never die
Thomas Goss Nov 2020
Waking up in the middle of the night
And the train is howling out of sight
In the fury of dreams we were meant to be
Reunited incandescently
But sometimes you know that the moment is lost
You never get the chance to count the cost

And your heart is low
And your scars are cruel

The sun comes up and the light's in your eyes
But you can't help drowning in goodbyes
In the fury of dreams we were meant to be
Reunited incandescently
But sometimes when you know the moment is lost
You never get the chance to count the cost

And your heart is low
And your scars are cruel

You should turn the page and soldier on
But something heart-shaped from your chest is gone
In the fury of dreams we were meant to be
Reunited incandescently
But sometimes when you know the moment is lost
You never get the chance to count the cost

And your heart is low
And your scars are cruel
Thomas Goss Nov 2020
As I wandered into your heart
I was set free from the start

Your darling face
And your beautiful eyes

Your magnificent mind
Understands mine

A heart and soul
So very pure

My true love
Waiting for me

And you are mine
forever sublime

Though we are far away
Know we're together each day

Though words fail to say
Anything at all In a new way

I am thinking of you
Thomas Goss Nov 2020
Rianne, our love is one
Sweetest Rianne, bright as the sun

I know you love me
Deep in your heart

So tell me you love me
When we're apart

Rianne, our love is one
Sweetest Rianne, queen of the sun

Tell me you love me
Deep in your heart

I know you love me
When we're apart

Cosmic seas are in our eyes
Poetry runs through our veins
Mystery swims in our hearts

I love you
Thomas Goss Nov 2020
Love is a many-splendored thing
and our attempt to capture such vibrancy
eventually disintegrates entire kingdoms into ashes
leaving us shadowed by the moon and wondering
whether the sky shall ever spark again
with the brilliance of another pair of yearning eyes and longing skin,
high mountain trees flourishing with heavy touches of ripe adoration,
a blossoming sunrise that emerges from deep inside,
the richest reward for the hungriest heart.
Thomas Goss Nov 2020
when I lost
the will to speak

then the rivers
flowed too deep

once I was a child
who knew

why we had to start

the boughs
of this tree

a burnt

the outline
of this house

headed south

now there is a place
for me

love has finally
set me free
This is a song, check it out please. :)
Thomas Goss Nov 2020
the lepers
of disinformation

the hungry
heavy soil

and waiting

wandering toes
squishing the dirt
of the past

icy eyes
a frozen hello sky

morbid curses
cried out in the middle
of a monsoon nightmare

weightlessly erupting like furniture
dropped from orbit

peace and whispered kisses
shaped like earlobes

hearing unfulfilled desires
glide and splash like ancient coins
dropped into long-forgotten wishing wells

I am overgrown
with the landscape
of future disasters

this caricature
of humanity

a patchwork scarecrow
leaking vintage ruminations
like old straw from dilapidated pants

like steady trains
from stations departed

a deep octave
that chugs along
pulling hearts

and leaving those
behind with the sounds
of robust machinery

and the sight
of billowing smoke
in the distance

the passage of time
hiding in the clouds
high above

folded against
her beating chest

like the locket
of his hair

that sings
a song of consolation

a blossoming
love symphony

that even transcends
the way the horizon
seems to float away

like a zeppelin
filled with only goodbyes
Music with Spoken Word.
Thomas Goss Oct 2020
her serenading song
echoes out of Africa

bound for the supermassive singularity
that stabilizes our hearthfire galaxy

a hungry-hearted vision quest
embarked upon

midnight whispers

like satin laces untied
and falling

bare human skin
delicately balanced upon
the sturdiness of geology

entangled quantum edges
caressed with the bullet hole

cosmic boasting
of fingertips touching

entropy quelled
in the electromagnetism
of the inherent silkiness
of touch and release

epic cycles of common sense

pretty alien machine eyes
stalking prey

in the full light
of a ferocious star

the transparent
kiss of new beginnings

fogging scintillating

until we emerge
crescendoed with stolen breath

splattered into giddy blots
of abstract art

the mystery of love
throttling unrepentantly
in the ******* half darkness

yet in truth I have only
the weakness of haphazard humanity
itching between my toes

so I bow deeply to
the magic of you
which somehow still

splashes us both
with liquid nitrogen embraces
that writhe ecstatically
against the cruelly delineated
boundaries of time's arrow

shattering us into slowness personified
time's children caught mid-air

reveling in the blessing
of their twin heavy stares

oh sky top diamond spark shimmer
how do you fuel love's infinite body ballet?

here I hear the heavens speaking
with mouthfuls of desire
that are somehow not desire

and if only I had more than words for you
brutally carved from the quivering lips

but I am merely a poet marionette
marooned to this asteroid
of sensitivity and outrage

a lone figure shrinking in the distance
as the sound of each plaintive step
hangs like a fruit juicy with longing

and the regenerative shadow
of your beautiful spirit

look how it stretches taller and taller
with each tick of the clock

see the way the kaleidoscope
of your desire

shifts all existence
into fresh perspective

at least

is real

at least

can never
be taken away

because I love you
and I am broken

the stars and your kiss
are tourniquets

so see the reflection
of yourself in my eyes

before we disappear
as if we were never
here at all
Listen to this with spoken word with music from my youtube channel:
Thomas Goss Oct 2020
The rivulets of water
pool at our wondering feet.

Vibrant moss cushions the dark event horizons
that unceremoniously yank us inward
like lost children finally found.

Haphazard flight paths of insects
spasmodically surge nearer,
urging our own hands and eyes to react,
and somehow in the reflexiveness
of those twin human movements
both of us realize that the Now
we currently share cannot surpass
the devastating chasm that the earthquake of Us
has inevitably opened up.

Azure firelight flickers above,
memories of tears and bare skin kisses
descend like drunken leaves from distant peaks.

Somewhere below us a sea of mycelium flourishes,
communicating in the language we wish we'd possessed long ago,
pheremones of instinctual gravity networked to perfection,
something to smooth out all the crags and crevices
of our rambunctious emotional landscapes,
transmogrifying the immutable selfishness of mammals into purposeful,
harmonious intent.

we kiss without restraint,
staring down the shattered remnants
of our romantic souls like hungry predators.

Rivulets of water
pool at our wondering feet.

Vibrant moss cushions the dark event horizons
that unceremoniously yank us inward
like lost children finally found.

And for an precarious instant we are one,
suspended on the ripe cliff's edge,
and not giving a **** whether or not we fall
into the ominous depths below.
My new book:
Thomas Goss Oct 2020
drooping animal eyes made of

forested heartbeats
spun into magma seas
of future regeneration

carbon crisis kindling

extinguish me
with the balled-fist
of the angry present

morning dewdrop

surrounding us

pillars of infant dust

sweet starlight kisses
arcing over the meadow

as we race into
the smoky twilight

and aware

I spoke
to your body
with only my eyes

cardboard cutouts
of childhood

softening in the rain

a simple gingerbread house
inside my head

a rippling pond
thirsty with relaxation

******* rings
easing into oblivion

as we touched
and told our skin

everything we ever
needed to know
Thomas Goss Oct 2020
strong and heartening,
an expansive rinsing of the soul
that hangs delicately like a single,
thoughtful teardrop

so full
with meaning
and wonder

we are hungry flowers,
absorbing protective energy
as entropy lengthens our shadows,
stalking the hot star cauldron above,
a constant quiet companion
gifting us with the terrifying complexity
of sentience

that ache of love and longing,
that kaleidoscopic fever dream
where we wander long halls filled with resplendent paintings,
where ancient oak tables simmer in sturdiness,
haunting handwritten poems carved into expressive planks,
a high cliff dive into lives bled out into history,
a time when candlelight and quill
softly etched modest sound and scent
into the mystifying corners of midnight

this heart thunderously beats
as galaxies churn and collide

and I am starving to touch your body,
to elucidate your soul with awakening,
a storm of passion delineating the wistful outline of Truth,
meandering lines emblazoned upon ancient scrolls,
moments captured inside of moments,
rainbows of delightful intention destined to deteriorate into oblivion,
memories crackling brightly like a masterpiece of literature
torn out and piled up and engulfed in flames

love is what remains
when all the forests of the world
are turned to soil-enriching black carbon

may we rise like tender green sprouts
from the fields of black,
spurred on from soft rain and fierce photons

kissing and making love
amongst the inevitable explosion of fresh new life
which rises so joyfully from the soil
that we almost forget how the acorn of existence
derives its magnificent beauty from the sorrow of loss

my darling,
even the most unfathomable galaxies
eventually have an ending

so let me caress the delicate lines
of your fingers

and tell me
that there are dreams
somewhere in your heart
that make you want to paint the sky
Spoken Word Poem with Music:
Thomas Goss Oct 2020
Flickering orbs of light
daintily pirouette

carving deep wells of horizontal thought
into the distant cave walls.

by gyration

birth dancing shadows
emerge from the unpainted
anthropological canvass
of her moon waltzing heart.

She feeds
on the blood
of a holographic universe

a vampiress
of the verse

her quill composed
of hushed owl wings

a squadron of angry whispers
poised on the galaxy’s edge
sipping deeply
from inky black existence

her pure
mirror soul

a rainbow suffused
with the mystery
of midnight

the oscillating wavelength
of her mind’s delicate intent
ripe with stark blue motion

reaching barehanded
into even the greatest broken-glassed voids

winking wryly at the waves
of the Cosmic Microwave Background

posting that playpen snapshot
of a stumbling baby universe

onto the ostentatious fridge
of her cascading nightime heart.
Spoken Word:
Thomas Goss Jun 2020
hunger cages

to the thrum of ancient drums

flickering together

adaptable blackness of carbon
lines revitalized bonfires

and now we hunt
the healing electricity
inside us

blissful fingers
trace circles of sky
that parachute down

planting seeds
of epiphany

that sprout
towards destiny

vulnerability and strength
providing momentum in equal measure

as shared hailstorm eyes
sway hypnotically like happy cobras

all baskets are forgotten
in the simple motion
of back and forth

the stunning breadth
of cosmic communication

an infinite playground
to expand into

flickers of a grin
emerging like the way
stars are born

space-time and gravity
leaving us free to devour
the effervescing summit
of spiritual adoration

as we place hands inside of hands
our warm glowing hearth

creates a dimension
in between the furious calm

where we no longer hope
for the end of yearning

for we have discovered
each other


two souls
mining poetry

cultivating endless gardens
of euphoria

even the dainty flutter
of moonbeams

as they attempt to delicately capture
the way we tilt our heads

when we are caught
kissing in the dark
Thomas Goss Jun 2020

in the velvet distance

a sequence of yearnings

emerges from the zig-zagging bees

of frantic motion


wherever the green grenade of spring

explodes into bounty

is where I want to be

feeling the exhaling light

of a mile-high rainforest

welling up inside my heart

but the path to love

is strewn with mines

and each reckless step

calls down lightning from the sky

calls down thunderclouds

soaked with the gasoline rags

of cursed wisdom



a kiss

planted in

a weeping eye

releases the soothing breath

of rainforests

opens this clenched fist

stuffed full with mossy heart clumps


this flatlining humanity

for the mirrored burning

of stars and minds

continues to light

our way forward


if we gather the sands of synchronicity

from the corners of our eyes

then adorn them onto

these diamond wheels

of hurt and kindness

maybe the shimmer and the shame

of emotion will cause the disintegration

of this destructive machine

of sporadic tenderness



the billion needles of regret

leave their mark,

I dream of being paved over

with kaleidoscopic scars of the present

of strutting

with painted feet

of being

perfectly at home

like the eyes of dolphins

captured in mid-air


so let’s lay waste

to the false equilibrium

that streams down

from star-bright nights


harmony resides

in the swoosh and twirl

of our love-hungry eyes

yet it is a false

stay of execution

between her thighs

where the last meal

of her dark almond eyes

presses back the winds of volatility

for you are still alone

though each caress

still presses back

the winds of volatility

and although all the reaching out

seems to be a flag of surrender

it doesn’t matter

for who we are tends to get

splattered against the canvas


and what we have

is time’s shifting hourglass

leaving choking imprints

around our necks

so let’s lay waste

to the false equilibrium

that streams down

from every star-bright night

let’s ride this heart-shackling beast

into the wild violet expanse

while gripping the reigns

with wind-scorched fingertips

we’ll smother fear itself

with the gristle of our hate

which cuts carbon sharp

like the razor-hard eyes of orphans


in the velvet distance

a sequence of yearnings

emerges from the zig-zagging bees

of frantic motion

wherever the green grenade of spring

explodes into bounty

is where we will be


planted in

weeping eyes

shall resuscitate

our flatlining humanity

for the mirrored burning

of stars and minds

continues to light

our way forward

and who we are tends to get

splattered against the canvas


and if you look

from far enough away

you see that each wildly meandering streak

eventually becomes reminiscent

of being perfectly at home

like the eyes of dolphins

captured in mid-air

like the eyes of dolphins

captured in mid-air
From my book, and the .pdf version available for free:
Thomas Goss Jun 2020
I accidentally filled her mind
with serenading cicadas
that erupted on El Dia De Los Muertos,
a piñata swarm of insects,
their nightmarish candy forms
eating away all the love in the universe,
splitting me into two broken halves,
heart snapping like the thunderous crack
of the lumberjack’s axe.

(Echoes, echoes reverberate
through a forest we used to call home,
where her eyes would blink like fireflies in the night,
where the alluring tug of her voice
would spin silky illusions of kaleidoscopic renewal.)

Butterfly wings full of peering eyes,
the precious gift of true sight given then taken,
the other half of me struggling
through the encroaching amber of a parallel world,
crawling like a lonesome ladybug down the trunk of tree,
oblivious to gravity in some small,
dainty way.

Smiles are everything I so long to be,
and they stretched out like infinity’s caress
as I felt the slow thirsty dance of her vivacious mind,
that juke joint of the soul,
ripe fruit underneath mistletoe,
kissing me like it might put out
all the fires burning across the land,
like we were the last match in a galactic cave of darkness,
the hope of all mankind boiled down
to a single, fiery instant.

The tantalizing flow of her heart dress
seemed to yearn for a more intimate glimpse
of this strange bag of quarks:
the tattered remnants of my fallible,
damaged soul,
a laughable patchwork of everything under the sun that means to be human,
a lumbering fusion doing a cadaverous macarena
across the slippery linoleum of the universe;
yet the sound of a soul bifurcating
into both midnight and noon can deafen eardrums
and dry up the most passionate waterways,
sending even the most beautiful rainbows of delicate intention to an early grave.
Thomas Goss Jun 2020
Poetry Grafted Onto Starlit Bodies

Focused moments,
hot breath tickling
receptive ears.

Whispered words swirl
into cascading souls.

Eyes meet,
gazes held for long
luxurious moments.

2. Daring To Unveil Their Cauldron Of Selves

Starscapes scintillate
as they fall back
into the cosmos

Each tick of the clock
thoroughly elucidated,
boy quantum entangled for eternity
with the girl who is also a tree.

Cosmic bonds of entropy shattered,
never alighting from the cerulean blue sky.

Streaking sunbeams,
marauding moonlight,
mythical monuments carved into the shape of a kiss.

3. A Song On The Galactic Radio Waves (Tuning In To Love Oblivion)

Wasn’t there a time when you told yourself:
nothing’s gonna stop us or break us apart?

Isn’t there a dream you’re holding deep inside (so deep inside)?
Well you’d better let it out before it burns you alive, burns you alive.

For I am so much more
when I have you here in my heart.

And how can I feel any pain
when your healing words
always brings me back again,
again and again?

Jumpstart the engines of this cosmic machine,
we’re leaving for the stars tonight.

Grab onto my hand
like you’re playing that guitar.

Tune in to my wavelength,
and sing like your heart’s on fire,
like your heart’s on fire.

For today there’s one less tomorrow baby,
but still we go higher,
still we go higher.

4. Postscript (Welcome Home)

Tasting plush lips,
skin knowing skin,

hands speaking
in the language of hands.

Two hearts,
beating as one.

Two hearts,
beating as one.

after a lifetime

of hit and miss,
hit and miss,

the cosmos
is finally:

smiling down
upon us.
Thomas Goss Jun 2020
I swallow the snake’s tail

I dine on the patterns of chaos

that emanate from each flicker

of the tongue.

Whisper death into my eyes,

dream hatred that sputters

like a dying flame;

moment of regret I incinerate you again,


Light years in my eyes,

a bevy of desire outracing the sun,

a mixture of parting elements,

happiness departing my body like

plague vomited into the stars.

Strangle sprint spirit sin crush;

crumble this edifice as I am demolished

by your sultry stare.

Shred this shell,

**** these lips;

oh the wailing,

the stutter of despair in my shoes,

the crimson kite flies under stealth

of evening light.

DarkFilthyAngel bring your bare *******

into the firelight. Tempt all that I am

with your welcoming lips. Center starlight,

follow the moon to the home in your stare,

where I shall drink your reflection in like

a starry night in whose arms I became no one,

a man without a name,

a teardrop falling through nothing at all.

I, Zephyr, Walker,

Soul Magnet, Mind Obliterator,

the black-hearted yes-man feverishly nodding his assent.

Sychophant, weakling, everyman,

unquenchable demon misfit, runner of mazes,

follower, sickly supplicant;

I create the swirl of oblivion in your pupils.

It grows as the light dims,

as knowledge beams outward.

And you collapse and I am the fusillade,

the burnt butterfly, the charred carnage,

the soul’s goo, overcooked consciousness set ablaze.

I crush it. I crush it. Unholy invasion,

glitter of night. Splash! Redirect agony and

fire my art into your oblivious sky.

The tendrils of heat build rings

around my pounding heart.






crumble this flickering

snake’s tongue edifice

demolished like being

****** by your sultry stare,

torn into one,

released from THIS.
Thomas Goss May 2020

I am a thin sliver of doubt

floating upon a sea of devastating tranquility.

Yet I dream with the velocity

of exploding stars.


As planet Earth rotates at 1,000 miles per hour,

my mind twirls with dream-time possibilities;

like a ball on a string we simultaneously zoom

around a lemony sun at 66,000 miles per hour.


Even when I try to cease these clock-tick movements

the chemistry of life churns onward as heartbeat by heartbeat

my body rifles through space-time.

In the massive serenity of the moment

I sense the glacial churn of the Milky Way;

though our spiral arm spins at 483,000 miles per hour,

it still feels like swimming in molasses.


As I sink deeper into this cosmic mirror-land

I hear the faint rattle of a snake’s tail

as my perspective morphs again.

Relative to the Cosmic Background Radiation,

the Milky Way barrels through space-time

at 1.3 million miles per hour.


As my essence bathes in the faint

universal whispers of the big bang

I taste millimeter-sized wavelengths

bursting with the flavor of human epiphany,

for I suddenly know that,

since the formation of the Sun and Earth,

the quarks that compose my body

have spun around the Milky Way twenty times.


I am a thin sliver of doubt

floating upon a sea of devastating tranquility.

Yet I dream with the velocity

of exploding stars.
Enjoy my first two poetry books FREE:
Thomas Goss May 2020
on her arms
carve a delicate

each pinprick
a sandy glint
in her Martian landscape

canals of meaning fill
until finally the storm has left her streaking
like an iron sunrise

on her limbs
the word-tattoos dry
like calligraphy
on tree trunks

so mysterious

in motion

crimson flower
stamped with the light of dawn
May 2020 · 105
Thomas Goss May 2020
The winter flower's bloom
erupts in fragrance
as your weariness cascades
and crumbles with each step closer
to the warmth of home
(which is simply any space
in the universe where
our hands meet
and our eyes say hello).

In truth,
I hold on to you tightest
in the moments
when we close ourselves off
from one another.

Even during floods of anger
I know that soon,
in the patient darkness,
only regenerating beauty
will spill from your night-sleeping eyes
to mine.
Thomas Goss May 2020
Nervous butterflies line my palms with coronal patterns:
silent, colorful eyes that erupt with the crunch and
scald of evolution.

I set a trap of future lullabies and pet names
under your patiently restrained eyes
(which twitch and pause with the muscled power
of romantic possibility).

The wisping curtain of our harmoniously whispered song
flows from the stringed instrument of our meeting eyelashes
and penetrates our concrete-carved defenses
with the sun-kissed beauty of our outstretched,
welcoming palms.
Thomas Goss May 2020
a sculpture of melting ice
evokes the elegance
of your face

you rise from my inner canvas
like ancient architecture

a flurry of tender brush-strokes
summons the beckoning lines
of your supple body

luxuriant fields of wildflowers
suddenly surround the walls
of my castle of thought

as the trembling landscape
of the present crumbles

nostalgic rivulets of silver and jade
transport me to an island universe:

here all that remains
of the space-time continuum

is the sweet coo of your voice
and the cool crisp glow

of midnight snow
Thomas Goss May 2020
The Sound Of A Teardrop Distilled Into Alien Ears

the faultless sun
sure shot us
an indecipherable gaze
that day

we drifted to the
atmosphere’s edge

like an orchid blooming
against the defunct metal
of an orbiting satellite

we were left stranded
on the rooftop of the world

where regret pools
in wailing shadows

together we formed Pterodactyl wings
and flew away on thin sheets of skin,
the prehistoric wind brimming
with the fitful sleep of ancient matter

2. Her Superior Genetic Architecture

a black-skirted spaceship
hiding in the glare of the sun

stepping lightly down
from the clouds

the brightness of her face
swaying under the slow-churning skies

beneath her
doors creak open
in anticipation

the brightness of her face
swaying under the slow-churning skies

the world greedily swallows
her rings of ambrosia
in savory lumps

leaving nothing
for the scurrying insects below
Thomas Goss May 2020
The way the stars will shine,
the way your heart rises to greet the night
the emotion of your eyes
the countless thoughts floating in your sky.

Whether or not the universe reveals all its secrets,
whether or not our lives branch out like an infinite tree,
I know I'll be searching for you in every wavelength,
I will be dreaming of you and I.

Never doubt that who you are is beautiful,
and where I want to be.

Always know that tomorrow,
I'll be dreaming of us,
existing together in perfect synchrony.
Thomas Goss May 2020
To be wrapped up
in the contentment
of your breathtaking smile

to be stripped
of all Earthly burdens
by the otherworldly embrace
of your nurturing eyes:

this is all that I have desperately yearned for,
my flailing humanity seeping with starlight,
a poet’s heart thundering to the cascading rhythm of time’s hurtling arrow.

I swallow the moon and howl with furious joy,
billions of years suddenly elucidated by the purity and integrity
that you paint into the aging lines of my face,
deft brushstrokes of immortality flowing from your supremely artistic fingers.

I am the boy with galaxies colliding in his soul,
standing on the edge of the highest cliff in the solar system,
surveying all heavenly motion with a teardrop in the corner of his eye.

I am the glittering starscape above,
ripe with the fierceness of fascination,
finally released into the true momentum of living
by the astonishing emanations of your quicksilver mind,
by the ancient and alluring sway of your ocean of stellar desire.

You are the girl with an empathetic teardrop
glistening in the corner of her eye;

here in the tornado’s calm
we emerge as one from this epic
and tender maelstrom:

hands and hearts held high,
ripe with the fierceness of fascination,
swallowing the cosmos and howling with furious joy,
painting the universe again and again
with the timeless sights and sounds of true love,
a universe renewed,
a kaleidoscopic bouquet bursting
with the raucous flowers of delirious enchantment.

I sing us a simple song
about the passionate tranquility
that you splash against the flickering shadows of my existence.

My voice rises and falls
as the piano keys strike their heartfelt sequences.

Yet what I compose is a meager trickle of melody
intended to emulate the incalculable waterfall
of your generous and transcendent spirit.

For the endless epiphany
of your startling intellect
cannot be captured or imitated;

the irrepressible love
that you shower into my life
is a resplendent shield of invincibility.

And now I kneel before you,
dedicating my life to protecting and nourishing you,
cherishing how the fire of truth is reflected in our eyes.

For there is no greater weapon against the vicissitudes of life
than the tenderest awareness that we evoke with every kiss,
with every restorative caress,
with every deep exploration of the oceans of thought
that we once thought were only ours to visit.

Basking in the boldness of our mutual awakening,
I trace the melodic edges of your sultry smile,
and I lean forward to give you a kiss.
Reading of poem here:
May 2020 · 107
Force Majeure Of The Heart
Thomas Goss May 2020
at one time
tasted like the sunset.

the rusting horizon somehow has legs,
lumbers through our minds on iron stilts,
wading past the flood of memory
like tsunami-resistant dinosaurs.

For here,
huddled under the treacherous canopy of poetic awareness,
there is only the bone-filling momentum of the past,
arcing across the sky of ourselves like fiery skidmarks.

So we ignite,
and burn with the fierceness of fascination,
dancing jubilantly in erratic I-don’t-give-a-**** motions
that ring out like the opening salvo of War & Peace.

at one time
tasted like the sunset.
Video reading here:
Thomas Goss May 2020
the aging outline
of her solemn face twirls,

tracing the meandering galactic tendrils
that emerged from her ten-thousand light year goodbye,
the kind of heartbreak that builds upon the horizon like an avenging angel,
like a city of jagged shadows eating away the starscraping brightness of the past.

As lightning bolts streak across a cluttered heartscape,
the drumbeat of time thunders forward
and we are leaves on her river,
ever approaching the hungriest waterfall.

Swaying in the wind,
we can become one.

If you offer your hand,
I will hold it in mine.

If you contemplate the universe,
I will adore you even more.

If your deepest thoughts
are withering in chains
in order to smooth away
the beautiful complexities of your frail essence,
I will inject a thousand caresses and whispers
into your day so you realize there is another way.

We are artists,
with singularities dynamiting
our hearts from day one.

We are storytellers with the wintry breath
that haunts the blackness of Now
like an old woman in the window that isn’t there,
pulling dreams from absolute zero,
capturing quantum butterflies from
the expanding vacuum of space
like we were born to do it,
which we so ******* were,
my sweet.

embraced by velvet starlight,
soaring to the peculiar gorgeousness
of songs we may one day share,
the rhythms and words of the cosmos
dance across the planets and stars,
stumble towards the humble journeys of asteroids and comets,
revealing in each step that even
the most minuscule subatomic particle,
even the grandest map of the cosmic microwave background,
has always been rushing joyfully in our bloodstreams,
thumping along with every heartbeat,
tasting the immaculate heavens with every kiss.

I want to see the fire
of midnight in your eyes.

Swaying in the wind,
we can become one.
Video reading of this poem:
Thomas Goss May 2019
I tremble towards you slowly,
tripping into shuddering branches
as uncertainty whips heavy circles of anticipation
into my glowing soul.

Grabbing your hungry waist
I pluck the moon from the sky like a ripe fruit,
a meager offering to your receptive lips.

For a moment the stillness hangs;
as we melt into the intoxicating darkness,
our senses take to the heavens like magnificent owls
gliding gracefully in the unending moonlight.

Your thirsty stare weaves a cocoon of hope around us,
borrowing the sticky twilight-geometry of spider silk
to meticulously resurrect every splintered forest of past regret.

Of moving on
we know nothing.

As our ambrosial kisses stammer in particles and waves
they ignite into a necklace of slumbering lotus seeds:
thousand-year memories of human regression and procession
that churn like mammoth wheels,
revealing the steady clock-like drift
of our intertwined subconscious minds
which connect like a stomach to food
after a month long fast.

It seems we’ll always have mouths
for filling, won’t we?

And what is freedom but your body pressed against mine?

Our exploring hands promenade in the faint light,
and what a journey those photons have endured:
from sun to moon to Earth
and then into the fierce waterfall
of our cascading hearts.

We covet the moist essence
of our volcano-melted edges
until the segmented worms of possibility
digest the sky into swirling puddles
of florid fever-dreams that
we escape only by rebuilding
our destabilized molecules one by one
in the accelerated consciousness
of our enjoined lips.
Thomas Goss May 2019
I. An Edifice Of Isolation, Built With The Bricks Of Desire

In the darkness of my bedroom
I send my love out in all directions
to search for your gorgeous and delicate brainwaves;
all the thoughts and desires that make you,
all the sparkling electricity that jumps and flutters
as your soft breath and pulsing mind fills a universe.

II. Where We Become Drunken Painters

As moonlight graces your intoxicating eyes
the tender reflection of my emotional core rises and scatters
like a horde of butterflies lifting off in erratic flight:
playfully flitting to and fro like a clumsy rainbow,
they gleefully splatter onto the canvas of the sky.

III. To The Rhythm Of Pounding Hearts

Your delightful countenance decorates even bare walls
with gloriously painted landscapes that sing
like a thousand springtimes captured in a bottle then vigorously shaken and swiftly let loose into the spaciousness that blooms
whenever two lovers gaze longingly into each other's eyes.
Thomas Goss May 2019
Beckoned by the lopsided geometry of a half-empty bed
the vine-entangled walls of my imagination crumble like leaves
into the concrete waters of the present.

As awareness detonates
a rioting hailstorm of consciousness
hammers heart-echoes in rapidly diminishing waves
against the concave shores of my charred psyche.

Dawn's crisp light crawls
over the roundness of my lips,
melting moonlit memories
into teardrops that fall like icicles
from the ovals in my face.

Dipping her toes
into my fragile lake of thought,
she created a plaster cast
of the footsteps of time.

Though the rigid tremors of Now
threaten to crumble the wobbling edifice of our past,
still we float together on this nostalgic life raft,
sharing air and space and memory.

Even as regret seeps
like a psychedelic river of graffiti
from our time-weary heartbeats:
still nothing is destroyed.

This solitary mountain trail
winds into the eastern sun,
yet as my sprinting feet strike the Earth
I cannot escape the panoramic view
of the towering marble columns we erected
while drunk on love's astonishing elixir.

Cocooned inside the irrepressible buoyancy
of a raging bonfire our hearts leapt skyward:
there she dipped her fingertips into the drifting clouds,
massaging a miniature portrait of the sky
onto the subtle canvas of my eyes.
Thomas Goss May 2019
Sensuality orbits inside her irises
like a rising river of lightning;
I long for her flickering hands
to carve shadows into my skin.

As our bodies drift closer,
the tremendous crackle of our electric love potential
streaks past our assembling thought bridges
like a flock of neon swans.

She intently studies my face,
unleashing a tsunami of desire.

Visions of a dress-less,
breathless her leap like a pack of dolphins
from my ravenous eyes:
repeatedly breaching
the thin boundary that
separates sea and sky.

As the thunderous wave of yearning
pulses steadily through me,
the blackened stone of my crumbling heart-fortress
dreamily dissolves like sandcastle walls.

I am left exposed,
a pebble in its cavernous wake.

As the mesmerizing swans of desire regroup and return
I am brought to my knees like a worshiping peasant.

My heart helplessly trails the trajectory
of the encircling birds as they rain down
flurry after flurry of silk from their knitting wingtips,
transforming my crouching form into a statuesque cocoon
of quicksilver anticipation.

I slip from gravity's grip
like a thousand separate strands
of her strawberry hair,
blowing in the wind.

I am carried upon the dawn's horizon
like a giant caterpillar,
hurled too soon into the sapphire sky.

I melt into the pillowy clouds
like a tired child cradled in the arms of mother:
straining to remain aware
yet content to float idly by,
one finger slicing a trail of ripples
into the deepening river of imagination,
two ears gently catching the intensifying rush of water
as it escapes skyward from the vast ocean trenches of dreams.

Before my freshly unbound eyes
can adjust to the crisp mountain air
my heart cascades like a barrel
over the scintillating waterfall
of her receptive smile.

As I splash down
the tumultuous bats of excitement
scatter like light through a prism,
coating her beguiling eyes
with the water-born hues
of passionate escape.

With a playful wink of her eye
the cocoon's unwinding accelerates.

At first the strands simply snake
into the ground and disappear,
but soon enormous caterpillars of shimmering silk
emerge to form an enduring tree of joy.

Here underneath its expansive boughs
our fluctuating heart-leaps synchronize.

As we bathe in the universe's greatest bounty,
our eyelashes collide like gilded butterflies.

Without these hungry fingertips
how could I sketch the capricious curves
of her blossoming body-language?

Without this dexterous tongue
how could I taste the kaleidoscopic streaks
that so sweetly stain the emotional foothills of our love?
Thomas Goss May 2019
the star shine
still crushes me

in the dying light of June,  
hungry shadows of discontent
invaded our weary hearts

strips of light,
clouds rushing by
the stark moon

I was very sick then
and knew what would
never be touched

and the pale face
slipped into the pale hands

it was raining

I remember
the last moments
when we kissed

it was

so slow and precise:
the careful brushing of ancient dirt
off of an emerging fossil
Thomas Goss May 2019
If I reach into your traveling star
will these hands turn to ash?

If I can no longer picture your calming eyes
in my imagination are you then gone
from my weary hearthfire?

Do the glowing embers fall silent the moment
I have forgotten the places where
we practiced our cosmic devotions?

When this time has passed
I am still not whole and no one
can save all these mists of rain,
alien roses gone green,
misty mountain spires blackened
by the pummeling fists of time.

I am the creator who wants to crush fear,
knowing this rushing onslaught of unasked-for doubt
and heart instability rises like bile from our thrashing chests.

In a moment I am gone.
Alone until the end,
the soul-missle has self-destructed.

We are children of detonation,
the demolished remnants cleared away
to make room for something new.

This could not be prevented.
Souls twist on the noose.
Soft rain descends and
the smell of death pervades.
Thomas Goss May 2019
Fragrant fields

invoke your opening shutter:

you build stamens into white resonance.

With the tilt of the lens

you hold back your breath

to halt the photo-blur.

The army of slime mold cells below

silently begins its glacial escape

as your mouth softens in anticipation

of capturing a pristine moment.

The scattered forest tops

shade your eyebrows

with the vertical upheaval

of decades-young canopy.

Can you see? In the clock-stop

stillness of a camera’s blinking eye

you tighten your grip on yourself

while still kneeling lightly

on the floors of nature.

Thus you open places that appear

all at once before you,

and culminate in the narrow beak of a winter bird

that rests momentarily on your shovel

before gratefully returning

to the archeological dig near your feet,

where it exhumes, then eats,

its breakfast of worms.

— The End —